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OpenLayers.js -- OpenLayers Map Viewer Library
Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors
Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
See for the full text of the license, and for full list of contributors.
Includes compressed code under the following licenses:
(For uncompressed versions of the code used, please see the
OpenLayers Github repository: <>)
* Contains XMLHttpRequest.js <>
* Copyright 2007 Sergey Ilinsky (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* OpenLayers.Util.pagePosition is based on Yahoo's getXY method, which is
* Copyright (c) 2006, Yahoo! Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or
* without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of Yahoo! Inc. nor the names of its contributors may be
* used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
* specific prior written permission of Yahoo! Inc.
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
var OpenLayers = {
VERSION_NUMBER: "Release 2.13.1",
* Constant: singleFile
* TODO: remove this in 3.0 when we stop supporting build profiles that
* include OpenLayers.js
singleFile: true,
* Method: _getScriptLocation
* Return the path to this script. This is also implemented in
* OpenLayers.js
* Returns:
* {String} Path to this script
_getScriptLocation: (function() {
var r = new RegExp("(^|(.*?\\/))(OpenLayers[^\\/]*?\\.js)(\\?|$)"),
s = document.getElementsByTagName('script'),
src, m, l = "";
for(var i=0, len=s.length; i<len; i++) {
src = s[i].getAttribute('src');
if(src) {
m = src.match(r);
if(m) {
l = m[1];
return (function() { return l; });
* Property: ImgPath
* {String} Set this to the path where control images are stored, a path
* given here must end with a slash. If set to '' (which is the default)
* OpenLayers will use its script location + "img/".
* You will need to set this property when you have a singlefile build of
* OpenLayers that either is not named "OpenLayers.js" or if you move
* the file in a way such that the image directory cannot be derived from
* the script location.
* If your custom OpenLayers build is named "my-custom-ol.js" and the images
* of OpenLayers are in a folder "/resources/external/images/ol" a correct
* way of including OpenLayers in your HTML would be:
* (code)
* <script src="/path/to/my-custom-ol.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
* <script type="text/javascript">
* // tell OpenLayers where the control images are
* // remember the trailing slash
* OpenLayers.ImgPath = "/resources/external/images/ol/";
* </script>
* (end code)
* Please remember that when your OpenLayers script is not named
* "OpenLayers.js" you will have to make sure that the default theme is
* loaded into the page by including an appropriate <link>-tag,
* e.g.:
* (code)
* <link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/default/style.css" type="text/css">
* (end code)
ImgPath : ''
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/SingleFile.js
* Header: OpenLayers Base Types
* OpenLayers custom string, number and function functions are described here.
* Namespace: OpenLayers.String
* Contains convenience functions for string manipulation.
OpenLayers.String = {
* APIFunction: startsWith
* Test whether a string starts with another string.
* Parameters:
* str - {String} The string to test.
* sub - {String} The substring to look for.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The first string starts with the second.
startsWith: function(str, sub) {
return (str.indexOf(sub) == 0);
* APIFunction: contains
* Test whether a string contains another string.
* Parameters:
* str - {String} The string to test.
* sub - {String} The substring to look for.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The first string contains the second.
contains: function(str, sub) {
return (str.indexOf(sub) != -1);
* APIFunction: trim
* Removes leading and trailing whitespace characters from a string.
* Parameters:
* str - {String} The (potentially) space padded string. This string is not
* modified.
* Returns:
* {String} A trimmed version of the string with all leading and
* trailing spaces removed.
trim: function(str) {
return str.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '');
* APIFunction: camelize
* Camel-case a hyphenated string.
* Ex. "chicken-head" becomes "chickenHead", and
* "-chicken-head" becomes "ChickenHead".
* Parameters:
* str - {String} The string to be camelized. The original is not modified.
* Returns:
* {String} The string, camelized
camelize: function(str) {
var oStringList = str.split('-');
var camelizedString = oStringList[0];
for (var i=1, len=oStringList.length; i<len; i++) {
var s = oStringList[i];
camelizedString += s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1);
return camelizedString;
* APIFunction: format
* Given a string with tokens in the form ${token}, return a string
* with tokens replaced with properties from the given context
* object. Represent a literal "${" by doubling it, e.g. "${${".
* Parameters:
* template - {String} A string with tokens to be replaced. A template
* has the form "literal ${token}" where the token will be replaced
* by the value of context["token"].
* context - {Object} An optional object with properties corresponding
* to the tokens in the format string. If no context is sent, the
* window object will be used.
* args - {Array} Optional arguments to pass to any functions found in
* the context. If a context property is a function, the token
* will be replaced by the return from the function called with
* these arguments.
* Returns:
* {String} A string with tokens replaced from the context object.
format: function(template, context, args) {
if(!context) {
context = window;
// Example matching:
// str = ${}
// match =
var replacer = function(str, match) {
var replacement;
// Loop through all subs. Example: ${a.b.c}
// 0 -> replacement = context[a];
// 1 -> replacement = context[a][b];
// 2 -> replacement = context[a][b][c];
var subs = match.split(/\.+/);
for (var i=0; i< subs.length; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
replacement = context;
if (replacement === undefined) {
replacement = replacement[subs[i]];
if(typeof replacement == "function") {
replacement = args ?
replacement.apply(null, args) :
// If replacement is undefined, return the string 'undefined'.
// This is a workaround for a bugs in browsers not properly
// dealing with non-participating groups in regular expressions:
if (typeof replacement == 'undefined') {
return 'undefined';
} else {
return replacement;
return template.replace(OpenLayers.String.tokenRegEx, replacer);
* Property: tokenRegEx
* Used to find tokens in a string.
* Examples: ${a}, ${a.b.c}, ${a-b}, ${5}
tokenRegEx: /\$\{([\w.]+?)\}/g,
* Property: numberRegEx
* Used to test strings as numbers.
numberRegEx: /^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/,
* APIFunction: isNumeric
* Determine whether a string contains only a numeric value.
* Examples:
* (code)
* OpenLayers.String.isNumeric("6.02e23") // true
* OpenLayers.String.isNumeric("12 dozen") // false
* OpenLayers.String.isNumeric("4") // true
* OpenLayers.String.isNumeric(" 4 ") // false
* (end)
* Returns:
* {Boolean} String contains only a number.
isNumeric: function(value) {
return OpenLayers.String.numberRegEx.test(value);
* APIFunction: numericIf
* Converts a string that appears to be a numeric value into a number.
* Parameters:
* value - {String}
* trimWhitespace - {Boolean}
* Returns:
* {Number|String} a Number if the passed value is a number, a String
* otherwise.
numericIf: function(value, trimWhitespace) {
var originalValue = value;
if (trimWhitespace === true && value != null && value.replace) {
value = value.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, "");
return OpenLayers.String.isNumeric(value) ? parseFloat(value) : originalValue;
* Namespace: OpenLayers.Number
* Contains convenience functions for manipulating numbers.
OpenLayers.Number = {
* Property: decimalSeparator
* Decimal separator to use when formatting numbers.
decimalSeparator: ".",
* Property: thousandsSeparator
* Thousands separator to use when formatting numbers.
thousandsSeparator: ",",
* APIFunction: limitSigDigs
* Limit the number of significant digits on a float.
* Parameters:
* num - {Float}
* sig - {Integer}
* Returns:
* {Float} The number, rounded to the specified number of significant
* digits.
limitSigDigs: function(num, sig) {
var fig = 0;
if (sig > 0) {
fig = parseFloat(num.toPrecision(sig));
return fig;
* APIFunction: format
* Formats a number for output.
* Parameters:
* num - {Float}
* dec - {Integer} Number of decimal places to round to.
* Defaults to 0. Set to null to leave decimal places unchanged.
* tsep - {String} Thousands separator.
* Default is ",".
* dsep - {String} Decimal separator.
* Default is ".".
* Returns:
* {String} A string representing the formatted number.
format: function(num, dec, tsep, dsep) {
dec = (typeof dec != "undefined") ? dec : 0;
tsep = (typeof tsep != "undefined") ? tsep :
dsep = (typeof dsep != "undefined") ? dsep :
if (dec != null) {
num = parseFloat(num.toFixed(dec));
var parts = num.toString().split(".");
if (parts.length == 1 && dec == null) {
// integer where we do not want to touch the decimals
dec = 0;
var integer = parts[0];
if (tsep) {
var thousands = /(-?[0-9]+)([0-9]{3})/;
while(thousands.test(integer)) {
integer = integer.replace(thousands, "$1" + tsep + "$2");
var str;
if (dec == 0) {
str = integer;
} else {
var rem = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : "0";
if (dec != null) {
rem = rem + new Array(dec - rem.length + 1).join("0");
str = integer + dsep + rem;
return str;
* Method: zeroPad
* Create a zero padded string optionally with a radix for casting numbers.
* Parameters:
* num - {Number} The number to be zero padded.
* len - {Number} The length of the string to be returned.
* radix - {Number} An integer between 2 and 36 specifying the base to use
* for representing numeric values.
zeroPad: function(num, len, radix) {
var str = num.toString(radix || 10);
while (str.length < len) {
str = "0" + str;
return str;
* Namespace: OpenLayers.Function
* Contains convenience functions for function manipulation.
OpenLayers.Function = {
* APIFunction: bind
* Bind a function to an object. Method to easily create closures with
* 'this' altered.
* Parameters:
* func - {Function} Input function.
* object - {Object} The object to bind to the input function (as this).
* Returns:
* {Function} A closure with 'this' set to the passed in object.
bind: function(func, object) {
// create a reference to all arguments past the second one
var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments, [2]);
return function() {
// Push on any additional arguments from the actual function call.
// These will come after those sent to the bind call.
var newArgs = args.concat(
Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments, [0])
return func.apply(object, newArgs);
* APIFunction: bindAsEventListener
* Bind a function to an object, and configure it to receive the event
* object as first parameter when called.
* Parameters:
* func - {Function} Input function to serve as an event listener.
* object - {Object} A reference to this.
* Returns:
* {Function}
bindAsEventListener: function(func, object) {
return function(event) {
return, event || window.event);
* APIFunction: False
* A simple function to that just does "return false". We use this to
* avoid attaching anonymous functions to DOM event handlers, which
* causes "issues" on IE<8.
* Usage:
* document.onclick = OpenLayers.Function.False;
* Returns:
* {Boolean}
False : function() {
return false;
* APIFunction: True
* A simple function to that just does "return true". We use this to
* avoid attaching anonymous functions to DOM event handlers, which
* causes "issues" on IE<8.
* Usage:
* document.onclick = OpenLayers.Function.True;
* Returns:
* {Boolean}
True : function() {
return true;
* APIFunction: Void
* A reusable function that returns ``undefined``.
* Returns:
* {undefined}
Void: function() {}
* Namespace: OpenLayers.Array
* Contains convenience functions for array manipulation.
OpenLayers.Array = {
* APIMethod: filter
* Filter an array. Provides the functionality of the
* Array.prototype.filter extension to the ECMA-262 standard. Where
* available, Array.prototype.filter will be used.
* Based on well known example from
* Parameters:
* array - {Array} The array to be filtered. This array is not mutated.
* Elements added to this array by the callback will not be visited.
* callback - {Function} A function that is called for each element in
* the array. If this function returns true, the element will be
* included in the return. The function will be called with three
* arguments: the element in the array, the index of that element, and
* the array itself. If the optional caller parameter is specified
* the callback will be called with this set to caller.
* caller - {Object} Optional object to be set as this when the callback
* is called.
* Returns:
* {Array} An array of elements from the passed in array for which the
* callback returns true.
filter: function(array, callback, caller) {
var selected = [];
if (Array.prototype.filter) {
selected = array.filter(callback, caller);
} else {
var len = array.length;
if (typeof callback != "function") {
throw new TypeError();
for(var i=0; i<len; i++) {
if (i in array) {
var val = array[i];
if (, val, i, array)) {
return selected;
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/SingleFile.js
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Class
* Base class used to construct all other classes. Includes support for
* multiple inheritance.
* This constructor is new in OpenLayers 2.5. At OpenLayers 3.0, the old
* syntax for creating classes and dealing with inheritance
* will be removed.
* To create a new OpenLayers-style class, use the following syntax:
* (code)
* var MyClass = OpenLayers.Class(prototype);
* (end)
* To create a new OpenLayers-style class with multiple inheritance, use the
* following syntax:
* (code)
* var MyClass = OpenLayers.Class(Class1, Class2, prototype);
* (end)
* Note that instanceof reflection will only reveal Class1 as superclass.
OpenLayers.Class = function() {
var len = arguments.length;
var P = arguments[0];
var F = arguments[len-1];
var C = typeof F.initialize == "function" ?
F.initialize :
function(){ P.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); };
if (len > 1) {
var newArgs = [C, P].concat(, len-1), F);
OpenLayers.inherit.apply(null, newArgs);
} else {
C.prototype = F;
return C;
* Function: OpenLayers.inherit
* Parameters:
* C - {Object} the class that inherits
* P - {Object} the superclass to inherit from
* In addition to the mandatory C and P parameters, an arbitrary number of
* objects can be passed, which will extend C.
OpenLayers.inherit = function(C, P) {
var F = function() {};
F.prototype = P.prototype;
C.prototype = new F;
var i, l, o;
for(i=2, l=arguments.length; i<l; i++) {
o = arguments[i];
if(typeof o === "function") {
o = o.prototype;
OpenLayers.Util.extend(C.prototype, o);
* APIFunction: extend
* Copy all properties of a source object to a destination object. Modifies
* the passed in destination object. Any properties on the source object
* that are set to undefined will not be (re)set on the destination object.
* Parameters:
* destination - {Object} The object that will be modified
* source - {Object} The object with properties to be set on the destination
* Returns:
* {Object} The destination object.
OpenLayers.Util = OpenLayers.Util || {};
OpenLayers.Util.extend = function(destination, source) {
destination = destination || {};
if (source) {
for (var property in source) {
var value = source[property];
if (value !== undefined) {
destination[property] = value;
* IE doesn't include the toString property when iterating over an object's
* properties with the for(property in object) syntax. Explicitly check if
* the source has its own toString property.
* FF/Windows < reports "Illegal operation on WrappedNative
* prototype object" when calling hawOwnProperty if the source object
* is an instance of window.Event.
var sourceIsEvt = typeof window.Event == "function"
&& source instanceof window.Event;
if (!sourceIsEvt
&& source.hasOwnProperty && source.hasOwnProperty("toString")) {
destination.toString = source.toString;
return destination;
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Bounds
* Instances of this class represent bounding boxes. Data stored as left,
* bottom, right, top floats. All values are initialized to null, however,
* you should make sure you set them before using the bounds for anything.
* Possible use case:
* (code)
* bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds();
* bounds.extend(new OpenLayers.LonLat(4,5));
* bounds.extend(new OpenLayers.LonLat(5,6));
* bounds.toBBOX(); // returns 4,5,5,6
* (end)
OpenLayers.Bounds = OpenLayers.Class({
* Property: left
* {Number} Minimum horizontal coordinate.
left: null,
* Property: bottom
* {Number} Minimum vertical coordinate.
bottom: null,
* Property: right
* {Number} Maximum horizontal coordinate.
right: null,
* Property: top
* {Number} Maximum vertical coordinate.
top: null,
* Property: centerLonLat
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} A cached center location. This should not be
* accessed directly. Use <getCenterLonLat> instead.
centerLonLat: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Bounds
* Construct a new bounds object. Coordinates can either be passed as four
* arguments, or as a single argument.
* Parameters (four arguments):
* left - {Number} The left bounds of the box. Note that for width
* calculations, this is assumed to be less than the right value.
* bottom - {Number} The bottom bounds of the box. Note that for height
* calculations, this is assumed to be less than the top value.
* right - {Number} The right bounds.
* top - {Number} The top bounds.
* Parameters (single argument):
* bounds - {Array(Number)} [left, bottom, right, top]
initialize: function(left, bottom, right, top) {
if (OpenLayers.Util.isArray(left)) {
top = left[3];
right = left[2];
bottom = left[1];
left = left[0];
if (left != null) {
this.left = OpenLayers.Util.toFloat(left);
if (bottom != null) {
this.bottom = OpenLayers.Util.toFloat(bottom);
if (right != null) {
this.right = OpenLayers.Util.toFloat(right);
if (top != null) { = OpenLayers.Util.toFloat(top);
* Method: clone
* Create a cloned instance of this bounds.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} A fresh copy of the bounds
clone:function() {
return new OpenLayers.Bounds(this.left, this.bottom,
* Method: equals
* Test a two bounds for equivalence.
* Parameters:
* bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The passed-in bounds object has the same left,
* right, top, bottom components as this. Note that if bounds
* passed in is null, returns false.
equals:function(bounds) {
var equals = false;
if (bounds != null) {
equals = ((this.left == bounds.left) &&
(this.right == bounds.right) &&
( == &&
(this.bottom == bounds.bottom));
return equals;
* APIMethod: toString
* Returns a string representation of the bounds object.
* Returns:
* {String} String representation of bounds object.
toString:function() {
return [this.left, this.bottom, this.right,].join(",");
* APIMethod: toArray
* Returns an array representation of the bounds object.
* Returns an array of left, bottom, right, top properties, or -- when the
* optional parameter is true -- an array of the bottom, left, top,
* right properties.
* Parameters:
* reverseAxisOrder - {Boolean} Should we reverse the axis order?
* Returns:
* {Array} array of left, bottom, right, top
toArray: function(reverseAxisOrder) {
if (reverseAxisOrder === true) {
return [this.bottom, this.left,, this.right];
} else {
return [this.left, this.bottom, this.right,];
* APIMethod: toBBOX
* Returns a boundingbox-string representation of the bounds object.
* Parameters:
* decimal - {Integer} How many significant digits in the bbox coords?
* Default is 6
* reverseAxisOrder - {Boolean} Should we reverse the axis order?
* Returns:
* {String} Simple String representation of bounds object.
* (e.g. "5,42,10,45")
toBBOX:function(decimal, reverseAxisOrder) {
if (decimal== null) {
decimal = 6;
var mult = Math.pow(10, decimal);
var xmin = Math.round(this.left * mult) / mult;
var ymin = Math.round(this.bottom * mult) / mult;
var xmax = Math.round(this.right * mult) / mult;
var ymax = Math.round( * mult) / mult;
if (reverseAxisOrder === true) {
return ymin + "," + xmin + "," + ymax + "," + xmax;
} else {
return xmin + "," + ymin + "," + xmax + "," + ymax;
* APIMethod: toGeometry
* Create a new polygon geometry based on this bounds.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon>} A new polygon with the coordinates
* of this bounds.
toGeometry: function() {
return new OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon([
new OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing([
new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(this.left, this.bottom),
new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(this.right, this.bottom),
new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(this.right,,
new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(this.left,
* APIMethod: getWidth
* Returns the width of the bounds.
* Returns:
* {Float} The width of the bounds (right minus left).
getWidth:function() {
return (this.right - this.left);
* APIMethod: getHeight
* Returns the height of the bounds.
* Returns:
* {Float} The height of the bounds (top minus bottom).
getHeight:function() {
return ( - this.bottom);
* APIMethod: getSize
* Returns an <OpenLayers.Size> object of the bounds.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Size>} The size of the bounds.
getSize:function() {
return new OpenLayers.Size(this.getWidth(), this.getHeight());
* APIMethod: getCenterPixel
* Returns the <OpenLayers.Pixel> object which represents the center of the
* bounds.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} The center of the bounds in pixel space.
getCenterPixel:function() {
return new OpenLayers.Pixel( (this.left + this.right) / 2,
(this.bottom + / 2);
* APIMethod: getCenterLonLat
* Returns the <OpenLayers.LonLat> object which represents the center of the
* bounds.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} The center of the bounds in map space.
getCenterLonLat:function() {
if(!this.centerLonLat) {
this.centerLonLat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(
(this.left + this.right) / 2, (this.bottom + / 2
return this.centerLonLat;
* APIMethod: scale
* Scales the bounds around a pixel or lonlat. Note that the new
* bounds may return non-integer properties, even if a pixel
* is passed.
* Parameters:
* ratio - {Float}
* origin - {<OpenLayers.Pixel> or <OpenLayers.LonLat>}
* Default is center.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} A new bounds that is scaled by ratio
* from origin.
scale: function(ratio, origin){
if(origin == null){
origin = this.getCenterLonLat();
var origx,origy;
// get origin coordinates
if(origin.CLASS_NAME == "OpenLayers.LonLat"){
origx = origin.lon;
origy =;
} else {
origx = origin.x;
origy = origin.y;
var left = (this.left - origx) * ratio + origx;
var bottom = (this.bottom - origy) * ratio + origy;
var right = (this.right - origx) * ratio + origx;
var top = ( - origy) * ratio + origy;
return new OpenLayers.Bounds(left, bottom, right, top);
* APIMethod: add
* Shifts the coordinates of the bound by the given horizontal and vertical
* deltas.
* (start code)
* var bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(0, 0, 10, 10);
* bounds.toString();
* // => "0,0,10,10"
* bounds.add(-1.5, 4).toString();
* // => "-1.5,4,8.5,14"
* (end)
* This method will throw a TypeError if it is passed null as an argument.
* Parameters:
* x - {Float} horizontal delta
* y - {Float} vertical delta
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} A new bounds whose coordinates are the same as
* this, but shifted by the passed-in x and y values.
add:function(x, y) {
if ( (x == null) || (y == null) ) {
throw new TypeError('Bounds.add cannot receive null values');
return new OpenLayers.Bounds(this.left + x, this.bottom + y,
this.right + x, + y);
* APIMethod: extend
* Extend the bounds to include the <OpenLayers.LonLat>,
* <OpenLayers.Geometry.Point> or <OpenLayers.Bounds> specified.
* Please note that this function assumes that left < right and
* bottom < top.
* Parameters:
* object - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>, <OpenLayers.Geometry.Point> or
* <OpenLayers.Bounds>} The object to be included in the new bounds
* object.
extend:function(object) {
if (object) {
switch(object.CLASS_NAME) {
case "OpenLayers.LonLat":
case "OpenLayers.Geometry.Point":
this.extendXY(object.x, object.y);
case "OpenLayers.Bounds":
// clear cached center location
this.centerLonLat = null;
if ( (this.left == null) || (object.left < this.left)) {
this.left = object.left;
if ( (this.bottom == null) || (object.bottom < this.bottom) ) {
this.bottom = object.bottom;
if ( (this.right == null) || (object.right > this.right) ) {
this.right = object.right;
if ( ( == null) || ( > ) { =;
* APIMethod: extendXY
* Extend the bounds to include the XY coordinate specified.
* Parameters:
* x - {number} The X part of the the coordinate.
* y - {number} The Y part of the the coordinate.
extendXY:function(x, y) {
// clear cached center location
this.centerLonLat = null;
if ((this.left == null) || (x < this.left)) {
this.left = x;
if ((this.bottom == null) || (y < this.bottom)) {
this.bottom = y;
if ((this.right == null) || (x > this.right)) {
this.right = x;
if (( == null) || (y > { = y;
* APIMethod: containsLonLat
* Returns whether the bounds object contains the given <OpenLayers.LonLat>.
* Parameters:
* ll - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>|Object} OpenLayers.LonLat or an
* object with a 'lon' and 'lat' properties.
* options - {Object} Optional parameters
* Acceptable options:
* inclusive - {Boolean} Whether or not to include the border.
* Default is true.
* worldBounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} If a worldBounds is provided, the
* ll will be considered as contained if it exceeds the world bounds,
* but can be wrapped around the dateline so it is contained by this
* bounds.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The passed-in lonlat is within this bounds.
containsLonLat: function(ll, options) {
if (typeof options === "boolean") {
options = {inclusive: options};
options = options || {};
var contains = this.contains(ll.lon,, options.inclusive),
worldBounds = options.worldBounds;
if (worldBounds && !contains) {
var worldWidth = worldBounds.getWidth();
var worldCenterX = (worldBounds.left + worldBounds.right) / 2;
var worldsAway = Math.round((ll.lon - worldCenterX) / worldWidth);
contains = this.containsLonLat({
lon: ll.lon - worldsAway * worldWidth,
}, {inclusive: options.inclusive});
return contains;
* APIMethod: containsPixel
* Returns whether the bounds object contains the given <OpenLayers.Pixel>.
* Parameters:
* px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
* inclusive - {Boolean} Whether or not to include the border. Default is
* true.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The passed-in pixel is within this bounds.
containsPixel:function(px, inclusive) {
return this.contains(px.x, px.y, inclusive);
* APIMethod: contains
* Returns whether the bounds object contains the given x and y.
* Parameters:
* x - {Float}
* y - {Float}
* inclusive - {Boolean} Whether or not to include the border. Default is
* true.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Whether or not the passed-in coordinates are within this
* bounds.
contains:function(x, y, inclusive) {
//set default
if (inclusive == null) {
inclusive = true;
if (x == null || y == null) {
return false;
x = OpenLayers.Util.toFloat(x);
y = OpenLayers.Util.toFloat(y);
var contains = false;
if (inclusive) {
contains = ((x >= this.left) && (x <= this.right) &&
(y >= this.bottom) && (y <=;
} else {
contains = ((x > this.left) && (x < this.right) &&
(y > this.bottom) && (y <;
return contains;
* APIMethod: intersectsBounds
* Determine whether the target bounds intersects this bounds. Bounds are
* considered intersecting if any of their edges intersect or if one
* bounds contains the other.
* Parameters:
* bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} The target bounds.
* options - {Object} Optional parameters.
* Acceptable options:
* inclusive - {Boolean} Treat coincident borders as intersecting. Default
* is true. If false, bounds that do not overlap but only touch at the
* border will not be considered as intersecting.
* worldBounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} If a worldBounds is provided, two
* bounds will be considered as intersecting if they intersect when
* shifted to within the world bounds. This applies only to bounds that
* cross or are completely outside the world bounds.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The passed-in bounds object intersects this bounds.
intersectsBounds:function(bounds, options) {
if (typeof options === "boolean") {
options = {inclusive: options};
options = options || {};
if (options.worldBounds) {
var self = this.wrapDateLine(options.worldBounds);
bounds = bounds.wrapDateLine(options.worldBounds);
} else {
self = this;
if (options.inclusive == null) {
options.inclusive = true;
var intersects = false;
var mightTouch = (
self.left == bounds.right ||
self.right == bounds.left || == bounds.bottom ||
self.bottom ==
// if the two bounds only touch at an edge, and inclusive is false,
// then the bounds don't *really* intersect.
if (options.inclusive || !mightTouch) {
// otherwise, if one of the boundaries even partially contains another,
// inclusive of the edges, then they do intersect.
var inBottom = (
((bounds.bottom >= self.bottom) && (bounds.bottom <= ||
((self.bottom >= bounds.bottom) && (self.bottom <=
var inTop = (
(( >= self.bottom) && ( <= ||
(( > bounds.bottom) && ( <
var inLeft = (
((bounds.left >= self.left) && (bounds.left <= self.right)) ||
((self.left >= bounds.left) && (self.left <= bounds.right))
var inRight = (
((bounds.right >= self.left) && (bounds.right <= self.right)) ||
((self.right >= bounds.left) && (self.right <= bounds.right))
intersects = ((inBottom || inTop) && (inLeft || inRight));
// document me
if (options.worldBounds && !intersects) {
var world = options.worldBounds;
var width = world.getWidth();
var selfCrosses = !world.containsBounds(self);
var boundsCrosses = !world.containsBounds(bounds);
if (selfCrosses && !boundsCrosses) {
bounds = bounds.add(-width, 0);
intersects = self.intersectsBounds(bounds, {inclusive: options.inclusive});
} else if (boundsCrosses && !selfCrosses) {
self = self.add(-width, 0);
intersects = bounds.intersectsBounds(self, {inclusive: options.inclusive});
return intersects;
* APIMethod: containsBounds
* Returns whether the bounds object contains the given <OpenLayers.Bounds>.
* bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} The target bounds.
* partial - {Boolean} If any of the target corners is within this bounds
* consider the bounds contained. Default is false. If false, the
* entire target bounds must be contained within this bounds.
* inclusive - {Boolean} Treat shared edges as contained. Default is
* true.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The passed-in bounds object is contained within this bounds.
containsBounds:function(bounds, partial, inclusive) {
if (partial == null) {
partial = false;
if (inclusive == null) {
inclusive = true;
var bottomLeft = this.contains(bounds.left, bounds.bottom, inclusive);
var bottomRight = this.contains(bounds.right, bounds.bottom, inclusive);
var topLeft = this.contains(bounds.left,, inclusive);
var topRight = this.contains(bounds.right,, inclusive);
return (partial) ? (bottomLeft || bottomRight || topLeft || topRight)
: (bottomLeft && bottomRight && topLeft && topRight);
* APIMethod: determineQuadrant
* Returns the the quadrant ("br", "tr", "tl", "bl") in which the given
* <OpenLayers.LonLat> lies.
* Parameters:
* lonlat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}
* Returns:
* {String} The quadrant ("br" "tr" "tl" "bl") of the bounds in which the
* coordinate lies.
determineQuadrant: function(lonlat) {
var quadrant = "";
var center = this.getCenterLonLat();
quadrant += ( < ? "b" : "t";
quadrant += (lonlat.lon < center.lon) ? "l" : "r";
return quadrant;
* APIMethod: transform
* Transform the Bounds object from source to dest.
* Parameters:
* source - {<OpenLayers.Projection>} Source projection.
* dest - {<OpenLayers.Projection>} Destination projection.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} Itself, for use in chaining operations.
transform: function(source, dest) {
// clear cached center location
this.centerLonLat = null;
var ll = OpenLayers.Projection.transform(
{'x': this.left, 'y': this.bottom}, source, dest);
var lr = OpenLayers.Projection.transform(
{'x': this.right, 'y': this.bottom}, source, dest);
var ul = OpenLayers.Projection.transform(
{'x': this.left, 'y':}, source, dest);
var ur = OpenLayers.Projection.transform(
{'x': this.right, 'y':}, source, dest);
this.left = Math.min(ll.x, ul.x);
this.bottom = Math.min(ll.y, lr.y);
this.right = Math.max(lr.x, ur.x); = Math.max(ul.y, ur.y);
return this;
* APIMethod: wrapDateLine
* Wraps the bounds object around the dateline.
* Parameters:
* maxExtent - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
* options - {Object} Some possible options are:
* Allowed Options:
* leftTolerance - {float} Allow for a margin of error
* with the 'left' value of this
* bound.
* Default is 0.
* rightTolerance - {float} Allow for a margin of error
* with the 'right' value of
* this bound.
* Default is 0.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} A copy of this bounds, but wrapped around the
* "dateline" (as specified by the borders of
* maxExtent). Note that this function only returns
* a different bounds value if this bounds is
* *entirely* outside of the maxExtent. If this
* bounds straddles the dateline (is part in/part
* out of maxExtent), the returned bounds will always
* cross the left edge of the given maxExtent.
wrapDateLine: function(maxExtent, options) {
options = options || {};
var leftTolerance = options.leftTolerance || 0;
var rightTolerance = options.rightTolerance || 0;
var newBounds = this.clone();
if (maxExtent) {
var width = maxExtent.getWidth();
//shift right?
while (newBounds.left < maxExtent.left &&
newBounds.right - rightTolerance <= maxExtent.left ) {
newBounds = newBounds.add(width, 0);
//shift left?
while (newBounds.left + leftTolerance >= maxExtent.right &&
newBounds.right > maxExtent.right ) {
newBounds = newBounds.add(-width, 0);
// crosses right only? force left
var newLeft = newBounds.left + leftTolerance;
if (newLeft < maxExtent.right && newLeft > maxExtent.left &&
newBounds.right - rightTolerance > maxExtent.right) {
newBounds = newBounds.add(-width, 0);
return newBounds;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Bounds"
* APIFunction: fromString
* Alternative constructor that builds a new OpenLayers.Bounds from a
* parameter string.
* (begin code)
* OpenLayers.Bounds.fromString("5,42,10,45");
* // => equivalent to ...
* new OpenLayers.Bounds(5, 42, 10, 45);
* (end)
* Parameters:
* str - {String} Comma-separated bounds string. (e.g. "5,42,10,45")
* reverseAxisOrder - {Boolean} Does the string use reverse axis order?
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} New bounds object built from the
* passed-in String.
OpenLayers.Bounds.fromString = function(str, reverseAxisOrder) {
var bounds = str.split(",");
return OpenLayers.Bounds.fromArray(bounds, reverseAxisOrder);
* APIFunction: fromArray
* Alternative constructor that builds a new OpenLayers.Bounds from an array.
* (begin code)
* OpenLayers.Bounds.fromArray( [5, 42, 10, 45] );
* // => equivalent to ...
* new OpenLayers.Bounds(5, 42, 10, 45);
* (end)
* Parameters:
* bbox - {Array(Float)} Array of bounds values (e.g. [5,42,10,45])
* reverseAxisOrder - {Boolean} Does the array use reverse axis order?
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} New bounds object built from the passed-in Array.
OpenLayers.Bounds.fromArray = function(bbox, reverseAxisOrder) {
return reverseAxisOrder === true ?
new OpenLayers.Bounds(bbox[1], bbox[0], bbox[3], bbox[2]) :
new OpenLayers.Bounds(bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3]);
* APIFunction: fromSize
* Alternative constructor that builds a new OpenLayers.Bounds from a size.
* (begin code)
* OpenLayers.Bounds.fromSize( new OpenLayers.Size(10, 20) );
* // => equivalent to ...
* new OpenLayers.Bounds(0, 20, 10, 0);
* (end)
* Parameters:
* size - {<OpenLayers.Size> or Object} <OpenLayers.Size> or an object with
* both 'w' and 'h' properties.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} New bounds object built from the passed-in size.
OpenLayers.Bounds.fromSize = function(size) {
return new OpenLayers.Bounds(0,
* Function: oppositeQuadrant
* Get the opposite quadrant for a given quadrant string.
* (begin code)
* OpenLayers.Bounds.oppositeQuadrant( "tl" );
* // => "br"
* OpenLayers.Bounds.oppositeQuadrant( "tr" );
* // => "bl"
* (end)
* Parameters:
* quadrant - {String} two character quadrant shortstring
* Returns:
* {String} The opposing quadrant ("br" "tr" "tl" "bl"). For Example, if
* you pass in "bl" it returns "tr", if you pass in "br" it
* returns "tl", etc.
OpenLayers.Bounds.oppositeQuadrant = function(quadrant) {
var opp = "";
opp += (quadrant.charAt(0) == 't') ? 'b' : 't';
opp += (quadrant.charAt(1) == 'l') ? 'r' : 'l';
return opp;
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Util.js
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes.js
* Namespace: OpenLayers.Element
OpenLayers.Element = {
* APIFunction: visible
* Parameters:
* element - {DOMElement}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Is the element visible?
visible: function(element) {
return OpenLayers.Util.getElement(element).style.display != 'none';
* APIFunction: toggle
* Toggle the visibility of element(s) passed in
* Parameters:
* element - {DOMElement} Actually user can pass any number of elements
toggle: function() {
for (var i=0, len=arguments.length; i<len; i++) {
var element = OpenLayers.Util.getElement(arguments[i]);
var display = OpenLayers.Element.visible(element) ? 'none'
: ''; = display;
* APIFunction: remove
* Remove the specified element from the DOM.
* Parameters:
* element - {DOMElement}
remove: function(element) {
element = OpenLayers.Util.getElement(element);
* APIFunction: getHeight
* Parameters:
* element - {DOMElement}
* Returns:
* {Integer} The offset height of the element passed in
getHeight: function(element) {
element = OpenLayers.Util.getElement(element);
return element.offsetHeight;
* Function: hasClass
* Tests if an element has the given CSS class name.
* Parameters:
* element - {DOMElement} A DOM element node.
* name - {String} The CSS class name to search for.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The element has the given class name.
hasClass: function(element, name) {
var names = element.className;
return (!!names && new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + name + "(\\s|$)").test(names));
* Function: addClass
* Add a CSS class name to an element. Safe where element already has
* the class name.
* Parameters:
* element - {DOMElement} A DOM element node.
* name - {String} The CSS class name to add.
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} The element.
addClass: function(element, name) {
if(!OpenLayers.Element.hasClass(element, name)) {
element.className += (element.className ? " " : "") + name;
return element;
* Function: removeClass
* Remove a CSS class name from an element. Safe where element does not
* have the class name.
* Parameters:
* element - {DOMElement} A DOM element node.
* name - {String} The CSS class name to remove.
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} The element.
removeClass: function(element, name) {
var names = element.className;
if(names) {
element.className = OpenLayers.String.trim(
new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + name + "(\\s+|$)"), " "
return element;
* Function: toggleClass
* Remove a CSS class name from an element if it exists. Add the class name
* if it doesn't exist.
* Parameters:
* element - {DOMElement} A DOM element node.
* name - {String} The CSS class name to toggle.
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} The element.
toggleClass: function(element, name) {
if(OpenLayers.Element.hasClass(element, name)) {
OpenLayers.Element.removeClass(element, name);
} else {
OpenLayers.Element.addClass(element, name);
return element;
* APIFunction: getStyle
* Parameters:
* element - {DOMElement}
* style - {?}
* Returns:
* {?}
getStyle: function(element, style) {
element = OpenLayers.Util.getElement(element);
var value = null;
if (element && {
value =[OpenLayers.String.camelize(style)];
if (!value) {
if (document.defaultView &&
document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
var css = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null);
value = css ? css.getPropertyValue(style) : null;
} else if (element.currentStyle) {
value = element.currentStyle[OpenLayers.String.camelize(style)];
var positions = ['left', 'top', 'right', 'bottom'];
if (window.opera &&
(OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(positions,style) != -1) &&
(OpenLayers.Element.getStyle(element, 'position') == 'static')) {
value = 'auto';
return value == 'auto' ? null : value;
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js
* Class: OpenLayers.LonLat
* This class represents a longitude and latitude pair
OpenLayers.LonLat = OpenLayers.Class({
* APIProperty: lon
* {Float} The x-axis coodinate in map units
lon: 0.0,
* APIProperty: lat
* {Float} The y-axis coordinate in map units
lat: 0.0,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.LonLat
* Create a new map location. Coordinates can be passed either as two
* arguments, or as a single argument.
* Parameters (two arguments):
* lon - {Number} The x-axis coordinate in map units. If your map is in
* a geographic projection, this will be the Longitude. Otherwise,
* it will be the x coordinate of the map location in your map units.
* lat - {Number} The y-axis coordinate in map units. If your map is in
* a geographic projection, this will be the Latitude. Otherwise,
* it will be the y coordinate of the map location in your map units.
* Parameters (single argument):
* location - {Array(Float)} [lon, lat]
initialize: function(lon, lat) {
if (OpenLayers.Util.isArray(lon)) {
lat = lon[1];
lon = lon[0];
this.lon = OpenLayers.Util.toFloat(lon); = OpenLayers.Util.toFloat(lat);
* Method: toString
* Return a readable string version of the lonlat
* Returns:
* {String} String representation of OpenLayers.LonLat object.
* (e.g. <i>"lon=5,lat=42"</i>)
toString:function() {
return ("lon=" + this.lon + ",lat=" +;
* APIMethod: toShortString
* Returns:
* {String} Shortened String representation of OpenLayers.LonLat object.
* (e.g. <i>"5, 42"</i>)
toShortString:function() {
return (this.lon + ", " +;
* APIMethod: clone
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} New OpenLayers.LonLat object with the same lon
* and lat values
clone:function() {
return new OpenLayers.LonLat(this.lon,;
* APIMethod: add
* Parameters:
* lon - {Float}
* lat - {Float}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} A new OpenLayers.LonLat object with the lon and
* lat passed-in added to this's.
add:function(lon, lat) {
if ( (lon == null) || (lat == null) ) {
throw new TypeError('LonLat.add cannot receive null values');
return new OpenLayers.LonLat(this.lon + OpenLayers.Util.toFloat(lon), + OpenLayers.Util.toFloat(lat));
* APIMethod: equals
* Parameters:
* ll - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Boolean value indicating whether the passed-in
* <OpenLayers.LonLat> object has the same lon and lat
* components as this.
* Note: if ll passed in is null, returns false
equals:function(ll) {
var equals = false;
if (ll != null) {
equals = ((this.lon == ll.lon && == ||
(isNaN(this.lon) && isNaN( && isNaN(ll.lon) && isNaN(;
return equals;
* APIMethod: transform
* Transform the LonLat object from source to dest. This transformation is
* *in place*: if you want a *new* lonlat, use .clone() first.
* Parameters:
* source - {<OpenLayers.Projection>} Source projection.
* dest - {<OpenLayers.Projection>} Destination projection.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} Itself, for use in chaining operations.
transform: function(source, dest) {
var point = OpenLayers.Projection.transform(
{'x': this.lon, 'y':}, source, dest);
this.lon = point.x; = point.y;
return this;
* APIMethod: wrapDateLine
* Parameters:
* maxExtent - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} A copy of this lonlat, but wrapped around the
* "dateline" (as specified by the borders of
* maxExtent)
wrapDateLine: function(maxExtent) {
var newLonLat = this.clone();
if (maxExtent) {
//shift right?
while (newLonLat.lon < maxExtent.left) {
newLonLat.lon += maxExtent.getWidth();
//shift left?
while (newLonLat.lon > maxExtent.right) {
newLonLat.lon -= maxExtent.getWidth();
return newLonLat;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.LonLat"
* Function: fromString
* Alternative constructor that builds a new <OpenLayers.LonLat> from a
* parameter string
* Parameters:
* str - {String} Comma-separated Lon,Lat coordinate string.
* (e.g. <i>"5,40"</i>)
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} New <OpenLayers.LonLat> object built from the
* passed-in String.
OpenLayers.LonLat.fromString = function(str) {
var pair = str.split(",");
return new OpenLayers.LonLat(pair[0], pair[1]);
* Function: fromArray
* Alternative constructor that builds a new <OpenLayers.LonLat> from an
* array of two numbers that represent lon- and lat-values.
* Parameters:
* arr - {Array(Float)} Array of lon/lat values (e.g. [5,-42])
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} New <OpenLayers.LonLat> object built from the
* passed-in array.
OpenLayers.LonLat.fromArray = function(arr) {
var gotArr = OpenLayers.Util.isArray(arr),
lon = gotArr && arr[0],
lat = gotArr && arr[1];
return new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat);
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Pixel
* This class represents a screen coordinate, in x and y coordinates
OpenLayers.Pixel = OpenLayers.Class({
* APIProperty: x
* {Number} The x coordinate
x: 0.0,
* APIProperty: y
* {Number} The y coordinate
y: 0.0,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Pixel
* Create a new OpenLayers.Pixel instance
* Parameters:
* x - {Number} The x coordinate
* y - {Number} The y coordinate
* Returns:
* An instance of OpenLayers.Pixel
initialize: function(x, y) {
this.x = parseFloat(x);
this.y = parseFloat(y);
* Method: toString
* Cast this object into a string
* Returns:
* {String} The string representation of Pixel. ex: "x=200.4,y=242.2"
toString:function() {
return ("x=" + this.x + ",y=" + this.y);
* APIMethod: clone
* Return a clone of this pixel object
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} A clone pixel
clone:function() {
return new OpenLayers.Pixel(this.x, this.y);
* APIMethod: equals
* Determine whether one pixel is equivalent to another
* Parameters:
* px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>|Object} An OpenLayers.Pixel or an object with
* a 'x' and 'y' properties.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The point passed in as parameter is equal to this. Note that
* if px passed in is null, returns false.
equals:function(px) {
var equals = false;
if (px != null) {
equals = ((this.x == px.x && this.y == px.y) ||
(isNaN(this.x) && isNaN(this.y) && isNaN(px.x) && isNaN(px.y)));
return equals;
* APIMethod: distanceTo
* Returns the distance to the pixel point passed in as a parameter.
* Parameters:
* px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
* Returns:
* {Float} The pixel point passed in as parameter to calculate the
* distance to.
distanceTo:function(px) {
return Math.sqrt(
Math.pow(this.x - px.x, 2) +
Math.pow(this.y - px.y, 2)
* APIMethod: add
* Parameters:
* x - {Integer}
* y - {Integer}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} A new Pixel with this pixel's x&y augmented by the
* values passed in.
add:function(x, y) {
if ( (x == null) || (y == null) ) {
throw new TypeError('Pixel.add cannot receive null values');
return new OpenLayers.Pixel(this.x + x, this.y + y);
* APIMethod: offset
* Parameters
* px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>|Object} An OpenLayers.Pixel or an object with
* a 'x' and 'y' properties.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} A new Pixel with this pixel's x&y augmented by the
* x&y values of the pixel passed in.
offset:function(px) {
var newPx = this.clone();
if (px) {
newPx = this.add(px.x, px.y);
return newPx;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Pixel"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Size
* Instances of this class represent a width/height pair
OpenLayers.Size = OpenLayers.Class({
* APIProperty: w
* {Number} width
w: 0.0,
* APIProperty: h
* {Number} height
h: 0.0,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Size
* Create an instance of OpenLayers.Size
* Parameters:
* w - {Number} width
* h - {Number} height
initialize: function(w, h) {
this.w = parseFloat(w);
this.h = parseFloat(h);
* Method: toString
* Return the string representation of a size object
* Returns:
* {String} The string representation of OpenLayers.Size object.
* (e.g. <i>"w=55,h=66"</i>)
toString:function() {
return ("w=" + this.w + ",h=" + this.h);
* APIMethod: clone
* Create a clone of this size object
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Size>} A new OpenLayers.Size object with the same w and h
* values
clone:function() {
return new OpenLayers.Size(this.w, this.h);
* APIMethod: equals
* Determine where this size is equal to another
* Parameters:
* sz - {<OpenLayers.Size>|Object} An OpenLayers.Size or an object with
* a 'w' and 'h' properties.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The passed in size has the same h and w properties as this one.
* Note that if sz passed in is null, returns false.
equals:function(sz) {
var equals = false;
if (sz != null) {
equals = ((this.w == sz.w && this.h == sz.h) ||
(isNaN(this.w) && isNaN(this.h) && isNaN(sz.w) && isNaN(sz.h)));
return equals;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Size"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js
* Namespace: OpenLayers.Console
* The OpenLayers.Console namespace is used for debugging and error logging.
* If the Firebug Lite (../Firebug/firebug.js) is included before this script,
* calls to OpenLayers.Console methods will get redirected to window.console.
* This makes use of the Firebug extension where available and allows for
* cross-browser debugging Firebug style.
* Note:
* Note that behavior will differ with the Firebug extention and Firebug Lite.
* Most notably, the Firebug Lite console does not currently allow for
* hyperlinks to code or for clicking on object to explore their properties.
OpenLayers.Console = {
* Create empty functions for all console methods. The real value of these
* properties will be set if Firebug Lite (../Firebug/firebug.js script) is
* included. We explicitly require the Firebug Lite script to trigger
* functionality of the OpenLayers.Console methods.
* APIFunction: log
* Log an object in the console. The Firebug Lite console logs string
* representation of objects. Given multiple arguments, they will
* be cast to strings and logged with a space delimiter. If the first
* argument is a string with printf-like formatting, subsequent arguments
* will be used in string substitution. Any additional arguments (beyond
* the number substituted in a format string) will be appended in a space-
* delimited line.
* Parameters:
* object - {Object}
log: function() {},
* APIFunction: debug
* Writes a message to the console, including a hyperlink to the line
* where it was called.
* May be called with multiple arguments as with OpenLayers.Console.log().
* Parameters:
* object - {Object}
debug: function() {},
* APIFunction: info
* Writes a message to the console with the visual "info" icon and color
* coding and a hyperlink to the line where it was called.
* May be called with multiple arguments as with OpenLayers.Console.log().
* Parameters:
* object - {Object}
info: function() {},
* APIFunction: warn
* Writes a message to the console with the visual "warning" icon and
* color coding and a hyperlink to the line where it was called.
* May be called with multiple arguments as with OpenLayers.Console.log().
* Parameters:
* object - {Object}
warn: function() {},
* APIFunction: error
* Writes a message to the console with the visual "error" icon and color
* coding and a hyperlink to the line where it was called.
* May be called with multiple arguments as with OpenLayers.Console.log().
* Parameters:
* object - {Object}
error: function() {},
* APIFunction: userError
* A single interface for showing error messages to the user. The default
* behavior is a Javascript alert, though this can be overridden by
* reassigning OpenLayers.Console.userError to a different function.
* Expects a single error message
* Parameters:
* error - {Object}
userError: function(error) {
* APIFunction: assert
* Tests that an expression is true. If not, it will write a message to
* the console and throw an exception.
* May be called with multiple arguments as with OpenLayers.Console.log().
* Parameters:
* object - {Object}
assert: function() {},
* APIFunction: dir
* Prints an interactive listing of all properties of the object. This
* looks identical to the view that you would see in the DOM tab.
* Parameters:
* object - {Object}
dir: function() {},
* APIFunction: dirxml
* Prints the XML source tree of an HTML or XML element. This looks
* identical to the view that you would see in the HTML tab. You can click
* on any node to inspect it in the HTML tab.
* Parameters:
* object - {Object}
dirxml: function() {},
* APIFunction: trace
* Prints an interactive stack trace of JavaScript execution at the point
* where it is called. The stack trace details the functions on the stack,
* as well as the values that were passed as arguments to each function.
* You can click each function to take you to its source in the Script tab,
* and click each argument value to inspect it in the DOM or HTML tabs.
trace: function() {},
* APIFunction: group
* Writes a message to the console and opens a nested block to indent all
* future messages sent to the console. Call OpenLayers.Console.groupEnd()
* to close the block.
* May be called with multiple arguments as with OpenLayers.Console.log().
* Parameters:
* object - {Object}
group: function() {},
* APIFunction: groupEnd
* Closes the most recently opened block created by a call to
groupEnd: function() {},
* APIFunction: time
* Creates a new timer under the given name. Call
* OpenLayers.Console.timeEnd(name)
* with the same name to stop the timer and print the time elapsed.
* Parameters:
* name - {String}
time: function() {},
* APIFunction: timeEnd
* Stops a timer created by a call to OpenLayers.Console.time(name) and
* writes the time elapsed.
* Parameters:
* name - {String}
timeEnd: function() {},
* APIFunction: profile
* Turns on the JavaScript profiler. The optional argument title would
* contain the text to be printed in the header of the profile report.
* This function is not currently implemented in Firebug Lite.
* Parameters:
* title - {String} Optional title for the profiler
profile: function() {},
* APIFunction: profileEnd
* Turns off the JavaScript profiler and prints its report.
* This function is not currently implemented in Firebug Lite.
profileEnd: function() {},
* APIFunction: count
* Writes the number of times that the line of code where count was called
* was executed. The optional argument title will print a message in
* addition to the number of the count.
* This function is not currently implemented in Firebug Lite.
* Parameters:
* title - {String} Optional title to be printed with count
count: function() {},
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Console"
* Execute an anonymous function to extend the OpenLayers.Console namespace
* if the firebug.js script is included. This closure is used so that the
* "scripts" and "i" variables don't pollute the global namespace.
(function() {
* If Firebug Lite is included (before this script), re-route all
* OpenLayers.Console calls to the console object.
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
for(var i=0, len=scripts.length; i<len; ++i) {
if(scripts[i].src.indexOf("firebug.js") != -1) {
if(console) {
OpenLayers.Util.extend(OpenLayers.Console, console);
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Console.js
* Namespace: OpenLayers.Lang
* Internationalization namespace. Contains dictionaries in various languages
* and methods to set and get the current language.
OpenLayers.Lang = {
* Property: code
* {String} Current language code to use in OpenLayers. Use the
* <setCode> method to set this value and the <getCode> method to
* retrieve it.
code: null,
* APIProperty: defaultCode
* {String} Default language to use when a specific language can't be
* found. Default is "en".
defaultCode: "en",
* APIFunction: getCode
* Get the current language code.
* Returns:
* {String} The current language code.
getCode: function() {
if(!OpenLayers.Lang.code) {
return OpenLayers.Lang.code;
* APIFunction: setCode
* Set the language code for string translation. This code is used by
* the <OpenLayers.Lang.translate> method.
* Parameters:
* code - {String} These codes follow the IETF recommendations at
* If no value is set, the
* browser's language setting will be tested. If no <OpenLayers.Lang>
* dictionary exists for the code, the <OpenLayers.String.defaultLang>
* will be used.
setCode: function(code) {
var lang;
if(!code) {
code = (OpenLayers.BROWSER_NAME == "msie") ?
navigator.userLanguage : navigator.language;
var parts = code.split('-');
parts[0] = parts[0].toLowerCase();
if(typeof OpenLayers.Lang[parts[0]] == "object") {
lang = parts[0];
// check for regional extensions
if(parts[1]) {
var testLang = parts[0] + '-' + parts[1].toUpperCase();
if(typeof OpenLayers.Lang[testLang] == "object") {
lang = testLang;
if(!lang) {
'Failed to find OpenLayers.Lang.' + parts.join("-") +
' dictionary, falling back to default language'
lang = OpenLayers.Lang.defaultCode;
OpenLayers.Lang.code = lang;
* APIMethod: translate
* Looks up a key from a dictionary based on the current language string.
* The value of <getCode> will be used to determine the appropriate
* dictionary. Dictionaries are stored in <OpenLayers.Lang>.
* Parameters:
* key - {String} The key for an i18n string value in the dictionary.
* context - {Object} Optional context to be used with
* <OpenLayers.String.format>.
* Returns:
* {String} A internationalized string.
translate: function(key, context) {
var dictionary = OpenLayers.Lang[OpenLayers.Lang.getCode()];
var message = dictionary && dictionary[key];
if(!message) {
// Message not found, fall back to message key
message = key;
if(context) {
message = OpenLayers.String.format(message, context);
return message;
* APIMethod: OpenLayers.i18n
* Alias for <OpenLayers.Lang.translate>. Looks up a key from a dictionary
* based on the current language string. The value of
* <OpenLayers.Lang.getCode> will be used to determine the appropriate
* dictionary. Dictionaries are stored in <OpenLayers.Lang>.
* Parameters:
* key - {String} The key for an i18n string value in the dictionary.
* context - {Object} Optional context to be used with
* <OpenLayers.String.format>.
* Returns:
* {String} A internationalized string.
OpenLayers.i18n = OpenLayers.Lang.translate;
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes.js
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Bounds.js
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Element.js
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/LonLat.js
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Pixel.js
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Size.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Lang.js
* Namespace: Util
OpenLayers.Util = OpenLayers.Util || {};
* Function: getElement
* This is the old $() from prototype
* Parameters:
* e - {String or DOMElement or Window}
* Returns:
* {Array(DOMElement) or DOMElement}
OpenLayers.Util.getElement = function() {
var elements = [];
for (var i=0, len=arguments.length; i<len; i++) {
var element = arguments[i];
if (typeof element == 'string') {
element = document.getElementById(element);
if (arguments.length == 1) {
return element;
return elements;
* Function: isElement
* A cross-browser implementation of "e instanceof Element".
* Parameters:
* o - {Object} The object to test.
* Returns:
* {Boolean}
OpenLayers.Util.isElement = function(o) {
return !!(o && o.nodeType === 1);
* Function: isArray
* Tests that the provided object is an array.
* This test handles the cross-IFRAME case not caught
* by "a instanceof Array" and should be used instead.
* Parameters:
* a - {Object} the object test.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} true if the object is an array.
OpenLayers.Util.isArray = function(a) {
return ( === '[object Array]');
* Function: removeItem
* Remove an object from an array. Iterates through the array
* to find the item, then removes it.
* Parameters:
* array - {Array}
* item - {Object}
* Returns:
* {Array} A reference to the array
OpenLayers.Util.removeItem = function(array, item) {
for(var i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if(array[i] == item) {
//break;more than once??
return array;
* Function: indexOf
* Seems to exist already in FF, but not in MOZ.
* Parameters:
* array - {Array}
* obj - {*}
* Returns:
* {Integer} The index at which the first object was found in the array.
* If not found, returns -1.
OpenLayers.Util.indexOf = function(array, obj) {
// use the build-in function if available.
if (typeof array.indexOf == "function") {
return array.indexOf(obj);
} else {
for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) {
if (array[i] == obj) {
return i;
return -1;
* Property: dotless
* {RegExp}
* Compiled regular expression to match dots ("."). This is used for replacing
* dots in identifiers. Because object identifiers are frequently used for
* DOM element identifiers by the library, we avoid using dots to make for
* more sensible CSS selectors.
* TODO: Use a module pattern to avoid bloating the API with stuff like this.
OpenLayers.Util.dotless = /\./g;
* Function: modifyDOMElement
* Modifies many properties of a DOM element all at once. Passing in
* null to an individual parameter will avoid setting the attribute.
* Parameters:
* element - {DOMElement} DOM element to modify.
* id - {String} The element id attribute to set. Note that dots (".") will be
* replaced with underscore ("_") in setting the element id.
* px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>|Object} The element left and top position,
* OpenLayers.Pixel or an object with
* a 'x' and 'y' properties.
* sz - {<OpenLayers.Size>|Object} The element width and height,
* OpenLayers.Size or an object with a
* 'w' and 'h' properties.
* position - {String} The position attribute. eg: absolute,
* relative, etc.
* border - {String} The style.border attribute. eg:
* solid black 2px
* overflow - {String} The style.overview attribute.
* opacity - {Float} Fractional value (0.0 - 1.0)
OpenLayers.Util.modifyDOMElement = function(element, id, px, sz, position,
border, overflow, opacity) {
if (id) { = id.replace(OpenLayers.Util.dotless, "_");
if (px) { = px.x + "px"; = px.y + "px";
if (sz) { = sz.w + "px"; = sz.h + "px";
if (position) { = position;
if (border) { = border;
if (overflow) { = overflow;
if (parseFloat(opacity) >= 0.0 && parseFloat(opacity) < 1.0) { = 'alpha(opacity=' + (opacity * 100) + ')'; = opacity;
} else if (parseFloat(opacity) == 1.0) { = ''; = '';
* Function: createDiv
* Creates a new div and optionally set some standard attributes.
* Null may be passed to each parameter if you do not wish to
* set a particular attribute.
* Note - zIndex is NOT set on the resulting div.
* Parameters:
* id - {String} An identifier for this element. If no id is
* passed an identifier will be created
* automatically. Note that dots (".") will be replaced with
* underscore ("_") when generating ids.
* px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>|Object} The element left and top position,
* OpenLayers.Pixel or an object with
* a 'x' and 'y' properties.
* sz - {<OpenLayers.Size>|Object} The element width and height,
* OpenLayers.Size or an object with a
* 'w' and 'h' properties.
* imgURL - {String} A url pointing to an image to use as a
* background image.
* position - {String} The style.position value. eg: absolute,
* relative etc.
* border - {String} The the style.border value.
* eg: 2px solid black
* overflow - {String} The style.overflow value. Eg. hidden
* opacity - {Float} Fractional value (0.0 - 1.0)
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} A DOM Div created with the specified attributes.
OpenLayers.Util.createDiv = function(id, px, sz, imgURL, position,
border, overflow, opacity) {
var dom = document.createElement('div');
if (imgURL) { = 'url(' + imgURL + ')';
//set generic properties
if (!id) {
id = OpenLayers.Util.createUniqueID("OpenLayersDiv");
if (!position) {
position = "absolute";
OpenLayers.Util.modifyDOMElement(dom, id, px, sz, position,
border, overflow, opacity);
return dom;
* Function: createImage
* Creates an img element with specific attribute values.
* Parameters:
* id - {String} The id field for the img. If none assigned one will be
* automatically generated.
* px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>|Object} The element left and top position,
* OpenLayers.Pixel or an object with
* a 'x' and 'y' properties.
* sz - {<OpenLayers.Size>|Object} The element width and height,
* OpenLayers.Size or an object with a
* 'w' and 'h' properties.
* imgURL - {String} The url to use as the image source.
* position - {String} The style.position value.
* border - {String} The border to place around the image.
* opacity - {Float} Fractional value (0.0 - 1.0)
* delayDisplay - {Boolean} If true waits until the image has been
* loaded.
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} A DOM Image created with the specified attributes.
OpenLayers.Util.createImage = function(id, px, sz, imgURL, position, border,
opacity, delayDisplay) {
var image = document.createElement("img");
//set generic properties
if (!id) {
id = OpenLayers.Util.createUniqueID("OpenLayersDiv");
if (!position) {
position = "relative";
OpenLayers.Util.modifyDOMElement(image, id, px, sz, position,
border, null, opacity);
if (delayDisplay) { = "none";
function display() { = "";
OpenLayers.Event.observe(image, "load", display);
OpenLayers.Event.observe(image, "error", display);
//set special properties = id;
image.galleryImg = "no";
if (imgURL) {
image.src = imgURL;
return image;
* {Integer} How many times should we try to reload an image before giving up?
* Default is 0
* Property: alphaHackNeeded
* {Boolean} true if the png alpha hack is necessary and possible, false otherwise.
OpenLayers.Util.alphaHackNeeded = null;
* Function: alphaHack
* Checks whether it's necessary (and possible) to use the png alpha
* hack which allows alpha transparency for png images under Internet
* Explorer.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} true if the png alpha hack is necessary and possible, false otherwise.
OpenLayers.Util.alphaHack = function() {
if (OpenLayers.Util.alphaHackNeeded == null) {
var arVersion = navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE");
var version = parseFloat(arVersion[1]);
var filter = false;
// IEs4Lin dies when trying to access document.body.filters, because
// the property is there, but requires a DLL that can't be provided. This
// means that we need to wrap this in a try/catch so that this can
// continue.
try {
filter = !!(document.body.filters);
} catch (e) {}
OpenLayers.Util.alphaHackNeeded = (filter &&
(version >= 5.5) && (version < 7));
return OpenLayers.Util.alphaHackNeeded;
* Function: modifyAlphaImageDiv
* Parameters:
* div - {DOMElement} Div containing Alpha-adjusted Image
* id - {String}
* px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>|Object} OpenLayers.Pixel or an object with
* a 'x' and 'y' properties.
* sz - {<OpenLayers.Size>|Object} OpenLayers.Size or an object with
* a 'w' and 'h' properties.
* imgURL - {String}
* position - {String}
* border - {String}
* sizing - {String} 'crop', 'scale', or 'image'. Default is "scale"
* opacity - {Float} Fractional value (0.0 - 1.0)
OpenLayers.Util.modifyAlphaImageDiv = function(div, id, px, sz, imgURL,
position, border, sizing,
opacity) {
OpenLayers.Util.modifyDOMElement(div, id, px, sz, position,
null, null, opacity);
var img = div.childNodes[0];
if (imgURL) {
img.src = imgURL;
OpenLayers.Util.modifyDOMElement(img, + "_innerImage", null, sz,
"relative", border);
if (OpenLayers.Util.alphaHack()) {
if( != "none") { = "inline-block";
if (sizing == null) {
sizing = "scale";
} = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft" +
".AlphaImageLoader(src='" + img.src + "', " +
"sizingMethod='" + sizing + "')";
if (parseFloat( >= 0.0 &&
parseFloat( < 1.0) { += " alpha(opacity=" + * 100 + ")";
} = "alpha(opacity=0)";
* Function: createAlphaImageDiv
* Parameters:
* id - {String}
* px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>|Object} OpenLayers.Pixel or an object with
* a 'x' and 'y' properties.
* sz - {<OpenLayers.Size>|Object} OpenLayers.Size or an object with
* a 'w' and 'h' properties.
* imgURL - {String}
* position - {String}
* border - {String}
* sizing - {String} 'crop', 'scale', or 'image'. Default is "scale"
* opacity - {Float} Fractional value (0.0 - 1.0)
* delayDisplay - {Boolean} If true waits until the image has been
* loaded.
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} A DOM Div created with a DOM Image inside it. If the hack is
* needed for transparency in IE, it is added.
OpenLayers.Util.createAlphaImageDiv = function(id, px, sz, imgURL,
position, border, sizing,
opacity, delayDisplay) {
var div = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv();
var img = OpenLayers.Util.createImage(null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, delayDisplay);
img.className = "olAlphaImg";
OpenLayers.Util.modifyAlphaImageDiv(div, id, px, sz, imgURL, position,
border, sizing, opacity);
return div;
* Function: upperCaseObject
* Creates a new hashtable and copies over all the keys from the
* passed-in object, but storing them under an uppercased
* version of the key at which they were stored.
* Parameters:
* object - {Object}
* Returns:
* {Object} A new Object with all the same keys but uppercased
OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject = function (object) {
var uObject = {};
for (var key in object) {
uObject[key.toUpperCase()] = object[key];
return uObject;
* Function: applyDefaults
* Takes an object and copies any properties that don't exist from
* another properties, by analogy with OpenLayers.Util.extend() from
* Prototype.js.
* Parameters:
* to - {Object} The destination object.
* from - {Object} The source object. Any properties of this object that
* are undefined in the to object will be set on the to object.
* Returns:
* {Object} A reference to the to object. Note that the to argument is modified
* in place and returned by this function.
OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults = function (to, from) {
to = to || {};
* FF/Windows < reports "Illegal operation on WrappedNative
* prototype object" when calling hawOwnProperty if the source object is an
* instance of window.Event.
var fromIsEvt = typeof window.Event == "function"
&& from instanceof window.Event;
for (var key in from) {
if (to[key] === undefined ||
(!fromIsEvt && from.hasOwnProperty
&& from.hasOwnProperty(key) && !to.hasOwnProperty(key))) {
to[key] = from[key];
* IE doesn't include the toString property when iterating over an object's
* properties with the for(property in object) syntax. Explicitly check if
* the source has its own toString property.
if(!fromIsEvt && from && from.hasOwnProperty
&& from.hasOwnProperty('toString') && !to.hasOwnProperty('toString')) {
to.toString = from.toString;
return to;
* Function: getParameterString
* Parameters:
* params - {Object}
* Returns:
* {String} A concatenation of the properties of an object in
* http parameter notation.
* (ex. <i>"key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3"</i>)
* If a parameter is actually a list, that parameter will then
* be set to a comma-seperated list of values (foo,bar) instead
* of being URL escaped (foo%3Abar).
OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString = function(params) {
var paramsArray = [];
for (var key in params) {
var value = params[key];
if ((value != null) && (typeof value != 'function')) {
var encodedValue;
if (typeof value == 'object' && value.constructor == Array) {
/* value is an array; encode items and separate with "," */
var encodedItemArray = [];
var item;
for (var itemIndex=0, len=value.length; itemIndex<len; itemIndex++) {
item = value[itemIndex];
(item === null || item === undefined) ? "" : item)
encodedValue = encodedItemArray.join(",");
else {
/* value is a string; simply encode */
encodedValue = encodeURIComponent(value);
paramsArray.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodedValue);
return paramsArray.join("&");
* Function: urlAppend
* Appends a parameter string to a url. This function includes the logic for
* using the appropriate character (none, & or ?) to append to the url before
* appending the param string.
* Parameters:
* url - {String} The url to append to
* paramStr - {String} The param string to append
* Returns:
* {String} The new url
OpenLayers.Util.urlAppend = function(url, paramStr) {
var newUrl = url;
if(paramStr) {
var parts = (url + " ").split(/[?&]/);
newUrl += (parts.pop() === " " ?
paramStr :
parts.length ? "&" + paramStr : "?" + paramStr);
return newUrl;
* Function: getImagesLocation
* Returns:
* {String} The fully formatted image location string
OpenLayers.Util.getImagesLocation = function() {
return OpenLayers.ImgPath || (OpenLayers._getScriptLocation() + "img/");
* Function: getImageLocation
* Returns:
* {String} The fully formatted location string for a specified image
OpenLayers.Util.getImageLocation = function(image) {
return OpenLayers.Util.getImagesLocation() + image;
* Function: Try
* Execute functions until one of them doesn't throw an error.
* Capitalized because "try" is a reserved word in JavaScript.
* Taken directly from OpenLayers.Util.Try()
* Parameters:
* [*] - {Function} Any number of parameters may be passed to Try()
* It will attempt to execute each of them until one of them
* successfully executes.
* If none executes successfully, returns null.
* Returns:
* {*} The value returned by the first successfully executed function.
OpenLayers.Util.Try = function() {
var returnValue = null;
for (var i=0, len=arguments.length; i<len; i++) {
var lambda = arguments[i];
try {
returnValue = lambda();
} catch (e) {}
return returnValue;
* Function: getXmlNodeValue
* Parameters:
* node - {XMLNode}
* Returns:
* {String} The text value of the given node, without breaking in firefox or IE
OpenLayers.Util.getXmlNodeValue = function(node) {
var val = null;
function() {
val = node.text;
if (!val) {
val = node.textContent;
if (!val) {
val = node.firstChild.nodeValue;
function() {
val = node.textContent;
return val;
* Function: mouseLeft
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
* div - {HTMLDivElement}
* Returns:
* {Boolean}
OpenLayers.Util.mouseLeft = function (evt, div) {
// start with the element to which the mouse has moved
var target = (evt.relatedTarget) ? evt.relatedTarget : evt.toElement;
// walk up the DOM tree.
while (target != div && target != null) {
target = target.parentNode;
// if the target we stop at isn't the div, then we've left the div.
return (target != div);
* Property: precision
* {Number} The number of significant digits to retain to avoid
* floating point precision errors.
* We use 14 as a "safe" default because, although IEEE 754 double floats
* (standard on most modern operating systems) support up to about 16
* significant digits, 14 significant digits are sufficient to represent
* sub-millimeter accuracy in any coordinate system that anyone is likely to
* use with OpenLayers.
* If DEFAULT_PRECISION is set to 0, the original non-truncating behavior
* of OpenLayers <2.8 is preserved. Be aware that this will cause problems
* with certain projections, e.g. spherical Mercator.
OpenLayers.Util.DEFAULT_PRECISION = 14;
* Function: toFloat
* Convenience method to cast an object to a Number, rounded to the
* desired floating point precision.
* Parameters:
* number - {Number} The number to cast and round.
* precision - {Number} An integer suitable for use with
* Number.toPrecision(). Defaults to OpenLayers.Util.DEFAULT_PRECISION.
* If set to 0, no rounding is performed.
* Returns:
* {Number} The cast, rounded number.
OpenLayers.Util.toFloat = function (number, precision) {
if (precision == null) {
precision = OpenLayers.Util.DEFAULT_PRECISION;
if (typeof number !== "number") {
number = parseFloat(number);
return precision === 0 ? number :
* Function: rad
* Parameters:
* x - {Float}
* Returns:
* {Float}
OpenLayers.Util.rad = function(x) {return x*Math.PI/180;};
* Function: deg
* Parameters:
* x - {Float}
* Returns:
* {Float}
OpenLayers.Util.deg = function(x) {return x*180/Math.PI;};
* Property: VincentyConstants
* {Object} Constants for Vincenty functions.
