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2024-03-18 13:15:44 +01:00
# A ############################################################################
- type: chapter
id: adorno2020funkcionalizem
- family: Adorno
given: Theodor W.
title: "Funkcionalizem danes"
- family: Šenk
given: Peter
- family: Riha
given: Rado
container-title: "Funkcija v arhitekturi"
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Založba ZRC
issued: 2020
# page: TODO
language: sl
- type: book
id: aitchison2014thearchitecture
- family: Aitchison
given: Mathew
title: "The architecture of industry: Changing paradigms in industrial building and planning"
title-short: "The architecture of industry"
publisher-place: Farnham
publisher: Ashgate
issued: 2014
language: en
- type: article-journal
id: alquati1961relazione
- family: Alquati
given: Romano
title: "Relazione di R. Alquati sulle 'forze nuove' (Convegno del PSI sulla FIAT -- gennaio 1961)"
container-title: "Quaderni rossi"
volume: 1
issued: 1961
page: 215-240
language: it
- type: article-journal
id: alquati1962composizione
- family: Alquati
given: Romano
title: "Composizione organica del capitale e forza-lavoro alla Olivetti"
container-title: "Quaderni rossi"
volume: 2
issued: 1962
page: 63-98
language: it
- type: article-journal
id: alquati1963composizione
- family: Alquati
given: Romano
title: "Composizione organica del capitale e forza-lavoro alla Olivetti"
container-title: "Quaderni rossi"
volume: 3
issued: 1963
page: 119-185
language: it
- type: article-journal
id: asorrosa1962ilpunto
- family: Asor Rosa
given: Alberto
title: "Il punto di vista operaio e la cultura socialista"
container-title: "Quaderni rossi"
volume: 2
issued: 1962
page: 117-130
language: it
- type: article-journal
id: asorrosa1968primo
- family: Asor Rosa
given: Alberto
- family: Cacciari
given: Massimo
title: "Primo bilancio"
container-title: "Contropiano: materiali marxisti"
volume: 2
issued: 1968
# page: TODO
language: it
- type: book
id: asorrosa1972socialismo
- family: Asor Rosa
given: Alberto
- family: Cassetti
given: Bruno
- family: Ciucci
given: Giorgio
- family: Dal Co
given: Francesco
- family: De Michelis
given: Marco
- family: Di Leo
given: Rita
- family: Junghanns
given: Kurt
- family: Oorthuys
given: Gerritt
- family: Procházka
given: Vítĕzslav
- family: Schmidt
given: Hans
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "Socialismo, città, architettura URSS 1917--1937: Il contributo degli architetti europei"
title-short: "Socialismo, città, architettura URSS 1917--1937"
publisher-place: Roma
publisher: Officina edizioni
issued: 1972
language: it
- type: article-journal
id: asorrosa1995critique
- family: Asor Rosa
given: Alberto
title: "Critique of ideology and historical practice"
container-title: "Casabella"
issue: 619-620
issued: 1995
# page: TODO
language: en
- type: book
id: aureli2008project
- family: Aureli
given: Pier Vittorio
title: "The project of autonomy: Politics and architecture within and against capitalism"
title-short: The project of autonomy
publisher-place: New York
publisher: Princeton Architectural Press
issued: 2008
language: en
- type: article-journal
id: aureli2010recontextualizing
- family: Aureli
given: Pier Vittorio
title: "Recontextualizing Tafuri's critique of ideology"
container-title: "Log"
issue: 18
issued: 2010
page: 89-100
language: en
# B ############################################################################
- type: chapter
id: beech2016onsite
- family: Beech
given: Nick
- family: Clarke
given: Linda
- family: Wall
given: Christine
title: "On site"
- family: Lloyd Thomas
given: Katie
- family: Amhoff
given: Tilo
- family: Beech
given: Nick
container-title: "Industries of architecture"
publisher-place: London
publisher: Routledge
issued: 2016
# page: TODO
language: en
- type: book
id: benanav2022automation
- family: Benanav
given: Aaron
title: "Automation and the future of work"
publisher-place: London
publisher: Verso
issued: 2022
language: en
- type: chapter
id: benjamin1974goethes
- family: Benjamin
given: Walter
title: "Goethes Wahlverwandtschaften"
container-title: "Gesammelte Schriften"
volume: I
publisher-place: Frankfurt am Main
publisher: Suhrkamp
issued: 1974
# page: TODO
language: de
- type: chapter
id: benjamin1997surrealism
- family: Benjamin
given: Walter
title: "Surrealism: the last snapshot of the european intelligentsia"
title-short: "Surrealism"
container-title: "One-way street and other writings"
publisher-place: London
publisher: Verso
issued: 1997
# page: TODO
language: sl
- type: chapter
id: benjamin2009avtor
- family: Benjamin
given: Walter
title: "Avtor kot proizvajalec"
- family: Brecht
given: Bertolt
- family: Benjamin
given: Walter
container-title: "Zgodbe gospoda Keunerja; Me-ti. Knjiga obratov; Poskusi o Brechtu"
- family: Maček
given: Amalija
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Studia humanitatis
issued: 2009
# page: TODO
language: sl
- type: chapter
id: benjamin1998umetnina
- family: Benjamin
given: Walter
title: "Umetnina v času, ko jo je mogoče tehnično reproducirati"
container-title: "Izbrani spisi"
- family: Janez
given: Vrečko
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Studia humanitatis
issued: 1998
# page: TODO
language: sl
- type: chapter
id: benjamin1998opojmu
- family: Benjamin
given: Walter
title: "O pojmu zgodovine"
container-title: "Izbrani spisi"
- family: Janez
given: Vrečko
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Studia humanitatis
issued: 1998
# page: TODO
language: sl
- type: book
id: benson2002between
- family: Benson
given: Timothy O.
