from inspect import signature from lib import defaultlist import operator from itertools import chain # Custom Exceptions ------------------------------------------------------- class WaitForInput(Exception): """Used for interrupting emulator execution.""" pass class Halted(Exception): """Used when calling halted emulator.""" pass class PipeError(Exception): """Used when b in pipe a | b needs input and a is halted.""" pass class InputWriteError(Exception): """Raised when overwriting non-empty input buffer""" # Emulator ---------------------------------------------------------------- def format_input_args(wfunc): """ Adds structure to arguments for input functions. Creates an input iterator by chaining args, an optional input iterator and an iterator constructed from a pop_input function. """ def decorated(self, *args, input_iter=iter([]), pop_input=lambda : None): input_iter = chain(iter(args), input_iter, iter(pop_input, None)) return wfunc(self, input_iter) return decorated class emulator(): """ Intcode emulator. The emulator is a generator yielding output. """ def __init__(self, program): """ The emulator state is composed of memory, current pointer and relative base. Input is fed from an iterator. This iterator is empty by default. Use write/append to add overwrite/append to the input iterator. """ self.memory = defaultlist(program[:], val_factory = lambda : 0) self.i = 0 self.rel_base = 0 self.input_iter = iter([]) @format_input_args def append_input(self, input_iter): """Appends input_iter to input iterator""" self.input_iter = chain(self.input_iter, input_iter) @format_input_args def write_input(self, input_iter): """ Overwrites input iterator. Raises InputWriteError if input iterator is not exhausted. """ try: next(self.input_iter) raise InputWriteError except StopIteration: self.input_iter = input_iter # Opcode functions ----------------------------- def _of_operator(operator): """Make opcode from operator.""" def opcode(self, p1, p2, p3): r = operator(self.memory[p1], self.memory[p2]) self.memory[p3] = r self.i += 4 return opcode def _jump_when(flag): """Returns jump when flag opcode""" def opcode(self, p1, p2): if (self.memory[p1] > 0) == flag: self.i = self.memory[p2] else: self.i += 3 return opcode def _get_input(self, p1): """Calls next on self.input_iterator. Raises WaitForInput if exhausted""" try: x = next(self.input_iter) except StopIteration: raise WaitForInput self.memory[p1] = x self.i += 2 def _put_output(self, p1): """Returns output. Only opcode that doesn't return None""" self.i += 2 return self.memory[p1] def _adjust_base(self, p1): """Adjusts relative base.""" self.rel_base += self.memory[p1] self.i += 2 # Opcode codes ------------------------------ opcodes = {1 : _of_operator(operator.add), 2 : _of_operator(operator.mul), 3 : _get_input, 4 : _put_output, 5 : _jump_when(True), 6 : _jump_when(False), 7 : _of_operator(, 8 : _of_operator(operator.eq), 9 : _adjust_base, } HALT = 99 def next_opcode(self): """ Calls next opcode and returns it's return value. Raises Halted when program halts """ op = self.memory[self.i] if op == self.HALT: raise Halted op = str(op) par_modes, op = op[:-2][::-1], int(op[-2:]) opcode = self.opcodes[op] parnum = len(signature(opcode).parameters) - 1 par_modes = par_modes + '0'*(parnum - len(par_modes)) par_modes = map(int, par_modes) pars = [] for pn, mode in enumerate(par_modes, start=1): p = self.i + pn if mode == 0: p = self.memory[p] elif mode == 2: p = self.rel_base + self.memory[p] pars.append(p) return opcode(self, *pars) def __next__(self): """Executes until ouput is returned. Stops iteration when halted.""" try: r = self.next_opcode() while r == None: r = self.next_opcode() return r except Halted: raise StopIteration def __iter__(self): """Return iterator""" return self def pipe_from(self, other): """Lazy pipe. Chains other to selfs input_iter.""" def handle(): try: return next(other) except StopIteration: raise PipeError self.append_input(pop_input = handle) self.write_input = other.write_input self.append_input = other.append_input def __add__(self, other): """Pipes self to other and return other.""" other.pipe_from(self) return other # Useful functions -------------------------------------------------- def parse(s): """Parses program from string""" return list(map(int, s.rstrip().split(','))) def compile(program): """Binds program to emulator and returns it as a function taking input.""" def executable(*args, **kwargs): emul = emulator(program) emul.write_input(*args, **kwargs) return emul return executable def preproc(s): """Prepoccessing function used by most programs using intcode""" return compile(parse(s))