OpenLayers.Util.VincentyConstants = {
a: 6378137,
b: 6356752.3142,
f: 1/298.257223563
* APIFunction: distVincenty
* Given two objects representing points with geographic coordinates, this
* calculates the distance between those points on the surface of an
* ellipsoid.
* Parameters:
* p1 - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} (or any object with both .lat, .lon properties)
* p2 - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} (or any object with both .lat, .lon properties)
* Returns:
* {Float} The distance (in km) between the two input points as measured on an
* ellipsoid. Note that the input point objects must be in geographic
* coordinates (decimal degrees) and the return distance is in kilometers.
OpenLayers.Util.distVincenty = function(p1, p2) {
var ct = OpenLayers.Util.VincentyConstants;
var a = ct.a, b = ct.b, f = ct.f;
var L = OpenLayers.Util.rad(p2.lon - p1.lon);
var U1 = Math.atan((1-f) * Math.tan(OpenLayers.Util.rad(;
var U2 = Math.atan((1-f) * Math.tan(OpenLayers.Util.rad(;
var sinU1 = Math.sin(U1), cosU1 = Math.cos(U1);
var sinU2 = Math.sin(U2), cosU2 = Math.cos(U2);
var lambda = L, lambdaP = 2*Math.PI;
var iterLimit = 20;
while (Math.abs(lambda-lambdaP) > 1e-12 && --iterLimit>0) {
var sinLambda = Math.sin(lambda), cosLambda = Math.cos(lambda);
var sinSigma = Math.sqrt((cosU2*sinLambda) * (cosU2*sinLambda) +
(cosU1*sinU2-sinU1*cosU2*cosLambda) * (cosU1*sinU2-sinU1*cosU2*cosLambda));
if (sinSigma==0) {
return 0; // co-incident points
var cosSigma = sinU1*sinU2 + cosU1*cosU2*cosLambda;
var sigma = Math.atan2(sinSigma, cosSigma);
var alpha = Math.asin(cosU1 * cosU2 * sinLambda / sinSigma);
var cosSqAlpha = Math.cos(alpha) * Math.cos(alpha);
var cos2SigmaM = cosSigma - 2*sinU1*sinU2/cosSqAlpha;
var C = f/16*cosSqAlpha*(4+f*(4-3*cosSqAlpha));
lambdaP = lambda;
lambda = L + (1-C) * f * Math.sin(alpha) *
(sigma + C*sinSigma*(cos2SigmaM+C*cosSigma*(-1+2*cos2SigmaM*cos2SigmaM)));
if (iterLimit==0) {
return NaN; // formula failed to converge
var uSq = cosSqAlpha * (a*a - b*b) / (b*b);
var A = 1 + uSq/16384*(4096+uSq*(-768+uSq*(320-175*uSq)));
var B = uSq/1024 * (256+uSq*(-128+uSq*(74-47*uSq)));
var deltaSigma = B*sinSigma*(cos2SigmaM+B/4*(cosSigma*(-1+2*cos2SigmaM*cos2SigmaM)-
var s = b*A*(sigma-deltaSigma);
var d = s.toFixed(3)/1000; // round to 1mm precision
return d;
* APIFunction: destinationVincenty
* Calculate destination point given start point lat/long (numeric degrees),
* bearing (numeric degrees) & distance (in m).
* Adapted from Chris Veness work, see
* Parameters:
* lonlat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} (or any object with both .lat, .lon
* properties) The start point.
* brng - {Float} The bearing (degrees).
* dist - {Float} The ground distance (meters).
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} The destination point.
OpenLayers.Util.destinationVincenty = function(lonlat, brng, dist) {
var u = OpenLayers.Util;
var ct = u.VincentyConstants;
var a = ct.a, b = ct.b, f = ct.f;
var lon1 = lonlat.lon;
var lat1 =;
var s = dist;
var alpha1 = u.rad(brng);
var sinAlpha1 = Math.sin(alpha1);
var cosAlpha1 = Math.cos(alpha1);
var tanU1 = (1-f) * Math.tan(u.rad(lat1));
var cosU1 = 1 / Math.sqrt((1 + tanU1*tanU1)), sinU1 = tanU1*cosU1;
var sigma1 = Math.atan2(tanU1, cosAlpha1);
var sinAlpha = cosU1 * sinAlpha1;
var cosSqAlpha = 1 - sinAlpha*sinAlpha;
var uSq = cosSqAlpha * (a*a - b*b) / (b*b);
var A = 1 + uSq/16384*(4096+uSq*(-768+uSq*(320-175*uSq)));
var B = uSq/1024 * (256+uSq*(-128+uSq*(74-47*uSq)));
var sigma = s / (b*A), sigmaP = 2*Math.PI;
while (Math.abs(sigma-sigmaP) > 1e-12) {
var cos2SigmaM = Math.cos(2*sigma1 + sigma);
var sinSigma = Math.sin(sigma);
var cosSigma = Math.cos(sigma);
var deltaSigma = B*sinSigma*(cos2SigmaM+B/4*(cosSigma*(-1+2*cos2SigmaM*cos2SigmaM)-
sigmaP = sigma;
sigma = s / (b*A) + deltaSigma;
var tmp = sinU1*sinSigma - cosU1*cosSigma*cosAlpha1;
var lat2 = Math.atan2(sinU1*cosSigma + cosU1*sinSigma*cosAlpha1,
(1-f)*Math.sqrt(sinAlpha*sinAlpha + tmp*tmp));
var lambda = Math.atan2(sinSigma*sinAlpha1, cosU1*cosSigma - sinU1*sinSigma*cosAlpha1);
var C = f/16*cosSqAlpha*(4+f*(4-3*cosSqAlpha));
var L = lambda - (1-C) * f * sinAlpha *
(sigma + C*sinSigma*(cos2SigmaM+C*cosSigma*(-1+2*cos2SigmaM*cos2SigmaM)));
var revAz = Math.atan2(sinAlpha, -tmp); // final bearing
return new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon1+u.deg(L), u.deg(lat2));
* Function: getParameters
* Parse the parameters from a URL or from the current page itself into a
* JavaScript Object. Note that parameter values with commas are separated
* out into an Array.
* Parameters:
* url - {String} Optional url used to extract the query string.
* If url is null or is not supplied, query string is taken
* from the page location.
* options - {Object} Additional options. Optional.
* Valid options:
* splitArgs - {Boolean} Split comma delimited params into arrays? Default is
* true.
* Returns:
* {Object} An object of key/value pairs from the query string.
OpenLayers.Util.getParameters = function(url, options) {
options = options || {};
// if no url specified, take it from the location bar
url = (url === null || url === undefined) ? window.location.href : url;
//parse out parameters portion of url string
var paramsString = "";
if (OpenLayers.String.contains(url, '?')) {
var start = url.indexOf('?') + 1;
var end = OpenLayers.String.contains(url, "#") ?
url.indexOf('#') : url.length;
paramsString = url.substring(start, end);
var parameters = {};
var pairs = paramsString.split(/[&;]/);
for(var i=0, len=pairs.length; i<len; ++i) {
var keyValue = pairs[i].split('=');
if (keyValue[0]) {
var key = keyValue[0];
try {
key = decodeURIComponent(key);
} catch (err) {
key = unescape(key);
// being liberal by replacing "+" with " "
var value = (keyValue[1] || '').replace(/\+/g, " ");
try {
value = decodeURIComponent(value);
} catch (err) {
value = unescape(value);
// follow OGC convention of comma delimited values
if (options.splitArgs !== false) {
value = value.split(",");
//if there's only one value, do not return as array
if (value.length == 1) {
value = value[0];
parameters[key] = value;
return parameters;
* Property: lastSeqID
* {Integer} The ever-incrementing count variable.
* Used for generating unique ids.
OpenLayers.Util.lastSeqID = 0;
* Function: createUniqueID
* Create a unique identifier for this session. Each time this function
* is called, a counter is incremented. The return will be the optional
* prefix (defaults to "id_") appended with the counter value.
* Parameters:
* prefix - {String} Optional string to prefix unique id. Default is "id_".
* Note that dots (".") in the prefix will be replaced with underscore ("_").
* Returns:
* {String} A unique id string, built on the passed in prefix.
OpenLayers.Util.createUniqueID = function(prefix) {
if (prefix == null) {
prefix = "id_";
} else {
prefix = prefix.replace(OpenLayers.Util.dotless, "_");
OpenLayers.Util.lastSeqID += 1;
return prefix + OpenLayers.Util.lastSeqID;
* {Object} Constant inches per unit -- borrowed from MapServer mapscale.c
* derivation of nautical miles from
* Includes the full set of units supported by CS-MAP (
* and PROJ.4 (
* The hardcoded table is maintain in a CS-MAP source code module named CSdataU.c
* The hardcoded table of PROJ.4 units are in pj_units.c.
OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT = {
'inches': 1.0,
'ft': 12.0,
'mi': 63360.0,
'm': 39.37,
'km': 39370,
'dd': 4374754,
'yd': 36
OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT["in"]= OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT.inches;
OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT["degrees"] = OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT.dd;
OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT["nmi"] = 1852 * OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT.m;
// Units from CS-Map
OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH = 0.02540005080010160020;
OpenLayers.Util.extend(OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT, {
"Inch": OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT.inches,
"Meter": 1.0 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9001
"Foot": 0.30480060960121920243 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9003
"IFoot": 0.30480000000000000000 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9002
"ClarkeFoot": 0.3047972651151 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9005
"SearsFoot": 0.30479947153867624624 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9041
"GoldCoastFoot": 0.30479971018150881758 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9094
"IInch": 0.02540000000000000000 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH,
"MicroInch": 0.00002540000000000000 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH,
"Mil": 0.00000002540000000000 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH,
"Centimeter": 0.01000000000000000000 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH,
"Kilometer": 1000.00000000000000000000 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9036
"Yard": 0.91440182880365760731 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH,
"SearsYard": 0.914398414616029 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9040
"IndianYard": 0.91439853074444079983 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9084
"IndianYd37": 0.91439523 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9085
"IndianYd62": 0.9143988 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9086
"IndianYd75": 0.9143985 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9087
"IndianFoot": 0.30479951 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9080
"IndianFt37": 0.30479841 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9081
"IndianFt62": 0.3047996 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9082
"IndianFt75": 0.3047995 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9083
"Mile": 1609.34721869443738887477 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH,
"IYard": 0.91440000000000000000 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9096
"IMile": 1609.34400000000000000000 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9093
"NautM": 1852.00000000000000000000 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9030
"Lat-66": 110943.316488932731 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH,
"Lat-83": 110946.25736872234125 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH,
"Decimeter": 0.10000000000000000000 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH,
"Millimeter": 0.00100000000000000000 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH,
"Dekameter": 10.00000000000000000000 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH,
"Decameter": 10.00000000000000000000 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH,
"Hectometer": 100.00000000000000000000 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH,
"GermanMeter": 1.0000135965 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9031
"CaGrid": 0.999738 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH,
"ClarkeChain": 20.1166194976 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9038
"GunterChain": 20.11684023368047 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9033
"BenoitChain": 20.116782494375872 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9062
"SearsChain": 20.11676512155 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9042
"ClarkeLink": 0.201166194976 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9039
"GunterLink": 0.2011684023368047 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9034
"BenoitLink": 0.20116782494375872 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9063
"SearsLink": 0.2011676512155 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9043
"Rod": 5.02921005842012 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH,
"IntnlChain": 20.1168 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9097
"IntnlLink": 0.201168 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH, //EPSG:9098
"Perch": 5.02921005842012 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH,
"Pole": 5.02921005842012 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH,
"Furlong": 201.1684023368046 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH,
"Rood": 3.778266898 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH,
"CapeFoot": 0.3047972615 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH,
"Brealey": 375.00000000000000000000 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH,
"ModAmFt": 0.304812252984505969011938 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH,
"Fathom": 1.8288 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH,
"NautM-UK": 1853.184 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH,
"50kilometers": 50000.0 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH,
"150kilometers": 150000.0 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH
//unit abbreviations supported by PROJ.4
OpenLayers.Util.extend(OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT, {
"mm": OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT["Meter"] / 1000.0,
"cm": OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT["Meter"] / 100.0,
"dm": OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT["Meter"] * 100.0,
"km": OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT["Meter"] * 1000.0,
"kmi": OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT["nmi"], //International Nautical Mile
"fath": OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT["Fathom"], //International Fathom
"ch": OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT["IntnlChain"], //International Chain
"link": OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT["IntnlLink"], //International Link
"us-in": OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT["inches"], //U.S. Surveyor's Inch
"us-ft": OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT["Foot"], //U.S. Surveyor's Foot
"us-yd": OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT["Yard"], //U.S. Surveyor's Yard
"us-ch": OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT["GunterChain"], //U.S. Surveyor's Chain
"us-mi": OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT["Mile"], //U.S. Surveyor's Statute Mile
"ind-yd": OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT["IndianYd37"], //Indian Yard
"ind-ft": OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT["IndianFt37"], //Indian Foot
"ind-ch": 20.11669506 / OpenLayers.METERS_PER_INCH //Indian Chain
* Constant: DOTS_PER_INCH
* {Integer} 72 (A sensible default)
OpenLayers.DOTS_PER_INCH = 72;
* Function: normalizeScale
* Parameters:
* scale - {float}
* Returns:
* {Float} A normalized scale value, in 1 / X format.
* This means that if a value less than one ( already 1/x) is passed
* in, it just returns scale directly. Otherwise, it returns
* 1 / scale
OpenLayers.Util.normalizeScale = function (scale) {
var normScale = (scale > 1.0) ? (1.0 / scale)
: scale;
return normScale;
* Function: getResolutionFromScale
* Parameters:
* scale - {Float}
* units - {String} Index into OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT hashtable.
* Default is degrees
* Returns:
* {Float} The corresponding resolution given passed-in scale and unit
* parameters. If the given scale is falsey, the returned resolution will
* be undefined.
OpenLayers.Util.getResolutionFromScale = function (scale, units) {
var resolution;
if (scale) {
if (units == null) {
units = "degrees";
var normScale = OpenLayers.Util.normalizeScale(scale);
resolution = 1 / (normScale * OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT[units]
* OpenLayers.DOTS_PER_INCH);
return resolution;
* Function: getScaleFromResolution
* Parameters:
* resolution - {Float}
* units - {String} Index into OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT hashtable.
* Default is degrees
* Returns:
* {Float} The corresponding scale given passed-in resolution and unit
* parameters.
OpenLayers.Util.getScaleFromResolution = function (resolution, units) {
if (units == null) {
units = "degrees";
var scale = resolution * OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT[units] *
return scale;
* Function: pagePosition
* Calculates the position of an element on the page (see
* OpenLayers.Util.pagePosition is based on Yahoo's getXY method, which is
* Copyright (c) 2006, Yahoo! Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or
* without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of Yahoo! Inc. nor the names of its contributors may be
* used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
* specific prior written permission of Yahoo! Inc.
* Parameters:
* forElement - {DOMElement}
* Returns:
* {Array} two item array, Left value then Top value.
OpenLayers.Util.pagePosition = function(forElement) {
// NOTE: If element is hidden (display none or disconnected or any the
// ancestors are hidden) we get (0,0) by default but we still do the
// accumulation of scroll position.
var pos = [0, 0];
var viewportElement = OpenLayers.Util.getViewportElement();
if (!forElement || forElement == window || forElement == viewportElement) {
// viewport is always at 0,0 as that defined the coordinate system for
// this function - this avoids special case checks in the code below
return pos;
// Gecko browsers normally use getBoxObjectFor to calculate the position.
// When invoked for an element with an implicit absolute position though it
// can be off by one. Therefore the recursive implementation is used in
// those (relatively rare) cases.
OpenLayers.IS_GECKO && document.getBoxObjectFor &&
OpenLayers.Element.getStyle(forElement, 'position') == 'absolute' &&
( == '' || == '');
var parent = null;
var box;
if (forElement.getBoundingClientRect) { // IE
box = forElement.getBoundingClientRect();
var scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || viewportElement.scrollTop;
var scrollLeft = window.pageXOffset || viewportElement.scrollLeft;
pos[0] = box.left + scrollLeft;
pos[1] = + scrollTop;
} else if (document.getBoxObjectFor && !BUGGY_GECKO_BOX_OBJECT) { // gecko
// Gecko ignores the scroll values for ancestors, up to 1.9. See:
// and
box = document.getBoxObjectFor(forElement);
var vpBox = document.getBoxObjectFor(viewportElement);
pos[0] = box.screenX - vpBox.screenX;
pos[1] = box.screenY - vpBox.screenY;
} else { // safari/opera
pos[0] = forElement.offsetLeft;
pos[1] = forElement.offsetTop;
parent = forElement.offsetParent;
if (parent != forElement) {
while (parent) {
pos[0] += parent.offsetLeft;
pos[1] += parent.offsetTop;
parent = parent.offsetParent;
var browser = OpenLayers.BROWSER_NAME;
// opera & (safari absolute) incorrectly account for body offsetTop
if (browser == "opera" || (browser == "safari" &&
OpenLayers.Element.getStyle(forElement, 'position') == 'absolute')) {
pos[1] -= document.body.offsetTop;
// accumulate the scroll positions for everything but the body element
parent = forElement.offsetParent;
while (parent && parent != document.body) {
pos[0] -= parent.scrollLeft;
// see
if (browser != "opera" || parent.tagName != 'TR') {
pos[1] -= parent.scrollTop;
parent = parent.offsetParent;
return pos;
* Function: getViewportElement
* Returns die viewport element of the document. The viewport element is
* usually document.documentElement, except in IE,where it is either
* document.body or document.documentElement, depending on the document's
* compatibility mode (see
* Returns:
* {DOMElement}
OpenLayers.Util.getViewportElement = function() {
var viewportElement = arguments.callee.viewportElement;
if (viewportElement == undefined) {
viewportElement = (OpenLayers.BROWSER_NAME == "msie" &&
document.compatMode != 'CSS1Compat') ? document.body :
arguments.callee.viewportElement = viewportElement;
return viewportElement;
* Function: isEquivalentUrl
* Test two URLs for equivalence.
* Setting 'ignoreCase' allows for case-independent comparison.
* Comparison is based on:
* - Protocol
* - Host (evaluated without the port)
* - Port (set 'ignorePort80' to ignore "80" values)
* - Hash ( set 'ignoreHash' to disable)
* - Pathname (for relative <-> absolute comparison)
* - Arguments (so they can be out of order)
* Parameters:
* url1 - {String}
* url2 - {String}
* options - {Object} Allows for customization of comparison:
* 'ignoreCase' - Default is True
* 'ignorePort80' - Default is True
* 'ignoreHash' - Default is True
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Whether or not the two URLs are equivalent
OpenLayers.Util.isEquivalentUrl = function(url1, url2, options) {
options = options || {};
OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(options, {
ignoreCase: true,
ignorePort80: true,
ignoreHash: true,
splitArgs: false
var urlObj1 = OpenLayers.Util.createUrlObject(url1, options);
var urlObj2 = OpenLayers.Util.createUrlObject(url2, options);
//compare all keys except for "args" (treated below)
for(var key in urlObj1) {
if(key !== "args") {
if(urlObj1[key] != urlObj2[key]) {
return false;
// compare search args - irrespective of order
for(var key in urlObj1.args) {
if(urlObj1.args[key] != urlObj2.args[key]) {
return false;
delete urlObj2.args[key];
// urlObj2 shouldn't have any args left
for(var key in urlObj2.args) {
return false;
return true;
* Function: createUrlObject
* Parameters:
* url - {String}
* options - {Object} A hash of options.
* Valid options:
* ignoreCase - {Boolean} lowercase url,
* ignorePort80 - {Boolean} don't include explicit port if port is 80,
* ignoreHash - {Boolean} Don't include part of url after the hash (#).
* splitArgs - {Boolean} Split comma delimited params into arrays? Default is
* true.
* Returns:
* {Object} An object with separate url, a, port, host, and args parsed out
* and ready for comparison
OpenLayers.Util.createUrlObject = function(url, options) {
options = options || {};
// deal with relative urls first
if(!(/^\w+:\/\//).test(url)) {
var loc = window.location;
var port = loc.port ? ":" + loc.port : "";
var fullUrl = loc.protocol + "//" +":").shift() + port;
if(url.indexOf("/") === 0) {
// full pathname
url = fullUrl + url;
} else {
// relative to current path
var parts = loc.pathname.split("/");
url = fullUrl + parts.join("/") + "/" + url;
if (options.ignoreCase) {
url = url.toLowerCase();
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = url;
var urlObject = {};
//host (without port) =":").shift();
urlObject.protocol = a.protocol;
//port (get uniform browser behavior with port 80 here)
if(options.ignorePort80) {
urlObject.port = (a.port == "80" || a.port == "0") ? "" : a.port;
} else {
urlObject.port = (a.port == "" || a.port == "0") ? "80" : a.port;
urlObject.hash = (options.ignoreHash || a.hash === "#") ? "" : a.hash;
var queryString =;
if (!queryString) {
var qMark = url.indexOf("?");
queryString = (qMark != -1) ? url.substr(qMark) : "";
urlObject.args = OpenLayers.Util.getParameters(queryString,
{splitArgs: options.splitArgs});
// pathname
// This is a workaround for Internet Explorer where
// window.location.pathname has a leading "/", but
// a.pathname has no leading "/".
urlObject.pathname = (a.pathname.charAt(0) == "/") ? a.pathname : "/" + a.pathname;
return urlObject;
* Function: removeTail
* Takes a url and removes everything after the ? and #
* Parameters:
* url - {String} The url to process
* Returns:
* {String} The string with all queryString and Hash removed
OpenLayers.Util.removeTail = function(url) {
var head = null;
var qMark = url.indexOf("?");
var hashMark = url.indexOf("#");
if (qMark == -1) {
head = (hashMark != -1) ? url.substr(0,hashMark) : url;
} else {
head = (hashMark != -1) ? url.substr(0,Math.min(qMark, hashMark))
: url.substr(0, qMark);
return head;
* Constant: IS_GECKO
* {Boolean} True if the userAgent reports the browser to use the Gecko engine
OpenLayers.IS_GECKO = (function() {
var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
return ua.indexOf("webkit") == -1 && ua.indexOf("gecko") != -1;
* {Boolean} True if canvas 2d is supported.
OpenLayers.CANVAS_SUPPORTED = (function() {
var elem = document.createElement('canvas');
return !!(elem.getContext && elem.getContext('2d'));
* Constant: BROWSER_NAME
* {String}
* A substring of the navigator.userAgent property. Depending on the userAgent
* property, this will be the empty string or one of the following:
* * "opera" -- Opera
* * "msie" -- Internet Explorer
* * "safari" -- Safari
* * "firefox" -- Firefox
* * "mozilla" -- Mozilla
OpenLayers.BROWSER_NAME = (function() {
var name = "";
var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (ua.indexOf("opera") != -1) {
name = "opera";
} else if (ua.indexOf("msie") != -1) {
name = "msie";
} else if (ua.indexOf("safari") != -1) {
name = "safari";
} else if (ua.indexOf("mozilla") != -1) {
if (ua.indexOf("firefox") != -1) {
name = "firefox";
} else {
name = "mozilla";
return name;
* Function: getBrowserName
* Returns:
* {String} A string which specifies which is the current
* browser in which we are running.
* Currently-supported browser detection and codes:
* * 'opera' -- Opera
* * 'msie' -- Internet Explorer
* * 'safari' -- Safari
* * 'firefox' -- Firefox
* * 'mozilla' -- Mozilla
* If we are unable to property identify the browser, we
* return an empty string.
OpenLayers.Util.getBrowserName = function() {
return OpenLayers.BROWSER_NAME;
* Method: getRenderedDimensions
* Renders the contentHTML offscreen to determine actual dimensions for
* popup sizing. As we need layout to determine dimensions the content
* is rendered -9999px to the left and absolute to ensure the
* scrollbars do not flicker
* Parameters:
* contentHTML
* size - {<OpenLayers.Size>} If either the 'w' or 'h' properties is
* specified, we fix that dimension of the div to be measured. This is
* useful in the case where we have a limit in one dimension and must
* therefore meaure the flow in the other dimension.
* options - {Object}
* Allowed Options:
* displayClass - {String} Optional parameter. A CSS class name(s) string
* to provide the CSS context of the rendered content.
* containerElement - {DOMElement} Optional parameter. Insert the HTML to
* this node instead of the body root when calculating dimensions.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Size>}
OpenLayers.Util.getRenderedDimensions = function(contentHTML, size, options) {
var w, h;
// create temp container div with restricted size
var container = document.createElement("div"); = "hidden";
var containerElement = (options && options.containerElement)
? options.containerElement : document.body;
// Opera and IE7 can't handle a node with position:aboslute if it inherits
// position:absolute from a parent.
var parentHasPositionAbsolute = false;
var superContainer = null;
var parent = containerElement;
while (parent && parent.tagName.toLowerCase()!="body") {
var parentPosition = OpenLayers.Element.getStyle(parent, "position");
if(parentPosition == "absolute") {
parentHasPositionAbsolute = true;
} else if (parentPosition && parentPosition != "static") {
parent = parent.parentNode;
if(parentHasPositionAbsolute && (containerElement.clientHeight === 0 ||
containerElement.clientWidth === 0) ){
superContainer = document.createElement("div"); = "hidden"; = "absolute"; = "visible"; = document.body.clientWidth + "px"; = document.body.clientHeight + "px";
} = "absolute";
//fix a dimension, if specified.
if (size) {
if (size.w) {
w = size.w; = w + "px";
} else if (size.h) {
h = size.h; = h + "px";
//add css classes, if specified
if (options && options.displayClass) {
container.className = options.displayClass;
// create temp content div and assign content
var content = document.createElement("div");
content.innerHTML = contentHTML;
// we need overflow visible when calculating the size = "visible";
if (content.childNodes) {
for (var i=0, l=content.childNodes.length; i<l; i++) {
if (!content.childNodes[i].style) continue;
content.childNodes[i].style.overflow = "visible";
// add content to restricted container
// append container to body for rendering
if (superContainer) {
} else {
// calculate scroll width of content and add corners and shadow width
if (!w) {
w = parseInt(content.scrollWidth);
// update container width to allow height to adjust = w + "px";
// capture height and add shadow and corner image widths
if (!h) {
h = parseInt(content.scrollHeight);
// remove elements
if (superContainer) {
} else {
return new OpenLayers.Size(w, h);
* APIFunction: getScrollbarWidth
* This function has been modified by the OpenLayers from the original version,
* written by Matthew Eernisse and released under the Apache 2
* license here:
* It has been modified simply to cache its value, since it is physically
* impossible that this code could ever run in more than one browser at
* once.
* Returns:
* {Integer}
OpenLayers.Util.getScrollbarWidth = function() {
var scrollbarWidth = OpenLayers.Util._scrollbarWidth;
if (scrollbarWidth == null) {
var scr = null;
var inn = null;
var wNoScroll = 0;
var wScroll = 0;
// Outer scrolling div
scr = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; = '-1000px'; = '-1000px'; = '100px'; = '50px';
// Start with no scrollbar = 'hidden';
// Inner content div
inn = document.createElement('div'); = '100%'; = '200px';
// Put the inner div in the scrolling div
// Append the scrolling div to the doc
// Width of the inner div sans scrollbar
wNoScroll = inn.offsetWidth;
// Add the scrollbar = 'scroll';
// Width of the inner div width scrollbar
wScroll = inn.offsetWidth;
// Remove the scrolling div from the doc
// Pixel width of the scroller
OpenLayers.Util._scrollbarWidth = (wNoScroll - wScroll);
scrollbarWidth = OpenLayers.Util._scrollbarWidth;
return scrollbarWidth;
* APIFunction: getFormattedLonLat
* This function will return latitude or longitude value formatted as
* Parameters:
* coordinate - {Float} the coordinate value to be formatted
* axis - {String} value of either 'lat' or 'lon' to indicate which axis is to
* to be formatted (default = lat)
* dmsOption - {String} specify the precision of the output can be one of:
* 'dms' show degrees minutes and seconds
* 'dm' show only degrees and minutes
* 'd' show only degrees
* Returns:
* {String} the coordinate value formatted as a string
OpenLayers.Util.getFormattedLonLat = function(coordinate, axis, dmsOption) {
if (!dmsOption) {
dmsOption = 'dms'; //default to show degree, minutes, seconds
coordinate = (coordinate+540)%360 - 180; // normalize for sphere being round
var abscoordinate = Math.abs(coordinate);
var coordinatedegrees = Math.floor(abscoordinate);
var coordinateminutes = (abscoordinate - coordinatedegrees)/(1/60);
var tempcoordinateminutes = coordinateminutes;
coordinateminutes = Math.floor(coordinateminutes);
var coordinateseconds = (tempcoordinateminutes - coordinateminutes)/(1/60);
coordinateseconds = Math.round(coordinateseconds*10);
coordinateseconds /= 10;
if( coordinateseconds >= 60) {
coordinateseconds -= 60;
coordinateminutes += 1;
if( coordinateminutes >= 60) {
coordinateminutes -= 60;
coordinatedegrees += 1;
if( coordinatedegrees < 10 ) {
coordinatedegrees = "0" + coordinatedegrees;
var str = coordinatedegrees + "\u00B0";
if (dmsOption.indexOf('dm') >= 0) {
if( coordinateminutes < 10 ) {
coordinateminutes = "0" + coordinateminutes;
str += coordinateminutes + "'";
if (dmsOption.indexOf('dms') >= 0) {
if( coordinateseconds < 10 ) {
coordinateseconds = "0" + coordinateseconds;
str += coordinateseconds + '"';
if (axis == "lon") {
str += coordinate < 0 ? OpenLayers.i18n("W") : OpenLayers.i18n("E");
} else {
str += coordinate < 0 ? OpenLayers.i18n("S") : OpenLayers.i18n("N");
return str;
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Util.js
* Namespace: OpenLayers.Event
* Utility functions for event handling.
OpenLayers.Event = {
* Property: observers
* {Object} A hashtable cache of the event observers. Keyed by
* element._eventCacheID
observers: false,
* Constant: KEY_SPACE
* {int}
* {int}
* Constant: KEY_TAB
* {int}
* Constant: KEY_RETURN
* {int}
* Constant: KEY_ESC
* {int}
KEY_ESC: 27,
* Constant: KEY_LEFT
* {int}
* Constant: KEY_UP
* {int}
KEY_UP: 38,
* Constant: KEY_RIGHT
* {int}
* Constant: KEY_DOWN
* {int}
* Constant: KEY_DELETE
* {int}
* Method: element
* Cross browser event element detection.
* Parameters:
* event - {Event}
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} The element that caused the event
element: function(event) {
return || event.srcElement;
* Method: isSingleTouch
* Determine whether event was caused by a single touch
* Parameters:
* event - {Event}
* Returns:
* {Boolean}
isSingleTouch: function(event) {
return event.touches && event.touches.length == 1;
* Method: isMultiTouch
* Determine whether event was caused by a multi touch
* Parameters:
* event - {Event}
* Returns:
* {Boolean}
isMultiTouch: function(event) {
return event.touches && event.touches.length > 1;
* Method: isLeftClick
* Determine whether event was caused by a left click.
* Parameters:
* event - {Event}
* Returns:
* {Boolean}
isLeftClick: function(event) {
return (((event.which) && (event.which == 1)) ||
((event.button) && (event.button == 1)));
* Method: isRightClick
* Determine whether event was caused by a right mouse click.
* Parameters:
* event - {Event}
* Returns:
* {Boolean}
isRightClick: function(event) {
return (((event.which) && (event.which == 3)) ||
((event.button) && (event.button == 2)));
* Method: stop
* Stops an event from propagating.
* Parameters:
* event - {Event}
* allowDefault - {Boolean} If true, we stop the event chain but
* still allow the default browser behaviour (text selection,
* radio-button clicking, etc). Default is false.
stop: function(event, allowDefault) {
if (!allowDefault) {
if (event.stopPropagation) {
} else {
event.cancelBubble = true;
* Method: preventDefault
* Cancels the event if it is cancelable, without stopping further
* propagation of the event.
* Parameters:
* event - {Event}
preventDefault: function(event) {
if (event.preventDefault) {
} else {
event.returnValue = false;
* Method: findElement
* Parameters:
* event - {Event}
* tagName - {String}
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} The first node with the given tagName, starting from the
* node the event was triggered on and traversing the DOM upwards
findElement: function(event, tagName) {
var element = OpenLayers.Event.element(event);
while (element.parentNode && (!element.tagName ||
(element.tagName.toUpperCase() != tagName.toUpperCase()))){
element = element.parentNode;
return element;
* Method: observe
* Parameters:
* elementParam - {DOMElement || String}
* name - {String}
* observer - {function}
* useCapture - {Boolean}
observe: function(elementParam, name, observer, useCapture) {
var element = OpenLayers.Util.getElement(elementParam);
useCapture = useCapture || false;
if (name == 'keypress' &&
|| element.attachEvent)) {
name = 'keydown';
//if observers cache has not yet been created, create it
if (!this.observers) {
this.observers = {};
//if not already assigned, make a new unique cache ID
if (!element._eventCacheID) {
var idPrefix = "eventCacheID_";
if ( {
idPrefix = + "_" + idPrefix;
element._eventCacheID = OpenLayers.Util.createUniqueID(idPrefix);
var cacheID = element._eventCacheID;
//if there is not yet a hash entry for this element, add one
if (!this.observers[cacheID]) {
this.observers[cacheID] = [];
//add a new observer to this element's list
'element': element,
'name': name,
'observer': observer,
'useCapture': useCapture
//add the actual browser event listener
if (element.addEventListener) {
element.addEventListener(name, observer, useCapture);
} else if (element.attachEvent) {
element.attachEvent('on' + name, observer);
* Method: stopObservingElement
* Given the id of an element to stop observing, cycle through the
* element's cached observers, calling stopObserving on each one,
* skipping those entries which can no longer be removed.
* parameters:
* elementParam - {DOMElement || String}
stopObservingElement: function(elementParam) {
var element = OpenLayers.Util.getElement(elementParam);
var cacheID = element._eventCacheID;
* Method: _removeElementObservers
* Parameters:
* elementObservers - {Array(Object)} Array of (element, name,
* observer, usecapture) objects,
* taken directly from hashtable
_removeElementObservers: function(elementObservers) {
if (elementObservers) {
for(var i = elementObservers.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
var entry = elementObservers[i];
OpenLayers.Event.stopObserving.apply(this, [
entry.element,,, entry.useCapture
* Method: stopObserving
* Parameters:
* elementParam - {DOMElement || String}
* name - {String}
* observer - {function}
* useCapture - {Boolean}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Whether or not the event observer was removed
stopObserving: function(elementParam, name, observer, useCapture) {
useCapture = useCapture || false;
var element = OpenLayers.Util.getElement(elementParam);
var cacheID = element._eventCacheID;
if (name == 'keypress') {
if ( navigator.appVersion.match(/Konqueror|Safari|KHTML/) ||
element.detachEvent) {
name = 'keydown';
// find element's entry in this.observers cache and remove it
var foundEntry = false;
var elementObservers = OpenLayers.Event.observers[cacheID];
if (elementObservers) {
// find the specific event type in the element's list
var i=0;
while(!foundEntry && i < elementObservers.length) {
var cacheEntry = elementObservers[i];
if (( == name) &&
( == observer) &&
(cacheEntry.useCapture == useCapture)) {
elementObservers.splice(i, 1);
if (elementObservers.length == 0) {
delete OpenLayers.Event.observers[cacheID];
foundEntry = true;
//actually remove the event listener from browser
if (foundEntry) {
if (element.removeEventListener) {
element.removeEventListener(name, observer, useCapture);
} else if (element && element.detachEvent) {
element.detachEvent('on' + name, observer);
return foundEntry;
* Method: unloadCache
* Cycle through all the element entries in the events cache and call
* stopObservingElement on each.
unloadCache: function() {
// check for OpenLayers.Event before checking for observers, because
// OpenLayers.Event may be undefined in IE if no map instance was
// created
if (OpenLayers.Event && OpenLayers.Event.observers) {
for (var cacheID in OpenLayers.Event.observers) {
var elementObservers = OpenLayers.Event.observers[cacheID];
OpenLayers.Event.observers = false;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Event"
/* prevent memory leaks in IE */
OpenLayers.Event.observe(window, 'unload', OpenLayers.Event.unloadCache, false);
* Class: OpenLayers.Events
OpenLayers.Events = OpenLayers.Class({
* {Array(String)} supported events
"mouseover", "mouseout",
"mousedown", "mouseup", "mousemove",
"click", "dblclick", "rightclick", "dblrightclick",
"resize", "focus", "blur",
"touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend",
* Property: listeners
* {Object} Hashtable of Array(Function): events listener functions
listeners: null,
* Property: object
* {Object} the code object issuing application events
object: null,
* Property: element
* {DOMElement} the DOM element receiving browser events
element: null,
* Property: eventHandler
* {Function} bound event handler attached to elements
eventHandler: null,
* APIProperty: fallThrough
* {Boolean}
fallThrough: null,
* APIProperty: includeXY
* {Boolean} Should the .xy property automatically be created for browser
* mouse events? In general, this should be false. If it is true, then
* mouse events will automatically generate a '.xy' property on the
* event object that is passed. (Prior to OpenLayers 2.7, this was true
* by default.) Otherwise, you can call the getMousePosition on the
* relevant events handler on the object available via the 'evt.object'
* property of the evt object. So, for most events, you can call:
* function named(evt) {
* this.xy =
* }
* This option typically defaults to false for performance reasons:
* when creating an events object whose primary purpose is to manage
* relatively positioned mouse events within a div, it may make
* sense to set it to true.
* This option is also used to control whether the events object caches
* offsets. If this is false, it will not: the reason for this is that
* it is only expected to be called many times if the includeXY property
* is set to true. If you set this to true, you are expected to clear
* the offset cache manually (using this.clearMouseCache()) if:
* the border of the element changes
* the location of the element in the page changes
includeXY: false,
* APIProperty: extensions
* {Object} Event extensions registered with this instance. Keys are
* event types, values are {OpenLayers.Events.*} extension instances or
* {Boolean} for events that an instantiated extension provides in
* addition to the one it was created for.
* Extensions create an event in addition to browser events, which usually
* fires when a sequence of browser events is completed. Extensions are
* automatically instantiated when a listener is registered for an event
* provided by an extension.
* Extensions are created in the <OpenLayers.Events> namespace using
* <OpenLayers.Class>, and named after the event they provide.
* The constructor receives the target <OpenLayers.Events> instance as
* argument. Extensions that need to capture browser events before they
* propagate can register their listeners events using <register>, with
* {extension: true} as 4th argument.
* If an extension creates more than one event, an alias for each event
* type should be created and reference the same class. The constructor
* should set a reference in the target's extensions registry to itself.
* Below is a minimal extension that provides the "foostart" and "fooend"
* event types, which replace the native "click" event type if clicked on
* an element with the css class "foo":
* (code)
* OpenLayers.Events.foostart = OpenLayers.Class({
* initialize: function(target) {
* = target;
*"click", this, this.doStuff, {extension: true});
* // only required if extension provides more than one event type
*["foostart"] = true;
*["fooend"] = true;
* },
* destroy: function() {
* var target =;
* target.unregister("click", this, this.doStuff);
* delete;
* // only required if extension provides more than one event type
* delete target.extensions["foostart"];
* delete target.extensions["fooend"];
* },
* doStuff: function(evt) {
* var propagate = true;
* if (OpenLayers.Event.element(evt).className === "foo") {
* propagate = false;
* var target =;
* target.triggerEvent("foostart");
* window.setTimeout(function() {
* target.triggerEvent("fooend");
* }, 1000);
* }
* return propagate;
* }
* });
* // only required if extension provides more than one event type
* OpenLayers.Events.fooend = OpenLayers.Events.foostart;
* (end)
extensions: null,
* Property: extensionCount
* {Object} Keys are event types (like in <listeners>), values are the
* number of extension listeners for each event type.
extensionCount: null,
* Method: clearMouseListener
* A version of <clearMouseCache> that is bound to this instance so that
* it can be used with <OpenLayers.Event.observe> and
* <OpenLayers.Event.stopObserving>.
clearMouseListener: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Events
* Construct an OpenLayers.Events object.
* Parameters:
* object - {Object} The js object to which this Events object is being added
* element - {DOMElement} A dom element to respond to browser events
* eventTypes - {Array(String)} Deprecated. Array of custom application
* events. A listener may be registered for any named event, regardless
* of the values provided here.
* fallThrough - {Boolean} Allow events to fall through after these have
* been handled?
* options - {Object} Options for the events object.
initialize: function (object, element, eventTypes, fallThrough, options) {
OpenLayers.Util.extend(this, options);
this.object = object;
this.fallThrough = fallThrough;
this.listeners = {};
this.extensions = {};
this.extensionCount = {};
this._msTouches = [];
// if a dom element is specified, add a listeners list
// for browser events on the element and register them
if (element != null) {
* APIMethod: destroy
destroy: function () {
for (var e in this.extensions) {
if (typeof this.extensions[e] !== "boolean") {
this.extensions = null;
if (this.element) {
if(this.element.hasScrollEvent) {
window, "scroll", this.clearMouseListener
this.element = null;
this.listeners = null;
this.object = null;
this.fallThrough = null;
this.eventHandler = null;
* APIMethod: addEventType
* Deprecated. Any event can be triggered without adding it first.
* Parameters:
* eventName - {String}
addEventType: function(eventName) {
* Method: attachToElement
* Parameters:
* element - {HTMLDOMElement} a DOM element to attach browser events to
attachToElement: function (element) {
if (this.element) {
} else {
// keep a bound copy of handleBrowserEvent() so that we can
// pass the same function to both Event.observe() and .stopObserving()
this.eventHandler = OpenLayers.Function.bindAsEventListener(
this.handleBrowserEvent, this
// to be used with observe and stopObserving
this.clearMouseListener = OpenLayers.Function.bind(
this.clearMouseCache, this
this.element = element;
var msTouch = !!window.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints;
var type;
for (var i = 0, len = this.BROWSER_EVENTS.length; i < len; i++) {
type = this.BROWSER_EVENTS[i];
// register the event cross-browser
OpenLayers.Event.observe(element, type, this.eventHandler
if (msTouch && type.indexOf('touch') === 0) {
this.addMsTouchListener(element, type, this.eventHandler);
// disable dragstart in IE so that mousedown/move/up works normally
OpenLayers.Event.observe(element, "dragstart", OpenLayers.Event.stop);
* APIMethod: on
* Convenience method for registering listeners with a common scope.
* Internally, this method calls <register> as shown in the examples
* below.
* Example use:
* (code)
* // register a single listener for the "loadstart" event
* events.on({"loadstart": loadStartListener});
* // this is equivalent to the following
* events.register("loadstart", undefined, loadStartListener);
* // register multiple listeners to be called with the same `this` object
* events.on({
* "loadstart": loadStartListener,
* "loadend": loadEndListener,
* scope: object
* });
* // this is equivalent to the following
* events.register("loadstart", object, loadStartListener);
* events.register("loadend", object, loadEndListener);
* (end)
* Parameters:
* object - {Object}
on: function(object) {
for(var type in object) {
if(type != "scope" && object.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
this.register(type, object.scope, object[type]);
* APIMethod: register
* Register an event on the events object.
* When the event is triggered, the 'func' function will be called, in the
* context of 'obj'. Imagine we were to register an event, specifying an
* OpenLayers.Bounds Object as 'obj'. When the event is triggered, the
* context in the callback function will be our Bounds object. This means
* that within our callback function, we can access the properties and
* methods of the Bounds object through the "this" variable. So our
* callback could execute something like:
* : leftStr = "Left: " + this.left;
* or
* : centerStr = "Center: " + this.getCenterLonLat();
* Parameters:
* type - {String} Name of the event to register
* obj - {Object} The object to bind the context to for the callback#.
* If no object is specified, default is the Events's 'object' property.
* func - {Function} The callback function. If no callback is
* specified, this function does nothing.
* priority - {Boolean|Object} If true, adds the new listener to the
* *front* of the events queue instead of to the end.
* Valid options for priority:
* extension - {Boolean} If true, then the event will be registered as
* extension event. Extension events are handled before all other
* events.
register: function (type, obj, func, priority) {
if (type in OpenLayers.Events && !this.extensions[type]) {
this.extensions[type] = new OpenLayers.Events[type](this);
if (func != null) {
if (obj == null) {
obj = this.object;
var listeners = this.listeners[type];
if (!listeners) {
listeners = [];
this.listeners[type] = listeners;
this.extensionCount[type] = 0;
var listener = {obj: obj, func: func};
if (priority) {
listeners.splice(this.extensionCount[type], 0, listener);
if (typeof priority === "object" && priority.extension) {
} else {
* APIMethod: registerPriority
* Same as register() but adds the new listener to the *front* of the
* events queue instead of to the end.
* TODO: get rid of this in 3.0 - Decide whether listeners should be
* called in the order they were registered or in reverse order.
* Parameters:
* type - {String} Name of the event to register
* obj - {Object} The object to bind the context to for the callback#.
* If no object is specified, default is the Events's
* 'object' property.
* func - {Function} The callback function. If no callback is
* specified, this function does nothing.
registerPriority: function (type, obj, func) {
this.register(type, obj, func, true);
* APIMethod: un
* Convenience method for unregistering listeners with a common scope.
* Internally, this method calls <unregister> as shown in the examples
* below.
* Example use:
* (code)
* // unregister a single listener for the "loadstart" event
* events.un({"loadstart": loadStartListener});
* // this is equivalent to the following
* events.unregister("loadstart", undefined, loadStartListener);
* // unregister multiple listeners with the same `this` object
* events.un({
* "loadstart": loadStartListener,
* "loadend": loadEndListener,
* scope: object
* });
* // this is equivalent to the following
* events.unregister("loadstart", object, loadStartListener);
* events.unregister("loadend", object, loadEndListener);
* (end)
un: function(object) {
for(var type in object) {
if(type != "scope" && object.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
this.unregister(type, object.scope, object[type]);
* APIMethod: unregister
* Parameters:
* type - {String}
* obj - {Object} If none specified, defaults to this.object
* func - {Function}
unregister: function (type, obj, func) {
if (obj == null) {
obj = this.object;
var listeners = this.listeners[type];
if (listeners != null) {
for (var i=0, len=listeners.length; i<len; i++) {
if (listeners[i].obj == obj && listeners[i].func == func) {
listeners.splice(i, 1);
* Method: remove
* Remove all listeners for a given event type. If type is not registered,
* does nothing.
* Parameters:
* type - {String}
remove: function(type) {
if (this.listeners[type] != null) {
this.listeners[type] = [];
* APIMethod: triggerEvent
* Trigger a specified registered event.
* Parameters:
* type - {String}
* evt - {Event || Object} will be passed to the listeners.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The last listener return. If a listener returns false, the
* chain of listeners will stop getting called.
triggerEvent: function (type, evt) {
var listeners = this.listeners[type];
// fast path
if(!listeners || listeners.length == 0) {
return undefined;
// prep evt object with object & div references
if (evt == null) {
evt = {};
evt.object = this.object;
evt.element = this.element;
if(!evt.type) {
evt.type = type;
// execute all callbacks registered for specified type
// get a clone of the listeners array to
// allow for splicing during callbacks
listeners = listeners.slice();
var continueChain;
for (var i=0, len=listeners.length; i<len; i++) {
var callback = listeners[i];
// bind the context to callback.obj
continueChain = callback.func.apply(callback.obj, [evt]);
if ((continueChain != undefined) && (continueChain == false)) {
// if callback returns false, execute no more callbacks.
// don't fall through to other DOM elements
if (!this.fallThrough) {
OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt, true);
return continueChain;
* Method: handleBrowserEvent
* Basically just a wrapper to the triggerEvent() function, but takes
* care to set a property 'xy' on the event with the current mouse
* position.
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
handleBrowserEvent: function (evt) {
var type = evt.type, listeners = this.listeners[type];
if(!listeners || listeners.length == 0) {
// noone's listening, bail out
// add clientX & clientY to all events - corresponds to average x, y
var touches = evt.touches;
if (touches && touches[0]) {
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var num = touches.length;
var touch;
for (var i=0; i<num; ++i) {
touch = this.getTouchClientXY(touches[i]);
x += touch.clientX;
y += touch.clientY;
evt.clientX = x / num;
evt.clientY = y / num;
if (this.includeXY) {
evt.xy = this.getMousePosition(evt);
this.triggerEvent(type, evt);
* Method: getTouchClientXY
* WebKit has a few bugs for clientX/clientY. This method detects them
* and calculate the correct values.
* Parameters:
* evt - {Touch} a Touch object from a TouchEvent
* Returns:
* {Object} An object with only clientX and clientY properties with the
* calculated values.
getTouchClientXY: function (evt) {
// olMochWin is to override window, used for testing
var win = window.olMockWin || window,
winPageX = win.pageXOffset,
winPageY = win.pageYOffset,
x = evt.clientX,
y = evt.clientY;
if (evt.pageY === 0 && Math.floor(y) > Math.floor(evt.pageY) ||
evt.pageX === 0 && Math.floor(x) > Math.floor(evt.pageX)) {
// iOS4 include scroll offset in clientX/Y
x = x - winPageX;
y = y - winPageY;
} else if (y < (evt.pageY - winPageY) || x < (evt.pageX - winPageX) ) {
// Some Android browsers have totally bogus values for clientX/Y
// when scrolling/zooming a page
x = evt.pageX - winPageX;
y = evt.pageY - winPageY;
evt.olClientX = x;
evt.olClientY = y;
return {
clientX: x,
clientY: y
* APIMethod: clearMouseCache
* Clear cached data about the mouse position. This should be called any
* time the element that events are registered on changes position
* within the page.
clearMouseCache: function() {
this.element.scrolls = null;
this.element.lefttop = null;
this.element.offsets = null;
* Method: getMousePosition
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} The current xy coordinate of the mouse, adjusted
* for offsets
getMousePosition: function (evt) {
if (!this.includeXY) {
} else if (!this.element.hasScrollEvent) {
OpenLayers.Event.observe(window, "scroll", this.clearMouseListener);
this.element.hasScrollEvent = true;
if (!this.element.scrolls) {
var viewportElement = OpenLayers.Util.getViewportElement();
this.element.scrolls = [
window.pageXOffset || viewportElement.scrollLeft,
window.pageYOffset || viewportElement.scrollTop
if (!this.element.lefttop) {
this.element.lefttop = [
(document.documentElement.clientLeft || 0),
(document.documentElement.clientTop || 0)
if (!this.element.offsets) {
this.element.offsets = OpenLayers.Util.pagePosition(this.element);
return new OpenLayers.Pixel(
(evt.clientX + this.element.scrolls[0]) - this.element.offsets[0]
- this.element.lefttop[0],
(evt.clientY + this.element.scrolls[1]) - this.element.offsets[1]
- this.element.lefttop[1]
* Method: addMsTouchListener
* Parameters:
* element - {DOMElement} The DOM element to register the listener on
* type - {String} The event type
* handler - {Function} the handler
addMsTouchListener: function (element, type, handler) {
var eventHandler = this.eventHandler;
var touches = this._msTouches;
function msHandler(evt) {
stopPropagation: function() {
for (var i=touches.length-1; i>=0; --i) {
preventDefault: function() {
for (var i=touches.length-1; i>=0; --i) {
type: type
}, evt));
switch (type) {
case 'touchstart':
return this.addMsTouchListenerStart(element, type, msHandler);
case 'touchend':
return this.addMsTouchListenerEnd(element, type, msHandler);
case 'touchmove':
return this.addMsTouchListenerMove(element, type, msHandler);
throw 'Unknown touch event type';
* Method: addMsTouchListenerStart
* Parameters:
* element - {DOMElement} The DOM element to register the listener on
* type - {String} The event type
* handler - {Function} the handler
addMsTouchListenerStart: function(element, type, handler) {
var touches = this._msTouches;
var cb = function(e) {
var alreadyInArray = false;
for (var i=0, ii=touches.length; i<ii; ++i) {
if (touches[i].pointerId == e.pointerId) {
alreadyInArray = true;
if (!alreadyInArray) {
e.touches = touches.slice();
OpenLayers.Event.observe(element, 'MSPointerDown', cb);
// Need to also listen for end events to keep the _msTouches list
// accurate
var internalCb = function(e) {
for (var i=0, ii=touches.length; i<ii; ++i) {
if (touches[i].pointerId == e.pointerId) {
touches.splice(i, 1);
OpenLayers.Event.observe(element, 'MSPointerUp', internalCb);
* Method: addMsTouchListenerMove
* Parameters:
* element - {DOMElement} The DOM element to register the listener on
* type - {String} The event type
* handler - {Function} the handler
addMsTouchListenerMove: function (element, type, handler) {
var touches = this._msTouches;
var cb = function(e) {
//Don't fire touch moves when mouse isn't down
if (e.pointerType == e.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE && e.buttons == 0) {
if (touches.length == 1 && touches[0].pageX == e.pageX &&
touches[0].pageY == e.pageY) {
// don't trigger event when pointer has not moved
for (var i=0, ii=touches.length; i<ii; ++i) {
if (touches[i].pointerId == e.pointerId) {
touches[i] = e;
e.touches = touches.slice();
OpenLayers.Event.observe(element, 'MSPointerMove', cb);
* Method: addMsTouchListenerEnd
* Parameters:
* element - {DOMElement} The DOM element to register the listener on
* type - {String} The event type
* handler - {Function} the handler
addMsTouchListenerEnd: function (element, type, handler) {
var touches = this._msTouches;
var cb = function(e) {
for (var i=0, ii=touches.length; i<ii; ++i) {
if (touches[i].pointerId == e.pointerId) {
touches.splice(i, 1);
e.touches = touches.slice();
OpenLayers.Event.observe(element, 'MSPointerUp', cb);
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Events"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Events.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Events.buttonclick
* Extension event type for handling buttons on top of a dom element. This
* event type fires "buttonclick" on its <target> when a button was
* clicked. Buttons are detected by the "olButton" class.
* This event type makes sure that button clicks do not interfere with other
* events that are registered on the same <element>.
* Event types provided by this extension:
* - *buttonclick* Triggered when a button is clicked. Listeners receive an
* object with a *buttonElement* property referencing the dom element of
* the clicked button, and an *buttonXY* property with the click position
* relative to the button.
OpenLayers.Events.buttonclick = OpenLayers.Class({
* Property: target
* {<OpenLayers.Events>} The events instance that the buttonclick event will
* be triggered on.
target: null,
* Property: events
* {Array} Events to observe and conditionally stop from propagating when
* an element with the olButton class (or its olAlphaImg child) is
* clicked.
events: [
'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'click', 'dblclick',
'touchstart', 'touchmove', 'touchend', 'keydown'
* Property: startRegEx
* {RegExp} Regular expression to test Event.type for events that start
* a buttonclick sequence.
startRegEx: /^mousedown|touchstart$/,
* Property: cancelRegEx
* {RegExp} Regular expression to test Event.type for events that cancel
* a buttonclick sequence.
cancelRegEx: /^touchmove$/,
* Property: completeRegEx
* {RegExp} Regular expression to test Event.type for events that complete
* a buttonclick sequence.
completeRegEx: /^mouseup|touchend$/,
* Property: startEvt
* {Event} The event that started the click sequence
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Events.buttonclick
* Construct a buttonclick event type. Applications are not supposed to
* create instances of this class - they are created on demand by
* <OpenLayers.Events> instances.
* Parameters:
* target - {<OpenLayers.Events>} The events instance that the buttonclick
* event will be triggered on.
initialize: function(target) { = target;
for (var; i>=0; --i) {[i], this, this.buttonClick, {
extension: true
* Method: destroy
destroy: function() {
for (var; i>=0; --i) {[i], this, this.buttonClick);
* Method: getPressedButton
* Get the pressed button, if any. Returns undefined if no button
* was pressed.
* Arguments:
* element - {DOMElement} The event target.
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} The button element, or undefined.
getPressedButton: function(element) {
var depth = 3, // limit the search depth
do {
if(OpenLayers.Element.hasClass(element, "olButton")) {
// hit!
button = element;
element = element.parentNode;
} while(--depth > 0 && element);
return button;
* Method: ignore
* Check for event target elements that should be ignored by OpenLayers.
* Parameters:
* element - {DOMElement} The event target.
ignore: function(element) {
var depth = 3,
ignore = false;
do {
if (element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'a') {
ignore = true;
element = element.parentNode;
} while (--depth > 0 && element);
return ignore;
* Method: buttonClick
* Check if a button was clicked, and fire the buttonclick event
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
buttonClick: function(evt) {
var propagate = true,
element = OpenLayers.Event.element(evt);
if (element && (OpenLayers.Event.isLeftClick(evt) || !~evt.type.indexOf("mouse"))) {
// was a button pressed?
var button = this.getPressedButton(element);
if (button) {
if (evt.type === "keydown") {
switch (evt.keyCode) {
case OpenLayers.Event.KEY_RETURN:
case OpenLayers.Event.KEY_SPACE:"buttonclick", {
buttonElement: button
propagate = false;
} else if (this.startEvt) {
if (this.completeRegEx.test(evt.type)) {
var pos = OpenLayers.Util.pagePosition(button);
var viewportElement = OpenLayers.Util.getViewportElement();
var scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || viewportElement.scrollTop;
var scrollLeft = window.pageXOffset || viewportElement.scrollLeft;
pos[0] = pos[0] - scrollLeft;
pos[1] = pos[1] - scrollTop;"buttonclick", {
buttonElement: button,
buttonXY: {
x: this.startEvt.clientX - pos[0],
y: this.startEvt.clientY - pos[1]
if (this.cancelRegEx.test(evt.type)) {
delete this.startEvt;
propagate = false;
if (this.startRegEx.test(evt.type)) {
this.startEvt = evt;
propagate = false;
} else {
propagate = !this.ignore(OpenLayers.Event.element(evt));
delete this.startEvt;
return propagate;
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/SingleFile.js
OpenLayers.Util = OpenLayers.Util || {};
* Namespace: OpenLayers.Util.vendorPrefix
* A collection of utility functions to detect vendor prefixed features
OpenLayers.Util.vendorPrefix = (function() {
"use strict";
var VENDOR_PREFIXES = ["", "O", "ms", "Moz", "Webkit"],
divStyle = document.createElement("div").style,
cssCache = {},
jsCache = {};
* Function: domToCss
* Converts a upper camel case DOM style property name to a CSS property
* i.e. transformOrigin -> transform-origin
* or WebkitTransformOrigin -> -webkit-transform-origin
* Parameters:
* prefixedDom - {String} The property to convert
* Returns:
* {String} The CSS property
function domToCss(prefixedDom) {
if (!prefixedDom) { return null; }
return prefixedDom.
replace(/([A-Z])/g, function(c) { return "-" + c.toLowerCase(); }).
replace(/^ms-/, "-ms-");
* APIMethod: css
* Detect which property is used for a CSS property
* Parameters:
* property - {String} The standard (unprefixed) CSS property name
* Returns:
* {String} The standard CSS property, prefixed property or null if not
* supported
function css(property) {
if (cssCache[property] === undefined) {
var domProperty = property.
replace(/(-[\s\S])/g, function(c) { return c.charAt(1).toUpperCase(); });
var prefixedDom = style(domProperty);
cssCache[property] = domToCss(prefixedDom);
return cssCache[property];
* APIMethod: js
* Detect which property is used for a JS property/method
* Parameters:
* obj - {Object} The object to test on
* property - {String} The standard (unprefixed) JS property name
* Returns:
* {String} The standard JS property, prefixed property or null if not
* supported
function js(obj, property) {
if (jsCache[property] === undefined) {
var tmpProp,
i = 0,
isStyleObj = (typeof obj.cssText !== "undefined");
jsCache[property] = null;
for(; i<l; i++) {
prefix = VENDOR_PREFIXES[i];
if(prefix) {
if (!isStyleObj) {
// js prefix should be lower-case, while style
// properties have upper case on first character
prefix = prefix.toLowerCase();
tmpProp = prefix + property.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + property.slice(1);
} else {
tmpProp = property;
if(obj[tmpProp] !== undefined) {
jsCache[property] = tmpProp;
return jsCache[property];
* APIMethod: style
* Detect which property is used for a DOM style property
* Parameters:
* property - {String} The standard (unprefixed) style property name
* Returns:
* {String} The standard style property, prefixed property or null if not
* supported
function style(property) {
return js(divStyle, property);
return {
css: css,
js: js,
style: style,
// used for testing
cssCache: cssCache,
jsCache: jsCache
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/SingleFile.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Util/vendorPrefix.js
* Namespace: OpenLayers.Animation
* A collection of utility functions for executing methods that repaint a
* portion of the browser window. These methods take advantage of the
* browser's scheduled repaints where requestAnimationFrame is available.
OpenLayers.Animation = (function(window) {
* Property: isNative
* {Boolean} true if a native requestAnimationFrame function is available
var requestAnimationFrame = OpenLayers.Util.vendorPrefix.js(window, "requestAnimationFrame");
var isNative = !!(requestAnimationFrame);
* Function: requestFrame
* Schedule a function to be called at the next available animation frame.
* Uses the native method where available. Where requestAnimationFrame is
* not available, setTimeout will be called with a 16ms delay.
* Parameters:
* callback - {Function} The function to be called at the next animation frame.
* element - {DOMElement} Optional element that visually bounds the animation.
var requestFrame = (function() {
var request = window[requestAnimationFrame] ||
function(callback, element) {
window.setTimeout(callback, 16);
// bind to window to avoid illegal invocation of native function
return function(callback, element) {
request.apply(window, [callback, element]);
// private variables for animation loops
var counter = 0;
var loops = {};
* Function: start
* Executes a method with <requestFrame> in series for some
* duration.
* Parameters:
* callback - {Function} The function to be called at the next animation frame.
* duration - {Number} Optional duration for the loop. If not provided, the
* animation loop will execute indefinitely.
* element - {DOMElement} Optional element that visually bounds the animation.
* Returns:
* {Number} Identifier for the animation loop. Used to stop animations with
* <stop>.
function start(callback, duration, element) {
duration = duration > 0 ? duration : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
var id = ++counter;
var start = +new Date;
loops[id] = function() {
if (loops[id] && +new Date - start <= duration) {
if (loops[id]) {
requestFrame(loops[id], element);
} else {
delete loops[id];
requestFrame(loops[id], element);
return id;
* Function: stop
* Terminates an animation loop started with <start>.
* Parameters:
* id - {Number} Identifier returned from <start>.
function stop(id) {
delete loops[id];
return {
isNative: isNative,
requestFrame: requestFrame,
start: start,
stop: stop
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Animation.js
* Namespace: OpenLayers.Tween
OpenLayers.Tween = OpenLayers.Class({
* APIProperty: easing
* {<OpenLayers.Easing>(Function)} Easing equation used for the animation
* Defaultly set to OpenLayers.Easing.Expo.easeOut
easing: null,
* APIProperty: begin
* {Object} Values to start the animation with
begin: null,
* APIProperty: finish
* {Object} Values to finish the animation with
finish: null,
* APIProperty: duration
* {int} duration of the tween (number of steps)
duration: null,
* APIProperty: callbacks
* {Object} An object with start, eachStep and done properties whose values
* are functions to be call during the animation. They are passed the
* current computed value as argument.
callbacks: null,
* Property: time
* {int} Step counter
time: null,
* APIProperty: minFrameRate
* {Number} The minimum framerate for animations in frames per second. After
* each step, the time spent in the animation is compared to the calculated
* time at this frame rate. If the animation runs longer than the calculated
* time, the next step is skipped. Default is 30.
minFrameRate: null,
* Property: startTime
* {Number} The timestamp of the first execution step. Used for skipping
* frames
startTime: null,
* Property: animationId
* {int} Loop id returned by OpenLayers.Animation.start
animationId: null,
* Property: playing
* {Boolean} Tells if the easing is currently playing
playing: false,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Tween
* Creates a Tween.
* Parameters:
* easing - {<OpenLayers.Easing>(Function)} easing function method to use
initialize: function(easing) {
this.easing = (easing) ? easing : OpenLayers.Easing.Expo.easeOut;
* APIMethod: start
* Plays the Tween, and calls the callback method on each step
* Parameters:
* begin - {Object} values to start the animation with
* finish - {Object} values to finish the animation with
* duration - {int} duration of the tween (number of steps)
* options - {Object} hash of options (callbacks (start, eachStep, done),
* minFrameRate)
start: function(begin, finish, duration, options) {
this.playing = true;
this.begin = begin;
this.finish = finish;
this.duration = duration;
this.callbacks = options.callbacks;
this.minFrameRate = options.minFrameRate || 30;
this.time = 0;
this.startTime = new Date().getTime();
this.animationId = null;
if (this.callbacks && this.callbacks.start) {, this.begin);
this.animationId = OpenLayers.Animation.start(
OpenLayers.Function.bind(, this)
* APIMethod: stop
* Stops the Tween, and calls the done callback
* Doesn't do anything if animation is already finished
stop: function() {
if (!this.playing) {
if (this.callbacks && this.callbacks.done) {, this.finish);
this.animationId = null;
this.playing = false;
* Method: play
* Calls the appropriate easing method
play: function() {
var value = {};
for (var i in this.begin) {
var b = this.begin[i];
var f = this.finish[i];
if (b == null || f == null || isNaN(b) || isNaN(f)) {
throw new TypeError('invalid value for Tween');
var c = f - b;
value[i] = this.easing.apply(this, [this.time, b, c, this.duration]);
if (this.callbacks && this.callbacks.eachStep) {
// skip frames if frame rate drops below threshold
if ((new Date().getTime() - this.startTime) / this.time <= 1000 / this.minFrameRate) {, value);
if (this.time > this.duration) {
* Create empty functions for all easing methods.
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Tween"
* Namespace: OpenLayers.Easing
* Credits:
* Easing Equations by Robert Penner, <>
OpenLayers.Easing = {
* Create empty functions for all easing methods.
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Easing"
* Namespace: OpenLayers.Easing.Linear
OpenLayers.Easing.Linear = {
* Function: easeIn
* Parameters:
* t - {Float} time
* b - {Float} beginning position
* c - {Float} total change
* d - {Float} duration of the transition
* Returns:
* {Float}
easeIn: function(t, b, c, d) {
return c*t/d + b;
* Function: easeOut
* Parameters:
* t - {Float} time
* b - {Float} beginning position
* c - {Float} total change
* d - {Float} duration of the transition
* Returns:
* {Float}
easeOut: function(t, b, c, d) {
return c*t/d + b;
* Function: easeInOut
* Parameters:
* t - {Float} time
* b - {Float} beginning position
* c - {Float} total change
* d - {Float} duration of the transition
* Returns:
* {Float}
easeInOut: function(t, b, c, d) {
return c*t/d + b;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Easing.Linear"
* Namespace: OpenLayers.Easing.Expo
OpenLayers.Easing.Expo = {
* Function: easeIn
* Parameters:
* t - {Float} time
* b - {Float} beginning position
* c - {Float} total change
* d - {Float} duration of the transition
* Returns:
* {Float}
easeIn: function(t, b, c, d) {
return (t==0) ? b : c * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t/d - 1)) + b;
* Function: easeOut
* Parameters:
* t - {Float} time
* b - {Float} beginning position
* c - {Float} total change
* d - {Float} duration of the transition
* Returns:
* {Float}
easeOut: function(t, b, c, d) {
return (t==d) ? b+c : c * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * t/d) + 1) + b;
* Function: easeInOut
* Parameters:
* t - {Float} time
* b - {Float} beginning position
* c - {Float} total change
* d - {Float} duration of the transition
* Returns:
* {Float}
easeInOut: function(t, b, c, d) {
if (t==0) return b;
if (t==d) return b+c;
if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)) + b;
return c/2 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * --t) + 2) + b;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Easing.Expo"
* Namespace: OpenLayers.Easing.Quad
OpenLayers.Easing.Quad = {
* Function: easeIn
* Parameters:
* t - {Float} time
* b - {Float} beginning position
* c - {Float} total change
* d - {Float} duration of the transition
* Returns:
* {Float}
easeIn: function(t, b, c, d) {
return c*(t/=d)*t + b;
* Function: easeOut
* Parameters:
* t - {Float} time
* b - {Float} beginning position
* c - {Float} total change
* d - {Float} duration of the transition
* Returns:
* {Float}
easeOut: function(t, b, c, d) {
return -c *(t/=d)*(t-2) + b;
* Function: easeInOut
* Parameters:
* t - {Float} time
* b - {Float} beginning position
* c - {Float} total change
* d - {Float} duration of the transition
* Returns:
* {Float}
easeInOut: function(t, b, c, d) {
if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t + b;
return -c/2 * ((--t)*(t-2) - 1) + b;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Easing.Quad"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Util.js
* Namespace: OpenLayers.Projection
* Methods for coordinate transforms between coordinate systems. By default,
* OpenLayers ships with the ability to transform coordinates between
* geographic (EPSG:4326) and web or spherical mercator (EPSG:900913 et al.)
* coordinate reference systems. See the <transform> method for details
* on usage.
* Additional transforms may be added by using the <proj4js at>
* library. If the proj4js library is included, the <transform> method
* will work between any two coordinate reference systems with proj4js
* definitions.
* If the proj4js library is not included, or if you wish to allow transforms
* between arbitrary coordinate reference systems, use the <addTransform>
* method to register a custom transform method.
OpenLayers.Projection = OpenLayers.Class({
* Property: proj
* {Object} Proj4js.Proj instance.
proj: null,
* Property: projCode
* {String}
projCode: null,
* Property: titleRegEx
* {RegExp} regular expression to strip the title from a proj4js definition
titleRegEx: /\+title=[^\+]*/,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Projection
* This class offers several methods for interacting with a wrapped
* pro4js projection object.
* Parameters:
* projCode - {String} A string identifying the Well Known Identifier for
* the projection.
* options - {Object} An optional object to set additional properties
* on the projection.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Projection>} A projection object.
initialize: function(projCode, options) {
OpenLayers.Util.extend(this, options);
this.projCode = projCode;
if (typeof Proj4js == "object") {
this.proj = new Proj4js.Proj(projCode);
* APIMethod: getCode
* Get the string SRS code.
* Returns:
* {String} The SRS code.
getCode: function() {
return this.proj ? this.proj.srsCode : this.projCode;
* APIMethod: getUnits
* Get the units string for the projection -- returns null if
* proj4js is not available.
* Returns:
* {String} The units abbreviation.
getUnits: function() {
return this.proj ? this.proj.units : null;
* Method: toString
* Convert projection to string (getCode wrapper).
