diff --git a/assets/Prihod-11-ena.jpg b/assets/Prihod-11-ena.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8280755 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/Prihod-11-ena.jpg differ diff --git a/assets/area-ena.jpg b/assets/area-ena.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..52e41da Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/area-ena.jpg differ diff --git a/assets/balkan.jpg b/assets/balkan.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04d81ce Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/balkan.jpg differ diff --git a/assets/dunaj24sep-ena.jpg b/assets/dunaj24sep-ena.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..88848f8 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/dunaj24sep-ena.jpg differ diff --git a/assets/embaja-ena.jpg b/assets/embaja-ena.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad0b146 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/embaja-ena.jpg differ diff --git a/assets/femi-1-ena.jpg b/assets/femi-1-ena.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e97a96 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/femi-1-ena.jpg differ diff --git a/assets/kolpa-1-ena.JPG b/assets/kolpa-1-ena.JPG new file mode 100644 index 0000000..75da996 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/kolpa-1-ena.JPG differ diff --git a/assets/okolje-3-ena.jpg b/assets/okolje-3-ena.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc62007 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/okolje-3-ena.jpg differ diff --git a/assets/padala-ena.png b/assets/padala-ena.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0330ebb Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/padala-ena.png differ diff --git a/assets/pinkihold-ena.png b/assets/pinkihold-ena.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..786bc6e Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/pinkihold-ena.png differ diff --git a/assets/pinkihold.png b/assets/pinkihold.png index 1a09023..b639558 100644 Binary files a/assets/pinkihold.png and b/assets/pinkihold.png differ diff --git a/assets/potovanje-brez-dva.png b/assets/potovanje-brez-dva.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c53963 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/potovanje-brez-dva.png differ diff --git a/assets/potovanje-brez-tri.png b/assets/potovanje-brez-tri.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea819f2 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/potovanje-brez-tri.png differ diff --git a/assets/prva_slika-dva.jpg b/assets/prva_slika-dva.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e4b4d49 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/prva_slika-dva.jpg differ diff --git a/assets/roke-ena.jpg b/assets/roke-ena.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be87394 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/roke-ena.jpg differ diff --git a/assets/slika-ena.png b/assets/slika-ena.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b8f9fb6 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/slika-ena.png differ diff --git a/assets/solidarity_with_zapatistas_Ljubljana-dva.jpg b/assets/solidarity_with_zapatistas_Ljubljana-dva.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c7f0f9 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/solidarity_with_zapatistas_Ljubljana-dva.jpg differ diff --git a/assets/support1-ena.jpg b/assets/support1-ena.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a00448 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/support1-ena.jpg differ diff --git a/assets/vigo-ena-ena.jpg b/assets/vigo-ena-ena.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1ab12d Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/vigo-ena-ena.jpg differ diff --git a/content/novice/24sep21.md b/content/novice/24sep21.md index c1bd0d3..e03223d 100644 --- a/content/novice/24sep21.md +++ b/content/novice/24sep21.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ --- -Title: Solidarnost z zapatističnim Potovanjem za življenjem -Description: Evropa izraža solidarnost. +Title: Evropa od spodaj podpira Potovanje za življenje +Description: Izrazi solidarnosti po številnih mestih Evrope. Date: 2021-09-24 -Teaser: support1.jpg +Teaser: support1-ena.jpg --- diff --git a/content/novice/avtonomija.md b/content/novice/avtonomija.md index d7adcc7..5711022 100644 --- a/content/novice/avtonomija.md +++ b/content/novice/avtonomija.md @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ --- -Title: STEBER AVTONOMIJA: Po poteh spominov, zgodb in perspektiv skupnih bojev -Description: Mesto je postalo metafora spomina. . +Title: STEBER AVTONOMIJA: Po poteh spominov, zgodb [...] [SLO/ENG] +Description: Mesto je postalo metafora spomina. Date: 2021-10-08 Teaser: avtonomija-3.jpg @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ Teaser: avtonomija-3.jpg ![Steber avtonomija](%assets_url%/avtonomija-3.jpg)

+**english below** + ## STEBER AVTONOMIJA: Po poteh spominov, zgodb in perspektiv skupnih bojev Izhodišče našega prvega skupnega dneva z zapatistično delegacijo je bil nabor spominov. Navidezno prazne prostore - ulice, trge, stavbe našega mesta smo se odločili napolniti z zgodbami bojev, tovarištev, zasedb, praks. Mesto je postalo metafora spomina. @@ -29,7 +31,30 @@ Ob vseprisotnem občutku prekratkosti dneva smo sicer pozabili vprašati, kateri 23/09/2021, Ljubljana. -*Koordinacija za zapatistično srečanje v Sloveniji (Balkanska pot)*

+*Koordinacija za pripravo in izvedbo zapatističnega srečanja na ozemlju Slovenije (Balkanska pot)*

+ +--- +

+ +## AUTONOMY PILLAR: Through the paths of memories, stories and perspectives of common struggles + +The starting point of our first day with the Zapatista delegation was a set of memories. We have decided to fill the seemingly empty spaces - streets, squares, buildings of our city - with stories of struggles, comradeships, occupations, practices. The city has become a metaphor of memory. On the streets, we searched for imprinted stories of mobilizations, mutual aid, community, as well as stories of rearrangements, displacements, and gentrification. These are the stories of all of us who share this city, all of us who have come together through common struggles from different cities, territories and places, where we are fighting against capitalism, for a better world. In the streets and squares we have also found the stories of those who manage this city in a way that we see as alienating, non-communal and hierarchical. We walked around Ljubljana and looked for the seeds of past and future uprisings among the paving stones, in the weeds that have not yet been uprooted. + +We started at Metelkova, where we strived to put the “climb over the fence” of the former barracks in 1993 in a context and shed a light on all that followed. The processes of building and destroying autonomy have constantly accompanied this and similar spaces across the region and beyond. The recently lost Autonomous Factory Rog was the next point where we looked at the building that is now without windows and stairs but with memories returning them just for a moment to where they once were. We talked about spaces without which we would not be where we are and would not be what we are today. We talked about autonomous spaces as the junction points of struggles, points from which we address the logic and the politics of exploitation and oppression, places that serve as schools for a different life in practice. + +We continued our walk through the already traditional squares, where we have been and are still starting the protests, rallies, processions and walks. At Prešeren Square we listened to the story of the Youth Activist Organization (MAO - Mladinska aktivistična organizacija) and their first steps in political organizing. At the Congress Square, we caught up with the mobilization NO NATO!, which we then followed all the way to the Modern Gallery and the uprisings of 2012-13. + +A pleasant picnic in Tivoli was followed by a theme of student and other struggles in the field of education, where we remembered many attempts to preserve an "autonomous" university and listened to those who today write the stories of political student communities from below. The move to the seemingly insignificant stock exchange building was accompanied by memories of movements whose beginnings date back before the famous October, when the first tent was erected in front of "Bojza" (note: in Slovenian language 'borza' means 'stock exchange' and 'boj za' means 'a fight for'. In this case one letter makes a huge difference), and to those that followed. We heard stories of direct social work, deinstitutionalization and glimpses from the months-long occupation that gave momentum to new collectivities and weaved comradeships that continue to this day. The stories have lined up in too short a time to be able to retell them all. At the end of the day we spoke also about a migration management, which was a topic discussed in more detail along the border river Kolpa in the following days. We passed the asylum home on Kotnikova street and returned to the starting point of the walk - to the playground of Metelkova. + +On the playground, which the city authorities are trying to take away from Metelkova autonomous zone, we listened to the stories of the uprising from the Lacandon Forest, which draw their own colors and shapes and occupy different and yet the same spaces in the struggle against capitalism. We have learned more about the beginnings of Zapatista political organization, recruitment, important decisions that led to the uprising, and later to the structures of autonomous communities known and lived by Zapatistas today. + +That was our first day together. Knowing that an anti-capitalist space from which we all come from already exists, we have begun to arrange images, histories, experiences and suggestions through first common steps, acquaintances, conversations and questions in a space that we had the opportunity to physically share at this particular moment in time. And which we call Ljubljana. + +With the ubiquitous feeling of the day being too short we forgot to ask, which place would Zapatistas choose as a metaphor for their memories. We may find the answer if and when we visit them in their own communities. + +23/09/2021, Ljubljana. + +*Coordination for preparation and realization of the Zapatista meeting on the territory of Slovenia (Balkan Route)* ![Avtonomija](%assets_url%/avtonomija-2.jpg) diff --git a/content/novice/balkanska-pot.md b/content/novice/balkanska-pot.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6732189 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/novice/balkanska-pot.md @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +--- + +Title: Predlog za Zapatistično balkansko pot [SLO/ENG/ESP] +Description: Koordinacije iz balkanskih geografij so v okviru Potovanja za življenje poleti pripravile skupen predlog za zapatistično balkansko pot. V nekoliko okrnjeni različici je bila pot po Balkanu od spodaj realizirana jeseni 2021. +Date: 2021-10-14 +Teaser: balkan.jpg + +--- + +![Zapatistična balkanska pot](%assets_url%/balkan.jpg)