- family: Forgács
given: Éva
title: "Between worlds: a sourcebook of central european avant-gardes, 1910--1930"
title-short: "Between worlds"
publisher-place: Cambridge, Mass.
publisher: The MIT Press
issued: 2002
language: en
- type: chapter
id: bernstein2010models
- family: Bernstein
given: Phillip G.
title: "Models for practice: Past, present, future"
container-title: "Building (in) the future: Recasting labor in architecture"
- family: Deamer
given: Peggy
- family: Bernstein
given: Phillip G.
publisher-place: New Haven
publisher: Princeton Architectural Press
issued: 2010
# page: TODO
language: en
- type: book
id: biraghi2013project
- family: Biraghi
given: Marco
title: "Project of crisis: Manfredo Tafuri and contemporary architecture"
title-short: "Project of crisis"
- family: Price
given: Alta
publisher-place: Cambridge, Mass.
publisher: MIT Press
issued: 2013
language: en
- type: book
id: braverman1998labor
- family: Braverman
given: Harry
title: "Labor and monopoly capital: the degradation of work in the twentieth century"
title-short: "Labor and monopoly capital"
publisher-place: New York
publisher: Monthly Review Press
issued: 1998
language: en
- type: book
id: breznik2009kultura
- family: Breznik
given: Maja
title: "Kultura danajskih darov: od mecenstva do avtorstva"
title-short: "Kultura danajskih darov"
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Sophia
issued: 2009
language: sl
- type: book
id: breznik2021mezdno
- family: Breznik
given: Maja
title: "Mezdno delo: kritika teorij prekarnosti"
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Sophia
issued: 2021
language: sl
- type: book
id: buerger1984theory
- family: Bürger
given: Peter
title: "Theory of the avant-garde"
publisher-place: Manchester
publisher: Manchester University Press
issued: 1984
language: en
# C ############################################################################
- type: chapter
id: cacciari1993dialectics
- family: Cacciari
given: Massimo
title: "The dialectics of the negative and the Metropolis"
publisher-place: New Haven
publisher: Yale University Press
issued: 1993
# page: TODO
language: en
- type: book
id: ceferin2016niti
- family: Čeferin
given: Petra
title: "Niti uporabni niti estetski objekt: strukturna logika arhitekture"
title-short: "Niti uporabni niti estetski objekt"
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Založba ZRC
collection-title: Teoretska praksa arhitekture
issued: 2016
language: sl
- type: book
id: ciucci1973citta
- family: Ciucci
given: Giorgio
- family: Dal Co
given: Francesco
- family: Manieri-Elia
given: Mario
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "La città americana dalla guerra civile al New Deal"
publisher-place: Rim
publisher: Laterza
issued: 1973
language: it
- type: book
id: ciucci1980theamerican
- family: Ciucci
given: Giorgio
- family: Dal Co
given: Francesco
- family: Manieri-Elia
given: Mario
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "The American city: From the Civil War to the New Deal"
title-short: "The American city"
publisher-place: London
publisher: Granada
issued: 1980
language: en
- type: thesis
id: corna2016thinking
# genre: TODO
- family: Corna
given: Luisa Lorenza
title: "Thinking through antinomies: an enquiry into Manfredo Tafuri's historical method"
title-short: "Thinking through antinomies"
publisher: University of Leeds
issued: 2016
language: en
- type: review
id: corna2018journey
- family: Corna
given: Luisa Lorenza
title: "A journey through Tafuri's unsolvable contradictions: A review of Project of crisis: Manfredo Tafuri and contemporary architecutre by Marco Biraghi"
title-short: "A journey through Tafuri's unsolvable contradictions"
- family: Biraghi
given: Marco
reviewed-title: "Project of crisis: Manfredo Tafuri and contemporary architecture"
container-title: "Historical Materialism"
volume: 26
issue: 3
issued: 2018
page: 210-230
language: en
# D ############################################################################
- type: article-journal
id: day2005strategies
- family: Day
given: Gail
title: "Strategies in the metropolitan merz: Manfredo tafuri and italian workerism"
title-short: "Strategies in the metropolitan merz"
container-title: "Radical Philosophy"
issue: 133
issued: 2005
page: 26-38
language: en
- type: article-journal
id: day2012manfredo
- family: Day
given: Gail
title: "Manfredo Tafuri, Fredric Jameson and the contestations of political memory"
container-title: "Historical Materialism"
volume: 20
issue: 1
issued: 2012
page: 31-77
language: en
- type: book
id: deamer2010building
- family: Deamer
given: Peggy
- family: Bernstein
given: Phillip G.
title: "Building (in) the future: Recasting labor in architecture"
title-short: "Building (in) the future"
publisher-place: New Haven
publisher: Princeton Architectural Press
issued: 2010
language: en
- type: chapter
id: deamer2010introduction
- family: Deamer
given: Peggy
title: "Introduction"
container-title: "Building (in) the future: Recasting labor in architecture"
- family: Deamer
given: Peggy
- family: Bernstein
given: Phillip G.