* Returns:
* {String} The projection code.
toString: function() {
return this.getCode();
* Method: equals
* Test equality of two projection instances. Determines equality based
* soley on the projection code.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The two projections are equivalent.
equals: function(projection) {
var p = projection, equals = false;
if (p) {
if (!(p instanceof OpenLayers.Projection)) {
p = new OpenLayers.Projection(p);
if ((typeof Proj4js == "object") && this.proj.defData && p.proj.defData) {
equals = this.proj.defData.replace(this.titleRegEx, "") ==
p.proj.defData.replace(this.titleRegEx, "");
} else if (p.getCode) {
var source = this.getCode(), target = p.getCode();
equals = source == target ||
!!OpenLayers.Projection.transforms[source] &&
OpenLayers.Projection.transforms[source][target] ===
return equals;
/* Method: destroy
* Destroy projection object.
destroy: function() {
delete this.proj;
delete this.projCode;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Projection"
* Property: transforms
* {Object} Transforms is an object, with from properties, each of which may
* have a to property. This allows you to define projections without
* requiring support for proj4js to be included.
* This object has keys which correspond to a 'source' projection object. The
* keys should be strings, corresponding to the projection.getCode() value.
* Each source projection object should have a set of destination projection
* keys included in the object.
* Each value in the destination object should be a transformation function,
* where the function is expected to be passed an object with a .x and a .y
* property. The function should return the object, with the .x and .y
* transformed according to the transformation function.
* Note - Properties on this object should not be set directly. To add a
* transform method to this object, use the <addTransform> method. For an
* example of usage, see the OpenLayers.Layer.SphericalMercator file.
OpenLayers.Projection.transforms = {};
* APIProperty: defaults
* {Object} Defaults for the SRS codes known to OpenLayers (currently
* EPSG:4326, CRS:84, urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.6:4326, EPSG:900913, EPSG:3857,
* EPSG:102113 and EPSG:102100). Keys are the SRS code, values are units,
* maxExtent (the validity extent for the SRS) and yx (true if this SRS is
* known to have a reverse axis order).
OpenLayers.Projection.defaults = {
"EPSG:4326": {
units: "degrees",
maxExtent: [-180, -90, 180, 90],
yx: true
"CRS:84": {
units: "degrees",
maxExtent: [-180, -90, 180, 90]
"EPSG:900913": {
units: "m",
maxExtent: [-20037508.34, -20037508.34, 20037508.34, 20037508.34]
* APIMethod: addTransform
* Set a custom transform method between two projections. Use this method in
* cases where the proj4js lib is not available or where custom projections
* need to be handled.
* Parameters:
* from - {String} The code for the source projection
* to - {String} the code for the destination projection
* method - {Function} A function that takes a point as an argument and
* transforms that point from the source to the destination projection
* in place. The original point should be modified.
OpenLayers.Projection.addTransform = function(from, to, method) {
if (method === OpenLayers.Projection.nullTransform) {
var defaults = OpenLayers.Projection.defaults[from];
if (defaults && !OpenLayers.Projection.defaults[to]) {
OpenLayers.Projection.defaults[to] = defaults;
if(!OpenLayers.Projection.transforms[from]) {
OpenLayers.Projection.transforms[from] = {};
OpenLayers.Projection.transforms[from][to] = method;
* APIMethod: transform
* Transform a point coordinate from one projection to another. Note that
* the input point is transformed in place.
* Parameters:
* point - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point> | Object} An object with x and y
* properties representing coordinates in those dimensions.
* source - {OpenLayers.Projection} Source map coordinate system
* dest - {OpenLayers.Projection} Destination map coordinate system
* Returns:
* point - {object} A transformed coordinate. The original point is modified.
OpenLayers.Projection.transform = function(point, source, dest) {
if (source && dest) {
if (!(source instanceof OpenLayers.Projection)) {
source = new OpenLayers.Projection(source);
if (!(dest instanceof OpenLayers.Projection)) {
dest = new OpenLayers.Projection(dest);
if (source.proj && dest.proj) {
point = Proj4js.transform(source.proj, dest.proj, point);
} else {
var sourceCode = source.getCode();
var destCode = dest.getCode();
var transforms = OpenLayers.Projection.transforms;
if (transforms[sourceCode] && transforms[sourceCode][destCode]) {
return point;
* APIFunction: nullTransform
* A null transformation - useful for defining projection aliases when
* proj4js is not available:
* (code)
* OpenLayers.Projection.addTransform("EPSG:3857", "EPSG:900913",
* OpenLayers.Projection.nullTransform);
* OpenLayers.Projection.addTransform("EPSG:900913", "EPSG:3857",
* OpenLayers.Projection.nullTransform);
* (end)
OpenLayers.Projection.nullTransform = function(point) {
return point;
* Note: Transforms for web mercator <-> geographic
* OpenLayers recognizes EPSG:3857, EPSG:900913, EPSG:102113 and EPSG:102100.
* OpenLayers originally started referring to EPSG:900913 as web mercator.
* The EPSG has declared EPSG:3857 to be web mercator.
* ArcGIS 10 recognizes the EPSG:3857, EPSG:102113, and EPSG:102100 as
* equivalent. See
* For geographic, OpenLayers recognizes EPSG:4326, CRS:84 and
* urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.6:4326. OpenLayers also knows about the reverse axis
* order for EPSG:4326.
(function() {
var pole = 20037508.34;
function inverseMercator(xy) {
xy.x = 180 * xy.x / pole;
xy.y = 180 / Math.PI * (2 * Math.atan(Math.exp((xy.y / pole) * Math.PI)) - Math.PI / 2);
return xy;
function forwardMercator(xy) {
xy.x = xy.x * pole / 180;
var y = Math.log(Math.tan((90 + xy.y) * Math.PI / 360)) / Math.PI * pole;
xy.y = Math.max(-20037508.34, Math.min(y, 20037508.34));
return xy;
function map(base, codes) {
var add = OpenLayers.Projection.addTransform;
var same = OpenLayers.Projection.nullTransform;
var i, len, code, other, j;
for (i=0, len=codes.length; i<len; ++i) {
code = codes[i];
add(base, code, forwardMercator);
add(code, base, inverseMercator);
for (j=i+1; j<len; ++j) {
other = codes[j];
add(code, other, same);
add(other, code, same);
// list of equivalent codes for web mercator
var mercator = ["EPSG:900913", "EPSG:3857", "EPSG:102113", "EPSG:102100"],
geographic = ["CRS:84", "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.6:4326", "EPSG:4326"],
for (i=mercator.length-1; i>=0; --i) {
map(mercator[i], geographic);
for (i=geographic.length-1; i>=0; --i) {
map(geographic[i], mercator);
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Util.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Util/vendorPrefix.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Events.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Tween.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Projection.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Map
* Instances of OpenLayers.Map are interactive maps embedded in a web page.
* Create a new map with the <OpenLayers.Map> constructor.
* On their own maps do not provide much functionality. To extend a map
* it's necessary to add controls (<OpenLayers.Control>) and
* layers (<OpenLayers.Layer>) to the map.
OpenLayers.Map = OpenLayers.Class({
* Constant: Z_INDEX_BASE
* {Object} Base z-indexes for different classes of thing
BaseLayer: 100,
Overlay: 325,
Feature: 725,
Popup: 750,
Control: 1000
* APIProperty: events
* {<OpenLayers.Events>}
* Register a listener for a particular event with the following syntax:
* (code)
*, obj, listener);
* (end)
* Listeners will be called with a reference to an event object. The
* properties of this event depends on exactly what happened.
* All event objects have at least the following properties:
* object - {Object} A reference to
* element - {DOMElement} A reference to
* Browser events have the following additional properties:
* xy - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} The pixel location of the event (relative
* to the the map viewport).
* Supported map event types:
* preaddlayer - triggered before a layer has been added. The event
* object will include a *layer* property that references the layer
* to be added. When a listener returns "false" the adding will be
* aborted.
* addlayer - triggered after a layer has been added. The event object
* will include a *layer* property that references the added layer.
* preremovelayer - triggered before a layer has been removed. The event
* object will include a *layer* property that references the layer
* to be removed. When a listener returns "false" the removal will be
* aborted.
* removelayer - triggered after a layer has been removed. The event
* object will include a *layer* property that references the removed
* layer.
* changelayer - triggered after a layer name change, order change,
* opacity change, params change, visibility change (actual visibility,
* not the layer's visibility property) or attribution change (due to
* extent change). Listeners will receive an event object with *layer*
* and *property* properties. The *layer* property will be a reference
* to the changed layer. The *property* property will be a key to the
* changed property (name, order, opacity, params, visibility or
* attribution).
* movestart - triggered after the start of a drag, pan, or zoom. The event
* object may include a *zoomChanged* property that tells whether the
* zoom has changed.
* move - triggered after each drag, pan, or zoom
* moveend - triggered after a drag, pan, or zoom completes
* zoomend - triggered after a zoom completes
* mouseover - triggered after mouseover the map
* mouseout - triggered after mouseout the map
* mousemove - triggered after mousemove the map
* changebaselayer - triggered after the base layer changes
* updatesize - triggered after the <updateSize> method was executed
* Property: id
* {String} Unique identifier for the map
id: null,
* Property: fractionalZoom
* {Boolean} For a base layer that supports it, allow the map resolution
* to be set to a value between one of the values in the resolutions
* array. Default is false.
* When fractionalZoom is set to true, it is possible to zoom to
* an arbitrary extent. This requires a base layer from a source
* that supports requests for arbitrary extents (i.e. not cached
* tiles on a regular lattice). This means that fractionalZoom
* will not work with commercial layers (Google, Yahoo, VE), layers
* using TileCache, or any other pre-cached data sources.
* If you are using fractionalZoom, then you should also use
* <getResolutionForZoom> instead of layer.resolutions[zoom] as the
* former works for non-integer zoom levels.
fractionalZoom: false,
* APIProperty: events
* {<OpenLayers.Events>} An events object that handles all
* events on the map
events: null,
* APIProperty: allOverlays
* {Boolean} Allow the map to function with "overlays" only. Defaults to
* false. If true, the lowest layer in the draw order will act as
* the base layer. In addition, if set to true, all layers will
* have isBaseLayer set to false when they are added to the map.
* Note:
* If you set map.allOverlays to true, then you *cannot* use
* map.setBaseLayer or layer.setIsBaseLayer. With allOverlays true,
* the lowest layer in the draw layer is the base layer. So, to change
* the base layer, use <setLayerIndex> or <raiseLayer> to set the layer
* index to 0.
allOverlays: false,
* APIProperty: div
* {DOMElement|String} The element that contains the map (or an id for
* that element). If the <OpenLayers.Map> constructor is called
* with two arguments, this should be provided as the first argument.
* Alternatively, the map constructor can be called with the options
* object as the only argument. In this case (one argument), a
* div property may or may not be provided. If the div property
* is not provided, the map can be rendered to a container later
* using the <render> method.
* Note:
* If you are calling <render> after map construction, do not use
* <maxResolution> auto. Instead, divide your <maxExtent> by your
* maximum expected dimension.
div: null,
* Property: dragging
* {Boolean} The map is currently being dragged.
dragging: false,
* Property: size
* {<OpenLayers.Size>} Size of the main div (this.div)
size: null,
* Property: viewPortDiv
* {HTMLDivElement} The element that represents the map viewport
viewPortDiv: null,
* Property: layerContainerOrigin
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} The lonlat at which the later container was
* re-initialized (on-zoom)
layerContainerOrigin: null,
* Property: layerContainerDiv
* {HTMLDivElement} The element that contains the layers.
layerContainerDiv: null,
* APIProperty: layers
* {Array(<OpenLayers.Layer>)} Ordered list of layers in the map
layers: null,
* APIProperty: controls
* {Array(<OpenLayers.Control>)} List of controls associated with the map.
* If not provided in the map options at construction, the map will
* by default be given the following controls if present in the build:
* - <OpenLayers.Control.Navigation> or <OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation>
* - <OpenLayers.Control.Zoom> or <OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom>
* - <OpenLayers.Control.ArgParser>
* - <OpenLayers.Control.Attribution>
controls: null,
* Property: popups
* {Array(<OpenLayers.Popup>)} List of popups associated with the map
popups: null,
* APIProperty: baseLayer
* {<OpenLayers.Layer>} The currently selected base layer. This determines
* min/max zoom level, projection, etc.
baseLayer: null,
* Property: center
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} The current center of the map
center: null,
* Property: resolution
* {Float} The resolution of the map.
resolution: null,
* Property: zoom
* {Integer} The current zoom level of the map
zoom: 0,
* Property: panRatio
* {Float} The ratio of the current extent within
* which panning will tween.
panRatio: 1.5,
* APIProperty: options
* {Object} The options object passed to the class constructor. Read-only.
options: null,
// Options
* APIProperty: tileSize
* {<OpenLayers.Size>} Set in the map options to override the default tile
* size for this map.
tileSize: null,
* APIProperty: projection
* {String} Set in the map options to specify the default projection
* for layers added to this map. When using a projection other than EPSG:4326
* (CRS:84, Geographic) or EPSG:3857 (EPSG:900913, Web Mercator),
* also set maxExtent, maxResolution or resolutions. Default is "EPSG:4326".
* Note that the projection of the map is usually determined
* by that of the current baseLayer (see <baseLayer> and <getProjectionObject>).
projection: "EPSG:4326",
* APIProperty: units
* {String} The map units. Possible values are 'degrees' (or 'dd'), 'm',
* 'ft', 'km', 'mi', 'inches'. Normally taken from the projection.
* Only required if both map and layers do not define a projection,
* or if they define a projection which does not define units
units: null,
* APIProperty: resolutions
* {Array(Float)} A list of map resolutions (map units per pixel) in
* descending order. If this is not set in the layer constructor, it
* will be set based on other resolution related properties
* (maxExtent, maxResolution, maxScale, etc.).
resolutions: null,
* APIProperty: maxResolution
* {Float} Required if you are not displaying the whole world on a tile
* with the size specified in <tileSize>.
maxResolution: null,
* APIProperty: minResolution
* {Float}
minResolution: null,
* APIProperty: maxScale
* {Float}
maxScale: null,
* APIProperty: minScale
* {Float}
minScale: null,
* APIProperty: maxExtent
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>|Array} If provided as an array, the array
* should consist of four values (left, bottom, right, top).
* The maximum extent for the map.
* Default depends on projection; if this is one of those defined in OpenLayers.Projection.defaults
* (EPSG:4326 or web mercator), maxExtent will be set to the value defined there;
* else, defaults to null.
* To restrict user panning and zooming of the map, use <restrictedExtent> instead.
* The value for <maxExtent> will change calculations for tile URLs.
maxExtent: null,
* APIProperty: minExtent
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>|Array} If provided as an array, the array
* should consist of four values (left, bottom, right, top).
* The minimum extent for the map. Defaults to null.
minExtent: null,
* APIProperty: restrictedExtent
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>|Array} If provided as an array, the array
* should consist of four values (left, bottom, right, top).
* Limit map navigation to this extent where possible.
* If a non-null restrictedExtent is set, panning will be restricted
* to the given bounds. In addition, zooming to a resolution that
* displays more than the restricted extent will center the map
* on the restricted extent. If you wish to limit the zoom level
* or resolution, use maxResolution.
restrictedExtent: null,
* APIProperty: numZoomLevels
* {Integer} Number of zoom levels for the map. Defaults to 16. Set a
* different value in the map options if needed.
numZoomLevels: 16,
* APIProperty: theme
* {String} Relative path to a CSS file from which to load theme styles.
* Specify null in the map options (e.g. {theme: null}) if you
* want to get cascading style declarations - by putting links to
* stylesheets or style declarations directly in your page.
theme: null,
* APIProperty: displayProjection
* {<OpenLayers.Projection>} Requires proj4js support for projections other
* than EPSG:4326 or EPSG:900913/EPSG:3857. Projection used by
* several controls to display data to user. If this property is set,
* it will be set on any control which has a null displayProjection
* property at the time the control is added to the map.
displayProjection: null,
* APIProperty: tileManager
* {<OpenLayers.TileManager>|Object} By default, and if the build contains
* TileManager.js, the map will use the TileManager to queue image requests
* and to cache tile image elements. To create a map without a TileManager
* configure the map with tileManager: null. To create a TileManager with
* non-default options, supply the options instead or alternatively supply
* an instance of {<OpenLayers.TileManager>}.
* APIProperty: fallThrough
* {Boolean} Should OpenLayers allow events on the map to fall through to
* other elements on the page, or should it swallow them? (#457)
* Default is to swallow.
fallThrough: false,
* APIProperty: autoUpdateSize
* {Boolean} Should OpenLayers automatically update the size of the map
* when the resize event is fired. Default is true.
autoUpdateSize: true,
* APIProperty: eventListeners
* {Object} If set as an option at construction, the eventListeners
* object will be registered with <OpenLayers.Events.on>. Object
* structure must be a listeners object as shown in the example for
* the events.on method.
eventListeners: null,
* Property: panTween
* {<OpenLayers.Tween>} Animated panning tween object, see panTo()
panTween: null,
* APIProperty: panMethod
* {Function} The Easing function to be used for tweening. Default is
* OpenLayers.Easing.Expo.easeOut. Setting this to 'null' turns off
* animated panning.
panMethod: OpenLayers.Easing.Expo.easeOut,
* Property: panDuration
* {Integer} The number of steps to be passed to the
* OpenLayers.Tween.start() method when the map is
* panned.
* Default is 50.
panDuration: 50,
* Property: zoomTween
* {<OpenLayers.Tween>} Animated zooming tween object, see zoomTo()
zoomTween: null,
* APIProperty: zoomMethod
* {Function} The Easing function to be used for tweening. Default is
* OpenLayers.Easing.Quad.easeOut. Setting this to 'null' turns off
* animated zooming.
zoomMethod: OpenLayers.Easing.Quad.easeOut,
* Property: zoomDuration
* {Integer} The number of steps to be passed to the
* OpenLayers.Tween.start() method when the map is zoomed.
* Default is 20.
zoomDuration: 20,
* Property: paddingForPopups
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} Outside margin of the popup. Used to prevent
* the popup from getting too close to the map border.
paddingForPopups : null,
* Property: layerContainerOriginPx
* {Object} Cached object representing the layer container origin (in pixels).
layerContainerOriginPx: null,
* Property: minPx
* {Object} An object with a 'x' and 'y' values that is the lower
* left of maxExtent in viewport pixel space.
* Used to verify in moveByPx that the new location we're moving to
* is valid. It is also used in the getLonLatFromViewPortPx function
* of Layer.
minPx: null,
* Property: maxPx
* {Object} An object with a 'x' and 'y' values that is the top
* right of maxExtent in viewport pixel space.
* Used to verify in moveByPx that the new location we're moving to
* is valid.
maxPx: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Map
* Constructor for a new OpenLayers.Map instance. There are two possible
* ways to call the map constructor. See the examples below.
* Parameters:
* div - {DOMElement|String} The element or id of an element in your page
* that will contain the map. May be omitted if the <div> option is
* provided or if you intend to call the <render> method later.
* options - {Object} Optional object with properties to tag onto the map.
* Valid options (in addition to the listed API properties):
* center - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>|Array} The default initial center of the map.
* If provided as array, the first value is the x coordinate,
* and the 2nd value is the y coordinate.
* Only specify if <layers> is provided.
* Note that if an ArgParser/Permalink control is present,
* and the querystring contains coordinates, center will be set
* by that, and this option will be ignored.
* zoom - {Number} The initial zoom level for the map. Only specify if
* <layers> is provided.
* Note that if an ArgParser/Permalink control is present,
* and the querystring contains a zoom level, zoom will be set
* by that, and this option will be ignored.
* extent - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>|Array} The initial extent of the map.
* If provided as an array, the array should consist of
* four values (left, bottom, right, top).
* Only specify if <center> and <zoom> are not provided.
* Examples:
* (code)
* // create a map with default options in an element with the id "map1"
* var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map1");
* // create a map with non-default options in an element with id "map2"
* var options = {
* projection: "EPSG:3857",
* maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-200000, -200000, 200000, 200000),
* center: new OpenLayers.LonLat(-12356463.476333, 5621521.4854095)
* };
* var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map2", options);
* // map with non-default options - same as above but with a single argument,
* // a restricted extent, and using arrays for bounds and center
* var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
* div: "map_id",
* projection: "EPSG:3857",
* maxExtent: [-18924313.432222, -15538711.094146, 18924313.432222, 15538711.094146],
* restrictedExtent: [-13358338.893333, -9608371.5085962, 13358338.893333, 9608371.5085962],
* center: [-12356463.476333, 5621521.4854095]
* });
* // create a map without a reference to a container - call render later
* var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
* projection: "EPSG:3857",
* maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-200000, -200000, 200000, 200000)
* });
* (end)
initialize: function (div, options) {
// If only one argument is provided, check if it is an object.
if(arguments.length === 1 && typeof div === "object") {
options = div;
div = options && options.div;
// Simple-type defaults are set in class definition.
// Now set complex-type defaults
this.tileSize = new OpenLayers.Size(OpenLayers.Map.TILE_WIDTH,
this.paddingForPopups = new OpenLayers.Bounds(15, 15, 15, 15);
this.theme = OpenLayers._getScriptLocation() +
// backup original options
this.options = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, options);
// now override default options
OpenLayers.Util.extend(this, options);
var projCode = this.projection instanceof OpenLayers.Projection ?
this.projection.projCode : this.projection;
OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(this, OpenLayers.Projection.defaults[projCode]);
// allow extents and center to be arrays
if (this.maxExtent && !(this.maxExtent instanceof OpenLayers.Bounds)) {
this.maxExtent = new OpenLayers.Bounds(this.maxExtent);
if (this.minExtent && !(this.minExtent instanceof OpenLayers.Bounds)) {
this.minExtent = new OpenLayers.Bounds(this.minExtent);
if (this.restrictedExtent && !(this.restrictedExtent instanceof OpenLayers.Bounds)) {
this.restrictedExtent = new OpenLayers.Bounds(this.restrictedExtent);
if ( && !( instanceof OpenLayers.LonLat)) { = new OpenLayers.LonLat(;
// initialize layers array
this.layers = []; = OpenLayers.Util.createUniqueID("OpenLayers.Map_");
this.div = OpenLayers.Util.getElement(div);
if(!this.div) {
this.div = document.createElement("div"); = "1px"; = "1px";
OpenLayers.Element.addClass(this.div, 'olMap');
// the viewPortDiv is the outermost div we modify
var id = + "_OpenLayers_ViewPort";
this.viewPortDiv = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv(id, null, null, null,
"relative", null,
"hidden"); = "100%"; = "100%";
this.viewPortDiv.className = "olMapViewport";
this.div.appendChild(this.viewPortDiv); = new OpenLayers.Events(
this, this.viewPortDiv, null, this.fallThrough,
{includeXY: true}
if (OpenLayers.TileManager && this.tileManager !== null) {
if (!(this.tileManager instanceof OpenLayers.TileManager)) {
this.tileManager = new OpenLayers.TileManager(this.tileManager);
// the layerContainerDiv is the one that holds all the layers
id = + "_OpenLayers_Container";
this.layerContainerDiv = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv(id);['Popup']-1;
this.layerContainerOriginPx = {x: 0, y: 0};
if(this.eventListeners instanceof Object) {;
if (this.autoUpdateSize === true) {
// updateSize on catching the window's resize
// Note that this is ok, as updateSize() does nothing if the
// map's size has not actually changed.
this.updateSizeDestroy = OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.updateSize,
OpenLayers.Event.observe(window, 'resize',
// only append link stylesheet if the theme property is set
if(this.theme) {
// check existing links for equivalent url
var addNode = true;
var nodes = document.getElementsByTagName('link');
for(var i=0, len=nodes.length; i<len; ++i) {
this.theme)) {
addNode = false;
// only add a new node if one with an equivalent url hasn't already
// been added
if(addNode) {
var cssNode = document.createElement('link');
cssNode.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
cssNode.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
cssNode.setAttribute('href', this.theme);
if (this.controls == null) { // default controls
this.controls = [];
if (OpenLayers.Control != null) { // running full or lite?
// Navigation or TouchNavigation depending on what is in build
if (OpenLayers.Control.Navigation) {
this.controls.push(new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation());
} else if (OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation) {
this.controls.push(new OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation());
if (OpenLayers.Control.Zoom) {
this.controls.push(new OpenLayers.Control.Zoom());
} else if (OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom) {
this.controls.push(new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom());
if (OpenLayers.Control.ArgParser) {
this.controls.push(new OpenLayers.Control.ArgParser());
if (OpenLayers.Control.Attribution) {
this.controls.push(new OpenLayers.Control.Attribution());
for(var i=0, len=this.controls.length; i<len; i++) {
this.popups = [];
this.unloadDestroy = OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.destroy, this);
// always call map.destroy()
OpenLayers.Event.observe(window, 'unload', this.unloadDestroy);
// add any initial layers
if (options && options.layers) {
* If you have set, the map center property will be
* set at this point. However, since setCenter has not been called,
* addLayers gets confused. So we delete the map center in this
* case. Because the check below uses, it will
* be properly set below.
delete this.zoom;
// set center (and optionally zoom)
if ( && !this.getCenter()) {
// zoom can be undefined here
this.setCenter(, options.zoom);
if (this.panMethod) {
this.panTween = new OpenLayers.Tween(this.panMethod);
if (this.zoomMethod && this.applyTransform.transform) {
this.zoomTween = new OpenLayers.Tween(this.zoomMethod);
* APIMethod: getViewport
* Get the DOMElement representing the view port.
* Returns:
* {DOMElement}
getViewport: function() {
return this.viewPortDiv;
* APIMethod: render
* Render the map to a specified container.
* Parameters:
* div - {String|DOMElement} The container that the map should be rendered
* to. If different than the current container, the map viewport
* will be moved from the current to the new container.
render: function(div) {
this.div = OpenLayers.Util.getElement(div);
OpenLayers.Element.addClass(this.div, 'olMap');
* Method: unloadDestroy
* Function that is called to destroy the map on page unload. stored here
* so that if map is manually destroyed, we can unregister this.
unloadDestroy: null,
* Method: updateSizeDestroy
* When the map is destroyed, we need to stop listening to updateSize
* events: this method stores the function we need to unregister in
* non-IE browsers.
updateSizeDestroy: null,
* APIMethod: destroy
* Destroy this map.
* Note that if you are using an application which removes a container
* of the map from the DOM, you need to ensure that you destroy the
* map *before* this happens; otherwise, the page unload handler
* will fail because the DOM elements that map.destroy() wants
* to clean up will be gone. (See
* for more information).
* This will apply to GeoExt and also to other applications which
* modify the DOM of the container of the OpenLayers Map.
destroy:function() {
// if unloadDestroy is null, we've already been destroyed
if (!this.unloadDestroy) {
return false;
// make sure panning doesn't continue after destruction
if(this.panTween) {
this.panTween = null;
// make sure zooming doesn't continue after destruction
if(this.zoomTween) {
this.zoomTween = null;
// map has been destroyed. dont do it again!
OpenLayers.Event.stopObserving(window, 'unload', this.unloadDestroy);
this.unloadDestroy = null;
if (this.updateSizeDestroy) {
OpenLayers.Event.stopObserving(window, 'resize',
this.paddingForPopups = null;
if (this.controls != null) {
for (var i = this.controls.length - 1; i>=0; --i) {
this.controls = null;
if (this.layers != null) {
for (var i = this.layers.length - 1; i>=0; --i) {
//pass 'false' to destroy so that map wont try to set a new
// baselayer after each baselayer is removed
this.layers = null;
if (this.viewPortDiv && this.viewPortDiv.parentNode) {
this.viewPortDiv = null;
if (this.tileManager) {
this.tileManager = null;
if(this.eventListeners) {;
this.eventListeners = null;
}; = null;
this.options = null;
* APIMethod: setOptions
* Change the map options
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} Hashtable of options to tag to the map
setOptions: function(options) {
var updatePxExtent = this.minPx &&
options.restrictedExtent != this.restrictedExtent;
OpenLayers.Util.extend(this, options);
// force recalculation of minPx and maxPx
updatePxExtent && this.moveTo(this.getCachedCenter(), this.zoom, {
forceZoomChange: true
* APIMethod: getTileSize
* Get the tile size for the map
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Size>}
getTileSize: function() {
return this.tileSize;
* APIMethod: getBy
* Get a list of objects given a property and a match item.
* Parameters:
* array - {String} A property on the map whose value is an array.
* property - {String} A property on each item of the given array.
* match - {String | Object} A string to match. Can also be a regular
* expression literal or object. In addition, it can be any object
* with a method named test. For reqular expressions or other, if
* match.test(map[array][i][property]) evaluates to true, the item will
* be included in the array returned. If no items are found, an empty
* array is returned.
* Returns:
* {Array} An array of items where the given property matches the given
* criteria.
getBy: function(array, property, match) {
var test = (typeof match.test == "function");
var found = OpenLayers.Array.filter(this[array], function(item) {
return item[property] == match || (test && match.test(item[property]));
return found;
* APIMethod: getLayersBy
* Get a list of layers with properties matching the given criteria.
* Parameters:
* property - {String} A layer property to be matched.
* match - {String | Object} A string to match. Can also be a regular
* expression literal or object. In addition, it can be any object
* with a method named test. For reqular expressions or other, if
* match.test(layer[property]) evaluates to true, the layer will be
* included in the array returned. If no layers are found, an empty
* array is returned.
* Returns:
* {Array(<OpenLayers.Layer>)} A list of layers matching the given criteria.
* An empty array is returned if no matches are found.
getLayersBy: function(property, match) {
return this.getBy("layers", property, match);
* APIMethod: getLayersByName
* Get a list of layers with names matching the given name.
* Parameters:
* match - {String | Object} A layer name. The name can also be a regular
* expression literal or object. In addition, it can be any object
* with a method named test. For reqular expressions or other, if
* name.test( evaluates to true, the layer will be included
* in the list of layers returned. If no layers are found, an empty
* array is returned.
* Returns:
* {Array(<OpenLayers.Layer>)} A list of layers matching the given name.
* An empty array is returned if no matches are found.
getLayersByName: function(match) {
return this.getLayersBy("name", match);
* APIMethod: getLayersByClass
* Get a list of layers of a given class (CLASS_NAME).
* Parameters:
* match - {String | Object} A layer class name. The match can also be a
* regular expression literal or object. In addition, it can be any
* object with a method named test. For reqular expressions or other,
* if type.test(layer.CLASS_NAME) evaluates to true, the layer will
* be included in the list of layers returned. If no layers are
* found, an empty array is returned.
* Returns:
* {Array(<OpenLayers.Layer>)} A list of layers matching the given class.
* An empty array is returned if no matches are found.
getLayersByClass: function(match) {
return this.getLayersBy("CLASS_NAME", match);
* APIMethod: getControlsBy
* Get a list of controls with properties matching the given criteria.
* Parameters:
* property - {String} A control property to be matched.
* match - {String | Object} A string to match. Can also be a regular
* expression literal or object. In addition, it can be any object
* with a method named test. For reqular expressions or other, if
* match.test(layer[property]) evaluates to true, the layer will be
* included in the array returned. If no layers are found, an empty
* array is returned.
* Returns:
* {Array(<OpenLayers.Control>)} A list of controls matching the given
* criteria. An empty array is returned if no matches are found.
getControlsBy: function(property, match) {
return this.getBy("controls", property, match);
* APIMethod: getControlsByClass
* Get a list of controls of a given class (CLASS_NAME).
* Parameters:
* match - {String | Object} A control class name. The match can also be a
* regular expression literal or object. In addition, it can be any
* object with a method named test. For reqular expressions or other,
* if type.test(control.CLASS_NAME) evaluates to true, the control will
* be included in the list of controls returned. If no controls are
* found, an empty array is returned.
* Returns:
* {Array(<OpenLayers.Control>)} A list of controls matching the given class.
* An empty array is returned if no matches are found.
getControlsByClass: function(match) {
return this.getControlsBy("CLASS_NAME", match);
/* */
/* Layer Functions */
/* */
/* The following functions deal with adding and */
/* removing Layers to and from the Map */
/* */
* APIMethod: getLayer
* Get a layer based on its id
* Parameters:
* id - {String} A layer id
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Layer>} The Layer with the corresponding id from the map's
* layer collection, or null if not found.
getLayer: function(id) {
var foundLayer = null;
for (var i=0, len=this.layers.length; i<len; i++) {
var layer = this.layers[i];
if ( == id) {
foundLayer = layer;
return foundLayer;
* Method: setLayerZIndex
* Parameters:
* layer - {<OpenLayers.Layer>}
* zIdx - {int}
setLayerZIndex: function (layer, zIdx) {
this.Z_INDEX_BASE[layer.isBaseLayer ? 'BaseLayer' : 'Overlay']
+ zIdx * 5 );
* Method: resetLayersZIndex
* Reset each layer's z-index based on layer's array index
resetLayersZIndex: function() {
for (var i=0, len=this.layers.length; i<len; i++) {
var layer = this.layers[i];
this.setLayerZIndex(layer, i);
* APIMethod: addLayer
* Parameters:
* layer - {<OpenLayers.Layer>}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} True if the layer has been added to the map.
addLayer: function (layer) {
for(var i = 0, len = this.layers.length; i < len; i++) {
if (this.layers[i] == layer) {
return false;
if ("preaddlayer", {layer: layer}) === false) {
return false;
if(this.allOverlays) {
layer.isBaseLayer = false;
layer.div.className = "olLayerDiv"; = "";
this.setLayerZIndex(layer, this.layers.length);
if (layer.isFixed) {
} else {
if (layer.isBaseLayer || (this.allOverlays && !this.baseLayer)) {
if (this.baseLayer == null) {
// set the first baselaye we add as the baselayer
} else {
} else {
}"addlayer", {layer: layer});"added", {map: this, layer: layer});
return true;
* APIMethod: addLayers
* Parameters:
* layers - {Array(<OpenLayers.Layer>)}
addLayers: function (layers) {
for (var i=0, len=layers.length; i<len; i++) {
* APIMethod: removeLayer
* Removes a layer from the map by removing its visual element (the
* layer.div property), then removing it from the map's internal list
* of layers, setting the layer's map property to null.
* a "removelayer" event is triggered.
* very worthy of mention is that simply removing a layer from a map
* will not cause the removal of any popups which may have been created
* by the layer. this is due to the fact that it was decided at some
* point that popups would not belong to layers. thus there is no way
* for us to know here to which layer the popup belongs.
* A simple solution to this is simply to call destroy() on the layer.
* the default OpenLayers.Layer class's destroy() function
* automatically takes care to remove itself from whatever map it has
* been attached to.
* The correct solution is for the layer itself to register an
* event-handler on "removelayer" and when it is called, if it
* recognizes itself as the layer being removed, then it cycles through
* its own personal list of popups, removing them from the map.
* Parameters:
* layer - {<OpenLayers.Layer>}
* setNewBaseLayer - {Boolean} Default is true
removeLayer: function(layer, setNewBaseLayer) {
if ("preremovelayer", {layer: layer}) === false) {
if (setNewBaseLayer == null) {
setNewBaseLayer = true;
if (layer.isFixed) {
} else {
OpenLayers.Util.removeItem(this.layers, layer);
layer.removeMap(this); = null;
// if we removed the base layer, need to set a new one
if(this.baseLayer == layer) {
this.baseLayer = null;
if(setNewBaseLayer) {
for(var i=0, len=this.layers.length; i<len; i++) {
var iLayer = this.layers[i];
if (iLayer.isBaseLayer || this.allOverlays) {
this.resetLayersZIndex();"removelayer", {layer: layer});"removed", {map: this, layer: layer});
* APIMethod: getNumLayers
* Returns:
* {Int} The number of layers attached to the map.
getNumLayers: function () {
return this.layers.length;
* APIMethod: getLayerIndex
* Parameters:
* layer - {<OpenLayers.Layer>}
* Returns:
* {Integer} The current (zero-based) index of the given layer in the map's
* layer stack. Returns -1 if the layer isn't on the map.
getLayerIndex: function (layer) {
return OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(this.layers, layer);
* APIMethod: setLayerIndex
* Move the given layer to the specified (zero-based) index in the layer
* list, changing its z-index in the map display. Use
* map.getLayerIndex() to find out the current index of a layer. Note
* that this cannot (or at least should not) be effectively used to
* raise base layers above overlays.
* Parameters:
* layer - {<OpenLayers.Layer>}
* idx - {int}
setLayerIndex: function (layer, idx) {
var base = this.getLayerIndex(layer);
if (idx < 0) {
idx = 0;
} else if (idx > this.layers.length) {
idx = this.layers.length;
if (base != idx) {
this.layers.splice(base, 1);
this.layers.splice(idx, 0, layer);
for (var i=0, len=this.layers.length; i<len; i++) {
this.setLayerZIndex(this.layers[i], i);
}"changelayer", {
layer: layer, property: "order"
if(this.allOverlays) {
if(idx === 0) {
} else if(this.baseLayer !== this.layers[0]) {
* APIMethod: raiseLayer
* Change the index of the given layer by delta. If delta is positive,
* the layer is moved up the map's layer stack; if delta is negative,
* the layer is moved down. Again, note that this cannot (or at least
* should not) be effectively used to raise base layers above overlays.
* Paremeters:
* layer - {<OpenLayers.Layer>}
* delta - {int}
raiseLayer: function (layer, delta) {
var idx = this.getLayerIndex(layer) + delta;
this.setLayerIndex(layer, idx);
* APIMethod: setBaseLayer
* Allows user to specify one of the currently-loaded layers as the Map's
* new base layer.
* Parameters:
* newBaseLayer - {<OpenLayers.Layer>}
setBaseLayer: function(newBaseLayer) {
if (newBaseLayer != this.baseLayer) {
// ensure newBaseLayer is already loaded
if (OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(this.layers, newBaseLayer) != -1) {
// preserve center and scale when changing base layers
var center = this.getCachedCenter();
var newResolution = OpenLayers.Util.getResolutionFromScale(
this.getScale(), newBaseLayer.units
// make the old base layer invisible
if (this.baseLayer != null && !this.allOverlays) {
// set new baselayer
this.baseLayer = newBaseLayer;
if(!this.allOverlays || this.baseLayer.visibility) {
// Layer may previously have been visible but not in range.
// In this case we need to redraw it to make it visible.
if (this.baseLayer.inRange === false) {
// recenter the map
if (center != null) {
// new zoom level derived from old scale
var newZoom = this.getZoomForResolution(
newResolution || this.resolution, true
// zoom and force zoom change
this.setCenter(center, newZoom, false, true);
}"changebaselayer", {
layer: this.baseLayer
/* */
/* Control Functions */
/* */
/* The following functions deal with adding and */
/* removing Controls to and from the Map */
/* */
* APIMethod: addControl
* Add the passed over control to the map. Optionally
* position the control at the given pixel.
* Parameters:
* control - {<OpenLayers.Control>}
* px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
addControl: function (control, px) {
this.addControlToMap(control, px);
* APIMethod: addControls
* Add all of the passed over controls to the map.
* You can pass over an optional second array
* with pixel-objects to position the controls.
* The indices of the two arrays should match and
* you can add null as pixel for those controls
* you want to be autopositioned.
* Parameters:
* controls - {Array(<OpenLayers.Control>)}
* pixels - {Array(<OpenLayers.Pixel>)}
addControls: function (controls, pixels) {
var pxs = (arguments.length === 1) ? [] : pixels;
for (var i=0, len=controls.length; i<len; i++) {
var ctrl = controls[i];
var px = (pxs[i]) ? pxs[i] : null;
this.addControl( ctrl, px );
* Method: addControlToMap
* Parameters:
* control - {<OpenLayers.Control>}
* px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
addControlToMap: function (control, px) {
// If a control doesn't have a div at this point, it belongs in the
// viewport.
control.outsideViewport = (control.div != null);
// If the map has a displayProjection, and the control doesn't, set
// the display projection.
if (this.displayProjection && !control.displayProjection) {
control.displayProjection = this.displayProjection;
var div = control.draw(px);
if (div) {
if(!control.outsideViewport) { = this.Z_INDEX_BASE['Control'] +
this.viewPortDiv.appendChild( div );
if(control.autoActivate) {
* APIMethod: getControl
* Parameters:
* id - {String} ID of the control to return.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Control>} The control from the map's list of controls
* which has a matching 'id'. If none found,
* returns null.
getControl: function (id) {
var returnControl = null;
for(var i=0, len=this.controls.length; i<len; i++) {
var control = this.controls[i];
if ( == id) {
returnControl = control;
return returnControl;
* APIMethod: removeControl
* Remove a control from the map. Removes the control both from the map
* object's internal array of controls, as well as from the map's
* viewPort (assuming the control was not added outsideViewport)
* Parameters:
* control - {<OpenLayers.Control>} The control to remove.
removeControl: function (control) {
//make sure control is non-null and actually part of our map
if ( (control) && (control == this.getControl( ) {
if (control.div && (control.div.parentNode == this.viewPortDiv)) {
OpenLayers.Util.removeItem(this.controls, control);
/* */
/* Popup Functions */
/* */
/* The following functions deal with adding and */
/* removing Popups to and from the Map */
/* */
* APIMethod: addPopup
* Parameters:
* popup - {<OpenLayers.Popup>}
* exclusive - {Boolean} If true, closes all other popups first
addPopup: function(popup, exclusive) {
if (exclusive) {
//remove all other popups from screen
for (var i = this.popups.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
} = this;
var popupDiv = popup.draw();
if (popupDiv) { = this.Z_INDEX_BASE['Popup'] +
* APIMethod: removePopup
* Parameters:
* popup - {<OpenLayers.Popup>}
removePopup: function(popup) {
OpenLayers.Util.removeItem(this.popups, popup);
if (popup.div) {
try { this.layerContainerDiv.removeChild(popup.div); }
catch (e) { } // Popups sometimes apparently get disconnected
// from the layerContainerDiv, and cause complaints.
} = null;
/* */
/* Container Div Functions */
/* */
/* The following functions deal with the access to */
/* and maintenance of the size of the container div */
/* */
* APIMethod: getSize
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Size>} An <OpenLayers.Size> object that represents the
* size, in pixels, of the div into which OpenLayers
* has been loaded.
* Note - A clone() of this locally cached variable is
* returned, so as not to allow users to modify it.
getSize: function () {
var size = null;
if (this.size != null) {
size = this.size.clone();
return size;
* APIMethod: updateSize
* This function should be called by any external code which dynamically
* changes the size of the map div (because mozilla wont let us catch
* the "onresize" for an element)
updateSize: function() {
// the div might have moved on the page, also
var newSize = this.getCurrentSize();
if (newSize && !isNaN(newSize.h) && !isNaN(newSize.w)) {;
var oldSize = this.getSize();
if (oldSize == null) {
this.size = oldSize = newSize;
if (!newSize.equals(oldSize)) {
// store the new size
this.size = newSize;
//notify layers of mapresize
for(var i=0, len=this.layers.length; i<len; i++) {
var center = this.getCachedCenter();
if (this.baseLayer != null && center != null) {
var zoom = this.getZoom();
this.zoom = null;
this.setCenter(center, zoom);
* Method: getCurrentSize
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Size>} A new <OpenLayers.Size> object with the dimensions
* of the map div
getCurrentSize: function() {
var size = new OpenLayers.Size(this.div.clientWidth,
if (size.w == 0 && size.h == 0 || isNaN(size.w) && isNaN(size.h)) {
size.w = this.div.offsetWidth;
size.h = this.div.offsetHeight;
if (size.w == 0 && size.h == 0 || isNaN(size.w) && isNaN(size.h)) {
size.w = parseInt(;
size.h = parseInt(;
return size;
* Method: calculateBounds
* Parameters:
* center - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} Default is this.getCenter()
* resolution - {float} Default is this.getResolution()
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} A bounds based on resolution, center, and
* current mapsize.
calculateBounds: function(center, resolution) {
var extent = null;
if (center == null) {
center = this.getCachedCenter();
if (resolution == null) {
resolution = this.getResolution();
if ((center != null) && (resolution != null)) {
var halfWDeg = (this.size.w * resolution) / 2;
var halfHDeg = (this.size.h * resolution) / 2;
extent = new OpenLayers.Bounds(center.lon - halfWDeg, - halfHDeg,
center.lon + halfWDeg, + halfHDeg);
return extent;
/* */
/* Zoom, Center, Pan Functions */
/* */
/* The following functions handle the validation, */
/* getting and setting of the Zoom Level and Center */
/* as well as the panning of the Map */
/* */
* APIMethod: getCenter
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}
getCenter: function () {
var center = null;
var cachedCenter = this.getCachedCenter();
if (cachedCenter) {
center = cachedCenter.clone();
return center;
* Method: getCachedCenter
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}
getCachedCenter: function() {
if (! && this.size) { = this.getLonLatFromViewPortPx({
x: this.size.w / 2,
y: this.size.h / 2
* APIMethod: getZoom
* Returns:
* {Integer}
getZoom: function () {
return this.zoom;
* APIMethod: pan
* Allows user to pan by a value of screen pixels
* Parameters:
* dx - {Integer}
* dy - {Integer}
* options - {Object} Options to configure panning:
* - *animate* {Boolean} Use panTo instead of setCenter. Default is true.
* - *dragging* {Boolean} Call setCenter with dragging true. Default is
* false.
pan: function(dx, dy, options) {
options = OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(options, {
animate: true,
dragging: false
if (options.dragging) {
if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) {
this.moveByPx(dx, dy);
} else {
// getCenter
var centerPx = this.getViewPortPxFromLonLat(this.getCachedCenter());
// adjust
var newCenterPx = centerPx.add(dx, dy);
if (this.dragging || !newCenterPx.equals(centerPx)) {
var newCenterLonLat = this.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(newCenterPx);
if (options.animate) {
} else {
if(this.dragging) {
this.dragging = false;"moveend");
* APIMethod: panTo
* Allows user to pan to a new lonlat
* If the new lonlat is in the current extent the map will slide smoothly
* Parameters:
* lonlat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}
panTo: function(lonlat) {
if (this.panTween && this.getExtent().scale(this.panRatio).containsLonLat(lonlat)) {
var center = this.getCachedCenter();
// center will not change, don't do nothing
if (lonlat.equals(center)) {
var from = this.getPixelFromLonLat(center);
var to = this.getPixelFromLonLat(lonlat);
var vector = { x: to.x - from.x, y: to.y - from.y };
var last = { x: 0, y: 0 };
this.panTween.start( { x: 0, y: 0 }, vector, this.panDuration, {
callbacks: {
eachStep: OpenLayers.Function.bind(function(px) {
var x = px.x - last.x,
y = px.y - last.y;
this.moveByPx(x, y);
last.x = Math.round(px.x);
last.y = Math.round(px.y);
}, this),
done: OpenLayers.Function.bind(function(px) {
this.dragging = false;"moveend");
}, this)
} else {
* APIMethod: setCenter
* Set the map center (and optionally, the zoom level).
* Parameters:
* lonlat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>|Array} The new center location.
* If provided as array, the first value is the x coordinate,
* and the 2nd value is the y coordinate.
* zoom - {Integer} Optional zoom level.
* dragging - {Boolean} Specifies whether or not to trigger
* movestart/end events
* forceZoomChange - {Boolean} Specifies whether or not to trigger zoom
* change events (needed on baseLayer change)
* TBD: reconsider forceZoomChange in 3.0
setCenter: function(lonlat, zoom, dragging, forceZoomChange) {
if (this.panTween) {
if (this.zoomTween) {
this.moveTo(lonlat, zoom, {
'dragging': dragging,
'forceZoomChange': forceZoomChange
* Method: moveByPx
* Drag the map by pixels.
* Parameters:
* dx - {Number}
* dy - {Number}
moveByPx: function(dx, dy) {
var hw = this.size.w / 2;
var hh = this.size.h / 2;
var x = hw + dx;
var y = hh + dy;
var wrapDateLine = this.baseLayer.wrapDateLine;
var xRestriction = 0;
var yRestriction = 0;
if (this.restrictedExtent) {
xRestriction = hw;
yRestriction = hh;
// wrapping the date line makes no sense for restricted extents
wrapDateLine = false;
dx = wrapDateLine ||
x <= this.maxPx.x - xRestriction &&
x >= this.minPx.x + xRestriction ? Math.round(dx) : 0;
dy = y <= this.maxPx.y - yRestriction &&
y >= this.minPx.y + yRestriction ? Math.round(dy) : 0;
if (dx || dy) {
if (!this.dragging) {
this.dragging = true;"movestart");
} = null;
if (dx) {
this.layerContainerOriginPx.x -= dx;
this.minPx.x -= dx;
this.maxPx.x -= dx;
if (dy) {
this.layerContainerOriginPx.y -= dy;
this.minPx.y -= dy;
this.maxPx.y -= dy;
var layer, i, len;
for (i=0, len=this.layers.length; i<len; ++i) {
layer = this.layers[i];
if (layer.visibility &&
(layer === this.baseLayer || layer.inRange)) {
layer.moveByPx(dx, dy);"move");
* Method: adjustZoom
* Parameters:
* zoom - {Number} The zoom level to adjust
* Returns:
* {Integer} Adjusted zoom level that shows a map not wider than its
* <baseLayer>'s maxExtent.
adjustZoom: function(zoom) {
if (this.baseLayer && this.baseLayer.wrapDateLine) {
var resolution, resolutions = this.baseLayer.resolutions,
maxResolution = this.getMaxExtent().getWidth() / this.size.w;
if (this.getResolutionForZoom(zoom) > maxResolution) {
if (this.fractionalZoom) {
zoom = this.getZoomForResolution(maxResolution);
} else {
for (var i=zoom|0, ii=resolutions.length; i<ii; ++i) {
if (resolutions[i] <= maxResolution) {
zoom = i;
return zoom;
* APIMethod: getMinZoom
* Returns the minimum zoom level for the current map view. If the base
* layer is configured with <wrapDateLine> set to true, this will be the
* first zoom level that shows no more than one world width in the current
* map viewport. Components that rely on this value (e.g. zoom sliders)
* should also listen to the map's "updatesize" event and call this method
* in the "updatesize" listener.
* Returns:
* {Number} Minimum zoom level that shows a map not wider than its
* <baseLayer>'s maxExtent. This is an Integer value, unless the map is
* configured with <fractionalZoom> set to true.
getMinZoom: function() {
return this.adjustZoom(0);
* Method: moveTo
* Parameters:
* lonlat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}
* zoom - {Integer}
* options - {Object}
moveTo: function(lonlat, zoom, options) {
if (lonlat != null && !(lonlat instanceof OpenLayers.LonLat)) {
lonlat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(lonlat);
if (!options) {
options = {};
if (zoom != null) {
zoom = parseFloat(zoom);
if (!this.fractionalZoom) {
zoom = Math.round(zoom);
var requestedZoom = zoom;
zoom = this.adjustZoom(zoom);
if (zoom !== requestedZoom) {
// zoom was adjusted, so keep old lonlat to avoid panning
lonlat = this.getCenter();
// dragging is false by default
var dragging = options.dragging || this.dragging;
// forceZoomChange is false by default
var forceZoomChange = options.forceZoomChange;
if (!this.getCachedCenter() && !this.isValidLonLat(lonlat)) {
lonlat = this.maxExtent.getCenterLonLat(); = lonlat.clone();
if(this.restrictedExtent != null) {
// In 3.0, decide if we want to change interpretation of maxExtent.
if(lonlat == null) {
lonlat =;
if(zoom == null) {
zoom = this.getZoom();
var resolution = this.getResolutionForZoom(zoom);
var extent = this.calculateBounds(lonlat, resolution);
if(!this.restrictedExtent.containsBounds(extent)) {
var maxCenter = this.restrictedExtent.getCenterLonLat();
if(extent.getWidth() > this.restrictedExtent.getWidth()) {
lonlat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(maxCenter.lon,;
} else if(extent.left < this.restrictedExtent.left) {
lonlat = lonlat.add(this.restrictedExtent.left -
extent.left, 0);
} else if(extent.right > this.restrictedExtent.right) {
lonlat = lonlat.add(this.restrictedExtent.right -
extent.right, 0);
if(extent.getHeight() > this.restrictedExtent.getHeight()) {
lonlat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(lonlat.lon,;
} else if(extent.bottom < this.restrictedExtent.bottom) {
lonlat = lonlat.add(0, this.restrictedExtent.bottom -
else if( > {
lonlat = lonlat.add(0, -;
var zoomChanged = forceZoomChange || (
(this.isValidZoomLevel(zoom)) &&
(zoom != this.getZoom()) );
var centerChanged = (this.isValidLonLat(lonlat)) &&
// if neither center nor zoom will change, no need to do anything
if (zoomChanged || centerChanged || dragging) {
dragging ||"movestart", {
zoomChanged: zoomChanged
if (centerChanged) {
if (!zoomChanged && {
// if zoom hasnt changed, just slide layerContainer
// (must be done before setting to new value)
} = lonlat.clone();
var res = zoomChanged ?
this.getResolutionForZoom(zoom) : this.getResolution();
// (re)set the layerContainerDiv's location
if (zoomChanged || this.layerContainerOrigin == null) {
this.layerContainerOrigin = this.getCachedCenter();
this.layerContainerOriginPx.x = 0;
this.layerContainerOriginPx.y = 0;
var maxExtent = this.getMaxExtent({restricted: true});
var maxExtentCenter = maxExtent.getCenterLonLat();
var lonDelta = - maxExtentCenter.lon;
var latDelta = -;
var extentWidth = Math.round(maxExtent.getWidth() / res);
var extentHeight = Math.round(maxExtent.getHeight() / res);
this.minPx = {
x: (this.size.w - extentWidth) / 2 - lonDelta / res,
y: (this.size.h - extentHeight) / 2 - latDelta / res
this.maxPx = {
x: this.minPx.x + Math.round(maxExtent.getWidth() / res),
y: this.minPx.y + Math.round(maxExtent.getHeight() / res)
if (zoomChanged) {
this.zoom = zoom;
this.resolution = res;
var bounds = this.getExtent();
//send the move call to the baselayer and all the overlays
if(this.baseLayer.visibility) {
this.baseLayer.moveTo(bounds, zoomChanged, options.dragging);
options.dragging ||
"moveend", {zoomChanged: zoomChanged}
bounds = this.baseLayer.getExtent();
for (var i=this.layers.length-1; i>=0; --i) {
var layer = this.layers[i];
if (layer !== this.baseLayer && !layer.isBaseLayer) {
var inRange = layer.calculateInRange();
if (layer.inRange != inRange) {
// the inRange property has changed. If the layer is
// no longer in range, we turn it off right away. If
// the layer is no longer out of range, the moveTo
// call below will turn on the layer.
layer.inRange = inRange;
if (!inRange) {
}"changelayer", {
layer: layer, property: "visibility"
if (inRange && layer.visibility) {
layer.moveTo(bounds, zoomChanged, options.dragging);
options.dragging ||
"moveend", {zoomChanged: zoomChanged}
dragging ||"moveend");
if (zoomChanged) {
//redraw popups
for (var i=0, len=this.popups.length; i<len; i++) {
* Method: centerLayerContainer
* This function takes care to recenter the layerContainerDiv.
* Parameters:
* lonlat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}
centerLayerContainer: function (lonlat) {
var originPx = this.getViewPortPxFromLonLat(this.layerContainerOrigin);
var newPx = this.getViewPortPxFromLonLat(lonlat);
if ((originPx != null) && (newPx != null)) {
var oldLeft = this.layerContainerOriginPx.x;
var oldTop = this.layerContainerOriginPx.y;
var newLeft = Math.round(originPx.x - newPx.x);
var newTop = Math.round(originPx.y - newPx.y);
(this.layerContainerOriginPx.x = newLeft),
(this.layerContainerOriginPx.y = newTop));
var dx = oldLeft - newLeft;
var dy = oldTop - newTop;
this.minPx.x -= dx;
this.maxPx.x -= dx;
this.minPx.y -= dy;
this.maxPx.y -= dy;
* Method: isValidZoomLevel
* Parameters:
* zoomLevel - {Integer}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Whether or not the zoom level passed in is non-null and
* within the min/max range of zoom levels.
isValidZoomLevel: function(zoomLevel) {
return ( (zoomLevel != null) &&
(zoomLevel >= 0) &&
(zoomLevel < this.getNumZoomLevels()) );
* Method: isValidLonLat
* Parameters:
* lonlat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Whether or not the lonlat passed in is non-null and within
* the maxExtent bounds
isValidLonLat: function(lonlat) {
var valid = false;
if (lonlat != null) {
var maxExtent = this.getMaxExtent();
var worldBounds = this.baseLayer.wrapDateLine && maxExtent;
valid = maxExtent.containsLonLat(lonlat, {worldBounds: worldBounds});
return valid;
/* */
/* Layer Options */
/* */
/* Accessor functions to Layer Options parameters */
/* */
* APIMethod: getProjection
* This method returns a string representing the projection. In
* the case of projection support, this will be the srsCode which
* is loaded -- otherwise it will simply be the string value that
* was passed to the projection at startup.
* FIXME: In 3.0, we will remove getProjectionObject, and instead
* return a Projection object from this function.
* Returns:
* {String} The Projection string from the base layer or null.
getProjection: function() {
var projection = this.getProjectionObject();
return projection ? projection.getCode() : null;
* APIMethod: getProjectionObject
* Returns the projection obect from the baselayer.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Projection>} The Projection of the base layer.
getProjectionObject: function() {
var projection = null;
if (this.baseLayer != null) {
projection = this.baseLayer.projection;
return projection;
* APIMethod: getMaxResolution
* Returns:
* {String} The Map's Maximum Resolution
getMaxResolution: function() {
var maxResolution = null;
if (this.baseLayer != null) {
maxResolution = this.baseLayer.maxResolution;
return maxResolution;
* APIMethod: getMaxExtent
* Parameters:
* options - {Object}
* Allowed Options:
* restricted - {Boolean} If true, returns restricted extent (if it is
* available.)
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} The maxExtent property as set on the current
* baselayer, unless the 'restricted' option is set, in which case
* the 'restrictedExtent' option from the map is returned (if it
* is set).
getMaxExtent: function (options) {
var maxExtent = null;
if(options && options.restricted && this.restrictedExtent){
maxExtent = this.restrictedExtent;
} else if (this.baseLayer != null) {
maxExtent = this.baseLayer.maxExtent;
return maxExtent;
* APIMethod: getNumZoomLevels
* Returns:
* {Integer} The total number of zoom levels that can be displayed by the
* current baseLayer.
getNumZoomLevels: function() {
var numZoomLevels = null;
if (this.baseLayer != null) {
numZoomLevels = this.baseLayer.numZoomLevels;
return numZoomLevels;
/* */
/* Baselayer Functions */
/* */
/* The following functions, all publicly exposed */
/* in the API?, are all merely wrappers to the */
/* the same calls on whatever layer is set as */
/* the current base layer */
/* */
* APIMethod: getExtent
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} A Bounds object which represents the lon/lat
* bounds of the current viewPort.
* If no baselayer is set, returns null.
getExtent: function () {
var extent = null;
if (this.baseLayer != null) {
extent = this.baseLayer.getExtent();
return extent;
* APIMethod: getResolution
* Returns:
* {Float} The current resolution of the map.
* If no baselayer is set, returns null.
getResolution: function () {
var resolution = null;
if (this.baseLayer != null) {
resolution = this.baseLayer.getResolution();
} else if(this.allOverlays === true && this.layers.length > 0) {
// while adding the 1st layer to the map in allOverlays mode,
// this.baseLayer is not set yet when we need the resolution
// for calculateInRange.
resolution = this.layers[0].getResolution();
return resolution;
* APIMethod: getUnits
* Returns:
* {Float} The current units of the map.
* If no baselayer is set, returns null.
getUnits: function () {
var units = null;
if (this.baseLayer != null) {
units = this.baseLayer.units;
return units;
* APIMethod: getScale
* Returns:
* {Float} The current scale denominator of the map.
* If no baselayer is set, returns null.
getScale: function () {
var scale = null;
if (this.baseLayer != null) {
var res = this.getResolution();
var units = this.baseLayer.units;
scale = OpenLayers.Util.getScaleFromResolution(res, units);
return scale;
* APIMethod: getZoomForExtent
* Parameters:
* bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
* closest - {Boolean} Find the zoom level that most closely fits the
* specified bounds. Note that this may result in a zoom that does
* not exactly contain the entire extent.
* Default is false.
* Returns:
* {Integer} A suitable zoom level for the specified bounds.
* If no baselayer is set, returns null.
getZoomForExtent: function (bounds, closest) {
var zoom = null;
if (this.baseLayer != null) {
zoom = this.baseLayer.getZoomForExtent(bounds, closest);
return zoom;
* APIMethod: getResolutionForZoom
* Parameters:
* zoom - {Float}
* Returns:
* {Float} A suitable resolution for the specified zoom. If no baselayer
* is set, returns null.
getResolutionForZoom: function(zoom) {
var resolution = null;
if(this.baseLayer) {
resolution = this.baseLayer.getResolutionForZoom(zoom);
return resolution;
* APIMethod: getZoomForResolution
* Parameters:
* resolution - {Float}
* closest - {Boolean} Find the zoom level that corresponds to the absolute
* closest resolution, which may result in a zoom whose corresponding
* resolution is actually smaller than we would have desired (if this
* is being called from a getZoomForExtent() call, then this means that
* the returned zoom index might not actually contain the entire
* extent specified... but it'll be close).
* Default is false.
* Returns:
* {Integer} A suitable zoom level for the specified resolution.
* If no baselayer is set, returns null.
getZoomForResolution: function(resolution, closest) {
var zoom = null;
if (this.baseLayer != null) {
zoom = this.baseLayer.getZoomForResolution(resolution, closest);
return zoom;
/* */
/* Zooming Functions */
/* */
/* The following functions, all publicly exposed */
/* in the API, are all merely wrappers to the */
/* the setCenter() function */
/* */
* APIMethod: zoomTo
* Zoom to a specific zoom level. Zooming will be animated unless the map
* is configured with {zoomMethod: null}. To zoom without animation, use
* <setCenter> without a lonlat argument.
* Parameters:
* zoom - {Integer}
zoomTo: function(zoom, xy) {
// non-API arguments:
// xy - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} optional zoom origin
var map = this;
if (map.isValidZoomLevel(zoom)) {
if (map.baseLayer.wrapDateLine) {
zoom = map.adjustZoom(zoom);
if (map.zoomTween) {
var currentRes = map.getResolution(),
targetRes = map.getResolutionForZoom(zoom),
start = {scale: 1},
end = {scale: currentRes / targetRes};
if (map.zoomTween.playing && map.zoomTween.duration < 3 * map.zoomDuration) {
// update the end scale, and reuse the running zoomTween
map.zoomTween.finish = {
scale: map.zoomTween.finish.scale * end.scale
} else {
if (!xy) {
var size = map.getSize();
xy = {x: size.w / 2, y: size.h / 2};
map.zoomTween.start(start, end, map.zoomDuration, {
minFrameRate: 50, // don't spend much time zooming
callbacks: {
eachStep: function(data) {
var containerOrigin = map.layerContainerOriginPx,
scale = data.scale,
dx = ((scale - 1) * (containerOrigin.x - xy.x)) | 0,
dy = ((scale - 1) * (containerOrigin.y - xy.y)) | 0;
map.applyTransform(containerOrigin.x + dx, containerOrigin.y + dy, scale);
done: function(data) {
var resolution = map.getResolution() / data.scale,
zoom = map.getZoomForResolution(resolution, true)
map.moveTo(map.getZoomTargetCenter(xy, resolution), zoom, true);
} else {
var center = xy ?
map.getZoomTargetCenter(xy, map.getResolutionForZoom(zoom)) :
map.setCenter(center, zoom);
* APIMethod: zoomIn
zoomIn: function() {
this.zoomTo(this.getZoom() + 1);
* APIMethod: zoomOut
zoomOut: function() {
this.zoomTo(this.getZoom() - 1);
* APIMethod: zoomToExtent
* Zoom to the passed in bounds, recenter
* Parameters:
* bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>|Array} If provided as an array, the array
* should consist of four values (left, bottom, right, top).
* closest - {Boolean} Find the zoom level that most closely fits the
* specified bounds. Note that this may result in a zoom that does
* not exactly contain the entire extent.
* Default is false.
zoomToExtent: function(bounds, closest) {
if (!(bounds instanceof OpenLayers.Bounds)) {
bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(bounds);
var center = bounds.getCenterLonLat();
if (this.baseLayer.wrapDateLine) {
var maxExtent = this.getMaxExtent();
//fix straddling bounds (in the case of a bbox that straddles the
// dateline, it's left and right boundaries will appear backwards.
// we fix this by allowing a right value that is greater than the
// max value at the dateline -- this allows us to pass a valid
// bounds to calculate zoom)
bounds = bounds.clone();
while (bounds.right < bounds.left) {
bounds.right += maxExtent.getWidth();
//if the bounds was straddling (see above), then the center point
// we got from it was wrong. So we take our new bounds and ask it
// for the center.
center = bounds.getCenterLonLat().wrapDateLine(maxExtent);
this.setCenter(center, this.getZoomForExtent(bounds, closest));
* APIMethod: zoomToMaxExtent
* Zoom to the full extent and recenter.
* Parameters:
* options - {Object}
* Allowed Options:
* restricted - {Boolean} True to zoom to restricted extent if it is
* set. Defaults to true.
zoomToMaxExtent: function(options) {
//restricted is true by default
var restricted = (options) ? options.restricted : true;
var maxExtent = this.getMaxExtent({
'restricted': restricted
* APIMethod: zoomToScale
* Zoom to a specified scale
* Parameters:
* scale - {float}
* closest - {Boolean} Find the zoom level that most closely fits the
* specified scale. Note that this may result in a zoom that does
* not exactly contain the entire extent.
* Default is false.
zoomToScale: function(scale, closest) {
var res = OpenLayers.Util.getResolutionFromScale(scale,
var halfWDeg = (this.size.w * res) / 2;
var halfHDeg = (this.size.h * res) / 2;
var center = this.getCachedCenter();
var extent = new OpenLayers.Bounds(center.lon - halfWDeg, - halfHDeg,
center.lon + halfWDeg, + halfHDeg);
this.zoomToExtent(extent, closest);
/* */
/* Translation Functions */
/* */
/* The following functions translate between */
/* LonLat, LayerPx, and ViewPortPx */
/* */
// TRANSLATION: LonLat <-> ViewPortPx
* Method: getLonLatFromViewPortPx
* Parameters:
* viewPortPx - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>|Object} An OpenLayers.Pixel or
* an object with a 'x'
* and 'y' properties.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} An OpenLayers.LonLat which is the passed-in view
* port <OpenLayers.Pixel>, translated into lon/lat
* by the current base layer.
getLonLatFromViewPortPx: function (viewPortPx) {
var lonlat = null;
if (this.baseLayer != null) {
lonlat = this.baseLayer.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(viewPortPx);
return lonlat;
* APIMethod: getViewPortPxFromLonLat
* Parameters:
* lonlat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} An OpenLayers.Pixel which is the passed-in
* <OpenLayers.LonLat>, translated into view port
* pixels by the current base layer.
getViewPortPxFromLonLat: function (lonlat) {
var px = null;
if (this.baseLayer != null) {
px = this.baseLayer.getViewPortPxFromLonLat(lonlat);
return px;
* Method: getZoomTargetCenter
* Parameters:
* xy - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} The zoom origin pixel location on the screen
* resolution - {Float} The resolution we want to get the center for
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} The location of the map center after the
* transformation described by the origin xy and the target resolution.
getZoomTargetCenter: function (xy, resolution) {
var lonlat = null,
size = this.getSize(),
deltaX = size.w/2 - xy.x,
deltaY = xy.y - size.h/2,
zoomPoint = this.getLonLatFromPixel(xy);
if (zoomPoint) {
lonlat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(
zoomPoint.lon + deltaX * resolution, + deltaY * resolution
return lonlat;
* APIMethod: getLonLatFromPixel
* Parameters:
* px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>|Object} An OpenLayers.Pixel or an object with
* a 'x' and 'y' properties.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} An OpenLayers.LonLat corresponding to the given
* OpenLayers.Pixel, translated into lon/lat by the
* current base layer
getLonLatFromPixel: function (px) {
return this.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(px);
* APIMethod: getPixelFromLonLat
* Returns a pixel location given a map location. The map location is
* translated to an integer pixel location (in viewport pixel
* coordinates) by the current base layer.
* Parameters:
* lonlat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} A map location.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} An OpenLayers.Pixel corresponding to the
* <OpenLayers.LonLat> translated into view port pixels by the current
* base layer.
getPixelFromLonLat: function (lonlat) {
var px = this.getViewPortPxFromLonLat(lonlat);
px.x = Math.round(px.x);
px.y = Math.round(px.y);
return px;
* Method: getGeodesicPixelSize
* Parameters:
* px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} The pixel to get the geodesic length for. If
* not provided, the center pixel of the map viewport will be used.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Size>} The geodesic size of the pixel in kilometers.
getGeodesicPixelSize: function(px) {
var lonlat = px ? this.getLonLatFromPixel(px) : (
this.getCachedCenter() || new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0));
var res = this.getResolution();
var left = lonlat.add(-res / 2, 0);
var right = lonlat.add(res / 2, 0);
var bottom = lonlat.add(0, -res / 2);
var top = lonlat.add(0, res / 2);
var dest = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326");
var source = this.getProjectionObject() || dest;
if(!source.equals(dest)) {
left.transform(source, dest);
right.transform(source, dest);
bottom.transform(source, dest);
top.transform(source, dest);
return new OpenLayers.Size(
OpenLayers.Util.distVincenty(left, right),
OpenLayers.Util.distVincenty(bottom, top)
// TRANSLATION: ViewPortPx <-> LayerPx
* APIMethod: getViewPortPxFromLayerPx
* Parameters:
* layerPx - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} Layer Pixel translated into ViewPort Pixel
* coordinates
getViewPortPxFromLayerPx:function(layerPx) {
var viewPortPx = null;
if (layerPx != null) {
var dX = this.layerContainerOriginPx.x;
var dY = this.layerContainerOriginPx.y;
viewPortPx = layerPx.add(dX, dY);
return viewPortPx;
* APIMethod: getLayerPxFromViewPortPx
* Parameters:
* viewPortPx - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} ViewPort Pixel translated into Layer Pixel
* coordinates
getLayerPxFromViewPortPx:function(viewPortPx) {
var layerPx = null;
if (viewPortPx != null) {
var dX = -this.layerContainerOriginPx.x;
var dY = -this.layerContainerOriginPx.y;
layerPx = viewPortPx.add(dX, dY);
if (isNaN(layerPx.x) || isNaN(layerPx.y)) {
layerPx = null;
return layerPx;
// TRANSLATION: LonLat <-> LayerPx
* Method: getLonLatFromLayerPx
* Parameters:
* px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}
getLonLatFromLayerPx: function (px) {
//adjust for displacement of layerContainerDiv
px = this.getViewPortPxFromLayerPx(px);
return this.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(px);
* APIMethod: getLayerPxFromLonLat
* Parameters:
* lonlat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} lonlat
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} An OpenLayers.Pixel which is the passed-in
* <OpenLayers.LonLat>, translated into layer pixels
* by the current base layer
getLayerPxFromLonLat: function (lonlat) {
//adjust for displacement of layerContainerDiv
var px = this.getPixelFromLonLat(lonlat);
return this.getLayerPxFromViewPortPx(px);
* Method: applyTransform
* Applies the given transform to the <layerContainerDiv>. This method has
* a 2-stage fallback from translate3d/scale3d via translate/scale to plain
* style.left/, in which case no scaling is supported.
