#include #include #include #include #include #include /* --------- ERROR MESSAGES */ #define printerr(format, ...) printf("error: " format "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__) #define ZERODIV_ERR "zero divisor" #define DOMAIN_ERR "operand not in domain [%d, %d]" #define NEG_ERR "negative operand %g" #define FULL_STACK_ERR "stack full, can't push %g" #define EMPTY_STACK_ERR "stack empty" #define SHORT_STACK_ERR "not enough elements on stack" #define UNKNOWN_TOKEN_ERR "unknown token %s" #define VAR_NOT_SET_ERR "variable %c has no value" /* --------- PROMPT FORMATS */ #define PROMPT_F ">> " #define POP_PRINT_F "pop -> %.8g\n" #define PEEK_PRINT_F "peek -> %.8g\n" #define INITIAL_PROMPT_F \ "A simple polish notation calculator.\n" \ "Type 'help' for a list of available commands\n" \ PROMPT_F /* ------ GLOBAL VALUE STACK */ #define MAXVAL 100 /* maximum depth of val stack */ int sp = 0; double val[MAXVAL]; /* length: current length of stack */ #define length() sp /* push: push f onto value stack */ #define push(x) \ ((sp < MAXVAL) ? val[sp++] = x : printerr(FULL_STACK_ERR, (double) (x))) /* pop: pop and return top value from stack */ double pop(void) { return sp ? val[--sp] : (printerr(EMPTY_STACK_ERR), 0); } /* peek: return top value from stack, leave stack unchanged */ #define peek() (sp ? val[sp-1] : (printerr(EMPTY_STACK_ERR), 0)) /* clear: clear stack */ #define clear() (sp = 0) /* dup: duplicate top element */ #define dup() do { double tmp = peek(); push(tmp); } while (0) /* swap: swap top two elements */ #define swap() \ do { if (sp < 2) printerr(SHORT_STACK_ERR); else { \ double tmp = peek(); \ val[sp-1] = val[sp-2], val[sp-2] = tmp; \ } \ } while (0) /* -------- STACK PRINTING FUNCTIONS */ double lst_print; /* print_peek: print top element, leave stack unchanged */ #define print_peek() printf(PEEK_PRINT_F, lst_print = peek()) /* print_pop: pop top element and print it */ #define print_pop() printf(POP_PRINT_F, lst_print = pop()) /* ------- GLOBAL VARIABLE NAMESPACE */ #define NS_SIZE ('z' - 'a' + 1) char var_flags[NS_SIZE]; double var_vals[NS_SIZE]; /* is_var: return 0 if c is not a variable name */ #define is_var(c) isalpha(c) /* set_var: pop val from stack, set variable c to val */ #define set_var(c) \ do { \ int i = tolower(c) - 'a'; \ var_flags[i] = 1; \ var_vals[i] = pop(); \ } while (0) /* get_var: push value of c to stack */ #define get_var(c) \ do { \ int i = tolower(c) - 'a'; \ if (!var_flags[i]) \ printerr(VAR_NOT_SET_ERR, i+'a'); \ else \ push(var_vals[i]); \ } while (0) /* print_vars: print all set variables and their values */ void print_vars(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NS_SIZE; i++) if (var_flags[i]) printf("%c = %.8g\n", i+'a', var_vals[i]); } /* --------- CALCULATOR FUNCTION TYPES */ /* the following macros allow us to call native c constructs * in a declarative style */ /* value */ #define VALUE(ID) push(ID) /* command */ #define COMMAND(CMD) CMD() /* commutative operator */ #define COMM_OP(OP) push(pop() OP pop()) /* non-commutative operator */ #define NONC_OP(OP, ...) \ do { double op = pop(); __VA_ARGS__ push(pop() OP op); } while (0) /* unary function */ #define UNARY_FUN(F) push(F(pop())) /* unary function with tests */ #define UNARY_T_FUN(F, T, ...) \ do { double op = pop(); __VA_ARGS__ push(F(op)); } while (0) /* commutative function */ #define COMM_FUN(F) push(F(pop(), pop())) /* non-commutative function */ #define NONC_FUN(F, ...) \ do { double op = pop(); __VA_ARGS__ push(F(pop(), op)); } while (0) /* OPERAND TESTS */ /* nonzero operand */ #define NONZ_SND_OP if (!op) printerr(ZERODIV_ERR); else /* operator in range */ #define IN_RANGE(A, B) if (op < A || op > B) printerr(DOMAIN_ERR, A, B); else /* non-negative operand */ #define NON_NEG if (op < 0) printerr(NEG_ERR, op); else /* --------- CALCULATOR FUNCTIONS */ /* renaming macro */ #define CALL(TOKEN, F, APPLY, ...) APPLY(F, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define COMMANDS \ X(_, "last printed value", CALL, lst_print, VALUE) \ X(ENTER, "pop top of stack and print it", CALL, print_pop, COMMAND) \ X(print, "print top of stack", CALL, print_peek, COMMAND) \ X(dup, "duplicate top of stack", COMMAND) \ X(swap, "swap top two elements of stack", COMMAND) \ X(clear, "clear stack", COMMAND) \ X(help, "print all available commands", COMMAND) \ X(vars, "print defined variables and their values", CALL, print_vars, COMMAND) #define MOD(x, y) ((int) (x) % (int) (y)) #define OPERATORS \ X(+, "add operands", COMM_OP) \ X(*, "multiply operands", COMM_OP) \ X(-, "substact operands", NONC_OP) \ X(/, "divide operands", NONC_OP, NONZ_SND_OP) \ X(%, "apply modulo to operands", CALL, MOD, NONC_FUN, NONZ_SND_OP) \ X(>, "greater than", NONC_OP) \ X(<, "less than", NONC_OP) \ X(<=, "less than or equal", NONC_OP) \ X(>=, "greater than or equal", NONC_OP) \ X(==, "test equality", COMM_OP) #define MATH_H_BINDINGS \ X(sin, "sine", UNARY_FUN) \ X(cos, "cosine", UNARY_FUN) \ X(tan, "tangent", UNARY_FUN) \ X(acos, "arc cosine", UNARY_T_FUN, IN_RANGE(-1, 1)) \ X(asin, "arc sine", UNARY_T_FUN, IN_RANGE(-1, 1)) \ X(atan, "arc tangent", UNARY_FUN) \ X(exp, "exponentional function", UNARY_FUN) \ X(log, "natural logarithm", UNARY_T_FUN, NON_NEG) \ X(log10, "logarithm of base 10", UNARY_T_FUN, NON_NEG) \ X(log2, "logarithm of base 2", UNARY_T_FUN, NON_NEG) \ X(pow, "power function", NONC_FUN) \ X(sqrt, "square root", UNARY_T_FUN, NON_NEG) \ X(ceil, "round up value", UNARY_FUN) \ X(floor, "round down value", UNARY_FUN) \ X(round, "round to nearest", UNARY_FUN) \ X(abs, "absolute value", CALL, fabs, UNARY_FUN) \ X(max, "maximum value", CALL, fmax, COMM_FUN) \ X(min, "minimum value", CALL, fmin, COMM_FUN) \ X(pi, "value of pi", CALL, M_PI, VALUE) #define TOKENS \ COMMANDS \ OPERATORS \ MATH_H_BINDINGS /* variable manipulation tokens */ #define VAR_TOKENS \ X('=', "pop value top from stack and set %s to value", set_var) \ X('$', "push value of %s to top of stack", get_var) /* --------- MAIN PROGRAM */ #define MAXTOKEN 100 int gettoken(char *token, int max_t); char * parsef(char *s, double *x); void help(void); /* reverse Polish calculator */ int main() { char token[MAXTOKEN + 1]; double x; int t_len; printf(INITIAL_PROMPT_F); while ((t_len = gettoken(token, MAXTOKEN))) { if (t_len < 0) { /* newline token */ if (length()) print_pop(); printf(PROMPT_F); } else #define X(F, DESC, APPLY, ...) \ if (t_len == sizeof(#F) / sizeof(char) - 1 && !strcmp(#F, token)) \ APPLY(F, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ else TOKENS #undef X #define X(C, DESC, F) \ if (t_len == 2 && token[0] == C && is_var(token[1])) \ F(token[1]); \ else VAR_TOKENS #undef X if (*parsef(token, &x) == '\0') push(x); else printerr(UNKNOWN_TOKEN_ERR, token); } putchar('\n'); while (length()) print_pop(); return 0; } /* ---------- HELP COMMAND */ #define MAX_CMD_W 10 /* token padding */ #define VAR_STR "X" /* string to represent variable */ /* we verify that no token is to large to be pretty printed */ #define X(TOKEN, ...) \ static_assert(sizeof(#TOKEN) / sizeof(char) <= MAX_CMD_W, \ "size of " #TOKEN " is to large for pretty printing " \ "in help command"); TOKENS #undef X /* help: prints all available calculator functions */ void help(void) { #define X(C, DESC, ...) \ printf("%c%-*s" DESC "\n", C, MAX_CMD_W-1, VAR_STR, VAR_STR); VAR_TOKENS #undef X #define X(F, DESC, ...) printf("%-*s" DESC "\n", MAX_CMD_W, #F); TOKENS #undef X } /* -------- PARSING FUNCTIONS */ #define BLANK ' ' /* gettoken: get next space delimited token from input * return token length, -1 on newline and 0 on EOF */ int gettoken(char *token, int t_max) { static int c = BLANK; while (isspace(c) && c != '\n') /* remove leading whitespace */ c = getchar(); if (c == '\n') { /* newline is a token */ c = BLANK; return -1; } /* fetch token */ int i; for (i = 0; i < t_max && c != EOF && !isspace(c); c = getchar(), i++) token[i] = c; token[i] = '\0'; return i; } #define DEC_SEP X('.') X(',') #define EXP_SEP X('e') X('E') /* macros for parsef */ #define SIGN(s) \ ((*s == '-') ? (s++, -1) : ((*s == '+') ? (s++, 1) : 1)) #define ATOI(s, x, ...) \ for (; isdigit(*s); s++, ##__VA_ARGS__) \ (x) = 10 * (x) + (*s - '0') /* parsef: convert string s to double, write it to *x * return pointer of last read char in s */ char * parsef(char s[], double *x) { *x = 0; /* integer part */ int sign = SIGN(s); ATOI(s, *x); #define X(sep) *s != sep && if (DEC_SEP 1) { *x *= sign; return s; } #undef X s++; /* fractional part */ int exp = 0; ATOI(s, *x, exp--); *x *= sign * pow(10, exp); #define X(sep) *s != sep && if (EXP_SEP 1) return s; #undef X s++; /* exponent */ sign = SIGN(s); exp = 0; ATOI(s, exp); *x *= pow(10, sign * exp); return s; }