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lang: sl references:

  • type: book id: marx1989kritika author:
    • family: Marx given: Karl title: "Kritika politične ekonomije 1861--1863, I. del" container-title: "Temeljna izdaja I" container-author:
    • family: Marx given: Karl
    • family: Engels given: Friedrich volume: "10.1" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Marksistični center CK ZKS issued: 1989 language: sl
  • type: book id: marx1987economic author:
    • family: Marx given: Karl title: "Economic manuscript of 1861--63" container-title: "Collected works" container-author:
    • family: Marx given: Karl
    • family: Engels given: Frederick volume: 30 publisher-place: London publisher: Lawrence & Wishart issued: 1987 language: en
  • type: book id: marx1990economic author:
    • family: Marx given: Karl title: "Economic manuscript of 1861--63 (continuation)" container-title: "Collected works" container-author:
    • family: Marx given: Karl
    • family: Engels given: Frederick volume: 32 publisher-place: London publisher: Lawrence & Wishart issued: 1990 language: en
  • type: book id: marx1994economic author:
    • family: Marx given: Karl title: "Economic manuscript of 1861--63 (conclusion)" container-title: "Collected works" container-author:
    • family: Marx given: Karl
    • family: Engels given: Frederick volume: 34 publisher-place: London publisher: Lawrence & Wishart issued: 1994 language: en
  • type: book id: marx1977historicni author:
    • family: Marx given: Karl
    • family: Engels given: Friedrich title: "Historični materializem: izbor odlomkov iz del Karla Marxa in Friedricha Engelsa" title-short: "Historični materializem" translator:
    • family: Riha given: Rado publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Mladinska knjiga issued: 1977 language: sl ...