* Parameters:
* x - {Number} x parameter for the translation. Defaults to the x value of
* the map's <layerContainerOriginPx>
* y - {Number} y parameter for the translation. Defaults to the y value of
* the map's <layerContainerOriginPx>
* scale - {Number} scale. Defaults to 1 if not provided.
applyTransform: function(x, y, scale) {
scale = scale || 1;
var origin = this.layerContainerOriginPx,
needTransform = scale !== 1;
x = x || origin.x;
y = y || origin.y;
var style =,
transform = this.applyTransform.transform,
template = this.applyTransform.template;
if (transform === undefined) {
transform ='transform');
this.applyTransform.transform = transform;
if (transform) {
// Try translate3d, but only if the viewPortDiv has a transform
// defined in a stylesheet
var computedStyle = OpenLayers.Element.getStyle(this.viewPortDiv,
if (!computedStyle || computedStyle !== 'none') {
template = ['translate3d(', ',0) ', 'scale3d(', ',1)'];
style[transform] = [template[0], '0,0', template[1]].join('');
// If no transform is defined in the stylesheet or translate3d
// does not stick, use translate and scale
if (!template || !~style[transform].indexOf(template[0])) {
template = ['translate(', ') ', 'scale(', ')'];
this.applyTransform.template = template;
// If we do 3d transforms, we always want to use them. If we do 2d
// transforms, we only use them when we need to.
if (transform !== null && (template[0] === 'translate3d(' || needTransform === true)) {
// Our 2d transforms are combined with style.left and, so
// adjust x and y values and set the origin as left and top
if (needTransform === true && template[0] === 'translate(') {
x -= origin.x;
y -= origin.y;
style.left = origin.x + 'px'; = origin.y + 'px';
style[transform] = [
template[0], x, 'px,', y, 'px', template[1],
template[2], scale, ',', scale, template[3]
} else {
style.left = x + 'px'; = y + 'px';
// We previously might have had needTransform, so remove transform
if (transform !== null) {
style[transform] = '';
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Map"
* Constant: TILE_WIDTH
* {Integer} 256 Default tile width (unless otherwise specified)
OpenLayers.Map.TILE_WIDTH = 256;
* Constant: TILE_HEIGHT
* {Integer} 256 Default tile height (unless otherwise specified)
OpenLayers.Map.TILE_HEIGHT = 256;
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Map.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Projection.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Layer
OpenLayers.Layer = OpenLayers.Class({
* APIProperty: id
* {String}
id: null,
* APIProperty: name
* {String}
name: null,
* APIProperty: div
* {DOMElement}
div: null,
* APIProperty: opacity
* {Float} The layer's opacity. Float number between 0.0 and 1.0. Default
* is 1.
opacity: 1,
* APIProperty: alwaysInRange
* {Boolean} If a layer's display should not be scale-based, this should
* be set to true. This will cause the layer, as an overlay, to always
* be 'active', by always returning true from the calculateInRange()
* function.
* If not explicitly specified for a layer, its value will be
* determined on startup in initResolutions() based on whether or not
* any scale-specific properties have been set as options on the
* layer. If no scale-specific options have been set on the layer, we
* assume that it should always be in range.
* See #987 for more info.
alwaysInRange: null,
* {Array} The properties that are used for calculating resolutions
* information.
'scales', 'resolutions',
'maxScale', 'minScale',
'maxResolution', 'minResolution',
'numZoomLevels', 'maxZoomLevel'
* APIProperty: events
* {<OpenLayers.Events>}
* Register a listener for a particular event with the following syntax:
* (code)
*, obj, listener);
* (end)
* Listeners will be called with a reference to an event object. The
* properties of this event depends on exactly what happened.
* All event objects have at least the following properties:
* object - {Object} A reference to
* element - {DOMElement} A reference to
* Supported map event types:
* loadstart - Triggered when layer loading starts. When using a Vector
* layer with a Fixed or BBOX strategy, the event object includes
* a *filter* property holding the OpenLayers.Filter used when
* calling read on the protocol.
* loadend - Triggered when layer loading ends. When using a Vector layer
* with a Fixed or BBOX strategy, the event object includes a
* *response* property holding an OpenLayers.Protocol.Response object.
* visibilitychanged - Triggered when the layer's visibility property is
* changed, e.g. by turning the layer on or off in the layer switcher.
* Note that the actual visibility of the layer can also change if it
* gets out of range (see <calculateInRange>). If you also want to catch
* these cases, register for the map's 'changelayer' event instead.
* move - Triggered when layer moves (triggered with every mousemove
* during a drag).
* moveend - Triggered when layer is done moving, object passed as
* argument has a zoomChanged boolean property which tells that the
* zoom has changed.
* added - Triggered after the layer is added to a map. Listeners will
* receive an object with a *map* property referencing the map and a
* *layer* property referencing the layer.
* removed - Triggered after the layer is removed from the map. Listeners
* will receive an object with a *map* property referencing the map and
* a *layer* property referencing the layer.
events: null,
* APIProperty: map
* {<OpenLayers.Map>} This variable is set when the layer is added to
* the map, via the accessor function setMap().
map: null,
* APIProperty: isBaseLayer
* {Boolean} Whether or not the layer is a base layer. This should be set
* individually by all subclasses. Default is false
isBaseLayer: false,
* Property: alpha
* {Boolean} The layer's images have an alpha channel. Default is false.
alpha: false,
* APIProperty: displayInLayerSwitcher
* {Boolean} Display the layer's name in the layer switcher. Default is
* true.
displayInLayerSwitcher: true,
* APIProperty: visibility
* {Boolean} The layer should be displayed in the map. Default is true.
visibility: true,
* APIProperty: attribution
* {String} Attribution string, displayed when an
* <OpenLayers.Control.Attribution> has been added to the map.
attribution: null,
* Property: inRange
* {Boolean} The current map resolution is within the layer's min/max
* range. This is set in <OpenLayers.Map.setCenter> whenever the zoom
* changes.
inRange: false,
* Propery: imageSize
* {<OpenLayers.Size>} For layers with a gutter, the image is larger than
* the tile by twice the gutter in each dimension.
imageSize: null,
* Property: options
* {Object} An optional object whose properties will be set on the layer.
* Any of the layer properties can be set as a property of the options
* object and sent to the constructor when the layer is created.
options: null,
* APIProperty: eventListeners
* {Object} If set as an option at construction, the eventListeners
* object will be registered with <OpenLayers.Events.on>. Object
* structure must be a listeners object as shown in the example for
* the events.on method.
eventListeners: null,
* APIProperty: gutter
* {Integer} Determines the width (in pixels) of the gutter around image
* tiles to ignore. By setting this property to a non-zero value,
* images will be requested that are wider and taller than the tile
* size by a value of 2 x gutter. This allows artifacts of rendering
* at tile edges to be ignored. Set a gutter value that is equal to
* half the size of the widest symbol that needs to be displayed.
* Defaults to zero. Non-tiled layers always have zero gutter.
gutter: 0,
* APIProperty: projection
* {<OpenLayers.Projection>} or {<String>} Specifies the projection of the layer.
* Can be set in the layer options. If not specified in the layer options,
* it is set to the default projection specified in the map,
* when the layer is added to the map.
* Projection along with default maxExtent and resolutions
* are set automatically with commercial baselayers in EPSG:3857,
* such as Google, Bing and OpenStreetMap, and do not need to be specified.
* Otherwise, if specifying projection, also set maxExtent,
* maxResolution or resolutions as appropriate.
* When using vector layers with strategies, layer projection should be set
* to the projection of the source data if that is different from the map default.
* Can be either a string or an <OpenLayers.Projection> object;
* if a string is passed, will be converted to an object when
* the layer is added to the map.
projection: null,
* APIProperty: units
* {String} The layer map units. Defaults to null. Possible values
* are 'degrees' (or 'dd'), 'm', 'ft', 'km', 'mi', 'inches'.
* Normally taken from the projection.
* Only required if both map and layers do not define a projection,
* or if they define a projection which does not define units.
units: null,
* APIProperty: scales
* {Array} An array of map scales in descending order. The values in the
* array correspond to the map scale denominator. Note that these
* values only make sense if the display (monitor) resolution of the
* client is correctly guessed by whomever is configuring the
* application. In addition, the units property must also be set.
* Use <resolutions> instead wherever possible.
scales: null,
* APIProperty: resolutions
* {Array} A list of map resolutions (map units per pixel) in descending
* order. If this is not set in the layer constructor, it will be set
* based on other resolution related properties (maxExtent,
* maxResolution, maxScale, etc.).
resolutions: null,
* APIProperty: maxExtent
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>|Array} If provided as an array, the array
* should consist of four values (left, bottom, right, top).
* The maximum extent for the layer. Defaults to null.
* The center of these bounds will not stray outside
* of the viewport extent during panning. In addition, if
* <displayOutsideMaxExtent> is set to false, data will not be
* requested that falls completely outside of these bounds.
maxExtent: null,
* APIProperty: minExtent
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>|Array} If provided as an array, the array
* should consist of four values (left, bottom, right, top).
* The minimum extent for the layer. Defaults to null.
minExtent: null,
* APIProperty: maxResolution
* {Float} Default max is 360 deg / 256 px, which corresponds to
* zoom level 0 on gmaps. Specify a different value in the layer
* options if you are not using the default <OpenLayers.Map.tileSize>
* and displaying the whole world.
maxResolution: null,
* APIProperty: minResolution
* {Float}
minResolution: null,
* APIProperty: numZoomLevels
* {Integer}
numZoomLevels: null,
* APIProperty: minScale
* {Float}
minScale: null,
* APIProperty: maxScale
* {Float}
maxScale: null,
* APIProperty: displayOutsideMaxExtent
* {Boolean} Request map tiles that are completely outside of the max
* extent for this layer. Defaults to false.
displayOutsideMaxExtent: false,
* APIProperty: wrapDateLine
* {Boolean} Wraps the world at the international dateline, so the map can
* be panned infinitely in longitudinal direction. Only use this on the
* base layer, and only if the layer's maxExtent equals the world bounds.
* #487 for more info.
wrapDateLine: false,
* Property: metadata
* {Object} This object can be used to store additional information on a
* layer object.
metadata: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer
* Parameters:
* name - {String} The layer name
* options - {Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer
initialize: function(name, options) {
this.metadata = {};
options = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, options);
// make sure we respect alwaysInRange if set on the prototype
if (this.alwaysInRange != null) {
options.alwaysInRange = this.alwaysInRange;
this.addOptions(options); = name;
if ( == null) { = OpenLayers.Util.createUniqueID(this.CLASS_NAME + "_");
this.div = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv(; = "100%"; = "100%";
this.div.dir = "ltr"; = new OpenLayers.Events(this, this.div);
if(this.eventListeners instanceof Object) {;
* Method: destroy
* Destroy is a destructor: this is to alleviate cyclic references which
* the Javascript garbage cleaner can not take care of on its own.
* Parameters:
* setNewBaseLayer - {Boolean} Set a new base layer when this layer has
* been destroyed. Default is true.
destroy: function(setNewBaseLayer) {
if (setNewBaseLayer == null) {
setNewBaseLayer = true;
if ( != null) {, setNewBaseLayer);
this.projection = null; = null; = null;
this.div = null;
this.options = null;
if ( {
if(this.eventListeners) {;
this.eventListeners = null; = null;
* Method: clone
* Parameters:
* obj - {<OpenLayers.Layer>} The layer to be cloned
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Layer>} An exact clone of this <OpenLayers.Layer>
clone: function (obj) {
if (obj == null) {
obj = new OpenLayers.Layer(, this.getOptions());
// catch any randomly tagged-on properties
OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(obj, this);
// a cloned layer should never have its map property set
// because it has not been added to a map yet. = null;
return obj;
* Method: getOptions
* Extracts an object from the layer with the properties that were set as
* options, but updates them with the values currently set on the
* instance.
* Returns:
* {Object} the <options> of the layer, representing the current state.
getOptions: function() {
var options = {};
for(var o in this.options) {
options[o] = this[o];
return options;
* APIMethod: setName
* Sets the new layer name for this layer. Can trigger a changelayer event
* on the map.
* Parameters:
* newName - {String} The new name.
setName: function(newName) {
if (newName != { = newName;
if ( != null) {"changelayer", {
layer: this,
property: "name"
* APIMethod: addOptions
* Parameters:
* newOptions - {Object}
* reinitialize - {Boolean} If set to true, and if resolution options of the
* current baseLayer were changed, the map will be recentered to make
* sure that it is displayed with a valid resolution, and a
* changebaselayer event will be triggered.
addOptions: function (newOptions, reinitialize) {
if (this.options == null) {
this.options = {};
if (newOptions) {
// make sure this.projection references a projection object
if(typeof newOptions.projection == "string") {
newOptions.projection = new OpenLayers.Projection(newOptions.projection);
if (newOptions.projection) {
// get maxResolution, units and maxExtent from projection defaults if
// they are not defined already
// allow array for extents
if (newOptions.maxExtent && !(newOptions.maxExtent instanceof OpenLayers.Bounds)) {
newOptions.maxExtent = new OpenLayers.Bounds(newOptions.maxExtent);
if (newOptions.minExtent && !(newOptions.minExtent instanceof OpenLayers.Bounds)) {
newOptions.minExtent = new OpenLayers.Bounds(newOptions.minExtent);
// update our copy for clone
OpenLayers.Util.extend(this.options, newOptions);
// add new options to this
OpenLayers.Util.extend(this, newOptions);
// get the units from the projection, if we have a projection
// and it it has units
if(this.projection && this.projection.getUnits()) {
this.units = this.projection.getUnits();
// re-initialize resolutions if necessary, i.e. if any of the
// properties of the "properties" array defined below is set
// in the new options
if( {
// store current resolution so we can try to restore it later
var resolution =;
var properties = this.RESOLUTION_PROPERTIES.concat(
["projection", "units", "minExtent", "maxExtent"]
for(var o in newOptions) {
if(newOptions.hasOwnProperty(o) &&
OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(properties, o) >= 0) {
if (reinitialize && === this) {
// update map position, and restore previous resolution,,
false, true
// trigger a changebaselayer event to make sure that
// all controls (especially
// OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar) get notified of the
// new options"changebaselayer", {
layer: this
* APIMethod: onMapResize
* This function can be implemented by subclasses
onMapResize: function() {
//this function can be implemented by subclasses
* APIMethod: redraw
* Redraws the layer. Returns true if the layer was redrawn, false if not.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The layer was redrawn.
redraw: function() {
var redrawn = false;
if ( {
// min/max Range may have changed
this.inRange = this.calculateInRange();
// map's center might not yet be set
var extent = this.getExtent();
if (extent && this.inRange && this.visibility) {
var zoomChanged = true;
this.moveTo(extent, zoomChanged, false);"moveend",
{"zoomChanged": zoomChanged});
redrawn = true;
return redrawn;
* Method: moveTo
* Parameters:
* bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
* zoomChanged - {Boolean} Tells when zoom has changed, as layers have to
* do some init work in that case.
* dragging - {Boolean}
moveTo:function(bounds, zoomChanged, dragging) {
var display = this.visibility;
if (!this.isBaseLayer) {
display = display && this.inRange;
* Method: moveByPx
* Move the layer based on pixel vector. To be implemented by subclasses.
* Parameters:
* dx - {Number} The x coord of the displacement vector.
* dy - {Number} The y coord of the displacement vector.
moveByPx: function(dx, dy) {
* Method: setMap
* Set the map property for the layer. This is done through an accessor
* so that subclasses can override this and take special action once
* they have their map variable set.
* Here we take care to bring over any of the necessary default
* properties from the map.
* Parameters:
* map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
setMap: function(map) {
if ( == null) { = map;
// grab some essential layer data from the map if it hasn't already
// been set
this.maxExtent = this.maxExtent ||;
this.minExtent = this.minExtent ||;
this.projection = this.projection ||;
if (typeof this.projection == "string") {
this.projection = new OpenLayers.Projection(this.projection);
// Check the projection to see if we can get units -- if not, refer
// to properties.
this.units = this.projection.getUnits() ||
this.units ||;
if (!this.isBaseLayer) {
this.inRange = this.calculateInRange();
var show = ((this.visibility) && (this.inRange)); = show ? "" : "none";
// deal with gutters
* Method: afterAdd
* Called at the end of the map.addLayer sequence. At this point, the map
* will have a base layer. To be overridden by subclasses.
afterAdd: function() {
* APIMethod: removeMap
* Just as setMap() allows each layer the possibility to take a
* personalized action on being added to the map, removeMap() allows
* each layer to take a personalized action on being removed from it.
* For now, this will be mostly unused, except for the EventPane layer,
* which needs this hook so that it can remove the special invisible
* pane.
* Parameters:
* map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
removeMap: function(map) {
//to be overridden by subclasses
* APIMethod: getImageSize
* Parameters:
* bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} optional tile bounds, can be used
* by subclasses that have to deal with different tile sizes at the
* layer extent edges (e.g. Zoomify)
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Size>} The size that the image should be, taking into
* account gutters.
getImageSize: function(bounds) {
return (this.imageSize || this.tileSize);
* APIMethod: setTileSize
* Set the tile size based on the map size. This also sets layer.imageSize
* or use by Tile.Image.
* Parameters:
* size - {<OpenLayers.Size>}
setTileSize: function(size) {
var tileSize = (size) ? size :
((this.tileSize) ? this.tileSize :;
this.tileSize = tileSize;
if(this.gutter) {
// layers with gutters need non-null tile sizes
//if(tileSize == null) {
// OpenLayers.console.error("Error in layer.setMap() for " +
// + ": layers with " +
// "gutters need non-null tile sizes");
this.imageSize = new OpenLayers.Size(tileSize.w + (2*this.gutter),
tileSize.h + (2*this.gutter));
* APIMethod: getVisibility
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The layer should be displayed (if in range).
getVisibility: function() {
return this.visibility;
* APIMethod: setVisibility
* Set the visibility flag for the layer and hide/show & redraw
* accordingly. Fire event unless otherwise specified
* Note that visibility is no longer simply whether or not the layer's
* style.display is set to "block". Now we store a 'visibility' state
* property on the layer class, this allows us to remember whether or
* not we *desire* for a layer to be visible. In the case where the
* map's resolution is out of the layer's range, this desire may be
* subverted.
* Parameters:
* visibility - {Boolean} Whether or not to display the layer (if in range)
setVisibility: function(visibility) {
if (visibility != this.visibility) {
this.visibility = visibility;
if ( != null) {"changelayer", {
layer: this,
property: "visibility"
* APIMethod: display
* Hide or show the Layer. This is designed to be used internally, and
* is not generally the way to enable or disable the layer. For that,
* use the setVisibility function instead..
* Parameters:
* display - {Boolean}
display: function(display) {
if (display != ( != "none")) { = (display && this.calculateInRange()) ? "block" : "none";
* APIMethod: calculateInRange
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The layer is displayable at the current map's current
* resolution. Note that if 'alwaysInRange' is true for the layer,
* this function will always return true.
calculateInRange: function() {
var inRange = false;
if (this.alwaysInRange) {
inRange = true;
} else {
if ( {
var resolution =;
inRange = ( (resolution >= this.minResolution) &&
(resolution <= this.maxResolution) );
return inRange;
* APIMethod: setIsBaseLayer
* Parameters:
* isBaseLayer - {Boolean}
setIsBaseLayer: function(isBaseLayer) {
if (isBaseLayer != this.isBaseLayer) {
this.isBaseLayer = isBaseLayer;
if ( != null) {"changebaselayer", {
layer: this
/* */
/* Baselayer Functions */
/* */
* Method: initResolutions
* This method's responsibility is to set up the 'resolutions' array
* for the layer -- this array is what the layer will use to interface
* between the zoom levels of the map and the resolution display
* of the layer.
* The user has several options that determine how the array is set up.
* For a detailed explanation, see the following wiki from the
* homepage:
initResolutions: function() {
// ok we want resolutions, here's our strategy:
// 1. if resolutions are defined in the layer config, use them
// 2. else, if scales are defined in the layer config then derive
// resolutions from these scales
// 3. else, attempt to calculate resolutions from maxResolution,
// minResolution, numZoomLevels, maxZoomLevel set in the
// layer config
// 4. if we still don't have resolutions, and if resolutions
// are defined in the same, use them
// 5. else, if scales are defined in the map then derive
// resolutions from these scales
// 6. else, attempt to calculate resolutions from maxResolution,
// minResolution, numZoomLevels, maxZoomLevel set in the
// map
// 7. hope for the best!
var i, len, p;
var props = {}, alwaysInRange = true;
// get resolution data from layer config
// (we also set alwaysInRange in the layer as appropriate)
for(i=0, len=this.RESOLUTION_PROPERTIES.length; i<len; i++) {
props[p] = this.options[p];
if(alwaysInRange && this.options[p]) {
alwaysInRange = false;
if(this.options.alwaysInRange == null) {
this.alwaysInRange = alwaysInRange;
// if we don't have resolutions then attempt to derive them from scales
if(props.resolutions == null) {
props.resolutions = this.resolutionsFromScales(props.scales);
// if we still don't have resolutions then attempt to calculate them
if(props.resolutions == null) {
props.resolutions = this.calculateResolutions(props);
// if we couldn't calculate resolutions then we look at we have
// in the map
if(props.resolutions == null) {
for(i=0, len=this.RESOLUTION_PROPERTIES.length; i<len; i++) {
props[p] = this.options[p] != null ?
this.options[p] :[p];
if(props.resolutions == null) {
props.resolutions = this.resolutionsFromScales(props.scales);
if(props.resolutions == null) {
props.resolutions = this.calculateResolutions(props);
// ok, we new need to set properties in the instance
// get maxResolution from the config if it's defined there
var maxResolution;
if(this.options.maxResolution &&
this.options.maxResolution !== "auto") {
maxResolution = this.options.maxResolution;
if(this.options.minScale) {
maxResolution = OpenLayers.Util.getResolutionFromScale(
this.options.minScale, this.units);
// get minResolution from the config if it's defined there
var minResolution;
if(this.options.minResolution &&
this.options.minResolution !== "auto") {
minResolution = this.options.minResolution;
if(this.options.maxScale) {
minResolution = OpenLayers.Util.getResolutionFromScale(
this.options.maxScale, this.units);
if(props.resolutions) {
//sort resolutions array descendingly
props.resolutions.sort(function(a, b) {
return (b - a);
// if we still don't have a maxResolution get it from the
// resolutions array
if(!maxResolution) {
maxResolution = props.resolutions[0];
// if we still don't have a minResolution get it from the
// resolutions array
if(!minResolution) {
var lastIdx = props.resolutions.length - 1;
minResolution = props.resolutions[lastIdx];
this.resolutions = props.resolutions;
if(this.resolutions) {
len = this.resolutions.length;
this.scales = new Array(len);
for(i=0; i<len; i++) {
this.scales[i] = OpenLayers.Util.getScaleFromResolution(
this.resolutions[i], this.units);
this.numZoomLevels = len;
this.minResolution = minResolution;
if(minResolution) {
this.maxScale = OpenLayers.Util.getScaleFromResolution(
minResolution, this.units);
this.maxResolution = maxResolution;
if(maxResolution) {
this.minScale = OpenLayers.Util.getScaleFromResolution(
maxResolution, this.units);
* Method: resolutionsFromScales
* Derive resolutions from scales.
* Parameters:
* scales - {Array(Number)} Scales
* Returns
* {Array(Number)} Resolutions
resolutionsFromScales: function(scales) {
if(scales == null) {
var resolutions, i, len;
len = scales.length;
resolutions = new Array(len);
for(i=0; i<len; i++) {
resolutions[i] = OpenLayers.Util.getResolutionFromScale(
scales[i], this.units);
return resolutions;
* Method: calculateResolutions
* Calculate resolutions based on the provided properties.
* Parameters:
* props - {Object} Properties
* Returns:
* {Array({Number})} Array of resolutions.
calculateResolutions: function(props) {
var viewSize, wRes, hRes;
// determine maxResolution
var maxResolution = props.maxResolution;
if(props.minScale != null) {
maxResolution =
} else if(maxResolution == "auto" && this.maxExtent != null) {
viewSize =;
wRes = this.maxExtent.getWidth() / viewSize.w;
hRes = this.maxExtent.getHeight() / viewSize.h;
maxResolution = Math.max(wRes, hRes);
// determine minResolution
var minResolution = props.minResolution;
if(props.maxScale != null) {
minResolution =
} else if(props.minResolution == "auto" && this.minExtent != null) {
viewSize =;
wRes = this.minExtent.getWidth() / viewSize.w;
hRes = this.minExtent.getHeight()/ viewSize.h;
minResolution = Math.max(wRes, hRes);
if(typeof maxResolution !== "number" &&
typeof minResolution !== "number" &&
this.maxExtent != null) {
// maxResolution for default grid sets assumes that at zoom
// level zero, the whole world fits on one tile.
var tileSize =;
maxResolution = Math.max(
this.maxExtent.getWidth() / tileSize.w,
this.maxExtent.getHeight() / tileSize.h
// determine numZoomLevels
var maxZoomLevel = props.maxZoomLevel;
var numZoomLevels = props.numZoomLevels;
if(typeof minResolution === "number" &&
typeof maxResolution === "number" && numZoomLevels === undefined) {
var ratio = maxResolution / minResolution;
numZoomLevels = Math.floor(Math.log(ratio) / Math.log(2)) + 1;
} else if(numZoomLevels === undefined && maxZoomLevel != null) {
numZoomLevels = maxZoomLevel + 1;
// are we able to calculate resolutions?
if(typeof numZoomLevels !== "number" || numZoomLevels <= 0 ||
(typeof maxResolution !== "number" &&
typeof minResolution !== "number")) {
// now we have numZoomLevels and at least one of maxResolution
// or minResolution, we can populate the resolutions array
var resolutions = new Array(numZoomLevels);
var base = 2;
if(typeof minResolution == "number" &&
typeof maxResolution == "number") {
// if maxResolution and minResolution are set, we calculate
// the base for exponential scaling that starts at
// maxResolution and ends at minResolution in numZoomLevels
// steps.
base = Math.pow(
(maxResolution / minResolution),
(1 / (numZoomLevels - 1))
var i;
if(typeof maxResolution === "number") {
for(i=0; i<numZoomLevels; i++) {
resolutions[i] = maxResolution / Math.pow(base, i);
} else {
for(i=0; i<numZoomLevels; i++) {
resolutions[numZoomLevels - 1 - i] =
minResolution * Math.pow(base, i);
return resolutions;
* APIMethod: getResolution
* Returns:
* {Float} The currently selected resolution of the map, taken from the
* resolutions array, indexed by current zoom level.
getResolution: function() {
var zoom =;
return this.getResolutionForZoom(zoom);
* APIMethod: getExtent
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} A Bounds object which represents the lon/lat
* bounds of the current viewPort.
getExtent: function() {
// just use stock map calculateBounds function -- passing no arguments
// means it will user map's current center & resolution
* APIMethod: getZoomForExtent
* Parameters:
* extent - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
* closest - {Boolean} Find the zoom level that most closely fits the
* specified bounds. Note that this may result in a zoom that does
* not exactly contain the entire extent.
* Default is false.
* Returns:
* {Integer} The index of the zoomLevel (entry in the resolutions array)
* for the passed-in extent. We do this by calculating the ideal
* resolution for the given extent (based on the map size) and then
* calling getZoomForResolution(), passing along the 'closest'
* parameter.
getZoomForExtent: function(extent, closest) {
var viewSize =;
var idealResolution = Math.max( extent.getWidth() / viewSize.w,
extent.getHeight() / viewSize.h );
return this.getZoomForResolution(idealResolution, closest);
* Method: getDataExtent
* Calculates the max extent which includes all of the data for the layer.
* This function is to be implemented by subclasses.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
getDataExtent: function () {
//to be implemented by subclasses
* APIMethod: getResolutionForZoom
* Parameters:
* zoom - {Float}
* Returns:
* {Float} A suitable resolution for the specified zoom.
getResolutionForZoom: function(zoom) {
zoom = Math.max(0, Math.min(zoom, this.resolutions.length - 1));
var resolution;
if( {
var low = Math.floor(zoom);
var high = Math.ceil(zoom);
resolution = this.resolutions[low] -
((zoom-low) * (this.resolutions[low]-this.resolutions[high]));
} else {
resolution = this.resolutions[Math.round(zoom)];
return resolution;
* APIMethod: getZoomForResolution
* Parameters:
* resolution - {Float}
* closest - {Boolean} Find the zoom level that corresponds to the absolute
* closest resolution, which may result in a zoom whose corresponding
* resolution is actually smaller than we would have desired (if this
* is being called from a getZoomForExtent() call, then this means that
* the returned zoom index might not actually contain the entire
* extent specified... but it'll be close).
* Default is false.
* Returns:
* {Integer} The index of the zoomLevel (entry in the resolutions array)
* that corresponds to the best fit resolution given the passed in
* value and the 'closest' specification.
getZoomForResolution: function(resolution, closest) {
var zoom, i, len;
if( {
var lowZoom = 0;
var highZoom = this.resolutions.length - 1;
var highRes = this.resolutions[lowZoom];
var lowRes = this.resolutions[highZoom];
var res;
for(i=0, len=this.resolutions.length; i<len; ++i) {
res = this.resolutions[i];
if(res >= resolution) {
highRes = res;
lowZoom = i;
if(res <= resolution) {
lowRes = res;
highZoom = i;
var dRes = highRes - lowRes;
if(dRes > 0) {
zoom = lowZoom + ((highRes - resolution) / dRes);
} else {
zoom = lowZoom;
} else {
var diff;
var minDiff = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for(i=0, len=this.resolutions.length; i<len; i++) {
if (closest) {
diff = Math.abs(this.resolutions[i] - resolution);
if (diff > minDiff) {
minDiff = diff;
} else {
if (this.resolutions[i] < resolution) {
zoom = Math.max(0, i-1);
return zoom;
* APIMethod: getLonLatFromViewPortPx
* Parameters:
* viewPortPx - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>|Object} An OpenLayers.Pixel or
* an object with a 'x'
* and 'y' properties.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} An OpenLayers.LonLat which is the passed-in
* view port <OpenLayers.Pixel>, translated into lon/lat by the layer.
getLonLatFromViewPortPx: function (viewPortPx) {
var lonlat = null;
var map =;
if (viewPortPx != null && map.minPx) {
var res = map.getResolution();
var maxExtent = map.getMaxExtent({restricted: true});
var lon = (viewPortPx.x - map.minPx.x) * res + maxExtent.left;
var lat = (map.minPx.y - viewPortPx.y) * res +;
lonlat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat);
if (this.wrapDateLine) {
lonlat = lonlat.wrapDateLine(this.maxExtent);
return lonlat;
* APIMethod: getViewPortPxFromLonLat
* Returns a pixel location given a map location. This method will return
* fractional pixel values.
* Parameters:
* lonlat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>|Object} An OpenLayers.LonLat or
* an object with a 'lon'
* and 'lat' properties.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} An <OpenLayers.Pixel> which is the passed-in
* lonlat translated into view port pixels.
getViewPortPxFromLonLat: function (lonlat, resolution) {
var px = null;
if (lonlat != null) {
resolution = resolution ||;
var extent =, resolution);
px = new OpenLayers.Pixel(
(1/resolution * (lonlat.lon - extent.left)),
(1/resolution * ( -
return px;
* APIMethod: setOpacity
* Sets the opacity for the entire layer (all images)
* Parameters:
* opacity - {Float}
setOpacity: function(opacity) {
if (opacity != this.opacity) {
this.opacity = opacity;
var childNodes = this.div.childNodes;
for(var i = 0, len = childNodes.length; i < len; ++i) {
var element = childNodes[i].firstChild || childNodes[i];
var lastChild = childNodes[i].lastChild;
//TODO de-uglify this
if (lastChild && lastChild.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "iframe") {
element = lastChild.parentNode;
OpenLayers.Util.modifyDOMElement(element, null, null, null,
null, null, null, opacity);
if ( != null) {"changelayer", {
layer: this,
property: "opacity"
* Method: getZIndex
* Returns:
* {Integer} the z-index of this layer
getZIndex: function () {
* Method: setZIndex
* Parameters:
* zIndex - {Integer}
setZIndex: function (zIndex) { = zIndex;
* Method: adjustBounds
* This function will take a bounds, and if wrapDateLine option is set
* on the layer, it will return a bounds which is wrapped around the
* world. We do not wrap for bounds which *cross* the
* maxExtent.left/right, only bounds which are entirely to the left
* or entirely to the right.
* Parameters:
* bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
adjustBounds: function (bounds) {
if (this.gutter) {
// Adjust the extent of a bounds in map units by the
// layer's gutter in pixels.
var mapGutter = this.gutter *;
bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(bounds.left - mapGutter,
bounds.bottom - mapGutter,
bounds.right + mapGutter, + mapGutter);
if (this.wrapDateLine) {
// wrap around the date line, within the limits of rounding error
var wrappingOptions = {
bounds = bounds.wrapDateLine(this.maxExtent, wrappingOptions);
return bounds;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Layer.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Projection.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Layer.SphericalMercator
* A mixin for layers that wraps up the pieces neccesary to have a coordinate
* conversion for working with commercial APIs which use a spherical
* mercator projection. Using this layer as a base layer, additional
* layers can be used as overlays if they are in the same projection.
* A layer is given properties of this object by setting the sphericalMercator
* property to true.
* More projection information:
* -
* Proj4 Text:
* +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0
* +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs
* WKT:
* 900913=PROJCS["WGS84 / Simple Mercator", GEOGCS["WGS 84",
* DATUM["WGS_1984", SPHEROID["WGS_1984", 6378137.0, 298.257223563]],
* PRIMEM["Greenwich", 0.0], UNIT["degree", 0.017453292519943295],
* AXIS["Longitude", EAST], AXIS["Latitude", NORTH]],
* PROJECTION["Mercator_1SP_Google"],
* PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin", 0.0], PARAMETER["central_meridian", 0.0],
* PARAMETER["scale_factor", 1.0], PARAMETER["false_easting", 0.0],
* PARAMETER["false_northing", 0.0], UNIT["m", 1.0], AXIS["x", EAST],
* AXIS["y", NORTH], AUTHORITY["EPSG","900913"]]
OpenLayers.Layer.SphericalMercator = {
* Method: getExtent
* Get the map's extent.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} The map extent.
getExtent: function() {
var extent = null;
if (this.sphericalMercator) {
extent =;
} else {
extent = OpenLayers.Layer.FixedZoomLevels.prototype.getExtent.apply(this);
return extent;
* Method: getLonLatFromViewPortPx
* Get a map location from a pixel location
* Parameters:
* viewPortPx - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} An OpenLayers.LonLat which is the passed-in view
* port OpenLayers.Pixel, translated into lon/lat by map lib
* If the map lib is not loaded or not centered, returns null
getLonLatFromViewPortPx: function (viewPortPx) {
return OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.getLonLatFromViewPortPx.apply(this, arguments);
* Method: getViewPortPxFromLonLat
* Get a pixel location from a map location
* Parameters:
* lonlat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} An OpenLayers.Pixel which is the passed-in
* OpenLayers.LonLat, translated into view port pixels by map lib
* If map lib is not loaded or not centered, returns null
getViewPortPxFromLonLat: function (lonlat) {
return OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.getViewPortPxFromLonLat.apply(this, arguments);
* Method: initMercatorParameters
* Set up the mercator parameters on the layer: resolutions,
* projection, units.
initMercatorParameters: function() {
// set up properties for Mercator - assume EPSG:900913
this.RESOLUTIONS = [];
var maxResolution = 156543.03390625;
for(var zoom=0; zoom<=this.MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL; ++zoom) {
this.RESOLUTIONS[zoom] = maxResolution / Math.pow(2, zoom);
this.units = "m";
this.projection = this.projection || "EPSG:900913";
* APIMethod: forwardMercator
* Given a lon,lat in EPSG:4326, return a point in Spherical Mercator.
* Parameters:
* lon - {float}
* lat - {float}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} The coordinates transformed to Mercator.
forwardMercator: (function() {
var gg = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326");
var sm = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913");
return function(lon, lat) {
var point = OpenLayers.Projection.transform({x: lon, y: lat}, gg, sm);
return new OpenLayers.LonLat(point.x, point.y);
* APIMethod: inverseMercator
* Given a x,y in Spherical Mercator, return a point in EPSG:4326.
* Parameters:
* x - {float} A map x in Spherical Mercator.
* y - {float} A map y in Spherical Mercator.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} The coordinates transformed to EPSG:4326.
inverseMercator: (function() {
var gg = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326");
var sm = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913");
return function(x, y) {
var point = OpenLayers.Projection.transform({x: x, y: y}, sm, gg);
return new OpenLayers.LonLat(point.x, point.y);
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Layer.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Util.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Layer.EventPane
* Base class for 3rd party layers, providing a DOM element which isolates
* the 3rd-party layer from mouse events.
* Only used by Google layers.
* Automatically instantiated by the Google constructor, and not usually instantiated directly.
* Create a new event pane layer with the
* <OpenLayers.Layer.EventPane> constructor.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Layer>
OpenLayers.Layer.EventPane = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer, {
* APIProperty: smoothDragPan
* {Boolean} smoothDragPan determines whether non-public/internal API
* methods are used for better performance while dragging EventPane
* layers. When not in sphericalMercator mode, the smoother dragging
* doesn't actually move north/south directly with the number of
* pixels moved, resulting in a slight offset when you drag your mouse
* north south with this option on. If this visual disparity bothers
* you, you should turn this option off, or use spherical mercator.
* Default is on.
smoothDragPan: true,
* Property: isBaseLayer
* {Boolean} EventPaned layers are always base layers, by necessity.
isBaseLayer: true,
* APIProperty: isFixed
* {Boolean} EventPaned layers are fixed by default.
isFixed: true,
* Property: pane
* {DOMElement} A reference to the element that controls the events.
pane: null,
* Property: mapObject
* {Object} This is the object which will be used to load the 3rd party library
* in the case of the google layer, this will be of type GMap,
* in the case of the ve layer, this will be of type VEMap
mapObject: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.EventPane
* Create a new event pane layer
* Parameters:
* name - {String}
* options - {Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer
initialize: function(name, options) {
OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.pane == null) {
this.pane = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv( + "_EventPane");
* APIMethod: destroy
* Deconstruct this layer.
destroy: function() {
this.mapObject = null;
this.pane = null;
OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
* Method: setMap
* Set the map property for the layer. This is done through an accessor
* so that subclasses can override this and take special action once
* they have their map variable set.
* Parameters:
* map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
setMap: function(map) {
OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments); = parseInt( + 1; =;"100%";"100%";
if (OpenLayers.BROWSER_NAME == "msie") { =
"url(" + OpenLayers.Util.getImageLocation("blank.gif") + ")";
if (this.isFixed) {;
} else {;
// once our layer has been added to the map, we can load it
// if map didn't load, display warning
if (this.mapObject == null) {
* APIMethod: removeMap
* On being removed from the map, we'll like to remove the invisible 'pane'
* div that we added to it on creation.
* Parameters:
* map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
removeMap: function(map) {
if (this.pane && this.pane.parentNode) {
OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.removeMap.apply(this, arguments);
* Method: loadWarningMessage
* If we can't load the map lib, then display an error message to the
* user and tell them where to go for help.
* This function sets up the layout for the warning message. Each 3rd
* party layer must implement its own getWarningHTML() function to
* provide the actual warning message.
loadWarningMessage:function() { = "darkblue";
var viewSize =;
var msgW = Math.min(viewSize.w, 300);
var msgH = Math.min(viewSize.h, 200);
var size = new OpenLayers.Size(msgW, msgH);
var centerPx = new OpenLayers.Pixel(viewSize.w/2, viewSize.h/2);
var topLeft = centerPx.add(-size.w/2, -size.h/2);
var div = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv( + "_warning",
"auto"); = "7px"; = "yellow";
div.innerHTML = this.getWarningHTML();
* Method: getWarningHTML
* To be implemented by subclasses.
* Returns:
* {String} String with information on why layer is broken, how to get
* it working.
getWarningHTML:function() {
//should be implemented by subclasses
return "";
* Method: display
* Set the display on the pane
* Parameters:
* display - {Boolean}
display: function(display) {
OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.display.apply(this, arguments); =;
* Method: setZIndex
* Set the z-index order for the pane.
* Parameters:
* zIndex - {int}
setZIndex: function (zIndex) {
OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.setZIndex.apply(this, arguments); = parseInt( + 1;
* Method: moveByPx
* Move the layer based on pixel vector. To be implemented by subclasses.
* Parameters:
* dx - {Number} The x coord of the displacement vector.
* dy - {Number} The y coord of the displacement vector.
moveByPx: function(dx, dy) {
OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.moveByPx.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.dragPanMapObject) {
this.dragPanMapObject(dx, -dy);
} else {
* Method: moveTo
* Handle calls to move the layer.
* Parameters:
* bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
* zoomChanged - {Boolean}
* dragging - {Boolean}
moveTo:function(bounds, zoomChanged, dragging) {
OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.moveTo.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.mapObject != null) {
var newCenter =;
var newZoom =;
if (newCenter != null) {
var moOldCenter = this.getMapObjectCenter();
var oldCenter = this.getOLLonLatFromMapObjectLonLat(moOldCenter);
var moOldZoom = this.getMapObjectZoom();
var oldZoom= this.getOLZoomFromMapObjectZoom(moOldZoom);
if (!(newCenter.equals(oldCenter)) || newZoom != oldZoom) {
if (!zoomChanged && oldCenter && this.dragPanMapObject &&
this.smoothDragPan) {
var oldPx =;
var newPx =;
this.dragPanMapObject(newPx.x-oldPx.x, oldPx.y-newPx.y);
} else {
var center = this.getMapObjectLonLatFromOLLonLat(newCenter);
var zoom = this.getMapObjectZoomFromOLZoom(newZoom);
this.setMapObjectCenter(center, zoom, dragging);
/* */
/* Baselayer Functions */
/* */
* Method: getLonLatFromViewPortPx
* Get a map location from a pixel location
* Parameters:
* viewPortPx - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} An OpenLayers.LonLat which is the passed-in view
* port OpenLayers.Pixel, translated into lon/lat by map lib
* If the map lib is not loaded or not centered, returns null
getLonLatFromViewPortPx: function (viewPortPx) {
var lonlat = null;
if ( (this.mapObject != null) &&
(this.getMapObjectCenter() != null) ) {
var moPixel = this.getMapObjectPixelFromOLPixel(viewPortPx);
var moLonLat = this.getMapObjectLonLatFromMapObjectPixel(moPixel);
lonlat = this.getOLLonLatFromMapObjectLonLat(moLonLat);
return lonlat;
* Method: getViewPortPxFromLonLat
* Get a pixel location from a map location
* Parameters:
* lonlat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} An OpenLayers.Pixel which is the passed-in
* OpenLayers.LonLat, translated into view port pixels by map lib
* If map lib is not loaded or not centered, returns null
getViewPortPxFromLonLat: function (lonlat) {
var viewPortPx = null;
if ( (this.mapObject != null) &&
(this.getMapObjectCenter() != null) ) {
var moLonLat = this.getMapObjectLonLatFromOLLonLat(lonlat);
var moPixel = this.getMapObjectPixelFromMapObjectLonLat(moLonLat);
viewPortPx = this.getOLPixelFromMapObjectPixel(moPixel);
return viewPortPx;
/* */
/* Translation Functions */
/* */
/* The following functions translate Map Object and */
/* OL formats for Pixel, LonLat */
/* */
// TRANSLATION: MapObject LatLng <-> OpenLayers.LonLat
* Method: getOLLonLatFromMapObjectLonLat
* Get an OL style map location from a 3rd party style map location
* Parameters
* moLonLat - {Object}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} An OpenLayers.LonLat, translated from the passed in
* MapObject LonLat
* Returns null if null value is passed in
getOLLonLatFromMapObjectLonLat: function(moLonLat) {
var olLonLat = null;
if (moLonLat != null) {
var lon = this.getLongitudeFromMapObjectLonLat(moLonLat);
var lat = this.getLatitudeFromMapObjectLonLat(moLonLat);
olLonLat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat);
return olLonLat;
* Method: getMapObjectLonLatFromOLLonLat
* Get a 3rd party map location from an OL map location.
* Parameters:
* olLonLat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}
* Returns:
* {Object} A MapObject LonLat, translated from the passed in
* OpenLayers.LonLat
* Returns null if null value is passed in
getMapObjectLonLatFromOLLonLat: function(olLonLat) {
var moLatLng = null;
if (olLonLat != null) {
moLatLng = this.getMapObjectLonLatFromLonLat(olLonLat.lon,;
return moLatLng;
// TRANSLATION: MapObject Pixel <-> OpenLayers.Pixel
* Method: getOLPixelFromMapObjectPixel
* Get an OL pixel location from a 3rd party pixel location.
* Parameters:
* moPixel - {Object}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} An OpenLayers.Pixel, translated from the passed in
* MapObject Pixel
* Returns null if null value is passed in
getOLPixelFromMapObjectPixel: function(moPixel) {
var olPixel = null;
if (moPixel != null) {
var x = this.getXFromMapObjectPixel(moPixel);
var y = this.getYFromMapObjectPixel(moPixel);
olPixel = new OpenLayers.Pixel(x, y);
return olPixel;
* Method: getMapObjectPixelFromOLPixel
* Get a 3rd party pixel location from an OL pixel location
* Parameters:
* olPixel - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
* Returns:
* {Object} A MapObject Pixel, translated from the passed in
* OpenLayers.Pixel
* Returns null if null value is passed in
getMapObjectPixelFromOLPixel: function(olPixel) {
var moPixel = null;
if (olPixel != null) {
moPixel = this.getMapObjectPixelFromXY(olPixel.x, olPixel.y);
return moPixel;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.EventPane"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Layer.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Layer.FixedZoomLevels
* Some Layers will already have established zoom levels (like google
* or ve). Instead of trying to determine them and populate a resolutions[]
* Array with those values, we will hijack the resolution functionality
* here.
* When you subclass FixedZoomLevels:
* The initResolutions() call gets nullified, meaning no resolutions[] array
* is set up. Which would be a big problem getResolution() in Layer, since
* it merely takes map.zoom and indexes into resolutions[]... but....
* The getResolution() call is also overridden. Instead of using the
* resolutions[] array, we simply calculate the current resolution based
* on the current extent and the current map size. But how will we be able
* to calculate the current extent without knowing the resolution...?
* The getExtent() function is also overridden. Instead of calculating extent
* based on the center point and the current resolution, we instead
* calculate the extent by getting the lonlats at the top-left and
* bottom-right by using the getLonLatFromViewPortPx() translation function,
* taken from the pixel locations (0,0) and the size of the map. But how
* will we be able to do lonlat-px translation without resolution....?
* The getZoomForResolution() method is overridden. Instead of indexing into
* the resolutions[] array, we call OpenLayers.Layer.getExent(), passing in
* the desired resolution. With this extent, we then call getZoomForExtent()
* Whenever you implement a layer using OpenLayers.Layer.FixedZoomLevels,
* it is your responsibility to provide the following three functions:
* - getLonLatFromViewPortPx
* - getViewPortPxFromLonLat
* - getZoomForExtent
* ...those three functions should generally be provided by any reasonable
* API that you might be working from.
OpenLayers.Layer.FixedZoomLevels = OpenLayers.Class({
/* */
/* Baselayer Functions */
/* */
/* The following functions must all be implemented */
/* by all base layers */
/* */
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.FixedZoomLevels
* Create a new fixed zoom levels layer.
initialize: function() {
//this class is only just to add the following functions...
// nothing to actually do here... but it is probably a good
// idea to have layers that use these functions call this
// inititalize() anyways, in case at some point we decide we
// do want to put some functionality or state in here.
* Method: initResolutions
* Populate the resolutions array
initResolutions: function() {
var props = ['minZoomLevel', 'maxZoomLevel', 'numZoomLevels'];
for(var i=0, len=props.length; i<len; i++) {
var property = props[i];
this[property] = (this.options[property] != null)
? this.options[property]
if ( (this.minZoomLevel == null) ||
(this.minZoomLevel < this.MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL) ){
this.minZoomLevel = this.MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL;
// At this point, we know what the minimum desired zoom level is, and
// we must calculate the total number of zoom levels.
// Because we allow for the setting of either the 'numZoomLevels'
// or the 'maxZoomLevel' properties... on either the layer or the
// map, we have to define some rules to see which we take into
// account first in this calculation.
// The following is the precedence list for these properties:
// (1) numZoomLevels set on layer
// (2) maxZoomLevel set on layer
// (3) numZoomLevels set on map
// (4) maxZoomLevel set on map*
// (5) none of the above*
// *Note that options (4) and (5) are only possible if the user
// _explicitly_ sets the 'numZoomLevels' property on the map to
// null, since it is set by default to 16.
// Note to future: In 3.0, I think we should remove the default
// value of 16 for map.numZoomLevels. Rather, I think that value
// should be set as a default on the Layer.WMS class. If someone
// creates a 3rd party layer and does not specify any 'minZoomLevel',
// 'maxZoomLevel', or 'numZoomLevels', and has not explicitly
// specified any of those on the map object either.. then I think
// it is fair to say that s/he wants all the zoom levels available.
// By making map.numZoomLevels *null* by default, that will be the
// case. As it is, I don't feel comfortable changing that right now
// as it would be a glaring API change and actually would probably
// break many peoples' codes.
//the number of zoom levels we'd like to have.
var desiredZoomLevels;
//this is the maximum number of zoom levels the layer will allow,
// given the specified starting minimum zoom level.
var limitZoomLevels = this.MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL - this.minZoomLevel + 1;
if ( ((this.options.numZoomLevels == null) &&
(this.options.maxZoomLevel != null)) // (2)
((this.numZoomLevels == null) &&
(this.maxZoomLevel != null)) // (4)
) {
//calculate based on specified maxZoomLevel (on layer or map)
desiredZoomLevels = this.maxZoomLevel - this.minZoomLevel + 1;
} else {
//calculate based on specified numZoomLevels (on layer or map)
// this covers cases (1) and (3)
desiredZoomLevels = this.numZoomLevels;
if (desiredZoomLevels != null) {
//Now that we know what we would *like* the number of zoom levels
// to be, based on layer or map options, we have to make sure that
// it does not conflict with the actual limit, as specified by
// the constants on the layer itself (and calculated into the
// 'limitZoomLevels' variable).
this.numZoomLevels = Math.min(desiredZoomLevels, limitZoomLevels);
} else {
// case (5) -- neither 'numZoomLevels' not 'maxZoomLevel' was
// set on either the layer or the map. So we just use the
// maximum limit as calculated by the layer's constants.
this.numZoomLevels = limitZoomLevels;
//now that the 'numZoomLevels' is appropriately, safely set,
// we go back and re-calculate the 'maxZoomLevel'.
this.maxZoomLevel = this.minZoomLevel + this.numZoomLevels - 1;
if (this.RESOLUTIONS != null) {
var resolutionsIndex = 0;
this.resolutions = [];
for(var i= this.minZoomLevel; i <= this.maxZoomLevel; i++) {
this.resolutions[resolutionsIndex++] = this.RESOLUTIONS[i];
this.maxResolution = this.resolutions[0];
this.minResolution = this.resolutions[this.resolutions.length - 1];
* APIMethod: getResolution
* Get the current map resolution
* Returns:
* {Float} Map units per Pixel
getResolution: function() {
if (this.resolutions != null) {
return OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.getResolution.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
var resolution = null;
var viewSize =;
var extent = this.getExtent();
if ((viewSize != null) && (extent != null)) {
resolution = Math.max( extent.getWidth() / viewSize.w,
extent.getHeight() / viewSize.h );
return resolution;
* APIMethod: getExtent
* Calculates using px-> lonlat translation functions on tl and br
* corners of viewport
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} A Bounds object which represents the lon/lat
* bounds of the current viewPort.
getExtent: function () {
var size =;
var tl = this.getLonLatFromViewPortPx({
x: 0, y: 0
var br = this.getLonLatFromViewPortPx({
x: size.w, y: size.h
if ((tl != null) && (br != null)) {
return new OpenLayers.Bounds(tl.lon,, br.lon,;
} else {
return null;
* Method: getZoomForResolution
* Get the zoom level for a given resolution
* Parameters:
* resolution - {Float}
* Returns:
* {Integer} A suitable zoom level for the specified resolution.
* If no baselayer is set, returns null.
getZoomForResolution: function(resolution) {
if (this.resolutions != null) {
return OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.getZoomForResolution.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
var extent = OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.getExtent.apply(this, []);
return this.getZoomForExtent(extent);
/* */
/* Translation Functions */
/* */
/* The following functions translate GMaps and OL */
/* formats for Pixel, LonLat, Bounds, and Zoom */
/* */
// TRANSLATION: MapObject Zoom <-> OpenLayers Zoom
* Method: getOLZoomFromMapObjectZoom
* Get the OL zoom index from the map object zoom level
* Parameters:
* moZoom - {Integer}
* Returns:
* {Integer} An OpenLayers Zoom level, translated from the passed in zoom
* Returns null if null value is passed in
getOLZoomFromMapObjectZoom: function(moZoom) {
var zoom = null;
if (moZoom != null) {
zoom = moZoom - this.minZoomLevel;
if ( !== this) {
zoom =
return zoom;
* Method: getMapObjectZoomFromOLZoom
* Get the map object zoom level from the OL zoom level
* Parameters:
* olZoom - {Integer}
* Returns:
* {Integer} A MapObject level, translated from the passed in olZoom
* Returns null if null value is passed in
getMapObjectZoomFromOLZoom: function(olZoom) {
var zoom = null;
if (olZoom != null) {
zoom = olZoom + this.minZoomLevel;
if ( !== this) {
zoom = this.getZoomForResolution(
return zoom;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.FixedZoomLevels"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Layer/SphericalMercator.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Layer/EventPane.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Layer/FixedZoomLevels.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Lang.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Layer.Google
* Provides a wrapper for Google's Maps API
* Normally the Terms of Use for this API do not allow wrapping, but Google
* have provided written consent to OpenLayers for this - see email in
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Layer.SphericalMercator>
* - <OpenLayers.Layer.EventPane>
* - <OpenLayers.Layer.FixedZoomLevels>
OpenLayers.Layer.Google = OpenLayers.Class(
OpenLayers.Layer.FixedZoomLevels, {
* Constant: MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL
* {Integer} 0
* Constant: MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL
* {Integer} 21
* {Array(Float)} Hardcode these resolutions so that they are more closely
* tied with the standard wms projection
* APIProperty: type
* {GMapType}
type: null,
* APIProperty: wrapDateLine
* {Boolean} Allow user to pan forever east/west. Default is true.
* Setting this to false only restricts panning if
* <sphericalMercator> is true.
wrapDateLine: true,
* APIProperty: sphericalMercator
* {Boolean} Should the map act as a mercator-projected map? This will
* cause all interactions with the map to be in the actual map
* projection, which allows support for vector drawing, overlaying
* other maps, etc.
sphericalMercator: false,
* Property: version
* {Number} The version of the Google Maps API
version: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.Google
* Parameters:
* name - {String} A name for the layer.
* options - {Object} An optional object whose properties will be set
* on the layer.
initialize: function(name, options) {
options = options || {};
if(!options.version) {
options.version = typeof GMap2 === "function" ? "2" : "3";
var mixin = OpenLayers.Layer.Google["v" +
options.version.replace(/\./g, "_")];
if (mixin) {
OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(options, mixin);
} else {
throw "Unsupported Google Maps API version: " + options.version;
OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(options, mixin.DEFAULTS);
if (options.maxExtent) {
options.maxExtent = options.maxExtent.clone();
[name, options]);
[name, options]);
if (this.sphericalMercator) {
OpenLayers.Util.extend(this, OpenLayers.Layer.SphericalMercator);
* Method: clone
* Create a clone of this layer
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Layer.Google>} An exact clone of this layer
clone: function() {
* This method isn't intended to be called by a subclass and it
* doesn't call the same method on the superclass. We don't call
* the super's clone because we don't want properties that are set
* on this layer after initialize (i.e. this.mapObject etc.).
return new OpenLayers.Layer.Google(, this.getOptions()
* APIMethod: setVisibility
* Set the visibility flag for the layer and hide/show & redraw
* accordingly. Fire event unless otherwise specified
* Note that visibility is no longer simply whether or not the layer's
* style.display is set to "block". Now we store a 'visibility' state
* property on the layer class, this allows us to remember whether or
* not we *desire* for a layer to be visible. In the case where the
* map's resolution is out of the layer's range, this desire may be
* subverted.
* Parameters:
* visible - {Boolean} Display the layer (if in range)
setVisibility: function(visible) {
// sharing a map container, opacity has to be set per layer
var opacity = this.opacity == null ? 1 : this.opacity;
OpenLayers.Layer.EventPane.prototype.setVisibility.apply(this, arguments);
* APIMethod: display
* Hide or show the Layer
* Parameters:
* visible - {Boolean}
display: function(visible) {
if (!this._dragging) {
OpenLayers.Layer.EventPane.prototype.display.apply(this, arguments);
* Method: moveTo
* Parameters:
* bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
* zoomChanged - {Boolean} Tells when zoom has changed, as layers have to
* do some init work in that case.
* dragging - {Boolean}
moveTo: function(bounds, zoomChanged, dragging) {
this._dragging = dragging;
OpenLayers.Layer.EventPane.prototype.moveTo.apply(this, arguments);
delete this._dragging;
* APIMethod: setOpacity
* Sets the opacity for the entire layer (all images)
* Parameters:
* opacity - {Float}
setOpacity: function(opacity) {
if (opacity !== this.opacity) {
if ( != null) {"changelayer", {
layer: this,
property: "opacity"
this.opacity = opacity;
// Though this layer's opacity may not change, we're sharing a container
// and need to update the opacity for the entire container.
if (this.getVisibility()) {
var container = this.getMapContainer();
container, null, null, null, null, null, null, opacity
* APIMethod: destroy
* Clean up this layer.
destroy: function() {
* We have to override this method because the event pane destroy
* deletes the mapObject reference before removing this layer from
* the map.
if ( {
var cache = OpenLayers.Layer.Google.cache[];
if (cache && cache.count <= 1) {
OpenLayers.Layer.EventPane.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
* Method: removeGMapElements
* Remove all elements added to the dom. This should only be called if
* this is the last of the Google layers for the given map.
removeGMapElements: function() {
var cache = OpenLayers.Layer.Google.cache[];
if (cache) {
// remove shared elements from dom
var container = this.mapObject && this.getMapContainer();
if (container && container.parentNode) {
var termsOfUse = cache.termsOfUse;
if (termsOfUse && termsOfUse.parentNode) {
var poweredBy = cache.poweredBy;
if (poweredBy && poweredBy.parentNode) {
if (this.mapObject && && google.maps &&
google.maps.event && google.maps.event.clearListeners) {
google.maps.event.clearListeners(this.mapObject, 'tilesloaded');
* APIMethod: removeMap
* On being removed from the map, also remove termsOfUse and poweredBy divs
* Parameters:
* map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
removeMap: function(map) {
// hide layer before removing
if (this.visibility && this.mapObject) {
// check to see if last Google layer in this map
var cache = OpenLayers.Layer.Google.cache[];
if (cache) {
if (cache.count <= 1) {
delete OpenLayers.Layer.Google.cache[];
} else {
// decrement the layer count
// remove references to gmap elements
delete this.termsOfUse;
delete this.poweredBy;
delete this.mapObject;
delete this.dragObject;
OpenLayers.Layer.EventPane.prototype.removeMap.apply(this, arguments);
// TRANSLATION: MapObject Bounds <-> OpenLayers.Bounds
* APIMethod: getOLBoundsFromMapObjectBounds
* Parameters:
* moBounds - {Object}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} An <OpenLayers.Bounds>, translated from the
* passed-in MapObject Bounds.
* Returns null if null value is passed in.
getOLBoundsFromMapObjectBounds: function(moBounds) {
var olBounds = null;
if (moBounds != null) {
var sw = moBounds.getSouthWest();
var ne = moBounds.getNorthEast();
if (this.sphericalMercator) {
sw = this.forwardMercator(sw.lng(),;
ne = this.forwardMercator(ne.lng(),;
} else {
sw = new OpenLayers.LonLat(sw.lng(),;
ne = new OpenLayers.LonLat(ne.lng(),;
olBounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(sw.lon,,
ne.lon, );
return olBounds;
* APIMethod: getWarningHTML
* Returns:
* {String} String with information on why layer is broken, how to get
* it working.
getWarningHTML:function() {
return OpenLayers.i18n("googleWarning");
* *
* MapObject Interface Controls *
* *
// Get&Set Center, Zoom
* APIMethod: getMapObjectCenter
* Returns:
* {Object} The mapObject's current center in Map Object format
getMapObjectCenter: function() {
return this.mapObject.getCenter();
* APIMethod: getMapObjectZoom
* Returns:
* {Integer} The mapObject's current zoom, in Map Object format
getMapObjectZoom: function() {
return this.mapObject.getZoom();
* *
* MapObject Primitives *
* *
// LonLat
* APIMethod: getLongitudeFromMapObjectLonLat
* Parameters:
* moLonLat - {Object} MapObject LonLat format
* Returns:
* {Float} Longitude of the given MapObject LonLat
getLongitudeFromMapObjectLonLat: function(moLonLat) {
return this.sphericalMercator ?
this.forwardMercator(moLonLat.lng(), :
* APIMethod: getLatitudeFromMapObjectLonLat
* Parameters:
* moLonLat - {Object} MapObject LonLat format
* Returns:
* {Float} Latitude of the given MapObject LonLat
getLatitudeFromMapObjectLonLat: function(moLonLat) {
var lat = this.sphericalMercator ?
this.forwardMercator(moLonLat.lng(), :;
return lat;
// Pixel
* APIMethod: getXFromMapObjectPixel
* Parameters:
* moPixel - {Object} MapObject Pixel format
* Returns:
* {Integer} X value of the MapObject Pixel
getXFromMapObjectPixel: function(moPixel) {
return moPixel.x;
* APIMethod: getYFromMapObjectPixel
* Parameters:
* moPixel - {Object} MapObject Pixel format
* Returns:
* {Integer} Y value of the MapObject Pixel
getYFromMapObjectPixel: function(moPixel) {
return moPixel.y;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.Google"
* Property: OpenLayers.Layer.Google.cache
* {Object} Cache for elements that should only be created once per map.
OpenLayers.Layer.Google.cache = {};
* Constant: OpenLayers.Layer.Google.v2
* Mixin providing functionality specific to the Google Maps API v2.
* This API has been deprecated by Google.
* Developers are encouraged to migrate to v3 of the API; support for this
* is provided by <OpenLayers.Layer.Google.v3>
OpenLayers.Layer.Google.v2 = {
* Property: termsOfUse
* {DOMElement} Div for Google's copyright and terms of use link
termsOfUse: null,
* Property: poweredBy
* {DOMElement} Div for Google's powered by logo and link
poweredBy: null,
* Property: dragObject
* {GDraggableObject} Since 2.93, Google has exposed the ability to get
* the maps GDraggableObject. We can now use this for smooth panning
dragObject: null,
* Method: loadMapObject
* Load the GMap and register appropriate event listeners. If we can't
* load GMap2, then display a warning message.
loadMapObject:function() {
if (!this.type) {
this.type = G_NORMAL_MAP;
var mapObject, termsOfUse, poweredBy;
var cache = OpenLayers.Layer.Google.cache[];
if (cache) {
// there are already Google layers added to this map
mapObject = cache.mapObject;
termsOfUse = cache.termsOfUse;
poweredBy = cache.poweredBy;
// increment the layer count
} else {
// this is the first Google layer for this map
var container =;
var div = document.createElement("div"); = + "_GMap2Container"; = "absolute"; = "100%"; = "100%";
// create GMap and shuffle elements
try {
mapObject = new GMap2(div);
// move the ToS and branding stuff up to the container div
termsOfUse = div.lastChild;
container.appendChild(termsOfUse); = "1100"; = ""; = "";
termsOfUse.className = "olLayerGoogleCopyright";
poweredBy = div.lastChild;
container.appendChild(poweredBy); = "1100"; = ""; = "";
poweredBy.className = "olLayerGooglePoweredBy gmnoprint";
} catch (e) {
// cache elements for use by any other google layers added to
// this same map
OpenLayers.Layer.Google.cache[] = {
mapObject: mapObject,
termsOfUse: termsOfUse,
poweredBy: poweredBy,
count: 1
this.mapObject = mapObject;
this.termsOfUse = termsOfUse;
this.poweredBy = poweredBy;
// ensure this layer type is one of the mapObject types
if (OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(this.mapObject.getMapTypes(),
this.type) === -1) {
//since v 2.93 getDragObject is now available.
if(typeof mapObject.getDragObject == "function") {
this.dragObject = mapObject.getDragObject();
} else {
this.dragPanMapObject = null;
if(this.isBaseLayer === false) {
this.setGMapVisibility( !== "none");
* APIMethod: onMapResize
onMapResize: function() {
// workaround for resizing of invisible or not yet fully loaded layers
// where GMap2.checkResize() does not work. We need to load the GMap
// for the old div size, then checkResize(), and then call
// layer.moveTo() to trigger GMap.setCenter() (which will finish
// the GMap initialization).
if(this.visibility && this.mapObject.isLoaded()) {
} else {
if(!this._resized) {
var layer = this;
var handle = GEvent.addListener(this.mapObject, "load", function() {
delete layer._resized;
this._resized = true;
* Method: setGMapVisibility
* Display the GMap container and associated elements.
* Parameters:
* visible - {Boolean} Display the GMap elements.
setGMapVisibility: function(visible) {
var cache = OpenLayers.Layer.Google.cache[];
if (cache) {
var container = this.mapObject.getContainer();
if (visible === true) {
this.mapObject.setMapType(this.type); = ""; = ""; = ""; = "";
cache.displayed =;
} else {
if (cache.displayed === {
delete cache.displayed;
if (!cache.displayed) { = "none"; = "none";
// move ToU far to the left in addition to setting display
// to "none", because at the end of the GMap2 load
// sequence, display: none will be unset and ToU would be
// visible after loading a map with a google layer that is
// initially hidden. = "-9999px"; = "none";
* Method: getMapContainer
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} the GMap container's div
getMapContainer: function() {
return this.mapObject.getContainer();
// TRANSLATION: MapObject Bounds <-> OpenLayers.Bounds
* APIMethod: getMapObjectBoundsFromOLBounds
* Parameters:
* olBounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
* Returns:
* {Object} A MapObject Bounds, translated from olBounds
* Returns null if null value is passed in
getMapObjectBoundsFromOLBounds: function(olBounds) {
var moBounds = null;
if (olBounds != null) {
var sw = this.sphericalMercator ?
this.inverseMercator(olBounds.bottom, olBounds.left) :
new OpenLayers.LonLat(olBounds.bottom, olBounds.left);
var ne = this.sphericalMercator ?
this.inverseMercator(, olBounds.right) :
new OpenLayers.LonLat(, olBounds.right);
moBounds = new GLatLngBounds(new GLatLng(, sw.lon),
new GLatLng(, ne.lon));
return moBounds;
* *
* MapObject Interface Controls *
* *
// Get&Set Center, Zoom
* APIMethod: setMapObjectCenter
* Set the mapObject to the specified center and zoom
* Parameters:
* center - {Object} MapObject LonLat format
* zoom - {int} MapObject zoom format
setMapObjectCenter: function(center, zoom) {
this.mapObject.setCenter(center, zoom);
* APIMethod: dragPanMapObject
* Parameters:
* dX - {Integer}
* dY - {Integer}
dragPanMapObject: function(dX, dY) {
this.dragObject.moveBy(new GSize(-dX, dY));
// LonLat - Pixel Translation
* APIMethod: getMapObjectLonLatFromMapObjectPixel
* Parameters:
* moPixel - {Object} MapObject Pixel format
* Returns:
* {Object} MapObject LonLat translated from MapObject Pixel
getMapObjectLonLatFromMapObjectPixel: function(moPixel) {
return this.mapObject.fromContainerPixelToLatLng(moPixel);
* APIMethod: getMapObjectPixelFromMapObjectLonLat
* Parameters:
* moLonLat - {Object} MapObject LonLat format
* Returns:
* {Object} MapObject Pixel transtlated from MapObject LonLat
getMapObjectPixelFromMapObjectLonLat: function(moLonLat) {
return this.mapObject.fromLatLngToContainerPixel(moLonLat);
// Bounds
* APIMethod: getMapObjectZoomFromMapObjectBounds
* Parameters:
* moBounds - {Object} MapObject Bounds format
* Returns:
* {Object} MapObject Zoom for specified MapObject Bounds
getMapObjectZoomFromMapObjectBounds: function(moBounds) {
return this.mapObject.getBoundsZoomLevel(moBounds);
* *
* MapObject Primitives *
* *
// LonLat
* APIMethod: getMapObjectLonLatFromLonLat
* Parameters:
* lon - {Float}
* lat - {Float}
* Returns:
* {Object} MapObject LonLat built from lon and lat params
getMapObjectLonLatFromLonLat: function(lon, lat) {
var gLatLng;
if(this.sphericalMercator) {
var lonlat = this.inverseMercator(lon, lat);
gLatLng = new GLatLng(, lonlat.lon);
} else {
gLatLng = new GLatLng(lat, lon);
return gLatLng;
// Pixel
* APIMethod: getMapObjectPixelFromXY
* Parameters:
* x - {Integer}
* y - {Integer}
* Returns:
* {Object} MapObject Pixel from x and y parameters
getMapObjectPixelFromXY: function(x, y) {
return new GPoint(x, y);
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Geometry
* A Geometry is a description of a geographic object. Create an instance of
* this class with the <OpenLayers.Geometry> constructor. This is a base class,
* typical geometry types are described by subclasses of this class.
