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Ključno zgodovinsko prizorišče specifičnega odnosa arhitektura--tehnologija--delo je obdobje industrijske revolucije in arhitekturnega modernizma [gl. na primer @aureli2023architecture, 137-163]. Gre za obdobje realne subsumpcije produkcije, ko si kapital ne podreja več dejavnosti v oblikah na kakršne je naletel, temveč jih, skozi lastno tehnološko posredovano logiko delovanja, notranje spreminja [gl. @marx2012kapital1, 308-319]. Dokler stroji nadomeščajo pretežno ročno delo in mehanske dejavnosti, arhitektura te procese upravlja. Postavlja se za avantgardo industrializacije, ne le gradbišča in gradbene industrije [@ferro2016dessin], temveč industrijske odnose posplošuje na gospodinjstvo, stanovanjski blok, mesto -- na področju reprodukcije delovne sile. Eno za arhitekturno teorijo temeljnih del, Projekt in utopija italijanskega zgodovinarja Manfreda Tafurija [@tafuri1985projekt], bo arhitekturnim poskusom produktivnega nanašanja na gospodarske procese pripisalo tudi dodaten značaj in sicer, da napovedujejo podreditev same arhitekture tem procesom [@tafuri1985projekt, 64].
V svojem času sicer tendenciozna analiza pomasovljenja intelektualnega dela, Tafurijev članek Lavoro intellettuale e sviluppo capitalistico [@tafuri1970lavoro] zazna bistveno disruptivno vlogo, ki jo bo informacijska tehnologija imela pri prekvalifikaciji intelektualnega dela. Hkrati pa lahko njegovo hipotezo, da računalniški jeziki in avtomatski sistemi nadzora ter vrednotenja naznanjajo realno avtonomijo kapitala ter odpravljajo ideološke funkcije intelektualcev, razberemo tudi v sodobnih marksovskih interpretacijah kapitala in kapitalizma [gl. @krasovec2021tujost].
Namen in cilji naloge
Namen naloge je opredeliti in utemeljiti razvoj pomoderne arhitekture v terminih racionalizacije, avtomatizacije in rekvalifikacije arhitekturnega dela znotraj izrazito tehnološke dinamike kapitalističnega razvoja. "Obrat k delu" kot arhitekturnoteoretski trend nakazuje, da področje sprememb vsebin in oblik arhitekturnega dela postaja eno pomembnejših področij za razumevanje sodobne arhitekture. Toda razvoj intelektualnih oziroma informacijskih funkcij strojev ne odpravlja zgolj nekatere ideološke funkcije intelektualnih poklicev, temveč potencialno odpravlja ideološko funkcijo kot tako. Opredelitve do in vrednotenje lastnega položaja, skeptično ali optimistično, ni več ustrezno v kolikor so ti procesi še vedno pojmovani znotraj humanistične teorije odtujitve. Pri realni subsumpciji intelektualnega dela namreč ne gre za proces objektivizacije človeških lastnosti, temveč ima ta proces svojo realno avtonomijo. Namen naloge je zato tudi teoretsko antihumanistična opredelitev avtonomije kapitalističnega razvoja v razmerju do arhitekturnega dela, tudi skozi reaktualizacijo nekaterih manj znanih del kanoničnih arhitekturnoteoretskih avtorjev.
Raziskovalno vprašanje ali morebitna delovna hipoteza
Razvoj pomodernistične arhitekture je mogoče opredeliti v terminih racionalizacije, avtomatizacije in rekvalifikacije arhitekturnega dela znotraj izrazito tehnološke dinamike kapitalističnega razvoja. V obdobju pomodernistične arhitekture lahko govorimo o realni subsumpciji arhitekturnega dela kot intelektualnega dela pod kapitalom. Ta subsumpcija ima tehnično podlago v informacijski tehnologiji, ki objektificira in formalizira prej intelektualne (diskurzivne) procese. To je anticipirala že modernistična arhitekturna kultura, ki je proces doživljala kot krizo, nadaljnji razvoj arhitekture pa do procesa razvije številne odzive -- od skeptičnih, optimističnih, ciničnih ... Skozi koncepte (realne subsumpcije) arhitekturnega dela in realne avtonomije kapitalističnega razvoja je mogoče razložiti bistvene značilnosti sodobne arhitekture.
Pristop, materiali in metode
Predmet raziskave so uvedbe informacijske tehnologije v načrtovalske procese in njihovo učinkovanje na vsebino in obliko arhitekturnega dela. Raziskava tega vključuje pregled relevantne literature in gradiva rabah različnih tehnologij, kontekst njihove uvedbe (kdaj so uvedene in kateri problem dotedanjega načina dela naj bi naslavljale) in njihov učinek kot ga je zaznala in opisovala takratna arhitekturna kultura.
Ključne tehnološke prelomnice so vsaj: prenos programskega jezika za numerično krmiljenje (CNC) v splošen jezik računalniško podprtega risanja (CAD) ter razširitev funkcij CAD formatov tako, da postanejo nosilci dodatnih informacij (BIM).
Glede na kontekst uvajanja tehnologije (razloge in odzive), vsaka predstavlja, vsaj pri arhitekturi, na eni strani premestitev kreativnih mej, na drugi pa v njih lahko razberemo tudi funkcijo optimizacije s stališča kapitala nerodnih in nezanesljivih človeških faktorjev. Analizirati je potrebno oba (oziroma vse) momenta saj ne gre za enoznačne pojave.
Pričakovani rezultati
Pomodernistični arhitekturni razvoj je mogoče opredeliti v terminih racionalizacije, avtomatizacije in rekvalifikacije arhitekturnega dela kot intelektualnega dela. Takšna opredelitev bo omogočala interpretacijo nedavne in sodobne arhitekture onkraj njenih najbolj vidnih značilnosti obdobja in reaktualizirala nekatera manj znana dela kanoničnih arhitekturnoteoretskih avtorjev. Opredelitev modernistične arhitekture kot obdobja realne subsumpcije industrije in pomodernistične arhitekture kot realne subsumpcije intelektualnega dela bo osredinila arhitekturo in njen odnos do tehnologije kot bistven objektiv za razumevanje sodobnih subjektov v kapitalizmu.
Vsebinska vpetost naloge v raziskovalni program oziroma projekt fakultete
Mentorica prof. dr. Petra Čeferin se ukvarja s strukturno logiko arhitekture kot kreativne prakse, pri čemer se ta nanaša tudi na vlogo arhitekta ali arhitektke v kreativnem procesu. Prav tako teoretizira o večih funkcijah arhitekture v družbi (glede na pozicijo, ki jo arhitekti zavzemajo) in na pogoje preseganja tega stanja. Pri svoji opredelitvi arhitekture kot kreativne samodoločujoče se dejavnosti upošteva tudi tafurijansko diagnozo krize (modernistične zavesti) arhitekture.
Raziskavo je mogoče razumeti kot logično nadaljevanje moje magistrske naloge Prispevek k obnovi kritike arhitekturne ideologije, kjer me je zanimalo, ali je sodobna arhitekturna kultura, v nasprotju s prevladujočo zavestjo o koncu zgodovine in kritike, lahko predmet kritično-zgodovinske obravnave kot jo poznamo iz obdobja krize povojnega modernizma. Poseben odnos med arhitekturo in družbo kot zgodovinsko formacijo produkcijskih razmerij, ali na ravni ideološkega posredovanja, ali kot razvoj in specifike arhitekturnega dela v kapitalizmu, je stalna tema, ki jo naslavljam pri svojem teoretskem delu.
Pričakovani prispevek k razvoju stroke in znanosti (nova znanja, metode ...)
Raziskava preverja spoznavno vrednost utemeljevanja razvoja pomoderne arhitekturne v terminih racionalizacije, avtomatizacije in rekvalifikacije arhitekturnega dela znotraj značilno tehnološke dinamike kapitalističnega razvoja, saj se dosedanje uveljavljeno osredotočanje zgolj na najbolj vidne značilnosti nedavne arhitekturne zgodovine v luči sodobnih teoretskih trendov "obrata k delu" in razvoja informacijskih tehnologij znotraj načrtovalskih delovnih procesov zdi nezadostno. Podobna rekontekstualizacija na primeru modernistične arhitekture je predstavljala bogato torišče arhitekturnoteoretskih konceptov in konceptov arhitekturne zgodovine ter prispevala k razumevanju modernistične arhitekture kot kompleksnega pojma. Prav tako bi radi pokazali, da je prav materialistična zgodovina arhitekture kot intelektualnega področja delovanja prepričljiv objektiv za razumevanje sprememb dela, njegove organizacije in njegovih subjektov v sodobnem kapitalizmu.
To je podlaga taf. argumentu odvečnosti arhitekture.