+ +**english below / español abajo** + +*Koordinacije iz balkanskih geografij so poleti pripravile skupen predlog za zapatistično delegacijo, ki je bil nato v žal nekoliko okrnjeni obliki realiziran v drugi polovici septembra in prvi polovici oktobra 2021. Objavljamo vsebinski del predloga, kakor je bil usklajen med balkanskimi koordinacijami in posredovan zapatističnim tovarišem in tovarišicam.* + +## Potovanje za življenje - predlog za Balkansko pot + +Koordinacije na teritoriju, ki tvorijo Balkan, so se povezale in pripravile predlog za pot, ki bi zapatistične tovarišice in tovariše popeljala po geografijah, zgodovini, stremljenjih, obžalovanjih, bojih, porazih in - ključno - tudi po vezeh solidarnosti, ki se na njem navkljub vsem uničevalnim naporom kapitalistične mašine še naprej oblikujejo in razvijajo. + +Predlagamo, da potovanje začnemo tam, kjer so letala zveze NATO vzletala v devetdesetih letih dvajsetega stoletja, da bi sejala v humanitarne intervencije preoblečeno uničenje, s pomočjo katerega so bili ti kraji vključeni v globalni trg. Pot bi nas potem peljala skozi številne teritorije, kjer so elite relativno nedavno na hitro odvrgle revolucionarno in ljudsko zgodovino, da bi na njuno mesto lahko skozi vojno in nacionalizem prišla kapitalistična restavracija. Skozi in proti teritorijem, ki so še vedno tako bogati s plodno zemljo, gozdovi, vodo in drugimi 'surovinami', da pač morajo postati plen plenilcev kapitalističnega sveta. Z drugimi besedami, ki si jih izposojamo od imen na uradnih zemljevidih: predlagamo, da skupaj potujemo iz majhnega koščka severo-vzhodne Italije, ki je najbližje Sloveniji in se imenuje Furlanija-Julijska krajina, gremo naprej skozi Slovenijo, Hrvaško, Romunijo, Srbijo, Bolgarijo in nadaljujemo pot vse do Grčije. + +V zadnjih mesecih so se na Balkanu oblikovale različne lokalne koordinacije z namenom, da bi podprle izpeljavo posamičnih etap potovanja za življenje. Vsaka posebej in neodvisno so navezale komunikacijo z zapatističnimi tovarišicami in tovariši glede njihovih konkretnih predlogov in idej. Vsi ti posamični predlogi tu zastopanih kordinacij so bili sedaj spleteni skupaj v en skupni predlog za Potovanje za življenje - Balkanska pot. Ta predlog predstavlja nadaljevanje in nadgradnjo predlogov, ki so jih predhodno oblikovale koordinacije, ki so del tega novega predloga. + +Naš predlog je izraz naše dolgoročne zaveze po gradnji samoniklih antiavtoritarnih (antipatriarhalnih, antinacionalističnih, antikapitalističnih...) bojev v pogosto zahtevnih lokalnih okoljih. Potovanje za življenje vidimo kot politično priložnost za nas, ne samo, da se srečamo s tovariši in tovarišicami zapatiskami in in zapatisti, temveč da skozi isti proces okrepimo obstoječe mreže solidarnosti, vzajemne pomoči in poltičnega sodelovanja na Balkanu. Skupna osnova našega sodelovanja so desetletja trajajoči boji proti vojni in nacionalizmu; od naporov za dekonstrukcijo lažnih obljub evropske intergracije; od bojev zoper patriarhat; do nešteto bojev za naravo, vodo, svobodo gibanja, skratka od mnogih front zoper posamične načine, na katere je kapitalistični režim vsiljevan ljudem na Balkanu. Morda nismo tako velika in močna družbena in politična sila kot to zgodovinski izzivi zahtevajo, toda tukaj smo. In še vedno ne sprejemamo sistema meja, nacionalizma, šovinizma in plenilstva, ki služi zgolj temu, da gasi nenasitno žejo kapitala in njegovih lojalnih lokalnih uslužbencev. + +Upamo, da bomo lahko našli načine za preseganje ovir jezika in časa in da bomo lahko delili naše premisleke, pričevanja, zgodbe, želje in poraze. Mi se snamreč pominjamo tudi, da vojna ne pomeni zgolj masakrov in nasilja, temveč tudi izkušnje dostojanstva in moči, ki sta utemeljena v zavrnitvi sodelovanja v njih. Uničenje narave, nacionalizem, meje, tranzicija v kapitalizem je povezano z zgodbami odpora. Tudi na Balkanu. To je to, kar želimo deliti s tovariši in tovarišicami zapatisti. Prepoznavajoč, da so naše izkušnje, celo naše skromne zmage - in nekaj jih je - zgolj drobne kaplje v rekah dostojanstva, ki vsepovsod po svetu pridobivajo na moči. + +Lahko ponudimo skico tega, kako si mi zamišljamo tematike, ki naj bi se jih naši pogovori dotaknili. Z nekaj zlovešče utemeljenosti je moč reči, da je bil zadnja tri desetletja tudi Balkan laboratorij za mnoge različnih mehanizmov neoliberalne dobe kapitalističnega pustošenja. Realnost 'odprtih evropskih meja' se na Balkanu izraža v zidovih, mejnih inštalacijah vojaškega tipa in stalnem lovu na ljudi, ki ga organizirajo države. Ni bilo vedno tako. Pravzaprav vse do relativno pred kratkim so bile tam, kjer so sedaj edinstvene priložnosti za varnostno indutrijo, zgolj reke, gozdovi, odprti pašniki in odprti ljudje, ki so iskali svoje mnoge poti skozi življenje. Balkan ni evropsko zakotje, je zgolj še en teritorij - med mnogimi drugimi - kjer močni ne čutijo potrebe, da bi skrivali svoje ambicije: prisilna razselitev, vsiljevanje avtoritarnih malih gospodarjev, stalna grožnja vojne, plenjene narave skozi legalno ali ilegalno sekanje gozdov, rudarjenje, prisvajanje zemlje, neskončno množenje meja in stalno deljenje populacije v vedno več pravnih kategorij, ki vsaka prinaša različne nize pravic. + +Balkan je že dolgo časa tudi teritorij emigracije. Že dolgo je tudi prostor, ki ga prečkajo ljudje iz drugih koncev sveta na svoji poti v Evropsko unijo. Zato je pred kratkim postal prizorišče ogromne krepitve instrastrukture Trdnjave Evrope in ogromnih investicij v ta nanem. Ta proces se od zunaj ponavadi imenuje z imenom 'migrantska kriza'. Dejansko pa gre pri njem za napad na ljudi in veliko nadgradnjo infrastruktur represije in državnega ter para-državnega nasilja. Pomen in učinki ki jih vse to ima tako na ljudi na poti kot na tiste, ki ostajajo, je nekaj, kar želimo deliti in o čem želimo razmišljati skupaj. + +V zadnih desetletjih smo na veliko naših političnih srečanjih govorili o tem, da Balkan ne predstavlja neke mitološke preteklosti Evrope, temveč nakazuje njeno prihodnost. Prav tako smo razmišljali o tem, da ta prihodnost še zdaleč ni uklesana v kamen in da, čeprav pot kapitalizma očitno vodi k še več uničenja, obstajajo tudi druge poti, ki pa jih lahko zgradimo zgolj skozi skupen napor. Zato je eden od naših sloganov 'Zrušimo zidove nacionalizma in vojne - gradimo Balkan solidarnosti in boja'. + +Sedaj bi že moralo biti jasno, da so naš namen, želja in potreba, da se organiziramo na ravni Balkana, globoko povezani s politično potrebo, da zavrnemo premise orientalistične geografije, po kateri je merilo 'napredka' v naših geografijah stopnja ekonomske in vojaške integracije v EU, NATO; International monetary fund, Wrold Bank (and in BitCoin exchanges). Zato trmasto in zavestno presegamo uveljavljene predstave o tem, kaj gre skupaj in kaj ne. Zato smo pripravili skupen predlog za morebitno Balkanski del Potovanja za življenje oziroma La Travesía por la Vida. Sam ta proces je jasen primer Balkana od spodaj, ki dolbe svoje lastne geografije v skladu s stremljenji mnogih po celem svetu. + +Upamo, da lahko to poletje in jesen to Potovanje pripravimo skupaj in da bo nekaj štelo. Za življenje. + +11\. julij 2021, Balkan + +*Predlog so pripravile in potrdile koordinacije za pripravo zapatističnega srečanja iz naslednjih geografij: Furlanija-Julijska krajina, Slovenija, Hrvaška, Srbija, Romunija, Bolgarija, Grčija. Realiziran je bil v obdobju 22. september - 11. oktober 2021, žal pa zaradi omejujočega mejnega režima grške in italijanske države vanj nista bili vključeni Furlanija-Julijska Krajina in Grčija.*