publisher-place: New Haven
publisher: Princeton Architectural Press
issued: 2010
# page: TODO
language: en
- type: chapter
id: deamer2010detail
- family: Deamer
given: Peggy
title: "Detail deliberations"
container-title: "Building (in) the future: Recasting labor in architecture"
publisher-place: New Haven
publisher: Princeton Architectural Press
issued: 2010
page: 80-88
language: en
- type: book
id: deamer2014architecture
- family: Deamer
given: Peggy
title: "Architecture and capitalism: 1845 to present"
title-short: "Architecture and capitalism"
publisher-place: London
publisher: Routledge
issued: 2014
language: en
- type: book
id: deamer2020architecture
- family: Deamer
given: Peggy
title: "Architecture and labor"
publisher-place: New York
publisher: Routledge
issued: 2020
language: en
# E ############################################################################
- type: book
id: fortini2016test
- family: Fortini
given: Franco
title: "Test of powers: Writings on criticism and literary institutions"
title-short: "Test of powers"
- family: Toscano
given: Alberto
publisher-place: London
publisher: Seagull Books
issued: 2016
language: en
- type: chapter
id: fortini2016cunning
- family: Fortini
given: Franco
title: "Cunning as doves"
2024-06-26 16:02:45 +02:00
container-title: "Test of powers: writings on criticism and literary institutions"
2024-03-18 13:15:44 +01:00
- family: Toscano
given: Alberto
publisher-place: London
publisher: Seagull Books
issued: 2016
# page: TODO
language: en
- type: article-journal
id: foster1999marx
- family: Foster
given: John Bellamy
title: "Marx's theory of metabolic rift: Classical foundations for environmental sociology"
title-short: "Marx's theory of metabolic rift"
container-title: "American Journal of Sociology"
volume: 105
issue: 2
issued: 1999
page: 366-405
language: en
- type: chapter
id: foucault1984space
- family: Foucault
given: Michel
title: "Space, knowledge, and power"
container-title: "Foucault reader"
- family: Rabinow
given: Paul
publisher-place: New York
publisher: Pantheon Books
issued: 1984
# page: TODO
language: en
- type: chapter
id: foucault2008oko
- family: Foucault
given: Michel
title: "Oko oblasti"
container-title: "Vednost -- oblast -- subjekt"
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Krtina
issued: 2008
page: 151-171
language: sl
- type: book
id: fowkes2023communism
- family: Fowkes
given: Ben
title: "Communism and the avant-garde in Weimar Germany: a selection of documents"
title-short: "Communism and the avant-garde in Weimar Germany"
publisher-place: Boston
publisher: Brill
issued: 2023
language: en
- type: chapter
id: fowkes2023theshock
- family: Fowkes
given: Ben
title: "The shock of war and its aftermath"
container-title: "Communism and the avant-garde in Weimar Germany: a selection of documents"
publisher-place: Boston
publisher: Brill
issued: 2023
# page: TODO
language: en
- type: chapter
id: frampton2010intention
- family: Frampton
given: Kenneth
title: "Intention, craft, and rationality"
container-title: "Building (in) the future: Recasting labor in architecture"
publisher-place: New Haven
publisher: Princeton Architectural Press
issued: 2010
page: 28-37
language: en
- type: chapter
id: frampton2020yugoslavia
- family: Frampton
given: Kenneth
title: "Former Yugoslavia"
container-title: "Modern architecture: A critical history"
publisher-place: London
publisher: Thames & Hudson
issued: 2020
# page: TODO
language: en
- type: chapter
id: furlan2013michael
- family: Furlan
given: Sašo
title: "Michael Heinrich in novo branje Marxa"
- family: Heinrich
given: Michael
container-title: "Kritika politične ekonomije: uvod"
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Sophia
issued: 2013
# page: TODO
language: sl
# G ############################################################################
- type: book
id: galimberti2022images
- family: Galimberti
given: Jacopo
title: "Images of class: Operaismo, Autonomia and the visual Arts (1962--1988)"
title-short: "Images of class"
publisher-place: London
publisher: Verso
issued: 2022
language: en
- type: book
id: gantar1985urbanizem
- family: Gantar
given: Pavel
title: "Urbanizem, družbeni konflikti, planiranje"
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Univerzitetna konferenca ZSMS
issued: 1985
language: sl
- type: chapter
id: ghosh2021toward
- family: Ghosh
given: Swarnabh
title: "Toward a critique of labor-in-construction"
container-title: "Non-extractive architecture vol. 1: On designing without depletion"
publisher-place: London
publisher: Steinberg Press
issued: 2021
# page: TODO
language: en
- type: book
id: ginsborg1990history
- family: Ginsborg
given: Paul
title: "History of contemporary italy: Society and politics: 1943-1988"
title-short: "History of contemporary Italy"
publisher-place: London
publisher: Penguin Books
issued: 1990
language: en
- type: article-journal
id: greppi1963produzione
- family: Greppi
given: Claudio
- family: Pedrolli
given: Alberto
title: "Produzione e programmazione territoriale"
container-title: "Quaderni rossi"
volume: 3
issued: 1963
page: 94-101
language: it
- type: chapter
id: grima2021design
- family: Grima
given: Joseph
title: "Design without depletion: On the need for a new paradigm in architecture"
title-short: "Design without depletion"
container-title: "Non-extractive architecture vol. 1: On designing without depletion"
editor: Space Caviar
publisher-place: London
publisher: Steinberg Press
issued: 2021
# page: TODO
language: en
# H ############################################################################
- type: book
id: hardt2000empire
- family: Hardt
given: Michael
- family: Negri
given: Antonio
title: "Empire"
publisher-place: Cambridge, Mass.
publisher: Harvard University Press
issued: 2000
language: en
- type: book
id: hays1998architecture
- family: Hays
given: K. Michael
title: "Architecture theory since 1968"
publisher-place: Cambridge (Mass.)
publisher: The MIT Press
issued: 1998
language: en
- type: chapter
id: hays1998introduction
- family: Hays
given: K. Michael
title: "Introduction"
- family: Hays
given: K. Michael
container-title: "Architecture theory since 1968"
publisher-place: Cambridge (Mass.)
publisher: The MIT Press
issued: 1998
# page: TODO
language: en
- type: book
id: hays1998oppositions
- family: Hays
given: K. Michael
title: "Oppositions reader: Selected essays 1973--1984"
title-short: "Oppositions reader"
publisher-place: New York
publisher: Princeton Architectural Press
issued: 1998
language: en
- type: chapter
id: hays1998theoppositions
- family: Hays
given: K. Michael
title: "The oppositions of autonomy and history"
- family: Hays
given: K. Michael
container-title: "Oppositions reader: Selected essays 1973--1984"
container-title-short: "Oppositions reader"
publisher-place: New York
publisher: Princeton Architectural Press
issued: 1998
# page: TODO
language: en
- type: book
id: heinrich2013kritika
- family: Heinrich
given: Michael
title: "Kritika politične ekonomije: uvod"
title-short: "Kritika politične ekonomije"
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Sophia
issued: 2013
language: sl
- type: thesis
id: hoekstra2005building
# genre: TODO
- family: Hoekstra
given: Titia Rixt
title: "Building versus bildung: Manfredo Tafuri and the construction of a historical discipline"
title-short: "Building versus bildung"
publisher: University of Groningen
issued: 2005
language: en
# I ############################################################################
# J ############################################################################
- type: book
id: jakhel1979iluzija
- family: Jakhel
given: Rudolf
title: "Iluzija in resničnost urbanih središč: Prispevek h kritiki urbanistične ideologije"
title-short: "Iluzija in resničnost urbanih središč"
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Cankarjeva založba
issued: 1979
language: sl
- type: chapter
id: jameson1985architecture
- family: Jameson
given: Fredric
title: "Architecture and the critique of ideology"
- family: Ockman
given: Joan
- family: Berke
given: Deborah
- family: McLeod
given: Mary
container-title: "Architecutre, criticism, ideology"
publisher-place: Princeton, New Jersey
publisher: Princeton Architectural Press
issued: 1985
page: 51-93
language: en
- type: chapter
id: jameson1998architecture
- family: Jameson
given: Fredric
title: "Architecture and the critique of ideology"
- family: Hays
given: K. Michael
container-title: "Architecture theory since 1968"
publisher-place: Cambridge (Mass.)