Prav tako design, kljub svojemu realizmu, prinaša neizpolnjene zahteve, in -- v zagonu, ki ga je podal organizaciji podjetij in produkcije -- vsebuje margine utopije. Plan, ki ga opredelijo vodilna arhitekturna gibanja od formulacije Plan Voisin Le Corbusierja (1925) in od stabilizacije Bauhausa (okoli 1921) ter dalje, vsebuje to protislovje: izhajajoč iz gradbenega sektorja arhitekturna kultura odkriva, da je izpolnitev zastavljenih ciljev možna le s povezovanjem tega sektorja z reorganizacijo mesta; toda to pomeni, da tako kot so jih izpostavljene zahteve zgodovinskih avantgard napotile v sektor vizualnih komunikacij, ki je še bolj neposredno vključen v ekonomske procese -- arhitektura in design --, tako se je planiranje, ki so ga razglašale arhitekturne in urbanistične teorije, nanašalo na nekaj izven sebe: na splošno prestrukturiranje produkcije in konsumpcije; z drugimi besedami na Plan kapitala [@tafuri1969peruna, 57].
V tem smislu arhitektura -- z izhajanjem iz same sebe -- posreduje realizem in utopijo. Utopija je v trdovratno vztrajnem prikrivanju, da je ideologija planiranja v gradbeništvu lahko uresničena le, če pokaže, da pravi Plan lahko privzame formo onkraj nje; celo, da bosta enkrat, ko vstopi v horizont splošne reorganizacije produkcije, arhitektura in urbanizem objekta, ne subjekta Plana [@tafuri1969peruna, 57].
Arhitekturna kultura med 1920 in 1930 ni bila pripravljena sprejeti teh posledic. Kar ji je jasno, je njena lastna "politična" naloga. Arhitektura -- beri: načrtovanje in planska reorganizacija gradbeništva ter mesta kot produktivnega organizma -- rajši kot Revolucija: Le Corbusier jasno razglasi ti dve alternativi, ki implicitno krožita v spisih tako Mondriana kot Gropiusa [@tafuri1969peruna, 57].
Medtem pa se z začetkom prav v politično najbolj angažiranih krogih -- v Novembergruppe, reviji "G", berlinskem Ring -- arhitekturna ideologija tehnično natančno določi: s tem, ko z lucidno objektivnostjo sprejme vse sklepe glede "smrti umetnosti" ter čisto "tehnične" funkcije intelektualca, ki jo apokaliptično razglasijo avantgarde, srednjeevropski Neue Sachlickheit prilagodi taisto metodo projektiranja idealizirani strukturi tekočega traku. Figure in metode industrijskega dela vstopijo v organizacijo projekta in se odražajo v predlogih konsumpcije objekta [@tafuri1969peruna, 57-58].
Pojmovanje arhitekture kot "naprave", ki ureja družbene odnose, je eksplicitno izpostavljena tema različnih modernističnih gibanj.
Tehnologija ni le sredstvo, ampak privzema ideološki pomen (gl. civ machiniste). Ta vera v tehnologijo je posledica (oportunizma) da arhitekti upravljajo z uvajanjem strojev v, da so upravljalci nadomeščanja mehanične delovne sile.
urejajo razredne odnose na družbeni ravni in zagotavljajo tehnične pogoje za reprodukcijo kapitalističnega razmerja. Do procesov, ki jih V momentih kjer se arhitektura kot disciplina produktivno vključuje v gospodarske programe uživa družbeno priznanje in procese, ki jih sproža -- -- predvsem nadomeščanje motoričnih in mehaničnih človeških funkcij --, navdušeno pozdravlja (gl machine take command).
Ključno zgodovinsko prizorišče specifičnega odnosa arhitektura--tehnika--družba je obdobje arhitekturnega modernizma. Za arhitekturnega zgodovinarja Manfreda Tafurija arhitekti quattrocenta nakazujejo na dinamiko, ki se bo z industrijsko revolucijo šele popolnoma razvila [gl. @tafuri1969larchitettura; @tafuri1980theories], in predstavljajo model zgodovinskim avantgardam in arhitekturnim modernističnim gibanjem 20. stoletja [gl. @tafuri1969peruna; kasneje razširjeno v @tafuri1985projekt]. Te se v svojih poskusih kritičnega a produktivnega vstopa v politične in gospodarske programe naprednih institucij industrializiranega kapitalizma vedno nanašajo na nekaj še bolj neposredno vključenega v ekonomske procese. Tako kot se umetniške avantgarde napotijo v arhitekturo in design,
tako se je planiranje, ki so ga razglašale arhitekturne in urbanistične teorije, nanašalo na nekaj izven sebe: na splošno prestrukturiranje produkcije in konsumpcije; z drugimi besedami na Plan kapitala.
Kjer pa bosta arhitektura in urbanizem, nadaljuje, objekta, ne subjekta, Plana [@tafuri1969peruna, 57].
Primer arhitekturnih poskusov nemške klasične socialdemokracije, ki ga poda, priča o popolni "tehnizaciji" arhitekture in drastičnih omejitvah možnosti delovanja: podobe in metode industrijskega dela vstopijo v organizacijo projekta in sama metoda projektiranja je prilagojena idealizirani (in že zastareli) strukturi tekočega traku [@tafuri1969peruna, 58]. V skrajnem primeru urbanista Hilberseimerja, ki odčarano sprejme nove naloge zvezne organizacije racionalizacije od gradbišča do urbane strukture, arhitekturni objekt kot "izjema" v razmerju do mesta popolnoma izgine [@tafuri1969peruna, 60].
Tudi alternativa, ki jo predstavlja Le Corbusier, ne predstavlja izhoda. Vrhunec njegovega "apela industrialcem", ki se začne z razdelavo projekta Dom-Ino, je Plan Obus za Alžir, ki ga je razvijal od leta 1931 dalje, megastruktura nad staro kazbo, ki je "tako na ideološki kot na formalni ravni še nepresežena" [@tafuri1969peruna, 66]. V tem projektu je Le Corbusierjeva dilema medvojnega kapitalizma -- arhitektura ali revolucija -- razrešena. Obratno od nemških arhitektov, ki členijo in racionalizirajo osnovno celico, ki določa nadaljnje strukture -- od taylorizacije gradbišča, gospodinjstva, stanovanja, četrti, mesta -- Le Corbusier oblikuje urbano strukturo kot organsko celoto, znotraj katere je predvidena možnost vstavljanja "ekscentričnih in eklektičnih elementov", tako da občinstvu omogoči "razdelavo lastnega 'slabega okusa'" [@tafuri1969peruna, 69].
Tej arhitekturni gesti Tafuri pripiše tudi poseben pomen v razmerju do gospodarstva. Svoboda stanovanjskih celic upošteva zahtevo po nenehni tehnološki revoluciji in hitri konsumpciji, moment potrošnje napravi v produktivni moment celotnega cikla kapitala:
Stanovanjsko celico, teoretično potrošljivo v kratkem času, je mogoče zamenjati ob vsaki spremembi individualnih potreb -- ob vsaki spremembi potreb, ki jih povzroči prenova stanovanjskih modelov in standards, ki jih narekuje produkcija [@tafuri1969peruna, 69].
Čeprav gre za produktiven arhitekturni predlog v razmerju do potreb kapitalistične reorganizacije mesta, je -- za razliko od arhitektov klasične socialdemokracije -- predlagan v izolaciji od državnih ali mestnih oblasti, z lastnimi sredstvi. Vse ekonomske cilje Plana Obus je na tej točki že moč najti v keynesijanskih anticikličnih politikah, kar pomeni, da je arhitekt kot predlagatelj projekta odvečna figura.
Na eni strani projekt -- raztopitev arhitekturnega objekta v spremenljivke širših ekonomskih procesov -- na drugi utopija -- neuslišano podajanje forme tem procesom: v obeh primerih gre za izgubo funkcije arhitektov kot aktivnih ideologov. Za Tafurija so to gabariti krize, ki jo zaznava arhitekturna kultura povojne Evrope, ki jo tudi neposredno naslavlja [za vlogo tafurijanske kritike modernističnega gibanja v razmerju do njemu sodobnih arhitekturnih neoavantgard in humanizmov gl. @corna2016thinking; @galimberti2022images].
Namen in cilji
Kljub temu, da tafurijanske teze v svojem kontekstu delujejo tendenciozno -- tematizirajo razvoj informacijskih tehnologij v času, ko so, v primerjavi z danes, sorazmerno površno vključene v delovne procese --, menimo, da zaznajo bistveno disruptivno vlogo, ki jo bo informacijska tehnologija imela pri dekvalifikaciji ali prekvalifikaciji intelektualnega dela. Posebej pa so aktualne, če jih beremo ob sodobnih teorijah realne avtonomije kapitala in preseženosti ideologije [gl. @krasovec2021tujost].
V obdobju od konca 60. let 20. stoletja do danes -- po Levu Manovichu obdobje "softwareizacije" kulture -- lahko sledimo številnim razvojem znotraj arhitekturne kulture, za katere TODO
Tako na primer grafični oblikovalec Dakota Brown teoretizira o računalniško podprtem eklekticizmu "postmodernega" in "dekonstruktivističnega" obrata kot ne zgolj kritiki modernizma, temveč hkrati poskus razumevanja in prilastitve transformacij kreativnega dela, kot novega terena svobode, ki jih spodbuja digitalizacija kreativnih industrij [@brown2022out]. Brown sicer obravnava spremembe na področju grafičnega oblikovanja, a zanimivo je, da te spremembe kontekstualizira znotraj arhitekturne zgodovine modernizma in institucij modernistične arhitekture. S tem pomemben del tendenc tako imenovanih kreativinh poklicev, ki sebe razumejo kot preseganje modernizma, kontekstualizira kot nadaljevanje modernizma.
