from functools import total_ordering from collections import defaultdict from itertools import combinations @total_ordering class MaxBound: def __gt__(self, other): return True def __eq__(self, other): return False def __ge__(self, other): return True def __le__(self, other): return False def __repr__(self): return "MaxBound" def move_func(maze, i): w = maze.index('\n')+1 possible = i+1, i-1, i+w, i-w return [j for j in possible if j < len(maze) and maze[j] not in ('\n', '#')] def build_branch(maze, i, w=0, visited=None, edges=None): if visited == None: visited = defaultdict(MaxBound) edges = defaultdict(MaxBound) if visited[i] <= w: return visited[i] = w node = maze[i] if node != '.' and w > 0: edges[node] = min(edges[node], w) return for m in move_func(maze, i): build_branch(maze, m, w+1, visited, edges) return edges def build_graph(maze): keys = [c for c in maze if c not in ('#', '.', '\n')] graph = dict() for key in keys: graph[key] = build_branch(maze, maze.index(key)) return graph def print_graph(graph): for node in graph: print(node, end='') for n, w in graph[node].items(): print("--{}--> {}".format(w, n)) print(' '*len(node), end='') print() def unlock(graph, key): new = dict() if key not in graph: return graph for a in graph: if a == key: continue new[a] = defaultdict(MaxBound) for b, w in graph[a].items(): if b == key: continue new[a][b] = w for a, b in combinations(graph[key].keys(), 2): w = graph[key][a] + graph[key][b] new[a][b] = new[b][a] = min(new[a][b], w) return new def is_key(c): return c == c.lower() def doorof(key): return key.upper() if key.isalpha() else None def heu_sort(edges): return sorted(edges.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]) def search(graph, nodes, w=0, best=MaxBound(), d=0, mem=None, key=''): if mem == None: mem = defaultdict(MaxBound) id = "".join(sorted(nodes)) + ''.join(sorted(n for n in graph if n not in nodes and is_key(n))) if w >= best or w >= mem[id]: return best if len(mem) < 10**5: mem[id] = w graph = unlock(graph, doorof(key)) for i, node in enumerate(nodes): bridged = unlock(graph, node) for n, w2 in heu_sort(graph[node]): if not is_key(n): continue r = search(bridged, nodes[:i] + [n] + nodes[i+1:], w+w2, best, d+1, mem, n) best = min(best, r) if len(graph) == len(nodes) and w < best: best = w return best def init_maze(maze): maze = list(maze) for i in range(maze.count('@')): maze[maze.index('@')] = str(i) return ''.join(maze), map(str, range(i+1)) def prepoc(puzzle_input): return puzzle_input def partI(maze): graph = build_graph(maze) return search(graph, ['@']) def partII(maze): maze = list(maze) i = maze.index('@') w = maze.index('\n') maze[i-1:i+2] = '###' maze[i-w-2:i-w+1] = maze[i+w:i+w+3] = '@#@' maze, nodes = init_maze(maze) graph = build_graph(maze) return search(graph, list(nodes))