publisher: The MIT Press
issued: 1998
page: 442-461
language: en
- type: book
id: jameson1994theseeds
- family: Jameson
given: Fredric
title: "The seeds of time"
publisher-place: New York
publisher: Columbia University Press
issued: 1994
language: en
- type: book
id: jameson2012kulturni
- family: Jameson
given: Fredric
title: "Kulturni obrat: Izbrani spisi o postmoderni, 1983--1998"
title-short: "Kulturni obrat"
- family: Krašovec
given: Primož
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Studia humanitatis
issued: 2012
language: sl
# K ############################################################################
- type: book
id: keynes2006splosna
- family: Keynes
given: John Maynard
title: "Splošna teorija zaposlenosti, obresti in denarja"
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Studia humanitatis
issued: 2006
language: sl
- type: thesis
id: keyvanian1992manfredo
# genre: TODO
- family: Keyvanian
given: Karla L
title: "Manfredo Tafuri's notion of history and its methodological sources: From Walter Benjamin to Roland Barthes"
title-short: "Manfredo Tafuri's notion of history and its methodological sources"
publisher: MIT
issued: 1992
language: en
- type: thesis
id: kocjancic2019zacetki
# genre: TODO
- family: Kocjančič
given: Maruša
title: "Začetki Trajne delovne skupnosti samostojnih kulturnih delavcev Ljubljana Equrna in njen razvoj v osemdesetih letih"
title-short: "Začetki Trajne delovne skupnosti samostojnih kulturnih delavcev Ljubljana"
publisher: Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani
issued: 2019
language: sl
# L ############################################################################
- type: paper-conference
id: leach2002everything
- family: Leach
given: Andrew
title: "'Everything we do is but the larva of our intentions': Manfredo Tafuri and storia dell'architettura italiana 1944-1985"
title-short: "'Everything we do is but the larva of our intentions'"
container-title: "Additions to architectural history: XIXth annual conference of the society of architectural historians, Australia and New Zealand"
container-title-short: "Additions to architectural history"
issued: 2002
language: en
- type: thesis
id: leach2006choosing
# genre: TODO
- family: Leach
given: Andrew
title: "Choosing history: A study of Manfredo Tafuri's theorisation of architectural history and architectural history research"
title-short: "Choosing history"
publisher: Universiteit Gent
issued: 2006
language: en
- type: book
id: lefebvre2014architecture
- family: Lefebvre
given: Henri
title: "Toward an architecture of enjoyment"
- family: Stanek
given: Łukasz
publisher-place: Minneapolis
publisher: University of Minnesota Press
issued: 2014
language: en
- type: book
id: lynch2011podoba
- family: Lynch
given: Kevin
title: "Podoba mesta"
- family: Peklenik
given: Maja
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Goga
issued: 2011
language: sl
# M ############################################################################
- type: book
id: malesic2021skupno
- family: Malešič
given: Martina
- family: Vrečko
given: Asta
title: "Skupno v skupnosti: Sedemdeset let zadružnih domov kot družbene infrastrukture"
title-short: "Skupno v skupnosti"
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje
issued: 2021
language: sl
- type: book
id: mandic1996stanovanje
- family: Mandič
given: Srna
title: "Stanovanje in država"
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Znanstveno in publicistično središče
issued: 1996
language: sl
- type: book
id: manovich2013software
- family: Manovich
given: Lev
title: "Software takes command: extending the language of new media"
title-short: "Software takes command"
publisher-place: New York
publisher: Bloomsbury Academic
issued: 2013
language: en
- type: book
id: marx1967kapital2
- family: Marx
given: Karl
title: "Kapital: kritika politične ekonomije"
title-short: "Kapital"
volume: 2
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Cankarjeva založba
issued: 1967
language: sl
- type: book
id: marx1973kapital3
- family: Marx
given: Karl
title: "Kapital: kritika politične ekonomije"
title-short: "Kapital"
volume: 3
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Cankarjeva založba
issued: 1973
language: sl
- type: chapter
id: marx1976nemska
title: "Nemška ideologija"
container-title: "Izbrana dela"
- family: Marx
given: Karl
- family: Engels
given: Friedrich
volume: 2
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Cankarjeva založba
issued: 1976
language: sl
# page: TODO
language: sl
- type: chapter
id: marx1976teze
- family: Marx
given: Karl
title: "Teze o Feuerbachu"
container-title: "Izbrana dela"
- family: Marx
given: Karl
- family: Engels
given: Friedrich
volume: 2
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Cankarjeva založba
issued: 1976
# page: TODO
language: sl
- type: chapter
id: marx1976mezdno
- family: Marx
given: Karl
title: "Mezdno delo in kapital"
container-title: "Izbrana dela"
- family: Marx
given: Karl
- family: Engels
given: Friedrich
volume: 2
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Cankarjeva založba
issued: 1976
# page: TODO
language: sl
- type: article-journal
id: marx1976rezultati
- family: Marx
given: Karl
title: "Rezultati neposrednega produkcijskega procesa"
container-title: "Časopis za kritiko znanosti"
volume: 3
issue: 17-18
issued: 1976
page: 241-276
language: sl
- type: chapter
id: marx1985uvod
- family: Marx
given: Karl
title: "Uvod k Očrtom kritike politične ekonomije"
collection-title: "Temeljna izdaja"
collection-number: I/8
container-title: "Kritika politične ekonomije: 1857/58"
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Delavska enotnost
