from bottle import template, get, run, post, request, redirect, response from chess import Game KEY = "abcdefgh" TEMPLATE = "template.tpl" games = dict() def is_submitted(name): """Return True if form element with name was submitted.""" return request.forms.get(name) != None @get("/") def index(): """Drop cookie if it doesn't exist. Redirect to /game/.""" if request.get_cookie("gameid", secret=KEY) not in games.keys(): game = Game() id = str(max(list(map(int, games.keys()))+[0]) + 1) games[id] = game response.set_cookie("gameid", id, path='/', secret=KEY) redirect("/game/") @get("/game/") def show(): """Show board. Redirect to index if id given by cookie not in games.""" id = request.get_cookie("gameid", secret=KEY) if id not in games: redirect("/") return template(TEMPLATE, game=games[id], valid=True) @post("/game/") def move(): """Catch form submissions and manipulate the game instance.""" id = request.get_cookie("gameid", secret=KEY) valid = True if is_submitted("newgame"): if id in games: del games[id] redirect("/") if is_submitted("prev"): games[id].prev() elif is_submitted("first"): games[id].first() elif is_submitted("next"): games[id].next() elif is_submitted("last"): games[id].last() else: AN = request.forms.get("move") valid = games[id].AN_move(AN) redirect("/game/") run(host="localhost", port=8080)