#!/usr/bin/python3 # CREATE UHO EPISODE ----------------------------------------- import sys, os, datetime, fnmatch, glob, random, time, pathlib, re,\ sqlite3, json, subprocess, uuid, argparse, contextlib from pydub import AudioSegment from datetime import timedelta from os.path import join from tinytag import TinyTag from random import shuffle from pypika import Query, Table, Field, Column from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont from jinja2 import Template, Environment, FileSystemLoader from glob import glob import tkinter as tk from tkinter import filedialog as fd parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-d", "--date", help="Show Date") parser.add_argument("-e", "--episode", help="Episode Number", type=int) parser.add_argument("-p", "--playlist", help="new, keep or edit", default="keep") parser.add_argument("-m", "--mp3", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-w", "--web", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-a", "--art", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-i", "--insert_fills", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-t", "--top_tail", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() path = pathlib.Path.cwd() show_name = "UhO" show_url = "https://uho.rizom.si" show_rss = "podcast_rss.xml" show_email = "uho.podcast@gmail.com" episode_author="Rob Canning" show_short_description = '''The UhO! podcast presents an eclectic selection of independent music from Slovenia. The show aims to deliver as broad a range of genres as possible; banging techno, sludge, math rock, contemporary classical, doom, free improvisation, noise music, glitch, jazz skronk, field recordings, ambient, drone....etc etc... whatever the genre, you can be sure you are listening to the latest and most inovative music on offer in this part of the world. Hosted and compiled by Rob Canning, the show is published weekly by Zavod Rizoma and is broadcast in Slovenia on FM by mariborski radio študent: MARŠ. It as also available as a podcast. Use our RSS feed or search for UhO Podcast where ever you subscribe to podcasts''' episode_number = args.episode input_date = args.date episode_date = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") episode_duration = 0 show_cover = "" archive = [] #artists_played = [] artist_abreviated = [] # sqlite database connection conn = sqlite3.connect("database/show.db") web_path = "{0}/html/episode/{1}/img".format(path, episode_number) if not os.path.exists(web_path): os.makedirs(web_path) # ///////////////////////////////////////////////// def set_episode_date(input_date): # second CLI argument is showdate in YYYY-MM-DD global episode_date d = input_date.split("-") episode_date = datetime.date(int(d[0]),int(d[1]),int(d[2])).strftime("%A, %d %B, %Y") return episode_date def get_intro(): intropath = "audio/intros" intro = random.choice(os.listdir(intropath)) #final_playlist.insert(0, str(os.path.abspath(intropath)) + "/" + str(intro)) return str(str(intropath) + "/" + str(intro)) def choose_a_track(conn, episode_number, ): print("adding a track") global episode_duration global track_count set_episode_date(input_date) max_track_dur = 10 min_track_dur = 2 cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM MUSIC_LIBRARY ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1 ;") r = cursor.fetchone() # FETCH ONE RANDOM TRACK FROM THE DATABASE print(r) # TODO lookup path and get complete db record #name= fd.askopenfilename() #print(name) song = str(r[9]) track_label = str(r[1]) track_album = str(r[2]) track_title = str(r[3]) track_artist = str(r[4]) track_duration = float(r[6]) track_genre = str(r[5]) track_year = str(r[7]) track_path = song #'/'.join(song.split('/')[0:-1]) track_comment = str(r[11]) print(track_duration/60) # SOME LOGIC TO SEE IF WE ALLOW THAT TRACK OR NOT if check_album(track_album) is True \ and check_artist(track_artist) is True \ and check_for_KM_compilation(track_album) is True: if check_archive(track_path) is True: if track_duration > min_track_dur * 60: if int(track_duration) < max_track_dur * 60: # TODO put in a function art = string=re.sub("\(.*?