issued: 1985
# page: TODO
language: sl
- type: chapter
id: marx1985ocrti
- family: Marx
given: Karl
title: "Očrti kritike politične ekonomije"
title-short: "Očrti"
collection-title: "Temeljna izdaja"
collection-number: I/8
container-title: "Kritika politične ekonomije: 1857/58"
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Delavska enotnost
issued: 1985
# page: TODO
language: sl
- type: chapter
id: marx1989hkritiki
- family: Marx
given: Karl
title: "H kritiki politične ekonomije. Prvi zvezek"
collection-title: "Temeljna izdaja"
collection-number: I/9
container-title: "H kritiki politične ekonomije: 1858--1861"
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Marksistični center CK ZKS
issued: 1989
# page: TODO
language: sl
- type: book
id: marx2018brumaire
- family: Marx
given: Karl
title: "Osemnajsti brumaire Ludvika Bonaparta"
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Studia humanitatis
issued: 2018
language: sl
- type: book
id: marx2012kapital1
- family: Marx
given: Karl
title: "Kapital: kritika politične ekonomije"
title-short: "Kapital"
volume: 1
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Sophia
issued: 2012
language: sl
- type: book
id: mau2023mute
- family: Mau
given: Søren
title: "Mute compulsion: a Marxist theory of the economic power of capital"
publisher-place: London
publisher: Verso
issued: 2023
language: en
# N ############################################################################
- type: book
id: negri1979operaio
- family: Negri
given: Antonio
title: "Dall'operaio massa all'operaio sociale: Intervista sull'operaismo"
title-short: "Dall'operaio massa all'operaio sociale"
publisher-place: Milan
publisher: Multhipla edizioni
issued: 1979
language: it
- type: book
id: negri1984delavci
- family: Negri
given: Antonio
title: "Delavci in država; Gospostvo in sabotaža; Marx onkraj Marxa"
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Univerzitetna konferenca ZSMS
issued: 1984
language: sl
- type: book
id: nesbitt1996theorizing
- family: Nesbitt
given: Kate
title: "Theorizing a new agenda for architecture: An anthology of architectural theory 1965--1995"
title-short: "Theorizing a new agenda for architecture"
publisher-place: New York
publisher: Princenton Architectural Press
issued: 1996
language: en
# O ############################################################################
- type: book
id: ockman1985architecture
- family: Ockman
given: Joan
- family: Berke
given: Deborah
- family: McLeod
given: Mary
title: "Architecutre, criticism, ideology"
publisher-place: Princeton
publisher: Princeton Architectural Press
issued: 1985
language: en
- type: article-journal
id: ockman1995venice
- family: Ockman
given: Joan
title: "Venice and New York"
container-title: "Casabella"
issue: 619-620
issued: 1995
# page: TODO
language: en
# P ############################################################################
- type: article-journal
id: panzieri1961luso
- family: Panzieri
given: Raniero
title: "Sull'uso capitalistico delle macchine nel neocapitalismo"
container-title: "Quaderni rossi"
volume: 1
issued: 1961
page: 53-72
language: it
- type: chapter
id: panzieri1973azione
- family: Panzieri
given: Raniero
title: "Azione politica e cultura"
container-title: "Scritti 1956--1960"
publisher-place: Milano
publisher: Lampugnani Nigri
issued: 1973
# page: TODO
language: it
# Q ############################################################################
# R ############################################################################
- type: chapter
id: ranciere2010nezgode
- family: Rancière
given: Jacques
title: "Nezgode kritične misli"
container-title: "Emancipirani gledalec"
- family: Koncut
given: Suzana
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Maska
issued: 2010
# page: TODO
language: sl
- type: chapter
id: ranciere2018koncept
- family: Rancière
given: Jacques
title: "Koncept kritike in kritika politične ekonomije: od Pariških rokopisov 1844 do Kapitala"
title-short: "Koncept kritike in kritika politične ekonomije"
container-title: "Branje Kapitala"
- family: Althusser
given: Louis
- family: Balibar
given: Étienne
- family: Establet
given: Roger
- family: Macherey
given: Pierre
- family: Rancière
given: Jacques
- family: Breznik
given: Maja
- family: Koncut
given: Suzana
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Sophia
issued: 2018
# page: TODO
language: sl
- type: book
id: rotar1981pomeni
- family: Rotar
given: Braco
title: "Pomeni prostora: Ideologije v urbanizmu in arhitekturi"
title-short: Pomeni prostora
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Delavska enotnost
issued: 1981
language: sl
- type: book
id: rotar1985risarji
- family: Rotar
given: Braco
title: "Risarji : učenjaki: Ideologije v urbanizmu in arhitekturi"
title-short: "Risarji : učenjaki"
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Delavska enotnost
issued: 1985
language: sl
# S ############################################################################
- type: article-journal
id: sbardella2000nep
- family: Sbardella
name: Raffaele
title: "La NEP di 'Classe Operaia'"
container-title: "Vis-à-vis"
issue: 8
issued: 2000
page: 172-188
language: it
- type: chapter
id: simmel2000metropole
- family: Simmel
given: Georg
title: "Metropole in mentalno življenje"
container-title: "Izbrani spisi o kulturi"
- family: Erbežnik
given: Zdenka
- family: Leskovec
given: Alfred
- family: Mihelač
given: Špela
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Studia humanitatis
issued: 2000
# page: TODO
language: sl
- type: book
id: smith2020service
- family: Smith
given: Jason E.