Prav tako se digitalni obrat v arhitekturi pojmuje kot antiteza industrijskim metodam, ki so podlaga modernističnim sredstvom projektiranja:
v splošnem smislu se digitalni obrat v arhitekturi lahko razume kot zapoznelo potrditev nekaterih načel same postmoderne arhitekture: proti modernistični standardizaciji so postmodernisti zagovarjali diferenciacijo, variacijo in izbiro; skoraj eno generacijo kasneje so digitalne tehnologije zagotovile najprimernejša tehnična sredstva za dosego tega cilja [@carpo2013thedigital, 10].
A ravno globoka standardizacija in racionalizacija je tista, ki zagotavlja pogoje za industrijsko izdelavo navidezno neskončno variabilnih prefabrikatov. Oziroma kot poglabljanje standardizacije zazna Rem Koolhaas:
Ravno v trenutku, ko sta pravilnost in ponavljanje opuščena kot represivna, so gradbeni materiali postali vse bolj modularni, enotni in standardizirani, kot da je snov že vnaprej digitalna (naslednja stopnja abstrakcije). Modul postaja vse manjši in manjši, dokler ne postane mozaik. Z velikimi težavami -- prepiri, pogajanja, sabotaža -- se iz enakih elementov konstruirata nepravilnost in edinstvenost [@koolhaas2010junkspace, 140].
Tako kot modernistično navdušenje nad "civilisation machiniste" dokaj zanesljivo spremljajo tudi razočarane kritike posledic industrializacije gradbenega sektorja -- sem lahko prištevamo številne pomembne zaznamke arhitekturnega modernizma, od gibanja Arts and Crafts, nemškega ekspresionizma, Adolfa Loosa, do samokritičnih ugotovitev o zaostalosti in nepripravljenosti arhitektov Martina Wagnerja --, tako tudi sodobne pragmatične in optimistične ocene digitalizacije arhitekturne industrije [gl. na primer @deamer2010detail] spremljajo tehnoskeptične pozicije, ki prek regionalizmov in tradicionalizmov tako ali drugače zagovarjajo obnovo obrtniške razsežnosti arhitekturnega izdelovanja [gl. na primer @frampton2010intention; @ferro2016dessin]. V zadnjem desetletju pa lahko znotraj arhitekturne kulture sledimo tudi "obratu k delu", posebni pozornosti na pogoje arhitekturnega dela v luči novih tehnologij in financializacije področja zidave [gl. na primer @lloyd2016industries; @deamer2020architecture].
Ker gre za stopnjevanje in nadaljevanje procesov, ki jih je napovedovala že modernistična
Vprašanje: mogoče spusti hipermodernizem in se osredotoči samo na realno subsumpcijo.
Ne sme izpast, kot da obžaluješ za renesančno arhitekturo.
Kaj je smisel obnove modernizma?
- Da je arhitektura v svoji ključni dobi imela nekaj opraviti z delitvijo dela?
- Zakaj je ta doba ključna? Ker vzpostavi arhitekturo v odnosu do kapitalizma.
- Ali je danes arhitektura odvečna? Kapitalistični proces, ki se mora odvijati na področju zidave ni odvečen. Arhitektura kot intelektualna praksa delovanja je odvečna -- oziroma deluje v spremenjenih pogojih, ko je ideologija kot taka odvečna.
Namen naloge je opredeliti in utemeljiti Zato lahko rečemo hipermodernizem
Z izničevanjem zgodovine in njenim reduciranjem na na polje vizualnih vdorov ter s tehniko šoka, ki jo informira televizija, nam ne ostane "vesela znanost" temveč "vesela zabloda" v kateri prevladuje popolno izenačenje
[N]ajbolj površinske značilnosti "modernega" so bile privedene do skrajnosti. Ne ostane nam "vesela znanost" ampak "vesela zabloda" v kateri prevladuje popolno izenačenje oblike in pomena,
Teorija hipermodernizma, nadaljevanje procesov, ki jih je modernizem sprožil. Te procese zaznati v
Kar je vsem skupno je, da ostajajo v mejah stare ideologije.
Toda stara ideologija ni več primerna. Ključna razlika med modernizmom in hipermodernizmom
- type: chapter
id: adorno2020funkcionalizem
- family: Adorno given: Theodor W. title: "Funkcionalizem danes" editor:
- family: Šenk given: Peter translator:
- family: Riha given: Rado container-title: "Funkcija v arhitekturi" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Založba ZRC issued: 2020
page: TODO
language: sl ################################################################################ - type: book
id: aitchison2014thearchitecture
- family: Aitchison given: Mathew title: "The architecture of industry: Changing paradigms in industrial building and planning" title-short: "The architecture of industry" publisher-place: Farnham publisher: Ashgate issued: 2014 language: en ################################################################################
- type: article-journal
id: alquati1961relazione
- family: Alquati given: Romano title: "Relazione di R. Alquati sulle 'forze nuove' (Convegno del PSI sulla FIAT -- gennaio 1961)" container-title: "Quaderni rossi" volume: 1 issued: 1961 page: 215-240 language: it ################################################################################
- type: article-journal
id: alquati1962composizione
- family: Alquati given: Romano title: "Composizione organica del capitale e forza-lavoro alla Olivetti" container-title: "Quaderni rossi" volume: 2 issued: 1962 page: 63-98 language: it ################################################################################
- type: article-journal
id: alquati1963composizione
- family: Alquati given: Romano title: "Composizione organica del capitale e forza-lavoro alla Olivetti" container-title: "Quaderni rossi" volume: 3 issued: 1963 page: 119-185 language: it ################################################################################
- type: article-journal
id: asorrosa1962ilpunto
- family: Asor Rosa given: Alberto title: "Il punto di vista operaio e la cultura socialista" container-title: "Quaderni rossi" volume: 2 issued: 1962 page: 117-130 language: it ################################################################################
- type: article-journal
id: asorrosa1968primo
- family: Asor Rosa given: Alberto
- family: Cacciari given: Massimo title: "Primo bilancio" container-title: "Contropiano: materiali marxisti" volume: 2 issued: 1968
page: TODO
language: it ################################################################################ - type: book
id: asorrosa1972socialismo
- family: Asor Rosa given: Alberto
- family: Cassetti given: Bruno
- family: Ciucci given: Giorgio
- family: Dal Co given: Francesco
- family: De Michelis given: Marco
- family: Di Leo given: Rita
- family: Junghanns given: Kurt
- family: Oorthuys given: Gerritt
- family: Procházka given: Vítĕzslav
- family: Schmidt given: Hans
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "Socialismo, città, architettura URSS 1917--1937: Il contributo degli architetti europei" title-short: "Socialismo, città, architettura URSS 1917--1937" publisher-place: Roma publisher: Officina edizioni issued: 1972 language: it ################################################################################
- type: article-journal
id: asorrosa1995critique
- family: Asor Rosa given: Alberto title: "Critique of ideology and historical practice" container-title: "Casabella" issue: 619-620 issued: 1995
page: TODO
language: en ################################################################################ - type: book
id: aureli2008project
- family: Aureli given: Pier Vittorio title: "The project of autonomy: Politics and architecture within and against capitalism" title-short: The project of autonomy publisher-place: New York publisher: Princeton Architectural Press issued: 2008 language: en ################################################################################
- type: article-journal
id: aureli2010recontextualizing
- family: Aureli given: Pier Vittorio title: "Recontextualizing Tafuri's critique of ideology" container-title: "Log" issue: 18 issued: 2010 page: 89-100 language: en ################################################################################
- type: book
id: aureli2023architecture
- family: Aureli given: Pier Vittorio title: "Architecture and abstraction" publisher-place: Cambridge, Mass. publisher: The MIT Press issued: 2023 language: en
- type: chapter
id: beech2016onsite
- family: Beech given: Nick
- family: Clarke given: Linda
- family: Wall given: Christine title: "On site" editor:
- family: Lloyd Thomas given: Katie
- family: Amhoff given: Tilo
- family: Beech given: Nick container-title: "Industries of architecture" publisher-place: London publisher: Routledge issued: 2016
page: TODO
language: en ################################################################################ - type: book
id: benanav2022automation
- family: Benanav given: Aaron title: "Automation and the future of work" publisher-place: London publisher: Verso issued: 2022 language: en ################################################################################
- type: chapter
id: benjamin1974goethes
- family: Benjamin given: Walter title: "Goethes Wahlverwandtschaften" container-title: "Gesammelte Schriften" volume: I publisher-place: Frankfurt am Main publisher: Suhrkamp issued: 1974
page: TODO
language: de ################################################################################ - type: chapter
id: benjamin1997surrealism
- family: Benjamin given: Walter title: "Surrealism: the last snapshot of the european intelligentsia" title-short: "Surrealism" container-title: "One-way street and other writings" publisher-place: London publisher: Verso issued: 1997
page: TODO
language: sl ################################################################################ - type: chapter
id: benjamin2009avtor
- family: Benjamin given: Walter title: "Avtor kot proizvajalec" container-author:
- family: Brecht given: Bertolt
- family: Benjamin given: Walter container-title: "Zgodbe gospoda Keunerja; Me-ti. Knjiga obratov; Poskusi o Brechtu" translator:
- family: Maček given: Amalija publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Studia humanitatis issued: 2009
page: TODO
language: sl ################################################################################ - type: chapter
id: benjamin1998umetnina
- family: Benjamin given: Walter title: "Umetnina v času, ko jo je mogoče tehnično reproducirati" container-title: "Izbrani spisi" translator:
- family: Janez given: Vrečko publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Studia humanitatis issued: 1998
page: TODO
language: sl ################################################################################ - type: chapter
id: benjamin1998opojmu
- family: Benjamin given: Walter title: "O pojmu zgodovine" container-title: "Izbrani spisi" translator:
- family: Janez given: Vrečko publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Studia humanitatis issued: 1998
page: TODO
language: sl ################################################################################ - type: book
id: benson2002between
- family: Benson given: Timothy O.
