--- title: "Tujost kapitala" description: | Zapiski okoli *tujosti* kapitala. ... ::: {lang=en} > Capital is always searching for ways to overcome barriers to valorization. The > circulation of money, for instance, allows capital to overcome the temporal > and spatial barriers inherent in direct exchange. Automation, or what Marx > called the "automatic mechanism" enables the overcoming of a different > barrier; it helps "reduce to a minimum the resistance offered by man, that > obstinate yet elastic natural barrier". Even if we do not go so far as to > consider the possibility of a capitalism without humans, the notion of > synthetic automation should remind us that capital is not "exclusively a > reorganisation of human production" but also a trajectory towards a "radically > new, alien way of production". The needs of capital are alien to humans and > only coincide with them accidentally. In a striking and horrific passage, Tony > Smith puts it admirably: capital is a "higher-order alien power operating at > the level of society as a whole. It systematically selects for human ends > compatible with its end, 'the self-valorization of value', and systematically > represses all human ends that are not compatible with this non-human end". At > this point, we can only speculate on what new operations of selection and > repression might be provided to capital by more mature forms of synthetic > automation. [@steinhoff2021automation, 235] ::: --- lang: sl references: - type: book id: steinhoff2021automation author: - family: Steinhoff given: James title: "Automation and autonomy: labour, capital and machines in the artificial intelligence industry" title-short: "Automation and autonomy" publisher-place: Cham publisher: Palgrave Macmillan issued: 2021 language: en - type: article-journal id: krasovec2017tujost author: - family: Krašovec given: Primož title: "Tujost kapitala" container-title: "ŠUM" issue: 7 issued: 2017 page: 747-775 language: sl - type: book id: krasovec2021tujost author: - family: Krašovec given: Primož title: "Tujost kapitala" publisher-place: Ljubljana publisher: Sophia issued: 2021 language: sl # vim: spelllang=sl,en ...