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s.options.numInputBusChannels = 4;
s.options.numOutputBusChannels = 4;
~dataPath = "/home/rizoma/witw/data/"; // CHANGE THIS TO RELATIVE PATH
~devices = ["D7:80:BE:2C:63:BD", "F1:CC:C3:0B:7F:5C"];
// create 8 control busses to pass data between synths
~ctrlBus = 8.collect({arg i; Bus.control(s,1); });
// define synths
SynthDef(\sgrain, { | out=0, atk=0.01, dcy=0.01, freq=100, pan=0, amp=1|
var sig, env;
env = EnvGen.ar(Env.perc(atk, dcy), doneAction: 2);
sig = FSinOsc.ar(freq);
sig = sig * (env * amp);
sig = Pan2.ar(sig, pan);
Out.ar(out, sig);
SynthDef(\sslew, {
| out = 0, freq=100, amp = 0.7, slewrate = 1|
var sig, z;
// add slew rate on frequency
z = Slew.kr(freq, slewrate, slewrate);
sig = BPF.ar(PinkNoise.ar(), z, 6 );
//sig = Blip.ar(z, 5, amp).dup;
Out.ar(out, sig)
SynthDef.new(\sine, {
arg freq=440, panfreq=0.3, panphase=0.5, rel=0.5, gate=0, amp=0.0001;
var sig;
sig = SinOsc.ar(freq);
sig = sig * EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(0.04,rel), doneAction:2);
sig = Pan2.ar(sig, FSinOsc.kr(panfreq, panphase));
sig = sig * amp;
Out.ar(0, sig);
// load and process the data source /////////////////////////////////
~csvFile=CSVFileReader.read(~dataPath ++ ~devices[0] ++ "/" ++ "sensor_data.csv",true,true);
// flatten ~data from 2D Array to regular array (per column);
~data = ( ~csvFile[0].size ).collect({ arg itt;
Array.fill( ~csvFile.size-1,{ arg i;
~csvFile.at(i+1).asArray.at(itt)}); // +1 to skip the column name
~data[2]; // Temperature C
~data[3]; // F
~data[10]; // wind speed MPH
~data[11]; // wind direction
~data[13]; // wind gusts MPH
~data[5]; // rain bucket capacity
~data[6]; // rain bucket tips per minute?
~data[20]; // LON
~data[21]; // LAT
// normalize data ranges //////
~freq=~data[2].asFloat.normalize(0, 400);
~atk=~data[4].asFloat.normalize(0.02, 0.04);
~dcy=~data[2].asFloat.normalize(0.05, 0.1);
~dur=~data[2].asFloat.normalize(0.1, 0.1);
~level=~data[2].asFloat.normalize(0, 0);
//start the slewing synth /////////////////////////////
//~sslew1 = Synth(\sslew,[\out,0,\freq,220,\amp,0,\slewrate,1000]);
//~sslew1.map(\freq, ~ctrlBus[0]); // map control bus to freq parameter
//o = OSCFunc({ |msg| msg.postln }, '/tr', s.addr);
~ce = Array.new(maxSize: 20);
// perform the data sonification /////////////////////
/* ( p = Pbind(\instrument, \sgrain,
\freq, Pseq(~freq.round(30),1),
\atk, Pseq(~atk,1).poll,
\dcy, Pseq(~dcy,1),
\pan, Pseq([0,1], inf),
\dur, Pseq(~dur,1),
\amp, Pseq(~level, 1),
\date, Pseq(~date, 1 )
).collect{ arg i; i.postln; });*/
~gr = Group.new;
~pitchset = [20,40,60,80].midicps;
Pspawner({ | sp |
8.do { | i |
// Pdefn (~ce[i],
Pbind( *[
\instrument, \sine,
\dur, Pseq(Array.geom(30, rrand(1,1.5), rrand(0.98,0.99)).mirror,1),
\freq, exprand(~pitchset[0],~pitchset[0]*100).round(~pitchset[0]),
\panfreq, rrand(0.1, 2.2),
\amp, 0.05,
\panphase, rrand(-1.0,1.0),
\rel, exprand(1.5,3.35),
//\gate, 0,
\group, ~gr
//Pdefn (\c, Pbind( \freq, exprand(~pitchset[0],~pitchset[0]*100).round(~pitchset[0])))
~dur = PatternProxy.new;
~deg = PatternProxy.new;
~oct = PatternProxy.new;
~voc = PatternProxy.new;
~amp = PatternProxy.new;
~sca = PatternProxy.new;
~rel = PatternProxy.new;
~dur.source = Pseq(Array.geom(30, rrand(1,1.5), rrand(0.98,0.99)).mirror,inf);
~deg.source = Prand([0,5,7],inf);
~oct.source = Prand([2,3,4],inf);
~voc.source = 4;
~amp.source = Pwhite(0.001, 0.1,inf);
~sca.source = Scale.harmonicMinor;
~rel.source = Pexprand(1.5,3.35, inf);
Pdef(\c, Pspawner({ | sp | 8.do { | i | sp.par(
Pbind( *[
\instrument, \sine,
\dur, ~dur,
\scale, ~sca,
\degree, ~deg,
\octave, ~oct,
//\freq, exprand(~pitchset[0],~pitchset[0]*80).round(100),
\panfreq, rrand(0.1, 2.2),
\amp, ~amp,
\panphase, rrand(-1.0,1.0),
\rel, ~rel,
//\rel, exprand(1.5,3.35),
\group, ~gr
}; // closes s.waitForBoot
~dur.source = Pseq(Array.geom(30, rrand(1,1.5), rrand(0.98,0.99)).mirror,inf);
~dur.source = Pseq([1.5],inf);
//~voc.source = 1;
~oct.source = Prand([3,4],inf);
~deg.source = Prand([0,4,7,9,11],inf);
~sca.source = Scale.chromatic;
~rel.source = Pexprand(1.1,10.5, inf);
~amp.source = Pwhite(0.001, 0.00,inf);
r = Routine {
Routine { 100.do { |i| i.yield } }.idle(6);
fork {
loop {
c.set(\amp, 0.2);*/
//~gr.set(\amp, 0.001);
//~gr.set(\freq, exprand(~pitchset[0],~pitchset[0]*100).round(~pitchset[0]));