# Advent of Code 2019 Solutions to [Advent of Code 2019](https://adventofcode.com/2019) in Python 3. ## Usage To solve all puzzles with implemented solutions run ```console $ python3 main.py ``` or alternatively make the main program executable ```console $ chmod +x main.py $ ./main.py ``` For other options see `./main.py -h` ```console $ ./main.py -h usage: main.py [-h] [-d DAY[-DAY]] [-i INPUT] [-t] Solves Advent of Code 2019 puzzles. The puzzles are available at https://adventofcode.com/2019/ optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -d DAY[-DAY], --day DAY[-DAY] solve puzzle of day DAY or of range DAY-DAY -i INPUT, --input INPUT use INPUT as puzzle input -t, --test run tests ```