I've tried to retrieve the wmd-editor source tarball lately, but the site seems offline.
From what I've read on the Internet, wmd-editor is not (yet?) free software by itself, and its author has gone MIA.
But it looks like somebody recently took the step to rewrite a wmd-clone under a saner license, see [[pagedown|http://code.google.com/p/pagedown/source/browse/]].
> I have moved that conversation to the pagedown plugin todo [[todo/pagedown_plugin/discussion]] page, which now actually has an implementation now, and is free! --[[anarcat]]
<https://code.google.com/archive/p/pagedown/> is 404, <https://github.com/edrohler/pagedown-core> claims to be its copy but it does not have 'wmd' directory inside. What are the current steps to follow here? --[[svetlana]]