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2024-03-19 02:09:22 +01:00
title: "Neusmerjeno pisanje"
::: horizontal
> Na podlagi lastnih poskusov sem vedel kaj je mogoče v te namene narediti s
> kartotekami, zvezki, kazalkami, luknjanjem, mapami, kolažiranjem, kartonom,
> registri, Xerox strojem in pisalno mizo z rolojem. Moj namen ni bil zgolj
> kompjuterizirati ta opravila temveč razmisliti o (in sčasoma programirati)
> sanjsko datoteko: datotečni sistem, ki bi imel vse lastnosti, ki bi si jih
> pisatelj ali raztresen profesor lahko želel, in bi vseboval vse kar bi si
> želel na
> I knew from my own experiment what can be done for these purposes with card
> file, notebook, index tabs, edge-punching, file folders, scissors and paste,
> graphic boards, index-strip frames, Xerox machine and the roll-top desk. My
> intent was not merely to computerize these tasks but to think out (and
> eventually program) the dream file: the file system that would have every
> feature a novelist or absent-minded professor could want, holding everything
> he wanted in just the complicated way he wanted it held, and handling notes
> and manuscripts in as subtle and complex ways as he wanted them handled
> [@nelson1965complex, 85].
lang: sl
- type: paper-conference
id: nelson1965complex
- family: Nelson
given: T. H.
title: "Complex information processing: a file structure for the complex, the changing and the indeterminate"
container-title: "Proceedings of the 1965 20th national conference (ACM '65)"
publisher-place: New York
publisher: Association for Computing Machinery
issued: 1965
page: 84-100
language: en