
236 lines
6.1 KiB

from collections import defaultdict
from enum import Enum
from inspect import signature
import operator
class IntcodeError(Exception):
class OpState(Enum):
"""Execution state class."""
HALT = 1
WAIT = 2
class defaultlist(list):
"""Default list class. Allows writing and reading out of bounds."""
def __init__(self, lst, val_factory):
self.val_factory = val_factory
def __setitem__(self, i, x):
for _ in range((i - len(self) + 1)):
super().__setitem__(i, x)
def __getitem__(self, i):
if i >= len(self):
return self.val_factory()
return super().__getitem__(i)
class Singleton(object):
def __init__(self, x=None):
self.x = x
def append(self, y):
self.x = y
def pop(self, _):
x = self.x
if x == None:
raise IndexError("pop from empty singleton")
self.x = None
return x
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.x == other
def __str__(self):
return str(self.x)
def format(self):
if self.x == None:
return None
return int(self.x)
def copy(self):
return self
def makeIO(in_buff_class, out_buff_class):
class IO(object):
def __init__(self, in_buff = in_buff_class()):
self.in_buff = in_buff
self.out_buff = out_buff_class()
def pop_input(self):
if self.in_buff == in_buff_class():
return None
return self.in_buff.pop(0)
def append_output(self, x):
def copy(self):
new = IO()
new.in_buff = self.in_buff.copy()
new.out_buff = self.out_buff.copy()
return new
def flush(self):
o = self.out_buff
self.out_buff = out_buff_class()
return o.format()
except AttributeError:
return o
def write(self, input):
if self.in_buff != in_buff_class():
raise IntcodeError("writing to nonempty input")
self.in_buff = in_buff_class(input)
return IO
StackIO = makeIO(list, list)
SingletonIO = makeIO(Singleton, Singleton)
class Opcode:
def of_operator(operator):
"""Make opcode from operator."""
def opcode(state, p1, p2, p3):
r = operator(state.memory[p1], state.memory[p2])
state.memory[p3] = r
state.i += 4
return OpState.CONTINUE
return opcode
def jump_when(flag):
def opcode(state, p1, p2):
if (state.memory[p1] > 0) == flag:
state.i = state.memory[p2]
state.i += 3
return OpState.CONTINUE
return opcode
def adjust_base(state, p1):
state.rel_base += state.memory[p1]
state.i += 2
return OpState.CONTINUE
def get_input(state, p1):
x = state.IO.pop_input()
if x == None:
return OpState.WAIT
state.memory[p1] = x
state.i += 2
return OpState.CONTINUE
def put_output(state, p1):
state.i += 2
return OpState.CONTINUE
halt = lambda _ : OpState.HALT
ops = {1 : of_operator(operator.add),
2 : of_operator(operator.mul),
3 : get_input,
4 : put_output,
5 : jump_when(True),
6 : jump_when(False),
7 : of_operator(,
8 : of_operator(operator.eq),
9 : adjust_base,
99 : halt
def parse(op):
op = str(op)
par_modes, op = op[:-2][::-1], int(op[-2:])
opcode = Opcode.ops[op]
parnum = len(signature(opcode).parameters) - 1
par_modes = par_modes + '0'*(parnum - len(par_modes))
return opcode, map(int, par_modes)
def run(state):
opcode, par_modes = Opcode.parse(state.memory[state.i])
pars = []
for pn, mode in enumerate(par_modes, start=1):
p = state.i + pn
if mode == 0:
p = state.memory[p]
elif mode == 2:
p = state.rel_base + state.memory[p]
op_state = opcode(state, *pars)
return op_state
class Interpreter(object):
def __init__(self, program, IO_class=StackIO, i=0, rel_base=0):
self.memory = defaultlist(program[:], val_factory = lambda : 0)
self.IO = IO_class()
self.i = i
self.rel_base = rel_base
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
if == OpState.HALT:
raise StopIteration
while == OpState.CONTINUE:
return self.IO.flush()
def write(self, in_buff):
def run(self, in_buff=None):
if in_buff != None:
out = next(self)
if != OpState.HALT:
raise IntcodeError("expecting input")
return out
def copy(self):
memory = self.memory.copy()
IO = IO.copy()
return Emulator(memory, IO)
class Display(defaultdict):
def __init__(self, encoding):
super(Display, self).__init__(int)
self.encoding = encoding
def __str__(self):
xs, ys = zip(*self.keys())
X, Y = max(xs)+1, max(ys)+1
return '\n'.join(''.join(self.encoding[self[(x, y)]]
for x in range(X))
for y in range(Y))
class DisplayIO(object):
def __init__(self, display):
self.display = display
self.block = tuple()
def input(self):
return NotImplemented
def wait_for_input(self):
return NotImplemented
def output(self, x):
self.block += (x,)
if len(self.block) == 3:
self.display[self.block[:2]] = self.block[2]
self.block = tuple()