local opts = { drag_to_pan_margin = 50, drag_to_pan_move_if_full_view = false, pan_follows_cursor_margin = 50, cursor_centric_zoom_margin = 50, cursor_centric_zoom_auto_center = true, cursor_centric_zoom_dezoom_if_full_view = false, } local options = require 'mp.options' local msg = require 'mp.msg' local assdraw = require 'mp.assdraw' options.read_options(opts, nil, function() end) function clamp(value, low, high) if value <= low then return low elseif value >= high then return high else return value end end local cleanup = nil -- function set up by drag-to-pan/pan-follows cursor and must be called to clean lingering state function drag_to_pan_handler(table) if cleanup then cleanup() cleanup = nil end if table["event"] == "down" then local dim = mp.get_property_native("osd-dimensions") if not dim then return end local mouse_pos_origin, video_pan_origin = {}, {} local moved = false mouse_pos_origin[1], mouse_pos_origin[2] = mp.get_mouse_pos() video_pan_origin[1] = mp.get_property_number("video-pan-x") video_pan_origin[2] = mp.get_property_number("video-pan-y") local video_size = { dim.w - dim.ml - dim.mr, dim.h - dim.mt - dim.mb } local margin = opts.drag_to_pan_margin local move_up = true local move_lateral = true if not opts.drag_to_pan_move_if_full_view then if dim.ml >= 0 and dim.mr >= 0 then move_lateral = false end if dim.mt >= 0 and dim.mb >= 0 then move_up = false end end if not move_up and not move_lateral then return end local idle = function() if moved then local mX, mY = mp.get_mouse_pos() local pX = video_pan_origin[1] local pY = video_pan_origin[2] if move_lateral then pX = video_pan_origin[1] + (mX - mouse_pos_origin[1]) / video_size[1] if 2 * margin > dim.ml + dim.mr then pX = clamp(pX, (-margin + dim.w / 2) / video_size[1] - 0.5, (margin - dim.w / 2) / video_size[1] + 0.5) else pX = clamp(pX, (margin - dim.w / 2) / video_size[1] + 0.5, (-margin + dim.w / 2) / video_size[1] - 0.5) end end if move_up then pY = video_pan_origin[2] + (mY - mouse_pos_origin[2]) / video_size[2] if 2 * margin > dim.mt + dim.mb then pY = clamp(pY, (-margin + dim.h / 2) / video_size[2] - 0.5, (margin - dim.h / 2) / video_size[2] + 0.5) else pY = clamp(pY, (margin - dim.h / 2) / video_size[2] + 0.5, (-margin + dim.h / 2) / video_size[2] - 0.5) end end mp.command("no-osd set video-pan-x " .. clamp(pX, -3, 3) .. "; no-osd set video-pan-y " .. clamp(pY, -3, 3)) moved = false end end mp.register_idle(idle) mp.add_forced_key_binding("mouse_move", "image-viewer-mouse-move", function() moved = true end) cleanup = function() mp.remove_key_binding("image-viewer-mouse-move") mp.unregister_idle(idle) end end end function pan_follows_cursor_handler(table) if cleanup then cleanup() cleanup = nil end if table["event"] == "down" then local dim = mp.get_property_native("osd-dimensions") if not dim then return end local video_size = { dim.w - dim.ml - dim.mr, dim.h - dim.mt - dim.mb } local moved = true local idle = function() if moved then local mX, mY = mp.get_mouse_pos() local x = math.min(1, math.max(-2 * mX / dim.w + 1, -1)) local y = math.min(1, math.max(-2 * mY / dim.h + 1, -1)) local command = "" local margin = opts.pan_follows_cursor_margin if dim.ml + dim.mr < 0 then command = command .. "no-osd set video-pan-x " .. clamp(x * (2 * margin - dim.ml - dim.mr) / (2 * video_size[1]), -3, 3) .. ";" elseif mp.get_property_number("video-pan-x") ~= 0 then command = command .. "no-osd set video-pan-x " .. "0;" end if dim.mt + dim.mb < 0 then command = command .. "no-osd set video-pan-y " .. clamp(y * (2 * margin - dim.mt - dim.mb) / (2 * video_size[2]), -3, 3) .. ";" elseif mp.get_property_number("video-pan-y") ~= 0 then command = command .. "no-osd set video-pan-y " .. "0;" end if command ~= "" then mp.command(command) end moved = false end end mp.register_idle(idle) mp.add_forced_key_binding("mouse_move", "image-viewer-mouse-move", function() moved = true end) cleanup = function() mp.remove_key_binding("image-viewer-mouse-move") mp.unregister_idle(idle) end end end function cursor_centric_zoom_handler(amt) local zoom_inc = tonumber(amt) if not zoom_inc or zoom_inc == 0 then return end local dim = mp.get_property_native("osd-dimensions") if not dim then return end local margin = opts.cursor_centric_zoom_margin local video_size = { dim.w - dim.ml - dim.mr, dim.h - dim.mt - dim.mb } -- the size in pixels of the (in|de)crement local diff_width = (2 ^ zoom_inc - 1) * video_size[1] local diff_height = (2 ^ zoom_inc - 1) * video_size[2] if not opts.cursor_centric_zoom_dezoom_if_full_view and zoom_inc < 0 and video_size[1] + diff_width + 2 * margin <= dim.w and video_size[2] + diff_height + 2 * margin <= dim.h then -- the zoom decrement