+ +--- + +*In the summer 2021 the coordinations from the Balkan geographies prepared a joint proposal for the journey of the zapatista delegation. It was then realized - sadly in a truncated way - in the second half of September and first half of October 2021. We publish now the proposal without the technical aspects and as it was confirmed by the coordinations froom the Balkans and communicated to the zapatista comrades.* + +## La Travesía por la Vida - the Proposal for the Balkan Route + +The coordinations for the territories that make up the Balkans have joined together to draft a proposal for the route that would take the compañer@s Zapatistas on a journey through geographies, history, aspirations, regrets, struggles, failures and crucially the bonds of solidarity that despite all the destructive efforts of the capitalist machine continue to be forged and developed. + +We propose to start the tour by starting where the NATO airplanes in the 1990's took off to sow destruction disguised as humanitarian intervention that facillitated the integration of these territories into the global market. The route would then continue through the many territories where relatively recent revolutionary and popular history was discarded so rapidly by the elites just so that the capitalist restoration through war and nationalism could quickly take place. Through and on to the territories still so rich with fertile soil, forests, water and other 'raw resources' that they just have to be pillaged by the predators of the capitalist world. In other words that borrow the names found on the official maps: we propose to travel together from a small part of North-East Italy that is closest to Slovenian territory and is called Friuli Venezia Giulia, then continue through Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria all the way to Greece. + +In the last months the various local coordinations from the Balkans that have been formed with the purpose to facilitate the specific legs of the Journey for Life have been in individual communication with the Zapatista compañer@as with their respective proposals and idea. All these particular proposals of the represented coordinations have now been woven together in one common proposal for La Travesía por la Vida - the Balkan Route. This proposal represents the continuation and update of the previous proposals that came from the respective coordinations. + +Our proposal is an expression of our a long-term commitment in grass-roots antiauthoritarian (antipatriarchal, antinationalist, anticapitalist....) struggles in often difficult local environments. We see the La Travesía por la Vida as a political opportunity for us not only to engage with compañer@s Zapatistas but to strengthen our existing networks of solidarity, mutual aid and political cooperation in the Balkans through this same process. The common basis of our cooperation are the decades long struggles against war and nationalism, from the efforts to deconstruct the false promises of Euro-integration; from the struggles against patriarchy; from the myriad of struggles for nature, water, freedom of movement, in short from the many battle-fronts against the particular ways in which the capitalist regime in being imposed on the people of the Balkans. We might not be as big and strong social and political force as the historical challenges demand, but we are here. And we still do not accept the system of borders, nationalism, chauvinism and pillage that only serve the insatiable hunger capital and its loyal local employees. + +We hope to be able to find ways across the divisions of language and time and to be able to share our reflections, testimonies, stories, desires and failures. We do recollect that the war is not only about the massacres and violence, it is also about dignity and strength in refusing to participate in them. The destruction of nature, nationalism, borders, transition to capitalism, all of this is also about resistance. Also in the Balkans. This is what we want to share with the compañer@s Zapatistas. Recognizing that our experiences, even our modest victories, and there are some, are just few drops in the rivers of dignity that are gathering strength around the world. + +We can offer a sketch of what we envision our discussions might touch upon. It is said with some eery justification that for the past three decades the Balkans too has been a laboratory of the many and diverse mechanisms of the neoliberal era of capitalist devastation. The reality of 'open european borders' lies in the Balkans and in the walls, military-grade border installations and constant state organised hunting of people. It was not always like that. In fact until very recently what now are unique opportunities for the security industry not so long ago were just rivers, forests, open plains and welcoming people forging their many pathways through life. The Balkans is not the European backyard but just another territory - among so many - where the powerfull feel no need to hide their ambitions: displacement, imposition of authoritarian petty-masters, constant threat of war, pillaging of nature through legal and illegal logging, mining, land-grabs etc, infinite proliferation of borders and continuous division of population in more and more legal categories, each with specific set of rights. + +The Balkans too has been for a long time the territory of emigration. It has also been a territory through which people from other parts of the world try to reach the European Union. This is why it has recently become a site of the enormous strengthening of the infrastructure of Fortress Europe and of huge investments in this regard. This process is from the outside usually referered to as 'the migrant crisis'. In fact it is an attack on people and huge upgrade of infrastructure of repression and state and para-state violence. The meaning and effect that all this has on both the people on the move and on those who stay is something we want to share and to think about together. + +We have said in many of our political encounters of the past decades that the Balkans doesn't represent some kind of mythical past of Europe, it indicates its future. We also said that this future is far from written and that though the capitalism's route clearly leads towards more devastation, there are other routes possible, but can only be built through a common effort. This is why among our slogans is 'Breaking down the walls of nationalism and hate - building the Balkans of solidarity and struggle'. + +It should be clear by know that the purpose, the desire and the need for us to organize on the level of the Balkans is deeply connected with the political need to dismiss the premise of the orientalist geography by which the measure of the 'progress' of our respective territories is the level of its economic and military integration in European union, NATO, IMF, WB (and in BitCoin exchanges...). This is why we stubbornly and consciously transcend the usual notions of what goes together and what not and this is why we drafted a common proposal for a possible Balkan section of La Travesía por la Vida. This very process is also a clear example of the Balkans from below carving its own geography according to the aspirations shared by so many from around the world. + +We hope that this summer and autumn we can make this Journey together and to make it count. For Life. + +11th July 2021 + +*The proposal was prepared and confirmed by the coordinations for organization of Zapatista encounters from the following geographies: Friuli Venezia Giulia in North-East Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece. It was realized between 22nd September and 11th October 2021, but to our regret the extremely restrictive border regime of italian and greek state prevented the travel of the zapatista delegation to Friuli Venezia Giulia and to Greece.*