title: "Smart machines and service work: Automation in an age of stagnation"
title-short: "Smart machines and service work"
publisher-place: London
publisher: Reaktion Books
issued: 2020
language: en
- type: book
id: spacecaviar2021nonextractive
editor: Space Caviar
title: "Non-extractive architecture vol. 1: On designing without depletion"
title-short: "Non-extractive architecture vol. 1"
publisher-place: London
publisher: Steinberg Press
issued: 2021
language: en
- type: book
id: stierli2018concrete
- family: Stierli
given: Martino
- family: Kulić
given: Vladimir
title: "Toward a concrete utopia: Architecture in Yugoslavia 1948--1980"
title-short: "Toward a concrete utopia"
publisher-place: New York
publisher: The Museum of Modern Art
issued: 2018
language: en
# T ############################################################################
- type: book
id: tafuri1968teorie
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "Teorie e storia dell'architettura"
publisher-place: Bari
publisher: Laterza
issued: 1968
language: it
- type: article-journal
id: tafuri1969peruna
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "Per una critica dell'ideologia archittetonica"
title-short: "Per una critica dell'ideologia archittetonica"
container-title: "Contropiano: materiali marxisti"
issue: 1
issued: 1969
page: 31-79
language: it
- type: entry-dictionary
id: tafuri1969rinascimento
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "Rinascimento"
- family: Portoghesi
given: Paolo
container-title: "Dizionario enciclopedico di architettura e urbanistica 5: Posnik-Sipario"
publisher-place: Rim
publisher: Istituto editoriale romano
issued: 1969
page: 173-232
language: it
- type: article-journal
id: tafuri1970lavoro
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "Lavoro intellettuale e sviluppo capitalistico"
title-short: "Lavoro intellettuale"
container-title: "Contropiano: materiali marxisti"
issue: 2
issued: 1970
page: 241-281
language: it
- type: article-journal
id: tafuri1971austromarxismo
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "Austromarxismo e città: 'Das rote Wien'"
title-short: "Austromarxismo e città"
container-title: "Contropiano: materiali marxisti"
issue: 2
issued: 1971
page: 259-311
language: it
- type: article-journal
id: tafuri1971socialdemocrazia
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "Socialdemocrazia e città nella Repubblica di Weimar"
title-short: "Socialdemocrazia e città"
container-title: "Contropiano: materiali marxisti"
issue: 1
issued: 1971
page: 207-223
language: it
- type: book
id: tafuri1973progetto
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "Progetto e utopia: Architettura e sviluppo capitalistico"
title-short: "Progetto e utopia"
publisher-place: Bari
publisher: Laterza
issued: 1973
language: it
- type: book
id: tafuri1980sfera
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "La sfera e il labirinto: avanguardie e architettura da Piranesi agli anni '70"
title-short: "La sfera e il labirinto"
publisher-place: Torino
publisher: Einaudi
issued: 1980
language: it
- type: book
id: tafuri1980theories
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "Theories and history of architecture"
- family: Verrecchia
given: Giorgio
publisher-place: London
publisher: Granada
issued: 1980
language: en
- type: book
id: tafuri1980vienna
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "Vienna Rossa: La politica residenziale nella Vienna socialista"
title-short: "Vienna Rossa"
publisher-place: Milano
publisher: Electa
issued: 1980
language: it
- type: book
id: tafuri1985projekt
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "Projekt in utopija"
- family: Zlodre
given: Janko
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Univerzitetna konferenca ZSMS
issued: 1985
language: sl
- type: book
id: tafuri1987sphere
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "The sphere and the labyrinth: Avant-gardes and architecture from Piranesi to the 1970s"
title-short: "The sphere and the labyrinth"
- family: d'Acierno
given: Pellegrino
- family: Connoly
given: Robert
publisher-place: Cambridge, Mass.
publisher: MIT Press
issued: 1987
language: en
- type: chapter
id: tafuri1987ussrberlin
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "U.S.S.R.--Berlin, 1922: From populism to constructivist international"
title-short: "U.S.S.R.--Berlin, 1922"
container-title: "The sphere and the labyrinth: Avant-gardes and architecture from Piranesi to the 1970s"
- family: d'Acierno
given: Pellegrino
- family: Connoly
given: Robert
publisher-place: Cambridge, Mass.
publisher: MIT Press
issued: 1987
page: 119-148
language: en
- type: chapter
id: tafuri1987sozialpolitik
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "Sozialpolitik and the city in Weimar Germany"
title-short: "Sozialpolitik and the city"
container-title: "The sphere and the labyrinth: Avant-gardes and architecture from Piranesi to the 1970s"
page: 197-233
publisher-place: Cambridge, Mass.
publisher: The MIT Press
issued: 1987
page: 196-233
language: en
- type: article-journal
id: tafuri1987architecture
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "L'architecture dans le boudoir"
- family: Zlodre
given: Janko
container-title: "Arhitektov bilten"
issue: 91/92
issued: 1987
# page: TODO
language: sl
- type: article-journal
id: tafuri1988architecture
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "L'architecture dans le boudoir"
- family: Zlodre
given: Janko
container-title: "Arhitektov bilten"
issue: 93/94
issued: 1988
# page: TODO
language: sl
- type: book
id: tafuri1989history
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "History of Italian architecture, 1944--1985"
publisher-place: Cambridge, Mass.
