--- Title: Zapatisti prihajajo Description: Spletno mesto za obveščanje o anarhističnem organiziranju --- ## Tukajle je ena Damo kakšno sliko tukaj? ![Ladjica](%assets_url%/prva_slika.jpeg) ## Primer iz privzete teme: Pico is a flat file CMS. This means there is no administration backend or database to deal with. You simply create `.md` files in the `content` folder and those files become your pages. For example, this file is called `index.md` and is shown as the main landing page. When you install Pico, it comes with some sample contents that will display until you add your own content. Simply add some `.md` files to your `content` folder in Pico's root directory. No configuration is required, Pico will automatically use the `content` folder as soon as you create your own `index.md`. Just check out [Pico's sample contents][SampleContents] for an example! If you create a folder within the content directory (e.g. `content/sub`) and put an `index.md` inside it, you can access that folder at the URL `%base_url%?sub`. If you want another page within the sub folder, simply create a text file with the corresponding name and you will be able to access it (e.g. `content/sub/page.md` is accessible from the URL `%base_url%?sub/page`). Below we've shown some examples of locations and their corresponding URLs: ## Primer tabele
Physical Location URL
content/index.md /
content/sub.md ?sub (not accessible, see below)
content/sub/index.md ?sub (same as above)
content/sub/page.md ?sub/page
content/theme.md ?theme (hidden in menu)
content/a/very/long/url.md ?a/very/long/url (doesn't exist)
## Dokumentacija For more help have a look at the Pico documentation at http://picocms.org/docs. [Pico]: http://picocms.org/ [PicoTheme]: https://github.com/picocms/pico-theme [App]: https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/cms_pico [SampleContents]: https://github.com/picocms/Pico/tree/master/content-sample [Markdown]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax [MarkdownExtra]: https://michelf.ca/projects/php-markdown/extra/ [YAML]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML [Twig]: http://twig.sensiolabs.org/documentation [UnixTimestamp]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_timestamp [Composer]: https://getcomposer.org/ [FeaturesHttpParams]: http://picocms.org/in-depth/features/http-params/ [FeaturesPageTree]: http://picocms.org/in-depth/features/page-tree/ [FeaturesPagesFunction]: http://picocms.org/in-depth/features/pages-function/ [WikiThemes]: https://github.com/picocms/Pico/wiki/Pico-Themes [WikiPlugins]: https://github.com/picocms/Pico/wiki/Pico-Plugins [OfficialThemes]: http://picocms.org/themes/ [PluginUpgrade]: http://picocms.org/development/#upgrade