- family: Forgács given: Éva title: "Between worlds: a sourcebook of central european avant-gardes, 1910--1930" title-short: "Between worlds" publisher-place: Cambridge, Mass. publisher: The MIT Press issued: 2002 language: en ################################################################################
- type: chapter
id: bernstein2010models
- family: Bernstein given: Phillip G. title: "Models for practice: Past, present, future" container-title: "Building (in) the future: Recasting labor in architecture" editor:
- family: Deamer given: Peggy
- family: Bernstein given: Phillip G. publisher-place: New Haven publisher: Princeton Architectural Press issued: 2010
page: TODO
language: en ################################################################################ - type: book
id: biraghi2013project
- family: Biraghi given: Marco title: "Project of crisis: Manfredo Tafuri and contemporary architecture" title-short: "Project of crisis" translator:
- family: Price given: Alta publisher-place: Cambridge, Mass. publisher: MIT Press issued: 2013 language: en ################################################################################ ################################################################################
- type: book
id: braverman1998labor
- family: Braverman given: Harry title: "Labor and monopoly capital: the degradation of work in the twentieth century" title-short: "Labor and monopoly capital" publisher-place: New York publisher: Monthly Review Press issued: 1998 language: en ################################################################################
- type: book
id: breznik2009kultura
- family: Breznik given: Maja title: "Kultura danajskih darov: od mecenstva do avtorstva" title-short: "Kultura danajskih darov" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Sophia issued: 2009 language: sl ################################################################################
- type: book
id: breznik2021mezdno
- family: Breznik given: Maja title: "Mezdno delo: kritika teorij prekarnosti" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Sophia issued: 2021 language: sl ################################################################################
- type: book
id: buerger1984theory
- family: Bürger given: Peter title: "Theory of the avant-garde" publisher-place: Manchester publisher: Manchester University Press issued: 1984 language: en
- type: chapter
id: cacciari1993dialectics
- family: Cacciari given: Massimo title: "The dialectics of the negative and the Metropolis" publisher-place: New Haven publisher: Yale University Press issued: 1993
page: TODO
language: en ################################################################################ - type: book
id: ceferin2016niti
- family: Čeferin given: Petra title: "Niti uporabni niti estetski objekt: strukturna logika arhitekture" title-short: "Niti uporabni niti estetski objekt" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Založba ZRC collection-title: Teoretska praksa arhitekture issued: 2016 language: sl ################################################################################
- type: book
id: ciucci1973citta
- family: Ciucci given: Giorgio
- family: Dal Co given: Francesco
- family: Manieri-Elia given: Mario
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "La città americana dalla guerra civile al New Deal" publisher-place: Rim publisher: Laterza issued: 1973 language: it ################################################################################
- type: book
id: ciucci1980theamerican
- family: Ciucci given: Giorgio
- family: Dal Co given: Francesco
- family: Manieri-Elia given: Mario
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "The American city: From the Civil War to the New Deal" title-short: "The American city" publisher-place: London publisher: Granada issued: 1980 language: en ################################################################################
- type: thesis
id: corna2016thinking
genre: TODO
author:- family: Corna given: Luisa Lorenza title: "Thinking through antinomies: an enquiry into Manfredo Tafuri's historical method" title-short: "Thinking through antinomies" publisher: University of Leeds issued: 2016 language: en ################################################################################
- type: review
id: corna2018journey
- family: Corna given: Luisa Lorenza title: "A journey through Tafuri's unsolvable contradictions: A review of Project of crisis: Manfredo Tafuri and contemporary architecutre by Marco Biraghi" title-short: "A journey through Tafuri's unsolvable contradictions" reviewed-author:
- family: Biraghi given: Marco reviewed-title: "Project of crisis: Manfredo Tafuri and contemporary architecture" container-title: "Historical Materialism" volume: 26 issue: 3 issued: 2018 page: 210-230 language: en ################################################################################
- type: chapter
id: corna2022architecture
- family: Corna given: Luisa Lorenza title: "Architecture" editor:
- family: Skeggs given: Beverly
- family: Farris given: Sara R.
- family: Toscano given: Alberto
- family: Bromberg given: Svenja container-title: "The SAGE handbook of Marxism" publisher-place: Los Angeles publisher: SAGE issued: 2022 page: 766-784 language: en
- type: article-journal
id: day2005strategies
- family: Day given: Gail title: "Strategies in the metropolitan merz: Manfredo tafuri and italian workerism" title-short: "Strategies in the metropolitan merz" container-title: "Radical Philosophy" issue: 133 issued: 2005 page: 26-38 language: en ################################################################################
- type: article-journal
id: day2012manfredo
- family: Day given: Gail title: "Manfredo Tafuri, Fredric Jameson and the contestations of political memory" container-title: "Historical Materialism" volume: 20 issue: 1 issued: 2012 page: 31-77 language: en ################################################################################
- type: book
id: deamer2010building
- family: Deamer given: Peggy
- family: Bernstein given: Phillip G. title: "Building (in) the future: Recasting labor in architecture" title-short: "Building (in) the future" publisher-place: New Haven publisher: Princeton Architectural Press issued: 2010 language: en ################################################################################
- type: chapter
id: deamer2010introduction
- family: Deamer given: Peggy title: "Introduction" container-title: "Building (in) the future: Recasting labor in architecture" editor:
- family: Deamer given: Peggy
- family: Bernstein given: Phillip G. publisher-place: New Haven publisher: Princeton Architectural Press issued: 2010
page: TODO
language: en ################################################################################ - type: chapter
id: deamer2010detail
- family: Deamer given: Peggy title: "Detail deliberations" container-title: "Building (in) the future: Recasting labor in architecture" publisher-place: New Haven publisher: Princeton Architectural Press issued: 2010 page: 80-88 language: en ################################################################################
- type: book
id: deamer2014architecture
- family: Deamer given: Peggy title: "Architecture and capitalism: 1845 to present" title-short: "Architecture and capitalism" publisher-place: London publisher: Routledge issued: 2014 language: en ################################################################################
- type: book
id: deamer2020architecture
- family: Deamer given: Peggy title: "Architecture and labor" publisher-place: New York publisher: Routledge issued: 2020 language: en
################################################################################ ################################################################################
- type: book
id: fortini2016test
- family: Fortini given: Franco title: "Test of powers: Writings on criticism and literary institutions" title-short: "Test of powers" translator:
- family: Toscano given: Alberto publisher-place: London publisher: Seagull Books issued: 2016 language: en ################################################################################
- type: chapter
id: fortini2016cunning
- family: Fortini given: Franco title: "Cunning as doves" container-title: "Test of powers: writings on criticism and literary institutions" translator:
- family: Toscano given: Alberto publisher-place: London publisher: Seagull Books issued: 2016
page: TODO
language: en ################################################################################ - type: article-journal
id: foster1999marx
- family: Foster given: John Bellamy title: "Marx's theory of metabolic rift: Classical foundations for environmental sociology" title-short: "Marx's theory of metabolic rift" container-title: "American Journal of Sociology" volume: 105 issue: 2 issued: 1999 page: 366-405 language: en ################################################################################
- type: chapter
id: foucault1984space
- family: Foucault given: Michel title: "Space, knowledge, and power" container-title: "Foucault reader" editor:
- family: Rabinow given: Paul publisher-place: New York publisher: Pantheon Books issued: 1984
page: TODO
language: en ################################################################################ - type: chapter
id: foucault2008oko
- family: Foucault given: Michel title: "Oko oblasti" container-title: "Vednost -- oblast -- subjekt" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Krtina issued: 2008 page: 151-171 language: sl ################################################################################
- type: book
id: fowkes2023communism
- family: Fowkes given: Ben title: "Communism and the avant-garde in Weimar Germany: a selection of documents" title-short: "Communism and the avant-garde in Weimar Germany" publisher-place: Boston publisher: Brill issued: 2023 language: en ################################################################################
- type: chapter
id: fowkes2023theshock
- family: Fowkes given: Ben title: "The shock of war and its aftermath" container-title: "Communism and the avant-garde in Weimar Germany: a selection of documents" publisher-place: Boston publisher: Brill issued: 2023
page: TODO
language: en ################################################################################ - type: chapter
id: frampton2010intention
- family: Frampton given: Kenneth title: "Intention, craft, and rationality" container-title: "Building (in) the future: Recasting labor in architecture" publisher-place: New Haven publisher: Princeton Architectural Press issued: 2010 page: 28-37 language: en ################################################################################
- type: chapter
id: frampton2020yugoslavia
- family: Frampton given: Kenneth title: "Former Yugoslavia" container-title: "Modern architecture: A critical history" publisher-place: London publisher: Thames & Hudson issued: 2020
page: TODO
language: en ################################################################################ - type: chapter
id: furlan2013michael
- family: Furlan given: Sašo title: "Michael Heinrich in novo branje Marxa" container-author:
- family: Heinrich given: Michael container-title: "Kritika politične ekonomije: uvod" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Sophia issued: 2013
page: TODO