* Note that if you use the <OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT> method, you must
* explicitly include the OpenLayers.Format.WKT in your build.
OpenLayers.Geometry = OpenLayers.Class({
* Property: id
* {String} A unique identifier for this geometry.
id: null,
* Property: parent
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}This is set when a Geometry is added as component
* of another geometry
parent: null,
* Property: bounds
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} The bounds of this geometry
bounds: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Geometry
* Creates a geometry object.
initialize: function() { = OpenLayers.Util.createUniqueID(this.CLASS_NAME+ "_");
* Method: destroy
* Destroy this geometry.
destroy: function() { = null;
this.bounds = null;
* APIMethod: clone
* Create a clone of this geometry. Does not set any non-standard
* properties of the cloned geometry.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} An exact clone of this geometry.
clone: function() {
return new OpenLayers.Geometry();
* Method: setBounds
* Set the bounds for this Geometry.
* Parameters:
* bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
setBounds: function(bounds) {
if (bounds) {
this.bounds = bounds.clone();
* Method: clearBounds
* Nullify this components bounds and that of its parent as well.
clearBounds: function() {
this.bounds = null;
if (this.parent) {
* Method: extendBounds
* Extend the existing bounds to include the new bounds.
* If geometry's bounds is not yet set, then set a new Bounds.
* Parameters:
* newBounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
extendBounds: function(newBounds){
var bounds = this.getBounds();
if (!bounds) {
} else {
* APIMethod: getBounds
* Get the bounds for this Geometry. If bounds is not set, it
* is calculated again, this makes queries faster.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
getBounds: function() {
if (this.bounds == null) {
return this.bounds;
* APIMethod: calculateBounds
* Recalculate the bounds for the geometry.
calculateBounds: function() {
// This should be overridden by subclasses.
* APIMethod: distanceTo
* Calculate the closest distance between two geometries (on the x-y plane).
* Parameters:
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} The target geometry.
* options - {Object} Optional properties for configuring the distance
* calculation.
* Valid options depend on the specific geometry type.
* Returns:
* {Number | Object} The distance between this geometry and the target.
* If details is true, the return will be an object with distance,
* x0, y0, x1, and x2 properties. The x0 and y0 properties represent
* the coordinates of the closest point on this geometry. The x1 and y1
* properties represent the coordinates of the closest point on the
* target geometry.
distanceTo: function(geometry, options) {
* APIMethod: getVertices
* Return a list of all points in this geometry.
* Parameters:
* nodes - {Boolean} For lines, only return vertices that are
* endpoints. If false, for lines, only vertices that are not
* endpoints will be returned. If not provided, all vertices will
* be returned.
* Returns:
* {Array} A list of all vertices in the geometry.
getVertices: function(nodes) {
* Method: atPoint
* Note - This is only an approximation based on the bounds of the
* geometry.
* Parameters:
* lonlat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>|Object} OpenLayers.LonLat or an
* object with a 'lon' and 'lat' properties.
* toleranceLon - {float} Optional tolerance in Geometric Coords
* toleranceLat - {float} Optional tolerance in Geographic Coords
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Whether or not the geometry is at the specified location
atPoint: function(lonlat, toleranceLon, toleranceLat) {
var atPoint = false;
var bounds = this.getBounds();
if ((bounds != null) && (lonlat != null)) {
var dX = (toleranceLon != null) ? toleranceLon : 0;
var dY = (toleranceLat != null) ? toleranceLat : 0;
var toleranceBounds =
new OpenLayers.Bounds(this.bounds.left - dX,
this.bounds.bottom - dY,
this.bounds.right + dX, + dY);
atPoint = toleranceBounds.containsLonLat(lonlat);
return atPoint;
* Method: getLength
* Calculate the length of this geometry. This method is defined in
* subclasses.
* Returns:
* {Float} The length of the collection by summing its parts
getLength: function() {
//to be overridden by geometries that actually have a length
return 0.0;
* Method: getArea
* Calculate the area of this geometry. This method is defined in subclasses.
* Returns:
* {Float} The area of the collection by summing its parts
getArea: function() {
//to be overridden by geometries that actually have an area
return 0.0;
* APIMethod: getCentroid
* Calculate the centroid of this geometry. This method is defined in subclasses.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>} The centroid of the collection
getCentroid: function() {
return null;
* Method: toString
* Returns a text representation of the geometry. If the WKT format is
* included in a build, this will be the Well-Known Text
* representation.
* Returns:
* {String} String representation of this geometry.
toString: function() {
var string;
if (OpenLayers.Format && OpenLayers.Format.WKT) {
string = OpenLayers.Format.WKT.prototype.write(
new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(this)
} else {
string =;
return string;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Geometry"
* Function: OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT
* Generate a geometry given a Well-Known Text string. For this method to
* work, you must include the OpenLayers.Format.WKT in your build
* explicitly.
* Parameters:
* wkt - {String} A string representing the geometry in Well-Known Text.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} A geometry of the appropriate class.
OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT = function(wkt) {
var geom;
if (OpenLayers.Format && OpenLayers.Format.WKT) {
var format = OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT.format;
if (!format) {
format = new OpenLayers.Format.WKT();
OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT.format = format;
var result =;
if (result instanceof OpenLayers.Feature.Vector) {
geom = result.geometry;
} else if (OpenLayers.Util.isArray(result)) {
var len = result.length;
var components = new Array(len);
for (var i=0; i<len; ++i) {
components[i] = result[i].geometry;
geom = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection(components);
return geom;
* Method: OpenLayers.Geometry.segmentsIntersect
* Determine whether two line segments intersect. Optionally calculates
* and returns the intersection point. This function is optimized for
* cases where seg1.x2 >= seg2.x1 || seg2.x2 >= seg1.x1. In those
* obvious cases where there is no intersection, the function should
* not be called.
* Parameters:
* seg1 - {Object} Object representing a segment with properties x1, y1, x2,
* and y2. The start point is represented by x1 and y1. The end point
* is represented by x2 and y2. Start and end are ordered so that x1 < x2.
* seg2 - {Object} Object representing a segment with properties x1, y1, x2,
* and y2. The start point is represented by x1 and y1. The end point
* is represented by x2 and y2. Start and end are ordered so that x1 < x2.
* options - {Object} Optional properties for calculating the intersection.
* Valid options:
* point - {Boolean} Return the intersection point. If false, the actual
* intersection point will not be calculated. If true and the segments
* intersect, the intersection point will be returned. If true and
* the segments do not intersect, false will be returned. If true and
* the segments are coincident, true will be returned.
* tolerance - {Number} If a non-null value is provided, if the segments are
* within the tolerance distance, this will be considered an intersection.
* In addition, if the point option is true and the calculated intersection
* is within the tolerance distance of an end point, the endpoint will be
* returned instead of the calculated intersection. Further, if the
* intersection is within the tolerance of endpoints on both segments, or
* if two segment endpoints are within the tolerance distance of eachother
* (but no intersection is otherwise calculated), an endpoint on the
* first segment provided will be returned.
* Returns:
* {Boolean | <OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>} The two segments intersect.
* If the point argument is true, the return will be the intersection
* point or false if none exists. If point is true and the segments
* are coincident, return will be true (and the instersection is equal
* to the shorter segment).
OpenLayers.Geometry.segmentsIntersect = function(seg1, seg2, options) {
var point = options && options.point;
var tolerance = options && options.tolerance;
var intersection = false;
var x11_21 = seg1.x1 - seg2.x1;
var y11_21 = seg1.y1 - seg2.y1;
var x12_11 = seg1.x2 - seg1.x1;
var y12_11 = seg1.y2 - seg1.y1;
var y22_21 = seg2.y2 - seg2.y1;
var x22_21 = seg2.x2 - seg2.x1;
var d = (y22_21 * x12_11) - (x22_21 * y12_11);
var n1 = (x22_21 * y11_21) - (y22_21 * x11_21);
var n2 = (x12_11 * y11_21) - (y12_11 * x11_21);
if(d == 0) {
// parallel
if(n1 == 0 && n2 == 0) {
// coincident
intersection = true;
} else {
var along1 = n1 / d;
var along2 = n2 / d;
if(along1 >= 0 && along1 <= 1 && along2 >=0 && along2 <= 1) {
// intersect
if(!point) {
intersection = true;
} else {
// calculate the intersection point
var x = seg1.x1 + (along1 * x12_11);
var y = seg1.y1 + (along1 * y12_11);
intersection = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(x, y);
if(tolerance) {
var dist;
if(intersection) {
if(point) {
var segs = [seg1, seg2];
var seg, x, y;
// check segment endpoints for proximity to intersection
// set intersection to first endpoint within the tolerance
outer: for(var i=0; i<2; ++i) {
seg = segs[i];
for(var j=1; j<3; ++j) {
x = seg["x" + j];
y = seg["y" + j];
dist = Math.sqrt(
Math.pow(x - intersection.x, 2) +
Math.pow(y - intersection.y, 2)
if(dist < tolerance) {
intersection.x = x;
intersection.y = y;
break outer;
} else {
// no calculated intersection, but segments could be within
// the tolerance of one another
var segs = [seg1, seg2];
var source, target, x, y, p, result;
// check segment endpoints for proximity to intersection
// set intersection to first endpoint within the tolerance
outer: for(var i=0; i<2; ++i) {
source = segs[i];
target = segs[(i+1)%2];
for(var j=1; j<3; ++j) {
p = {x: source["x"+j], y: source["y"+j]};
result = OpenLayers.Geometry.distanceToSegment(p, target);
if(result.distance < tolerance) {
if(point) {
intersection = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(p.x, p.y);
} else {
intersection = true;
break outer;
return intersection;
* Function: OpenLayers.Geometry.distanceToSegment
* Parameters:
* point - {Object} An object with x and y properties representing the
* point coordinates.
* segment - {Object} An object with x1, y1, x2, and y2 properties
* representing endpoint coordinates.
* Returns:
* {Object} An object with distance, along, x, and y properties. The distance
* will be the shortest distance between the input point and segment.
* The x and y properties represent the coordinates along the segment
* where the shortest distance meets the segment. The along attribute
* describes how far between the two segment points the given point is.
OpenLayers.Geometry.distanceToSegment = function(point, segment) {
var result = OpenLayers.Geometry.distanceSquaredToSegment(point, segment);
result.distance = Math.sqrt(result.distance);
return result;
* Function: OpenLayers.Geometry.distanceSquaredToSegment
* Usually the distanceToSegment function should be used. This variant however
* can be used for comparisons where the exact distance is not important.
* Parameters:
* point - {Object} An object with x and y properties representing the
* point coordinates.
* segment - {Object} An object with x1, y1, x2, and y2 properties
* representing endpoint coordinates.
* Returns:
* {Object} An object with squared distance, along, x, and y properties.
* The distance will be the shortest distance between the input point and
* segment. The x and y properties represent the coordinates along the
* segment where the shortest distance meets the segment. The along
* attribute describes how far between the two segment points the given
* point is.
OpenLayers.Geometry.distanceSquaredToSegment = function(point, segment) {
var x0 = point.x;
var y0 = point.y;
var x1 = segment.x1;
var y1 = segment.y1;
var x2 = segment.x2;
var y2 = segment.y2;
var dx = x2 - x1;
var dy = y2 - y1;
var along = ((dx * (x0 - x1)) + (dy * (y0 - y1))) /
(Math.pow(dx, 2) + Math.pow(dy, 2));
var x, y;
if(along <= 0.0) {
x = x1;
y = y1;
} else if(along >= 1.0) {
x = x2;
y = y2;
} else {
x = x1 + along * dx;
y = y1 + along * dy;
return {
distance: Math.pow(x - x0, 2) + Math.pow(y - y0, 2),
x: x, y: y,
along: along
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Geometry.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection
* A Collection is exactly what it sounds like: A collection of different
* Geometries. These are stored in the local parameter <components> (which
* can be passed as a parameter to the constructor).
* As new geometries are added to the collection, they are NOT cloned.
* When removing geometries, they need to be specified by reference (ie you
* have to pass in the *exact* geometry to be removed).
* The <getArea> and <getLength> functions here merely iterate through
* the components, summing their respective areas and lengths.
* Create a new instance with the <OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection> constructor.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Geometry>
OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Geometry, {
* APIProperty: components
* {Array(<OpenLayers.Geometry>)} The component parts of this geometry
components: null,
* Property: componentTypes
* {Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of
* components that the collection can include. A null value means the
* component types are not restricted.
componentTypes: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection
* Creates a Geometry Collection -- a list of geoms.
* Parameters:
* components - {Array(<OpenLayers.Geometry>)} Optional array of geometries
initialize: function (components) {
OpenLayers.Geometry.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
this.components = [];
if (components != null) {
* APIMethod: destroy
* Destroy this geometry.
destroy: function () {
this.components.length = 0;
this.components = null;
OpenLayers.Geometry.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
* APIMethod: clone
* Clone this geometry.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection>} An exact clone of this collection
clone: function() {
var geometry = eval("new " + this.CLASS_NAME + "()");
for(var i=0, len=this.components.length; i<len; i++) {
// catch any randomly tagged-on properties
OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(geometry, this);
return geometry;
* Method: getComponentsString
* Get a string representing the components for this collection
* Returns:
* {String} A string representation of the components of this geometry
getComponentsString: function(){
var strings = [];
for(var i=0, len=this.components.length; i<len; i++) {
return strings.join(",");
* APIMethod: calculateBounds
* Recalculate the bounds by iterating through the components and
* calling calling extendBounds() on each item.
calculateBounds: function() {
this.bounds = null;
var bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds();
var components = this.components;
if (components) {
for (var i=0, len=components.length; i<len; i++) {
// to preserve old behavior, we only set bounds if non-null
// in the future, we could add bounds.isEmpty()
if (bounds.left != null && bounds.bottom != null &&
bounds.right != null && != null) {
* APIMethod: addComponents
* Add components to this geometry.
* Parameters:
* components - {Array(<OpenLayers.Geometry>)} An array of geometries to add
addComponents: function(components){
if(!(OpenLayers.Util.isArray(components))) {
components = [components];
for(var i=0, len=components.length; i<len; i++) {
* Method: addComponent
* Add a new component (geometry) to the collection. If this.componentTypes
* is set, then the component class name must be in the componentTypes array.
* The bounds cache is reset.
* Parameters:
* component - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} A geometry to add
* index - {int} Optional index into the array to insert the component
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The component geometry was successfully added
addComponent: function(component, index) {
var added = false;
if(component) {
if(this.componentTypes == null ||
component.CLASS_NAME) > -1)) {
if(index != null && (index < this.components.length)) {
var components1 = this.components.slice(0, index);
var components2 = this.components.slice(index,
this.components = components1.concat(components2);
} else {
component.parent = this;
added = true;
return added;
* APIMethod: removeComponents
* Remove components from this geometry.
* Parameters:
* components - {Array(<OpenLayers.Geometry>)} The components to be removed
* Returns:
* {Boolean} A component was removed.
removeComponents: function(components) {
var removed = false;
if(!(OpenLayers.Util.isArray(components))) {
components = [components];
for(var i=components.length-1; i>=0; --i) {
removed = this.removeComponent(components[i]) || removed;
return removed;
* Method: removeComponent
* Remove a component from this geometry.
* Parameters:
* component - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The component was removed.
removeComponent: function(component) {
OpenLayers.Util.removeItem(this.components, component);
// clearBounds() so that it gets recalculated on the next call
// to this.getBounds();
return true;
* APIMethod: getLength
* Calculate the length of this geometry
* Returns:
* {Float} The length of the geometry
getLength: function() {
var length = 0.0;
for (var i=0, len=this.components.length; i<len; i++) {
length += this.components[i].getLength();
return length;
* APIMethod: getArea
* Calculate the area of this geometry. Note how this function is overridden
* in <OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon>.
* Returns:
* {Float} The area of the collection by summing its parts
getArea: function() {
var area = 0.0;
for (var i=0, len=this.components.length; i<len; i++) {
area += this.components[i].getArea();
return area;
* APIMethod: getGeodesicArea
* Calculate the approximate area of the polygon were it projected onto
* the earth.
* Parameters:
* projection - {<OpenLayers.Projection>} The spatial reference system
* for the geometry coordinates. If not provided, Geographic/WGS84 is
* assumed.
* Reference:
* Robert. G. Chamberlain and William H. Duquette, "Some Algorithms for
* Polygons on a Sphere", JPL Publication 07-03, Jet Propulsion
* Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, June 2007
* Returns:
* {float} The approximate geodesic area of the geometry in square meters.
getGeodesicArea: function(projection) {
var area = 0.0;
for(var i=0, len=this.components.length; i<len; i++) {
area += this.components[i].getGeodesicArea(projection);
return area;
* APIMethod: getCentroid
* Compute the centroid for this geometry collection.
* Parameters:
* weighted - {Boolean} Perform the getCentroid computation recursively,
* returning an area weighted average of all geometries in this collection.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>} The centroid of the collection
getCentroid: function(weighted) {
if (!weighted) {
return this.components.length && this.components[0].getCentroid();
var len = this.components.length;
if (!len) {
return false;
var areas = [];
var centroids = [];
var areaSum = 0;
var minArea = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var component;
for (var i=0; i<len; ++i) {
component = this.components[i];
var area = component.getArea();
var centroid = component.getCentroid(true);
if (isNaN(area) || isNaN(centroid.x) || isNaN(centroid.y)) {
areaSum += area;
minArea = (area < minArea && area > 0) ? area : minArea;
len = areas.length;
if (areaSum === 0) {
// all the components in this collection have 0 area
// probably a collection of points -- weight all the points the same
for (var i=0; i<len; ++i) {
areas[i] = 1;
areaSum = areas.length;
} else {
// normalize all the areas where the smallest area will get
// a value of 1
for (var i=0; i<len; ++i) {
areas[i] /= minArea;
areaSum /= minArea;
var xSum = 0, ySum = 0, centroid, area;
for (var i=0; i<len; ++i) {
centroid = centroids[i];
area = areas[i];
xSum += centroid.x * area;
ySum += centroid.y * area;
return new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(xSum/areaSum, ySum/areaSum);
* APIMethod: getGeodesicLength
* Calculate the approximate length of the geometry were it projected onto
* the earth.
* projection - {<OpenLayers.Projection>} The spatial reference system
* for the geometry coordinates. If not provided, Geographic/WGS84 is
* assumed.
* Returns:
* {Float} The appoximate geodesic length of the geometry in meters.
getGeodesicLength: function(projection) {
var length = 0.0;
for(var i=0, len=this.components.length; i<len; i++) {
length += this.components[i].getGeodesicLength(projection);
return length;
* APIMethod: move
* Moves a geometry by the given displacement along positive x and y axes.
* This modifies the position of the geometry and clears the cached
* bounds.
* Parameters:
* x - {Float} Distance to move geometry in positive x direction.
* y - {Float} Distance to move geometry in positive y direction.
move: function(x, y) {
for(var i=0, len=this.components.length; i<len; i++) {
this.components[i].move(x, y);
* APIMethod: rotate
* Rotate a geometry around some origin
* Parameters:
* angle - {Float} Rotation angle in degrees (measured counterclockwise
* from the positive x-axis)
* origin - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>} Center point for the rotation
rotate: function(angle, origin) {
for(var i=0, len=this.components.length; i<len; ++i) {
this.components[i].rotate(angle, origin);
* APIMethod: resize
* Resize a geometry relative to some origin. Use this method to apply
* a uniform scaling to a geometry.
* Parameters:
* scale - {Float} Factor by which to scale the geometry. A scale of 2
* doubles the size of the geometry in each dimension
* (lines, for example, will be twice as long, and polygons
* will have four times the area).
* origin - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>} Point of origin for resizing
* ratio - {Float} Optional x:y ratio for resizing. Default ratio is 1.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} - The current geometry.
resize: function(scale, origin, ratio) {
for(var i=0; i<this.components.length; ++i) {
this.components[i].resize(scale, origin, ratio);
return this;
* APIMethod: distanceTo
* Calculate the closest distance between two geometries (on the x-y plane).
* Parameters:
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} The target geometry.
* options - {Object} Optional properties for configuring the distance
* calculation.
* Valid options:
* details - {Boolean} Return details from the distance calculation.
* Default is false.
* edge - {Boolean} Calculate the distance from this geometry to the
* nearest edge of the target geometry. Default is true. If true,
* calling distanceTo from a geometry that is wholly contained within
* the target will result in a non-zero distance. If false, whenever
* geometries intersect, calling distanceTo will return 0. If false,
* details cannot be returned.
* Returns:
* {Number | Object} The distance between this geometry and the target.
* If details is true, the return will be an object with distance,
* x0, y0, x1, and y1 properties. The x0 and y0 properties represent
* the coordinates of the closest point on this geometry. The x1 and y1
* properties represent the coordinates of the closest point on the
* target geometry.
distanceTo: function(geometry, options) {
var edge = !(options && options.edge === false);
var details = edge && options && options.details;
var result, best, distance;
var min = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for(var i=0, len=this.components.length; i<len; ++i) {
result = this.components[i].distanceTo(geometry, options);
distance = details ? result.distance : result;
if(distance < min) {
min = distance;
best = result;
if(min == 0) {
return best;
* APIMethod: equals
* Determine whether another geometry is equivalent to this one. Geometries
* are considered equivalent if all components have the same coordinates.
* Parameters:
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} The geometry to test.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The supplied geometry is equivalent to this geometry.
equals: function(geometry) {
var equivalent = true;
if(!geometry || !geometry.CLASS_NAME ||
(this.CLASS_NAME != geometry.CLASS_NAME)) {
equivalent = false;
} else if(!(OpenLayers.Util.isArray(geometry.components)) ||
(geometry.components.length != this.components.length)) {
equivalent = false;
} else {
for(var i=0, len=this.components.length; i<len; ++i) {
if(!this.components[i].equals(geometry.components[i])) {
equivalent = false;
return equivalent;
* APIMethod: transform
* Reproject the components geometry from source to dest.
* Parameters:
* source - {<OpenLayers.Projection>}
* dest - {<OpenLayers.Projection>}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
transform: function(source, dest) {
if (source && dest) {
for (var i=0, len=this.components.length; i<len; i++) {
var component = this.components[i];
component.transform(source, dest);
this.bounds = null;
return this;
* APIMethod: intersects
* Determine if the input geometry intersects this one.
* Parameters:
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} Any type of geometry.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The input geometry intersects this one.
intersects: function(geometry) {
var intersect = false;
for(var i=0, len=this.components.length; i<len; ++ i) {
intersect = geometry.intersects(this.components[i]);
if(intersect) {
return intersect;
* APIMethod: getVertices
* Return a list of all points in this geometry.
* Parameters:
* nodes - {Boolean} For lines, only return vertices that are
* endpoints. If false, for lines, only vertices that are not
* endpoints will be returned. If not provided, all vertices will
* be returned.
* Returns:
* {Array} A list of all vertices in the geometry.
getVertices: function(nodes) {
var vertices = [];
for(var i=0, len=this.components.length; i<len; ++i) {
vertices, this.components[i].getVertices(nodes)
return vertices;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Geometry.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Geometry.Point
* Point geometry class.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Geometry>
OpenLayers.Geometry.Point = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Geometry, {
* APIProperty: x
* {float}
x: null,
* APIProperty: y
* {float}
y: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Geometry.Point
* Construct a point geometry.
* Parameters:
* x - {float}
* y - {float}
initialize: function(x, y) {
OpenLayers.Geometry.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
this.x = parseFloat(x);
this.y = parseFloat(y);
* APIMethod: clone
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>} An exact clone of this OpenLayers.Geometry.Point
clone: function(obj) {
if (obj == null) {
obj = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(this.x, this.y);
// catch any randomly tagged-on properties
OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(obj, this);
return obj;
* Method: calculateBounds
* Create a new Bounds based on the lon/lat
calculateBounds: function () {
this.bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(this.x, this.y,
this.x, this.y);
* APIMethod: distanceTo
* Calculate the closest distance between two geometries (on the x-y plane).
* Parameters:
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} The target geometry.
* options - {Object} Optional properties for configuring the distance
* calculation.
* Valid options:
* details - {Boolean} Return details from the distance calculation.
* Default is false.
* edge - {Boolean} Calculate the distance from this geometry to the
* nearest edge of the target geometry. Default is true. If true,
* calling distanceTo from a geometry that is wholly contained within
* the target will result in a non-zero distance. If false, whenever
* geometries intersect, calling distanceTo will return 0. If false,
* details cannot be returned.
* Returns:
* {Number | Object} The distance between this geometry and the target.
* If details is true, the return will be an object with distance,
* x0, y0, x1, and x2 properties. The x0 and y0 properties represent
* the coordinates of the closest point on this geometry. The x1 and y1
* properties represent the coordinates of the closest point on the
* target geometry.
distanceTo: function(geometry, options) {
var edge = !(options && options.edge === false);
var details = edge && options && options.details;
var distance, x0, y0, x1, y1, result;
if(geometry instanceof OpenLayers.Geometry.Point) {
x0 = this.x;
y0 = this.y;
x1 = geometry.x;
y1 = geometry.y;
distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x0 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y0 - y1, 2));
result = !details ?
distance : {x0: x0, y0: y0, x1: x1, y1: y1, distance: distance};
} else {
result = geometry.distanceTo(this, options);
if(details) {
// switch coord order since this geom is target
result = {
x0: result.x1, y0: result.y1,
x1: result.x0, y1: result.y0,
distance: result.distance
return result;
* APIMethod: equals
* Determine whether another geometry is equivalent to this one. Geometries
* are considered equivalent if all components have the same coordinates.
* Parameters:
* geom - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>} The geometry to test.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The supplied geometry is equivalent to this geometry.
equals: function(geom) {
var equals = false;
if (geom != null) {
equals = ((this.x == geom.x && this.y == geom.y) ||
(isNaN(this.x) && isNaN(this.y) && isNaN(geom.x) && isNaN(geom.y)));
return equals;
* Method: toShortString
* Returns:
* {String} Shortened String representation of Point object.
* (ex. <i>"5, 42"</i>)
toShortString: function() {
return (this.x + ", " + this.y);
* APIMethod: move
* Moves a geometry by the given displacement along positive x and y axes.
* This modifies the position of the geometry and clears the cached
* bounds.
* Parameters:
* x - {Float} Distance to move geometry in positive x direction.
* y - {Float} Distance to move geometry in positive y direction.
move: function(x, y) {
this.x = this.x + x;
this.y = this.y + y;
* APIMethod: rotate
* Rotate a point around another.
* Parameters:
* angle - {Float} Rotation angle in degrees (measured counterclockwise
* from the positive x-axis)
* origin - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>} Center point for the rotation
rotate: function(angle, origin) {
angle *= Math.PI / 180;
var radius = this.distanceTo(origin);
var theta = angle + Math.atan2(this.y - origin.y, this.x - origin.x);
this.x = origin.x + (radius * Math.cos(theta));
this.y = origin.y + (radius * Math.sin(theta));
* APIMethod: getCentroid
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>} The centroid of the collection
getCentroid: function() {
return new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(this.x, this.y);
* APIMethod: resize
* Resize a point relative to some origin. For points, this has the effect
* of scaling a vector (from the origin to the point). This method is
* more useful on geometry collection subclasses.
* Parameters:
* scale - {Float} Ratio of the new distance from the origin to the old
* distance from the origin. A scale of 2 doubles the
* distance between the point and origin.
* origin - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>} Point of origin for resizing
* ratio - {Float} Optional x:y ratio for resizing. Default ratio is 1.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} - The current geometry.
resize: function(scale, origin, ratio) {
ratio = (ratio == undefined) ? 1 : ratio;
this.x = origin.x + (scale * ratio * (this.x - origin.x));
this.y = origin.y + (scale * (this.y - origin.y));
return this;
* APIMethod: intersects
* Determine if the input geometry intersects this one.
* Parameters:
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} Any type of geometry.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The input geometry intersects this one.
intersects: function(geometry) {
var intersect = false;
if(geometry.CLASS_NAME == "OpenLayers.Geometry.Point") {
intersect = this.equals(geometry);
} else {
intersect = geometry.intersects(this);
return intersect;
* APIMethod: transform
* Translate the x,y properties of the point from source to dest.
* Parameters:
* source - {<OpenLayers.Projection>}
* dest - {<OpenLayers.Projection>}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
transform: function(source, dest) {
if ((source && dest)) {
this, source, dest);
this.bounds = null;
return this;
* APIMethod: getVertices
* Return a list of all points in this geometry.
* Parameters:
* nodes - {Boolean} For lines, only return vertices that are
* endpoints. If false, for lines, only vertices that are not
* endpoints will be returned. If not provided, all vertices will
* be returned.
* Returns:
* {Array} A list of all vertices in the geometry.
getVertices: function(nodes) {
return [this];
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Geometry.Point"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Geometry/Collection.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Geometry/Point.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPoint
* MultiPoint is a collection of Points. Create a new instance with the
* <OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPoint> constructor.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection>
* - <OpenLayers.Geometry>
OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPoint = OpenLayers.Class(
OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection, {
* Property: componentTypes
* {Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of
* components that the collection can include. A null value means the
* component types are not restricted.
componentTypes: ["OpenLayers.Geometry.Point"],
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPoint
* Create a new MultiPoint Geometry
* Parameters:
* components - {Array(<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>)}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPoint>}
* APIMethod: addPoint
* Wrapper for <OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection.addComponent>
* Parameters:
* point - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>} Point to be added
* index - {Integer} Optional index
addPoint: function(point, index) {
this.addComponent(point, index);
* APIMethod: removePoint
* Wrapper for <OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection.removeComponent>
* Parameters:
* point - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>} Point to be removed
removePoint: function(point){
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPoint"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Geometry/MultiPoint.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Geometry.Curve
* A Curve is a MultiPoint, whose points are assumed to be connected. To
* this end, we provide a "getLength()" function, which iterates through
* the points, summing the distances between them.
* Inherits:
* - <OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPoint>
OpenLayers.Geometry.Curve = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPoint, {
* Property: componentTypes
* {Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of
* components that the collection can include. A null
* value means the component types are not restricted.
componentTypes: ["OpenLayers.Geometry.Point"],
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Geometry.Curve
* Parameters:
* point - {Array(<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>)}
* APIMethod: getLength
* Returns:
* {Float} The length of the curve
getLength: function() {
var length = 0.0;
if ( this.components && (this.components.length > 1)) {
for(var i=1, len=this.components.length; i<len; i++) {
length += this.components[i-1].distanceTo(this.components[i]);
return length;
* APIMethod: getGeodesicLength
* Calculate the approximate length of the geometry were it projected onto
* the earth.
* projection - {<OpenLayers.Projection>} The spatial reference system
* for the geometry coordinates. If not provided, Geographic/WGS84 is
* assumed.
* Returns:
* {Float} The appoximate geodesic length of the geometry in meters.
getGeodesicLength: function(projection) {
var geom = this; // so we can work with a clone if needed
if(projection) {
var gg = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326");
if(!gg.equals(projection)) {
geom = this.clone().transform(projection, gg);
var length = 0.0;
if(geom.components && (geom.components.length > 1)) {
var p1, p2;
for(var i=1, len=geom.components.length; i<len; i++) {
p1 = geom.components[i-1];
p2 = geom.components[i];
// this returns km and requires lon/lat properties
length += OpenLayers.Util.distVincenty(
{lon: p1.x, lat: p1.y}, {lon: p2.x, lat: p2.y}
// convert to m
return length * 1000;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Geometry.Curve"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Geometry/Curve.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString
* A LineString is a Curve which, once two points have been added to it, can
* never be less than two points long.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Geometry.Curve>
OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Geometry.Curve, {
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString
* Create a new LineString geometry
* Parameters:
* points - {Array(<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>)} An array of points used to
* generate the linestring
* APIMethod: removeComponent
* Only allows removal of a point if there are three or more points in
* the linestring. (otherwise the result would be just a single point)
* Parameters:
* point - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>} The point to be removed
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The component was removed.
removeComponent: function(point) {
var removed = this.components && (this.components.length > 2);
if (removed) {
return removed;
* APIMethod: intersects
* Test for instersection between two geometries. This is a cheapo
* implementation of the Bently-Ottmann algorigithm. It doesn't
* really keep track of a sweep line data structure. It is closer
* to the brute force method, except that segments are sorted and
* potential intersections are only calculated when bounding boxes
* intersect.
* Parameters:
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The input geometry intersects this geometry.
intersects: function(geometry) {
var intersect = false;
var type = geometry.CLASS_NAME;
if(type == "OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString" ||
type == "OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing" ||
type == "OpenLayers.Geometry.Point") {
var segs1 = this.getSortedSegments();
var segs2;
if(type == "OpenLayers.Geometry.Point") {
segs2 = [{
x1: geometry.x, y1: geometry.y,
x2: geometry.x, y2: geometry.y
} else {
segs2 = geometry.getSortedSegments();
var seg1, seg1x1, seg1x2, seg1y1, seg1y2,
seg2, seg2y1, seg2y2;
// sweep right
outer: for(var i=0, len=segs1.length; i<len; ++i) {
seg1 = segs1[i];
seg1x1 = seg1.x1;
seg1x2 = seg1.x2;
seg1y1 = seg1.y1;
seg1y2 = seg1.y2;
inner: for(var j=0, jlen=segs2.length; j<jlen; ++j) {
seg2 = segs2[j];
if(seg2.x1 > seg1x2) {
// seg1 still left of seg2
if(seg2.x2 < seg1x1) {
// seg2 still left of seg1
seg2y1 = seg2.y1;
seg2y2 = seg2.y2;
if(Math.min(seg2y1, seg2y2) > Math.max(seg1y1, seg1y2)) {
// seg2 above seg1
if(Math.max(seg2y1, seg2y2) < Math.min(seg1y1, seg1y2)) {
// seg2 below seg1
if(OpenLayers.Geometry.segmentsIntersect(seg1, seg2)) {
intersect = true;
break outer;
} else {
intersect = geometry.intersects(this);
return intersect;
* Method: getSortedSegments
* Returns:
* {Array} An array of segment objects. Segment objects have properties
* x1, y1, x2, and y2. The start point is represented by x1 and y1.
* The end point is represented by x2 and y2. Start and end are
* ordered so that x1 < x2.
getSortedSegments: function() {
var numSeg = this.components.length - 1;
var segments = new Array(numSeg), point1, point2;
for(var i=0; i<numSeg; ++i) {
point1 = this.components[i];
point2 = this.components[i + 1];
if(point1.x < point2.x) {
segments[i] = {
x1: point1.x,
y1: point1.y,
x2: point2.x,
y2: point2.y
} else {
segments[i] = {
x1: point2.x,
y1: point2.y,
x2: point1.x,
y2: point1.y
// more efficient to define this somewhere static
function byX1(seg1, seg2) {
return seg1.x1 - seg2.x1;
return segments.sort(byX1);
* Method: splitWithSegment
* Split this geometry with the given segment.
* Parameters:
* seg - {Object} An object with x1, y1, x2, and y2 properties referencing
* segment endpoint coordinates.
* options - {Object} Properties of this object will be used to determine
* how the split is conducted.
* Valid options:
* edge - {Boolean} Allow splitting when only edges intersect. Default is
* true. If false, a vertex on the source segment must be within the
* tolerance distance of the intersection to be considered a split.
* tolerance - {Number} If a non-null value is provided, intersections
* within the tolerance distance of one of the source segment's
* endpoints will be assumed to occur at the endpoint.
* Returns:
* {Object} An object with *lines* and *points* properties. If the given
* segment intersects this linestring, the lines array will reference
* geometries that result from the split. The points array will contain
* all intersection points. Intersection points are sorted along the
* segment (in order from x1,y1 to x2,y2).
splitWithSegment: function(seg, options) {
var edge = !(options && options.edge === false);
var tolerance = options && options.tolerance;
var lines = [];
var verts = this.getVertices();
var points = [];
var intersections = [];
var split = false;
var vert1, vert2, point;
var node, vertex, target;
var interOptions = {point: true, tolerance: tolerance};
var result = null;
for(var i=0, stop=verts.length-2; i<=stop; ++i) {
vert1 = verts[i];
vert2 = verts[i+1];
target = {x1: vert1.x, y1: vert1.y, x2: vert2.x, y2: vert2.y};
point = OpenLayers.Geometry.segmentsIntersect(
seg, target, interOptions
if(point instanceof OpenLayers.Geometry.Point) {
if((point.x === seg.x1 && point.y === seg.y1) ||
(point.x === seg.x2 && point.y === seg.y2) ||
point.equals(vert1) || point.equals(vert2)) {
vertex = true;
} else {
vertex = false;
if(vertex || edge) {
// push intersections different than the previous
if(!point.equals(intersections[intersections.length-1])) {
if(i === 0) {
if(point.equals(vert1)) {
if(point.equals(vert2)) {
split = true;
if(!point.equals(vert1)) {
lines.push(new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString(points));
points = [point.clone()];
if(split) {
lines.push(new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString(points));
if(intersections.length > 0) {
// sort intersections along segment
var xDir = seg.x1 < seg.x2 ? 1 : -1;
var yDir = seg.y1 < seg.y2 ? 1 : -1;
result = {
lines: lines,
points: intersections.sort(function(p1, p2) {
return (xDir * p1.x - xDir * p2.x) || (yDir * p1.y - yDir * p2.y);
return result;
* Method: split
* Use this geometry (the source) to attempt to split a target geometry.
* Parameters:
* target - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} The target geometry.
* options - {Object} Properties of this object will be used to determine
* how the split is conducted.
* Valid options:
* mutual - {Boolean} Split the source geometry in addition to the target
* geometry. Default is false.
* edge - {Boolean} Allow splitting when only edges intersect. Default is
* true. If false, a vertex on the source must be within the tolerance
* distance of the intersection to be considered a split.
* tolerance - {Number} If a non-null value is provided, intersections
* within the tolerance distance of an existing vertex on the source
* will be assumed to occur at the vertex.
* Returns:
* {Array} A list of geometries (of this same type as the target) that
* result from splitting the target with the source geometry. The
* source and target geometry will remain unmodified. If no split
* results, null will be returned. If mutual is true and a split
* results, return will be an array of two arrays - the first will be
* all geometries that result from splitting the source geometry and
* the second will be all geometries that result from splitting the
* target geometry.
split: function(target, options) {
var results = null;
var mutual = options &&;
var sourceSplit, targetSplit, sourceParts, targetParts;
if(target instanceof OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString) {
var verts = this.getVertices();
var vert1, vert2, seg, splits, lines, point;
var points = [];
sourceParts = [];
for(var i=0, stop=verts.length-2; i<=stop; ++i) {
vert1 = verts[i];
vert2 = verts[i+1];
seg = {
x1: vert1.x, y1: vert1.y,
x2: vert2.x, y2: vert2.y
targetParts = targetParts || [target];
if(mutual) {
for(var j=0; j<targetParts.length; ++j) {
splits = targetParts[j].splitWithSegment(seg, options);
if(splits) {
// splice in new features
lines = splits.lines;
if(lines.length > 0) {
lines.unshift(j, 1);
Array.prototype.splice.apply(targetParts, lines);
j += lines.length - 2;
if(mutual) {
for(var k=0, len=splits.points.length; k<len; ++k) {
point = splits.points[k];
if(!point.equals(vert1)) {
sourceParts.push(new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString(points));
if(point.equals(vert2)) {
points = [];
} else {
points = [point.clone()];
if(mutual && sourceParts.length > 0 && points.length > 0) {
sourceParts.push(new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString(points));
} else {
results = target.splitWith(this, options);
if(targetParts && targetParts.length > 1) {
targetSplit = true;
} else {
targetParts = [];
if(sourceParts && sourceParts.length > 1) {
sourceSplit = true;
} else {
sourceParts = [];
if(targetSplit || sourceSplit) {
if(mutual) {
results = [sourceParts, targetParts];
} else {
results = targetParts;
return results;
* Method: splitWith
* Split this geometry (the target) with the given geometry (the source).
* Parameters:
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} A geometry used to split this
* geometry (the source).
* options - {Object} Properties of this object will be used to determine
* how the split is conducted.
* Valid options:
* mutual - {Boolean} Split the source geometry in addition to the target
* geometry. Default is false.
* edge - {Boolean} Allow splitting when only edges intersect. Default is
* true. If false, a vertex on the source must be within the tolerance
* distance of the intersection to be considered a split.
* tolerance - {Number} If a non-null value is provided, intersections
* within the tolerance distance of an existing vertex on the source
* will be assumed to occur at the vertex.
* Returns:
* {Array} A list of geometries (of this same type as the target) that
* result from splitting the target with the source geometry. The
* source and target geometry will remain unmodified. If no split
* results, null will be returned. If mutual is true and a split
* results, return will be an array of two arrays - the first will be
* all geometries that result from splitting the source geometry and
* the second will be all geometries that result from splitting the
* target geometry.
splitWith: function(geometry, options) {
return geometry.split(this, options);
* APIMethod: getVertices
* Return a list of all points in this geometry.
* Parameters:
* nodes - {Boolean} For lines, only return vertices that are
* endpoints. If false, for lines, only vertices that are not
* endpoints will be returned. If not provided, all vertices will
* be returned.
* Returns:
* {Array} A list of all vertices in the geometry.
getVertices: function(nodes) {
var vertices;
if(nodes === true) {
vertices = [
} else if (nodes === false) {
vertices = this.components.slice(1, this.components.length-1);
} else {
vertices = this.components.slice();
return vertices;
* APIMethod: distanceTo
* Calculate the closest distance between two geometries (on the x-y plane).
* Parameters:
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} The target geometry.
* options - {Object} Optional properties for configuring the distance
* calculation.
* Valid options:
* details - {Boolean} Return details from the distance calculation.
* Default is false.
* edge - {Boolean} Calculate the distance from this geometry to the
* nearest edge of the target geometry. Default is true. If true,
* calling distanceTo from a geometry that is wholly contained within
* the target will result in a non-zero distance. If false, whenever
* geometries intersect, calling distanceTo will return 0. If false,
* details cannot be returned.
* Returns:
* {Number | Object} The distance between this geometry and the target.
* If details is true, the return will be an object with distance,
* x0, y0, x1, and x2 properties. The x0 and y0 properties represent
* the coordinates of the closest point on this geometry. The x1 and y1
* properties represent the coordinates of the closest point on the
* target geometry.
distanceTo: function(geometry, options) {
var edge = !(options && options.edge === false);
var details = edge && options && options.details;
var result, best = {};
var min = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
if(geometry instanceof OpenLayers.Geometry.Point) {
var segs = this.getSortedSegments();
var x = geometry.x;
var y = geometry.y;
var seg;
for(var i=0, len=segs.length; i<len; ++i) {
seg = segs[i];
result = OpenLayers.Geometry.distanceToSegment(geometry, seg);
if(result.distance < min) {
min = result.distance;
best = result;
if(min === 0) {
} else {
// if distance increases and we cross y0 to the right of x0, no need to keep looking.
if(seg.x2 > x && ((y > seg.y1 && y < seg.y2) || (y < seg.y1 && y > seg.y2))) {
if(details) {
best = {
distance: best.distance,
x0: best.x, y0: best.y,
x1: x, y1: y
} else {
best = best.distance;
} else if(geometry instanceof OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString) {
var segs0 = this.getSortedSegments();
var segs1 = geometry.getSortedSegments();
var seg0, seg1, intersection, x0, y0;
var len1 = segs1.length;
var interOptions = {point: true};
outer: for(var i=0, len=segs0.length; i<len; ++i) {
seg0 = segs0[i];
x0 = seg0.x1;
y0 = seg0.y1;
for(var j=0; j<len1; ++j) {
seg1 = segs1[j];
intersection = OpenLayers.Geometry.segmentsIntersect(seg0, seg1, interOptions);
if(intersection) {
min = 0;
best = {
distance: 0,
x0: intersection.x, y0: intersection.y,
x1: intersection.x, y1: intersection.y
break outer;
} else {
result = OpenLayers.Geometry.distanceToSegment({x: x0, y: y0}, seg1);
if(result.distance < min) {
min = result.distance;
best = {
distance: min,
x0: x0, y0: y0,
x1: result.x, y1: result.y
if(!details) {
best = best.distance;
if(min !== 0) {
// check the final vertex in this line's sorted segments
if(seg0) {
result = geometry.distanceTo(
new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(seg0.x2, seg0.y2),
var dist = details ? result.distance : result;
if(dist < min) {
if(details) {
best = {
distance: min,
x0: result.x1, y0: result.y1,
x1: result.x0, y1: result.y0
} else {
best = dist;
} else {
best = geometry.distanceTo(this, options);
// swap since target comes from this line
if(details) {
best = {
distance: best.distance,
x0: best.x1, y0: best.y1,
x1: best.x0, y1: best.y0
return best;
* APIMethod: simplify
* This function will return a simplified LineString.
* Simplification is based on the Douglas-Peucker algorithm.
* Parameters:
* tolerance - {number} threshhold for simplification in map units
* Returns:
* {OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString} the simplified LineString
simplify: function(tolerance){
if (this && this !== null) {
var points = this.getVertices();
if (points.length < 3) {
return this;
var compareNumbers = function(a, b){
return (a-b);
* Private function doing the Douglas-Peucker reduction
var douglasPeuckerReduction = function(points, firstPoint, lastPoint, tolerance){
var maxDistance = 0;
var indexFarthest = 0;
for (var index = firstPoint, distance; index < lastPoint; index++) {
distance = perpendicularDistance(points[firstPoint], points[lastPoint], points[index]);
if (distance > maxDistance) {
maxDistance = distance;
indexFarthest = index;
if (maxDistance > tolerance && indexFarthest != firstPoint) {
//Add the largest point that exceeds the tolerance
douglasPeuckerReduction(points, firstPoint, indexFarthest, tolerance);
douglasPeuckerReduction(points, indexFarthest, lastPoint, tolerance);
* Private function calculating the perpendicular distance
* TODO: check whether OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString::distanceTo() is faster or slower
var perpendicularDistance = function(point1, point2, point){
//Area = |(1/2)(x1y2 + x2y3 + x3y1 - x2y1 - x3y2 - x1y3)| *Area of triangle
//Base = v((x1-x2)²+(x1-x2)²) *Base of Triangle*
//Area = .5*Base*H *Solve for height
//Height = Area/.5/Base
var area = Math.abs(0.5 * (point1.x * point2.y + point2.x * point.y + point.x * point1.y - point2.x * point1.y - point.x * point2.y - point1.x * point.y));
var bottom = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(point1.x - point2.x, 2) + Math.pow(point1.y - point2.y, 2));
var height = area / bottom * 2;
return height;
var firstPoint = 0;
var lastPoint = points.length - 1;
var pointIndexsToKeep = [];
//Add the first and last index to the keepers
//The first and the last point cannot be the same
while (points[firstPoint].equals(points[lastPoint])) {
//Addition: the first point not equal to first point in the LineString is kept as well
douglasPeuckerReduction(points, firstPoint, lastPoint, tolerance);
var returnPoints = [];
for (var index = 0; index < pointIndexsToKeep.length; index++) {
return new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString(returnPoints);
else {
return this;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Geometry/LineString.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing
* A Linear Ring is a special LineString which is closed. It closes itself
* automatically on every addPoint/removePoint by adding a copy of the first
* point as the last point.
* Also, as it is the first in the line family to close itself, a getArea()
* function is defined to calculate the enclosed area of the linearRing
* Inherits:
* - <OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString>
OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing = OpenLayers.Class(
OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString, {
* Property: componentTypes
* {Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of
* components that the collection can include. A null
* value means the component types are not restricted.
componentTypes: ["OpenLayers.Geometry.Point"],
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing
* Linear rings are constructed with an array of points. This array
* can represent a closed or open ring. If the ring is open (the last
* point does not equal the first point), the constructor will close
* the ring. If the ring is already closed (the last point does equal
* the first point), it will be left closed.
* Parameters:
* points - {Array(<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>)} points
* APIMethod: addComponent
* Adds a point to geometry components. If the point is to be added to
* the end of the components array and it is the same as the last point
* already in that array, the duplicate point is not added. This has
* the effect of closing the ring if it is not already closed, and
* doing the right thing if it is already closed. This behavior can
* be overridden by calling the method with a non-null index as the
* second argument.
* Parameters:
* point - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>}
* index - {Integer} Index into the array to insert the component
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Was the Point successfully added?
addComponent: function(point, index) {
var added = false;
//remove last point
var lastPoint = this.components.pop();
// given an index, add the point
// without an index only add non-duplicate points
if(index != null || !point.equals(lastPoint)) {
added = OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection.prototype.addComponent.apply(this,
//append copy of first point
var firstPoint = this.components[0];
return added;
* APIMethod: removeComponent
* Removes a point from geometry components.
* Parameters:
* point - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The component was removed.
removeComponent: function(point) {
var removed = this.components && (this.components.length > 3);
if (removed) {
//remove last point
//remove our point
//append copy of first point
var firstPoint = this.components[0];
return removed;
* APIMethod: move
* Moves a geometry by the given displacement along positive x and y axes.
* This modifies the position of the geometry and clears the cached
* bounds.
* Parameters:
* x - {Float} Distance to move geometry in positive x direction.
* y - {Float} Distance to move geometry in positive y direction.
move: function(x, y) {
for(var i = 0, len=this.components.length; i<len - 1; i++) {
this.components[i].move(x, y);
* APIMethod: rotate
* Rotate a geometry around some origin
* Parameters:
* angle - {Float} Rotation angle in degrees (measured counterclockwise
* from the positive x-axis)
* origin - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>} Center point for the rotation
rotate: function(angle, origin) {
for(var i=0, len=this.components.length; i<len - 1; ++i) {
this.components[i].rotate(angle, origin);
* APIMethod: resize
* Resize a geometry relative to some origin. Use this method to apply
* a uniform scaling to a geometry.
* Parameters:
* scale - {Float} Factor by which to scale the geometry. A scale of 2
* doubles the size of the geometry in each dimension
* (lines, for example, will be twice as long, and polygons
* will have four times the area).
* origin - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>} Point of origin for resizing
* ratio - {Float} Optional x:y ratio for resizing. Default ratio is 1.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} - The current geometry.
resize: function(scale, origin, ratio) {
for(var i=0, len=this.components.length; i<len - 1; ++i) {
this.components[i].resize(scale, origin, ratio);
return this;
* APIMethod: transform
* Reproject the components geometry from source to dest.
* Parameters:
* source - {<OpenLayers.Projection>}
* dest - {<OpenLayers.Projection>}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
transform: function(source, dest) {
if (source && dest) {
for (var i=0, len=this.components.length; i<len - 1; i++) {
var component = this.components[i];
component.transform(source, dest);
this.bounds = null;
return this;
* APIMethod: getCentroid
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>} The centroid of the collection
getCentroid: function() {
if (this.components) {
var len = this.components.length;
if (len > 0 && len <= 2) {
return this.components[0].clone();
} else if (len > 2) {
var sumX = 0.0;
var sumY = 0.0;
var x0 = this.components[0].x;
var y0 = this.components[0].y;
var area = -1 * this.getArea();
if (area != 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
var b = this.components[i];
var c = this.components[i+1];
sumX += (b.x + c.x - 2 * x0) * ((b.x - x0) * (c.y - y0) - (c.x - x0) * (b.y - y0));
sumY += (b.y + c.y - 2 * y0) * ((b.x - x0) * (c.y - y0) - (c.x - x0) * (b.y - y0));
var x = x0 + sumX / (6 * area);
var y = y0 + sumY / (6 * area);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
sumX += this.components[i].x;
sumY += this.components[i].y;
var x = sumX / (len - 1);
var y = sumY / (len - 1);
return new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(x, y);
} else {
return null;
* APIMethod: getArea
* Note - The area is positive if the ring is oriented CW, otherwise
* it will be negative.
* Returns:
* {Float} The signed area for a ring.
getArea: function() {
var area = 0.0;
if ( this.components && (this.components.length > 2)) {
var sum = 0.0;
for (var i=0, len=this.components.length; i<len - 1; i++) {
var b = this.components[i];
var c = this.components[i+1];
sum += (b.x + c.x) * (c.y - b.y);
area = - sum / 2.0;
return area;
* APIMethod: getGeodesicArea
* Calculate the approximate area of the polygon were it projected onto
* the earth. Note that this area will be positive if ring is oriented
* clockwise, otherwise it will be negative.
* Parameters:
* projection - {<OpenLayers.Projection>} The spatial reference system
* for the geometry coordinates. If not provided, Geographic/WGS84 is
* assumed.
* Reference:
* Robert. G. Chamberlain and William H. Duquette, "Some Algorithms for
* Polygons on a Sphere", JPL Publication 07-03, Jet Propulsion
* Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, June 2007
* Returns:
* {float} The approximate signed geodesic area of the polygon in square
* meters.
getGeodesicArea: function(projection) {
var ring = this; // so we can work with a clone if needed
if(projection) {
var gg = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326");
if(!gg.equals(projection)) {
ring = this.clone().transform(projection, gg);
var area = 0.0;
var len = ring.components && ring.components.length;
if(len > 2) {
var p1, p2;
for(var i=0; i<len-1; i++) {
p1 = ring.components[i];
p2 = ring.components[i+1];
area += OpenLayers.Util.rad(p2.x - p1.x) *
(2 + Math.sin(OpenLayers.Util.rad(p1.y)) +
area = area * 6378137.0 * 6378137.0 / 2.0;
return area;
* Method: containsPoint
* Test if a point is inside a linear ring. For the case where a point
* is coincident with a linear ring edge, returns 1. Otherwise,
* returns boolean.
* Parameters:
* point - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>}
* Returns:
* {Boolean | Number} The point is inside the linear ring. Returns 1 if
* the point is coincident with an edge. Returns boolean otherwise.
containsPoint: function(point) {
var approx = OpenLayers.Number.limitSigDigs;
var digs = 14;
var px = approx(point.x, digs);
var py = approx(point.y, digs);
function getX(y, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return (y - y2) * ((x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1)) + x2;
var numSeg = this.components.length - 1;
var start, end, x1, y1, x2, y2, cx, cy;
var crosses = 0;
for(var i=0; i<numSeg; ++i) {
start = this.components[i];
x1 = approx(start.x, digs);
y1 = approx(start.y, digs);
end = this.components[i + 1];
x2 = approx(end.x, digs);
y2 = approx(end.y, digs);
* The following conditions enforce five edge-crossing rules:
* 1. points coincident with edges are considered contained;
* 2. an upward edge includes its starting endpoint, and
* excludes its final endpoint;
* 3. a downward edge excludes its starting endpoint, and
* includes its final endpoint;
* 4. horizontal edges are excluded; and
* 5. the edge-ray intersection point must be strictly right
* of the point P.
if(y1 == y2) {
// horizontal edge
if(py == y1) {
// point on horizontal line
if(x1 <= x2 && (px >= x1 && px <= x2) || // right or vert
x1 >= x2 && (px <= x1 && px >= x2)) { // left or vert
// point on edge
crosses = -1;
// ignore other horizontal edges
cx = approx(getX(py, x1, y1, x2, y2), digs);
if(cx == px) {
// point on line
if(y1 < y2 && (py >= y1 && py <= y2) || // upward
y1 > y2 && (py <= y1 && py >= y2)) { // downward
// point on edge
crosses = -1;
if(cx <= px) {
// no crossing to the right
if(x1 != x2 && (cx < Math.min(x1, x2) || cx > Math.max(x1, x2))) {
// no crossing
if(y1 < y2 && (py >= y1 && py < y2) || // upward
y1 > y2 && (py < y1 && py >= y2)) { // downward
var contained = (crosses == -1) ?
// on edge
1 :
// even (out) or odd (in)
!!(crosses & 1);
return contained;
* APIMethod: intersects
* Determine if the input geometry intersects this one.
* Parameters:
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} Any type of geometry.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The input geometry intersects this one.
intersects: function(geometry) {
var intersect = false;
if(geometry.CLASS_NAME == "OpenLayers.Geometry.Point") {
intersect = this.containsPoint(geometry);
} else if(geometry.CLASS_NAME == "OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString") {
intersect = geometry.intersects(this);
} else if(geometry.CLASS_NAME == "OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing") {
intersect = OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString.prototype.intersects.apply(
this, [geometry]
} else {
// check for component intersections
for(var i=0, len=geometry.components.length; i<len; ++ i) {
intersect = geometry.components[i].intersects(this);
if(intersect) {
return intersect;
* APIMethod: getVertices
* Return a list of all points in this geometry.
* Parameters:
* nodes - {Boolean} For lines, only return vertices that are
* endpoints. If false, for lines, only vertices that are not
* endpoints will be returned. If not provided, all vertices will
* be returned.
* Returns:
* {Array} A list of all vertices in the geometry.
getVertices: function(nodes) {
return (nodes === true) ? [] : this.components.slice(0, this.components.length-1);
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Layer.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Layer>
OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer, {
* {Float} Used to hash URL param strings for multi-WMS server selection.
* Set to the Golden Ratio per Knuth's recommendation.
URL_HASH_FACTOR: (Math.sqrt(5) - 1) / 2,
* Property: url
* {Array(String) or String} This is either an array of url strings or
* a single url string.
url: null,
* Property: params
* {Object} Hashtable of key/value parameters
params: null,
* APIProperty: reproject
* *Deprecated*. See
* for information on the replacement for this functionality.
* {Boolean} Whether layer should reproject itself based on base layer
* locations. This allows reprojection onto commercial layers.
* Default is false: Most layers can't reproject, but layers
* which can create non-square geographic pixels can, like WMS.
reproject: false,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest
* Parameters:
* name - {String}
* url - {Array(String) or String}
* params - {Object}
* options - {Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer
initialize: function(name, url, params, options) {
OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [name, options]);
this.url = url;
if (!this.params) {
this.params = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, params);
* APIMethod: destroy
destroy: function() {
this.url = null;
this.params = null;
OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
* APIMethod: clone
* Parameters:
* obj - {Object}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest>} An exact clone of this
* <OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest>
clone: function (obj) {
if (obj == null) {
obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest(,
//get all additions from superclasses
obj = OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
// copy/set any non-init, non-simple values here
return obj;
* APIMethod: setUrl
* Parameters:
* newUrl - {String}
setUrl: function(newUrl) {
this.url = newUrl;
* APIMethod: mergeNewParams
* Parameters:
* newParams - {Object}
* Returns:
* redrawn: {Boolean} whether the layer was actually redrawn.
mergeNewParams:function(newParams) {
this.params = OpenLayers.Util.extend(this.params, newParams);
var ret = this.redraw();
if( != null) {"changelayer", {
layer: this,
property: "params"
return ret;
* APIMethod: redraw
* Redraws the layer. Returns true if the layer was redrawn, false if not.
* Parameters:
* force - {Boolean} Force redraw by adding random parameter.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The layer was redrawn.
redraw: function(force) {
if (force) {
return this.mergeNewParams({"_olSalt": Math.random()});
} else {
return OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.redraw.apply(this, []);
* Method: selectUrl
* selectUrl() implements the standard floating-point multiplicative
* hash function described by Knuth, and hashes the contents of the
* given param string into a float between 0 and 1. This float is then
* scaled to the size of the provided urls array, and used to select
* a URL.
* Parameters:
* paramString - {String}
* urls - {Array(String)}
* Returns:
* {String} An entry from the urls array, deterministically selected based
* on the paramString.
selectUrl: function(paramString, urls) {
var product = 1;
for (var i=0, len=paramString.length; i<len; i++) {
product *= paramString.charCodeAt(i) * this.URL_HASH_FACTOR;
product -= Math.floor(product);
return urls[Math.floor(product * urls.length)];
* Method: getFullRequestString
* Combine url with layer's params and these newParams.
* does checking on the serverPath variable, allowing for cases when it
* is supplied with trailing ? or &, as well as cases where not.
* return in formatted string like this:
* "server?key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3"
* WARNING: The altUrl parameter is deprecated and will be removed in 3.0.
* Parameters:
* newParams - {Object}
* altUrl - {String} Use this as the url instead of the layer's url
* Returns:
* {String}
getFullRequestString:function(newParams, altUrl) {
// if not altUrl passed in, use layer's url
var url = altUrl || this.url;
// create a new params hashtable with all the layer params and the
// new params together. then convert to string
var allParams = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, this.params);
allParams = OpenLayers.Util.extend(allParams, newParams);
var paramsString = OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString(allParams);
// if url is not a string, it should be an array of strings,
// in which case we will deterministically select one of them in
// order to evenly distribute requests to different urls.
if (OpenLayers.Util.isArray(url)) {
url = this.selectUrl(paramsString, url);
// ignore parameters that are already in the url search string
var urlParams =
for(var key in allParams) {
if(key.toUpperCase() in urlParams) {
delete allParams[key];
paramsString = OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString(allParams);
return OpenLayers.Util.urlAppend(url, paramsString);
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Util.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Tile
* This is a class designed to designate a single tile, however
* it is explicitly designed to do relatively little. Tiles store
* information about themselves -- such as the URL that they are related
* to, and their size - but do not add themselves to the layer div
* automatically, for example. Create a new tile with the
* <OpenLayers.Tile> constructor, or a subclass.
* TBD 3.0 - remove reference to url in above paragraph
OpenLayers.Tile = OpenLayers.Class({
* APIProperty: events
* {<OpenLayers.Events>} An events object that handles all
* events on the tile.
* Register a listener for a particular event with the following syntax:
* (code)
*, obj, listener);
* (end)
* Supported event types:
* beforedraw - Triggered before the tile is drawn. Used to defer
* drawing to an animation queue. To defer drawing, listeners need
* to return false, which will abort drawing. The queue handler needs
* to call <draw>(true) to actually draw the tile.
* loadstart - Triggered when tile loading starts.
* loadend - Triggered when tile loading ends.
* loaderror - Triggered before the loadend event (i.e. when the tile is
* still hidden) if the tile could not be loaded.
* reload - Triggered when an already loading tile is reloaded.
* unload - Triggered before a tile is unloaded.
events: null,
* APIProperty: eventListeners
* {Object} If set as an option at construction, the eventListeners
* object will be registered with <OpenLayers.Events.on>. Object
* structure must be a listeners object as shown in the example for
* the events.on method.
* This options can be set in the ``tileOptions`` option from
* <OpenLayers.Layer.Grid>. For example, to be notified of the
* ``loadend`` event of each tiles:
* (code)
* new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM('osm', '${z}/${x}/${y}.png', {
* tileOptions: {
* eventListeners: {
* 'loadend': function(evt) {
* // do something on loadend
* }
* }
* }
* });
* (end)
eventListeners: null,
* Property: id
* {String} null
id: null,
* Property: layer
* {<OpenLayers.Layer>} layer the tile is attached to
layer: null,
* Property: url
* {String} url of the request.
* TBD 3.0
* Deprecated. The base tile class does not need an url. This should be
* handled in subclasses. Does not belong here.
url: null,
* APIProperty: bounds
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} null
bounds: null,
* Property: size
* {<OpenLayers.Size>} null
size: null,
* Property: position
* {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} Top Left pixel of the tile
position: null,
* Property: isLoading
* {Boolean} Is the tile loading?
isLoading: false,
/** TBD 3.0 -- remove 'url' from the list of parameters to the constructor.
* there is no need for the base tile class to have a url.
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Tile
* Constructor for a new <OpenLayers.Tile> instance.
* Parameters:
* layer - {<OpenLayers.Layer>} layer that the tile will go in.
* position - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
* bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
* url - {<String>}
* size - {<OpenLayers.Size>}
* options - {Object}
initialize: function(layer, position, bounds, url, size, options) {
this.layer = layer;
this.position = position.clone();
this.url = url;
if (size) {
this.size = size.clone();
//give the tile a unique id based on its BBOX. = OpenLayers.Util.createUniqueID("Tile_");
OpenLayers.Util.extend(this, options); = new OpenLayers.Events(this);
if (this.eventListeners instanceof Object) {;
* Method: unload
* Call immediately before destroying if you are listening to tile
* events, so that counters are properly handled if tile is still
* loading at destroy-time. Will only fire an event if the tile is
* still loading.
unload: function() {
if (this.isLoading) {
this.isLoading = false;"unload");
* APIMethod: destroy
* Nullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaks.
destroy:function() {
this.layer = null;
this.bounds = null;
this.size = null;
this.position = null;
if (this.eventListeners) {;
this.eventListeners = null; = null;
* Method: draw
* Clear whatever is currently in the tile, then return whether or not
* it should actually be re-drawn. This is an example implementation
* that can be overridden by subclasses. The minimum thing to do here
* is to call <clear> and return the result from <shouldDraw>.
* Parameters:
* force - {Boolean} If true, the tile will not be cleared and no beforedraw
* event will be fired. This is used for drawing tiles asynchronously
* after drawing has been cancelled by returning false from a beforedraw
* listener.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Whether or not the tile should actually be drawn. Returns null
* if a beforedraw listener returned false.
draw: function(force) {
if (!force) {
//clear tile's contents and mark as not drawn
var draw = this.shouldDraw();
if (draw && !force &&"beforedraw") === false) {
draw = null;
return draw;
* Method: shouldDraw
* Return whether or not the tile should actually be (re-)drawn. The only
* case where we *wouldn't* want to draw the tile is if the tile is outside
* its layer's maxExtent
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Whether or not the tile should actually be drawn.
shouldDraw: function() {
var withinMaxExtent = false,
maxExtent = this.layer.maxExtent;
if (maxExtent) {
var map =;
var worldBounds = map.baseLayer.wrapDateLine && map.getMaxExtent();
if (this.bounds.intersectsBounds(maxExtent, {inclusive: false, worldBounds: worldBounds})) {
withinMaxExtent = true;
return withinMaxExtent || this.layer.displayOutsideMaxExtent;
* Method: setBounds
* Sets the bounds on this instance
* Parameters:
* bounds {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
setBounds: function(bounds) {
bounds = bounds.clone();
if ( {
var worldExtent =,
tolerance =;
bounds = bounds.wrapDateLine(worldExtent, {
leftTolerance: tolerance,
rightTolerance: tolerance
this.bounds = bounds;
* Method: moveTo
* Reposition the tile.
* Parameters:
* bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
* position - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
* redraw - {Boolean} Call draw method on tile after moving.
* Default is true
moveTo: function (bounds, position, redraw) {
if (redraw == null) {
redraw = true;
this.position = position.clone();
if (redraw) {
* Method: clear
* Clear the tile of any bounds/position-related data so that it can
* be reused in a new location.
clear: function(draw) {
// to be extended by subclasses
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Tile"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Tile.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Animation.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Util.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Tile.Image
* Instances of OpenLayers.Tile.Image are used to manage the image tiles
* used by various layers. Create a new image tile with the
* <OpenLayers.Tile.Image> constructor.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Tile>
OpenLayers.Tile.Image = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Tile, {
* APIProperty: events
* {<OpenLayers.Events>} An events object that handles all
* events on the tile.
* Register a listener for a particular event with the following syntax:
* (code)
*, obj, listener);
* (end)
* Supported event types (in addition to the <OpenLayers.Tile> events):
* beforeload - Triggered before an image is prepared for loading, when the
* url for the image is known already. Listeners may call <setImage> on
* the tile instance. If they do so, that image will be used and no new
* one will be created.
* APIProperty: url
* {String} The URL of the image being requested. No default. Filled in by
* layer.getURL() function. May be modified by loadstart listeners.
url: null,
* Property: imgDiv
* {HTMLImageElement} The image for this tile.
imgDiv: null,
* Property: frame
* {DOMElement} The image element is appended to the frame. Any gutter on
* the image will be hidden behind the frame. If no gutter is set,
* this will be null.
frame: null,
* Property: imageReloadAttempts
* {Integer} Attempts to load the image.
imageReloadAttempts: null,
* Property: layerAlphaHack
* {Boolean} True if the png alpha hack needs to be applied on the layer's div.
layerAlphaHack: null,
* Property: asyncRequestId
* {Integer} ID of an request to see if request is still valid. This is a
* number which increments by 1 for each asynchronous request.
asyncRequestId: null,
* APIProperty: maxGetUrlLength
* {Number} If set, requests that would result in GET urls with more
* characters than the number provided will be made using form-encoded
* HTTP POST. It is good practice to avoid urls that are longer than 2048
* characters.
* Caution:
* Older versions of Gecko based browsers (e.g. Firefox < 3.5) and most
* Opera versions do not fully support this option. On all browsers,
* transition effects are not supported if POST requests are used.
maxGetUrlLength: null,
* Property: canvasContext
* {CanvasRenderingContext2D} A canvas context associated with
* the tile image.
canvasContext: null,
* APIProperty: crossOriginKeyword
* The value of the crossorigin keyword to use when loading images. This is
* only relevant when using <getCanvasContext> for tiles from remote
* origins and should be set to either 'anonymous' or 'use-credentials'
* for servers that send Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers with their
* tiles.
crossOriginKeyword: null,
/** TBD 3.0 - reorder the parameters to the init function to remove
* URL. the getUrl() function on the layer gets called on
* each draw(), so no need to specify it here.
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Tile.Image
* Constructor for a new <OpenLayers.Tile.Image> instance.
* Parameters:
* layer - {<OpenLayers.Layer>} layer that the tile will go in.
* position - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
* bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
* url - {<String>} Deprecated. Remove me in 3.0.
* size - {<OpenLayers.Size>}
* options - {Object}
initialize: function(layer, position, bounds, url, size, options) {
OpenLayers.Tile.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
this.url = url; //deprecated remove me
this.layerAlphaHack = this.layer.alpha && OpenLayers.Util.alphaHack();
if (this.maxGetUrlLength != null || this.layer.gutter || this.layerAlphaHack) {
// only create frame if it's needed
this.frame = document.createElement("div"); = "absolute"; = "hidden";
if (this.maxGetUrlLength != null) {
OpenLayers.Util.extend(this, OpenLayers.Tile.Image.IFrame);
* APIMethod: destroy
* nullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaks
destroy: function() {
if (this.imgDiv) {
this.imgDiv = null;
this.frame = null;
// don't handle async requests any more
this.asyncRequestId = null;
OpenLayers.Tile.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
* Method: draw
* Check that a tile should be drawn, and draw it.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Was a tile drawn? Or null if a beforedraw listener returned
* false.
draw: function() {
var shouldDraw = OpenLayers.Tile.prototype.draw.apply(this, arguments);
if (shouldDraw) {
// The layer's reproject option is deprecated.
if (this.layer != && this.layer.reproject) {
// getBoundsFromBaseLayer is defined in deprecated.js.
this.bounds = this.getBoundsFromBaseLayer(this.position);
if (this.isLoading) {
//if we're already loading, send 'reload' instead of 'loadstart'.
this._loadEvent = "reload";
} else {
this.isLoading = true;
this._loadEvent = "loadstart";
} else if (shouldDraw === false) {
return shouldDraw;
* Method: renderTile
* Internal function to actually initialize the image tile,
* position it correctly, and set its url.
renderTile: function() {
if (this.layer.async) {
// Asynchronous image requests call the asynchronous getURL method
// on the layer to fetch an image that covers 'this.bounds'.
var id = this.asyncRequestId = (this.asyncRequestId || 0) + 1;
this.layer.getURLasync(this.bounds, function(url) {
if (id == this.asyncRequestId) {
this.url = url;
}, this);
} else {
// synchronous image requests get the url immediately.
this.url = this.layer.getURL(this.bounds);
* Method: positionTile
* Using the properties currenty set on the layer, position the tile correctly.