publisher: MIT Press
issued: 1989
language: en
- type: interview
id: tafuri1993storia
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "La storia come progetto"
- family: Passerini
given: Luisa
issued: 1993
language: it
- type: book
id: tafuri2002storia
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "Storia dell'architettura italiana 1944--1985"
publisher-place: Torino
publisher: Einaudi
issued: 2002
language: it
- type: book
id: tafuri2022progetto
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "Dal progetto alla storia"
- family: Skansi
given: Luka
publisher-place: Macerata
publisher: Quodlibet
issued: 2022
language: it
- type: chapter
id: tafuri2022citta
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
- family: Piccinato
given: Giorgio
- family: Quilici
given: Vieri
title: "La città territtorio: Verso una nuova dimensione"
container-title: "Dal progetto alla storia"
publisher-place: Macerata
publisher: Quodlibet
issued: 2022
# page: TODO
language: it
- type: chapter
id: tafuri2022teoria
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "Teoria e critica nella cultura urbanistica italiana del dopoguerra"
container-title: "Dal progetto alla storia"
publisher-place: Macerata
publisher: Quodlibet
issued: 2022
# page: TODO
language: it
- type: book
id: thoburn2022brutalism
- family: Thoburn
given: Nicholas
title: "Brutalism as found: housing crisis at Robin Hood gardens"
title-short: "Brutalism as found"
publisher-place: London
publisher: Goldsmiths Press
issued: 2022
language: en
- type: chapter
id: tomba2014thefragment
- family: Tomba
given: Massimiliano
- family: Bellofiore
given: Riccardo
title: "The 'Fragment on machines' and the Grundrisse: The workerist reading in question"
title-short: "The 'Fragment on machines' and the Grundrisse"
- dropping-particle: van der
family: Linden
given: Marcel
- family: Heinz Roth
given: Karl
container-title: "Beyond Marx: Theorising the global labour relations of the twenty-first century"
container-title-short: Beyond Marx
publisher-place: Boston
publisher: Brill
issued: 2014
# page: TODO
language: en
- type: article-journal
id: tronti1962fabbrica
- family: Tronti
given: Mario
title: "La fabbrica e la società"
container-title: "Quaderni rossi"
volume: 2
issued: 1962
page: 1-31
language: it
- type: book
2024-08-03 16:00:13 +02:00
id: tronti2019workers
2024-03-18 13:15:44 +01:00
- family: Tronti
given: Mario
title: "Workers and capital"
- family: Broder
given: David
publisher-place: New York
publisher: Verso
2024-08-03 16:00:13 +02:00
issued: 2019
2024-03-18 13:15:44 +01:00
language: en
- type: chapter
2024-08-03 16:00:13 +02:00
id: tronti2019our
2024-03-18 13:15:44 +01:00
- family: Tronti
given: Mario
title: "Our operaismo"
container-title: "Workers and capital"
- family: Broder
given: David
publisher-place: New York
publisher: Verso
2024-08-03 16:00:13 +02:00
issued: 2019
2024-03-18 13:15:44 +01:00
# page: TODO
language: en
# U ############################################################################
# V ############################################################################
- type: book
id: vidler2016zgodovina
- family: Vidler
given: Anthony
title: "Zgodovina neposredne sedanjosti: invencije arhitekturnega modernizma"
title-short: "Zgodovine neposredne sedanjosti"
- family: Lovrenov
given: Maja
- family: Jerič
given: Monika
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Založba ZRC
collection-title: Teoretska praksa arhitekture
issued: 2016
language: sl
# W ############################################################################
- type: chapter
id: wagner1987thesocialization
- family: Wagner
given: Martin
title: "The socialization of the building industry"
container-title: "The sphere and the labyrinth: Avant-gardes and architecture from Piranesi to the 1970s"
- family: d'Acierno
given: Pellegrino
- family: Connoly
given: Robert
publisher-place: Cambridge, Mass.
publisher: MIT Press
issued: 1987
page: 234-263
language: en
- type: book
id: wright2002storming
- family: Wright
given: Steve
title: "Storming heaven: Class composition and struggle in Italian autonomist marxism"
title-short: "Storming heaven"
publisher-place: London
publisher: Pluto Press
issued: 2002
language: en
- type: book
id: wright2021weight
- family: Wright
given: Steve
title: "The weight of the printed word: Text, context and militancy in operaismo"
title-short: "The weight of the printed word"
publisher-place: Leiden
publisher: Brill
issued: 2021
language: en
# X ############################################################################
# Y ############################################################################
# Z ############################################################################
- type: article-journal
id: zanini2010philosophical
- family: Zanini
given: Adelino
title: "On the 'philosophical foundations' of italian Workerism: a conceptual aproach"
container-title: "Historical Materialism"
volume: 18
issued: 2010
page: 39-63
language: en
- type: chapter
id: zlodre1988opastirju
- family: Zlodre
given: Janko
title: "O pastirju modernega in njegovi drami"
- family: Loos
given: Adolf
- family: Wittgenstein
given: Ludwig
- family: Amendolagine
given: Francesco
- family: Cacciari
given: Massimo
- family: Dešman
given: Miha
- family: Mojca
given: Dobnikar
container-title: "Zbornik oikos in drugo: O Loosu in Wittgensteinu"
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Univerzitetna konferenca ZSMS
issued: 1988
# page: TODO
language: sl
- type: book
id: zlodre2011notice
- family: Gerdol Zlodre
given: Janko
title: "Notice o arhitekturi in drugem"
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: "/*cf."
issued: 2011
language: sl
- type: chapter
id: zlodre2011zapiski
- family: Gerdol Zlodre
given: Janko
title: "Zapiski o ideoloških oblikah arhitekturne zavesti"
container-title: "Notice o arhitekturi in drugem"
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: "/*cf."
issued: 2011
# page: TODO
language: sl
reference-section-title: "Literatura"
- type: book
id: deamer2020architecture
- family: Deamer
given: Peggy
title: "Architecture and labor"
publisher-place: New York
publisher: Routledge
issued: 2020
language: en
- type: book
id: biraghi2019larchitetto
- family: Biraghi
given: Marco
title: "L'architetto come intellettuale"
publisher-place: Torino
publisher: Einaudi
issued: 2019
language: it
- type: book
id: tafuri1969larchitettura
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "L'architettura dell'Umanesimo"
publisher-place: Bari
publisher: Laterza
issued: 1969
language: it
- type: book
id: tafuri1980theories
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "Theories and history of architecture"
- family: Verrecchia
given: Giorgio
publisher-place: London
publisher: Granada
issued: 1980
language: en
- type: article-journal
id: tafuri1971socialdemocrazia
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "Socialdemocrazia e città nella Repubblica di Weimar"
title-short: "Socialdemocrazia e città"
container-title: "Contropiano: materiali marxisti"
issue: 1
issued: 1971
page: 207-223
language: it
- type: article-journal
id: tafuri1969peruna
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "Per una critica dell'ideologia archittetonica"
title-short: "Per una critica dell'ideologia archittetonica"
container-title: "Contropiano: materiali marxisti"
issue: 1
issued: 1969
page: 31-79
language: it
- type: book
id: tafuri1985projekt
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "Projekt in utopija"
- family: Zlodre
given: Janko
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Univerzitetna konferenca ZSMS
issued: 1985
language: sl
- type: thesis
id: corna2016thinking
genre: doktorska disertacija
- family: Corna
given: Luisa Lorenza
title: "Thinking through antinomies: an enquiry into Manfredo Tafuri's historical method"
title-short: "Thinking through antinomies"
publisher: University of Leeds
issued: 2016
language: en
- type: book
id: galimberti2022images
- family: Galimberti
given: Jacopo
title: "Images of class: Operaismo, Autonomia and the visual Arts (1962--1988)"
title-short: "Images of class"
publisher-place: London
publisher: Verso
issued: 2022
language: en
- type: article-journal
id: tafuri1970lavoro
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "Lavoro intellettuale e sviluppo capitalistico"
title-short: "Lavoro intellettuale"
container-title: "Contropiano: materiali marxisti"
issue: 2
issued: 1970
page: 241-281
language: it
- type: thesis
id: brown2022out
genre: doktorska disertacija
- family: Brown
given: J. Dakota
title: "Out of sorts: machinery, theory, and the revolutions in typographical labor"
title-short: "Out of sorts"
publisher: Northwestern University
issued: 2022
language: en
- type: chapter
id: koolhaas2010junkspace
- family: Koolhaas
given: Rem
title: "Junkspace"
container-title: "Constructing a new agenda for architecture: architectural theory 1993--2009"
- family: Sykes
given: A. Krista
publisher-place: New York
publisher: Princeton Architectural Press
issued: 2010
page: 136-151
language: en
- type: book
id: deamer2010building
- family: Deamer
given: Peggy
- family: Bernstein
given: Phillip G.