language: sl
- type: book
id: galimberti2022images
- family: Galimberti given: Jacopo title: "Images of class: Operaismo, Autonomia and the visual Arts (1962--1988)" title-short: "Images of class" publisher-place: London publisher: Verso issued: 2022 language: en ################################################################################
- type: book
id: gantar1985urbanizem
- family: Gantar given: Pavel title: "Urbanizem, družbeni konflikti, planiranje" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Univerzitetna konferenca ZSMS issued: 1985 language: sl ################################################################################
- type: chapter
id: ghosh2021toward
- family: Ghosh given: Swarnabh title: "Toward a critique of labor-in-construction" container-title: "Non-extractive architecture vol. 1: On designing without depletion" publisher-place: London publisher: Steinberg Press issued: 2021
page: TODO
language: en ################################################################################ - type: book
id: ginsborg1990history
- family: Ginsborg given: Paul title: "History of contemporary italy: Society and politics: 1943-1988" title-short: "History of contemporary Italy" publisher-place: London publisher: Penguin Books issued: 1990 language: en ################################################################################
- type: article-journal
id: greppi1963produzione
- family: Greppi given: Claudio
- family: Pedrolli given: Alberto title: "Produzione e programmazione territoriale" container-title: "Quaderni rossi" volume: 3 issued: 1963 page: 94-101 language: it ################################################################################
- type: chapter
id: grima2021design
- family: Grima given: Joseph title: "Design without depletion: On the need for a new paradigm in architecture" title-short: "Design without depletion" container-title: "Non-extractive architecture vol. 1: On designing without depletion" editor: Space Caviar publisher-place: London publisher: Steinberg Press issued: 2021
page: TODO
language: en
- type: book
id: hardt2000empire
- family: Hardt given: Michael
- family: Negri given: Antonio title: "Empire" publisher-place: Cambridge, Mass. publisher: Harvard University Press issued: 2000 language: en ################################################################################
- type: book
id: hays1998architecture
- family: Hays given: K. Michael title: "Architecture theory since 1968" publisher-place: Cambridge (Mass.) publisher: The MIT Press issued: 1998 language: en ################################################################################
- type: chapter
id: hays1998introduction
- family: Hays given: K. Michael title: "Introduction" editor:
- family: Hays given: K. Michael container-title: "Architecture theory since 1968" publisher-place: Cambridge (Mass.) publisher: The MIT Press issued: 1998
page: TODO
language: en ################################################################################ - type: book
id: hays1998oppositions
- family: Hays given: K. Michael title: "Oppositions reader: Selected essays 1973--1984" title-short: "Oppositions reader" publisher-place: New York publisher: Princeton Architectural Press issued: 1998 language: en ################################################################################
- type: chapter
id: hays1998theoppositions
- family: Hays given: K. Michael title: "The oppositions of autonomy and history" editor:
- family: Hays given: K. Michael container-title: "Oppositions reader: Selected essays 1973--1984" container-title-short: "Oppositions reader" publisher-place: New York publisher: Princeton Architectural Press issued: 1998
page: TODO
language: en ################################################################################ - type: book
id: heinrich2013kritika
- family: Heinrich given: Michael title: "Kritika politične ekonomije: uvod" title-short: "Kritika politične ekonomije" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Sophia issued: 2013 language: sl ################################################################################
- type: thesis
id: hoekstra2005building
genre: TODO
author:- family: Hoekstra given: Titia Rixt title: "Building versus bildung: Manfredo Tafuri and the construction of a historical discipline" title-short: "Building versus bildung" publisher: University of Groningen issued: 2005 language: en
- type: book
id: jakhel1979iluzija
- family: Jakhel given: Rudolf title: "Iluzija in resničnost urbanih središč: Prispevek h kritiki urbanistične ideologije" title-short: "Iluzija in resničnost urbanih središč" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Cankarjeva založba issued: 1979 language: sl ################################################################################
- type: chapter
id: jameson1985architecture
- family: Jameson given: Fredric title: "Architecture and the critique of ideology" editor:
- family: Ockman given: Joan
- family: Berke given: Deborah
- family: McLeod given: Mary container-title: "Architecutre, criticism, ideology" publisher-place: Princeton, New Jersey publisher: Princeton Architectural Press issued: 1985 page: 51-93 language: en ################################################################################
- type: chapter
id: jameson1998architecture
- family: Jameson given: Fredric title: "Architecture and the critique of ideology" editor:
- family: Hays given: K. Michael container-title: "Architecture theory since 1968" publisher-place: Cambridge (Mass.) publisher: The MIT Press issued: 1998 page: 442-461 language: en ################################################################################
- type: book
id: jameson1994theseeds
- family: Jameson given: Fredric title: "The seeds of time" publisher-place: New York publisher: Columbia University Press issued: 1994 language: en ################################################################################
- type: book
id: jameson2012kulturni
- family: Jameson given: Fredric title: "Kulturni obrat: Izbrani spisi o postmoderni, 1983--1998" title-short: "Kulturni obrat" translator:
- family: Krašovec given: Primož publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Studia humanitatis issued: 2012 language: sl
- type: book
id: keynes2006splosna
- family: Keynes given: John Maynard title: "Splošna teorija zaposlenosti, obresti in denarja" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Studia humanitatis issued: 2006 language: sl ################################################################################
- type: thesis
id: keyvanian1992manfredo
genre: TODO
author:- family: Keyvanian given: Karla L title: "Manfredo Tafuri's notion of history and its methodological sources: From Walter Benjamin to Roland Barthes" title-short: "Manfredo Tafuri's notion of history and its methodological sources" publisher: MIT issued: 1992 language: en ################################################################################
- type: thesis
id: kocjancic2019zacetki
genre: TODO
author:- family: Kocjančič given: Maruša title: "Začetki Trajne delovne skupnosti samostojnih kulturnih delavcev Ljubljana – Equrna in njen razvoj v osemdesetih letih" title-short: "Začetki Trajne delovne skupnosti samostojnih kulturnih delavcev Ljubljana" publisher: Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani issued: 2019 language: sl ################################################################################
- type: paper-conference
id: leach2002everything
- family: Leach given: Andrew title: "'Everything we do is but the larva of our intentions': Manfredo Tafuri and storia dell'architettura italiana 1944-1985" title-short: "'Everything we do is but the larva of our intentions'" container-title: "Additions to architectural history: XIXth annual conference of the society of architectural historians, Australia and New Zealand" container-title-short: "Additions to architectural history" issued: 2002 language: en ################################################################################
- type: thesis
id: leach2006choosing
genre: TODO
author:- family: Leach given: Andrew title: "Choosing history: A study of Manfredo Tafuri's theorisation of architectural history and architectural history research" title-short: "Choosing history" publisher: Universiteit Gent issued: 2006 language: en ################################################################################
- type: book
id: lefebvre2014architecture
- family: Lefebvre given: Henri title: "Toward an architecture of enjoyment" editor:
- family: Stanek given: Łukasz publisher-place: Minneapolis publisher: University of Minnesota Press issued: 2014 language: en ################################################################################ ################################################################################
- type: book
id: lynch2011podoba
- family: Lynch given: Kevin title: "Podoba mesta" translator:
- family: Peklenik given: Maja publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Goga issued: 2011 language: sl
- type: book
id: malesic2021skupno
- family: Malešič given: Martina
- family: Vrečko given: Asta title: "Skupno v skupnosti: Sedemdeset let zadružnih domov kot družbene infrastrukture" title-short: "Skupno v skupnosti" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje issued: 2021 language: sl ################################################################################
- type: book
id: mandic1996stanovanje
- family: Mandič given: Srna title: "Stanovanje in država" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Znanstveno in publicistično središče issued: 1996 language: sl ################################################################################
- type: book
id: manovich2013software
- family: Manovich given: Lev title: "Software takes command: extending the language of new media" title-short: "Software takes command" publisher-place: New York publisher: Bloomsbury Academic issued: 2013 language: en ################################################################################
- type: book
id: marx1967kapital2
- family: Marx given: Karl title: "Kapital: kritika politične ekonomije" title-short: "Kapital" volume: 2 publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Cankarjeva založba issued: 1967 language: sl ################################################################################
- type: book
id: marx1973kapital3
- family: Marx given: Karl title: "Kapital: kritika politične ekonomije" title-short: "Kapital" volume: 3 publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Cankarjeva založba issued: 1973 language: sl ################################################################################
- type: chapter
id: marx1976nemska
title: "Nemška ideologija"
container-title: "Izbrana dela"
- family: Marx given: Karl
- family: Engels given: Friedrich volume: 2 publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Cankarjeva založba issued: 1976 language: sl
page: TODO
language: sl ################################################################################ - type: chapter
id: marx1976teze
- family: Marx given: Karl title: "Teze o Feuerbachu" container-title: "Izbrana dela" container-author:
- family: Marx given: Karl
- family: Engels given: Friedrich volume: 2 publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Cankarjeva založba issued: 1976