+ +--- + +## La Travesía por la Vida - La propuesta para la Ruta de los Balcanes + +Las coordinaciones de los territorios que conforman los Balcanes se han unido para elaborar una propuesta de ruta que lleve a l@s compañer@s zapatistas a un viaje por las geografías, la historia, las aspiraciones, los arrepentimientos, las luchas, los fracasos y fundamentalmente los lazos de solidaridad que a pesar de todos los esfuerzos destructivos de la maquinaria capitalista se siguen forjando y desarrollando. + +Proponemos iniciar el recorrido empezando por donde despegaron los aviones de la OTAN en los años 90 para sembrar la destrucción disfrazada de intervención humanitaria que facilitó la integración de estos territorios en el mercado global. La ruta continuaría entonces por los muchos territorios donde la historia revolucionaria y popular relativamente reciente fue descartada tan rápidamente por las élites sólo para que la restauración capitalista a través de la guerra y el nacionalismo pudiera establecerse rápidamente. A través y hacia los territorios todavía tan ricos en suelo fértil, bosques, agua y otros "recursos en bruto" que sólo tienen que ser saqueados por los depredadores del mundo capitalista. En otras palabras que toman prestados los nombres que aparecen en los mapas oficiales: proponemos viajar juntos desde el noreste de Italia, a través de Eslovenia, Croacia, Rumanía, Serbia, Bulgaria hasta Grecia. + +En los últimos meses las distintas coordinadoras locales de los Balcanes que se han formado con el fin de facilitar las etapas específicas de la Travesía por la Vida han estado, con sus respectivas propuestas e ideas, en comunicación individual con l@s compañer@s zapatistas. Todas estas propuestas particulares de las coordinadoras representadas se han entretejido ahora en una propuesta común para la Travesía por la Vida - la Ruta de los Balcanes. Esta propuesta representa la continuación y actualización de las propuestas anteriores que salieron de las respectivas coordinadoras. + +Nuestra propuesta es una expresión de nuestro compromiso a largo plazo con las luchas antiautoritarias de base (antipatriarcales, antinacionalistas, anticapitalistas....) en entornos locales a menudo difíciles. Vemos la Travesía por la Vida como una oportunidad política +para nosotros, no sólo para comprometernos con compañer@s zapatistas, sino para fortalecer nuestras redes existentes de solidaridad, ayuda mutua y cooperación política en los Balcanes a través de este mismo proceso. La base común de nuestra cooperación son las luchas de décadas contra la guerra y el nacionalismo, desde los esfuerzos por deconstruir las falsas promesas de la euro-integración; desde las luchas contra el +patriarcado; desde la miriada de luchas por la naturaleza, el agua, la libertad de movimiento, en definitiva desde los muchos frentes de batalla contra las formas particulares en que el régimen capitalista se está imponiendo a los pueblos de los Balcanes. Puede que no seamos una fuerza social y política tan grande y fuerte como exigen los desafíos históricos, pero estamos aquí. Y seguimos sin aceptar el sistema de fronteras, el nacionalismo, elchovinismo y el pillaje que sólo sirven al insaciable hambre del capital y a sus leales empleados locales. + +Esperamos poder encontrar caminos a través de las divisiones del lenguaje y del tiempo y poder compartir nuestras reflexiones, testimonios, historias, deseos y fracasos. Reconocemos que en las guerras no hay sólo las masacres y la violencia, sino también la dignidad y la fuerza de negarse a participar en ellas. La destrucción de la naturaleza, el nacionalismo, las fronteras, la transición al capitalismo, todo esto también tiene que ver con la resistencia. También en los Balcanes. Esto es lo que queremos compartir con los compañer@s zapatistas. Reconocer que nuestras experiencias, incluso nuestras modestas victorias, y las hay, son sólo unas gotas en los ríos de dignidad que están cobrando fuerza +en todo el mundo. + +Podemos ofrecer un esbozo de lo que prevemos que podrían tocar nuestros debates. Se dice, con cierta justificación, que durante las últimas tres décadas los Balcanes también han sido un laboratorio de los muchos y diversos mecanismos de la era neoliberal de devastación capitalista. La realidad de las "fronteras europeas abiertas" está en los Balcanes y en los muros, las instalaciones fronterizas de tipo militar y la constante caza de personas organizada por el Estado. No siempre fue así. De hecho, hasta hace muy poco, lo que ahora es una oportunidad única para la industria de la seguridad, no hace mucho tiempo eran sólo ríos, bosques, llanuras abiertas y gente acogedora que se forjaba sus múltiples caminos en la vida. Los Balcanes no son el patio trasero de Europa, sino un territorio más -entre tantos- en el que los poderosos no sienten la necesidad de ocultar sus ambiciones: desplazamientos, imposición de pequeños amos autoritarios, amenaza constante de guerra, saqueo de la naturaleza a través de la tala legal e ilegal de árboles, minería, acaparamiento de tierras, etc., proliferación infinita de fronteras y división continua de la población en más y más categorías legales, cada una con un conjunto específico de derechos. + +También los Balcanes han sido durante mucho tiempo territorio de emigración. También ha sido un territorio a través del cual personas de otras partes del mundo intentan llegar a la Unión Europea. Por ello, en los últimos tiempos se ha convertido en un lugar en el que se ha reforzado enormemente la infraestructura de la Fortaleza Europa y en el que se han realizado grandes inversiones en este sentido. Desde el exterior, este proceso suele denominarse "crisis de los migrantes". En realidad es un ataque a las personas y una enorme mejora de la infraestructura de represión y violencia estatal y paraestatal. El significado y el efecto que todo esto tiene tanto en las personas que se desplazan como en +las que se quedan es algo que queremos compartir y reflexionar juntos. + +Hemos dicho en muchos de nuestros encuentros políticos de las últimas décadas que los Balcanes no representan una especie de pasado mítico de Europa, sino que indican su futuro. También hemos dicho que ese futuro está lejos de estar escrito y que, aunque la rutadel capitalismo conduce claramente hacia una mayor devastación, hay otras rutas posibles, pero que sólo pueden construirse mediante un esfuerzo común. Por eso, entre nuestros lemas está el de "Derribar los muros del nacionalismo y el odio, construir los Balcanes de la solidaridad y la lucha". + +Debería estar claro que el propósito, el deseo y la necesidad de organizarnos a nivel de los Balcanes está profundamente conectado con la necesidad política de descartar la premisa de la geografía orientalista por la que la medida del "progreso" de nuestros respectivos +territorios es el nivel de su integración económica y militar en la Unión Europea, la OTAN, el FMI, el BM (y en los intercambios de BitCoin). Por eso trascendemos de forma obstinada y consciente las nociones habituales de lo que va junto y lo que no y por eso redactamos una propuesta común para una posible sección balcánica de La Travesía por la Vida. Este mismo proceso es también un claro ejemplo de los Balcanes desde abajo que están esculpiendo su propia geografía de acuerdo con las aspiraciones compartidas por tantos de todo el mundo. + +Esperamos que este verano y este otoño podamos hacer este Viaje juntos y hacer que cuente. Por la vida. + +11 de julio de 2021 + +*Preparado por las coordinadoras para La Travesía por la Vida en los Balcanes.* + +--- + +Spremljaj [Potovanje za življenje](https://zapatista.kompot.si/potovanje)