title: "Building (in) the future: recasting labor in architecture"
title-short: "Building (in) the future"
publisher-place: New Haven
publisher: Princeton Architectural Press
issued: 2010
language: en
- type: book
id: deamer2014architecture
- family: Deamer
given: Peggy
title: "Architecture and capitalism: 1845 to present"
title-short: "Architecture and capitalism"
publisher-place: London
publisher: Routledge
issued: 2014
language: en
- type: book
id: deamer2015thearchitect
title: "The architect as worker: immaterial labor, the creative class, and the politics of design"
title-short: "The architect as worker"
- family: Deamer
given: Peggy
publisher-place: London
publisher: Bloomsbury
issued: 2015
language: en
- type: article-journal
id: tafuri1971austromarxismo
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "Austromarxismo e città: 'Das rote Wien'"
title-short: "Austromarxismo e città"
container-title: "Contropiano: materiali marxisti"
issue: 2
issued: 1971
page: 259-311
language: it
# dispozicija
- type: book
id: biraghi2019larchitetto
- family: Biraghi
given: Marco
title: "L'architetto come intellettuale"
publisher-place: Torino
publisher: Einaudi
issued: 2019
language: it
- type: book
id: tafuri1985projekt
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "Projekt in utopija"
- family: Zlodre
given: Janko
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Univerzitetna konferenca ZSMS
issued: 1985
language: sl
- type: article-journal
id: tafuri1970lavoro
- family: Tafuri
given: Manfredo
title: "Lavoro intellettuale e sviluppo capitalistico"
title-short: "Lavoro intellettuale"
container-title: "Contropiano: materiali marxisti"
issue: 2
issued: 1970
page: 241-281
language: it
- type: book
id: krasovec2021tujost
- family: Krašovec
given: Primož
title: "Tujost kapitala"
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Sophia
issued: 2021
language: sl
- type: book
id: deamer2020architecture
- family: Deamer
given: Peggy
title: "Architecture and labor"
publisher-place: New York
publisher: Routledge
issued: 2020
language: en
- type: thesis
id: corna2016thinking
genre: doktorska disertacija
- family: Corna
given: Luisa Lorenza
title: "Thinking through antinomies: an enquiry into Manfredo Tafuri's historical method"
title-short: "Thinking through antinomies"
publisher: University of Leeds
issued: 2016
language: en
- type: book
id: galimberti2022images
- family: Galimberti
given: Jacopo
title: "Images of class: Operaismo, Autonomia and the visual Arts (1962--1988)"
title-short: "Images of class"
publisher-place: London
publisher: Verso
issued: 2022
language: en
- type: book
id: deamer2015thearchitect
title: "The architect as worker: immaterial labor, the creative class, and the politics of design"
title-short: "The architect as worker"
- family: Deamer
given: Peggy
publisher-place: London
publisher: Bloomsbury
issued: 2015
language: en
- type: book
id: mau2023mute
- family: Mau
given: Søren
title: "Mute compulsion: a Marxist theory of the economic power of capital"
publisher-place: London
publisher: Verso
issued: 2023
language: en
- type: book
id: carpo2013thedigital
- family: Carpo
given: Mario
title: "The digital turn in architecture, 1992--2012"
publisher-place: Chichester
publisher: Wiley
issued: 2013
language: en
- type: book
id: manovich2013software
- family: Manovich
given: Lev
title: "Software takes command: extending the language of new media"
title-short: "Software takes command"
publisher-place: New York
publisher: Bloomsbury Academic
issued: 2013
language: en
- type: book
id: marx2012kapital1
- family: Marx
given: Karl
title: "Kapital: kritika politične ekonomije"
title-short: "Kapital"
volume: 1
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Sophia
issued: 2012
language: sl
- type: chapter
id: ferro2016dessin
- family: Ferro
given: Sérgio
title: "Dessin/chantier: an introduction"
title-short: "Dessin/chantier"
container-title: "Industries of architecture"
- family: Lloyd Thomas
given: Katie
- family: Amhoff
given: Tilo
- family: Beech
given: Nick
- family: Agarez
given: Ricardo
- family: Kapp
given: Silke
publisher-place: London
publisher: Routledge
issued: 2016
page: 94-105
language: en
- type: thesis
id: brown2022out
genre: doktorska disertacija
- family: Brown
given: J. Dakota
title: "Out of sorts: machinery, theory, and the revolutions in typographical labor"
title-short: "Out of sorts"
publisher: Northwestern University
issued: 2022
language: en
- type: book
id: pasquinelli2023theeye
- family: Pasquinelli
given: Matteo
title: "The eye of the master: a social history of artificial intelligence"
title-short: "The eye of the master"
publisher-place: London
publisher: Verso
issued: 2023
language: en
- type: book
id: kreft1994estetika
- family: Kreft
given: Lev
title: "Estetika in poslanstvo"
collection-title: Sophia
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Znanstveno in publicistično središče
issued: 1994
language: sl
- type: book
id: senk2015kapsula
- family: Šenk
given: Peter
title: "Kapsula: tipologija druge arhitekture"
title-short: "Kapsula"
collection-title: Teoretska praksa arhitekture
publisher-place: Ljubljana
publisher: Založba ZRC
issued: 2015
language: sl
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