api_version: 3 # Use Pico's latest API version for themes meta: # Register meta headers used by this theme Logo: logo # The URL to your website's logo (value is passed to Pico's "url" Twig filter) Tagline: tagline # Your website's tag line, shown right below your site title (supports Markdown) Social: social # A list of social icons that will be shown in your website's footer; # You must specify a "title", "url" and "icon" per entry twig_config: # Twig template engine config autoescape: html # Let Twig escape variables by default strict_variables: false # If set to true, Twig will bail out when unset variables are being used charset: utf-8 # The charset used by Twig templates widescreen: false # Use more horicontal space (i.e. make the site container wider)