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+**english ## FEMINISTIČNI STEBER: Srečanje žensk v boju V okviru koordinacije za teritorij Slovenije, ki je del Balkanske rute, smo se nekatere želele organizirati za pripravo srečanja z zapatistkami na temo feminizma. V ta namen smo v mesecih predpriprav razpravljale o različnih temah in pristopih boja pri nas, se srečevale s starejšimi generacijami feministk, ki so te boje bile že pred nami, brale tekste na temo zatiranja na podlagi spola znotraj zapatističnih skupnosti ter iskale vzvode, ki bi krepili sestrsko zaupanje in medsebojno podporo med nami. @@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ Povedale so nam, da jim skupnost zagotavlja enakovreden položaj v skupnosti, da V našem kontekstu smo zaznale problem razdrobljenosti naših bojev in manko pripoznanja širšega boja proti patriarhalnemu sistemu kot dela antikapitalističnega boja. Z namenom predstavitve konteksta, iz katerega govorimo o bojih proti zatiranju na podlagi spola pri nas, je tovarišica pripravila kratek pregled bojev žensk od AFŽ dalje, do položaja žensk v socializmu, bojev v osemdesetih, ko se je v javnosti začelo odpirati vprašanje domačega nasilja, do okupacije AKC Metelkove v devetdesetih, ki je postala izredno pomembna baza za organizacijo feministk (Ženski center, Rdeče zore) in LGBT ter okupacije Roga, od koder so izšle druge feministične iniciative, kot so Skupina za vključevanje žensk v skupnost, Afkors, No border craft, Z'borke itd. Druga tovarišica je spregovorila o obstoju feminizma v hardcore punk sceni in zaskvotani Cukrarni, kjer so imele women only prostor. + V drugem sklopu so nam tovarišice iz Chiapasa predale zgodbo boja svojih babic, ki so trpele grozljive spolne zlorabe s strani lastnikov veleposesti, na katerih so bile primorane delati. Spregovorile so o posilstvu, ne le kot o orodju za kaznovanje posameznic ali nadvlade veleposestnikov, temveč tudi kot orodje za kaznovanje celotne staroselske skupnosti. Z namenom discipliniranja upornih ali nepokornih posameznikov ali skupine so posestniki izvajali javna posilstva njihovih prijateljic, sester, mater, žen in nosečnic. Povedale so nam, da so v samem začetku podtalnega organiziranja tudi moški iz njihovih skupnosti prevzeli nekatere vzorce o manjvrednosti žensk, a skozi čas so ugotovili, da so le te nepogrešljive in da si zaradi vseh zlorab želijo upora in osvoboditve. Pri vprašanju nasilja v domačem okolju danes, so nam obrazložile, da ima vsaka lokalna dobra vlada, vsaj eno žensko članico, ki je tudi zaupnica za druge članice skupnosti. Zaupnica v primeru nasilja poskrbi, da se ustrezno ukrepa in kaznuje nasilneža. Prisotnost mačizma v skupnosti ostaja problem, s katerim se morajo spopadati, tako da osveščajo moške in tudi ženske, da takega vedenja ne smejo dopuščati - torej dolžnost boja proti patriarhatu je na vseh članih skupnosti. V popoldanskem času smo se iz YHDja prestavile na sončno igrišče AKC Metelkove, kjer smo druženje nadaljevale v sproščenem vzdušju iger z žogami, risanjem in pisanjem. Tovarišica je prinesla nekaj nabranih posušenih zeliščnih rastlin, za kar so zapatistke pokazale veliko zanimanja. Pogovor je stekel o zeliščih, ki lajšajo različne bolečine. @@ -33,20 +35,49 @@ V naslednjih dneh, ko so se naše tovarišice udeležile programa drugih stebrov Bogastvo, ki so ga prinesle_i zapatistke_i v svojih zgodbah, nas je navdahnil za nadaljevanje tega izredno težkega in zahtevnega boja proti kapitalističnemu opustošenju Zemlje in naših življenj. Hkrati pa so nas njihove pripovedi navdale z mnogimi vprašanji, katerih odgovore bomo morale_i poiskati med nami samimi. -24. in 27/09/2021, Ljubljana. +24\. in 27/09/2021, Ljubljana. -*Koordinacija za zapatistično srečanje v Sloveniji (Balkanska pot)*

+*Koordinacija za pripravo in izvedbo zapatističnega srečanja na ozemlju Slovenije (Balkanska pot)*