* This method is used both by the async and non-async versions of the Tile.Image
* code.
positionTile: function() {
var style = this.getTile().style,
size = this.frame ? this.size :
ratio = 1;
if (this.layer instanceof OpenLayers.Layer.Grid) {
ratio = this.layer.getServerResolution() /;
style.left = this.position.x + "px"; = this.position.y + "px";
style.width = Math.round(ratio * size.w) + "px";
style.height = Math.round(ratio * size.h) + "px";
* Method: clear
* Remove the tile from the DOM, clear it of any image related data so that
* it can be reused in a new location.
clear: function() {
OpenLayers.Tile.prototype.clear.apply(this, arguments);
var img = this.imgDiv;
if (img) {
var tile = this.getTile();
if (tile.parentNode === this.layer.div) {
if (this.layerAlphaHack === true) { = "";
OpenLayers.Element.removeClass(img, "olImageLoadError");
this.canvasContext = null;
* Method: getImage
* Returns or creates and returns the tile image.
getImage: function() {
if (!this.imgDiv) {
this.imgDiv = OpenLayers.Tile.Image.IMAGE.cloneNode(false);
var style =;
if (this.frame) {
var left = 0, top = 0;
if (this.layer.gutter) {
left = this.layer.gutter / this.layer.tileSize.w * 100;
top = this.layer.gutter / this.layer.tileSize.h * 100;
style.left = -left + "%"; = -top + "%";
style.width = (2 * left + 100) + "%";
style.height = (2 * top + 100) + "%";
style.visibility = "hidden";
style.opacity = 0;
if (this.layer.opacity < 1) {
style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' +
(this.layer.opacity * 100) +
style.position = "absolute";
if (this.layerAlphaHack) {
// move the image out of sight
style.paddingTop = style.height;
style.height = "0";
style.width = "100%";
if (this.frame) {
return this.imgDiv;
* APIMethod: setImage
* Sets the image element for this tile. This method should only be called
* from beforeload listeners.
* Parameters
* img - {HTMLImageElement} The image to use for this tile.
setImage: function(img) {
this.imgDiv = img;
* Method: initImage
* Creates the content for the frame on the tile.
initImage: function() {
if (!this.url && !this.imgDiv) {
// fast path out - if there is no tile url and no previous image
this.isLoading = false;
var img = this.getImage();
var src = img.getAttribute('src') || '';
if (this.url && OpenLayers.Util.isEquivalentUrl(src, this.url)) {
this._loadTimeout = window.setTimeout(
OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.onImageLoad, this), 0
} else {
if (this.crossOriginKeyword) {
OpenLayers.Event.observe(img, "load",
OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.onImageLoad, this)
OpenLayers.Event.observe(img, "error",
OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.onImageError, this)
this.imageReloadAttempts = 0;
* Method: setImgSrc
* Sets the source for the tile image
* Parameters:
* url - {String} or undefined to hide the image
setImgSrc: function(url) {
var img = this.imgDiv;
if (url) { = 'hidden'; = 0;
// don't set crossOrigin if the url is a data URL
if (this.crossOriginKeyword) {
if (url.substr(0, 5) !== 'data:') {
img.setAttribute("crossorigin", this.crossOriginKeyword);
} else {
img.src = url;
} else {
// Remove reference to the image, and leave it to the browser's
// caching and garbage collection.
this.imgDiv = null;
if (img.parentNode) {
* Method: getTile
* Get the tile's markup.
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} The tile's markup
getTile: function() {
return this.frame ? this.frame : this.getImage();
* Method: createBackBuffer
* Create a backbuffer for this tile. A backbuffer isn't exactly a clone
* of the tile's markup, because we want to avoid the reloading of the
* image. So we clone the frame, and steal the image from the tile.
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} The markup, or undefined if the tile has no image
* or if it's currently loading.
createBackBuffer: function() {
if (!this.imgDiv || this.isLoading) {
var backBuffer;
if (this.frame) {
backBuffer = this.frame.cloneNode(false);
} else {
backBuffer = this.imgDiv;
this.imgDiv = null;
return backBuffer;
* Method: onImageLoad
* Handler for the image onload event
onImageLoad: function() {
var img = this.imgDiv;
this.stopLoading(); = 'inherit'; = this.layer.opacity;
this.isLoading = false;
this.canvasContext = null;"loadend");
if (this.layerAlphaHack === true) { =
"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" +
img.src + "', sizingMethod='scale')";
* Method: onImageError
* Handler for the image onerror event
onImageError: function() {
var img = this.imgDiv;
if (img.src != null) {
if (this.imageReloadAttempts <= OpenLayers.IMAGE_RELOAD_ATTEMPTS) {
} else {
OpenLayers.Element.addClass(img, "olImageLoadError");"loaderror");
* Method: stopLoading
* Stops a loading sequence so <onImageLoad> won't be executed.
stopLoading: function() {
delete this._loadTimeout;
* APIMethod: getCanvasContext
* Returns a canvas context associated with the tile image (with
* the image drawn on it).
* Returns undefined if the browser does not support canvas, if
* the tile has no image or if it's currently loading.
* The function returns a canvas context instance but the
* underlying canvas is still available in the 'canvas' property:
* (code)
* var context = tile.getCanvasContext();
* if (context) {
* var data = context.canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg');
* }
* (end)
* Returns:
* {Boolean}
getCanvasContext: function() {
if (OpenLayers.CANVAS_SUPPORTED && this.imgDiv && !this.isLoading) {
if (!this.canvasContext) {
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = this.size.w;
canvas.height = this.size.h;
this.canvasContext = canvas.getContext("2d");
this.canvasContext.drawImage(this.imgDiv, 0, 0);
return this.canvasContext;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Tile.Image"
* Constant: OpenLayers.Tile.Image.IMAGE
* {HTMLImageElement} The image for a tile.
OpenLayers.Tile.Image.IMAGE = (function() {
var img = new Image();
img.className = "olTileImage";
// avoid image gallery menu in IE6
img.galleryImg = "no";
return img;
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Layer/HTTPRequest.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Tile/Image.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Layer.Grid
* Base class for layers that use a lattice of tiles. Create a new grid
* layer with the <OpenLayers.Layer.Grid> constructor.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest>
OpenLayers.Layer.Grid = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest, {
* APIProperty: tileSize
* {<OpenLayers.Size>}
tileSize: null,
* Property: tileOriginCorner
* {String} If the <tileOrigin> property is not provided, the tile origin
* will be derived from the layer's <maxExtent>. The corner of the
* <maxExtent> used is determined by this property. Acceptable values
* are "tl" (top left), "tr" (top right), "bl" (bottom left), and "br"
* (bottom right). Default is "bl".
tileOriginCorner: "bl",
* APIProperty: tileOrigin
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} Optional origin for aligning the grid of tiles.
* If provided, requests for tiles at all resolutions will be aligned
* with this location (no tiles shall overlap this location). If
* not provided, the grid of tiles will be aligned with the layer's
* <maxExtent>. Default is ``null``.
tileOrigin: null,
/** APIProperty: tileOptions
* {Object} optional configuration options for <OpenLayers.Tile> instances
* created by this Layer, if supported by the tile class.
tileOptions: null,
* APIProperty: tileClass
* {<OpenLayers.Tile>} The tile class to use for this layer.
* Defaults is OpenLayers.Tile.Image.
tileClass: OpenLayers.Tile.Image,
* Property: grid
* {Array(Array(<OpenLayers.Tile>))} This is an array of rows, each row is
* an array of tiles.
grid: null,
* APIProperty: singleTile
* {Boolean} Moves the layer into single-tile mode, meaning that one tile
* will be loaded. The tile's size will be determined by the 'ratio'
* property. When the tile is dragged such that it does not cover the
* entire viewport, it is reloaded.
singleTile: false,
/** APIProperty: ratio
* {Float} Used only when in single-tile mode, this specifies the
* ratio of the size of the single tile to the size of the map.
* Default value is 1.5.
ratio: 1.5,
* APIProperty: buffer
* {Integer} Used only when in gridded mode, this specifies the number of
* extra rows and colums of tiles on each side which will
* surround the minimum grid tiles to cover the map.
* For very slow loading layers, a larger value may increase
* performance somewhat when dragging, but will increase bandwidth
* use significantly.
buffer: 0,
* APIProperty: transitionEffect
* {String} The transition effect to use when the map is zoomed.
* Two posible values:
* "resize" - Existing tiles are resized on zoom to provide a visual
* effect of the zoom having taken place immediately. As the
* new tiles become available, they are drawn on top of the
* resized tiles (this is the default setting).
* "map-resize" - Existing tiles are resized on zoom and placed below the
* base layer. New tiles for the base layer will cover existing tiles.
* This setting is recommended when having an overlay duplicated during
* the transition is undesirable (e.g. street labels or big transparent
* fills).
* null - No transition effect.
* Using "resize" on non-opaque layers can cause undesired visual
* effects. Set transitionEffect to null in this case.
transitionEffect: "resize",
* APIProperty: numLoadingTiles
* {Integer} How many tiles are still loading?
numLoadingTiles: 0,
* Property: serverResolutions
* {Array(Number}} This property is documented in subclasses as
* an API property.
serverResolutions: null,
* Property: loading
* {Boolean} Indicates if tiles are being loaded.
loading: false,
* Property: backBuffer
* {DOMElement} The back buffer.
backBuffer: null,
* Property: gridResolution
* {Number} The resolution of the current grid. Used for backbuffer and
* client zoom. This property is updated every time the grid is
* initialized.
gridResolution: null,
* Property: backBufferResolution
* {Number} The resolution of the current back buffer. This property is
* updated each time a back buffer is created.
backBufferResolution: null,
* Property: backBufferLonLat
* {Object} The top-left corner of the current back buffer. Includes lon
* and lat properties. This object is updated each time a back buffer
* is created.
backBufferLonLat: null,
* Property: backBufferTimerId
* {Number} The id of the back buffer timer. This timer is used to
* delay the removal of the back buffer, thereby preventing
* flash effects caused by tile animation.
backBufferTimerId: null,
* APIProperty: removeBackBufferDelay
* {Number} Delay for removing the backbuffer when all tiles have finished
* loading. Can be set to 0 when no css opacity transitions for the
* olTileImage class are used. Default is 0 for <singleTile> layers,
* 2500 for tiled layers. See <className> for more information on
* tile animation.
removeBackBufferDelay: null,
* APIProperty: className
* {String} Name of the class added to the layer div. If not set in the
* options passed to the constructor then className defaults to
* "olLayerGridSingleTile" for single tile layers (see <singleTile>),
* and "olLayerGrid" for non single tile layers.
* Note:
* The displaying of tiles is not animated by default for single tile
* layers - OpenLayers' default theme (style.css) includes this:
* (code)
* .olLayerGrid .olTileImage {
* -webkit-transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
* -moz-transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
* -o-transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
* transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
* }
* (end)
* To animate tile displaying for any grid layer the following
* CSS rule can be used:
* (code)
* .olTileImage {
* -webkit-transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
* -moz-transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
* -o-transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
* transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
* }
* (end)
* In that case, to avoid flash effects, <removeBackBufferDelay>
* should not be zero.
className: null,
* Register a listener for a particular event with the following syntax:
* (code)
*, obj, listener);
* (end)
* Listeners will be called with a reference to an event object. The
* properties of this event depends on exactly what happened.
* All event objects have at least the following properties:
* object - {Object} A reference to
* element - {DOMElement} A reference to
* Supported event types:
* addtile - Triggered when a tile is added to this layer. Listeners receive
* an object as first argument, which has a tile property that
* references the tile that has been added.
* tileloadstart - Triggered when a tile starts loading. Listeners receive
* an object as first argument, which has a tile property that
* references the tile that starts loading.
* tileloaded - Triggered when each new tile is
* loaded, as a means of progress update to listeners.
* listeners can access 'numLoadingTiles' if they wish to keep
* track of the loading progress. Listeners are called with an object
* with a 'tile' property as first argument, making the loaded tile
* available to the listener, and an 'aborted' property, which will be
* true when loading was aborted and no tile data is available.
* tileerror - Triggered before the tileloaded event (i.e. when the tile is
* still hidden) if a tile failed to load. Listeners receive an object
* as first argument, which has a tile property that references the
* tile that could not be loaded.
* retile - Triggered when the layer recreates its tile grid.
* Property: gridLayout
* {Object} Object containing properties tilelon, tilelat, startcol,
* startrow
gridLayout: null,
* Property: rowSign
* {Number} 1 for grids starting at the top, -1 for grids starting at the
* bottom. This is used for several grid index and offset calculations.
rowSign: null,
* Property: transitionendEvents
* {Array} Event names for transitionend
transitionendEvents: [
'transitionend', 'webkitTransitionEnd', 'otransitionend',
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.Grid
* Create a new grid layer
* Parameters:
* name - {String}
* url - {String}
* params - {Object}
* options - {Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer
initialize: function(name, url, params, options) {
this.grid = [];
this._removeBackBuffer = OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.removeBackBuffer, this);
this.rowSign = this.tileOriginCorner.substr(0, 1) === "t" ? 1 : -1;
* Method: initProperties
* Set any properties that depend on the value of singleTile.
* Currently sets removeBackBufferDelay and className
initProperties: function() {
if (this.options.removeBackBufferDelay === undefined) {
this.removeBackBufferDelay = this.singleTile ? 0 : 2500;
if (this.options.className === undefined) {
this.className = this.singleTile ? 'olLayerGridSingleTile' :
* Method: setMap
* Parameters:
* map - {<OpenLayers.Map>} The map.
setMap: function(map) {, map);
OpenLayers.Element.addClass(this.div, this.className);
* Method: removeMap
* Called when the layer is removed from the map.
* Parameters:
* map - {<OpenLayers.Map>} The map.
removeMap: function(map) {
* APIMethod: destroy
* Deconstruct the layer and clear the grid.
destroy: function() {
this.grid = null;
this.tileSize = null;
OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
* APIMethod: mergeNewParams
* Refetches tiles with new params merged, keeping a backbuffer. Each
* loading new tile will have a css class of '.olTileReplacing'. If a
* stylesheet applies a 'display: none' style to that class, any fade-in
* transition will not apply, and backbuffers for each tile will be removed
* as soon as the tile is loaded.
* Parameters:
* newParams - {Object}
* Returns:
* redrawn: {Boolean} whether the layer was actually redrawn.
* Method: clearGrid
* Go through and remove all tiles from the grid, calling
* destroy() on each of them to kill circular references
clearGrid:function() {
if (this.grid) {
for(var iRow=0, len=this.grid.length; iRow<len; iRow++) {
var row = this.grid[iRow];
for(var iCol=0, clen=row.length; iCol<clen; iCol++) {
var tile = row[iCol];
this.grid = [];
this.gridResolution = null;
this.gridLayout = null;
* APIMethod: addOptions
* Parameters:
* newOptions - {Object}
* reinitialize - {Boolean} If set to true, and if resolution options of the
* current baseLayer were changed, the map will be recentered to make
* sure that it is displayed with a valid resolution, and a
* changebaselayer event will be triggered.
addOptions: function (newOptions, reinitialize) {
var singleTileChanged = newOptions.singleTile !== undefined &&
newOptions.singleTile !== this.singleTile;
OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest.prototype.addOptions.apply(this, arguments);
if ( && singleTileChanged) {
this.tileSize = this.options.tileSize;
this.moveTo(null, true);
* APIMethod: clone
* Create a clone of this layer
* Parameters:
* obj - {Object} Is this ever used?
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Layer.Grid>} An exact clone of this OpenLayers.Layer.Grid
clone: function (obj) {
if (obj == null) {
obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.Grid(,
//get all additions from superclasses
obj = OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
// copy/set any non-init, non-simple values here
if (this.tileSize != null) {
obj.tileSize = this.tileSize.clone();
// we do not want to copy reference to grid, so we make a new array
obj.grid = [];
obj.gridResolution = null;
// same for backbuffer
obj.backBuffer = null;
obj.backBufferTimerId = null;
obj.loading = false;
obj.numLoadingTiles = 0;
return obj;
* Method: moveTo
* This function is called whenever the map is moved. All the moving
* of actual 'tiles' is done by the map, but moveTo's role is to accept
* a bounds and make sure the data that that bounds requires is pre-loaded.
* Parameters:
* bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
* zoomChanged - {Boolean}
* dragging - {Boolean}
moveTo:function(bounds, zoomChanged, dragging) {
OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest.prototype.moveTo.apply(this, arguments);
bounds = bounds ||;
if (bounds != null) {
// if grid is empty or zoom has changed, we *must* re-tile
var forceReTile = !this.grid.length || zoomChanged;
// total bounds of the tiles
var tilesBounds = this.getTilesBounds();
// the new map resolution
var resolution =;
// the server-supported resolution for the new map resolution
var serverResolution = this.getServerResolution(resolution);
if (this.singleTile) {
// We want to redraw whenever even the slightest part of the
// current bounds is not contained by our tile.
// (thus, we do not specify partial -- its default is false)
if ( forceReTile ||
(!dragging && !tilesBounds.containsBounds(bounds))) {
// In single tile mode with no transition effect, we insert
// a non-scaled backbuffer when the layer is moved. But if
// a zoom occurs right after a move, i.e. before the new
// image is received, we need to remove the backbuffer, or
// an ill-positioned image will be visible during the zoom
// transition.
if(zoomChanged && this.transitionEffect !== 'resize') {
if(!zoomChanged || this.transitionEffect === 'resize') {
} else {
// if the bounds have changed such that they are not even
// *partially* contained by our tiles (e.g. when user has
// programmatically panned to the other side of the earth on
// zoom level 18), then moveGriddedTiles could potentially have
// to run through thousands of cycles, so we want to reTile
// instead (thus, partial true).
forceReTile = forceReTile ||
!tilesBounds.intersectsBounds(bounds, {
worldBounds: &&
if(forceReTile) {
if(zoomChanged && (this.transitionEffect === 'resize' ||
this.gridResolution === resolution)) {
} else {
* Method: getTileData
* Given a map location, retrieve a tile and the pixel offset within that
* tile corresponding to the location. If there is not an existing
* tile in the grid that covers the given location, null will be
* returned.
* Parameters:
* loc - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} map location
* Returns:
* {Object} Object with the following properties: tile ({<OpenLayers.Tile>}),
* i ({Number} x-pixel offset from top left), and j ({Integer} y-pixel
* offset from top left).
getTileData: function(loc) {
var data = null,
x = loc.lon,
y =,
numRows = this.grid.length;
if ( && numRows) {
var res =,
tileWidth = this.tileSize.w,
tileHeight = this.tileSize.h,
bounds = this.grid[0][0].bounds,
left = bounds.left,
top =;
if (x < left) {
// deal with multiple worlds
if ( {
var worldWidth =;
var worldsAway = Math.ceil((left - x) / worldWidth);
x += worldWidth * worldsAway;
// tile distance to location (fractional number of tiles);
var dtx = (x - left) / (res * tileWidth);
var dty = (top - y) / (res * tileHeight);
// index of tile in grid
var col = Math.floor(dtx);
var row = Math.floor(dty);
if (row >= 0 && row < numRows) {
var tile = this.grid[row][col];
if (tile) {
data = {
tile: tile,
// pixel index within tile
i: Math.floor((dtx - col) * tileWidth),
j: Math.floor((dty - row) * tileHeight)
return data;
* Method: destroyTile
* Parameters:
* tile - {<OpenLayers.Tile>}
destroyTile: function(tile) {
* Method: getServerResolution
* Return the closest server-supported resolution.
* Parameters:
* resolution - {Number} The base resolution. If undefined the
* map resolution is used.
* Returns:
* {Number} The closest server resolution value.
getServerResolution: function(resolution) {
var distance = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
resolution = resolution ||;
if(this.serverResolutions &&
OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(this.serverResolutions, resolution) === -1) {
var i, newDistance, newResolution, serverResolution;
for(i=this.serverResolutions.length-1; i>= 0; i--) {
newResolution = this.serverResolutions[i];
newDistance = Math.abs(newResolution - resolution);
if (newDistance > distance) {
distance = newDistance;
serverResolution = newResolution;
resolution = serverResolution;
return resolution;
* Method: getServerZoom
* Return the zoom value corresponding to the best matching server
* resolution, taking into account <serverResolutions> and <zoomOffset>.
* Returns:
* {Number} The closest server supported zoom. This is not the map zoom
* level, but an index of the server's resolutions array.
getServerZoom: function() {
var resolution = this.getServerResolution();
return this.serverResolutions ?
OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(this.serverResolutions, resolution) : + (this.zoomOffset || 0);
* Method: applyBackBuffer
* Create, insert, scale and position a back buffer for the layer.
* Parameters:
* resolution - {Number} The resolution to transition to.
applyBackBuffer: function(resolution) {
if(this.backBufferTimerId !== null) {
var backBuffer = this.backBuffer;
if(!backBuffer) {
backBuffer = this.createBackBuffer();
if(!backBuffer) {
if (resolution === this.gridResolution) {
this.div.insertBefore(backBuffer, this.div.firstChild);
} else {,;
this.backBuffer = backBuffer;
// set some information in the instance for subsequent
// calls to applyBackBuffer where the same back buffer
// is reused
var topLeftTileBounds = this.grid[0][0].bounds;
this.backBufferLonLat = {
lon: topLeftTileBounds.left,
this.backBufferResolution = this.gridResolution;
var ratio = this.backBufferResolution / resolution;
// scale the tiles inside the back buffer
var tiles = backBuffer.childNodes, tile;
for (var i=tiles.length-1; i>=0; --i) {
tile = tiles[i]; = ((ratio * tile._i * tile._h) | 0) + 'px'; = ((ratio * tile._j * tile._w) | 0) + 'px'; = Math.round(ratio * tile._w) + 'px'; = Math.round(ratio * tile._h) + 'px';
// and position it (based on the grid's top-left corner)
var position = this.getViewPortPxFromLonLat(
this.backBufferLonLat, resolution);
var leftOffset =;
var topOffset =; = Math.round(position.x - leftOffset) + 'px'; = Math.round(position.y - topOffset) + 'px';
* Method: createBackBuffer
* Create a back buffer.
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} The DOM element for the back buffer, undefined if the
* grid isn't initialized yet.
createBackBuffer: function() {
var backBuffer;
if(this.grid.length > 0) {
backBuffer = document.createElement('div'); = + '_bb';
backBuffer.className = 'olBackBuffer'; = 'absolute';
var map =; = this.transitionEffect === 'resize' ?
this.getZIndex() - 1 :
// 'map-resize':
map.Z_INDEX_BASE.BaseLayer -
(map.getNumLayers() - map.getLayerIndex(this));
for(var i=0, lenI=this.grid.length; i<lenI; i++) {
for(var j=0, lenJ=this.grid[i].length; j<lenJ; j++) {
var tile = this.grid[i][j],
markup = this.grid[i][j].createBackBuffer();
if (markup) {
markup._i = i;
markup._j = j;
markup._w = tile.size.w;
markup._h = tile.size.h; = + '_bb';
return backBuffer;
* Method: removeBackBuffer
* Remove back buffer from DOM.
removeBackBuffer: function() {
if (this._transitionElement) {
for (var i=this.transitionendEvents.length-1; i>=0; --i) {
this.transitionendEvents[i], this._removeBackBuffer);
delete this._transitionElement;
if(this.backBuffer) {
if (this.backBuffer.parentNode) {
this.backBuffer = null;
this.backBufferResolution = null;
if(this.backBufferTimerId !== null) {
this.backBufferTimerId = null;
* Method: moveByPx
* Move the layer based on pixel vector.
* Parameters:
* dx - {Number}
* dy - {Number}
moveByPx: function(dx, dy) {
if (!this.singleTile) {
* APIMethod: setTileSize
* Check if we are in singleTile mode and if so, set the size as a ratio
* of the map size (as specified by the layer's 'ratio' property).
* Parameters:
* size - {<OpenLayers.Size>}
setTileSize: function(size) {
if (this.singleTile) {
size =;
size.h = parseInt(size.h * this.ratio, 10);
size.w = parseInt(size.w * this.ratio, 10);
OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest.prototype.setTileSize.apply(this, [size]);
* APIMethod: getTilesBounds
* Return the bounds of the tile grid.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} A Bounds object representing the bounds of all the
* currently loaded tiles (including those partially or not at all seen
* onscreen).
getTilesBounds: function() {
var bounds = null;
var length = this.grid.length;
if (length) {
var bottomLeftTileBounds = this.grid[length - 1][0].bounds,
width = this.grid[0].length * bottomLeftTileBounds.getWidth(),
height = this.grid.length * bottomLeftTileBounds.getHeight();
bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(bottomLeftTileBounds.left,
bottomLeftTileBounds.left + width,
bottomLeftTileBounds.bottom + height);
return bounds;
* Method: initSingleTile
* Parameters:
* bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
initSingleTile: function(bounds) {"retile");
//determine new tile bounds
var center = bounds.getCenterLonLat();
var tileWidth = bounds.getWidth() * this.ratio;
var tileHeight = bounds.getHeight() * this.ratio;
var tileBounds =
new OpenLayers.Bounds(center.lon - (tileWidth/2), - (tileHeight/2),
center.lon + (tileWidth/2), + (tileHeight/2));
var px ={
lon: tileBounds.left,
if (!this.grid.length) {
this.grid[0] = [];
var tile = this.grid[0][0];
if (!tile) {
tile = this.addTile(tileBounds, px);
this.grid[0][0] = tile;
} else {
tile.moveTo(tileBounds, px);
//remove all but our single tile
// store the resolution of the grid
this.gridResolution = this.getServerResolution();
* Method: calculateGridLayout
* Generate parameters for the grid layout.
* Parameters:
* bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bound>|Object} OpenLayers.Bounds or an
* object with a 'left' and 'top' properties.
* origin - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>|Object} OpenLayers.LonLat or an
* object with a 'lon' and 'lat' properties.
* resolution - {Number}
* Returns:
* {Object} Object containing properties tilelon, tilelat, startcol,
* startrow
calculateGridLayout: function(bounds, origin, resolution) {
var tilelon = resolution * this.tileSize.w;
var tilelat = resolution * this.tileSize.h;
var offsetlon = bounds.left - origin.lon;
var tilecol = Math.floor(offsetlon/tilelon) - this.buffer;
var rowSign = this.rowSign;
var offsetlat = rowSign * ( - + tilelat);
var tilerow = Math[~rowSign ? 'floor' : 'ceil'](offsetlat/tilelat) - this.buffer * rowSign;
return {
tilelon: tilelon, tilelat: tilelat,
startcol: tilecol, startrow: tilerow
* Method: getTileOrigin
* Determine the origin for aligning the grid of tiles. If a <tileOrigin>
* property is supplied, that will be returned. Otherwise, the origin
* will be derived from the layer's <maxExtent> property. In this case,
* the tile origin will be the corner of the <maxExtent> given by the
* <tileOriginCorner> property.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} The tile origin.
getTileOrigin: function() {
var origin = this.tileOrigin;
if (!origin) {
var extent = this.getMaxExtent();
var edges = ({
"tl": ["left", "top"],
"tr": ["right", "top"],
"bl": ["left", "bottom"],
"br": ["right", "bottom"]
origin = new OpenLayers.LonLat(extent[edges[0]], extent[edges[1]]);
return origin;
* Method: getTileBoundsForGridIndex
* Parameters:
* row - {Number} The row of the grid
* col - {Number} The column of the grid
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} The bounds for the tile at (row, col)
getTileBoundsForGridIndex: function(row, col) {
var origin = this.getTileOrigin();
var tileLayout = this.gridLayout;
var tilelon = tileLayout.tilelon;
var tilelat = tileLayout.tilelat;
var startcol = tileLayout.startcol;
var startrow = tileLayout.startrow;
var rowSign = this.rowSign;
return new OpenLayers.Bounds(
origin.lon + (startcol + col) * tilelon, - (startrow + row * rowSign) * tilelat * rowSign,
origin.lon + (startcol + col + 1) * tilelon, - (startrow + (row - 1) * rowSign) * tilelat * rowSign
* Method: initGriddedTiles
* Parameters:
* bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
initGriddedTiles:function(bounds) {"retile");
// work out mininum number of rows and columns; this is the number of
// tiles required to cover the viewport plus at least one for panning
var viewSize =;
var origin = this.getTileOrigin();
var resolution =,
serverResolution = this.getServerResolution(),
ratio = resolution / serverResolution,
tileSize = {
w: this.tileSize.w / ratio,
h: this.tileSize.h / ratio
var minRows = Math.ceil(viewSize.h/tileSize.h) +
2 * this.buffer + 1;
var minCols = Math.ceil(viewSize.w/tileSize.w) +
2 * this.buffer + 1;
var tileLayout = this.calculateGridLayout(bounds, origin, serverResolution);
this.gridLayout = tileLayout;
var tilelon = tileLayout.tilelon;
var tilelat = tileLayout.tilelat;
var layerContainerDivLeft =;
var layerContainerDivTop =;
var tileBounds = this.getTileBoundsForGridIndex(0, 0);
var startPx =
new OpenLayers.LonLat(tileBounds.left,
startPx.x = Math.round(startPx.x) - layerContainerDivLeft;
startPx.y = Math.round(startPx.y) - layerContainerDivTop;
var tileData = [], center =;
var rowidx = 0;
do {
var row = this.grid[rowidx];
if (!row) {
row = [];
var colidx = 0;
do {
tileBounds = this.getTileBoundsForGridIndex(rowidx, colidx);
var px = startPx.clone();
px.x = px.x + colidx * Math.round(tileSize.w);
px.y = px.y + rowidx * Math.round(tileSize.h);
var tile = row[colidx];
if (!tile) {
tile = this.addTile(tileBounds, px);
} else {
tile.moveTo(tileBounds, px, false);
var tileCenter = tileBounds.getCenterLonLat();
tile: tile,
distance: Math.pow(tileCenter.lon - center.lon, 2) +
Math.pow( -, 2)
colidx += 1;
} while ((tileBounds.right <= bounds.right + tilelon * this.buffer)
|| colidx < minCols);
rowidx += 1;
} while((tileBounds.bottom >= bounds.bottom - tilelat * this.buffer)
|| rowidx < minRows);
//shave off exceess rows and colums
this.removeExcessTiles(rowidx, colidx);
var resolution = this.getServerResolution();
// store the resolution of the grid
this.gridResolution = resolution;
//now actually draw the tiles
tileData.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.distance - b.distance;
for (var i=0, ii=tileData.length; i<ii; ++i) {
* Method: getMaxExtent
* Get this layer's maximum extent. (Implemented as a getter for
* potential specific implementations in sub-classes.)
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
getMaxExtent: function() {
return this.maxExtent;
* APIMethod: addTile
* Create a tile, initialize it, and add it to the layer div.
* Parameters
* bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
* position - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Tile>} The added OpenLayers.Tile
addTile: function(bounds, position) {
var tile = new this.tileClass(
this, position, bounds, null, this.tileSize, this.tileOptions
);"addtile", {tile: tile});
return tile;
* Method: addTileMonitoringHooks
* This function takes a tile as input and adds the appropriate hooks to
* the tile so that the layer can keep track of the loading tiles.
* Parameters:
* tile - {<OpenLayers.Tile>}
addTileMonitoringHooks: function(tile) {
var replacingCls = 'olTileReplacing';
tile.onLoadStart = function() {
//if that was first tile then trigger a 'loadstart' on the layer
if (this.loading === false) {
this.loading = true;"loadstart");
}"tileloadstart", {tile: tile});
if (!this.singleTile && this.backBuffer && this.gridResolution === this.backBufferResolution) {
OpenLayers.Element.addClass(tile.getTile(), replacingCls);
tile.onLoadEnd = function(evt) {
var aborted = evt.type === 'unload';"tileloaded", {
tile: tile,
aborted: aborted
if (!this.singleTile && !aborted && this.backBuffer && this.gridResolution === this.backBufferResolution) {
var tileDiv = tile.getTile();
if (OpenLayers.Element.getStyle(tileDiv, 'display') === 'none') {
var bufferTile = document.getElementById( + '_bb');
if (bufferTile) {
OpenLayers.Element.removeClass(tileDiv, replacingCls);
//if that was the last tile, then trigger a 'loadend' on the layer
if (this.numLoadingTiles === 0) {
if (this.backBuffer) {
if (this.backBuffer.childNodes.length === 0) {
// no tiles transitioning, remove immediately
} else {
// wait until transition has ended or delay has passed
this._transitionElement = aborted ?
this.div.lastChild : tile.imgDiv;
var transitionendEvents = this.transitionendEvents;
for (var i=transitionendEvents.length-1; i>=0; --i) {
// the removal of the back buffer is delayed to prevent
// flash effects due to the animation of tile displaying
this.backBufferTimerId = window.setTimeout(
this._removeBackBuffer, this.removeBackBufferDelay
this.loading = false;"loadend");
tile.onLoadError = function() {"tileerror", {tile: tile});
"loadstart": tile.onLoadStart,
"loadend": tile.onLoadEnd,
"unload": tile.onLoadEnd,
"loaderror": tile.onLoadError,
scope: this
* Method: removeTileMonitoringHooks
* This function takes a tile as input and removes the tile hooks
* that were added in addTileMonitoringHooks()
* Parameters:
* tile - {<OpenLayers.Tile>}
removeTileMonitoringHooks: function(tile) {
"loadstart": tile.onLoadStart,
"loadend": tile.onLoadEnd,
"unload": tile.onLoadEnd,
"loaderror": tile.onLoadError,
scope: this
* Method: moveGriddedTiles
moveGriddedTiles: function() {
var buffer = this.buffer + 1;
while(true) {
var tlTile = this.grid[0][0];
var tlViewPort = {
x: tlTile.position.x +,
y: tlTile.position.y +
var ratio = this.getServerResolution() /;
var tileSize = {
w: Math.round(this.tileSize.w * ratio),
h: Math.round(this.tileSize.h * ratio)
if (tlViewPort.x > -tileSize.w * (buffer - 1)) {
this.shiftColumn(true, tileSize);
} else if (tlViewPort.x < -tileSize.w * buffer) {
this.shiftColumn(false, tileSize);
} else if (tlViewPort.y > -tileSize.h * (buffer - 1)) {
this.shiftRow(true, tileSize);
} else if (tlViewPort.y < -tileSize.h * buffer) {
this.shiftRow(false, tileSize);
} else {
* Method: shiftRow
* Shifty grid work
* Parameters:
* prepend - {Boolean} if true, prepend to beginning.
* if false, then append to end
* tileSize - {Object} rendered tile size; object with w and h properties
shiftRow: function(prepend, tileSize) {
var grid = this.grid;
var rowIndex = prepend ? 0 : (grid.length - 1);
var sign = prepend ? -1 : 1;
var rowSign = this.rowSign;
var tileLayout = this.gridLayout;
tileLayout.startrow += sign * rowSign;
var modelRow = grid[rowIndex];
var row = grid[prepend ? 'pop' : 'shift']();
for (var i=0, len=row.length; i<len; i++) {
var tile = row[i];
var position = modelRow[i].position.clone();
position.y += tileSize.h * sign;
tile.moveTo(this.getTileBoundsForGridIndex(rowIndex, i), position);
grid[prepend ? 'unshift' : 'push'](row);
* Method: shiftColumn
* Shift grid work in the other dimension
* Parameters:
* prepend - {Boolean} if true, prepend to beginning.
* if false, then append to end
* tileSize - {Object} rendered tile size; object with w and h properties
shiftColumn: function(prepend, tileSize) {
var grid = this.grid;
var colIndex = prepend ? 0 : (grid[0].length - 1);
var sign = prepend ? -1 : 1;
var tileLayout = this.gridLayout;
tileLayout.startcol += sign;
for (var i=0, len=grid.length; i<len; i++) {
var row = grid[i];
var position = row[colIndex].position.clone();
var tile = row[prepend ? 'pop' : 'shift']();
position.x += tileSize.w * sign;
tile.moveTo(this.getTileBoundsForGridIndex(i, colIndex), position);
row[prepend ? 'unshift' : 'push'](tile);
* Method: removeExcessTiles
* When the size of the map or the buffer changes, we may need to
* remove some excess rows and columns.
* Parameters:
* rows - {Integer} Maximum number of rows we want our grid to have.
* columns - {Integer} Maximum number of columns we want our grid to have.
removeExcessTiles: function(rows, columns) {
var i, l;
// remove extra rows
while (this.grid.length > rows) {
var row = this.grid.pop();
for (i=0, l=row.length; i<l; i++) {
var tile = row[i];
// remove extra columns
for (i=0, l=this.grid.length; i<l; i++) {
while (this.grid[i].length > columns) {
var row = this.grid[i];
var tile = row.pop();
* Method: onMapResize
* For singleTile layers, this will set a new tile size according to the
* dimensions of the map pane.
onMapResize: function() {
if (this.singleTile) {
* APIMethod: getTileBounds
* Returns The tile bounds for a layer given a pixel location.
* Parameters:
* viewPortPx - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} The location in the viewport.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} Bounds of the tile at the given pixel location.
getTileBounds: function(viewPortPx) {
var maxExtent = this.maxExtent;
var resolution = this.getResolution();
var tileMapWidth = resolution * this.tileSize.w;
var tileMapHeight = resolution * this.tileSize.h;
var mapPoint = this.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(viewPortPx);
var tileLeft = maxExtent.left + (tileMapWidth *
Math.floor((mapPoint.lon -
maxExtent.left) /
var tileBottom = maxExtent.bottom + (tileMapHeight *
Math.floor(( -
maxExtent.bottom) /
return new OpenLayers.Bounds(tileLeft, tileBottom,
tileLeft + tileMapWidth,
tileBottom + tileMapHeight);
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.Grid"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ
* The XYZ class is designed to make it easier for people who have tiles
* arranged by a standard XYZ grid.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Layer.Grid>
OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.Grid, {
* APIProperty: isBaseLayer
* Default is true, as this is designed to be a base tile source.
isBaseLayer: true,
* APIProperty: sphericalMercator
* Whether the tile extents should be set to the defaults for
* spherical mercator. Useful for things like OpenStreetMap.
* Default is false, except for the OSM subclass.
sphericalMercator: false,
* APIProperty: zoomOffset
* {Number} If your cache has more zoom levels than you want to provide
* access to with this layer, supply a zoomOffset. This zoom offset
* is added to the current map zoom level to determine the level
* for a requested tile. For example, if you supply a zoomOffset
* of 3, when the map is at the zoom 0, tiles will be requested from
* level 3 of your cache. Default is 0 (assumes cache level and map
* zoom are equivalent). Using <zoomOffset> is an alternative to
* setting <serverResolutions> if you only want to expose a subset
* of the server resolutions.
zoomOffset: 0,
* APIProperty: serverResolutions
* {Array} A list of all resolutions available on the server. Only set this
* property if the map resolutions differ from the server. This
* property serves two purposes. (a) <serverResolutions> can include
* resolutions that the server supports and that you don't want to
* provide with this layer; you can also look at <zoomOffset>, which is
* an alternative to <serverResolutions> for that specific purpose.
* (b) The map can work with resolutions that aren't supported by
* the server, i.e. that aren't in <serverResolutions>. When the
* map is displayed in such a resolution data for the closest
* server-supported resolution is loaded and the layer div is
* stretched as necessary.
serverResolutions: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ
* Parameters:
* name - {String}
* url - {String}
* options - {Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer
initialize: function(name, url, options) {
if (options && options.sphericalMercator || this.sphericalMercator) {
options = OpenLayers.Util.extend({
projection: "EPSG:900913",
numZoomLevels: 19
}, options);
OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [
name ||, url || this.url, {}, options
* APIMethod: clone
* Create a clone of this layer
* Parameters:
* obj - {Object} Is this ever used?
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ>} An exact clone of this OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ
clone: function (obj) {
if (obj == null) {
obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ(,
//get all additions from superclasses
obj = OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
return obj;
* Method: getURL
* Parameters:
* bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
* Returns:
* {String} A string with the layer's url and parameters and also the
* passed-in bounds and appropriate tile size specified as
* parameters
getURL: function (bounds) {
var xyz = this.getXYZ(bounds);
var url = this.url;
if (OpenLayers.Util.isArray(url)) {
var s = '' + xyz.x + xyz.y + xyz.z;
url = this.selectUrl(s, url);
return OpenLayers.String.format(url, xyz);
* Method: getXYZ
* Calculates x, y and z for the given bounds.
* Parameters:
* bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
* Returns:
* {Object} - an object with x, y and z properties.
getXYZ: function(bounds) {
var res = this.getServerResolution();
var x = Math.round((bounds.left - this.maxExtent.left) /
(res * this.tileSize.w));
var y = Math.round(( - /
(res * this.tileSize.h));
var z = this.getServerZoom();
if (this.wrapDateLine) {
var limit = Math.pow(2, z);
x = ((x % limit) + limit) % limit;
return {'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z};
/* APIMethod: setMap
* When the layer is added to a map, then we can fetch our origin
* (if we don't have one.)
* Parameters:
* map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
setMap: function(map) {
OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);
if (!this.tileOrigin) {
this.tileOrigin = new OpenLayers.LonLat(this.maxExtent.left,
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Layer/XYZ.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Layer.OSM
* This layer allows accessing OpenStreetMap tiles. By default the OpenStreetMap
* hosted Mapnik tileset is used. If you wish to use
* a different layer instead, you need to provide a different
* URL to the constructor. Here's an example for using OpenCycleMap:
* (code)
* new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("OpenCycleMap",
* ["${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
* "${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
* "${z}/${x}/${y}.png"]);
* (end)
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ>
OpenLayers.Layer.OSM = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ, {
* APIProperty: name
* {String} The layer name. Defaults to "OpenStreetMap" if the first
* argument to the constructor is null or undefined.
name: "OpenStreetMap",
* APIProperty: url
* {String} The tileset URL scheme. Defaults to
* : http://[a|b|c]${z}/${x}/${y}.png
* (the official OSM tileset) if the second argument to the constructor
* is null or undefined. To use another tileset you can have something
* like this:
* (code)
* new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("OpenCycleMap",
* ["${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
* "${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
* "${z}/${x}/${y}.png"]);
* (end)
url: [
* Property: attribution
* {String} The layer attribution.
attribution: "&copy; <a href=''>OpenStreetMap</a> contributors",
* Property: sphericalMercator
* {Boolean}
sphericalMercator: true,
* Property: wrapDateLine
* {Boolean}
wrapDateLine: true,
/** APIProperty: tileOptions
* {Object} optional configuration options for <OpenLayers.Tile> instances
* created by this Layer. Default is
* (code)
* {crossOriginKeyword: 'anonymous'}
* (end)
* When using OSM tilesets other than the default ones, it may be
* necessary to set this to
* (code)
* {crossOriginKeyword: null}
* (end)
* if the server does not send Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers.
tileOptions: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.OSM
* Parameters:
* name - {String} The layer name.
* url - {String} The tileset URL scheme.
* options - {Object} Configuration options for the layer. Any inherited
* layer option can be set in this object (e.g.
* <OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.buffer>).
initialize: function(name, url, options) {
OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
this.tileOptions = OpenLayers.Util.extend({
crossOriginKeyword: 'anonymous'
}, this.options && this.options.tileOptions);
* Method: clone
clone: function(obj) {
if (obj == null) {
obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM(, this.url, this.getOptions());
obj = OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
return obj;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.OSM"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Layer/XYZ.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Layer.Bing
* Bing layer using direct tile access as provided by Bing Maps REST Services.
* See for more
* information. Note: Terms of Service compliant use requires the map to be
* configured with an <OpenLayers.Control.Attribution> control and the
* attribution placed on or near the map.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ>
OpenLayers.Layer.Bing = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ, {
* Property: key
* {String} API key for Bing maps, get your own key
* at .
key: null,
* Property: serverResolutions
* {Array} the resolutions provided by the Bing servers.
serverResolutions: [
156543.03390625, 78271.516953125, 39135.7584765625,
19567.87923828125, 9783.939619140625, 4891.9698095703125,
2445.9849047851562, 1222.9924523925781, 611.4962261962891,
305.74811309814453, 152.87405654907226, 76.43702827453613,
38.218514137268066, 19.109257068634033, 9.554628534317017,
4.777314267158508, 2.388657133579254, 1.194328566789627,
0.5971642833948135, 0.29858214169740677, 0.14929107084870338,
* Property: attributionTemplate
* {String}
attributionTemplate: '<span class="olBingAttribution ${type}">' +
'<div><a target="_blank" href="">' +
'<img src="${logo}" /></a></div>${copyrights}' +
'<a style="white-space: nowrap" target="_blank" '+
'href="">' +
'Terms of Use</a></span>',
* Property: metadata
* {Object} Metadata for this layer, as returned by the callback script
metadata: null,
* Property: protocolRegex
* {RegExp} Regular expression to match and replace http: in bing urls
protocolRegex: /^http:/i,
* APIProperty: type
* {String} The layer identifier. Any non-birdseye imageryType
* from can be
* used. Default is "Road".
type: "Road",
* APIProperty: culture
* {String} The culture identifier. See
* for the definition and the possible values. Default is "en-US".
culture: "en-US",
* APIProperty: metadataParams
* {Object} Optional url parameters for the Get Imagery Metadata request
* as described here:
metadataParams: null,
/** APIProperty: tileOptions
* {Object} optional configuration options for <OpenLayers.Tile> instances
* created by this Layer. Default is
* (code)
* {crossOriginKeyword: 'anonymous'}
* (end)
tileOptions: null,
/** APIProperty: protocol
* {String} Protocol to use to fetch Imagery Metadata, tiles and bing logo
* Can be 'http:' 'https:' or ''
* Warning: tiles may not be available under both HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
* Microsoft approved use of both HTTP and HTTPS urls for tiles. However
* this is undocumented and the Imagery Metadata API always returns HTTP
* urls.
* Default is '', unless when executed from a file:/// uri, in which case
* it is 'http:'.
protocol: ~window.location.href.indexOf('http') ? '' : 'http:',
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.Bing
* Create a new Bing layer.
* Example:
* (code)
* var road = new OpenLayers.Layer.Bing({
* name: "My Bing Aerial Layer",
* type: "Aerial",
* key: "my-api-key-here",
* });
* (end)
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} Configuration properties for the layer.
* Required configuration properties:
* key - {String} Bing Maps API key for your application. Get one at
* type - {String} The layer identifier. Any non-birdseye imageryType
* from can be
* used.
* Any other documented layer properties can be provided in the config object.
initialize: function(options) {
options = OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults({
sphericalMercator: true
}, options);
var name = || "Bing " + (options.type || this.type);
var newArgs = [name, null, options];
OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ.prototype.initialize.apply(this, newArgs);
this.tileOptions = OpenLayers.Util.extend({
crossOriginKeyword: 'anonymous'
}, this.options.tileOptions);
* Method: loadMetadata
loadMetadata: function() {
this._callbackId = "_callback_" +\./g, "_");
// link the processMetadata method to the global scope and bind it
// to this instance
window[this._callbackId] = OpenLayers.Function.bind(
OpenLayers.Layer.Bing.processMetadata, this
var params = OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults({
key: this.key,
jsonp: this._callbackId,
include: "ImageryProviders"
}, this.metadataParams);
var url = this.protocol + "//" +
this.type + "?" + OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString(params);
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = url; = this._callbackId;
* Method: initLayer
* Sets layer properties according to the metadata provided by the API
initLayer: function() {
var res = this.metadata.resourceSets[0].resources[0];
var url = res.imageUrl.replace("{quadkey}", "${quadkey}");
url = url.replace("{culture}", this.culture);
url = url.replace(this.protocolRegex, this.protocol);
this.url = [];
for (var i=0; i<res.imageUrlSubdomains.length; ++i) {
this.url.push(url.replace("{subdomain}", res.imageUrlSubdomains[i]));
maxResolution: Math.min(
this.maxResolution || Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
numZoomLevels: Math.min(
res.zoomMax + 1 - res.zoomMin, this.numZoomLevels
}, true);
if (!this.isBaseLayer) {
* Method: getURL
* Paramters:
* bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
getURL: function(bounds) {
if (!this.url) {
var xyz = this.getXYZ(bounds), x = xyz.x, y = xyz.y, z = xyz.z;
var quadDigits = [];
for (var i = z; i > 0; --i) {
var digit = '0';
var mask = 1 << (i - 1);
if ((x & mask) != 0) {
if ((y & mask) != 0) {
var quadKey = quadDigits.join("");
var url = this.selectUrl('' + x + y + z, this.url);
return OpenLayers.String.format(url, {'quadkey': quadKey});
* Method: updateAttribution
* Updates the attribution according to the requirements outlined in
updateAttribution: function() {
var metadata = this.metadata;
if (!metadata.resourceSets || ! || ! {
var res = metadata.resourceSets[0].resources[0];
var extent =,
new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326")
var providers = res.imageryProviders || [],
zoom = OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(this.serverResolutions,
copyrights = "", provider, i, ii, j, jj, bbox, coverage;
for (i=0,ii=providers.length; i<ii; ++i) {
provider = providers[i];
for (j=0,jj=provider.coverageAreas.length; j<jj; ++j) {
coverage = provider.coverageAreas[j];
// axis order provided is Y,X
bbox = OpenLayers.Bounds.fromArray(coverage.bbox, true);
if (extent.intersectsBounds(bbox) &&
zoom <= coverage.zoomMax && zoom >= coverage.zoomMin) {
copyrights += provider.attribution + " ";
var logo = metadata.brandLogoUri.replace(this.protocolRegex, this.protocol);
this.attribution = OpenLayers.String.format(this.attributionTemplate, {
type: this.type.toLowerCase(),
logo: logo,
copyrights: copyrights
}); &&"changelayer", {
layer: this,
property: "attribution"
* Method: setMap
setMap: function() {
OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);"moveend", this, this.updateAttribution);
* APIMethod: clone
* Parameters:
* obj - {Object}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Layer.Bing>} An exact clone of this <OpenLayers.Layer.Bing>
clone: function(obj) {
if (obj == null) {
obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.Bing(this.options);
//get all additions from superclasses
obj = OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
// copy/set any non-init, non-simple values here
return obj;
* Method: destroy
destroy: function() { &&"moveend", this, this.updateAttribution);
OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.Bing"
* Function: OpenLayers.Layer.Bing.processMetadata
* This function will be bound to an instance, linked to the global scope with
* an id, and called by the JSONP script returned by the API.
* Parameters:
* metadata - {Object} metadata as returned by the API
OpenLayers.Layer.Bing.processMetadata = function(metadata) {
this.metadata = metadata;
var script = document.getElementById(this._callbackId);
window[this._callbackId] = undefined; // cannot delete from window in IE
delete this._callbackId;
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Events.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Handler
* Base class to construct a higher-level handler for event sequences. All
* handlers have activate and deactivate methods. In addition, they have
* methods named like browser events. When a handler is activated, any
* additional methods named like a browser event is registered as a
* listener for the corresponding event. When a handler is deactivated,
* those same methods are unregistered as event listeners.
* Handlers also typically have a callbacks object with keys named like
* the abstracted events or event sequences that they are in charge of
* handling. The controls that wrap handlers define the methods that
* correspond to these abstract events - so instead of listening for
* individual browser events, they only listen for the abstract events
* defined by the handler.
* Handlers are created by controls, which ultimately have the responsibility
* of making changes to the the state of the application. Handlers
* themselves may make temporary changes, but in general are expected to
* return the application in the same state that they found it.
OpenLayers.Handler = OpenLayers.Class({
* Property: id
* {String}
id: null,
* APIProperty: control
* {<OpenLayers.Control>}. The control that initialized this handler. The
* control is assumed to have a valid map property - that map is used
* in the handler's own setMap method.
control: null,
* Property: map
* {<OpenLayers.Map>}
map: null,
* APIProperty: keyMask
* {Integer} Use bitwise operators and one or more of the OpenLayers.Handler
* constants to construct a keyMask. The keyMask is used by
* <checkModifiers>. If the keyMask matches the combination of keys
* down on an event, checkModifiers returns true.
* Example:
* (code)
* // handler only responds if the Shift key is down
* handler.keyMask = OpenLayers.Handler.MOD_SHIFT;
* // handler only responds if Ctrl-Shift is down
* handler.keyMask = OpenLayers.Handler.MOD_SHIFT |
* OpenLayers.Handler.MOD_CTRL;
* (end)
keyMask: null,
* Property: active
* {Boolean}
active: false,
* Property: evt
* {Event} This property references the last event handled by the handler.
* Note that this property is not part of the stable API. Use of the
* evt property should be restricted to controls in the library
* or other applications that are willing to update with changes to
* the OpenLayers code.
evt: null,
* Property: touch
* {Boolean} Indicates the support of touch events. When touch events are
* started touch will be true and all mouse related listeners will do
* nothing.
touch: false,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Handler
* Construct a handler.
* Parameters:
* control - {<OpenLayers.Control>} The control that initialized this
* handler. The control is assumed to have a valid map property; that
* map is used in the handler's own setMap method. If a map property
* is present in the options argument it will be used instead.
* callbacks - {Object} An object whose properties correspond to abstracted
* events or sequences of browser events. The values for these
* properties are functions defined by the control that get called by
* the handler.
* options - {Object} An optional object whose properties will be set on
* the handler.
initialize: function(control, callbacks, options) {
OpenLayers.Util.extend(this, options);
this.control = control;
this.callbacks = callbacks;
var map = ||;
if (map) {
} = OpenLayers.Util.createUniqueID(this.CLASS_NAME + "_");
* Method: setMap
setMap: function (map) { = map;
* Method: checkModifiers
* Check the keyMask on the handler. If no <keyMask> is set, this always
* returns true. If a <keyMask> is set and it matches the combination
* of keys down on an event, this returns true.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The keyMask matches the keys down on an event.
checkModifiers: function (evt) {
if(this.keyMask == null) {
return true;
/* calculate the keyboard modifier mask for this event */
var keyModifiers =
(evt.shiftKey ? OpenLayers.Handler.MOD_SHIFT : 0) |
(evt.ctrlKey ? OpenLayers.Handler.MOD_CTRL : 0) |
(evt.altKey ? OpenLayers.Handler.MOD_ALT : 0) |
(evt.metaKey ? OpenLayers.Handler.MOD_META : 0);
/* if it differs from the handler object's key mask,
bail out of the event handler */
return (keyModifiers == this.keyMask);
* APIMethod: activate
* Turn on the handler. Returns false if the handler was already active.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The handler was activated.
activate: function() {
if( {
return false;
// register for event handlers defined on this class.
var events = OpenLayers.Events.prototype.BROWSER_EVENTS;
for (var i=0, len=events.length; i<len; i++) {
if (this[events[i]]) {
this.register(events[i], this[events[i]]);
} = true;
return true;
* APIMethod: deactivate
* Turn off the handler. Returns false if the handler was already inactive.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The handler was deactivated.
deactivate: function() {
if(! {
return false;
// unregister event handlers defined on this class.
var events = OpenLayers.Events.prototype.BROWSER_EVENTS;
for (var i=0, len=events.length; i<len; i++) {
if (this[events[i]]) {
this.unregister(events[i], this[events[i]]);
this.touch = false; = false;
return true;
* Method: startTouch
* Start touch events, this method must be called by subclasses in
* "touchstart" method. When touch events are started <touch> will be
* true and all mouse related listeners will do nothing.
startTouch: function() {
if (!this.touch) {
this.touch = true;
var events = [
"mousedown", "mouseup", "mousemove", "click", "dblclick",
for (var i=0, len=events.length; i<len; i++) {
if (this[events[i]]) {
this.unregister(events[i], this[events[i]]);
* Method: callback
* Trigger the control's named callback with the given arguments
* Parameters:
* name - {String} The key for the callback that is one of the properties
* of the handler's callbacks object.
* args - {Array(*)} An array of arguments (any type) with which to call
* the callback (defined by the control).
callback: function (name, args) {
if (name && this.callbacks[name]) {
this.callbacks[name].apply(this.control, args);
* Method: register
* register an event on the map
register: function (name, method) {
// TODO: deal with registerPriority in 3.0, this, method);, this, this.setEvent);
* Method: unregister
* unregister an event from the map
unregister: function (name, method) {, this, method);, this, this.setEvent);
* Method: setEvent
* With each registered browser event, the handler sets its own evt
* property. This property can be accessed by controls if needed
* to get more information about the event that the handler is
* processing.
* This allows modifier keys on the event to be checked (alt, shift, ctrl,
* and meta cannot be checked with the keyboard handler). For a
* control to determine which modifier keys are associated with the
* event that a handler is currently processing, it should access
* (code)handler.evt.altKey || handler.evt.shiftKey ||
* handler.evt.ctrlKey || handler.evt.metaKey(end).
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event} The browser event.
setEvent: function(evt) {
this.evt = evt;
return true;
* Method: destroy
* Deconstruct the handler.
destroy: function () {
// unregister event listeners
// eliminate circular references
this.control = = null;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Handler"
* Constant: OpenLayers.Handler.MOD_NONE
* If set as the <keyMask>, <checkModifiers> returns false if any key is down.
OpenLayers.Handler.MOD_NONE = 0;
* Constant: OpenLayers.Handler.MOD_SHIFT
* If set as the <keyMask>, <checkModifiers> returns false if Shift is down.
OpenLayers.Handler.MOD_SHIFT = 1;
* Constant: OpenLayers.Handler.MOD_CTRL
* If set as the <keyMask>, <checkModifiers> returns false if Ctrl is down.
OpenLayers.Handler.MOD_CTRL = 2;
* Constant: OpenLayers.Handler.MOD_ALT
* If set as the <keyMask>, <checkModifiers> returns false if Alt is down.
OpenLayers.Handler.MOD_ALT = 4;
* Constant: OpenLayers.Handler.MOD_META
* If set as the <keyMask>, <checkModifiers> returns false if Cmd is down.
OpenLayers.Handler.MOD_META = 8;
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Handler.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Handler.MouseWheel
* Handler for wheel up/down events.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Handler>
OpenLayers.Handler.MouseWheel = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Handler, {
* Property: wheelListener
* {function}
wheelListener: null,
* Property: interval
* {Integer} In order to increase server performance, an interval (in
* milliseconds) can be set to reduce the number of up/down events
* called. If set, a new up/down event will not be set until the
* interval has passed.
* Defaults to 0, meaning no interval.
interval: 0,
* Property: maxDelta
* {Integer} Maximum delta to collect before breaking from the current
* interval. In cumulative mode, this also limits the maximum delta
* returned from the handler. Default is Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
* Property: delta
* {Integer} When interval is set, delta collects the mousewheel z-deltas
* of the events that occur within the interval.
* See also the cumulative option
delta: 0,
* Property: cumulative
* {Boolean} When interval is set: true to collect all the mousewheel
* z-deltas, false to only record the delta direction (positive or
* negative)
cumulative: true,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Handler.MouseWheel
* Parameters:
* control - {<OpenLayers.Control>}
* callbacks - {Object} An object containing a single function to be
* called when the drag operation is finished.
* The callback should expect to recieve a single
* argument, the point geometry.
* options - {Object}
initialize: function(control, callbacks, options) {
OpenLayers.Handler.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
this.wheelListener = OpenLayers.Function.bindAsEventListener(
this.onWheelEvent, this
* Method: destroy
destroy: function() {
OpenLayers.Handler.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
this.wheelListener = null;
* Mouse ScrollWheel code thanks to
* Method: onWheelEvent
* Catch the wheel event and handle it xbrowserly
* Parameters:
* e - {Event}
onWheelEvent: function(e){
// make sure we have a map and check keyboard modifiers
if (! || !this.checkModifiers(e)) {
// Ride up the element's DOM hierarchy to determine if it or any of
// its ancestors was:
// * specifically marked as scrollable (CSS overflow property)
// * one of our layer divs or a div marked as scrollable
// ('olScrollable' CSS class)
// * the map div
var overScrollableDiv = false;
var allowScroll = false;
var overMapDiv = false;
var elem = OpenLayers.Event.element(e);
while((elem != null) && !overMapDiv && !overScrollableDiv) {
if (!overScrollableDiv) {
try {
var overflow;
if (elem.currentStyle) {
overflow = elem.currentStyle["overflow"];
} else {
var style =
document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null);
overflow = style.getPropertyValue("overflow");
overScrollableDiv = ( overflow &&
(overflow == "auto") || (overflow == "scroll") );
} catch(err) {
//sometimes when scrolling in a popup, this causes
// obscure browser error
if (!allowScroll) {
allowScroll = OpenLayers.Element.hasClass(elem, 'olScrollable');
if (!allowScroll) {
for (var i = 0, len =; i < len; i++) {
// Are we in the layer div? Note that we have two cases
// here: one is to catch EventPane layers, which have a
// pane above the layer (layer.pane)
var layer =[i];
if (elem == layer.div || elem == layer.pane) {
allowScroll = true;
overMapDiv = (elem ==;
elem = elem.parentNode;
// Logic below is the following:
// If we are over a scrollable div or not over the map div:
// * do nothing (let the browser handle scrolling)
// otherwise
// If we are over the layer div or a 'olScrollable' div:
// * zoom/in out
// then
// * kill event (so as not to also scroll the page after zooming)
// otherwise
// Kill the event (dont scroll the page if we wheel over the
// layerswitcher or the pan/zoom control)
if (!overScrollableDiv && overMapDiv) {
if (allowScroll) {
var delta = 0;
if (e.wheelDelta) {
delta = e.wheelDelta;
if (delta % 160 === 0) {
// opera have steps of 160 instead of 120
delta = delta * 0.75;
delta = delta / 120;
} else if (e.detail) {
// detail in Firefox on OS X is 1/3 of Windows
// so force delta 1 / -1
delta = - (e.detail / Math.abs(e.detail));
} += delta;
if(this.interval && Math.abs( < this.maxDelta) {
// store e because window.event might change during delay
var evt = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, e);
this._timeoutId = window.setTimeout(
}, this),
} else {
* Method: wheelZoom
* Given the wheel event, we carry out the appropriate zooming in or out,
* based on the 'wheelDelta' or 'detail' property of the event.
* Parameters:
* e - {Event}
wheelZoom: function(e) {
var delta =; = 0;
if (delta) {
e.xy =;
if (delta < 0) {
[e, this.cumulative ? Math.max(-this.maxDelta, delta) : -1]);
} else {
[e, this.cumulative ? Math.min(this.maxDelta, delta) : 1]);
* Method: activate
activate: function (evt) {
if (OpenLayers.Handler.prototype.activate.apply(this, arguments)) {
//register mousewheel events specifically on the window and document
var wheelListener = this.wheelListener;
OpenLayers.Event.observe(window, "DOMMouseScroll", wheelListener);
OpenLayers.Event.observe(window, "mousewheel", wheelListener);
OpenLayers.Event.observe(document, "mousewheel", wheelListener);
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Method: deactivate
deactivate: function (evt) {
if (OpenLayers.Handler.prototype.deactivate.apply(this, arguments)) {
// unregister mousewheel events specifically on the window and document
var wheelListener = this.wheelListener;
OpenLayers.Event.stopObserving(window, "DOMMouseScroll", wheelListener);
OpenLayers.Event.stopObserving(window, "mousewheel", wheelListener);
OpenLayers.Event.stopObserving(document, "mousewheel", wheelListener);
return true;
} else {
return false;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Handler.MouseWheel"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Geometry/Collection.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Geometry/LineString.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiLineString
* A MultiLineString is a geometry with multiple <OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString>
* components.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection>
* - <OpenLayers.Geometry>
OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiLineString = OpenLayers.Class(
OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection, {
* Property: componentTypes
* {Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of
* components that the collection can include. A null value means the
* component types are not restricted.
componentTypes: ["OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString"],
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiLineString
* Constructor for a MultiLineString Geometry.
* Parameters:
* components - {Array(<OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString>)}
* Method: split
* Use this geometry (the source) to attempt to split a target geometry.
* Parameters:
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} The target geometry.
* options - {Object} Properties of this object will be used to determine
* how the split is conducted.
* Valid options:
* mutual - {Boolean} Split the source geometry in addition to the target
* geometry. Default is false.
* edge - {Boolean} Allow splitting when only edges intersect. Default is
* true. If false, a vertex on the source must be within the tolerance
* distance of the intersection to be considered a split.
* tolerance - {Number} If a non-null value is provided, intersections
* within the tolerance distance of an existing vertex on the source
* will be assumed to occur at the vertex.
* Returns:
* {Array} A list of geometries (of this same type as the target) that
* result from splitting the target with the source geometry. The
* source and target geometry will remain unmodified. If no split
* results, null will be returned. If mutual is true and a split
* results, return will be an array of two arrays - the first will be
* all geometries that result from splitting the source geometry and
* the second will be all geometries that result from splitting the
* target geometry.
split: function(geometry, options) {
var results = null;
var mutual = options &&;
var splits, sourceLine, sourceLines, sourceSplit, targetSplit;
var sourceParts = [];
var targetParts = [geometry];
for(var i=0, len=this.components.length; i<len; ++i) {
sourceLine = this.components[i];
sourceSplit = false;
for(var j=0; j < targetParts.length; ++j) {
splits = sourceLine.split(targetParts[j], options);
if(splits) {
if(mutual) {
sourceLines = splits[0];
for(var k=0, klen=sourceLines.length; k<klen; ++k) {
if(k===0 && sourceParts.length) {
} else {
new OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiLineString([
sourceSplit = true;
splits = splits[1];
if(splits.length) {
// splice in new target parts
splits.unshift(j, 1);
Array.prototype.splice.apply(targetParts, splits);
if(!sourceSplit) {
// source line was not hit
if(sourceParts.length) {
// add line to existing multi
} else {
// create a fresh multi
sourceParts = [
new OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiLineString(
if(sourceParts && sourceParts.length > 1) {
sourceSplit = true;
} else {
sourceParts = [];
if(targetParts && targetParts.length > 1) {
targetSplit = true;
} else {
targetParts = [];
if(sourceSplit || targetSplit) {
if(mutual) {
results = [sourceParts, targetParts];
} else {
results = targetParts;
return results;
* Method: splitWith
* Split this geometry (the target) with the given geometry (the source).
* Parameters:
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} A geometry used to split this
* geometry (the source).
* options - {Object} Properties of this object will be used to determine
* how the split is conducted.
* Valid options:
* mutual - {Boolean} Split the source geometry in addition to the target
* geometry. Default is false.
* edge - {Boolean} Allow splitting when only edges intersect. Default is
* true. If false, a vertex on the source must be within the tolerance
* distance of the intersection to be considered a split.
* tolerance - {Number} If a non-null value is provided, intersections
* within the tolerance distance of an existing vertex on the source
* will be assumed to occur at the vertex.
* Returns:
* {Array} A list of geometries (of this same type as the target) that
* result from splitting the target with the source geometry. The
* source and target geometry will remain unmodified. If no split
* results, null will be returned. If mutual is true and a split
* results, return will be an array of two arrays - the first will be
* all geometries that result from splitting the source geometry and
* the second will be all geometries that result from splitting the
* target geometry.
splitWith: function(geometry, options) {
var results = null;
var mutual = options &&;
var splits, targetLine, sourceLines, sourceSplit, targetSplit, sourceParts, targetParts;
if(geometry instanceof OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString) {
targetParts = [];
sourceParts = [geometry];
for(var i=0, len=this.components.length; i<len; ++i) {
targetSplit = false;
targetLine = this.components[i];
for(var j=0; j<sourceParts.length; ++j) {
splits = sourceParts[j].split(targetLine, options);
if(splits) {
if(mutual) {
sourceLines = splits[0];
if(sourceLines.length) {
// splice in new source parts
sourceLines.unshift(j, 1);
Array.prototype.splice.apply(sourceParts, sourceLines);
j += sourceLines.length - 2;
splits = splits[1];
if(splits.length === 0) {
splits = [targetLine.clone()];
for(var k=0, klen=splits.length; k<klen; ++k) {
if(k===0 && targetParts.length) {
} else {
new OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiLineString([
targetSplit = true;
if(!targetSplit) {
// target component was not hit
if(targetParts.length) {
// add it to any existing multi-line
} else {
// or start with a fresh multi-line
targetParts = [
new OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiLineString([
} else {
results = geometry.split(this);
if(sourceParts && sourceParts.length > 1) {
sourceSplit = true;
} else {
sourceParts = [];
if(targetParts && targetParts.length > 1) {
targetSplit = true;
} else {
targetParts = [];
if(sourceSplit || targetSplit) {
if(mutual) {
results = [sourceParts, targetParts];
} else {
results = targetParts;
return results;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiLineString"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Renderer
* This is the base class for all renderers.
* This is based on a merger code written by Paul Spencer and Bertil Chapuis.
* It is largely composed of virtual functions that are to be implemented
* in technology-specific subclasses, but there is some generic code too.
* The functions that *are* implemented here merely deal with the maintenance
* of the size and extent variables, as well as the cached 'resolution'
* value.
* A note to the user that all subclasses should use getResolution() instead
* of directly accessing this.resolution in order to correctly use the
* cacheing system.
OpenLayers.Renderer = OpenLayers.Class({
* Property: container
* {DOMElement}
container: null,
* Property: root
* {DOMElement}
root: null,
* Property: extent
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
extent: null,
* Property: locked
* {Boolean} If the renderer is currently in a state where many things
* are changing, the 'locked' property is set to true. This means
* that renderers can expect at least one more drawFeature event to be
* called with the 'locked' property set to 'true': In some renderers,
* this might make sense to use as a 'only update local information'
* flag.
locked: false,
* Property: size
* {<OpenLayers.Size>}
size: null,
* Property: resolution
* {Float} cache of current map resolution
resolution: null,
* Property: map
* {<OpenLayers.Map>} Reference to the map -- this is set in Vector's setMap()
map: null,
* Property: featureDx
* {Number} Feature offset in x direction. Will be calculated for and
* applied to the current feature while rendering (see
* <calculateFeatureDx>).
featureDx: 0,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Renderer
* Parameters:
* containerID - {<String>}
* options - {Object} options for this renderer. See sublcasses for
* supported options.
initialize: function(containerID, options) {
this.container = OpenLayers.Util.getElement(containerID);
OpenLayers.Util.extend(this, options);
* APIMethod: destroy
destroy: function() {
this.container = null;
this.extent = null;
this.size = null;
this.resolution = null; = null;
* APIMethod: supported
* This should be overridden by specific subclasses
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Whether or not the browser supports the renderer class
supported: function() {
return false;
* Method: setExtent
* Set the visible part of the layer.