page: TODO
language: sl ################################################################################ - type: chapter
id: marx1976mezdno
- family: Marx given: Karl title: "Mezdno delo in kapital" container-title: "Izbrana dela" container-author:
- family: Marx given: Karl
- family: Engels given: Friedrich volume: 2 publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Cankarjeva založba issued: 1976
page: TODO
language: sl ################################################################################ - type: article-journal
id: marx1976rezultati
- family: Marx given: Karl title: "Rezultati neposrednega produkcijskega procesa" container-title: "Časopis za kritiko znanosti" volume: 3 issue: 17-18 issued: 1976 page: 241-276 language: sl ################################################################################
- type: chapter
id: marx1985uvod
- family: Marx given: Karl title: "Uvod k Očrtom kritike politične ekonomije" collection-title: "Temeljna izdaja" collection-number: I/8 container-title: "Kritika politične ekonomije: 1857/58" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Delavska enotnost issued: 1985
page: TODO
language: sl ################################################################################ - type: chapter
id: marx1985ocrti
- family: Marx given: Karl title: "Očrti kritike politične ekonomije" title-short: "Očrti" collection-title: "Temeljna izdaja" collection-number: I/8 container-title: "Kritika politične ekonomije: 1857/58" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Delavska enotnost issued: 1985
page: TODO
language: sl ################################################################################ - type: chapter
id: marx1989hkritiki
- family: Marx given: Karl title: "H kritiki politične ekonomije. Prvi zvezek" collection-title: "Temeljna izdaja" collection-number: I/9 container-title: "H kritiki politične ekonomije: 1858--1861" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Marksistični center CK ZKS issued: 1989
page: TODO
language: sl ################################################################################ - type: book
id: marx2018brumaire
- family: Marx given: Karl title: "Osemnajsti brumaire Ludvika Bonaparta" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Studia humanitatis issued: 2018 language: sl ################################################################################
- type: book
id: marx2012kapital1
- family: Marx given: Karl title: "Kapital: kritika politične ekonomije" title-short: "Kapital" volume: 1 publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Sophia issued: 2012 language: sl ################################################################################
- type: book
id: mau2023mute
- family: Mau given: Søren title: "Mute compulsion: a Marxist theory of the economic power of capital" publisher-place: London publisher: Verso issued: 2023 language: en
- type: book
id: negri1979operaio
- family: Negri given: Antonio title: "Dall'operaio massa all'operaio sociale: Intervista sull'operaismo" title-short: "Dall'operaio massa all'operaio sociale" publisher-place: Milan publisher: Multhipla edizioni issued: 1979 language: it ################################################################################
- type: book
id: negri1984delavci
- family: Negri given: Antonio title: "Delavci in država; Gospostvo in sabotaža; Marx onkraj Marxa" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Univerzitetna konferenca ZSMS issued: 1984 language: sl ################################################################################
- type: book
id: nesbitt1996theorizing
- family: Nesbitt given: Kate title: "Theorizing a new agenda for architecture: An anthology of architectural theory 1965--1995" title-short: "Theorizing a new agenda for architecture" publisher-place: New York publisher: Princenton Architectural Press issued: 1996 language: en
- type: book
id: ockman1985architecture
- family: Ockman given: Joan
- family: Berke given: Deborah
- family: McLeod given: Mary title: "Architecutre, criticism, ideology" publisher-place: Princeton publisher: Princeton Architectural Press issued: 1985 language: en ################################################################################
- type: article-journal
id: ockman1995venice
- family: Ockman given: Joan title: "Venice and New York" container-title: "Casabella" issue: 619-620 issued: 1995
page: TODO
language: en
- type: article-journal
id: panzieri1961luso
- family: Panzieri given: Raniero title: "Sull'uso capitalistico delle macchine nel neocapitalismo" container-title: "Quaderni rossi" volume: 1 issued: 1961 page: 53-72 language: it ################################################################################
- type: chapter
id: panzieri1973azione
- family: Panzieri given: Raniero title: "Azione politica e cultura" container-title: "Scritti 1956--1960" publisher-place: Milano publisher: Lampugnani Nigri issued: 1973
page: TODO
language: it
- type: chapter
id: ranciere2010nezgode
- family: Rancière given: Jacques title: "Nezgode kritične misli" container-title: "Emancipirani gledalec" translator:
- family: Koncut given: Suzana publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Maska issued: 2010
page: TODO
language: sl ################################################################################ - type: chapter
id: ranciere2018koncept
- family: Rancière given: Jacques title: "Koncept kritike in kritika politične ekonomije: od Pariških rokopisov 1844 do Kapitala" title-short: "Koncept kritike in kritika politične ekonomije" container-title: "Branje Kapitala" container-author:
- family: Althusser given: Louis
- family: Balibar given: Étienne
- family: Establet given: Roger
- family: Macherey given: Pierre
- family: Rancière given: Jacques translator:
- family: Breznik given: Maja
- family: Koncut given: Suzana publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Sophia issued: 2018
page: TODO
language: sl ################################################################################ - type: book
id: rotar1981pomeni
- family: Rotar given: Braco title: "Pomeni prostora: Ideologije v urbanizmu in arhitekturi" title-short: Pomeni prostora publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Delavska enotnost issued: 1981 language: sl ################################################################################
- type: book
id: rotar1985risarji
- family: Rotar given: Braco title: "Risarji : učenjaki: Ideologije v urbanizmu in arhitekturi" title-short: "Risarji : učenjaki" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Delavska enotnost issued: 1985 language: sl
- type: article-journal
id: sbardella2000nep
- family: Sbardella name: Raffaele title: "La NEP di 'Classe Operaia'" container-title: "Vis-à-vis" issue: 8 issued: 2000 page: 172-188 language: it ################################################################################
- type: chapter
id: simmel2000metropole
- family: Simmel given: Georg title: "Metropole in mentalno življenje" container-title: "Izbrani spisi o kulturi" translator:
- family: Erbežnik given: Zdenka
- family: Leskovec given: Alfred
- family: Mihelač given: Špela publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Studia humanitatis issued: 2000
page: TODO
language: sl ################################################################################ - type: book
id: smith2020service
- family: Smith given: Jason E. title: "Smart machines and service work: Automation in an age of stagnation" title-short: "Smart machines and service work" publisher-place: London publisher: Reaktion Books issued: 2020 language: en ################################################################################
- type: book id: spacecaviar2021nonextractive editor: Space Caviar title: "Non-extractive architecture vol. 1: On designing without depletion" title-short: "Non-extractive architecture vol. 1" publisher-place: London publisher: Steinberg Press issued: 2021 language: en ################################################################################
- type: book
id: stierli2018concrete
- family: Stierli given: Martino
- family: Kulić given: Vladimir title: "Toward a concrete utopia: Architecture in Yugoslavia 1948--1980" title-short: "Toward a concrete utopia" publisher-place: New York publisher: The Museum of Modern Art issued: 2018 language: en
- type: book
id: tafuri1968teorie
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "Teorie e storia dell'architettura" publisher-place: Bari publisher: Laterza issued: 1968 language: it ################################################################################
- type: article-journal
id: tafuri1969peruna
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "Per una critica dell'ideologia archittetonica" title-short: "Per una critica dell'ideologia archittetonica" container-title: "Contropiano: materiali marxisti" issue: 1 issued: 1969 page: 31-79 language: it ################################################################################
- type: entry-dictionary
id: tafuri1969rinascimento
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "Rinascimento" editor:
- family: Portoghesi given: Paolo container-title: "Dizionario enciclopedico di architettura e urbanistica 5: Posnik-Sipario" publisher-place: Rim publisher: Istituto editoriale romano issued: 1969 page: 173-232 language: it ################################################################################
- type: article-journal
id: tafuri1970lavoro
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "Lavoro intellettuale e sviluppo capitalistico" title-short: "Lavoro intellettuale" container-title: "Contropiano: materiali marxisti" issue: 2 issued: 1970 page: 241-281 language: it ################################################################################
- type: article-journal
id: tafuri1971austromarxismo
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "Austromarxismo e città: 'Das rote Wien'" title-short: "Austromarxismo e città" container-title: "Contropiano: materiali marxisti" issue: 2 issued: 1971 page: 259-311 language: it ################################################################################
- type: article-journal
id: tafuri1971socialdemocrazia
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "Socialdemocrazia e città nella Repubblica di Weimar" title-short: "Socialdemocrazia e città" container-title: "Contropiano: materiali marxisti" issue: 1 issued: 1971 page: 207-223 language: it ################################################################################
- type: book
id: tafuri1973progetto
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "Progetto e utopia: Architettura e sviluppo capitalistico" title-short: "Progetto e utopia" publisher-place: Bari publisher: Laterza issued: 1973 language: it ################################################################################
- type: book
id: tafuri1980sfera
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "La sfera e il labirinto: avanguardie e architettura da Piranesi agli anni '70" title-short: "La sfera e il labirinto" publisher-place: Torino publisher: Einaudi issued: 1980 language: it ################################################################################
- type: book
id: tafuri1980theories
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "Theories and history of architecture" translator:
- family: Verrecchia given: Giorgio publisher-place: London publisher: Granada issued: 1980 language: en ################################################################################
- type: book
id: tafuri1980vienna
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "Vienna Rossa: La politica residenziale nella Vienna socialista" title-short: "Vienna Rossa" publisher-place: Milano publisher: Electa issued: 1980 language: it ################################################################################
- type: book
id: tafuri1985projekt
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "Projekt in utopija" translator:
- family: Zlodre given: Janko publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Univerzitetna konferenca ZSMS issued: 1985 language: sl ################################################################################
- type: book
id: tafuri1987sphere
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "The sphere and the labyrinth: Avant-gardes and architecture from Piranesi to the 1970s" title-short: "The sphere and the labyrinth" translator:
- family: d'Acierno given: Pellegrino
- family: Connoly given: Robert publisher-place: Cambridge, Mass. publisher: MIT Press issued: 1987 language: en ################################################################################
- type: chapter
id: tafuri1987ussrberlin
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "U.S.S.R.--Berlin, 1922: From populism to constructivist international" title-short: "U.S.S.R.--Berlin, 1922" container-title: "The sphere and the labyrinth: Avant-gardes and architecture from Piranesi to the 1970s" translator:
- family: d'Acierno given: Pellegrino
- family: Connoly given: Robert publisher-place: Cambridge, Mass. publisher: MIT Press issued: 1987 page: 119-148 language: en ################################################################################
- type: chapter
id: tafuri1987sozialpolitik
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "Sozialpolitik and the city in Weimar Germany" title-short: "Sozialpolitik and the city" container-title: "The sphere and the labyrinth: Avant-gardes and architecture from Piranesi to the 1970s" page: 197-233 publisher-place: Cambridge, Mass. publisher: The MIT Press issued: 1987 page: 196-233 language: en ################################################################################
- type: article-journal
id: tafuri1987architecture
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "L'architecture dans le boudoir" translator:
- family: Zlodre given: Janko container-title: "Arhitektov bilten" issue: 91/92 issued: 1987
page: TODO
language: sl ################################################################################ - type: article-journal
id: tafuri1988architecture
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "L'architecture dans le boudoir" translator:
- family: Zlodre given: Janko container-title: "Arhitektov bilten" issue: 93/94 issued: 1988
page: TODO
language: sl ################################################################################ - type: book
id: tafuri1989history
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "History of Italian architecture, 1944--1985" publisher-place: Cambridge, Mass. publisher: MIT Press issued: 1989 language: en ################################################################################
- type: interview
id: tafuri1993storia
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "La storia come progetto" interviewer:
- family: Passerini given: Luisa issued: 1993 language: it ################################################################################
- type: book
id: tafuri2002storia
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "Storia dell'architettura italiana 1944--1985" publisher-place: Torino publisher: Einaudi issued: 2002 language: it ################################################################################
- type: book
id: tafuri2022progetto
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "Dal progetto alla storia" editor:
- family: Skansi given: Luka publisher-place: Macerata publisher: Quodlibet issued: 2022 language: it ################################################################################
- type: chapter
id: tafuri2022citta
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo
- family: Piccinato given: Giorgio
- family: Quilici given: Vieri title: "La città territtorio: Verso una nuova dimensione" container-title: "Dal progetto alla storia" publisher-place: Macerata publisher: Quodlibet issued: 2022
page: TODO
language: it ################################################################################ - type: chapter
id: tafuri2022teoria
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "Teoria e critica nella cultura urbanistica italiana del dopoguerra" container-title: "Dal progetto alla storia" publisher-place: Macerata publisher: Quodlibet issued: 2022
page: TODO
language: it ################################################################################ - type: book
id: thoburn2022brutalism
- family: Thoburn given: Nicholas title: "Brutalism as found: housing crisis at Robin Hood gardens" title-short: "Brutalism as found" publisher-place: London publisher: Goldsmiths Press issued: 2022 language: en ################################################################################
- type: chapter
id: tomba2014thefragment
- family: Tomba given: Massimiliano
- family: Bellofiore given: Riccardo title: "The 'Fragment on machines' and the Grundrisse: The workerist reading in question" title-short: "The 'Fragment on machines' and the Grundrisse" editor:
- dropping-particle: van der family: Linden given: Marcel
- family: Heinz Roth given: Karl container-title: "Beyond Marx: Theorising the global labour relations of the twenty-first century" container-title-short: Beyond Marx publisher-place: Boston publisher: Brill issued: 2014
page: TODO
language: en ################################################################################ - type: article-journal
id: tronti1962fabbrica
- family: Tronti given: Mario title: "La fabbrica e la società" container-title: "Quaderni rossi" volume: 2 issued: 1962 page: 1-31 language: it ################################################################################
- type: book
id: tronti2019workers
- family: Tronti given: Mario title: "Workers and capital" translator:
- family: Broder given: David publisher-place: New York publisher: Verso issued: 2019 language: en ################################################################################
- type: chapter
id: tronti2019our
- family: Tronti given: Mario title: "Our operaismo" container-title: "Workers and capital" translator:
- family: Broder given: David publisher-place: New York publisher: Verso issued: 2019
page: TODO
language: en
- type: book
id: vidler2016zgodovina
- family: Vidler given: Anthony title: "Zgodovina neposredne sedanjosti: invencije arhitekturnega modernizma" title-short: "Zgodovine neposredne sedanjosti" translator:
- family: Lovrenov given: Maja
- family: Jerič given: Monika publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Založba ZRC collection-title: Teoretska praksa arhitekture issued: 2016 language: sl
- type: chapter
id: wagner1987thesocialization
- family: Wagner given: Martin title: "The socialization of the building industry" container-title: "The sphere and the labyrinth: Avant-gardes and architecture from Piranesi to the 1970s" translator:
- family: d'Acierno given: Pellegrino
- family: Connoly given: Robert publisher-place: Cambridge, Mass. publisher: MIT Press issued: 1987 page: 234-263 language: en ################################################################################
- type: book
id: wright2002storming
- family: Wright given: Steve title: "Storming heaven: Class composition and struggle in Italian autonomist marxism" title-short: "Storming heaven" publisher-place: London publisher: Pluto Press issued: 2002 language: en ################################################################################
- type: book
id: wright2021weight
- family: Wright given: Steve title: "The weight of the printed word: Text, context and militancy in operaismo" title-short: "The weight of the printed word" publisher-place: Leiden publisher: Brill issued: 2021 language: en
- type: article-journal
id: zanini2010philosophical
- family: Zanini given: Adelino title: "On the 'philosophical foundations' of italian Workerism: a conceptual aproach" container-title: "Historical Materialism" volume: 18 issued: 2010 page: 39-63 language: en ################################################################################
- type: chapter
id: zlodre1988opastirju
- family: Zlodre given: Janko title: "O pastirju modernega in njegovi drami" container-author:
- family: Loos given: Adolf
- family: Wittgenstein given: Ludwig
- family: Amendolagine given: Francesco
- family: Cacciari given: Massimo editor:
- family: Dešman given: Miha
- family: Mojca given: Dobnikar container-title: "Zbornik oikos in drugo: O Loosu in Wittgensteinu" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Univerzitetna konferenca ZSMS issued: 1988
page: TODO
language: sl ################################################################################ - type: book
id: zlodre2011notice
- family: Gerdol Zlodre given: Janko title: "Notice o arhitekturi in drugem" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: "/*cf." issued: 2011 language: sl ################################################################################
- type: chapter
id: zlodre2011zapiski
- family: Gerdol Zlodre given: Janko title: "Zapiski o ideoloških oblikah arhitekturne zavesti" container-title: "Notice o arhitekturi in drugem" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: "/*cf." issued: 2011
page: TODO
language: sl ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ reference-section-title: "Literatura" references: ######################################################################## - type: book
id: deamer2020architecture
- family: Deamer given: Peggy title: "Architecture and labor" publisher-place: New York publisher: Routledge issued: 2020 language: en ########################################################################
- type: book
id: lloyd2016industries
- family: Lloyd Thomas given: Katie
- family: Amhoff given: Tilo
- family: Beech given: Nick title: "Industries of architecture" publisher-place: London publisher: Routledge issued: 2016 language: en ########################################################################
- type: book
id: biraghi2019larchitetto
- family: Biraghi given: Marco title: "L'architetto come intellettuale" publisher-place: Torino publisher: Einaudi issued: 2019 language: it ########################################################################
- type: book
id: tafuri1969larchitettura
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "L'architettura dell'Umanesimo" publisher-place: Bari publisher: Laterza issued: 1969 language: it ########################################################################
- type: book
id: tafuri1980theories
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "Theories and history of architecture" translator:
- family: Verrecchia given: Giorgio publisher-place: London publisher: Granada issued: 1980 language: en ########################################################################
- type: article-journal