\)","",track_artist) # shorten verbose artist names such as trojnik Trojnik (Cene Resnik, Tomaž Grom, Vid Drašler) art = string=re.sub("and","&",art) artist_abreviated.append(art) if not track_year: # where missing metadata give a dummy value track_year = "0000" e = Table('EPISODES') track_number = '{:0>2}'.format(track_count) id = str(uuid.uuid4()) print("adding..." + str(track_count)) q = e.insert(id, episode_number, track_number, str(episode_date),\ track_album, track_title, track_artist, \ track_duration,track_genre, track_year, \ track_path, track_label, track_comment) cursor.execute(str(q)) conn.commit() track_count += 1; episode_duration = episode_duration + track_duration return '{:0>2}'.format(track_count) # TODO figure out logging to see what is getting rejected etc. # else: print("TRACK TOO SHORT..........." ) # else: print("TRACK TOO LONG..........." ) # else: print("SONG PLAYED IN PREVIOUS EPISODE" ) #else: print("ARTIST ALREADY IN PODCAST") def check_archive(track_path): cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM EPISODES WHERE path = ?", (track_path,)) data=cursor.fetchone() if data is None: return True # no previous play record found... the track can be added else: print('Track has been played on a previous episode', [track_path, data[0]]) return False #TODO limit number of KM Compilations in new function def check_for_KM_compilation(track_album): "TODO fix me" # check if album is played already on this episode - maybe last 2 episodes >= or similar cursor = conn.cursor() q = 'SELECT * FROM EPISODES WHERE album = "{0}" AND EPISODE = {1} '.format(track_album,episode_number, "lubski" ) #q = "SELECT album FROM EPISODES WHERE instr(album, 'Klubski') AND episode = '{1}' ".format(track_album,episode_number ) cursor.execute(q) data=cursor.fetchone() if data is None: return True # no previous play record found... the track can be added3 else: print('Klubski Maraton compilation already featured this episode!?', [track_album, data]) return False def check_album(track_album): # check if album is played already on this episode - maybe last 2 episodes >= or similar cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM EPISODES WHERE album = ? AND episode = ?", (track_album,episode_number)) data=cursor.fetchone() #print(data) if data is None: return True # no previous play record found... the track can be added else: print('Album already featured on this episode ? ?', [track_album, data[0]]) return False def check_artist(track_artist): # check if artist is played already on this episode - maybe last 2 episodes >= or similar cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM EPISODES WHERE artist = ? AND episode = ?", (track_artist,episode_number)) data=cursor.fetchone() if data is None: return True # no previous play record found... the artist can be added else: print('ARTIST already featured on this episode:', [track_artist, data[0]]) return False # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- track_count = 1 def create_episode_playlist(conn, episode_number): global episode_duration global archive global track_count track_count = 1 max_track_dur = 14 min_track_dur = 2 episode_duration = 0 set_episode_date(input_date) # first clear the sqlite table rows for the episode cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('DELETE FROM EPISODES WHERE episode = {0}'.format(episode_number)) # TODO what is most important 12 tracks or 60 minutes # 56 mins of audio rest for fillers - aprox. while episode_duration < 56 * 60 and track_count <= 12 : print(track_count) choose_a_track(conn, episode_number) modify_playlist(conn, episode_number, episode_duration) def playlist_replace_track(conn, episode_number, episode_duration): global track_count cursor = conn.cursor() track_to_replace = int(input(">>>>>>>>>> Which track number would you like to REPLACE? : ")) # delete the old track cursor.execute('DELETE FROM EPISODES WHERE episode = {0} AND track_number={1}'\ .format(episode_number, track_to_replace )) conn.commit() # this is where the index number comes from in the below choose_a_track function track_count = track_to_replace # insert the new track choose_a_track(conn, episode_number) conn.commit() # get the new episode time cursor.execute('SELECT SUM(trackdur) FROM EPISODES WHERE EPISODE=? ', [episode_number]) episode_duration = cursor.fetchone()[0] modify_playlist(conn, episode_number, episode_duration) def playlist_add_track(conn, episode_number, episode_duration): global track_count cursor = conn.cursor() #track_to_add = int(input(">>>>>>>>>> Where would you