+ +--- + +## FEMINIST PILLAR: An Encounter Of Women In Struggle + +As part of the Coordination for the territory of Slovenia, which is part of the Proposal for the Balkan Route, some of us wanted to organize a meeting with Zapatistas on the topic of feminism. To this end, during the months of preparations, we discussed various topics and approaches to the struggle in our country, met with older generations of feminists who had already fought some of these struggles here, read texts on gender-based oppression within Zapatista communities and sought levers to strengthen sisterly trust and mutual support between us. At the final confirmation of the visit of the comrades from Chiapas, we summed up our meeting within the feminist pillar schedule into a conversational morning devided in two parts: (1) The Position Of Women, The Division Of Labor And Feminism Within The Wider Movement; and (2) Body, Reproduction And Violence. Our wish was for the meeting to be as relaxed as possible and in the form of dynamic exchanges of experiences and analyses, which was partly successful. Certainly, however, the time we spent together was too short to really build mutual trust and a safe sisterly space with the comrades from Chiapas and to enable relaxed exchanges of personal stories. One of the reasons the time ran out was also that they were retelling the 3 points from the presentation they had made the night before. + +They told us that the community provides them with an equal position in the community, that they are involved in all struggles. They also established this through Women's Revolutionary Laws, which have been part of Zapatism since the very beginning of their uprising. At the same time, they stressed that there is still a lot of work to do in order to raise awareness, educating all members of the community about equality regardless of gender. The main objective remains the common struggle - the struggle against capitalism. In this context, they see the struggle against patriarchy as part of this wider struggle and both must be linked together. Therefore, everyone is made aware of the problems of patriarchy, and women also meet separately for political talks from time to time. Lesbians, gays and trans people are accepted in the community as long as they join the common Zapatista struggle. + +In our context, we perceived the problem of the fragmentation of our struggles and the lack of recognition that the wide struggle against the patriarchal system needs to be a part of the anti-capitalist agenda. In order to present the local historical context of the fight against gender-based oppression, the comrade prepared a brief overview of women's struggles from Antifascist Front of Women (AFŽ) to the position of women in socialism, the struggles in the 1980's, when the issue of domestic violence was presented as a public matter, to the occupation of what is now Autonomous cultural centre Metelkova mesto in the 1990s, which became an extremely important base for the organization of feminists (Women's Center, Red Dawns) and LGBT, and the occupation of factory Rog, from which other feminist initiatives such as the Group for Inclusion Of Migrant Women, AFKORS, No Border Craft, Z'borke etc. Another comrade spoke about the existence of feminism in the hardcore punk scene and the squatted Cikrarna, where they had the first “women only” place. + +In the second part of the conversational moring, the comrades from Chiapas told us the story of the struggle of their grandmothers, who suffered horrific sexual abuse by the owners of the estates on which they were forced to work. They spoke of rape, not only as a tool to punish individuals or the domination of landlords, but also as a tool to punish the entire indigenous community. In order to discipline rebellious or disobedient individuals or groups, landlords carried out public rapes of their friends, sisters, mothers, wives, and pregnant women. We were told that at the very beginning of the underground organization, men from their communities also took some patterns about the inferiority of women, but over time they found that the women were indispensable and that they too wanted the rebellion and liberation because of all the abuse. On the issue of domestic violence today, they explained to us that every local “good government” has at least one female member who is also a person of trust for other members of the community. In the event of violence, the person of trust shall ensure that appropriate action is taken and that the perpetrator is punished. The presence of machismo in the community remains a problem that they have to deal with by making men and women aware that they must not allow such behavior - the duty of the fight against patriarchy is on all members of the community. + +In the afternoon, we moved from YHD to the sunny Metelkova playground, where we continued to socialize in a relaxed atmosphere of ball games, drawing and writing. The comrade brought some harvested dried herbs, for which the Zapatistas showed much interest. The conversation ran about herbs that relieve various aches and pains. + +We asked ourselves what are the images that give us power with the desire to create a common mural that could remain in the memory of our meeting for our sisters from the other side of the world, as well as a visual reminder for us of the common path in the fight against patriarchy and capitalism. Together we imagined many icons from nature, personified sun and fruits, nature as a symbol of the power of overgrowth (owercoming) and the contact of women from different backgrounds, who together sow the seeds of the future. + +Meanwhile, another expedition unexpectedly arrived, in which there were three indigenous women who were not Zapatistas but members of the Indigenous National Congress, which included delegates from 73 different indigenous peoples. They explained that they provide education for women and men on gender equality. And to notice that some men are willing to listen if they see their own benefits in this as well. They emphasized that they were inspired by the Zapatista struggle and expressed the opinion that they would also like to introduce a rule on the absence of alcohol in their communities, as they see the latter as one of the causes of violence. They talked about femicides and the disappearance of women in the indigenous areas of megaprojects, that is, where hydroelectric power plants, thermal power plants, etc. are being built, which are also financed by Europe. Rebel communities that resist this are disciplined and as a consequence they suffer enormous pressures: these areas become very dangerous, there are murders and disappearances of indigenous women. + +Despite the fact that there were few of us in the feminist pillar, the indigineus women concluded with encouraging words that great things grow from small beginnings and that the struggle must continue. +In the following days, when our comrades attended the program of the other pillars, we prepared a wall for our mural and transferred the imaginary ideas to the wall. After their return to Ljubljana, we completed the mural together and opened it with a rich cultural program. We had the pleasure of listening and seeing performances of FPZ Z'borke, Janez Blond, solo E, jugglers of the former Cirkusarna AT Rog, and ended the evening with fire in their hearts and in the hands of P and Z with fireshow. + +The wealth brought by the Zapatistas in their stories has inspired us to continue this extremely difficult and demanding struggle against the capitalist devastation of the Earth and of our lives. At the same time, their narratives filled us with many questions, the answers to which we will have to find among ourselves. + +24 and 27/09/2021, Ljubljana. + +*Coordination for preparation and realization of the Zapatista meeting on the territory of Slovenia (Balkan Route)* -![Grunt](%assets_url%/femi-2.jpg) -![Grunt](%assets_url%/femi-3.jpg) -![Grunt](%assets_url%/femi-4.jpg) +![Feministični steber](%assets_url%/femi-2.jpg) -![Grunt](%assets_url%/femi-5.jpg) +![Feministični steber](%assets_url%/femi-3.jpg) -![Grunt](%assets_url%/femi-6.jpg)

+![Feministični steber](%assets_url%/femi-4.jpg) + +![Feministični steber](%assets_url%/femi-5.jpg) + +![Feministični steber](%assets_url%/femi-6.jpg)

diff --git a/content/novice/gustaf.md b/content/novice/gustaf.md index d2fb4f9..d5d95f6 100644 --- a/content/novice/gustaf.md +++ b/content/novice/gustaf.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ --- -Title: DOGODEK: Predstavitev knjige -Description: Srečanje male šole zapatizma tokrat v Mariboru. +Title: DOGODEK: Predstavitev knjige v Mariboru +Description: Srečanje male šole zapatizma tokrat v Pekarni. Date: 2021-10-07 -Teaser: potovanje-brez.png +Teaser: potovanje-brez-tri.png --- diff --git a/content/novice/izkrcanje.md b/content/novice/izkrcanje.md index 2c1853f..d52be7d 100644 --- a/content/novice/izkrcanje.md +++ b/content/novice/izkrcanje.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Title: "Prispeli smo!" Description: Ura je bila 06:59 zjutraj po mehiškem času na dan 20. junij 2021, ko so se iz krova La Montañe na obzorju začeli megleno zarisovati obrisi Iberskega polotoka. Date: 2021-06-22 -Teaser: vigo-ena.jpg +Teaser: vigo-ena-ena.jpg kajdrugega: primer --- diff --git a/content/novice/kam-gremo.md b/content/novice/kam-gremo.md index ea7c157..440de81 100644 --- a/content/novice/kam-gremo.md +++ b/content/novice/kam-gremo.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Title: Potovanje za življenje: kam gremo? Description: Pojasnilo: pogosto, ko uporabljamo besedi 'zapatisti in zapatiske', ne mislimo na konkretne ljudi, temveč na zapatistična ljudstva. Date: 2021-07-18 -Teaser: padala.png +Teaser: padala-ena.png --- diff --git a/content/novice/kolpa.md b/content/novice/kolpa.md index b32aaf2..2f75b73 100644 --- a/content/novice/kolpa.md +++ b/content/novice/kolpa.md @@ -1,25 +1,43 @@ --- -Title: STEBER BALKAN: Srečanje ob Kolpi -Description: Obisk šengenska meje in srečanje z ljudmi ob njej. +Title: STEBER BALKAN: Srečanje ob Kolpi [SLO/ENG] +Description: Obisk šengenske meje in srečanje z ljudmi ob njej. Date: 2021-10-02 -Teaser: Kolpa-1.jpg +Teaser: Kolpa-1-ena.jpg --- ![Kolpa](%assets_url%/kolpa-1.jpg)

+**english below** + ## STEBER BALKAN: Srečanje ob Kolpi Sobota je bil pravi dan za prvo zapatistično ekskurzijo izven ljubljanske kotline. V okviru delovanja balkanskega stebra smo se odločili za obisk Bele Krajine, spoznavanje z lokalnimi boji in šengenskim mejnim režimom. -Izjemno toplemu sprejemu lokalne skupnosti na lokaciji ob mejni reki Kolpi je sledila izčrpna predstavitev situacije aktivistov in raziskovalcev meje – od nekdanje sestave prebivalstva in zgodovine migracij v regiji, do razpada Jugoslavije, zaprtja in militarizacije meje in današnje ksenofobije, ki jo proizvaja vzdrževanje evropske mejne politike. Razložili smo sistem množičnih pushbackov migrantov, ki so tudi sami opisali svoje izkušnje prihoda v Evropo. Vse to je bila dobra iztočnica za primerjavo situacije v Mehiki, ki prav tako deluje kot varovalni pas med imperialnim središčem in globalnim jugom. V popoldanskem delu je zapatistična delegacija nagovorila poslušalce s petimi točkami predstavitve svojega boja. +Izjemno toplemu sprejemu lokalne skupnosti na lokaciji ob mejni reki Kolpi je sledila izčrpna predstavitev situacije aktivistov in raziskovalcev meje – od nekdanje sestave prebivalstva in zgodovine migracij v regiji, do razpada Jugoslavije, zaprtja in militarizacije meje in današnje ksenofobije, ki jo proizvaja vzdrževanje evropske mejne politike. Razložili smo sistem množičnih *pushbackov* migrantov, ki so tudi sami opisali svoje izkušnje prihoda v Evropo. Vse to je bila dobra iztočnica za primerjavo situacije v Mehiki, ki prav tako deluje kot varovalni pas med imperialnim središčem in globalnim jugom. V popoldanskem delu je zapatistična delegacija nagovorila poslušalce s petimi točkami predstavitve svojega boja. V dnevu je ostalo še dovolj svetlobe, da smo se na poti povzpeli še do zgodovinske točke Baza 20, kjer smo se pogovorili o partizanskem boju, upravljanju osvobojenega ozemlja in dediščini upora v naši regiji. Delegacija se je vrnila v dolino v popolni temi, a izjemno navdahnjena. 25/09/2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia -*Koordinacija za zapatistično srečanje v Sloveniji (Balkanska pot)*