* Resolution has probably changed, so we nullify the resolution
* cache (this.resolution) -- this way it will be re-computed when
* next it is needed.
* We nullify the resolution cache (this.resolution) if resolutionChanged
* is set to true - this way it will be re-computed on the next
* getResolution() request.
* Parameters:
* extent - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
* resolutionChanged - {Boolean}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} true to notify the layer that the new extent does not exceed
* the coordinate range, and the features will not need to be redrawn.
* False otherwise.
setExtent: function(extent, resolutionChanged) {
this.extent = extent.clone();
if ( && {
var ratio = extent.getWidth() /,
extent = extent.scale(1 / ratio);
this.extent = extent.wrapDateLine(;
if (resolutionChanged) {
this.resolution = null;
return true;
* Method: setSize
* Sets the size of the drawing surface.
* Resolution has probably changed, so we nullify the resolution
* cache (this.resolution) -- this way it will be re-computed when
* next it is needed.
* Parameters:
* size - {<OpenLayers.Size>}
setSize: function(size) {
this.size = size.clone();
this.resolution = null;
* Method: getResolution
* Uses cached copy of resolution if available to minimize computing
* Returns:
* {Float} The current map's resolution
getResolution: function() {
this.resolution = this.resolution ||;
return this.resolution;
* Method: drawFeature
* Draw the feature. The optional style argument can be used
* to override the feature's own style. This method should only
* be called from layer.drawFeature().
* Parameters:
* feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
* style - {<Object>}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} true if the feature has been drawn completely, false if not,
* undefined if the feature had no geometry
drawFeature: function(feature, style) {
if(style == null) {
style =;
if (feature.geometry) {
var bounds = feature.geometry.getBounds();
if(bounds) {
var worldBounds;
if ( && {
worldBounds =;
if (!bounds.intersectsBounds(this.extent, {worldBounds: worldBounds})) {
style = {display: "none"};
} else {
this.calculateFeatureDx(bounds, worldBounds);
var rendered = this.drawGeometry(feature.geometry, style,;
if(style.display != "none" && style.label && rendered !== false) {
var location = feature.geometry.getCentroid();
if(style.labelXOffset || style.labelYOffset) {
var xOffset = isNaN(style.labelXOffset) ? 0 : style.labelXOffset;
var yOffset = isNaN(style.labelYOffset) ? 0 : style.labelYOffset;
var res = this.getResolution();
location.move(xOffset*res, yOffset*res);
this.drawText(, style, location);
} else {
return rendered;
* Method: calculateFeatureDx
* {Number} Calculates the feature offset in x direction. Looking at the
* center of the feature bounds and the renderer extent, we calculate how
* many world widths the two are away from each other. This distance is
* used to shift the feature as close as possible to the center of the
* current enderer extent, which ensures that the feature is visible in the
* current viewport.
* Parameters:
* bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} Bounds of the feature
* worldBounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} Bounds of the world
calculateFeatureDx: function(bounds, worldBounds) {
this.featureDx = 0;
if (worldBounds) {
var worldWidth = worldBounds.getWidth(),
rendererCenterX = (this.extent.left + this.extent.right) / 2,
featureCenterX = (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2,
worldsAway = Math.round((featureCenterX - rendererCenterX) / worldWidth);
this.featureDx = worldsAway * worldWidth;
* Method: drawGeometry
* Draw a geometry. This should only be called from the renderer itself.
* Use layer.drawFeature() from outside the renderer.
* virtual function
* Parameters:
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* style - {Object}
* featureId - {<String>}
drawGeometry: function(geometry, style, featureId) {},
* Method: drawText
* Function for drawing text labels.
* This method is only called by the renderer itself.
* Parameters:
* featureId - {String}
* style -
* location - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>}
drawText: function(featureId, style, location) {},
* Method: removeText
* Function for removing text labels.
* This method is only called by the renderer itself.
* Parameters:
* featureId - {String}
removeText: function(featureId) {},
* Method: clear
* Clear all vectors from the renderer.
* virtual function.
clear: function() {},
* Method: getFeatureIdFromEvent
* Returns a feature id from an event on the renderer.
* How this happens is specific to the renderer. This should be
* called from layer.getFeatureFromEvent().
* Virtual function.
* Parameters:
* evt - {<OpenLayers.Event>}
* Returns:
* {String} A feature id or undefined.
getFeatureIdFromEvent: function(evt) {},
* Method: eraseFeatures
* This is called by the layer to erase features
* Parameters:
* features - {Array(<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>)}
eraseFeatures: function(features) {
if(!(OpenLayers.Util.isArray(features))) {
features = [features];
for(var i=0, len=features.length; i<len; ++i) {
var feature = features[i];
* Method: eraseGeometry
* Remove a geometry from the renderer (by id).
* virtual function.
* Parameters:
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* featureId - {String}
eraseGeometry: function(geometry, featureId) {},
* Method: moveRoot
* moves this renderer's root to a (different) renderer.
* To be implemented by subclasses that require a common renderer root for
* feature selection.
* Parameters:
* renderer - {<OpenLayers.Renderer>} target renderer for the moved root
moveRoot: function(renderer) {},
* Method: getRenderLayerId
* Gets the layer that this renderer's output appears on. If moveRoot was
* used, this will be different from the id of the layer containing the
* features rendered by this renderer.
* Returns:
* {String} the id of the output layer.
getRenderLayerId: function() {
* Method: applyDefaultSymbolizer
* Parameters:
* symbolizer - {Object}
* Returns:
* {Object}
applyDefaultSymbolizer: function(symbolizer) {
var result = OpenLayers.Util.extend({},
if(symbolizer.stroke === false) {
delete result.strokeWidth;
delete result.strokeColor;
if(symbolizer.fill === false) {
delete result.fillColor;
OpenLayers.Util.extend(result, symbolizer);
return result;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Renderer"
* Constant: OpenLayers.Renderer.defaultSymbolizer
* {Object} Properties from this symbolizer will be applied to symbolizers
* with missing properties. This can also be used to set a global
* symbolizer default in OpenLayers. To be SLD 1.x compliant, add the
* following code before rendering any vector features:
* (code)
* OpenLayers.Renderer.defaultSymbolizer = {
* fillColor: "#808080",
* fillOpacity: 1,
* strokeColor: "#000000",
* strokeOpacity: 1,
* strokeWidth: 1,
* pointRadius: 3,
* graphicName: "square"
* };
* (end)
OpenLayers.Renderer.defaultSymbolizer = {
fillColor: "#000000",
strokeColor: "#000000",
strokeWidth: 2,
fillOpacity: 1,
strokeOpacity: 1,
pointRadius: 0,
labelAlign: 'cm'
* Constant: OpenLayers.Renderer.symbol
* Coordinate arrays for well known (named) symbols.
OpenLayers.Renderer.symbol = {
"star": [350,75, 379,161, 469,161, 397,215, 423,301, 350,250, 277,301,
303,215, 231,161, 321,161, 350,75],
"cross": [4,0, 6,0, 6,4, 10,4, 10,6, 6,6, 6,10, 4,10, 4,6, 0,6, 0,4, 4,4,
"x": [0,0, 25,0, 50,35, 75,0, 100,0, 65,50, 100,100, 75,100, 50,65, 25,100, 0,100, 35,50, 0,0],
"square": [0,0, 0,1, 1,1, 1,0, 0,0],
"triangle": [0,10, 10,10, 5,0, 0,10]
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Renderer.js
* Class: OpenLayers.ElementsIndexer
* This class takes care of figuring out which order elements should be
* placed in the DOM based on given indexing methods.
OpenLayers.ElementsIndexer = OpenLayers.Class({
* Property: maxZIndex
* {Integer} This is the largest-most z-index value for a node
* contained within the indexer.
maxZIndex: null,
* Property: order
* {Array<String>} This is an array of node id's stored in the
* order that they should show up on screen. Id's higher up in the
* array (higher array index) represent nodes with higher z-indeces.
order: null,
* Property: indices
* {Object} This is a hash that maps node ids to their z-index value
* stored in the indexer. This is done to make finding a nodes z-index
* value O(1).
indices: null,
* Property: compare
* {Function} This is the function used to determine placement of
* of a new node within the indexer. If null, this defaults to to
* the Z_ORDER_DRAWING_ORDER comparison method.
compare: null,
* APIMethod: initialize
* Create a new indexer with
* Parameters:
* yOrdering - {Boolean} Whether to use y-ordering.
initialize: function(yOrdering) { = yOrdering ?
OpenLayers.ElementsIndexer.IndexingMethods.Z_ORDER_Y_ORDER :
* APIMethod: insert
* Insert a new node into the indexer. In order to find the correct
* positioning for the node to be inserted, this method uses a binary
* search. This makes inserting O(log(n)).
* Parameters:
* newNode - {DOMElement} The new node to be inserted.
* Returns
* {DOMElement} the node before which we should insert our newNode, or
* null if newNode can just be appended.
insert: function(newNode) {
// If the node is known to the indexer, remove it so we can
// recalculate where it should go.
if (this.exists(newNode)) {
var nodeId =;
var leftIndex = -1;
var rightIndex = this.order.length;
var middle;
while (rightIndex - leftIndex > 1) {
middle = parseInt((leftIndex + rightIndex) / 2);
var placement =, newNode,
if (placement > 0) {
leftIndex = middle;
} else {
rightIndex = middle;
this.order.splice(rightIndex, 0, nodeId);
this.indices[nodeId] = this.getZIndex(newNode);
// If the new node should be before another in the index
// order, return the node before which we have to insert the new one;
// else, return null to indicate that the new node can be appended.
return this.getNextElement(rightIndex);
* APIMethod: remove
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement} The node to be removed.
remove: function(node) {
var nodeId =;
var arrayIndex = OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(this.order, nodeId);
if (arrayIndex >= 0) {
// Remove it from the order array, as well as deleting the node
// from the indeces hash.
this.order.splice(arrayIndex, 1);
delete this.indices[nodeId];
// Reset the maxium z-index based on the last item in the
// order array.
if (this.order.length > 0) {
var lastId = this.order[this.order.length - 1];
this.maxZIndex = this.indices[lastId];
} else {
this.maxZIndex = 0;
* APIMethod: clear
clear: function() {
this.order = [];
this.indices = {};
this.maxZIndex = 0;
* APIMethod: exists
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement} The node to test for existence.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Whether or not the node exists in the indexer?
exists: function(node) {
return (this.indices[] != null);
* APIMethod: getZIndex
* Get the z-index value for the current node from the node data itself.
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement} The node whose z-index to get.
* Returns:
* {Integer} The z-index value for the specified node (from the node
* data itself).
getZIndex: function(node) {
return node._style.graphicZIndex;
* Method: determineZIndex
* Determine the z-index for the current node if there isn't one,
* and set the maximum value if we've found a new maximum.
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
determineZIndex: function(node) {
var zIndex = node._style.graphicZIndex;
// Everything must have a zIndex. If none is specified,
// this means the user *must* (hint: assumption) want this
// node to succomb to drawing order. To enforce drawing order
// over all indexing methods, we'll create a new z-index that's
// greater than any currently in the indexer.
if (zIndex == null) {
zIndex = this.maxZIndex;
node._style.graphicZIndex = zIndex;
} else if (zIndex > this.maxZIndex) {
this.maxZIndex = zIndex;
* APIMethod: getNextElement
* Get the next element in the order stack.
* Parameters:
* index - {Integer} The index of the current node in this.order.
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} the node following the index passed in, or
* null.
getNextElement: function(index) {
var nextIndex = index + 1;
if (nextIndex < this.order.length) {
var nextElement = OpenLayers.Util.getElement(this.order[nextIndex]);
if (nextElement == undefined) {
nextElement = this.getNextElement(nextIndex);
return nextElement;
} else {
return null;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.ElementsIndexer"
* Namespace: OpenLayers.ElementsIndexer.IndexingMethods
* These are the compare methods for figuring out where a new node should be
* placed within the indexer. These methods are very similar to general
* sorting methods in that they return -1, 0, and 1 to specify the
* direction in which new nodes fall in the ordering.
OpenLayers.ElementsIndexer.IndexingMethods = {
* Method: Z_ORDER
* This compare method is used by other comparison methods.
* It can be used individually for ordering, but is not recommended,
* because it doesn't subscribe to drawing order.
* Parameters:
* indexer - {<OpenLayers.ElementsIndexer>}
* newNode - {DOMElement}
* nextNode - {DOMElement}
* Returns:
* {Integer}
Z_ORDER: function(indexer, newNode, nextNode) {
var newZIndex = indexer.getZIndex(newNode);
var returnVal = 0;
if (nextNode) {
var nextZIndex = indexer.getZIndex(nextNode);
returnVal = newZIndex - nextZIndex;
return returnVal;
* This method orders nodes by their z-index, but does so in a way
* that, if there are other nodes with the same z-index, the newest
* drawn will be the front most within that z-index. This is the
* default indexing method.
* Parameters:
* indexer - {<OpenLayers.ElementsIndexer>}
* newNode - {DOMElement}
* nextNode - {DOMElement}
* Returns:
* {Integer}
Z_ORDER_DRAWING_ORDER: function(indexer, newNode, nextNode) {
var returnVal = OpenLayers.ElementsIndexer.IndexingMethods.Z_ORDER(
// Make Z_ORDER subscribe to drawing order by pushing it above
// all of the other nodes with the same z-index.
if (nextNode && returnVal == 0) {
returnVal = 1;
return returnVal;
* This one should really be called Z_ORDER_Y_ORDER_DRAWING_ORDER, as it
* best describes which ordering methods have precedence (though, the
* name would be too long). This method orders nodes by their z-index,
* but does so in a way that, if there are other nodes with the same
* z-index, the nodes with the lower y position will be "closer" than
* those with a higher y position. If two nodes have the exact same y
* position, however, then this method will revert to using drawing
* order to decide placement.
* Parameters:
* indexer - {<OpenLayers.ElementsIndexer>}
* newNode - {DOMElement}
* nextNode - {DOMElement}
* Returns:
* {Integer}
Z_ORDER_Y_ORDER: function(indexer, newNode, nextNode) {
var returnVal = OpenLayers.ElementsIndexer.IndexingMethods.Z_ORDER(
if (nextNode && returnVal === 0) {
var result = nextNode._boundsBottom - newNode._boundsBottom;
returnVal = (result === 0) ? 1 : result;
return returnVal;
* Class: OpenLayers.Renderer.Elements
* This is another virtual class in that it should never be instantiated by
* itself as a Renderer. It exists because there is *tons* of shared
* functionality between different vector libraries which use nodes/elements
* as a base for rendering vectors.
* The highlevel bits of code that are implemented here are the adding and
* removing of geometries, which is essentially the same for any
* element-based renderer. The details of creating each node and drawing the
* paths are of course different, but the machinery is the same.
* Inherits:
* - <OpenLayers.Renderer>
OpenLayers.Renderer.Elements = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Renderer, {
* Property: rendererRoot
* {DOMElement}
rendererRoot: null,
* Property: root
* {DOMElement}
root: null,
* Property: vectorRoot
* {DOMElement}
vectorRoot: null,
* Property: textRoot
* {DOMElement}
textRoot: null,
* Property: xmlns
* {String}
xmlns: null,
* Property: xOffset
* {Number} Offset to apply to the renderer viewport translation in x
* direction. If the renderer extent's center is on the right of the
* dateline (i.e. exceeds the world bounds), we shift the viewport to the
* left by one world width. This avoids that features disappear from the
* map viewport. Because our dateline handling logic in other places
* ensures that extents crossing the dateline always have a center
* exceeding the world bounds on the left, we need this offset to make sure
* that the same is true for the renderer extent in pixel space as well.
xOffset: 0,
* Property: rightOfDateLine
* {Boolean} Keeps track of the location of the map extent relative to the
* date line. The <setExtent> method compares this value (which is the one
* from the previous <setExtent> call) with the current position of the map
* extent relative to the date line and updates the xOffset when the extent
* has moved from one side of the date line to the other.
* Property: Indexer
* {<OpenLayers.ElementIndexer>} An instance of OpenLayers.ElementsIndexer
* created upon initialization if the zIndexing or yOrdering options
* passed to this renderer's constructor are set to true.
indexer: null,
* {String}
BACKGROUND_ID_SUFFIX: "_background",
* {String}
LABEL_ID_SUFFIX: "_label",
* {String}
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Renderer.Elements
* Parameters:
* containerID - {String}
* options - {Object} options for this renderer.
* Supported options are:
* yOrdering - {Boolean} Whether to use y-ordering
* zIndexing - {Boolean} Whether to use z-indexing. Will be ignored
* if yOrdering is set to true.
initialize: function(containerID, options) {
OpenLayers.Renderer.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
this.rendererRoot = this.createRenderRoot();
this.root = this.createRoot("_root");
this.vectorRoot = this.createRoot("_vroot");
this.textRoot = this.createRoot("_troot");
if(options && (options.zIndexing || options.yOrdering)) {
this.indexer = new OpenLayers.ElementsIndexer(options.yOrdering);
* Method: destroy
destroy: function() {
this.rendererRoot = null;
this.root = null;
this.xmlns = null;
OpenLayers.Renderer.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
* Method: clear
* Remove all the elements from the root
clear: function() {
var child;
var root = this.vectorRoot;
if (root) {
while (child = root.firstChild) {
root = this.textRoot;
if (root) {
while (child = root.firstChild) {
if (this.indexer) {
* Method: setExtent
* Set the visible part of the layer.
* Parameters:
* extent - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
* resolutionChanged - {Boolean}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} true to notify the layer that the new extent does not exceed
* the coordinate range, and the features will not need to be redrawn.
* False otherwise.
setExtent: function(extent, resolutionChanged) {
var coordSysUnchanged = OpenLayers.Renderer.prototype.setExtent.apply(this, arguments);
var resolution = this.getResolution();
if ( && {
var rightOfDateLine,
ratio = extent.getWidth() /,
extent = extent.scale(1 / ratio),
world =;
if (world.right > extent.left && world.right < extent.right) {
rightOfDateLine = true;
} else if (world.left > extent.left && world.left < extent.right) {
rightOfDateLine = false;
if (rightOfDateLine !== this.rightOfDateLine || resolutionChanged) {
coordSysUnchanged = false;
this.xOffset = rightOfDateLine === true ?
world.getWidth() / resolution : 0;
this.rightOfDateLine = rightOfDateLine;
return coordSysUnchanged;
* Method: getNodeType
* This function is in charge of asking the specific renderer which type
* of node to create for the given geometry and style. All geometries
* in an Elements-based renderer consist of one node and some
* attributes. We have the nodeFactory() function which creates a node
* for us, but it takes a 'type' as input, and that is precisely what
* this function tells us.
* Parameters:
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* style - {Object}
* Returns:
* {String} The corresponding node type for the specified geometry
getNodeType: function(geometry, style) { },
* Method: drawGeometry
* Draw the geometry, creating new nodes, setting paths, setting style,
* setting featureId on the node. This method should only be called
* by the renderer itself.
* Parameters:
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* style - {Object}
* featureId - {String}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} true if the geometry has been drawn completely; null if
* incomplete; false otherwise
drawGeometry: function(geometry, style, featureId) {
var className = geometry.CLASS_NAME;
var rendered = true;
if ((className == "OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection") ||
(className == "OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPoint") ||
(className == "OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiLineString") ||
(className == "OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPolygon")) {
for (var i = 0, len=geometry.components.length; i<len; i++) {
rendered = this.drawGeometry(
geometry.components[i], style, featureId) && rendered;
return rendered;
rendered = false;
var removeBackground = false;
if (style.display != "none") {
if (style.backgroundGraphic) {
this.redrawBackgroundNode(, geometry, style,
} else {
removeBackground = true;
rendered = this.redrawNode(, geometry, style,
if (rendered == false) {
var node = document.getElementById(;
if (node) {
if (node._style.backgroundGraphic) {
removeBackground = true;
if (removeBackground) {
var node = document.getElementById( + this.BACKGROUND_ID_SUFFIX);
if (node) {
return rendered;
* Method: redrawNode
* Parameters:
* id - {String}
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* style - {Object}
* featureId - {String}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} true if the complete geometry could be drawn, null if parts of
* the geometry could not be drawn, false otherwise
redrawNode: function(id, geometry, style, featureId) {
style = this.applyDefaultSymbolizer(style);
// Get the node if it's already on the map.
var node = this.nodeFactory(id, this.getNodeType(geometry, style));
// Set the data for the node, then draw it.
node._featureId = featureId;
node._boundsBottom = geometry.getBounds().bottom;
node._geometryClass = geometry.CLASS_NAME;
node._style = style;
var drawResult = this.drawGeometryNode(node, geometry, style);
if(drawResult === false) {
return false;
node = drawResult.node;
// Insert the node into the indexer so it can show us where to
// place it. Note that this operation is O(log(n)). If there's a
// performance problem (when dragging, for instance) this is
// likely where it would be.
if (this.indexer) {
var insert = this.indexer.insert(node);
if (insert) {
this.vectorRoot.insertBefore(node, insert);
} else {
} else {
// if there's no indexer, simply append the node to root,
// but only if the node is a new one
if (node.parentNode !== this.vectorRoot){
return drawResult.complete;
* Method: redrawBackgroundNode
* Redraws the node using special 'background' style properties. Basically
* just calls redrawNode(), but instead of directly using the
* 'externalGraphic', 'graphicXOffset', 'graphicYOffset', and
* 'graphicZIndex' properties directly from the specified 'style'
* parameter, we create a new style object and set those properties
* from the corresponding 'background'-prefixed properties from
* specified 'style' parameter.
* Parameters:
* id - {String}
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* style - {Object}
* featureId - {String}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} true if the complete geometry could be drawn, null if parts of
* the geometry could not be drawn, false otherwise
redrawBackgroundNode: function(id, geometry, style, featureId) {
var backgroundStyle = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, style);
// Set regular style attributes to apply to the background styles.
backgroundStyle.externalGraphic = backgroundStyle.backgroundGraphic;
backgroundStyle.graphicXOffset = backgroundStyle.backgroundXOffset;
backgroundStyle.graphicYOffset = backgroundStyle.backgroundYOffset;
backgroundStyle.graphicZIndex = backgroundStyle.backgroundGraphicZIndex;
backgroundStyle.graphicWidth = backgroundStyle.backgroundWidth || backgroundStyle.graphicWidth;
backgroundStyle.graphicHeight = backgroundStyle.backgroundHeight || backgroundStyle.graphicHeight;
// Erase background styles.
backgroundStyle.backgroundGraphic = null;
backgroundStyle.backgroundXOffset = null;
backgroundStyle.backgroundYOffset = null;
backgroundStyle.backgroundGraphicZIndex = null;
return this.redrawNode(
* Method: drawGeometryNode
* Given a node, draw a geometry on the specified layer.
* node and geometry are required arguments, style is optional.
* This method is only called by the render itself.
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* style - {Object}
* Returns:
* {Object} a hash with properties "node" (the drawn node) and "complete"
* (null if parts of the geometry could not be drawn, false if nothing
* could be drawn)
drawGeometryNode: function(node, geometry, style) {
style = style || node._style;
var options = {
'isFilled': style.fill === undefined ?
true :
'isStroked': style.stroke === undefined ?
!!style.strokeWidth :
var drawn;
switch (geometry.CLASS_NAME) {
case "OpenLayers.Geometry.Point":
if(style.graphic === false) {
options.isFilled = false;
options.isStroked = false;
drawn = this.drawPoint(node, geometry);
case "OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString":
options.isFilled = false;
drawn = this.drawLineString(node, geometry);
case "OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing":
drawn = this.drawLinearRing(node, geometry);
case "OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon":
drawn = this.drawPolygon(node, geometry);
case "OpenLayers.Geometry.Rectangle":
drawn = this.drawRectangle(node, geometry);
node._options = options;
//set style
//TBD simplify this
if (drawn != false) {
return {
node: this.setStyle(node, style, options, geometry),
complete: drawn
} else {
return false;
* Method: postDraw
* Things that have do be done after the geometry node is appended
* to its parent node. To be overridden by subclasses.
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
postDraw: function(node) {},
* Method: drawPoint
* Virtual function for drawing Point Geometry.
* Should be implemented by subclasses.
* This method is only called by the renderer itself.
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} or false if the renderer could not draw the point
drawPoint: function(node, geometry) {},
* Method: drawLineString
* Virtual function for drawing LineString Geometry.
* Should be implemented by subclasses.
* This method is only called by the renderer itself.
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} or null if the renderer could not draw all components of
* the linestring, or false if nothing could be drawn
drawLineString: function(node, geometry) {},
* Method: drawLinearRing
* Virtual function for drawing LinearRing Geometry.
* Should be implemented by subclasses.
* This method is only called by the renderer itself.
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} or null if the renderer could not draw all components
* of the linear ring, or false if nothing could be drawn
drawLinearRing: function(node, geometry) {},
* Method: drawPolygon
* Virtual function for drawing Polygon Geometry.
* Should be implemented by subclasses.
* This method is only called by the renderer itself.
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} or null if the renderer could not draw all components
* of the polygon, or false if nothing could be drawn
drawPolygon: function(node, geometry) {},
* Method: drawRectangle
* Virtual function for drawing Rectangle Geometry.
* Should be implemented by subclasses.
* This method is only called by the renderer itself.
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} or false if the renderer could not draw the rectangle
drawRectangle: function(node, geometry) {},
* Method: drawCircle
* Virtual function for drawing Circle Geometry.
* Should be implemented by subclasses.
* This method is only called by the renderer itself.
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} or false if the renderer could not draw the circle
drawCircle: function(node, geometry) {},
* Method: removeText
* Removes a label
* Parameters:
* featureId - {String}
removeText: function(featureId) {
var label = document.getElementById(featureId + this.LABEL_ID_SUFFIX);
if (label) {
var outline = document.getElementById(featureId + this.LABEL_OUTLINE_SUFFIX);
if (outline) {
* Method: getFeatureIdFromEvent
* Parameters:
* evt - {Object} An <OpenLayers.Event> object
* Returns:
* {String} A feature id or undefined.
getFeatureIdFromEvent: function(evt) {
var target =;
var useElement = target && target.correspondingUseElement;
var node = useElement ? useElement : (target || evt.srcElement);
return node._featureId;
* Method: eraseGeometry
* Erase a geometry from the renderer. In the case of a multi-geometry,
* we cycle through and recurse on ourselves. Otherwise, we look for a
* node with the, destroy its geometry, and remove it from
* the DOM.
* Parameters:
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* featureId - {String}
eraseGeometry: function(geometry, featureId) {
if ((geometry.CLASS_NAME == "OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPoint") ||
(geometry.CLASS_NAME == "OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiLineString") ||
(geometry.CLASS_NAME == "OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPolygon") ||
(geometry.CLASS_NAME == "OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection")) {
for (var i=0, len=geometry.components.length; i<len; i++) {
this.eraseGeometry(geometry.components[i], featureId);
} else {
var element = OpenLayers.Util.getElement(;
if (element && element.parentNode) {
if (element.geometry) {
element.geometry = null;
if (this.indexer) {
if (element._style.backgroundGraphic) {
var backgroundId = + this.BACKGROUND_ID_SUFFIX;
var bElem = OpenLayers.Util.getElement(backgroundId);
if (bElem && bElem.parentNode) {
// No need to destroy the geometry since the element and the background
// node share the same geometry.
* Method: nodeFactory
* Create new node of the specified type, with the (optional) specified id.
* If node already exists with same ID and a different type, we remove it
* and then call ourselves again to recreate it.
* Parameters:
* id - {String}
* type - {String} type Kind of node to draw.
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} A new node of the given type and id.
nodeFactory: function(id, type) {
var node = OpenLayers.Util.getElement(id);
if (node) {
if (!this.nodeTypeCompare(node, type)) {
node = this.nodeFactory(id, type);
} else {
node = this.createNode(type, id);
return node;
* Method: nodeTypeCompare
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
* type - {String} Kind of node
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Whether or not the specified node is of the specified type
* This function must be overridden by subclasses.
nodeTypeCompare: function(node, type) {},
* Method: createNode
* Parameters:
* type - {String} Kind of node to draw.
* id - {String} Id for node.
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} A new node of the given type and id.
* This function must be overridden by subclasses.
createNode: function(type, id) {},
* Method: moveRoot
* moves this renderer's root to a different renderer.
* Parameters:
* renderer - {<OpenLayers.Renderer>} target renderer for the moved root
moveRoot: function(renderer) {
var root = this.root;
if(renderer.root.parentNode == this.rendererRoot) {
root = renderer.root;
* Method: getRenderLayerId
* Gets the layer that this renderer's output appears on. If moveRoot was
* used, this will be different from the id of the layer containing the
* features rendered by this renderer.
* Returns:
* {String} the id of the output layer.
getRenderLayerId: function() {
* Method: isComplexSymbol
* Determines if a symbol cannot be rendered using drawCircle
* Parameters:
* graphicName - {String}
* Returns
* {Boolean} true if the symbol is complex, false if not
isComplexSymbol: function(graphicName) {
return (graphicName != "circle") && !!graphicName;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Renderer.Elements"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Control
* Controls affect the display or behavior of the map. They allow everything
* from panning and zooming to displaying a scale indicator. Controls by
* default are added to the map they are contained within however it is
* possible to add a control to an external div by passing the div in the
* options parameter.
* Example:
* The following example shows how to add many of the common controls
* to a map.
* > var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', { controls: [] });
* >
* > map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar());
* > map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher({'ascending':false}));
* > map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink());
* > map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink('permalink'));
* > map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition());
* > map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap());
* > map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults());
* The next code fragment is a quick example of how to intercept
* shift-mouse click to display the extent of the bounding box
* dragged out by the user. Usually controls are not created
* in exactly this manner. See the source for a more complete
* example:
* > var control = new OpenLayers.Control();
* > OpenLayers.Util.extend(control, {
* > draw: function () {
* > // this Handler.Box will intercept the shift-mousedown
* > // before Control.MouseDefault gets to see it
* > = new OpenLayers.Handler.Box( control,
* > {"done": this.notice},
* > {keyMask: OpenLayers.Handler.MOD_SHIFT});
* >;
* > },
* >
* > notice: function (bounds) {
* > OpenLayers.Console.userError(bounds);
* > }
* > });
* > map.addControl(control);
OpenLayers.Control = OpenLayers.Class({
* Property: id
* {String}
id: null,
* Property: map
* {<OpenLayers.Map>} this gets set in the addControl() function in
* OpenLayers.Map
map: null,
* APIProperty: div
* {DOMElement} The element that contains the control, if not present the
* control is placed inside the map.
div: null,
* APIProperty: type
* {Number} Controls can have a 'type'. The type determines the type of
* interactions which are possible with them when they are placed in an
* <OpenLayers.Control.Panel>.
type: null,
* Property: allowSelection
* {Boolean} By default, controls do not allow selection, because
* it may interfere with map dragging. If this is true, OpenLayers
* will not prevent selection of the control.
* Default is false.
allowSelection: false,
* Property: displayClass
* {string} This property is used for CSS related to the drawing of the
* Control.
displayClass: "",
* APIProperty: title
* {string} This property is used for showing a tooltip over the
* Control.
title: "",
* APIProperty: autoActivate
* {Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map. Default is
* false.
autoActivate: false,
* APIProperty: active
* {Boolean} The control is active (read-only). Use <activate> and
* <deactivate> to change control state.
active: null,
* Property: handlerOptions
* {Object} Used to set non-default properties on the control's handler
handlerOptions: null,
* Property: handler
* {<OpenLayers.Handler>} null
handler: null,
* APIProperty: eventListeners
* {Object} If set as an option at construction, the eventListeners
* object will be registered with <OpenLayers.Events.on>. Object
* structure must be a listeners object as shown in the example for
* the events.on method.
eventListeners: null,
* APIProperty: events
* {<OpenLayers.Events>} Events instance for listeners and triggering
* control specific events.
* Register a listener for a particular event with the following syntax:
* (code)
*, obj, listener);
* (end)
* Listeners will be called with a reference to an event object. The
* properties of this event depends on exactly what happened.
* All event objects have at least the following properties:
* object - {Object} A reference to (a reference
* to the control).
* element - {DOMElement} A reference to (which
* will be null unless documented otherwise).
* Supported map event types:
* activate - Triggered when activated.
* deactivate - Triggered when deactivated.
events: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Control
* Create an OpenLayers Control. The options passed as a parameter
* directly extend the control. For example passing the following:
* > var control = new OpenLayers.Control({div: myDiv});
* Overrides the default div attribute value of null.
* Parameters:
* options - {Object}
initialize: function (options) {
// We do this before the extend so that instances can override
// className in options.
this.displayClass =
this.CLASS_NAME.replace("OpenLayers.", "ol").replace(/\./g, "");
OpenLayers.Util.extend(this, options); = new OpenLayers.Events(this);
if(this.eventListeners instanceof Object) {;
if ( == null) { = OpenLayers.Util.createUniqueID(this.CLASS_NAME + "_");
* Method: destroy
* The destroy method is used to perform any clean up before the control
* is dereferenced. Typically this is where event listeners are removed
* to prevent memory leaks.
destroy: function () {
if( {
if(this.eventListeners) {;
}; = null;
this.eventListeners = null;
// eliminate circular references
if (this.handler) {
this.handler = null;
if(this.handlers) {
for(var key in this.handlers) {
if(this.handlers.hasOwnProperty(key) &&
typeof this.handlers[key].destroy == "function") {
this.handlers = null;
if ( {; = null;
this.div = null;
* Method: setMap
* Set the map property for the control. This is done through an accessor
* so that subclasses can override this and take special action once
* they have their map variable set.
* Parameters:
* map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
setMap: function(map) { = map;
if (this.handler) {
* Method: draw
* The draw method is called when the control is ready to be displayed
* on the page. If a div has not been created one is created. Controls
* with a visual component will almost always want to override this method
* to customize the look of control.
* Parameters:
* px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} The top-left pixel position of the control
* or null.
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} A reference to the DIV DOMElement containing the control
draw: function (px) {
if (this.div == null) {
this.div = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv(;
this.div.className = this.displayClass;
if (!this.allowSelection) {
this.div.className += " olControlNoSelect";
this.div.setAttribute("unselectable", "on", 0);
this.div.onselectstart = OpenLayers.Function.False;
if (this.title != "") {
this.div.title = this.title;
if (px != null) {
this.position = px.clone();
return this.div;
* Method: moveTo
* Sets the left and top style attributes to the passed in pixel
* coordinates.
* Parameters:
* px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
moveTo: function (px) {
if ((px != null) && (this.div != null)) { = px.x + "px"; = px.y + "px";
* APIMethod: activate
* Explicitly activates a control and it's associated
* handler if one has been set. Controls can be
* deactivated by calling the deactivate() method.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} True if the control was successfully activated or
* false if the control was already active.
activate: function () {
if ( {
return false;
if (this.handler) {
} = true;
if( {
this.displayClass.replace(/ /g, "") + "Active"
return true;
* APIMethod: deactivate
* Deactivates a control and it's associated handler if any. The exact
* effect of this depends on the control itself.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} True if the control was effectively deactivated or false
* if the control was already inactive.
deactivate: function () {
if ( {
if (this.handler) {
} = false;
if( {
this.displayClass.replace(/ /g, "") + "Active"
return true;
return false;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Control"
* Constant: OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_BUTTON
OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_BUTTON = 1;
* Constant: OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_TOGGLE
OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_TOGGLE = 2;
* Constant: OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_TOOL
OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_TOOL = 3;
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Control.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Events/buttonclick.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Control.Panel
* The Panel control is a container for other controls. With it toolbars
* may be composed.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Control>
OpenLayers.Control.Panel = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {
* Property: controls
* {Array(<OpenLayers.Control>)}
controls: null,
* APIProperty: autoActivate
* {Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map. Default is
* true.
autoActivate: true,
* APIProperty: defaultControl
* {<OpenLayers.Control>} The control which is activated when the control is
* activated (turned on), which also happens at instantiation.
* If <saveState> is true, <defaultControl> will be nullified after the
* first activation of the panel.
defaultControl: null,
* APIProperty: saveState
* {Boolean} If set to true, the active state of this panel's controls will
* be stored on panel deactivation, and restored on reactivation. Default
* is false.
saveState: false,
* APIProperty: allowDepress
* {Boolean} If is true the <OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_TOOL> controls can
* be deactivated by clicking the icon that represents them. Default
* is false.
allowDepress: false,
* Property: activeState
* {Object} stores the active state of this panel's controls.
activeState: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Control.Panel
* Create a new control panel.
* Each control in the panel is represented by an icon. When clicking
* on an icon, the <activateControl> method is called.
* Specific properties for controls on a panel:
* type - {Number} One of <OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_TOOL>,
* <OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_TOGGLE>, <OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_BUTTON>.
* If not provided, <OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_TOOL> is assumed.
* title - {string} Text displayed when mouse is over the icon that
* represents the control.
* The <OpenLayers.Control.type> of a control determines the behavior when
* clicking its icon:
* <OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_TOOL> - The control is activated and other
* controls of this type in the same panel are deactivated. This is
* the default type.
* <OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_TOGGLE> - The active state of the control is
* toggled.
* <OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_BUTTON> - The
* <OpenLayers.Control.Button.trigger> method of the control is called,
* but its active state is not changed.
* If a control is <>, it will be drawn with the
* olControl[Name]ItemActive class, otherwise with the
* olControl[Name]ItemInactive class.
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} An optional object whose properties will be used
* to extend the control.
initialize: function(options) {
OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [options]);
this.controls = [];
this.activeState = {};
* APIMethod: destroy
destroy: function() {
if ( {"buttonclick", this, this.onButtonClick);
OpenLayers.Control.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
for (var ctl, i = this.controls.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ctl = this.controls[i];
if ( {{
activate: this.iconOn,
deactivate: this.iconOff
ctl.panel_div = null;
this.activeState = null;
* APIMethod: activate
activate: function() {
if (OpenLayers.Control.prototype.activate.apply(this, arguments)) {
var control;
for (var i=0, len=this.controls.length; i<len; i++) {
control = this.controls[i];
if (control === this.defaultControl ||
(this.saveState && this.activeState[])) {
if (this.saveState === true) {
this.defaultControl = null;
return true;
} else {
return false;
* APIMethod: deactivate
deactivate: function() {
if (OpenLayers.Control.prototype.deactivate.apply(this, arguments)) {
var control;
for (var i=0, len=this.controls.length; i<len; i++) {
control = this.controls[i];
this.activeState[] = control.deactivate();
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Method: draw
* Returns:
* {DOMElement}
draw: function() {
OpenLayers.Control.prototype.draw.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.outsideViewport) {;"buttonclick", this, this.onButtonClick);
} else {"buttonclick", this, this.onButtonClick);
return this.div;
* Method: redraw
redraw: function() {
for (var l=this.div.childNodes.length, i=l-1; i>=0; i--) {
this.div.innerHTML = "";
if ( {
for (var i=0, len=this.controls.length; i<len; i++) {
* APIMethod: activateControl
* This method is called when the user click on the icon representing a
* control in the panel.
* Parameters:
* control - {<OpenLayers.Control>}
activateControl: function (control) {
if (! { return false; }
if (control.type == OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_BUTTON) {
if (control.type == OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_TOGGLE) {
if ( {
} else {
if (this.allowDepress && {
} else {
var c;
for (var i=0, len=this.controls.length; i<len; i++) {
c = this.controls[i];
if (c != control &&
(c.type === OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_TOOL || c.type == null)) {
* APIMethod: addControls
* To build a toolbar, you add a set of controls to it. addControls
* lets you add a single control or a list of controls to the
* Control Panel.
* Parameters:
* controls - {<OpenLayers.Control>} Controls to add in the panel.
addControls: function(controls) {
if (!(OpenLayers.Util.isArray(controls))) {
controls = [controls];
this.controls = this.controls.concat(controls);
for (var i=0, len=controls.length; i<len; i++) {
var control = controls[i],
element = this.createControlMarkup(control);
control.displayClass + "ItemInactive");
OpenLayers.Element.addClass(element, "olButton");
if (control.title != "" && !element.title) {
element.title = control.title;
control.panel_div = element;
if ( { // map.addControl() has already been called on the panel
* APIMethod: createControlMarkup
* This function just creates a div for the control. If specific HTML
* markup is needed this function can be overridden in specific classes,
* or at panel instantiation time:
* Example:
* (code)
* var panel = new OpenLayers.Control.Panel({
* defaultControl: control,
* // ovverride createControlMarkup to create actual buttons
* // including texts wrapped into span elements.
* createControlMarkup: function(control) {
* var button = document.createElement('button'),
* span = document.createElement('span');
* if (control.text) {
* span.innerHTML = control.text;
* }
* return button;
* }
* });
* (end)
* Parameters:
* control - {<OpenLayers.Control>} The control to create the HTML
* markup for.
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} The markup.
createControlMarkup: function(control) {
return document.createElement("div");
* Method: addControlsToMap
* Only for internal use in draw() and addControls() methods.
* Parameters:
* controls - {Array(<OpenLayers.Control>)} Controls to add into map.
addControlsToMap: function (controls) {
var control;
for (var i=0, len=controls.length; i<len; i++) {
control = controls[i];
if (control.autoActivate === true) {
control.autoActivate = false;;
control.autoActivate = true;
} else {;
activate: this.iconOn,
deactivate: this.iconOff
* Method: iconOn
* Internal use, for use only with "controls[i].events.on/un".
iconOn: function() {
var d = this.panel_div; // "this" refers to a control on panel!
var re = new RegExp("\\b(" + this.displayClass + "Item)Inactive\\b");
d.className = d.className.replace(re, "$1Active");
* Method: iconOff
* Internal use, for use only with "controls[i].events.on/un".
iconOff: function() {
var d = this.panel_div; // "this" refers to a control on panel!
var re = new RegExp("\\b(" + this.displayClass + "Item)Active\\b");
d.className = d.className.replace(re, "$1Inactive");
* Method: onButtonClick
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
onButtonClick: function (evt) {
var controls = this.controls,
button = evt.buttonElement;
for (var i=controls.length-1; i>=0; --i) {
if (controls[i].panel_div === button) {
* APIMethod: getControlsBy
* Get a list of controls with properties matching the given criteria.
* Parameters:
* property - {String} A control property to be matched.
* match - {String | Object} A string to match. Can also be a regular
* expression literal or object. In addition, it can be any object
* with a method named test. For reqular expressions or other, if
* match.test(control[property]) evaluates to true, the control will be
* included in the array returned. If no controls are found, an empty
* array is returned.
* Returns:
* {Array(<OpenLayers.Control>)} A list of controls matching the given criteria.
* An empty array is returned if no matches are found.
getControlsBy: function(property, match) {
var test = (typeof match.test == "function");
var found = OpenLayers.Array.filter(this.controls, function(item) {
return item[property] == match || (test && match.test(item[property]));
return found;
* APIMethod: getControlsByName
* Get a list of contorls with names matching the given name.
* Parameters:
* match - {String | Object} A control name. The name can also be a regular
* expression literal or object. In addition, it can be any object
* with a method named test. For reqular expressions or other, if
* name.test( evaluates to true, the control will be included
* in the list of controls returned. If no controls are found, an empty
* array is returned.
* Returns:
* {Array(<OpenLayers.Control>)} A list of controls matching the given name.
* An empty array is returned if no matches are found.
getControlsByName: function(match) {
return this.getControlsBy("name", match);
* APIMethod: getControlsByClass
* Get a list of controls of a given type (CLASS_NAME).
* Parameters:
* match - {String | Object} A control class name. The type can also be a
* regular expression literal or object. In addition, it can be any
* object with a method named test. For reqular expressions or other,
* if type.test(control.CLASS_NAME) evaluates to true, the control will
* be included in the list of controls returned. If no controls are
* found, an empty array is returned.
* Returns:
* {Array(<OpenLayers.Control>)} A list of controls matching the given type.
* An empty array is returned if no matches are found.
getControlsByClass: function(match) {
return this.getControlsBy("CLASS_NAME", match);
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Control.Panel"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Strategy
* Abstract vector layer strategy class. Not to be instantiated directly. Use
* one of the strategy subclasses instead.
OpenLayers.Strategy = OpenLayers.Class({
* Property: layer
* {<OpenLayers.Layer.Vector>} The layer this strategy belongs to.
layer: null,
* Property: options
* {Object} Any options sent to the constructor.
options: null,
* Property: active
* {Boolean} The control is active.
active: null,
* Property: autoActivate
* {Boolean} The creator of the strategy can set autoActivate to false
* to fully control when the protocol is activated and deactivated.
* Defaults to true.
autoActivate: true,
* Property: autoDestroy
* {Boolean} The creator of the strategy can set autoDestroy to false
* to fully control when the strategy is destroyed. Defaults to
* true.
autoDestroy: true,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Strategy
* Abstract class for vector strategies. Create instances of a subclass.
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} Optional object whose properties will be set on the
* instance.
initialize: function(options) {
OpenLayers.Util.extend(this, options);
this.options = options;
// set the active property here, so that user cannot override it = false;
* APIMethod: destroy
* Clean up the strategy.
destroy: function() {
this.layer = null;
this.options = null;
* Method: setLayer
* Called to set the <layer> property.
* Parameters:
* layer - {<OpenLayers.Layer.Vector>}
setLayer: function(layer) {
this.layer = layer;
* Method: activate
* Activate the strategy. Register any listeners, do appropriate setup.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} True if the strategy was successfully activated or false if
* the strategy was already active.
activate: function() {
if (! { = true;
return true;
return false;
* Method: deactivate
* Deactivate the strategy. Unregister any listeners, do appropriate
* tear-down.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} True if the strategy was successfully deactivated or false if
* the strategy was already inactive.
deactivate: function() {
if ( { = false;
return true;
return false;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Strategy"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Strategy.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed
* A simple strategy that requests features once and never requests new data.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Strategy>
OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Strategy, {
* APIProperty: preload
* {Boolean} Load data before layer made visible. Enabling this may result
* in considerable overhead if your application loads many data layers
* that are not visible by default. Default is false.
preload: false,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed
* Create a new Fixed strategy.
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} Optional object whose properties will be set on the
* instance.
* Method: activate
* Activate the strategy: load data or add listener to load when visible
* Returns:
* {Boolean} True if the strategy was successfully activated or false if
* the strategy was already active.
activate: function() {
var activated = OpenLayers.Strategy.prototype.activate.apply(this, arguments);
if(activated) {{
"refresh": this.load,
scope: this
if(this.layer.visibility == true || this.preload) {
} else {{
"visibilitychanged": this.load,
scope: this
return activated;
* Method: deactivate
* Deactivate the strategy. Undo what is done in <activate>.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The strategy was successfully deactivated.
deactivate: function() {
var deactivated =;
if(deactivated) {{
"refresh": this.load,
"visibilitychanged": this.load,
scope: this
return deactivated;
* Method: load
* Tells protocol to load data and unhooks the visibilitychanged event
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} options to pass to protocol read.
load: function(options) {
var layer = this.layer;"loadstart", {filter: layer.filter});{
callback: this.merge,
filter: layer.filter,
scope: this
}, options));{
"visibilitychanged": this.load,
scope: this
* Method: merge
* Add all features to the layer.
* If the layer projection differs from the map projection, features
* will be transformed from the layer projection to the map projection.
* Parameters:
* resp - {<OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>} The response object passed
* by the protocol.
merge: function(resp) {
var layer = this.layer;
var features = resp.features;
if (features && features.length > 0) {
var remote = layer.projection;
var local =;
if(!local.equals(remote)) {
var geom;
for(var i=0, len=features.length; i<len; ++i) {
geom = features[i].geometry;
if(geom) {
geom.transform(remote, local);
}"loadend", {response: resp});
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Control.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Events/buttonclick.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Control.Zoom
* The Zoom control is a pair of +/- links for zooming in and out.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Control>
OpenLayers.Control.Zoom = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {
* APIProperty: zoomInText
* {String}
* Text for zoom-in link. Default is "+".
zoomInText: "+",
* APIProperty: zoomInId
* {String}
* Instead of having the control create a zoom in link, you can provide
* the identifier for an anchor element already added to the document.
* By default, an element with id "olZoomInLink" will be searched for
* and used if it exists.
zoomInId: "olZoomInLink",
* APIProperty: zoomOutText
* {String}
* Text for zoom-out link. Default is "\u2212".
zoomOutText: "\u2212",
* APIProperty: zoomOutId
* {String}
* Instead of having the control create a zoom out link, you can provide
* the identifier for an anchor element already added to the document.
* By default, an element with id "olZoomOutLink" will be searched for
* and used if it exists.
zoomOutId: "olZoomOutLink",
* Method: draw
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} A reference to the DOMElement containing the zoom links.
draw: function() {
var div = OpenLayers.Control.prototype.draw.apply(this),
links = this.getOrCreateLinks(div),
zoomIn = links.zoomIn,
zoomOut = links.zoomOut,
eventsInstance =;
if (zoomOut.parentNode !== div) {
eventsInstance =;
eventsInstance.register("buttonclick", this, this.onZoomClick);
this.zoomInLink = zoomIn;
this.zoomOutLink = zoomOut;
return div;
* Method: getOrCreateLinks
* Parameters:
* el - {DOMElement}
* Return:
* {Object} Object with zoomIn and zoomOut properties referencing links.
getOrCreateLinks: function(el) {
var zoomIn = document.getElementById(this.zoomInId),
zoomOut = document.getElementById(this.zoomOutId);
if (!zoomIn) {
zoomIn = document.createElement("a");
zoomIn.href = "#zoomIn";
zoomIn.className = "olControlZoomIn";
OpenLayers.Element.addClass(zoomIn, "olButton");
if (!zoomOut) {
zoomOut = document.createElement("a");
zoomOut.href = "#zoomOut";
zoomOut.className = "olControlZoomOut";
OpenLayers.Element.addClass(zoomOut, "olButton");
return {
zoomIn: zoomIn, zoomOut: zoomOut
* Method: onZoomClick
* Called when zoomin/out link is clicked.
onZoomClick: function(evt) {
var button = evt.buttonElement;
if (button === this.zoomInLink) {;
} else if (button === this.zoomOutLink) {;
* Method: destroy
* Clean up.
destroy: function() {
if ( {"buttonclick", this, this.onZoomClick);
delete this.zoomInLink;
delete this.zoomOutLink;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Control.Zoom"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Geometry/Collection.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Geometry/LinearRing.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon
* Polygon is a collection of Geometry.LinearRings.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection>
* - <OpenLayers.Geometry>
OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon = OpenLayers.Class(
OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection, {
* Property: componentTypes
* {Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of
* components that the collection can include. A null value means the
* component types are not restricted.
componentTypes: ["OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing"],
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon
* Constructor for a Polygon geometry.
* The first ring (this.component[0])is the outer bounds of the polygon and
* all subsequent rings (this.component[1-n]) are internal holes.
* Parameters:
* components - {Array(<OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing>)}
* APIMethod: getArea
* Calculated by subtracting the areas of the internal holes from the
* area of the outer hole.
* Returns:
* {float} The area of the geometry
getArea: function() {
var area = 0.0;
if ( this.components && (this.components.length > 0)) {
area += Math.abs(this.components[0].getArea());
for (var i=1, len=this.components.length; i<len; i++) {
area -= Math.abs(this.components[i].getArea());
return area;
* APIMethod: getGeodesicArea
* Calculate the approximate area of the polygon were it projected onto
* the earth.
* Parameters:
* projection - {<OpenLayers.Projection>} The spatial reference system
* for the geometry coordinates. If not provided, Geographic/WGS84 is
* assumed.
* Reference:
* Robert. G. Chamberlain and William H. Duquette, "Some Algorithms for
* Polygons on a Sphere", JPL Publication 07-03, Jet Propulsion
* Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, June 2007
* Returns:
* {float} The approximate geodesic area of the polygon in square meters.
getGeodesicArea: function(projection) {
var area = 0.0;
if(this.components && (this.components.length > 0)) {
area += Math.abs(this.components[0].getGeodesicArea(projection));
for(var i=1, len=this.components.length; i<len; i++) {
area -= Math.abs(this.components[i].getGeodesicArea(projection));
return area;
* Method: containsPoint
* Test if a point is inside a polygon. Points on a polygon edge are
* considered inside.
* Parameters:
* point - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>}
* Returns:
* {Boolean | Number} The point is inside the polygon. Returns 1 if the
* point is on an edge. Returns boolean otherwise.
containsPoint: function(point) {
var numRings = this.components.length;
var contained = false;
if(numRings > 0) {
// check exterior ring - 1 means on edge, boolean otherwise
contained = this.components[0].containsPoint(point);
if(contained !== 1) {
if(contained && numRings > 1) {
// check interior rings
var hole;
for(var i=1; i<numRings; ++i) {
hole = this.components[i].containsPoint(point);
if(hole) {
if(hole === 1) {
// on edge
contained = 1;
} else {
// in hole
contained = false;
return contained;
* APIMethod: intersects
* Determine if the input geometry intersects this one.
* Parameters:
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} Any type of geometry.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The input geometry intersects this one.
intersects: function(geometry) {
var intersect = false;
var i, len;
if(geometry.CLASS_NAME == "OpenLayers.Geometry.Point") {
intersect = this.containsPoint(geometry);
} else if(geometry.CLASS_NAME == "OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString" ||
geometry.CLASS_NAME == "OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing") {
// check if rings/linestrings intersect
for(i=0, len=this.components.length; i<len; ++i) {
intersect = geometry.intersects(this.components[i]);
if(intersect) {
if(!intersect) {
// check if this poly contains points of the ring/linestring
for(i=0, len=geometry.components.length; i<len; ++i) {
intersect = this.containsPoint(geometry.components[i]);
if(intersect) {
} else {
for(i=0, len=geometry.components.length; i<len; ++ i) {
intersect = this.intersects(geometry.components[i]);
if(intersect) {
// check case where this poly is wholly contained by another
if(!intersect && geometry.CLASS_NAME == "OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon") {
// exterior ring points will be contained in the other geometry
var ring = this.components[0];
for(i=0, len=ring.components.length; i<len; ++i) {
intersect = geometry.containsPoint(ring.components[i]);
if(intersect) {
return intersect;
* APIMethod: distanceTo
* Calculate the closest distance between two geometries (on the x-y plane).
* Parameters:
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} The target geometry.
* options - {Object} Optional properties for configuring the distance
* calculation.
* Valid options:
* details - {Boolean} Return details from the distance calculation.
* Default is false.
* edge - {Boolean} Calculate the distance from this geometry to the
* nearest edge of the target geometry. Default is true. If true,
* calling distanceTo from a geometry that is wholly contained within
* the target will result in a non-zero distance. If false, whenever
* geometries intersect, calling distanceTo will return 0. If false,
* details cannot be returned.
* Returns:
* {Number | Object} The distance between this geometry and the target.
* If details is true, the return will be an object with distance,
* x0, y0, x1, and y1 properties. The x0 and y0 properties represent
* the coordinates of the closest point on this geometry. The x1 and y1
* properties represent the coordinates of the closest point on the
* target geometry.
distanceTo: function(geometry, options) {
var edge = !(options && options.edge === false);
var result;
// this is the case where we might not be looking for distance to edge
if(!edge && this.intersects(geometry)) {
result = 0;
} else {
result = OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection.prototype.distanceTo.apply(
this, [geometry, options]
return result;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon"
* APIMethod: createRegularPolygon
* Create a regular polygon around a radius. Useful for creating circles
* and the like.
* Parameters:
* origin - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>} center of polygon.
* radius - {Float} distance to vertex, in map units.
* sides - {Integer} Number of sides. 20 approximates a circle.
* rotation - {Float} original angle of rotation, in degrees.
OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon.createRegularPolygon = function(origin, radius, sides, rotation) {
var angle = Math.PI * ((1/sides) - (1/2));
if(rotation) {
angle += (rotation / 180) * Math.PI;
var rotatedAngle, x, y;
var points = [];
for(var i=0; i<sides; ++i) {
rotatedAngle = angle + (i * 2 * Math.PI / sides);
x = origin.x + (radius * Math.cos(rotatedAngle));
y = origin.y + (radius * Math.sin(rotatedAngle));
points.push(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(x, y));
var ring = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing(points);
return new OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon([ring]);
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Geometry/Collection.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Geometry/Polygon.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPolygon
* MultiPolygon is a geometry with multiple <OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon>
* components. Create a new instance with the <OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPolygon>
* constructor.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection>
OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPolygon = OpenLayers.Class(
OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection, {
* Property: componentTypes
* {Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of
* components that the collection can include. A null value means the
* component types are not restricted.
componentTypes: ["OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon"],
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPolygon
* Create a new MultiPolygon geometry
* Parameters:
* components - {Array(<OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon>)} An array of polygons
* used to generate the MultiPolygon
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPolygon"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Util.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Feature
* Features are combinations of geography and attributes. The OpenLayers.Feature
* class specifically combines a marker and a lonlat.
OpenLayers.Feature = OpenLayers.Class({
* Property: layer
* {<OpenLayers.Layer>}
layer: null,
* Property: id
* {String}
id: null,
* Property: lonlat
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}
lonlat: null,
* Property: data
* {Object}
data: null,
* Property: marker
* {<OpenLayers.Marker>}
marker: null,
* APIProperty: popupClass
* {<OpenLayers.Class>} The class which will be used to instantiate
* a new Popup. Default is <OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored>.
popupClass: null,
* Property: popup
* {<OpenLayers.Popup>}
popup: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Feature
* Constructor for features.
* Parameters:
* layer - {<OpenLayers.Layer>}
* lonlat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}
* data - {Object}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Feature>}
initialize: function(layer, lonlat, data) {
this.layer = layer;
this.lonlat = lonlat; = (data != null) ? data : {}; = OpenLayers.Util.createUniqueID(this.CLASS_NAME + "_");
* Method: destroy
* nullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaks
destroy: function() {
//remove the popup from the map
if ((this.layer != null) && ( != null)) {
if (this.popup != null) {;
// remove the marker from the layer
if (this.layer != null && this.marker != null) {
this.layer = null; = null;
this.lonlat = null; = null;
if (this.marker != null) {
this.marker = null;
if (this.popup != null) {
this.popup = null;
* Method: onScreen
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Whether or not the feature is currently visible on screen
* (based on its 'lonlat' property)
onScreen:function() {
var onScreen = false;
if ((this.layer != null) && ( != null)) {
var screenBounds =;
onScreen = screenBounds.containsLonLat(this.lonlat);
return onScreen;
* Method: createMarker
* Based on the data associated with the Feature, create and return a marker object.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Marker>} A Marker Object created from the 'lonlat' and 'icon' properties
* set in If no 'lonlat' is set, returns null. If no
* 'icon' is set, OpenLayers.Marker() will load the default image.
* Note - this.marker is set to return value
createMarker: function() {
if (this.lonlat != null) {
this.marker = new OpenLayers.Marker(this.lonlat,;
return this.marker;
* Method: destroyMarker
* Destroys marker.
* If user overrides the createMarker() function, s/he should be able
* to also specify an alternative function for destroying it
destroyMarker: function() {
* Method: createPopup
* Creates a popup object created from the 'lonlat', 'popupSize',
* and 'popupContentHTML' properties set in It uses
* this.marker.icon as default anchor.
* If no 'lonlat' is set, returns null.
* If no this.marker has been created, no anchor is sent.
* Note - the returned popup object is 'owned' by the feature, so you
* cannot use the popup's destroy method to discard the popup.
* Instead, you must use the feature's destroyPopup
* Note - this.popup is set to return value
* Parameters:
* closeBox - {Boolean} create popup with closebox or not
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Popup>} Returns the created popup, which is also set
* as 'popup' property of this feature. Will be of whatever type
* specified by this feature's 'popupClass' property, but must be
* of type <OpenLayers.Popup>.
createPopup: function(closeBox) {
if (this.lonlat != null) {
if (!this.popup) {
var anchor = (this.marker) ? this.marker.icon : null;
var popupClass = this.popupClass ?
this.popupClass : OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored;
this.popup = new popupClass( + "_popup",
if ( != null) { =;
this.popup.feature = this;
return this.popup;
* Method: destroyPopup
* Destroys the popup created via createPopup.
* As with the marker, if user overrides the createPopup() function, s/he
* should also be able to override the destruction
destroyPopup: function() {
if (this.popup) {
this.popup.feature = null;
this.popup = null;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Feature"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
OpenLayers.State = {
/** states */
UNKNOWN: 'Unknown',
INSERT: 'Insert',
UPDATE: 'Update',
DELETE: 'Delete'
* @requires OpenLayers/Feature.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Util.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Feature.Vector
* Vector features use the OpenLayers.Geometry classes as geometry description.
* They have an 'attributes' property, which is the data object, and a 'style'
* property, the default values of which are defined in the
* <> objects.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Feature>
OpenLayers.Feature.Vector = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Feature, {
* Property: fid
* {String}
fid: null,
* APIProperty: geometry
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
geometry: null,
* APIProperty: attributes
* {Object} This object holds arbitrary, serializable properties that
* describe the feature.
attributes: null,
* Property: bounds
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} The box bounding that feature's geometry, that
* property can be set by an <OpenLayers.Format> object when
* deserializing the feature, so in most cases it represents an
* information set by the server.
bounds: null,
* Property: state
* {String}
state: null,
* APIProperty: style
* {Object}
style: null,
* APIProperty: url
* {String} If this property is set it will be taken into account by
* {<OpenLayers.HTTP>} when upadting or deleting the feature.
url: null,
* Property: renderIntent
* {String} rendering intent currently being used
renderIntent: "default",
* APIProperty: modified
* {Object} An object with the originals of the geometry and attributes of
* the feature, if they were changed. Currently this property is only read
* by <OpenLayers.Format.WFST.v1>, and written by
* <OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature>, which sets the geometry property.
* Applications can set the originals of modified attributes in the
* attributes property. Note that applications have to check if this
* object and the attributes property is already created before using it.
* After a change made with ModifyFeature, this object could look like
* (code)
* {
* geometry: >Object
* }
* (end)
* When an application has made changes to feature attributes, it could
* have set the attributes to something like this:
* (code)
* {
* attributes: {
* myAttribute: "original"
* }
* }
* (end)
* Note that <OpenLayers.Format.WFST.v1> only checks for truthy values in
* *modified.geometry* and the attribute names in *modified.attributes*,
* but it is recommended to set the original values (and not just true) as
* attribute value, so applications could use this information to undo
* changes.
modified: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Feature.Vector
* Create a vector feature.
* Parameters:
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} The geometry that this feature
* represents.
* attributes - {Object} An optional object that will be mapped to the
* <attributes> property.
* style - {Object} An optional style object.
initialize: function(geometry, attributes, style) {
[null, null, attributes]);
this.lonlat = null;
this.geometry = geometry ? geometry : null;
this.state = null;
this.attributes = {};
if (attributes) {
this.attributes = OpenLayers.Util.extend(this.attributes,
} = style ? style : null;
* Method: destroy
* nullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaks
destroy: function() {
if (this.layer) {
this.layer = null;
this.geometry = null;
this.modified = null;
OpenLayers.Feature.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
* Method: clone
* Create a clone of this vector feature. Does not set any non-standard
* properties.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>} An exact clone of this vector feature.
clone: function () {
return new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
this.geometry ? this.geometry.clone() : null,
* Method: onScreen
* Determine whether the feature is within the map viewport. This method
* tests for an intersection between the geometry and the viewport
* bounds. If a more effecient but less precise geometry bounds
* intersection is desired, call the method with the boundsOnly
* parameter true.
* Parameters:
* boundsOnly - {Boolean} Only test whether a feature's bounds intersects
* the viewport bounds. Default is false. If false, the feature's
* geometry must intersect the viewport for onScreen to return true.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The feature is currently visible on screen (optionally
* based on its bounds if boundsOnly is true).
onScreen:function(boundsOnly) {
var onScreen = false;
if(this.layer && {
var screenBounds =;
if(boundsOnly) {
var featureBounds = this.geometry.getBounds();
onScreen = screenBounds.intersectsBounds(featureBounds);
} else {
var screenPoly = screenBounds.toGeometry();
onScreen = screenPoly.intersects(this.geometry);
return onScreen;
* Method: getVisibility
* Determine whether the feature is displayed or not. It may not displayed
* because:
* - its style display property is set to 'none',
* - it doesn't belong to any layer,
* - the styleMap creates a symbolizer with display property set to 'none'
* for it,
* - the layer which it belongs to is not visible.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The feature is currently displayed.
getVisibility: function() {
return !( && == 'none' ||
!this.layer ||
this.layer && this.layer.styleMap &&
this.layer.styleMap.createSymbolizer(this, this.renderIntent).display == 'none' ||
this.layer && !this.layer.getVisibility());
* Method: createMarker
* HACK - we need to decide if all vector features should be able to
* create markers
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Marker>} For now just returns null
createMarker: function() {
return null;
* Method: destroyMarker
* HACK - we need to decide if all vector features should be able to
* delete markers
* If user overrides the createMarker() function, s/he should be able
* to also specify an alternative function for destroying it
destroyMarker: function() {
// pass
* Method: createPopup
* HACK - we need to decide if all vector features should be able to
* create popups
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Popup>} For now just returns null
createPopup: function() {
return null;
* Method: atPoint
* Determins whether the feature intersects with the specified location.
* Parameters:
* lonlat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>|Object} OpenLayers.LonLat or an
* object with a 'lon' and 'lat' properties.
* toleranceLon - {float} Optional tolerance in Geometric Coords
* toleranceLat - {float} Optional tolerance in Geographic Coords
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Whether or not the feature is at the specified location
atPoint: function(lonlat, toleranceLon, toleranceLat) {
var atPoint = false;
if(this.geometry) {
atPoint = this.geometry.atPoint(lonlat, toleranceLon,
return atPoint;
* Method: destroyPopup
* HACK - we need to decide if all vector features should be able to
* delete popups
destroyPopup: function() {
// pass
* Method: move
* Moves the feature and redraws it at its new location
* Parameters:
* location - {<OpenLayers.LonLat> or <OpenLayers.Pixel>} the
* location to which to move the feature.
move: function(location) {
if(!this.layer || !this.geometry.move){
//do nothing if no layer or immoveable geometry
return undefined;
var pixel;
if (location.CLASS_NAME == "OpenLayers.LonLat") {
pixel = this.layer.getViewPortPxFromLonLat(location);
} else {
pixel = location;
var lastPixel = this.layer.getViewPortPxFromLonLat(this.geometry.getBounds().getCenterLonLat());
var res =;
this.geometry.move(res * (pixel.x - lastPixel.x),
res * (lastPixel.y - pixel.y));
return lastPixel;
* Method: toState
* Sets the new state
* Parameters:
* state - {String}
toState: function(state) {
if (state == OpenLayers.State.UPDATE) {
switch (this.state) {
case OpenLayers.State.UNKNOWN:
case OpenLayers.State.DELETE:
this.state = state;
case OpenLayers.State.UPDATE:
case OpenLayers.State.INSERT:
} else if (state == OpenLayers.State.INSERT) {
switch (this.state) {
case OpenLayers.State.UNKNOWN:
this.state = state;
} else if (state == OpenLayers.State.DELETE) {
switch (this.state) {
case OpenLayers.State.INSERT:
// the feature should be destroyed
case OpenLayers.State.DELETE:
case OpenLayers.State.UNKNOWN:
case OpenLayers.State.UPDATE:
this.state = state;
} else if (state == OpenLayers.State.UNKNOWN) {
this.state = state;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Feature.Vector"
* Constant:
* OpenLayers features can have a number of style attributes. The 'default'
* style will typically be used if no other style is specified. These
* styles correspond for the most part, to the styling properties defined
* by the SVG standard.
* Information on fill properties:
* Information on stroke properties:
* Symbolizer properties:
* fill - {Boolean} Set to false if no fill is desired.
* fillColor - {String} Hex fill color. Default is "#ee9900".
* fillOpacity - {Number} Fill opacity (0-1). Default is 0.4
* stroke - {Boolean} Set to false if no stroke is desired.
* strokeColor - {String} Hex stroke color. Default is "#ee9900".
* strokeOpacity - {Number} Stroke opacity (0-1). Default is 1.
* strokeWidth - {Number} Pixel stroke width. Default is 1.
* strokeLinecap - {String} Stroke cap type. Default is "round". [butt | round | square]
* strokeDashstyle - {String} Stroke dash style. Default is "solid". [dot | dash | dashdot | longdash | longdashdot | solid]
* graphic - {Boolean} Set to false if no graphic is desired.
* pointRadius - {Number} Pixel point radius. Default is 6.
* pointerEvents - {String} Default is "visiblePainted".
* cursor - {String} Default is "".
* externalGraphic - {String} Url to an external graphic that will be used for rendering points.
* graphicWidth - {Number} Pixel width for sizing an external graphic.
* graphicHeight - {Number} Pixel height for sizing an external graphic.
* graphicOpacity - {Number} Opacity (0-1) for an external graphic.
* graphicXOffset - {Number} Pixel offset along the positive x axis for displacing an external graphic.
* graphicYOffset - {Number} Pixel offset along the positive y axis for displacing an external graphic.
* rotation - {Number} For point symbolizers, this is the rotation of a graphic in the clockwise direction about its center point (or any point off center as specified by graphicXOffset and graphicYOffset).
* graphicZIndex - {Number} The integer z-index value to use in rendering.
* graphicName - {String} Named graphic to use when rendering points. Supported values include "circle" (default),
* "square", "star", "x", "cross", "triangle".
* graphicTitle - {String} Tooltip when hovering over a feature. *deprecated*, use title instead
* title - {String} Tooltip when hovering over a feature. Not supported by the canvas renderer.
* backgroundGraphic - {String} Url to a graphic to be used as the background under an externalGraphic.
* backgroundGraphicZIndex - {Number} The integer z-index value to use in rendering the background graphic.
* backgroundXOffset - {Number} The x offset (in pixels) for the background graphic.
* backgroundYOffset - {Number} The y offset (in pixels) for the background graphic.
* backgroundHeight - {Number} The height of the background graphic. If not provided, the graphicHeight will be used.
* backgroundWidth - {Number} The width of the background width. If not provided, the graphicWidth will be used.
* label - {String} The text for an optional label. For browsers that use the canvas renderer, this requires either
* fillText or mozDrawText to be available.
