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# xapian-omega search engine plugin
package IkiWiki::Plugin::search;
use warnings;
use strict;
use IkiWiki 2.00;
sub import { #{{{
hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "search", call => \&checkconfig);
hook(type => "pagetemplate", id => "search", call => \&pagetemplate);
# run last so other needsbuild hooks can modify the list
hook(type => "needsbuild", id => "search", call => \&needsbuild,
last => 1);
hook(type => "filter", id => "search", call => \&filter);
hook(type => "delete", id => "search", call => \&delete);
hook(type => "cgi", id => "search", call => \&cgi);
} # }}}
sub checkconfig () { #{{{
foreach my $required (qw(url cgiurl)) {
if (! length $config{$required}) {
error(sprintf(gettext("Must specify %s when using the search plugin"), $required));
if (! exists $config{omega_cgi}) {
if (! -e $config{wikistatedir}."/xapian" || $config{rebuild}) {
writefile("omega.conf", $config{wikistatedir}."/xapian",
"database_dir .\n".
"template_dir ./templates\n");
writefile("query", $config{wikistatedir}."/xapian/templates",
} #}}}
my $form;
sub pagetemplate (@) { #{{{
my %params=@_;
my $page=$params{page};
my $template=$params{template};
# Add search box to page header.
if ($template->query(name => "searchform")) {
if (! defined $form) {
my $searchform = template("searchform.tmpl", blind_cache => 1);
$searchform->param(searchaction => $config{cgiurl});
$template->param(searchform => $form);
} #}}}
my %toindex;
sub needsbuild ($) { #{{{
2008-06-04 03:59:21 +02:00
%toindex = map { pagename($_) => 1 } @{shift()};
} #}}}
2008-06-04 05:52:56 +02:00
my $scrubber;
sub filter (@) { #{{{
my %params=@_;
if ($params{page} eq $params{destpage} && $toindex{$params{page}}) {
# index page
my $db=xapiandb();
my $doc=Search::Xapian::Document->new();
my $title;
if (exists $pagestate{$params{page}}{meta} &&
exists $pagestate{$params{page}}{meta}{title}) {
else {
2008-06-04 05:52:56 +02:00
# Remove any html from text to be indexed.
# TODO: This removes html that is in eg, a markdown pre,
2008-06-04 06:38:40 +02:00
# which should not be removed, really.
2008-06-04 05:52:56 +02:00
if (! defined $scrubber) {
eval q{use HTML::Scrubber};
2008-06-04 06:38:40 +02:00
if (! $@) {
$scrubber=HTML::Scrubber->new(allow => []);
2008-06-04 05:52:56 +02:00
2008-06-04 06:38:40 +02:00
my $toindex = defined $scrubber ? $scrubber->scrub($params{content}) : $params{content};
2008-06-04 06:25:56 +02:00
2008-06-04 05:52:56 +02:00
# Take 512 characters for a sample, then extend it out
# if it stopped in the middle of a word.
my $size=512;
my ($sample)=substr($toindex, 0, $size);
if (length($sample) == $size) {
2008-06-04 06:25:56 +02:00
my $max=length($toindex);
my $next;
while ($size < $max &&
($next=substr($toindex, $size++, 1)) !~ /\s/) {
2008-06-04 05:52:56 +02:00
$sample=~s/\n/ /g;
2008-06-04 06:25:56 +02:00
# data used by omega
"url=".urlto($params{page}, "")."\n".
2008-06-04 05:52:56 +02:00
my $tg = Search::Xapian::TermGenerator->new();
$tg->set_stemmer(new Search::Xapian::Stem("english"));
$tg->index_text($params{page}, 2);
$tg->index_text($title, 2);
2008-06-04 05:52:56 +02:00
my $pageterm=pageterm($params{page});
$db->replace_document_by_term($pageterm, $doc);
return $params{content};
} #}}}
sub delete (@) { #{{{
my $db=xapiandb();
foreach my $page (@_) {
} #}}}
sub cgi ($) { #{{{
my $cgi=shift;
if (defined $cgi->param('P')) {
# only works for GET requests
chdir("$config{wikistatedir}/xapian") || error("chdir: $!");
exec($config{omega_cgi}) || error("$config{omega_cgi} failed: $!");
} #}}}
sub pageterm ($) { #{{{
my $page=shift;
# TODO: check if > 255 char page names overflow term
# length; use sha1 if so?
return "U:".$page;
} #}}}
my $db;
sub xapiandb () { #{{{
if (! defined $db) {
eval q{
use Search::Xapian;
use Search::Xapian::WritableDatabase;
error($@) if $@;
return $db;
} #}}}