+*Koordinacija za pripravo in izvedbo zapatističnega srečanja na ozemlju Slovenije (Balkanska pot)*

+ +--- + +## THE BALKANS PILLAR: Encounter at river Kolpa + +Saturday turned out to be just the right day for the first Zapatista excursion outside of Ljubljana. The initiative for the day came from the Balkan Pillar within the Coordination, preparing a visit to Bela Krajina (region in sout-east of Slovenia), where we could share information about the local struggles and most crucially about 'the Schengen regime'. + +Our encounter took place right next to the river Kolpa which at that point also designates the border between Slovenia and Croatia. We received a warm welcome by the local community, followed by a very concise and detailed presentation of the local history and current situation by activists and border researchers. Many topics were covered, including the composition of population in the region in the past and the history of migration, the disintegration of Yugoslavia, the closure and militarisation of the border, the contemporary xenophobia that is being produced through the maintanance of the politics of the European border. We explained the system of mass pushbacks of migrants, who also described some of their experiences related to the arrival to Europe. All of this turned out to be a useful point of departure for the discussion about the situation in Mexico since it too functions as a security perimeter between the imperial center and the global south. In the afternoon the Zapatista delegation made a presentation of their struggle in five points. + +After that there was just enough light left in the day for us to make a short detour and visit the historical site of Baza 20, where we spoke about the struggle of the partisans during the 2nd World War, the political functioning of the liberated territory at the time and the legacy of resistance in the region. The Delegation returned back to the valley in total darkness, yet in an extremely inspired mood. + + +25/09/2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia + +*Coordination for preparation and realization of the Zapatista meeting on the territory of Slovenia (Balkan Route)*

+ ![Kolpa](%assets_url%/kolpa-2.jpg) diff --git a/content/novice/letenje-hoja.md b/content/novice/letenje-hoja.md index 2449458..75bb060 100644 --- a/content/novice/letenje-hoja.md +++ b/content/novice/letenje-hoja.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Title: Volantem Est Alo Modo Gradiendi Description: Suše. Poplave. Potresi. Vulkanski izbruhi. Onesnaženje. Trenutne in bodoče pandemije. Targetirani umori voditeljev staroselskih ljudstev, branilcev človekovih pravic in skrbnikov zemlje. Date: 2021-07-08 -Teaser: area.jpg +Teaser: area-ena.jpg --- ![Azori](%assets_url%/area.jpg) diff --git a/content/novice/napetost.md b/content/novice/napetost.md index 3a48459..f672189 100644 --- a/content/novice/napetost.md +++ b/content/novice/napetost.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Title: Chiapas na robu državljanske vojne: Description: Komunike EZLN v zvezi z zadnjimi napetostmi. Date: 2021-09-21 -Teaser: prva_slika.jpg +Teaser: prva_slika-dva.jpg --- diff --git a/content/novice/okolje.md b/content/novice/okolje.md index e4c50dc..5290cff 100644 --- a/content/novice/okolje.md +++ b/content/novice/okolje.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ --- -Title: STEBER OKOLJE IN PODEŽELJE: Srečanje z okoljskimi iniciativami in [...] -Description: Ustaviti uničevanje narave. +Title: STEBER OKOLJE IN PODEŽELJE: Srečanje z okoljskimi iniciativami [...] [SLO/ENG] +Description: Ustaviti uničevanje narave s povezovanjem in tudi z gradnjo antiavtoritarnega podeželja. Date: 2021-10-04 -Teaser: okolje-3.jpg +Teaser: okolje-3-ena.jpg --- @@ -23,7 +23,27 @@ Za zaključek smo z zapatistično delegacijo izmenjali nekaj predlogov, preko ka 26-27/09/2021, Zasavje, Slovenske Gorice. -*Koordinacija za zapatistično srečanje v Sloveniji (Balkanska pot)*

+*Koordinacija za pripravo in izvedbo zapatističnega srečanja na ozemlju Slovenije (Balkanska pot)*