like to ADD the track? : ")) # this is where the index number comes from in the below choose_a_track function #track_count = track_to_add # add the new track # TODO specific track via gui or random choice or random from gui selected directory # choose a random choose_a_track(conn, episode_number) # re sequence track numbers cursor.execute('\ UPDATE EPISODES SET track_number = (SELECT COUNT(*)+1 FROM EPISODES r \ WHERE EPISODES.track_number>r.track_number AND EPISODE=?);',[episode_number] ) conn.commit() # get the new episode time cursor.execute('SELECT SUM(trackdur) FROM EPISODES WHERE EPISODE=? ', [episode_number]) episode_duration = cursor.fetchone()[0] modify_playlist(conn, episode_number, episode_duration) def playlist_delete_track(conn, episode_number, episode_duration): global track_count cursor = conn.cursor() track_to_replace = int(input(">>>>>> Which track number would you like to DELETE? : ")) # delete the old track cursor.execute('DELETE FROM EPISODES WHERE episode = {0} AND track_number={1}'\ .format(episode_number, track_to_replace )) conn.commit() # interate through the column an insert new track_number sequence to replace the gap cursor.execute('\ UPDATE EPISODES SET track_number = (SELECT COUNT(*)+1 FROM EPISODES r \ WHERE EPISODES.track_number>r.track_number AND EPISODE=?);',[episode_number] ) conn.commit() # get the new episode time cursor.execute('SELECT SUM(trackdur) FROM EPISODES WHERE EPISODE=? ', [episode_number]) episode_duration = cursor.fetchone()[0] modify_playlist(conn, episode_number, episode_duration) def playlist_shuffle_tracks(conn, episode_number, episode_duration): os.system("clear") # shuffle the episode cursor = conn.cursor() q = 'SELECT * FROM EPISODES WHERE EPISODE = {0} ORDER BY random();'.format(episode_number) cursor.execute(q) r = cursor.fetchall() # delete the old episode cursor.execute('DELETE FROM EPISODES WHERE episode = {0}'.format(episode_number)) track_count = 1; # write in the shuffled version print("\n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>") print(">>NEW SHUFFLED PLAYLIST: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>") print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n") for i in r: print('{0} : {1} {2} {3} {4} '.format(i[2], i[4], i[5], i[6], i[7],)) e = Table('EPISODES') track_number = '{:0>2}'.format(track_count) id = str(uuid.uuid4()) q = e.insert(id, episode_number, track_number, str(episode_date),\ i[4], i[5], i[6], i[7], i[8], i[9], i[10], i[11], i[11]) #TODO fix last index cursor.execute(str(q)) track_count += 1; episode_duration = episode_duration conn.commit() print("\n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TOTAL EPISODE DURATION:>>>> {0} >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n"\ .format(timedelta(seconds=round(episode_duration))) ) modify_playlist(conn, episode_number, episode_duration) def playlist_preview_track(conn, episode_number, episode_duration): cursor = conn.cursor() # preview a track -------------------------------------- preview_track = input(">>>>>>>> Which track would you like to preview : ") cursor.execute('SELECT path FROM EPISODES WHERE EPISODE=? AND track_number=?', [episode_number, preview_track ]) preview_track_path = cursor.fetchone()[0] print(preview_track_path) subprocess.Popen(["vlc '{0}' &".format(preview_track_path)], shell=True) modify_playlist(conn, episode_number, episode_duration) def modify_playlist(conn, episode_number, episode_duration): cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM EPISODES WHERE EPISODE=? ORDER BY track_number ASC', [episode_number]) preview = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute('SELECT SUM(trackdur) FROM EPISODES WHERE EPISODE=? ', [episode_number]) episode_duration = cursor.fetchone()[0] os.system("clear") print("\n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>") print(">> PROPOSED EPISODE #{0} PLAYLIST: ({1}) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"\ .format(episode_number, timedelta(seconds=round(episode_duration)))) print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n") for i in preview: print('| {0} | {3} ||| {2} ||| {1} ||| {5} ||| [{6}] ||| {4} |||\n'\ .format('{:0>2}'.format(i[2]), i[4], i[5], i[6],\ timedelta(seconds=round(i[7])), i[9], i[11] ) ) print(">> SELECT AN OPTION: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>") user_input = input(''' (l)isten to track (n)EW (playlist), (s)HUFFLE (r)EPLACE (d)ELETE (a)DD >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OR PRESS ENTER TO PROCEED................... : ''') if user_input == 'n': track_count = 1 create_episode_playlist(conn, episode_number) elif user_input == 's': playlist_shuffle_tracks(conn, episode_number, episode_duration) elif user_input == 'r': playlist_replace_track(conn, episode_number, episode_duration) elif user_input == 'l': playlist_preview_track(conn, episode_number, episode_duration) elif user_input == 'd': playlist_delete_track(conn, episode_number, episode_duration) elif user_input == 'a': playlist_add_track(conn, episode_number, episode_duration) else: print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goodbye Happy DJ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!") episode_duration = timedelta(seconds=round(episode_duration)) print("Total Duration = {0}".format(episode_duration)) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # image processing section # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def combine_images(columns, space, images, variants:int): global show_cover set_episode_date(input_date) rows = len(images) // columns if len(images) % columns: rows += 1 width_max = 500 #max([Image.open(image).width for image in images]) height_max = 500# max([Image.open(image).height for image in images]) background_width = width_max*columns + (space*columns)-space background_height = height_max*rows + (space*rows)-space #background = Image.new('RGBA', (background_width, background_height), (0, 0, 0, 255)) background = Image.new('RGBA', (width_max*columns , height_max*columns), (0, 0, 0, 255)) x = 0 y = 0 for i, image in enumerate(images): imga = Image.open(image) size = (500,500) img = imga.resize(size) #img = img.rotate(random.randrange(360)) x_offset = int((width_max-img.width)/2) y_offset = int((height_max-img.height)/2) background.paste(img, (x+x_offset, y+y_offset+100)) x += width_max + space if (i+1) % columns == 0: y += height_max + space x = 0 im = ImageDraw.Draw(background) mf_h1 = ImageFont.truetype('fonts/Antonio-Light.ttf', 280) mf_h2 = ImageFont.truetype('fonts/Antonio-Light.ttf', 65) mf_h3 = ImageFont.truetype('fonts/Antonio-Regular.ttf', 50) mf_h4 = ImageFont.truetype('fonts/Antonio-Light.ttf', 50) h2_spc = 85 h2_baseline = 1530 # Add Text to the image ---------------------------------------- # some logic to shuffle the list if sub sections of list are too long for layout str_length_thresh = 50 #TODO if an artist is listed as Various Arist then remove it from cover display and think of logic #TODO exit while loop if it cant find a solution and restart script or shrink font and adjust rules while \ [len(s) for s in [''.join(artist_abreviated[0:3])]][0] > str_length_thresh or\ [len(s) for s in [''.join(artist_abreviated[3:6])]][0] > str_length_thresh or\ [len(s) for s in [''.join(artist_abreviated[6:9])]][0] > str_length_thresh or \ [len(s) for s in [''.join(artist_abreviated[9:12])]][0] > str_length_thresh: print('''one of the lines is longer than fits the page... ...................shuffling the list for a better look: {0}'''.format(artist_abreviated)) random.shuffle(artist_abreviated) im.text((30,10), '''an eclectic selection of contemporary independent music from slovenia: {0} - E P I S O D E #{1} '''\ .format(episode_date,episode_number), fill="white", font=mf_h3) im.text((30,280), ''' THIS WEEK ON \n EPISODE #{0} of \n {1}!'''.upper()\ .format(episode_number, show_name), fill="white", font=mf_h1, stroke_width=2, stroke_fill='black') im.text((30, h2_baseline + (h2_spc*1) ), '''m u s i c _ f r o m _ : {0}'''\ .format(' | '.join(artist_abreviated[0:3])), (255,255,255), font=mf_h2) im.text((30, h2_baseline + (h2_spc*2) ), "{0}"\ .format(' | '.join(artist_abreviated[3:6])), (255,255,255), font=mf_h2) im.text((30, h2_baseline + (h2_spc*3)), "{0}"\ .format(' | '.join(artist_abreviated[6:9])), (255,255,255), font=mf_h2) im.text((30, h2_baseline + (h2_spc*4)), "{0}"\ .format(' | '.join(artist_abreviated[9:12])), (255,255,255), font=mf_h2) im.text((1540,1888), '''{0} '''\ .format(show_url, show_name, episode_date,episode_number), fill="white", font=mf_h4) show_cover = 'img/cover{2}.png'.format(episode_number,episode_date, variants) background.save("html/" + "episode/{0}/{1}".format(episode_number, show_cover)) #convert -delay 100 -loop 0 html/episode/2/img/show_cover_2024-01-12* animatedGIF.gif return show_cover # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_show_coverart(variants): set_episode_date(input_date) final_playlist = [] cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT path FROM EPISODES WHERE EPISODE=? ORDER BY track_number ASC', [episode_number]) preview = cursor.fetchall() for i in preview: # database >> python list final_playlist.append(i[0]) show_cover_jpgs = [] # in the directory containing songs find jpg and pngs containing string "cover" for dir in final_playlist: path = pathlib.Path(dir).parent for file in os.listdir(path): for p in [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg"]: if p in file: for i in ["cover", "COVER"]: if i in file: show_cover_jpgs.append(str(path) + "/" + file) print(''''\n ------------------------ creating show cover art ------------------------ ''') # if len(show_cover_jpgs) > 0: # duplicate this for variations of geometry for i in range(variants): x = show_cover_jpgs[:12] combine_images(columns=4, space=10, images=random.sample(x,len(x)),variants=i) return show_cover def create_animated_gif(): # filepaths fp_in = "/home/rob/uho/html/episode/2/img/*.png".format(episode_number) fp_out = "/home/rob/uho/html/episode/2/img/show_cover.gif" # use exit stack to automatically close opened images with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: # lazily load images imgs = (stack.enter_context(Image.open(f)) for f in sorted(glob.glob(fp_in))) # extract first image from iterator img = next(imgs) # https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/handbook/image-file-formats.html#gif img.save(fp=fp_out, format='GIF', append_images=imgs, save_all=True, duration=200, loop=0) # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> def create_podcast(): print('''------------------------ creating show audio ------------------------''') archive_path = "archive/e".format(episode_number) if not os.path.exists(archive_path): os.makedirs(archive_path) #from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree #copy_tree("archive/blank_fills/", "archive/e/{0}/audio_fills".format(episode_number)) fill_path = "{0}/{1}/audio_fills".format(archive_path, episode_number) # grab the conpleted playlist from the database final_playlist = [] cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM EPISODES WHERE EPISODE=? ORDER BY track_number ASC', [episode_number]) preview = cursor.fetchall() #TODO add track duration counter into this loop to get final duration # metaflac --show-total-samples --show-sample-rate foo.flac | tr '\n' ' ' | awk '{print $1/$2}' - for i in preview: # database >> python list # if its the first track then put the show intro before it # no track intro but yes track outro if i[2] == 1: print("adding track intro: " + "{0}/{2}_in.flac".format(fill_path, episode_number, i[2] )) intro = get_intro() final_playlist.insert(0,intro) # insert the intro print("adding track: " + i[10]) final_playlist.insert(1, i[10]) # insert the first track print("adding track outro: " + "{0}/{2}_out.flac".format(fill_path, episode_number, i[2] )) final_playlist.append("{0}/{2}_out.flac".format(fill_path, episode_number, i[2] )) elif i[2] == len(preview): # if it's the last track then dont have an outro print("adding track intro: " + "{0}/{2}_in.flac".format(fill_path, episode_number, i[2] )) final_playlist.append("{0}/{2}_in.flac".format(fill_path, episode_number, i[2] )) print("adding last track intro no outro - the show ends with music : " + i[10]) final_playlist.append(i[10]) else: #TODO insert some call to action filler after a track outro # x 2 # TODO = episode_number must be zero to get the dummy filler files - print("adding track intro: " + "{0}/{2}_in.flac".format(fill_path, episode_number, i[2] )) final_playlist.append("{0}/{2}_in.flac".format(fill_path, episode_number, i[2] )) print("adding track: " + i[10]) final_playlist.append(i[10]) print("adding track outro: " + "{0}/{2}_out.flac".format(fill_path, episode_number, i[2] )) final_playlist.append("{0}/{2}_out.flac".format(fill_path, episode_number, i[2] )) print(''' ======================================================================== {0} ========================================================================'''.format(final_playlist)) for