2023-11-30 18:48:15 +01:00
# log dir
2024-01-05 01:47:03 +01:00
2023-11-30 18:48:15 +01:00
# music
kamizdat = playlist("~/antena/music/kam/kamizdat_flac.pls")
# bumps stings and jingles
jingles = playlist("~/antena/jingles_bumps_stings/placeholder.pls")
# fallback / security
security = single("/home/rizoma/sketchbook/libraries/minim/examples/Analysis/FFT/Windows/data/jingle.mp3")
# Start building the feed with music
radio = kamizdat
# jingles
radio = random(weights = [0, 4],[jingles, radio])
# security
radio = fallback(track_sensitive = false, [radio, security])
# dump to a file
timestamp = '%d-%m-%Y'
show_title = 'ANTENA'
output.file(%mp3(bitrate=320, id3v2=true), reopen_on_metadata=false,
"recorded_shows/#{show_title} Recorded On #{timestamp}.mp3", radio, fallible=true)
# stream it out
host = "rizom.si", port = 8000,
password = "hackmeheklab", mount = "antena-rizoma",
genre= "Experimental",
url= "http://rizom.si/antena" ,
description = "Slovenian new and experimental music and sounds curated and produced by Zavod Rizoma",
name="Antena/Rizoma : Radio MARŠ ",