is too much, reduce it such that the full image is visible, no more, no less -- in addition, this should take care of trying too zoom out while everything is already visible local new_zoom_inc_x = math.log((dim.w - 2 * margin) / video_size[1]) / math.log(2) local new_zoom_inc_y = math.log((dim.h - 2 * margin) / video_size[2]) / math.log(2) local new_zoom_inc = math.min(0, math.min(new_zoom_inc_x, new_zoom_inc_y)) zoom_inc = new_zoom_inc diff_width = (2 ^ zoom_inc - 1) * video_size[1] diff_height = (2 ^ zoom_inc - 1) * video_size[2] end local new_width = video_size[1] + diff_width local new_height = video_size[2] + diff_height local mouse_pos_origin = {} mouse_pos_origin[1], mouse_pos_origin[2] = mp.get_mouse_pos() local new_pan_x, new_pan_y -- some additional constraints: -- if image can be fully visible (in either direction), set pan to 0 -- if border would show on either side, then prefer adjusting the pan even if not cursor-centric local auto_c = opts.cursor_centric_zoom_auto_center if auto_c and video_size[1] + diff_width + 2 * margin <= dim.w then new_pan_x = 0 else local pan_x = mp.get_property("video-pan-x") local rx = (dim.ml + video_size[1] / 2 - mouse_pos_origin[1]) / (video_size[1] / 2) new_pan_x = (pan_x * video_size[1] + rx * diff_width / 2) / new_width if auto_c then new_pan_x = clamp(new_pan_x, (dim.w - 2 * margin) / (2 * new_width) - 0.5, -(dim.w - 2 * margin) / (2 * new_width) + 0.5) end end if auto_c and video_size[2] + diff_height + 2 * margin <= dim.h then new_pan_y = 0 else local pan_y = mp.get_property("video-pan-y") local ry = (dim.mt + video_size[2] / 2 - mouse_pos_origin[2]) / (video_size[2] / 2) new_pan_y = (pan_y * video_size[2] + ry * diff_height / 2) / new_height if auto_c then new_pan_y = clamp(new_pan_y, (dim.h - 2 * margin) / (2 * new_height) - 0.5, -(dim.h - 2 * margin) / (2 * new_height) + 0.5) end end local zoom_origin = mp.get_property("video-zoom") mp.command("no-osd set video-zoom " .. zoom_origin + zoom_inc .. "; no-osd set video-pan-x " .. clamp(new_pan_x, -3, 3) .. "; no-osd set video-pan-y " .. clamp(new_pan_y, -3, 3)) end function align_border(x, y) local dim = mp.get_property_native("osd-dimensions") if not dim then return end local video_size = { dim.w - dim.ml - dim.mr, dim.h - dim.mt - dim.mb } local x, y = tonumber(x), tonumber(y) local command = "" if x then command = command .. "no-osd set video-pan-x " .. clamp(-x * (dim.ml + dim.mr) / (2 * video_size[1]), -3, 3) .. ";" end if y then command = command .. "no-osd set video-pan-y " .. clamp(-y * (dim.mt + dim.mb) / (2 * video_size[2]), -3, 3) .. ";" end if command ~= "" then mp.command(command) end end function pan_image(axis, amount, zoom_invariant, image_constrained) amount = tonumber(amount) if not amount or amount == 0 or axis ~= "x" and axis ~= "y" then return end if zoom_invariant == "yes" then amount = amount / 2 ^ mp.get_property_number("video-zoom") end local prop = "video-pan-" .. axis local old_pan = mp.get_property_number(prop) if image_constrained == "yes" then local dim = mp.get_property_native("osd-dimensions") if not dim then return end local margin = (axis == "x" and amount > 0) and dim.ml or (axis == "x" and amount < 0) and dim.mr or (amount > 0) and dim.mt or (amount < 0) and dim.mb local vid_size = (axis == "x") and (dim.w - dim.ml - dim.mr) or (dim.h - dim.mt - dim.mb) local pixels_moved = math.abs(amount) * vid_size -- the margin is already visible, no point going further if margin >= 0 then return elseif margin + pixels_moved > 0 then amount = -(math.abs(amount) / amount) * margin / vid_size end end mp.set_property_number(prop, old_pan + amount) end function rotate_video(amt) local rot = mp.get_property_number("video-rotate") rot = (rot + amt) % 360 mp.set_property_number("video-rotate", rot) end function reset_pan_if_visible() local dim = mp.get_property_native("osd-dimensions") if not dim then return end local command = "" if (dim.ml + dim.mr >= 0) then command = command .. "no-osd set video-pan-x 0" .. ";" end if (dim.mt + dim.mb >= 0) then command = command .. "no-osd set video-pan-y 0" .. ";" end if command ~= "" then mp.command(command) end end mp.add_key_binding(nil, "drag-to-pan", drag_to_pan_handler, { complex = true }) mp.add_key_binding(nil, "pan-follows-cursor", pan_follows_cursor_handler, { complex = true }) mp.add_key_binding(nil, "cursor-centric-zoom", cursor_centric_zoom_handler) mp.add_key_binding(nil, "align-border", align_border) mp.add_key_binding(nil, "pan-image", pan_image) mp.add_key_binding(nil, "rotate-video", rotate_video) mp.add_key_binding(nil, "reset-pan-if-visible", reset_pan_if_visible) mp.add_key_binding(nil, "force-print-filename", force_print_filename)