i in final_playlist: print(i) playlist_length = len(final_playlist) / (1000*60) # makes an array of songs and fills as audiosegments show_playlist = [AudioSegment.from_file(flac_file) for flac_file in final_playlist] #playlist = show_playlist[0] # insert intro at head of playlist track1 = show_playlist[1].fade_in(18000) # 18 second fade in to track 1 playlist = track1.overlay(show_playlist[0],position= (len(track1)*-1)+50, gain_during_overlay=0) #rest = show_playlist[1][len(show_playlist[0]):] #playlist = playlist.append(rest) #playlist = playlist.append(show_playlist[1], crossfade=2000) # crossfade first track over intro for track in show_playlist[2:]: # add the rest of the tracks in playlist playlist = playlist.append(track) # save the entire poidcast as FLAC # with open("html/episode/{0}/show.flac".format(episode_number), 'wb') as out_f: # print("FLAC output file opened...writing to file...") # playlist.export(out_f, format='flac') # print("FLAC audio file exported...") # save the entire poidcast as MP3 with open("html/episode/{0}/show.mp3".format(episode_number), 'wb') as out_f: print("MP3 output file opened...writing to file...") playlist.export(out_f, format='mp3', tags={'title': str('Uho! Episode #{0} '.format(episode_number)), 'artist': 'https://uho.rizom.si', 'album': 'THE UHO PODCAST', 'comments': 'https://uho.rizom.si'}) print("MP3 audio file exported...") # TODO duration of final file # ffprobe -i html/episode/0/show.mp3 -show_entries format=duration -v quiet -of csv="p=0" -sexagesimal ### ------------------------------------------------------------ def create_html_homepage_from_template(): # TODO "on this weeks show" variants fed to html from list here set_episode_date(input_date) env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('html/templates')) homepage_template = env.get_template('homepage.jinja') conn = sqlite3.connect("database/show.db") cursor = conn.cursor() episode_artists = [] #TODO fix this - now it reports zero # get number of episodes from DB cursor.execute('SELECT MAX(episode) FROM EPISODES') num_eps = cursor.fetchone()[0] num_eps = num_eps+1 for i in range(num_eps): artists = [] cursor.execute("SELECT artist FROM EPISODES WHERE episode=? ORDER BY track_number ASC", [i]) rows = cursor.fetchall() for artist in rows: art = string=re.sub("\(.*?\)","", artist[0]) # shorten verbose artist names such as trojnik Trojnik (Cene Resnik, Tomaž Grom, Vid Drašler) artist = string=re.sub("and","&",art) artists.append(artist) episode_artists.append(artists) episodes = [] for i in range(num_eps): # get this from new table EPISODE_STATS number of tracks in DB #print(episode_artists[i]) an_episode = dict(date="2012-02-", \ episode_artists=str(episode_artists[i])\ .strip("[").strip("]").strip("\'"), episode_number=i, \ episode_date=episode_date, \ episode_duration=episode_duration) episodes.append(an_episode) # reversed order to most recent episode appears first in list episodes = reversed(episodes[1:episode_number]) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM EPISODES WHERE episode=? ORDER BY track_number ASC', [episode_number]) r = cursor.fetchall() for t in r: song = str(t[0]) #track_label = str(t[1]) track_number = str(t[2]) track_album = str(t[3]) track_title = str(t[4]) track_artist = str(t[5]) track_duration = float(t[7]) track_genre = str(t[8]) track_year = str(t[9]) #TODO remove single quptes not working in episode_artists # populate the jinja html template for the EPISODE #''.join(random.choice((str.upper,str.lower))(x) for x in show_name) output_from_parsed_template = homepage_template.render(\ show_name=show_name, show_url=show_url, show_rss=show_rss, \ episodes=episodes, episode_author=episode_author,\ episode_date=episode_date,\ episode_duration=episode_duration, episode_number=episode_number, \ episode_artists=str(episode_artists[episode_number])\ .strip("[").strip("]").strip('\'').strip('\''), \ about_show=show_short_description, \ episode_image="img/cover0.png".format(episode_number)) with open("html/index.html".format(episode_number), "w") as episode_page: episode_page.write(output_from_parsed_template) def parse_db_episode(): playlist_table = [] env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('html/templates')) episode_template = env.get_template('episode.jinja') cursor = conn.cursor() e = Table('episodes') q = Query.from_(e).select( e.episode ).where( e.episode == episode_number) cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM EPISODES WHERE EPISODE=? ORDER BY track_number ASC', [episode_number]) #cursor.execute(str(q)) r = cursor.fetchall() for t in r: song = str(t[0]) track_number = str(t[2]) track_album = str(t[4]) track_title = str(t[5]) track_artist = str(t[6]).upper() track_duration = float(t[7]) track_genre = str(t[8]) track_year = str(t[9]) track_label = str(t[11]) track_comment = str(t[12]) playlist_entry = [track_number, track_title, track_artist,\ track_album, track_year,\ timedelta(seconds=round(track_duration)),\ track_label.upper() ] playlist_table.append(playlist_entry) # populate the jinja html template for the EPISODE output_from_parsed_template = episode_template.render(\ show_name=show_name, episode_author=episode_author,\ episode_number=episode_number, show_url=show_url, show_rss=show_rss,\ episode_duration=timedelta(seconds=round(episode_duration)), \ episode_date=episode_date, about_show=show_short_description, \ episode_playlist=playlist_table, \ episode_image="img/cover0.png".format(episode_number)) return output_from_parsed_template def create_html_episode_from_template(episode_number, episode_duration): set_episode_date(input_date) output_from_parsed_template = parse_db_episode() # playlist_table = [] # # maybe a jinja2 template loop here instead # cursor = conn.cursor() # e = Table('episodes') # q = Query.from_(e).select( # e.episode # ).where( # e.episode == episode_number) # cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM EPISODES WHERE EPISODE=?', [episode_number]) # #cursor.execute(str(q)) # r = cursor.fetchall() # for t in r: # song = str(t[0]) # track_number = str(t[2]) # track_album = str(t[4]) # track_title = str(t[5]) # track_artist = str(t[6]).upper() # track_duration = float(t[7]) # track_genre = str(t[8]) # track_year = str(t[9]) # track_label = str(t[11]) # track_comment = str(t[12]) # playlist_entry = [track_number, track_title, track_artist,\ # track_album, track_year,\ # timedelta(seconds=round(track_duration)),\ # track_label.upper() ] # populate the jinja html template for the EPISODE # output_from_parsed_template = episode_template.render(\ # show_name=show_name, episode_author=episode_author,\ # episode_number=episode_number, show_url=show_url, show_rss=show_rss,\ # episode_duration=timedelta(seconds=round(episode_duration)), \ # episode_date=episode_date, about_show=show_short_description, \ # episode_playlist=playlist_table, \ # episode_image="img/cover0.png".format(episode_number)) with open("html/episode/{0}/index.html".format(episode_number), "w") as episode_page: episode_page.write(output_from_parsed_template) def create_RSS_XML_from_template(): set_episode_date(input_date) env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('html/templates')) rss_template = env.get_template('show_RSS.jinja.xml') output_from_parsed_template = \ rss_template.render(\ show_name=show_name, \ episode_number=int(episode_number), episode_author=episode_author, \ show_url=show_url,\ episode_duration=timedelta(seconds=round(episode_duration)),\ about_show=show_short_description, \ episode_image="img/cover0.png".format(episode_number)) with open("html/show_rss.xml".format(episode_number), "w") as rss_page: rss_page.write(output_from_parsed_template) def main(): # playlist options if args.playlist == "new": print("creating new playlist >>>>> database ") create_episode_playlist(conn, episode_number) elif args.playlist=="keep": print("working with playlist from database... ") elif args.playlist=="edit": print("edit the playlist...") modify_playlist(conn, episode_number, episode_duration) else: print("not creating new show....") if args.insert_fills == True: print("inserting voice fills......") if args.top_tail == True: print("inserting intro and outro......") # output options if args.web == True: print("creating html......") #create_animated_gif() create_html_episode_from_template(episode_number, episode_duration) create_html_homepage_from_template() create_RSS_XML_from_template() if args.art == True: print("creating artwork for socials ......") create_show_coverart(4) #create_animated_gif() if args.mp3 == True: print("creating MP3 audio output......") #get_intro() create_podcast() else: print("not creating audio output......") conn.close() main()