items = $this->nestedPages($pages); } /** * Register `$this` in the Twig `{{ PagesList }}` variable. * * * @see Pico::getTwig() * @param Twig_Environment &$twig Twig instance * @return void */ public function onTwigRegistered(Twig_Environment &$twig) { $twig->addFilter(new Twig_SimpleFilter('navigation', function($pages) { return $this->output($pages); }, array('is_safe' => array('html')))); $twig->addFilter(new Twig_SimpleFilter('exclude', function($pages, array $paths = array()) { return $this->filterPages($pages, $paths); }, array('is_variadic' => true))); $twig->addFilter(new Twig_SimpleFilter('only', function($pages, array $paths = array()) { return $this->filterPages($pages, $paths, true); }, array('is_variadic' => true))); } /** * Register `$this` in the Twig `{{ PagesList }}` variable. * * Triggered before Pico renders the page * * @see Pico::getTwig() * @see DummyPlugin::onPageRendered() * @param string &$templateName file name of the template * @param array &$twigVariables template variables * @return void */ public function onPageRendering(string &$templateName, array &$twigVariables) { $twigVariables['nested_pages'] = $this->items; } /** * Create the nested pages array according to the pages paths. * * @see nested_path * @param array $pages Pico pages flat array */ private function nestedPages($pages) { $this->items = array(); foreach ($pages as $page) { $nested_path = $this->nested_path($page); $this->items = array_replace_recursive($this->items, $nested_path); } return $this->items['_childs']; } /** * Create a nested array of a given path, with the page at the end. * Each path fragment is in "_childs" of the parent. * * @param array $page the page array * @return array the nested path */ private function nested_path($page) { $path = self::rtrim($page['id'], '/index'); $parts = explode('/', $path); $count = count($parts); $arr = array(); $parent = &$arr; foreach($parts as $id => $part) { $value = []; if(!$part || $id == $count-1) { $value = $page; } else { $currpath = implode('/', array_slice($parts, 0, $id+1)); $value['id'] = $currpath; } if($path && !$part) { $parent = $value; break; } $parent['_childs'][$part] = $value; $parent = &$parent['_childs'][$part]; } return $arr; } /** * Strip a substring from the end of a string * * @param array $str The input string. * @param array $substr The substring to remove. * @return string The modified string. */ private static function rtrim($str, $substr) { $length = strlen($substr); return (substr($str, -$length) === $substr) ? substr($str, 0, -$length) : $str; } /** * Filter the pages array according to given paths, as exclusive or inclusive. * * @param array $pages The flat or nested pages array. * @param array $filteredPaths The paths to filter. * @param boolean $isInclusive If `true` only corresponding paths are kept. * @return array The filtered array of pages. */ public static function filterPages( $pages, $filteredPaths, $isInclusive = false, $inclusiveOutput = [] ) { foreach($pages as $i => $page) { if (!isset($page['id'])) return; $path = self::rtrim($page['id'], '/index'); $isSubPath = self::isSubPath($path, $filteredPaths); if ($isSubPath) { if ($isInclusive) $inclusiveOutput[$i] = $page; else unset($pages[$i]); continue; } if (isset($page['_childs'])) { $childs = self::filterPages($page['_childs'], $filteredPaths, $isInclusive, $inclusiveOutput); if ($isInclusive) $inclusiveOutput = $childs; else $pages[$i]['_childs'] = $childs; } } return $isInclusive ? $inclusiveOutput : $pages; } /** * Return if the given path is a subpath of the given parent path(s) * * @param string $path * @param array $parentPaths array of paths * @return boolean */ private static function isSubPath($path, $parentPaths) { foreach($parentPaths as $p) { if (!is_string($p)) continue; if ($path == $p) return true; if (strncmp($path, $p, strlen($p)) === 0) return true; } return false; } /** * Return an html nested list based on a nested pages array. * * @param array $pages a nested pages array * @return string the html list */ private function output($pages) { if (!is_array($pages)) return; $html = ''; return $html; } }