require('vis') local mode_strings = { [vis.modes.NORMAL] = 'NORMAL', [vis.modes.OPERATOR_PENDING] = 'OPERATOR-PENDING', [vis.modes.VISUAL] = 'VISUAL', [vis.modes.VISUAL_LINE] = 'VISUAL-LINE', [vis.modes.INSERT] = 'INSERT', [vis.modes.REPLACE] = 'REPLACE', } -- editor options, function() vis.options.theme = require("themes.basic") vis:map(vis.modes.NORMAL, 'y', '+') vis:map(vis.modes.VISUAL, 'y', '+') vis:map(vis.modes.NORMAL, 'y', '+') vis:map(vis.modes.VISUAL, 'd', '+') vis:map(vis.modes.VISUAL_LINE, 'd', '+') vis:map(vis.modes.VISUAL_LINE, 'd', '+') vis:map(vis.modes.NORMAL, 'p', '+') vis:map(vis.modes.VISUAL, 'p', '+') vis:map(vis.modes.VISUAL_LINE, 'p', '+') vis:map(vis.modes.NORMAL, 'P', '+') vis:map(vis.modes.VISUAL, 'P', '+') vis:map(vis.modes.VISUAL_LINE, 'P', '+') vis.options.autoindent = true vis.options.ignorecase = true end) -- window options, function(win) win.options.colorcolumn = 81 win.options.relativenumbers = true if win.syntax == 'markdown' then win.options.breakat = " .])}_" win.options.expandtab = true win.options.tabwidth = 2 win.options.wrapcolumn = 81 end end), function(win) set_statusline(win, mode_strings[vis.mode]) end) function set_statusline(win, mode_string) local left_parts = {} local right_parts = {} local file = win.file local selection = win.selection local file_info = ( or '[No Name]')..(file.modified and '[+]' or '') if == win then -- mode table.insert(left_parts, mode_string) -- selection table.insert(left_parts, selection.number..'/'..#win.selections) -- file info file_info = file_info ..':' ..(vis.count or '') ..(vis.input_queue or '') ..(vis.recording and '@' or '') -- character under cursor table.insert(right_parts, '<' ..(string.byte(file:content(selection.pos, 1)) or '0') ..'>') end table.insert(left_parts, file_info) -- line and column count table.insert(right_parts, #file.lines..'/'..selection.line) table.insert(right_parts, selection.col) win:status(table.concat(left_parts, " "), table.concat(right_parts, " ")); end