id: tafuri1971socialdemocrazia
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "Socialdemocrazia e città nella Repubblica di Weimar" title-short: "Socialdemocrazia e città" container-title: "Contropiano: materiali marxisti" issue: 1 issued: 1971 page: 207-223 language: it ########################################################################
- type: article-journal
id: tafuri1969peruna
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "Per una critica dell'ideologia archittetonica" title-short: "Per una critica dell'ideologia archittetonica" container-title: "Contropiano: materiali marxisti" issue: 1 issued: 1969 page: 31-79 language: it ########################################################################
- type: book
id: tafuri1985projekt
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "Projekt in utopija" translator:
- family: Zlodre given: Janko publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Univerzitetna konferenca ZSMS issued: 1985 language: sl ########################################################################
- type: thesis
id: corna2016thinking
genre: doktorska disertacija
- family: Corna given: Luisa Lorenza title: "Thinking through antinomies: an enquiry into Manfredo Tafuri's historical method" title-short: "Thinking through antinomies" publisher: University of Leeds issued: 2016 language: en ########################################################################
- type: book
id: galimberti2022images
- family: Galimberti given: Jacopo title: "Images of class: Operaismo, Autonomia and the visual Arts (1962--1988)" title-short: "Images of class" publisher-place: London publisher: Verso issued: 2022 language: en ########################################################################
- type: article-journal
id: tafuri1970lavoro
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "Lavoro intellettuale e sviluppo capitalistico" title-short: "Lavoro intellettuale" container-title: "Contropiano: materiali marxisti" issue: 2 issued: 1970 page: 241-281 language: it ########################################################################
- type: book
id: krasovec2021tujost
- family: Krašovec given: Primož title: "Tujost kapitala" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Sophia issued: 2021 language: sl ########################################################################
- type: thesis
id: brown2022out
genre: doktorska disertacija
- family: Brown given: J. Dakota title: "Out of sorts: machinery, theory, and the revolutions in typographical labor" title-short: "Out of sorts" publisher: Northwestern University issued: 2022 language: en ########################################################################
- type: chapter
id: koolhaas2010junkspace
- family: Koolhaas given: Rem title: "Junkspace" container-title: "Constructing a new agenda for architecture: architectural theory 1993--2009" editor:
- family: Sykes given: A. Krista publisher-place: New York publisher: Princeton Architectural Press issued: 2010 page: 136-151 language: en ######################################################################## ########################################################################
- type: book
id: deamer2010building
- family: Deamer given: Peggy
- family: Bernstein given: Phillip G. title: "Building (in) the future: recasting labor in architecture" title-short: "Building (in) the future" publisher-place: New Haven publisher: Princeton Architectural Press issued: 2010 language: en ########################################################################
- type: book
id: deamer2014architecture
- family: Deamer given: Peggy title: "Architecture and capitalism: 1845 to present" title-short: "Architecture and capitalism" publisher-place: London publisher: Routledge issued: 2014 language: en ########################################################################
- type: book
id: deamer2015thearchitect
title: "The architect as worker: immaterial labor, the creative class, and the politics of design"
title-short: "The architect as worker"
- family: Deamer given: Peggy publisher-place: London publisher: Bloomsbury issued: 2015 language: en ########################################################################
- type: book
id: aureli2023architecture
- family: Aureli given: Pier Vittorio title: "Architecture and abstraction" publisher-place: Cambridge, Mass. publisher: The MIT Press issued: 2023 language: en ########################################################################
- type: article-journal
id: tafuri1971austromarxismo
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "Austromarxismo e città: 'Das rote Wien'" title-short: "Austromarxismo e città" container-title: "Contropiano: materiali marxisti" issue: 2 issued: 1971 page: 259-311 language: it ########################################################################
- type: book
id: biraghi2019larchitetto
- family: Biraghi given: Marco title: "L'architetto come intellettuale" publisher-place: Torino publisher: Einaudi issued: 2019 language: it ########################################################################
- type: book
id: tafuri1985projekt
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "Projekt in utopija" translator:
- family: Zlodre given: Janko publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Univerzitetna konferenca ZSMS issued: 1985 language: sl ########################################################################
- type: article-journal
id: tafuri1970lavoro
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "Lavoro intellettuale e sviluppo capitalistico" title-short: "Lavoro intellettuale" container-title: "Contropiano: materiali marxisti" issue: 2 issued: 1970 page: 241-281 language: it ########################################################################
- type: book
id: krasovec2021tujost
- family: Krašovec given: Primož title: "Tujost kapitala" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Sophia issued: 2021 language: sl ######################################################################## ########################################################################
- type: book
id: deamer2020architecture
- family: Deamer given: Peggy title: "Architecture and labor" publisher-place: New York publisher: Routledge issued: 2020 language: en ########################################################################
- type: book
id: lloyd2016industries
- family: Lloyd Thomas given: Katie
- family: Amhoff given: Tilo
- family: Beech given: Nick title: "Industries of architecture" publisher-place: London publisher: Routledge issued: 2016 language: en ########################################################################
- type: article-journal
id: tafuri1969peruna
- family: Tafuri given: Manfredo title: "Per una critica dell'ideologia archittetonica" title-short: "Per una critica dell'ideologia archittetonica" container-title: "Contropiano: materiali marxisti" issue: 1 issued: 1969 page: 31-79 language: it ########################################################################
- type: thesis
id: corna2016thinking
genre: doktorska disertacija
- family: Corna given: Luisa Lorenza title: "Thinking through antinomies: an enquiry into Manfredo Tafuri's historical method" title-short: "Thinking through antinomies" publisher: University of Leeds issued: 2016 language: en ########################################################################
- type: book
id: galimberti2022images
- family: Galimberti given: Jacopo title: "Images of class: Operaismo, Autonomia and the visual Arts (1962--1988)" title-short: "Images of class" publisher-place: London publisher: Verso issued: 2022 language: en ########################################################################
- type: book
id: deamer2015thearchitect
title: "The architect as worker: immaterial labor, the creative class, and the politics of design"
title-short: "The architect as worker"
- family: Deamer given: Peggy publisher-place: London publisher: Bloomsbury issued: 2015 language: en ########################################################################
- type: book
id: aureli2023architecture
- family: Aureli given: Pier Vittorio title: "Architecture and abstraction" publisher-place: Cambridge, Mass. publisher: The MIT Press issued: 2023 language: en ########################################################################
- type: book
id: mau2023mute
- family: Mau given: Søren title: "Mute compulsion: a Marxist theory of the economic power of capital" publisher-place: London publisher: Verso issued: 2023 language: en ########################################################################
- type: book
id: carpo2013thedigital
- family: Carpo given: Mario title: "The digital turn in architecture, 1992--2012" publisher-place: Chichester publisher: Wiley issued: 2013 language: en ########################################################################
- type: book
id: manovich2013software
- family: Manovich given: Lev title: "Software takes command: extending the language of new media" title-short: "Software takes command" publisher-place: New York publisher: Bloomsbury Academic issued: 2013 language: en ########################################################################
- type: book
id: marx2012kapital1
- family: Marx given: Karl title: "Kapital: kritika politične ekonomije" title-short: "Kapital" volume: 1 publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Sophia issued: 2012 language: sl ########################################################################
- type: chapter
id: ferro2016dessin
- family: Ferro given: Sérgio title: "Dessin/chantier: an introduction" title-short: "Dessin/chantier" container-title: "Industries of architecture" editor:
- family: Lloyd Thomas given: Katie
- family: Amhoff given: Tilo
- family: Beech given: Nick translator:
- family: Agarez given: Ricardo
- family: Kapp given: Silke publisher-place: London publisher: Routledge issued: 2016 page: 94-105 language: en ########################################################################
- type: thesis
id: brown2022out
genre: doktorska disertacija
- family: Brown given: J. Dakota title: "Out of sorts: machinery, theory, and the revolutions in typographical labor" title-short: "Out of sorts" publisher: Northwestern University issued: 2022 language: en ########################################################################
- type: book
id: pasquinelli2023theeye
- family: Pasquinelli given: Matteo title: "The eye of the master: a social history of artificial intelligence" title-short: "The eye of the master" publisher-place: London publisher: Verso issued: 2023 language: en ########################################################################
- type: book
id: kreft1994estetika
- family: Kreft given: Lev title: "Estetika in poslanstvo" collection-title: Sophia publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Znanstveno in publicistično središče issued: 1994 language: sl ########################################################################
- type: book
id: senk2015kapsula
- family: Šenk given: Peter title: "Kapsula: tipologija druge arhitekture" title-short: "Kapsula" collection-title: Teoretska praksa arhitekture publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Založba ZRC issued: 2015 language: sl ########################################################################
vim: spelllang=sl,en