+ +---

+ +## ENVIRONMENT AND COUNTRYSIDE PILLAR: Encounter with environmental initiatives and reflections on antiauthoritarian countryside + +From the very beginning those of us involved in the process of organizing the Environment and Countryside Pillar insisted to invite our compañeras and compañeros out of Ljubljana. Despite the limitations of time, we have managed to do just that. Knowing that capital often attacks those on the margins we understand that this is true also in the context of the environmental struggles. Those clearly expose the reality that many destructive projects are being situated in the most vulnerable local contexts. This is why we have to connect with those who fight in these localities against the degradation of nature and health, and against the deprivation of possibilities to forge new ways of cohabitation. + +With this in mind we went to Zasavje region with compañeras and compañeros on Sunday morning where we met the representatives of initiatives Ekokrog and Eko Anhovo and Soča Valley on a farm located at a fascinating altitude. In the opening round of the discussion, we presented different cases of attacks on the environment and nature in our context. We have stressed that they have increased, especially in the last year and a half, when the government took advantage of the corona-crisis in order to introduce a range of legislative changes that opened the doors for various destructive projects. After the presentation of the environmental situation in Zasavje, Soča Valley and other stories that have been also written by the struggles against the destruction of the environment and nature, thus recapitulating victories, defeats and above all episodes of endurance and comradeship, a discussion followed In it we have again and again confirmed that behind the destructive projects all over the world - in our geography as well as on the other continents - we recognize capitalism. No matter what is the form that the latter takes in specific situations, be it the form of a big multinational corporation or a small corruptive energetic company, media outlet or local and state authorities. We have affirmed a mutual understanding that since there is only one planet a globalized capitalism demands globalized struggles for the preservation of nature and environment and with it the very possibility of life. + +After a very welcoming reception by the locals and the comradely initiatives in Zasavje we headed to Slovenske gorice region. There we addressed some questions left unresolved from the morning session. We engaged with the dilemma of a green energy and green capitalism, questioned the 'alternative seeking' approaches and decided to put our own needs in front. We also started to discuss certain agroecological issues, a theme that introduced the topics of the following day. Then the Zapatista delegation took the word presenting the Zapatista struggle in five points. In this session the compañeras and compañeros spoke about their model of autonomous organizing, their structures and principles, about the possibility for self-governance in their specific context. As the day gave way to the night the word turned into poetry, songs and stories as a part of self-organized cultural program , in which many expressions and languages thrived. + +Next morning, we woke up in rain but this did not discourage us. Safely sheltered from the raindrops we continued to share our views on various processes through which capitalism on different sides of the world transforms the countryside driven by its intent to accumulate profit. These render work on the land – a basic condition for a self-reliant community and a development of its potentials - practically impossible. We began with a quick historical overview of how the production of food on the countryside in this geography was organized in various historical periods, including feudalism and socialism, and which social hierarchies it was based on. Then we sketched through concrete examples of the contemporary trends that affect the development of the countryside and co-create its specific landscape after the disintegration of Yugoslavia. We mentioned emigration from the countryside; lack of encouragement for the development of small self-sufficient farms, the bureaucratization of farming policies and its bias in favour of intensive farming; a transformation of countryside into suburbia with individualized ways of life and corresponding infrastructure; turistification of the countryside and placement of destructive projects in the countryside under the pretense of job creation; a construction of large infrastructural projects that destroy nature to facilitate the inclusion of this geography in global logistical and capital currents; dilemmas of urban gardening that arise when traditional local practices are coopeted due to their profitability. + +As a conclusion we have exchanged with the Zapatista delegation some of the proposals through which we develop our idea of the antiauthoritarian countryside. We were asking ourselves how to envision food self-sufficiency in an urban environment; how to connect in a way that helps us overcome the obstacles implied by geographic distances and the situatedness of our farms and communities in specific local contexts; how to act in a self-organized way outside of the framework of agriculture as it is framed by the state institutions. Food and environment are the basis, without which no political community can survive, no matter the continent it persists on. This is why access to food and healthy environment are inseparable conditions of our common struggles for a better future. + +26-27/09/2021, Zasavje, Slovenske Gorice. + +*Coordination for preparation and realization of the Zapatista meeting on the territory of Slovenia (Balkan Route)* + + ![Grunt](%assets_url%/okolje-2.jpg) diff --git a/content/novice/porocilo-drugic.md b/content/novice/porocilo-drugic.md index dc79f4c..7849b53 100644 --- a/content/novice/porocilo-drugic.md +++ b/content/novice/porocilo-drugic.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Title: Poročilo iz drugega feminističnega medgeneracijskega srečanja Description: Vpogled v priprave na zapatistično srečanje. Date: 2021-08-30 -Teaser: pinkihold.png +Teaser: pinkihold-ena.png --- diff --git a/content/novice/porocilo.md b/content/novice/porocilo.md index 5c36066..020604b 100644 --- a/content/novice/porocilo.md +++ b/content/novice/porocilo.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Title: Poročilo iz prvega feminističnega medgeneracijskega srečanja Description: Vpogled v priprave na zapatistično srečanje, ki potekajo v okviru enega od stebrov. Date: 2021-08-10 -Teaser: roke.jpg +Teaser: roke-ena.jpg --- diff --git a/content/novice/predstavitev-knjiga.md b/content/novice/predstavitev-knjiga.md index 59c7892..47c07bb 100644 --- a/content/novice/predstavitev-knjiga.md +++ b/content/novice/predstavitev-knjiga.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Title: DOGODEK: Predstavitev knjige Description: Tretje srečanje male šole zapatizma. Date: 2021-08-30 -Teaser: potovanje-brez.png +Teaser: potovanje-brez-dva.png --- diff --git a/content/novice/prvi-dan.md b/content/novice/prvi-dan.md index 1f995da..f540d94 100644 --- a/content/novice/prvi-dan.md +++ b/content/novice/prvi-dan.md @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ --- -Title: PRVI DAN: Zapatistična balkanska pot +Title: ZAČETEK: Zapatistična balkanska pot [SLO/ENG] Description: Prihod zapatistične delegacije v Ljubljano. Date: 2021-09-30 -Teaser: Prihod-11.jpg +Teaser: Prihod-11-ena.jpg --- ![Prihod](%assets_url%/Prihod-11.jpg)

-## PRVI DAN: Zapatistična Balkanska Pot +## ZAČETEK: Zapatistična Balkanska Pot #### ZAPATISTIČNA DELEGACIJA JE PRISPELA!

@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ Naj se skupno potovanje začne! 22/09/2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia -*Koordinacija za zapatistično srečanje v Sloveniji (Balkanska pot)*

+*Koordinacija za pripravo in izvedbo zapatističnega srečanja na ozemlju Slovenije (Balkanska pot)*

--- [video https://kolektiva.media/w/d89b7d7a-b993-4830-bfb3-7459673ba285]

-## DAY ONE: Zapatista Balkan Route +## THE BEGINNING: Zapatista Balkan Route ### ZAPATISTAS HAVE ARRIVED!

@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Let this mutual journey begin! 22/09/2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia -*Coordination for Zapatista meeting in Slovenia (Balkan route chapter)* +*Coordination for preparation and realization of the Zapatista meeting on the territory of Slovenia (Balkan Route)* ![Prihod](%assets_url%/Prihod-1.jpg) diff --git a/content/novice/solidarity_with_zapatistas.md b/content/novice/solidarity_with_zapatistas.md index 48f829e..a54134f 100644 --- a/content/novice/solidarity_with_zapatistas.md +++ b/content/novice/solidarity_with_zapatistas.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ --- -Title: Solidarnost z zapatisti in zapatistkami iz Ljubljane -Description: Koordinacija za zapatistično srečanje v Sloveniji, del Balkanske poti, v solidarnosti z zapatističnimi skupnostmi v Chiapasu in proti terorju paravojaških enot v Mehiki. +Title: Ljubljana od spodaj izraža solidarnost +Description: Koordinacija za zapatistično srečanje v Sloveniji, del Balkanske poti, izraža solidarnost z zapatističnimi skupnostmi v Chiapasu in zavrača teror paravojaških enot v Mehiki. Proti sovraštvu in nasilju tako v Ljubljani kot v Chiapasu gradimo solidarnost in odpor. Date: 2021-09-25 -Teaser: solidarity_with_zapatistas_Ljubljana.jpg +Teaser: solidarity_with_zapatistas_Ljubljana-dva.jpg --- diff --git a/content/novice/ugrabitev.md b/content/novice/ugrabitev.md index 450cde7..fd163a2 100644 --- a/content/novice/ugrabitev.md +++ b/content/novice/ugrabitev.md @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ --- Title: AKCIJA: Zahtevamo izpustitev dveh tovarišev -Description: 11. septembra sta bila ugrabljena dva tovariša. +Description: 11. septembra sta bila v Chiapasu ugrabljena dva zapatistična tovariša. EZLN zahteva njuno takojšnjo vrnitev, izraža ogorčenost nad umazano vojno proti upornim staroselskim skupnostim in izraža solidarnost s prizadetimi. Pozivi in akcije solidarnosti se vrstijo tudi drugod po svetu. Date: 2021-09-19 Teaser: ugrabitev.png diff --git a/content/novice/vase-meje-niso-nas-svet.md b/content/novice/vase-meje-niso-nas-svet.md index 22cf2bc..6033611 100644 --- a/content/novice/vase-meje-niso-nas-svet.md +++ b/content/novice/vase-meje-niso-nas-svet.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Title: AKCIJA: Naši svetovi se ne končajo na vaših mejah Description: Izjava regionalne Koordinacije glede preprek, s katerimi se sooča zapatistična delegacija pri vstopu v Francijo. Date: 2021-08-06 -Teaser: embaja.jpg +Teaser: embaja-ena.jpg --- diff --git a/content/novice/zenska.md b/content/novice/zenska.md index 9b3ea00..080adda 100644 --- a/content/novice/zenska.md +++ b/content/novice/zenska.md @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ --- - -Title: Obstaja ženska -Description: Besede zapatističnih skupnosti na pohodu proti uničenju narave. +Title: 'Obstaja ženska' +Description: Besede zapatističnih skupnosti proti uničenju narave. Date: 2021-09-26 -Teaser: dunaj24sep.jpg +Teaser: dunaj24sep-ena.jpg --- @@ -11,7 +10,7 @@ Teaser: dunaj24sep.jpg -## Obstaja ženska +## 'Obstaja ženska' Besede zapatističnih skupnosti na pohodu proti uničenju narave. Posredovane z glasom tovarišice Libertad na Dunaju, Avstrija.