{% if meta.description %} {% endif %}{% if meta.robots %} {% endif %} {{ include('favicon/favicon.twig') }}
{{ content }} {% if meta.title == "Materiali" %} {% for page in pages("materiali/")|sort_by("date")|reverse if not page.hidden %}
{% if page.meta.teaser %} {% endif %}

{{ page.title }}

{% if page.date_formatted %}

Objavljeno: {{ page.date_formatted }}

{% endif %}

{{ page.description }} več

{% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% for page in pages %} {% if page.id starts with current_page.id|split('/')|slice(0,-1)|join('/') ~ '/sidebars/' %} {# page-specfic sidebars should be placed before global ones #} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for page in pages %} {% if page.id starts with 'sidebars/' %} {# global sidebars #} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {{ include('rss_feed.twig') }}