* labelAlign - {String} Label alignment. This specifies the insertion point relative to the text. It is a string
* composed of two characters. The first character is for the horizontal alignment, the second for the vertical
* alignment. Valid values for horizontal alignment: "l"=left, "c"=center, "r"=right. Valid values for vertical
* alignment: "t"=top, "m"=middle, "b"=bottom. Example values: "lt", "cm", "rb". Default is "cm".
* labelXOffset - {Number} Pixel offset along the positive x axis for displacing the label. Not supported by the canvas renderer.
* labelYOffset - {Number} Pixel offset along the positive y axis for displacing the label. Not supported by the canvas renderer.
* labelSelect - {Boolean} If set to true, labels will be selectable using SelectFeature or similar controls.
* Default is false.
* labelOutlineColor - {String} The color of the label outline. Default is 'white'. Only supported by the canvas & SVG renderers.
* labelOutlineWidth - {Number} The width of the label outline. Default is 3, set to 0 or null to disable. Only supported by the SVG renderers.
* labelOutlineOpacity - {Number} The opacity (0-1) of the label outline. Default is fontOpacity. Only supported by the canvas & SVG renderers.
* fontColor - {String} The font color for the label, to be provided like CSS.
* fontOpacity - {Number} Opacity (0-1) for the label
* fontFamily - {String} The font family for the label, to be provided like in CSS.
* fontSize - {String} The font size for the label, to be provided like in CSS.
* fontStyle - {String} The font style for the label, to be provided like in CSS.
* fontWeight - {String} The font weight for the label, to be provided like in CSS.
* display - {String} Symbolizers will have no effect if display is set to "none". All other values have no effect.
*/ = {
'default': {
fillColor: "#ee9900",
fillOpacity: 0.4,
hoverFillColor: "white",
hoverFillOpacity: 0.8,
strokeColor: "#ee9900",
strokeOpacity: 1,
strokeWidth: 1,
strokeLinecap: "round",
strokeDashstyle: "solid",
hoverStrokeColor: "red",
hoverStrokeOpacity: 1,
hoverStrokeWidth: 0.2,
pointRadius: 6,
hoverPointRadius: 1,
hoverPointUnit: "%",
pointerEvents: "visiblePainted",
cursor: "inherit",
fontColor: "#000000",
labelAlign: "cm",
labelOutlineColor: "white",
labelOutlineWidth: 3
'select': {
fillColor: "blue",
fillOpacity: 0.4,
hoverFillColor: "white",
hoverFillOpacity: 0.8,
strokeColor: "blue",
strokeOpacity: 1,
strokeWidth: 2,
strokeLinecap: "round",
strokeDashstyle: "solid",
hoverStrokeColor: "red",
hoverStrokeOpacity: 1,
hoverStrokeWidth: 0.2,
pointRadius: 6,
hoverPointRadius: 1,
hoverPointUnit: "%",
pointerEvents: "visiblePainted",
cursor: "pointer",
fontColor: "#000000",
labelAlign: "cm",
labelOutlineColor: "white",
labelOutlineWidth: 3
'temporary': {
fillColor: "#66cccc",
fillOpacity: 0.2,
hoverFillColor: "white",
hoverFillOpacity: 0.8,
strokeColor: "#66cccc",
strokeOpacity: 1,
strokeLinecap: "round",
strokeWidth: 2,
strokeDashstyle: "solid",
hoverStrokeColor: "red",
hoverStrokeOpacity: 1,
hoverStrokeWidth: 0.2,
pointRadius: 6,
hoverPointRadius: 1,
hoverPointUnit: "%",
pointerEvents: "visiblePainted",
cursor: "inherit",
fontColor: "#000000",
labelAlign: "cm",
labelOutlineColor: "white",
labelOutlineWidth: 3
'delete': {
display: "none"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Util.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Feature/Vector.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Style
* This class represents a UserStyle obtained
* from a SLD, containing styling rules.
OpenLayers.Style = OpenLayers.Class({
* Property: id
* {String} A unique id for this session.
id: null,
* APIProperty: name
* {String}
name: null,
* Property: title
* {String} Title of this style (set if included in SLD)
title: null,
* Property: description
* {String} Description of this style (set if abstract is included in SLD)
description: null,
* APIProperty: layerName
* {<String>} name of the layer that this style belongs to, usually
* according to the NamedLayer attribute of an SLD document.
layerName: null,
* APIProperty: isDefault
* {Boolean}
isDefault: false,
* Property: rules
* {Array(<OpenLayers.Rule>)}
rules: null,
* APIProperty: context
* {Object} An optional object with properties that symbolizers' property
* values should be evaluated against. If no context is specified,
* feature.attributes will be used
context: null,
* Property: defaultStyle
* {Object} hash of style properties to use as default for merging
* rule-based style symbolizers onto. If no rules are defined,
* createSymbolizer will return this style. If <defaultsPerSymbolizer> is set to
* true, the defaultStyle will only be taken into account if there are
* rules defined.
defaultStyle: null,
* Property: defaultsPerSymbolizer
* {Boolean} If set to true, the <defaultStyle> will extend the symbolizer
* of every rule. Properties of the <defaultStyle> will also be used to set
* missing symbolizer properties if the symbolizer has stroke, fill or
* graphic set to true. Default is false.
defaultsPerSymbolizer: false,
* Property: propertyStyles
* {Hash of Boolean} cache of style properties that need to be parsed for
* propertyNames. Property names are keys, values won't be used.
propertyStyles: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Style
* Creates a UserStyle.
* Parameters:
* style - {Object} Optional hash of style properties that will be
* used as default style for this style object. This style
* applies if no rules are specified. Symbolizers defined in
* rules will extend this default style.
* options - {Object} An optional object with properties to set on the
* style.
* Valid options:
* rules - {Array(<OpenLayers.Rule>)} List of rules to be added to the
* style.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Style>}
initialize: function(style, options) {
OpenLayers.Util.extend(this, options);
this.rules = [];
if(options && options.rules) {
// use the default style from OpenLayers.Feature.Vector if no style
// was given in the constructor
this.setDefaultStyle(style ||["default"]); = OpenLayers.Util.createUniqueID(this.CLASS_NAME + "_");
* APIMethod: destroy
* nullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaks
destroy: function() {
for (var i=0, len=this.rules.length; i<len; i++) {
this.rules[i] = null;
this.rules = null;
this.defaultStyle = null;
* Method: createSymbolizer
* creates a style by applying all feature-dependent rules to the base
* style.
* Parameters:
* feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature>} feature to evaluate rules for
* Returns:
* {Object} symbolizer hash
createSymbolizer: function(feature) {
var style = this.defaultsPerSymbolizer ? {} : this.createLiterals(
OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, this.defaultStyle), feature);
var rules = this.rules;
var rule, context;
var elseRules = [];
var appliedRules = false;
for(var i=0, len=rules.length; i<len; i++) {
rule = rules[i];
// does the rule apply?
var applies = rule.evaluate(feature);
if(applies) {
if(rule instanceof OpenLayers.Rule && rule.elseFilter) {
} else {
appliedRules = true;
this.applySymbolizer(rule, style, feature);
// if no other rules apply, apply the rules with else filters
if(appliedRules == false && elseRules.length > 0) {
appliedRules = true;
for(var i=0, len=elseRules.length; i<len; i++) {
this.applySymbolizer(elseRules[i], style, feature);
// don't display if there were rules but none applied
if(rules.length > 0 && appliedRules == false) {
style.display = "none";
if (style.label != null && typeof style.label !== "string") {
style.label = String(style.label);
return style;
* Method: applySymbolizer
* Parameters:
* rule - {<OpenLayers.Rule>}
* style - {Object}
* feature - {<OpenLayer.Feature.Vector>}
* Returns:
* {Object} A style with new symbolizer applied.
applySymbolizer: function(rule, style, feature) {
var symbolizerPrefix = feature.geometry ?
this.getSymbolizerPrefix(feature.geometry) :
var symbolizer = rule.symbolizer[symbolizerPrefix] || rule.symbolizer;
if(this.defaultsPerSymbolizer === true) {
var defaults = this.defaultStyle;
OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(symbolizer, {
pointRadius: defaults.pointRadius
if(symbolizer.stroke === true || symbolizer.graphic === true) {
OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(symbolizer, {
strokeWidth: defaults.strokeWidth,
strokeColor: defaults.strokeColor,
strokeOpacity: defaults.strokeOpacity,
strokeDashstyle: defaults.strokeDashstyle,
strokeLinecap: defaults.strokeLinecap
if(symbolizer.fill === true || symbolizer.graphic === true) {
OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(symbolizer, {
fillColor: defaults.fillColor,
fillOpacity: defaults.fillOpacity
if(symbolizer.graphic === true) {
OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(symbolizer, {
pointRadius: this.defaultStyle.pointRadius,
externalGraphic: this.defaultStyle.externalGraphic,
graphicName: this.defaultStyle.graphicName,
graphicOpacity: this.defaultStyle.graphicOpacity,
graphicWidth: this.defaultStyle.graphicWidth,
graphicHeight: this.defaultStyle.graphicHeight,
graphicXOffset: this.defaultStyle.graphicXOffset,
graphicYOffset: this.defaultStyle.graphicYOffset
// merge the style with the current style
return this.createLiterals(
OpenLayers.Util.extend(style, symbolizer), feature);
* Method: createLiterals
* creates literals for all style properties that have an entry in
* <this.propertyStyles>.
* Parameters:
* style - {Object} style to create literals for. Will be modified
* inline.
* feature - {Object}
* Returns:
* {Object} the modified style
createLiterals: function(style, feature) {
var context = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, feature.attributes ||;
OpenLayers.Util.extend(context, this.context);
for (var i in this.propertyStyles) {
style[i] = OpenLayers.Style.createLiteral(style[i], context, feature, i);
return style;
* Method: findPropertyStyles
* Looks into all rules for this style and the defaultStyle to collect
* all the style hash property names containing ${...} strings that have
* to be replaced using the createLiteral method before returning them.
* Returns:
* {Object} hash of property names that need createLiteral parsing. The
* name of the property is the key, and the value is true;
findPropertyStyles: function() {
var propertyStyles = {};
// check the default style
var style = this.defaultStyle;
this.addPropertyStyles(propertyStyles, style);
// walk through all rules to check for properties in their symbolizer
var rules = this.rules;
var symbolizer, value;
for (var i=0, len=rules.length; i<len; i++) {
symbolizer = rules[i].symbolizer;
for (var key in symbolizer) {
value = symbolizer[key];
if (typeof value == "object") {
// symbolizer key is "Point", "Line" or "Polygon"
this.addPropertyStyles(propertyStyles, value);
} else {
// symbolizer is a hash of style properties
this.addPropertyStyles(propertyStyles, symbolizer);
return propertyStyles;
* Method: addPropertyStyles
* Parameters:
* propertyStyles - {Object} hash to add new property styles to. Will be
* modified inline
* symbolizer - {Object} search this symbolizer for property styles
* Returns:
* {Object} propertyStyles hash
addPropertyStyles: function(propertyStyles, symbolizer) {
var property;
for (var key in symbolizer) {
property = symbolizer[key];
if (typeof property == "string" &&
property.match(/\$\{\w+\}/)) {
propertyStyles[key] = true;
return propertyStyles;
* APIMethod: addRules
* Adds rules to this style.
* Parameters:
* rules - {Array(<OpenLayers.Rule>)}
addRules: function(rules) {
Array.prototype.push.apply(this.rules, rules);
this.propertyStyles = this.findPropertyStyles();
* APIMethod: setDefaultStyle
* Sets the default style for this style object.
* Parameters:
* style - {Object} Hash of style properties
setDefaultStyle: function(style) {
this.defaultStyle = style;
this.propertyStyles = this.findPropertyStyles();
* Method: getSymbolizerPrefix
* Returns the correct symbolizer prefix according to the
* geometry type of the passed geometry
* Parameters:
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* Returns:
* {String} key of the according symbolizer
getSymbolizerPrefix: function(geometry) {
var prefixes = OpenLayers.Style.SYMBOLIZER_PREFIXES;
for (var i=0, len=prefixes.length; i<len; i++) {
if (geometry.CLASS_NAME.indexOf(prefixes[i]) != -1) {
return prefixes[i];
* APIMethod: clone
* Clones this style.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Style>} Clone of this style.
clone: function() {
var options = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, this);
// clone rules
if(this.rules) {
options.rules = [];
for(var i=0, len=this.rules.length; i<len; ++i) {
// clone context
options.context = this.context && OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, this.context);
//clone default style
var defaultStyle = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, this.defaultStyle);
return new OpenLayers.Style(defaultStyle, options);
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Style"
* Function: createLiteral
* converts a style value holding a combination of PropertyName and Literal
* into a Literal, taking the property values from the passed features.
* Parameters:
* value - {String} value to parse. If this string contains a construct like
* "foo ${bar}", then "foo " will be taken as literal, and "${bar}"
* will be replaced by the value of the "bar" attribute of the passed
* feature.
* context - {Object} context to take attribute values from
* feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>} optional feature to pass to
* <OpenLayers.String.format> for evaluating functions in the
* context.
* property - {String} optional, name of the property for which the literal is
* being created for evaluating functions in the context.
* Returns:
* {String} the parsed value. In the example of the value parameter above, the
* result would be "foo valueOfBar", assuming that the passed feature has an
* attribute named "bar" with the value "valueOfBar".
OpenLayers.Style.createLiteral = function(value, context, feature, property) {
if (typeof value == "string" && value.indexOf("${") != -1) {
value = OpenLayers.String.format(value, context, [feature, property]);
value = (isNaN(value) || !value) ? value : parseFloat(value);
return value;
* Constant: OpenLayers.Style.SYMBOLIZER_PREFIXES
* {Array} prefixes of the sld symbolizers. These are the
* same as the main geometry types
OpenLayers.Style.SYMBOLIZER_PREFIXES = ['Point', 'Line', 'Polygon', 'Text',
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Util.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Style.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Filter
* This class represents an OGC Filter.
OpenLayers.Filter = OpenLayers.Class({
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Filter
* This class represents a generic filter.
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} Optional object whose properties will be set on the
* instance.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Filter>}
initialize: function(options) {
OpenLayers.Util.extend(this, options);
* APIMethod: destroy
* Remove reference to anything added.
destroy: function() {
* APIMethod: evaluate
* Evaluates this filter in a specific context. Instances or subclasses
* are supposed to override this method.
* Parameters:
* context - {Object} Context to use in evaluating the filter. If a vector
* feature is provided, the feature.attributes will be used as context.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The filter applies.
evaluate: function(context) {
return true;
* APIMethod: clone
* Clones this filter. Should be implemented by subclasses.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Filter>} Clone of this filter.
clone: function() {
return null;
* APIMethod: toString
* Returns:
* {String} Include <OpenLayers.Format.CQL> in your build to get a CQL
* representation of the filter returned. Otherwise "[Object object]"
* will be returned.
toString: function() {
var string;
if (OpenLayers.Format && OpenLayers.Format.CQL) {
string = OpenLayers.Format.CQL.prototype.write(this);
} else {
string =;
return string;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Filter"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Filter.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial
* This class represents a spatial filter.
* Currently implemented: BBOX, DWithin and Intersects
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Filter>
OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Filter, {
* APIProperty: type
* {String} Type of spatial filter.
* The type should be one of:
* - OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.BBOX
* - OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.INTERSECTS
* - OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.DWITHIN
* - OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.WITHIN
* - OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.CONTAINS
type: null,
* APIProperty: property
* {String} Name of the context property to compare.
property: null,
* APIProperty: value
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds> || <OpenLayers.Geometry>} The bounds or geometry
* to be used by the filter. Use bounds for BBOX filters and geometry
* for INTERSECTS or DWITHIN filters.
value: null,
* APIProperty: distance
* {Number} The distance to use in a DWithin spatial filter.
distance: null,
* APIProperty: distanceUnits
* {String} The units to use for the distance, e.g. 'm'.
distanceUnits: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial
* Creates a spatial filter.
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} An optional object with properties to set on the
* filter.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial>}
* Method: evaluate
* Evaluates this filter for a specific feature.
* Parameters:
* feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>} feature to apply the filter to.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The feature meets filter criteria.
evaluate: function(feature) {
var intersect = false;
switch(this.type) {
case OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.BBOX:
case OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.INTERSECTS:
if(feature.geometry) {
var geom = this.value;
if(this.value.CLASS_NAME == "OpenLayers.Bounds") {
geom = this.value.toGeometry();
if(feature.geometry.intersects(geom)) {
intersect = true;
throw new Error('evaluate is not implemented for this filter type.');
return intersect;
* APIMethod: clone
* Clones this filter.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial>} Clone of this filter.
clone: function() {
var options = OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults({
value: this.value && this.value.clone && this.value.clone()
}, this);
return new OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial(options);
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial"
OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.BBOX = "BBOX";
OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.INTERSECTS = "INTERSECTS";
OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.DWITHIN = "DWITHIN";
OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.WITHIN = "WITHIN";
OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.CONTAINS = "CONTAINS";
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Strategy.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Filter/Spatial.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Strategy.BBOX
* A simple strategy that reads new features when the viewport invalidates
* some bounds.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Strategy>
OpenLayers.Strategy.BBOX = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Strategy, {
* Property: bounds
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} The current data bounds (in the same projection
* as the layer - not always the same projection as the map).
bounds: null,
* Property: resolution
* {Float} The current data resolution.
resolution: null,
* APIProperty: ratio
* {Float} The ratio of the data bounds to the viewport bounds (in each
* dimension). Default is 2.
ratio: 2,
* Property: resFactor
* {Float} Optional factor used to determine when previously requested
* features are invalid. If set, the resFactor will be compared to the
* resolution of the previous request to the current map resolution.
* If resFactor > (old / new) and 1/resFactor < (old / new). If you
* set a resFactor of 1, data will be requested every time the
* resolution changes. If you set a resFactor of 3, data will be
* requested if the old resolution is 3 times the new, or if the new is
* 3 times the old. If the old bounds do not contain the new bounds
* new data will always be requested (with or without considering
* resFactor).
resFactor: null,
* Property: response
* {<OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>} The protocol response object returned
* by the layer protocol.
response: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Strategy.BBOX
* Create a new BBOX strategy.
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} Optional object whose properties will be set on the
* instance.
* Method: activate
* Set up strategy with regard to reading new batches of remote data.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The strategy was successfully activated.
activate: function() {
var activated =;
if(activated) {{
"moveend": this.update,
"refresh": this.update,
"visibilitychanged": this.update,
scope: this
return activated;
* Method: deactivate
* Tear down strategy with regard to reading new batches of remote data.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The strategy was successfully deactivated.
deactivate: function() {
var deactivated =;
if(deactivated) {{
"moveend": this.update,
"refresh": this.update,
"visibilitychanged": this.update,
scope: this
return deactivated;
* Method: update
* Callback function called on "moveend" or "refresh" layer events.
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} Optional object whose properties will determine
* the behaviour of this Strategy
* Valid options include:
* force - {Boolean} if true, new data must be unconditionally read.
* noAbort - {Boolean} if true, do not abort previous requests.
update: function(options) {
var mapBounds = this.getMapBounds();
if (mapBounds !== null && ((options && options.force) ||
(this.layer.visibility && this.layer.calculateInRange() && this.invalidBounds(mapBounds)))) {
this.resolution =;
* Method: getMapBounds
* Get the map bounds expressed in the same projection as this layer.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} Map bounds in the projection of the layer.
getMapBounds: function() {
if ( === null) {
return null;
var bounds =;
if(bounds && !this.layer.projection.equals( {
bounds = bounds.clone().transform(, this.layer.projection
return bounds;
* Method: invalidBounds
* Determine whether the previously requested set of features is invalid.
* This occurs when the new map bounds do not contain the previously
* requested bounds. In addition, if <resFactor> is set, it will be
* considered.
* Parameters:
* mapBounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} the current map extent, will be
* retrieved from the map object if not provided
* Returns:
* {Boolean}
invalidBounds: function(mapBounds) {
if(!mapBounds) {
mapBounds = this.getMapBounds();
var invalid = !this.bounds || !this.bounds.containsBounds(mapBounds);
if(!invalid && this.resFactor) {
var ratio = this.resolution /;
invalid = (ratio >= this.resFactor || ratio <= (1 / this.resFactor));
return invalid;
* Method: calculateBounds
* Parameters:
* mapBounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} the current map extent, will be
* retrieved from the map object if not provided
calculateBounds: function(mapBounds) {
if(!mapBounds) {
mapBounds = this.getMapBounds();
var center = mapBounds.getCenterLonLat();
var dataWidth = mapBounds.getWidth() * this.ratio;
var dataHeight = mapBounds.getHeight() * this.ratio;
this.bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(
center.lon - (dataWidth / 2), - (dataHeight / 2),
center.lon + (dataWidth / 2), + (dataHeight / 2)
* Method: triggerRead
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} Additional options for the protocol's read method
* (optional)
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>} The protocol response object
* returned by the layer protocol.
triggerRead: function(options) {
if (this.response && !(options && options.noAbort === true)) {
var evt = {filter: this.createFilter()};"loadstart", evt);
this.response =
filter: evt.filter,
callback: this.merge,
scope: this
}, options));
* Method: createFilter
* Creates a spatial BBOX filter. If the layer that this strategy belongs
* to has a filter property, this filter will be combined with the BBOX
* filter.
* Returns
* {<OpenLayers.Filter>} The filter object.
createFilter: function() {
var filter = new OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial({
type: OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.BBOX,
value: this.bounds,
projection: this.layer.projection
if (this.layer.filter) {
filter = new OpenLayers.Filter.Logical({
type: OpenLayers.Filter.Logical.AND,
filters: [this.layer.filter, filter]
return filter;
* Method: merge
* Given a list of features, determine which ones to add to the layer.
* If the layer projection differs from the map projection, features
* will be transformed from the layer projection to the map projection.
* Parameters:
* resp - {<OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>} The response object passed
* by the protocol.
merge: function(resp) {
if (resp.success()) {
var features = resp.features;
if(features && features.length > 0) {
var remote = this.layer.projection;
var local =;
if(!local.equals(remote)) {
var geom;
for(var i=0, len=features.length; i<len; ++i) {
geom = features[i].geometry;
if(geom) {
geom.transform(remote, local);
} else {
this.bounds = null;
this.response = null;"loadend", {response: resp});
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Strategy.BBOX"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Handler.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Handler.Feature
* Handler to respond to mouse events related to a drawn feature. Callbacks
* with the following keys will be notified of the following events
* associated with features: click, clickout, over, out, and dblclick.
* This handler stops event propagation for mousedown and mouseup if those
* browser events target features that can be selected.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Handler>
OpenLayers.Handler.Feature = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Handler, {
* Property: EVENTMAP
* {Object} A object mapping the browser events to objects with callback
* keys for in and out.
'click': {'in': 'click', 'out': 'clickout'},
'mousemove': {'in': 'over', 'out': 'out'},
'dblclick': {'in': 'dblclick', 'out': null},
'mousedown': {'in': null, 'out': null},
'mouseup': {'in': null, 'out': null},
'touchstart': {'in': 'click', 'out': 'clickout'}
* Property: feature
* {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>} The last feature that was hovered.
feature: null,
* Property: lastFeature
* {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>} The last feature that was handled.
lastFeature: null,
* Property: down
* {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} The location of the last mousedown.
down: null,
* Property: up
* {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} The location of the last mouseup.
up: null,
* Property: clickTolerance
* {Number} The number of pixels the mouse can move between mousedown
* and mouseup for the event to still be considered a click.
* Dragging the map should not trigger the click and clickout callbacks
* unless the map is moved by less than this tolerance. Defaults to 4.
clickTolerance: 4,
* Property: geometryTypes
* To restrict dragging to a limited set of geometry types, send a list
* of strings corresponding to the geometry class names.
* @type Array(String)
geometryTypes: null,
* Property: stopClick
* {Boolean} If stopClick is set to true, handled clicks do not
* propagate to other click listeners. Otherwise, handled clicks
* do propagate. Unhandled clicks always propagate, whatever the
* value of stopClick. Defaults to true.
stopClick: true,
* Property: stopDown
* {Boolean} If stopDown is set to true, handled mousedowns do not
* propagate to other mousedown listeners. Otherwise, handled
* mousedowns do propagate. Unhandled mousedowns always propagate,
* whatever the value of stopDown. Defaults to true.
stopDown: true,
* Property: stopUp
* {Boolean} If stopUp is set to true, handled mouseups do not
* propagate to other mouseup listeners. Otherwise, handled mouseups
* do propagate. Unhandled mouseups always propagate, whatever the
* value of stopUp. Defaults to false.
stopUp: false,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Handler.Feature
* Parameters:
* control - {<OpenLayers.Control>}
* layer - {<OpenLayers.Layer.Vector>}
* callbacks - {Object} An object with a 'over' property whos value is
* a function to be called when the mouse is over a feature. The
* callback should expect to recieve a single argument, the feature.
* options - {Object}
initialize: function(control, layer, callbacks, options) {
OpenLayers.Handler.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [control, callbacks, options]);
this.layer = layer;
* Method: touchstart
* Handle touchstart events
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Let the event propagate.
touchstart: function(evt) {
return OpenLayers.Event.isMultiTouch(evt) ?
true : this.mousedown(evt);
* Method: touchmove
* Handle touchmove events. We just prevent the browser default behavior,
* for Android Webkit not to select text when moving the finger after
* selecting a feature.
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
touchmove: function(evt) {
* Method: mousedown
* Handle mouse down. Stop propagation if a feature is targeted by this
* event (stops map dragging during feature selection).
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
mousedown: function(evt) {
// Feature selection is only done with a left click. Other handlers may stop the
// propagation of left-click mousedown events but not right-click mousedown events.
// This mismatch causes problems when comparing the location of the down and up
// events in the click function so it is important ignore right-clicks.
if (OpenLayers.Event.isLeftClick(evt) || OpenLayers.Event.isSingleTouch(evt)) {
this.down = evt.xy;
return this.handle(evt) ? !this.stopDown : true;
* Method: mouseup
* Handle mouse up. Stop propagation if a feature is targeted by this
* event.
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
mouseup: function(evt) {
this.up = evt.xy;
return this.handle(evt) ? !this.stopUp : true;
* Method: click
* Handle click. Call the "click" callback if click on a feature,
* or the "clickout" callback if click outside any feature.
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
* Returns:
* {Boolean}
click: function(evt) {
return this.handle(evt) ? !this.stopClick : true;
* Method: mousemove
* Handle mouse moves. Call the "over" callback if moving in to a feature,
* or the "out" callback if moving out of a feature.
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
* Returns:
* {Boolean}
mousemove: function(evt) {
if (!this.callbacks['over'] && !this.callbacks['out']) {
return true;
return true;
* Method: dblclick
* Handle dblclick. Call the "dblclick" callback if dblclick on a feature.
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
* Returns:
* {Boolean}
dblclick: function(evt) {
return !this.handle(evt);
* Method: geometryTypeMatches
* Return true if the geometry type of the passed feature matches
* one of the geometry types in the geometryTypes array.
* Parameters:
* feature - {<OpenLayers.Vector.Feature>}
* Returns:
* {Boolean}
geometryTypeMatches: function(feature) {
return this.geometryTypes == null ||
feature.geometry.CLASS_NAME) > -1;
* Method: handle
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The event occurred over a relevant feature.
handle: function(evt) {
if(this.feature && !this.feature.layer) {
// feature has been destroyed
this.feature = null;
var type = evt.type;
var handled = false;
var previouslyIn = !!(this.feature); // previously in a feature
var click = (type == "click" || type == "dblclick" || type == "touchstart");
this.feature = this.layer.getFeatureFromEvent(evt);
if(this.feature && !this.feature.layer) {
// feature has been destroyed
this.feature = null;
if(this.lastFeature && !this.lastFeature.layer) {
// last feature has been destroyed
this.lastFeature = null;
if(this.feature) {
if(type === "touchstart") {
// stop the event to prevent Android Webkit from
// "flashing" the map div
var inNew = (this.feature != this.lastFeature);
if(this.geometryTypeMatches(this.feature)) {
// in to a feature
if(previouslyIn && inNew) {
// out of last feature and in to another
if(this.lastFeature) {
this.triggerCallback(type, 'out', [this.lastFeature]);
this.triggerCallback(type, 'in', [this.feature]);
} else if(!previouslyIn || click) {
// in feature for the first time
this.triggerCallback(type, 'in', [this.feature]);
this.lastFeature = this.feature;
handled = true;
} else {
// not in to a feature
if(this.lastFeature && (previouslyIn && inNew || click)) {
// out of last feature for the first time
this.triggerCallback(type, 'out', [this.lastFeature]);
// next time the mouse goes in a feature whose geometry type
// doesn't match we don't want to call the 'out' callback
// again, so let's set this.feature to null so that
// previouslyIn will evaluate to false the next time
// we enter handle. Yes, a bit hackish...
this.feature = null;
} else if(this.lastFeature && (previouslyIn || click)) {
this.triggerCallback(type, 'out', [this.lastFeature]);
return handled;
* Method: triggerCallback
* Call the callback keyed in the event map with the supplied arguments.
* For click and clickout, the <clickTolerance> is checked first.
* Parameters:
* type - {String}
triggerCallback: function(type, mode, args) {
var key = this.EVENTMAP[type][mode];
if(key) {
if(type == 'click' && this.up && this.down) {
// for click/clickout, only trigger callback if tolerance is met
var dpx = Math.sqrt(
Math.pow(this.up.x - this.down.x, 2) +
Math.pow(this.up.y - this.down.y, 2)
if(dpx <= this.clickTolerance) {
this.callback(key, args);
// we're done with this set of events now: clear the cached
// positions so we can't trip over them later (this can occur
// if one of the up/down events gets eaten before it gets to us
// but we still get the click)
this.up = this.down = null;
} else {
this.callback(key, args);
* Method: activate
* Turn on the handler. Returns false if the handler was already active.
* Returns:
* {Boolean}
activate: function() {
var activated = false;
if(OpenLayers.Handler.prototype.activate.apply(this, arguments)) {
"removelayer": this.handleMapEvents,
"changelayer": this.handleMapEvents,
scope: this
activated = true;
return activated;
* Method: deactivate
* Turn off the handler. Returns false if the handler was already active.
* Returns:
* {Boolean}
deactivate: function() {
var deactivated = false;
if(OpenLayers.Handler.prototype.deactivate.apply(this, arguments)) {
this.feature = null;
this.lastFeature = null;
this.down = null;
this.up = null;{
"removelayer": this.handleMapEvents,
"changelayer": this.handleMapEvents,
scope: this
deactivated = true;
return deactivated;
* Method: handleMapEvents
* Parameters:
* evt - {Object}
handleMapEvents: function(evt) {
if (evt.type == "removelayer" || == "order") {
* Method: moveLayerToTop
* Moves the layer for this handler to the top, so mouse events can reach
* it.
moveLayerToTop: function() {
var index = Math.max(['Feature'] - 1,
this.layer.getZIndex()) + 1;
* Method: moveLayerBack
* Moves the layer back to the position determined by the map's layers
* array.
moveLayerBack: function() {
var index = this.layer.getZIndex() - 1;
if (index >=['Feature']) {
} else {,;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Handler.Feature"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Style.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Feature/Vector.js
* Class: OpenLayers.StyleMap
OpenLayers.StyleMap = OpenLayers.Class({
* Property: styles
* {Object} Hash of {<OpenLayers.Style>}, keyed by names of well known
* rendering intents (e.g. "default", "temporary", "select", "delete").
styles: null,
* Property: extendDefault
* {Boolean} if true, every render intent will extend the symbolizers
* specified for the "default" intent at rendering time. Otherwise, every
* rendering intent will be treated as a completely independent style.
extendDefault: true,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.StyleMap
* Parameters:
* style - {Object} Optional. Either a style hash, or a style object, or
* a hash of style objects (style hashes) keyed by rendering
* intent. If just one style hash or style object is passed,
* this will be used for all known render intents (default,
* select, temporary)
* options - {Object} optional hash of additional options for this
* instance
initialize: function (style, options) {
this.styles = {
"default": new OpenLayers.Style(["default"]),
"select": new OpenLayers.Style(["select"]),
"temporary": new OpenLayers.Style(["temporary"]),
"delete": new OpenLayers.Style(["delete"])
// take whatever the user passed as style parameter and convert it
// into parts of stylemap.
if(style instanceof OpenLayers.Style) {
// user passed a style object
this.styles["default"] = style;
this.styles["select"] = style;
this.styles["temporary"] = style;
this.styles["delete"] = style;
} else if(typeof style == "object") {
for(var key in style) {
if(style[key] instanceof OpenLayers.Style) {
// user passed a hash of style objects
this.styles[key] = style[key];
} else if(typeof style[key] == "object") {
// user passsed a hash of style hashes
this.styles[key] = new OpenLayers.Style(style[key]);
} else {
// user passed a style hash (i.e. symbolizer)
this.styles["default"] = new OpenLayers.Style(style);
this.styles["select"] = new OpenLayers.Style(style);
this.styles["temporary"] = new OpenLayers.Style(style);
this.styles["delete"] = new OpenLayers.Style(style);
OpenLayers.Util.extend(this, options);
* Method: destroy
destroy: function() {
for(var key in this.styles) {
this.styles = null;
* Method: createSymbolizer
* Creates the symbolizer for a feature for a render intent.
* Parameters:
* feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature>} The feature to evaluate the rules
* of the intended style against.
* intent - {String} The intent determines the symbolizer that will be
* used to draw the feature. Well known intents are "default"
* (for just drawing the features), "select" (for selected
* features) and "temporary" (for drawing features).
* Returns:
* {Object} symbolizer hash
createSymbolizer: function(feature, intent) {
if(!feature) {
feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector();
if(!this.styles[intent]) {
intent = "default";
feature.renderIntent = intent;
var defaultSymbolizer = {};
if(this.extendDefault && intent != "default") {
defaultSymbolizer = this.styles["default"].createSymbolizer(feature);
return OpenLayers.Util.extend(defaultSymbolizer,
* Method: addUniqueValueRules
* Convenience method to create comparison rules for unique values of a
* property. The rules will be added to the style object for a specified
* rendering intent. This method is a shortcut for creating something like
* the "unique value legends" familiar from well known desktop GIS systems
* Parameters:
* renderIntent - {String} rendering intent to add the rules to
* property - {String} values of feature attributes to create the
* rules for
* symbolizers - {Object} Hash of symbolizers, keyed by the desired
* property values
* context - {Object} An optional object with properties that
* symbolizers' property values should be evaluated
* against. If no context is specified, feature.attributes
* will be used
addUniqueValueRules: function(renderIntent, property, symbolizers, context) {
var rules = [];
for (var value in symbolizers) {
rules.push(new OpenLayers.Rule({
symbolizer: symbolizers[value],
context: context,
filter: new OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison({
type: OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.EQUAL_TO,
property: property,
value: value
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.StyleMap"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Layer.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Renderer.js
* @requires OpenLayers/StyleMap.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Feature/Vector.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Console.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Lang.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
* Instances of OpenLayers.Layer.Vector are used to render vector data from
* a variety of sources. Create a new vector layer with the
* <OpenLayers.Layer.Vector> constructor.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Layer>
OpenLayers.Layer.Vector = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer, {
* APIProperty: events
* {<OpenLayers.Events>}
* Register a listener for a particular event with the following syntax:
* (code)
*, obj, listener);
* (end)
* Listeners will be called with a reference to an event object. The
* properties of this event depends on exactly what happened.
* All event objects have at least the following properties:
* object - {Object} A reference to
* element - {DOMElement} A reference to
* Supported map event types (in addition to those from <>):
* beforefeatureadded - Triggered before a feature is added. Listeners
* will receive an object with a *feature* property referencing the
* feature to be added. To stop the feature from being added, a
* listener should return false.
* beforefeaturesadded - Triggered before an array of features is added.
* Listeners will receive an object with a *features* property
* referencing the feature to be added. To stop the features from
* being added, a listener should return false.
* featureadded - Triggered after a feature is added. The event
* object passed to listeners will have a *feature* property with a
* reference to the added feature.
* featuresadded - Triggered after features are added. The event
* object passed to listeners will have a *features* property with a
* reference to an array of added features.
* beforefeatureremoved - Triggered before a feature is removed. Listeners
* will receive an object with a *feature* property referencing the
* feature to be removed.
* beforefeaturesremoved - Triggered before multiple features are removed.
* Listeners will receive an object with a *features* property
* referencing the features to be removed.
* featureremoved - Triggerd after a feature is removed. The event
* object passed to listeners will have a *feature* property with a
* reference to the removed feature.
* featuresremoved - Triggered after features are removed. The event
* object passed to listeners will have a *features* property with a
* reference to an array of removed features.
* beforefeatureselected - Triggered before a feature is selected. Listeners
* will receive an object with a *feature* property referencing the
* feature to be selected. To stop the feature from being selectd, a
* listener should return false.
* featureselected - Triggered after a feature is selected. Listeners
* will receive an object with a *feature* property referencing the
* selected feature.
* featureunselected - Triggered after a feature is unselected.
* Listeners will receive an object with a *feature* property
* referencing the unselected feature.
* beforefeaturemodified - Triggered when a feature is selected to
* be modified. Listeners will receive an object with a *feature*
* property referencing the selected feature.
* featuremodified - Triggered when a feature has been modified.
* Listeners will receive an object with a *feature* property referencing
* the modified feature.
* afterfeaturemodified - Triggered when a feature is finished being modified.
* Listeners will receive an object with a *feature* property referencing
* the modified feature.
* vertexmodified - Triggered when a vertex within any feature geometry
* has been modified. Listeners will receive an object with a
* *feature* property referencing the modified feature, a *vertex*
* property referencing the vertex modified (always a point geometry),
* and a *pixel* property referencing the pixel location of the
* modification.
* vertexremoved - Triggered when a vertex within any feature geometry
* has been deleted. Listeners will receive an object with a
* *feature* property referencing the modified feature, a *vertex*
* property referencing the vertex modified (always a point geometry),
* and a *pixel* property referencing the pixel location of the
* removal.
* sketchstarted - Triggered when a feature sketch bound for this layer
* is started. Listeners will receive an object with a *feature*
* property referencing the new sketch feature and a *vertex* property
* referencing the creation point.
* sketchmodified - Triggered when a feature sketch bound for this layer
* is modified. Listeners will receive an object with a *vertex*
* property referencing the modified vertex and a *feature* property
* referencing the sketch feature.
* sketchcomplete - Triggered when a feature sketch bound for this layer
* is complete. Listeners will receive an object with a *feature*
* property referencing the sketch feature. By returning false, a
* listener can stop the sketch feature from being added to the layer.
* refresh - Triggered when something wants a strategy to ask the protocol
* for a new set of features.
* APIProperty: isBaseLayer
* {Boolean} The layer is a base layer. Default is false. Set this property
* in the layer options.
isBaseLayer: false,
* APIProperty: isFixed
* {Boolean} Whether the layer remains in one place while dragging the
* map. Note that setting this to true will move the layer to the bottom
* of the layer stack.
isFixed: false,
* APIProperty: features
* {Array(<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>)}
features: null,
* Property: filter
* {<OpenLayers.Filter>} The filter set in this layer,
* a strategy launching read requests can combined
* this filter with its own filter.
filter: null,
* Property: selectedFeatures
* {Array(<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>)}
selectedFeatures: null,
* Property: unrenderedFeatures
* {Object} hash of features, keyed by, that the renderer
* failed to draw
unrenderedFeatures: null,
* APIProperty: reportError
* {Boolean} report friendly error message when loading of renderer
* fails.
reportError: true,
* APIProperty: style
* {Object} Default style for the layer
style: null,
* Property: styleMap
* {<OpenLayers.StyleMap>}
styleMap: null,
* Property: strategies
* {Array(<OpenLayers.Strategy>})} Optional list of strategies for the layer.
strategies: null,
* Property: protocol
* {<OpenLayers.Protocol>} Optional protocol for the layer.
protocol: null,
* Property: renderers
* {Array(String)} List of supported Renderer classes. Add to this list to
* add support for additional renderers. This list is ordered:
* the first renderer which returns true for the 'supported()'
* method will be used, if not defined in the 'renderer' option.
renderers: ['SVG', 'VML', 'Canvas'],
* Property: renderer
* {<OpenLayers.Renderer>}
renderer: null,
* APIProperty: rendererOptions
* {Object} Options for the renderer. See {<OpenLayers.Renderer>} for
* supported options.
rendererOptions: null,
* APIProperty: geometryType
* {String} geometryType allows you to limit the types of geometries this
* layer supports. This should be set to something like
* "OpenLayers.Geometry.Point" to limit types.
geometryType: null,
* Property: drawn
* {Boolean} Whether the Vector Layer features have been drawn yet.
drawn: false,
* APIProperty: ratio
* {Float} This specifies the ratio of the size of the visiblity of the Vector Layer features to the size of the map.
ratio: 1,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
* Create a new vector layer
* Parameters:
* name - {String} A name for the layer
* options - {Object} Optional object with non-default properties to set on
* the layer.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Layer.Vector>} A new vector layer
initialize: function(name, options) {
OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
// allow user-set renderer, otherwise assign one
if (!this.renderer || !this.renderer.supported()) {
// if no valid renderer found, display error
if (!this.renderer || !this.renderer.supported()) {
this.renderer = null;
if (!this.styleMap) {
this.styleMap = new OpenLayers.StyleMap();
this.features = [];
this.selectedFeatures = [];
this.unrenderedFeatures = {};
// Allow for custom layer behavior
for(var i=0, len=this.strategies.length; i<len; i++) {
* APIMethod: destroy
* Destroy this layer
destroy: function() {
if (this.strategies) {
var strategy, i, len;
for(i=0, len=this.strategies.length; i<len; i++) {
strategy = this.strategies[i];
if(strategy.autoDestroy) {
this.strategies = null;
if (this.protocol) {
if(this.protocol.autoDestroy) {
this.protocol = null;
this.features = null;
this.selectedFeatures = null;
this.unrenderedFeatures = null;
if (this.renderer) {
this.renderer = null;
this.geometryType = null;
this.drawn = null;
OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
* Method: clone
* Create a clone of this layer.
* Note: Features of the layer are also cloned.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Layer.Vector>} An exact clone of this layer
clone: function (obj) {
if (obj == null) {
obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(, this.getOptions());
//get all additions from superclasses
obj = OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
// copy/set any non-init, non-simple values here
var features = this.features;
var len = features.length;
var clonedFeatures = new Array(len);
for(var i=0; i<len; ++i) {
clonedFeatures[i] = features[i].clone();
obj.features = clonedFeatures;
return obj;
* Method: refresh
* Ask the layer to request features again and redraw them. Triggers
* the refresh event if the layer is in range and visible.
* Parameters:
* obj - {Object} Optional object with properties for any listener of
* the refresh event.
refresh: function(obj) {
if(this.calculateInRange() && this.visibility) {"refresh", obj);
* Method: assignRenderer
* Iterates through the available renderer implementations and selects
* and assigns the first one whose "supported()" function returns true.
assignRenderer: function() {
for (var i=0, len=this.renderers.length; i<len; i++) {
var rendererClass = this.renderers[i];
var renderer = (typeof rendererClass == "function") ?
rendererClass :
if (renderer && renderer.prototype.supported()) {
this.renderer = new renderer(this.div, this.rendererOptions);
* Method: displayError
* Let the user know their browser isn't supported.
displayError: function() {
if (this.reportError) {
{renderers: this. renderers.join('\n')}));
* Method: setMap
* The layer has been added to the map.
* If there is no renderer set, the layer can't be used. Remove it.
* Otherwise, give the renderer a reference to the map and set its size.
* Parameters:
* map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
setMap: function(map) {
OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);
if (!this.renderer) {;
} else { =;
var newSize =;
newSize.w = newSize.w * this.ratio;
newSize.h = newSize.h * this.ratio;
* Method: afterAdd
* Called at the end of the map.addLayer sequence. At this point, the map
* will have a base layer. Any autoActivate strategies will be
* activated here.
afterAdd: function() {
if(this.strategies) {
var strategy, i, len;
for(i=0, len=this.strategies.length; i<len; i++) {
strategy = this.strategies[i];
if(strategy.autoActivate) {
* Method: removeMap
* The layer has been removed from the map.
* Parameters:
* map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
removeMap: function(map) {
this.drawn = false;
if(this.strategies) {
var strategy, i, len;
for(i=0, len=this.strategies.length; i<len; i++) {
strategy = this.strategies[i];
if(strategy.autoActivate) {
* Method: onMapResize
* Notify the renderer of the change in size.
onMapResize: function() {
OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.onMapResize.apply(this, arguments);
var newSize =;
newSize.w = newSize.w * this.ratio;
newSize.h = newSize.h * this.ratio;
* Method: moveTo
* Reset the vector layer's div so that it once again is lined up with
* the map. Notify the renderer of the change of extent, and in the
* case of a change of zoom level (resolution), have the
* renderer redraw features.
* If the layer has not yet been drawn, cycle through the layer's
* features and draw each one.
* Parameters:
* bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
* zoomChanged - {Boolean}
* dragging - {Boolean}
moveTo: function(bounds, zoomChanged, dragging) {
OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.moveTo.apply(this, arguments);
var coordSysUnchanged = true;
if (!dragging) { = 'hidden';
var viewSize =,
viewWidth = viewSize.w,
viewHeight = viewSize.h,
offsetLeft = (viewWidth / 2 * this.ratio) - viewWidth / 2,
offsetTop = (viewHeight / 2 * this.ratio) - viewHeight / 2;
offsetLeft +=;
offsetLeft = -Math.round(offsetLeft);
offsetTop +=;
offsetTop = -Math.round(offsetTop); = offsetLeft + 'px'; = offsetTop + 'px';
var extent =;
coordSysUnchanged = this.renderer.setExtent(extent, zoomChanged); = 'visible';
// Force a reflow on gecko based browsers to prevent jump/flicker.
// This seems to happen on only certain configurations; it was originally
// noticed in FF 2.0 and Linux.
if (OpenLayers.IS_GECKO === true) {
this.div.scrollLeft = this.div.scrollLeft;
if (!zoomChanged && coordSysUnchanged) {
for (var i in this.unrenderedFeatures) {
var feature = this.unrenderedFeatures[i];
if (!this.drawn || zoomChanged || !coordSysUnchanged) {
this.drawn = true;
var feature;
for(var i=0, len=this.features.length; i<len; i++) {
this.renderer.locked = (i !== (len - 1));
feature = this.features[i];
* APIMethod: display
* Hide or show the Layer
* Parameters:
* display - {Boolean}
display: function(display) {
OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.display.apply(this, arguments);
// we need to set the display style of the root in case it is attached
// to a foreign layer
var currentDisplay =;
if(currentDisplay != { = currentDisplay;
* APIMethod: addFeatures
* Add Features to the layer.
* Parameters:
* features - {Array(<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>)}
* options - {Object}
addFeatures: function(features, options) {
if (!(OpenLayers.Util.isArray(features))) {
features = [features];
var notify = !options || !options.silent;
if(notify) {
var event = {features: features};
var ret ="beforefeaturesadded", event);
if(ret === false) {
features = event.features;
// Track successfully added features for featuresadded event, since
// beforefeatureadded can veto single features.
var featuresAdded = [];
for (var i=0, len=features.length; i<len; i++) {
if (i != (features.length - 1)) {
this.renderer.locked = true;
} else {
this.renderer.locked = false;
var feature = features[i];
if (this.geometryType &&
!(feature.geometry instanceof this.geometryType)) {
throw new TypeError('addFeatures: component should be an ' +
//give feature reference to its layer
feature.layer = this;
if (! && { = OpenLayers.Util.extend({},;
if (notify) {
{feature: feature}) === false) {
if (notify) {"featureadded", {
feature: feature
if(notify) {"featuresadded", {features: featuresAdded});
* APIMethod: removeFeatures
* Remove features from the layer. This erases any drawn features and
* removes them from the layer's control. The beforefeatureremoved
* and featureremoved events will be triggered for each feature. The
* featuresremoved event will be triggered after all features have
* been removed. To supress event triggering, use the silent option.
* Parameters:
* features - {Array(<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>)} List of features to be
* removed.
* options - {Object} Optional properties for changing behavior of the
* removal.
* Valid options:
* silent - {Boolean} Supress event triggering. Default is false.
removeFeatures: function(features, options) {
if(!features || features.length === 0) {
if (features === this.features) {
return this.removeAllFeatures(options);
if (!(OpenLayers.Util.isArray(features))) {
features = [features];
if (features === this.selectedFeatures) {
features = features.slice();
var notify = !options || !options.silent;
if (notify) {
"beforefeaturesremoved", {features: features}
for (var i = features.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// We remain locked so long as we're not at 0
// and the 'next' feature has a geometry. We do the geometry check
// because if all the features after the current one are 'null', we
// won't call eraseGeometry, so we break the 'renderer functions
// will always be called with locked=false *last*' rule. The end result
// is a possible gratiutious unlocking to save a loop through the rest
// of the list checking the remaining features every time. So long as
// null geoms are rare, this is probably okay.
if (i != 0 && features[i-1].geometry) {
this.renderer.locked = true;
} else {
this.renderer.locked = false;
var feature = features[i];
delete this.unrenderedFeatures[];
if (notify) {"beforefeatureremoved", {
feature: feature
this.features = OpenLayers.Util.removeItem(this.features, feature);
// feature has no layer at this point
feature.layer = null;
if (feature.geometry) {
//in the case that this feature is one of the selected features,
// remove it from that array as well.
if (OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(this.selectedFeatures, feature) != -1){
OpenLayers.Util.removeItem(this.selectedFeatures, feature);
if (notify) {"featureremoved", {
feature: feature
if (notify) {"featuresremoved", {features: features});
* APIMethod: removeAllFeatures
* Remove all features from the layer.
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} Optional properties for changing behavior of the
* removal.
* Valid options:
* silent - {Boolean} Supress event triggering. Default is false.
removeAllFeatures: function(options) {
var notify = !options || !options.silent;
var features = this.features;
if (notify) {
"beforefeaturesremoved", {features: features}
var feature;
for (var i = features.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
feature = features[i];
if (notify) {"beforefeatureremoved", {
feature: feature
feature.layer = null;
if (notify) {"featureremoved", {
feature: feature
this.features = [];
this.unrenderedFeatures = {};
this.selectedFeatures = [];
if (notify) {"featuresremoved", {features: features});
* APIMethod: destroyFeatures
* Erase and destroy features on the layer.
* Parameters:
* features - {Array(<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>)} An optional array of
* features to destroy. If not supplied, all features on the layer
* will be destroyed.
* options - {Object}
destroyFeatures: function(features, options) {
var all = (features == undefined); // evaluates to true if
// features is null
if(all) {
features = this.features;
if(features) {
this.removeFeatures(features, options);
for(var i=features.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
* APIMethod: drawFeature
* Draw (or redraw) a feature on the layer. If the optional style argument
* is included, this style will be used. If no style is included, the
* feature's style will be used. If the feature doesn't have a style,
* the layer's style will be used.
* This function is not designed to be used when adding features to
* the layer (use addFeatures instead). It is meant to be used when
* the style of a feature has changed, or in some other way needs to
* visually updated *after* it has already been added to a layer. You
* must add the feature to the layer for most layer-related events to
* happen.
* Parameters:
* feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
* style - {String | Object} Named render intent or full symbolizer object.
drawFeature: function(feature, style) {
// don't try to draw the feature with the renderer if the layer is not
// drawn itself
if (!this.drawn) {
if (typeof style != "object") {
if(!style && feature.state === OpenLayers.State.DELETE) {
style = "delete";
var renderIntent = style || feature.renderIntent;
style = ||;
if (!style) {
style = this.styleMap.createSymbolizer(feature, renderIntent);
var drawn = this.renderer.drawFeature(feature, style);
//TODO remove the check for null when we get rid of Renderer.SVG
if (drawn === false || drawn === null) {
this.unrenderedFeatures[] = feature;
} else {
delete this.unrenderedFeatures[];
* Method: eraseFeatures
* Erase features from the layer.
* Parameters:
* features - {Array(<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>)}
eraseFeatures: function(features) {
* Method: getFeatureFromEvent
* Given an event, return a feature if the event occurred over one.
* Otherwise, return null.
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>} A feature if one was under the event.
getFeatureFromEvent: function(evt) {
if (!this.renderer) {
throw new Error('getFeatureFromEvent called on layer with no ' +
'renderer. This usually means you destroyed a ' +
'layer, but not some handler which is associated ' +
'with it.');
var feature = null;
var featureId = this.renderer.getFeatureIdFromEvent(evt);
if (featureId) {
if (typeof featureId === "string") {
feature = this.getFeatureById(featureId);
} else {
feature = featureId;
return feature;
* APIMethod: getFeatureBy
* Given a property value, return the feature if it exists in the features array
* Parameters:
* property - {String}
* value - {String}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>} A feature corresponding to the given
* property value or null if there is no such feature.
getFeatureBy: function(property, value) {
//TBD - would it be more efficient to use a hash for this.features?
var feature = null;
for(var i=0, len=this.features.length; i<len; ++i) {
if(this.features[i][property] == value) {
feature = this.features[i];
return feature;
* APIMethod: getFeatureById
* Given a feature id, return the feature if it exists in the features array
* Parameters:
* featureId - {String}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>} A feature corresponding to the given
* featureId or null if there is no such feature.
getFeatureById: function(featureId) {
return this.getFeatureBy('id', featureId);
* APIMethod: getFeatureByFid
* Given a feature fid, return the feature if it exists in the features array
* Parameters:
* featureFid - {String}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>} A feature corresponding to the given
* featureFid or null if there is no such feature.
getFeatureByFid: function(featureFid) {
return this.getFeatureBy('fid', featureFid);
* APIMethod: getFeaturesByAttribute
* Returns an array of features that have the given attribute key set to the
* given value. Comparison of attribute values takes care of datatypes, e.g.
* the string '1234' is not equal to the number 1234.
* Parameters:
* attrName - {String}
* attrValue - {Mixed}
* Returns:
* Array({<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}) An array of features that have the
* passed named attribute set to the given value.
getFeaturesByAttribute: function(attrName, attrValue) {
var i,
len = this.features.length,
foundFeatures = [];
for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
feature = this.features[i];
if(feature && feature.attributes) {
if (feature.attributes[attrName] === attrValue) {
return foundFeatures;
* Unselect the selected features
* i.e. clears the featureSelection array
* change the style back
clearSelection: function() {
var vectorLayer =;
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
var featureSelection =[i];
} = [];
* APIMethod: onFeatureInsert
* method called after a feature is inserted.
* Does nothing by default. Override this if you
* need to do something on feature updates.
* Parameters:
* feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
onFeatureInsert: function(feature) {
* APIMethod: preFeatureInsert
* method called before a feature is inserted.
* Does nothing by default. Override this if you
* need to do something when features are first added to the
* layer, but before they are drawn, such as adjust the style.
* Parameters:
* feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
preFeatureInsert: function(feature) {
* APIMethod: getDataExtent
* Calculates the max extent which includes all of the features.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} or null if the layer has no features with
* geometries.
getDataExtent: function () {
var maxExtent = null;
var features = this.features;
if(features && (features.length > 0)) {
var geometry = null;
for(var i=0, len=features.length; i<len; i++) {
geometry = features[i].geometry;
if (geometry) {
if (maxExtent === null) {
maxExtent = new OpenLayers.Bounds();
return maxExtent;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.Vector"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Layer/Vector.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.RootContainer
* A special layer type to combine multiple vector layers inside a single
* renderer root container. This class is not supposed to be instantiated
* from user space, it is a helper class for controls that require event
* processing for multiple vector layers.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Layer.Vector>
OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.RootContainer = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.Vector, {
* Property: displayInLayerSwitcher
* Set to false for this layer type
displayInLayerSwitcher: false,
* APIProperty: layers
* Layers that are attached to this container. Required config option.
layers: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.RootContainer
* Create a new root container for multiple vector layer. This constructor
* is not supposed to be used from user space, it is only to be used by
* controls that need feature selection across multiple vector layers.
* Parameters:
* name - {String} A name for the layer
* options - {Object} Optional object with non-default properties to set on
* the layer.
* Required options properties:
* layers - {Array(<OpenLayers.Layer.Vector>)} The layers managed by this
* container
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.RootContainer>} A new vector layer root
* container
* Method: display
display: function() {},
* Method: getFeatureFromEvent
* walk through the layers to find the feature returned by the event
* Parameters:
* evt - {Object} event object with a feature property
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
getFeatureFromEvent: function(evt) {
var layers = this.layers;
var feature;
for(var i=0; i<layers.length; i++) {
feature = layers[i].getFeatureFromEvent(evt);
if(feature) {
return feature;
* Method: setMap
* Parameters:
* map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
setMap: function(map) {
OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);
this.collectRoots();"changelayer", this, this.handleChangeLayer);
* Method: removeMap
* Parameters:
* map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
removeMap: function(map) {"changelayer", this, this.handleChangeLayer);
OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.prototype.removeMap.apply(this, arguments);
* Method: collectRoots
* Collects the root nodes of all layers this control is configured with
* and moveswien the nodes to this control's layer
collectRoots: function() {
var layer;
// walk through all map layers, because we want to keep the order
for(var i=0; i<; ++i) {
layer =[i];
if(OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(this.layers, layer) != -1) {
* Method: resetRoots
* Resets the root nodes back into the layers they belong to.
resetRoots: function() {
var layer;
for(var i=0; i<this.layers.length; ++i) {
layer = this.layers[i];
if(this.renderer && layer.renderer.getRenderLayerId() == {
* Method: handleChangeLayer
* Event handler for the map's changelayer event. We need to rebuild
* this container's layer dom if order of one of its layers changes.
* This handler is added with the setMap method, and removed with the
* removeMap method.
* Parameters:
* evt - {Object}
handleChangeLayer: function(evt) {
var layer = evt.layer;
if( == "order" &&
OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(this.layers, layer) != -1) {
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.RootContainer"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Control.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Feature/Vector.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Handler/Feature.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Layer/Vector/RootContainer.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature
* The SelectFeature control selects vector features from a given layer on
* click or hover.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Control>
OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {
* APIProperty: events
* {<OpenLayers.Events>} Events instance for listeners and triggering
* control specific events.
* Register a listener for a particular event with the following syntax:
* (code)
*, obj, listener);
* (end)
* Supported event types (in addition to those from <>):
* beforefeaturehighlighted - Triggered before a feature is highlighted
* featurehighlighted - Triggered when a feature is highlighted
* featureunhighlighted - Triggered when a feature is unhighlighted
* boxselectionstart - Triggered before box selection starts
* boxselectionend - Triggered after box selection ends
* Property: multipleKey
* {String} An event modifier ('altKey' or 'shiftKey') that temporarily sets
* the <multiple> property to true. Default is null.
multipleKey: null,
* Property: toggleKey
* {String} An event modifier ('altKey' or 'shiftKey') that temporarily sets
* the <toggle> property to true. Default is null.
toggleKey: null,
* APIProperty: multiple
* {Boolean} Allow selection of multiple geometries. Default is false.
multiple: false,
* APIProperty: clickout
* {Boolean} Unselect features when clicking outside any feature.
* Default is true.
clickout: true,
* APIProperty: toggle
* {Boolean} Unselect a selected feature on click. Default is false. Only
* has meaning if hover is false.
toggle: false,
* APIProperty: hover
* {Boolean} Select on mouse over and deselect on mouse out. If true, this
* ignores clicks and only listens to mouse moves.
hover: false,
* APIProperty: highlightOnly
* {Boolean} If true do not actually select features (that is place them in
* the layer's selected features array), just highlight them. This property
* has no effect if hover is false. Defaults to false.
highlightOnly: false,
* APIProperty: box
* {Boolean} Allow feature selection by drawing a box.
box: false,
* Property: onBeforeSelect
* {Function} Optional function to be called before a feature is selected.
* The function should expect to be called with a feature.
onBeforeSelect: function() {},
* APIProperty: onSelect
* {Function} Optional function to be called when a feature is selected.
* The function should expect to be called with a feature.
onSelect: function() {},
* APIProperty: onUnselect
* {Function} Optional function to be called when a feature is unselected.
* The function should expect to be called with a feature.
onUnselect: function() {},
* Property: scope
* {Object} The scope to use with the onBeforeSelect, onSelect, onUnselect
* callbacks. If null the scope will be this control.
scope: null,
* APIProperty: geometryTypes
* {Array(String)} To restrict selecting to a limited set of geometry types,
* send a list of strings corresponding to the geometry class names.
geometryTypes: null,
* Property: layer
* {<OpenLayers.Layer.Vector>} The vector layer with a common renderer
* root for all layers this control is configured with (if an array of
* layers was passed to the constructor), or the vector layer the control
* was configured with (if a single layer was passed to the constructor).
layer: null,
* Property: layers
* {Array(<OpenLayers.Layer.Vector>)} The layers this control will work on,
* or null if the control was configured with a single layer
layers: null,
* APIProperty: callbacks
* {Object} The functions that are sent to the handlers.feature for callback
callbacks: null,
* APIProperty: selectStyle
* {Object} Hash of styles
selectStyle: null,
* Property: renderIntent
* {String} key used to retrieve the select style from the layer's
* style map.
renderIntent: "select",
* Property: handlers
* {Object} Object with references to multiple <OpenLayers.Handler>
* instances.
handlers: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature
* Create a new control for selecting features.
* Parameters:
* layers - {<OpenLayers.Layer.Vector>}, or an array of vector layers. The
* layer(s) this control will select features from.
* options - {Object}
initialize: function(layers, options) {
OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [options]);
if(this.scope === null) {
this.scope = this;
var callbacks = {
click: this.clickFeature,
clickout: this.clickoutFeature
if (this.hover) {
callbacks.over = this.overFeature;
callbacks.out = this.outFeature;
this.callbacks = OpenLayers.Util.extend(callbacks, this.callbacks);
this.handlers = {
feature: new OpenLayers.Handler.Feature(
this, this.layer, this.callbacks,
{geometryTypes: this.geometryTypes}
if ( { = new OpenLayers.Handler.Box(
this, {done: this.selectBox},
{boxDivClassName: "olHandlerBoxSelectFeature"}
* Method: initLayer
* Assign the layer property. If layers is an array, we need to use
* a RootContainer.
* Parameters:
* layers - {<OpenLayers.Layer.Vector>}, or an array of vector layers.
initLayer: function(layers) {
if(OpenLayers.Util.isArray(layers)) {
this.layers = layers;
this.layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.RootContainer( + "_container", {
layers: layers
} else {
this.layer = layers;
* Method: destroy
destroy: function() {
if( && this.layers) {;
OpenLayers.Control.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
if(this.layers) {
* Method: activate
* Activates the control.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The control was effectively activated.
activate: function () {
if (! {
if(this.layers) {;
if( && {;
return OpenLayers.Control.prototype.activate.apply(
this, arguments
* Method: deactivate
* Deactivates the control.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The control was effectively deactivated.
deactivate: function () {
if ( {
if( {;
if(this.layers) {;
return OpenLayers.Control.prototype.deactivate.apply(
this, arguments
* Method: unselectAll
* Unselect all selected features. To unselect all except for a single
* feature, set the options.except property to the feature.
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} Optional configuration object.
unselectAll: function(options) {
// we'll want an option to supress notification here
var layers = this.layers || [this.layer],
layer, feature, l, numExcept;
for(l=0; l<layers.length; ++l) {
layer = layers[l];
numExcept = 0;
//layer.selectedFeatures is null when layer is destroyed and
//one of it's preremovelayer listener calls setLayer
//with another layer on this control
if(layer.selectedFeatures != null) {
while(layer.selectedFeatures.length > numExcept) {
feature = layer.selectedFeatures[numExcept];
if(!options || options.except != feature) {
} else {
* Method: clickFeature
* Called on click in a feature
* Only responds if this.hover is false.
* Parameters:
* feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
clickFeature: function(feature) {
if(!this.hover) {
var selected = (OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(
feature.layer.selectedFeatures, feature) > -1);
if(selected) {
if(this.toggleSelect()) {
} else if(!this.multipleSelect()) {
this.unselectAll({except: feature});
} else {
if(!this.multipleSelect()) {
this.unselectAll({except: feature});
* Method: multipleSelect
* Allow for multiple selected features based on <multiple> property and
* <multipleKey> event modifier.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Allow for multiple selected features.
multipleSelect: function() {
return this.multiple || (this.handlers.feature.evt &&
* Method: toggleSelect
* Event should toggle the selected state of a feature based on <toggle>
* property and <toggleKey> event modifier.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Toggle the selected state of a feature.
toggleSelect: function() {
return this.toggle || (this.handlers.feature.evt &&
* Method: clickoutFeature
* Called on click outside a previously clicked (selected) feature.
* Only responds if this.hover is false.
* Parameters:
* feature - {<OpenLayers.Vector.Feature>}
clickoutFeature: function(feature) {
if(!this.hover && this.clickout) {
* Method: overFeature
* Called on over a feature.
* Only responds if this.hover is true.
* Parameters:
* feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
overFeature: function(feature) {
var layer = feature.layer;
if(this.hover) {
if(this.highlightOnly) {
} else if(OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(
layer.selectedFeatures, feature) == -1) {;
* Method: outFeature
* Called on out of a selected feature.
* Only responds if this.hover is true.
* Parameters:
* feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
outFeature: function(feature) {
if(this.hover) {
if(this.highlightOnly) {
// we do nothing if we're not the last highlighter of the
// feature
if(feature._lastHighlighter == {
// if another select control had highlighted the feature before
// we did it ourself then we use that control to highlight the
// feature as it was before we highlighted it, else we just
// unhighlight it
if(feature._prevHighlighter &&
feature._prevHighlighter != {
delete feature._lastHighlighter;
var control =
if(control) {
} else {
} else {
* Method: highlight
* Redraw feature with the select style.
* Parameters:
* feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
highlight: function(feature) {
var layer = feature.layer;
var cont ="beforefeaturehighlighted", {
feature : feature
if(cont !== false) {
feature._prevHighlighter = feature._lastHighlighter;
feature._lastHighlighter =;
var style = this.selectStyle || this.renderIntent;
layer.drawFeature(feature, style);"featurehighlighted", {feature : feature});
* Method: unhighlight
* Redraw feature with the "default" style
* Parameters:
* feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
unhighlight: function(feature) {
var layer = feature.layer;
// three cases:
// 1. there's no other highlighter, in that case _prev is undefined,
// and we just need to undef _last
// 2. another control highlighted the feature after we did it, in
// that case _last references this other control, and we just
// need to undef _prev
// 3. another control highlighted the feature before we did it, in
// that case _prev references this other control, and we need to
// set _last to _prev and undef _prev
if(feature._prevHighlighter == undefined) {
delete feature._lastHighlighter;
} else if(feature._prevHighlighter == {
delete feature._prevHighlighter;
} else {
feature._lastHighlighter = feature._prevHighlighter;
delete feature._prevHighlighter;
layer.drawFeature(feature, || ||
"default");"featureunhighlighted", {feature : feature});
* Method: select
* Add feature to the layer's selectedFeature array, render the feature as
* selected, and call the onSelect function.
* Parameters:
* feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
select: function(feature) {
var cont =, feature);
var layer = feature.layer;
if(cont !== false) {
cont ="beforefeatureselected", {
feature: feature
if(cont !== false) {
// if the feature handler isn't involved in the feature
// selection (because the box handler is used or the
// feature is selected programatically) we fake the
// feature handler to allow unselecting on click
if(!this.handlers.feature.lastFeature) {
this.handlers.feature.lastFeature = layer.selectedFeatures[0];
}"featureselected", {feature: feature});, feature);
* Method: unselect
* Remove feature from the layer's selectedFeature array, render the feature as
* normal, and call the onUnselect function.
* Parameters:
* feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
unselect: function(feature) {
var layer = feature.layer;
// Store feature style for restoration later
OpenLayers.Util.removeItem(layer.selectedFeatures, feature);"featureunselected", {feature: feature});, feature);
* Method: selectBox
* Callback from the set up when <box> selection is true
* on.
* Parameters:
* position - {<OpenLayers.Bounds> || <OpenLayers.Pixel> }
selectBox: function(position) {
if (position instanceof OpenLayers.Bounds) {
var minXY ={
x: position.left,
y: position.bottom
var maxXY ={
x: position.right,
var bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(
minXY.lon,, maxXY.lon,
// if multiple is false, first deselect currently selected features
if (!this.multipleSelect()) {
// because we're using a box, we consider we want multiple selection
var prevMultiple = this.multiple;
this.multiple = true;
var layers = this.layers || [this.layer];"boxselectionstart", {layers: layers});
var layer;
for(var l=0; l<layers.length; ++l) {
layer = layers[l];
for(var i=0, len = layer.features.length; i<len; ++i) {
var feature = layer.features[i];
// check if the feature is displayed
if (!feature.getVisibility()) {
if (this.geometryTypes == null || OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(
this.geometryTypes, feature.geometry.CLASS_NAME) > -1) {
if (bounds.toGeometry().intersects(feature.geometry)) {
if (OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(layer.selectedFeatures, feature) == -1) {;
this.multiple = prevMultiple;"boxselectionend", {layers: layers});
* Method: setMap
* Set the map property for the control.
* Parameters:
* map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
setMap: function(map) {
if ( {;
OpenLayers.Control.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);
* APIMethod: setLayer
* Attach a new layer to the control, overriding any existing layers.
* Parameters:
* layers - Array of {<OpenLayers.Layer.Vector>} or a single
* {<OpenLayers.Layer.Vector>}
setLayer: function(layers) {
var isActive =;
if(this.layers) {
this.layers = null;
this.handlers.feature.layer = this.layer;
if (isActive) {
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Control.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Control.Attribution
* The attribution control adds attribution from layers to the map display.
* It uses 'attribution' property of each layer.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Control>
OpenLayers.Control.Attribution =
OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {
* APIProperty: separator
* {String} String used to separate layers.
separator: ", ",
* APIProperty: template
* {String} Template for the attribution. This has to include the substring
* "${layers}", which will be replaced by the layer specific
* attributions, separated by <separator>. The default is "${layers}".
template: "${layers}",
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Control.Attribution
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} Options for control.
* Method: destroy
* Destroy control.
destroy: function() {{
"removelayer": this.updateAttribution,
"addlayer": this.updateAttribution,
"changelayer": this.updateAttribution,
"changebaselayer": this.updateAttribution,
scope: this
OpenLayers.Control.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
* Method: draw
* Initialize control.
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} A reference to the DIV DOMElement containing the control
draw: function() {
OpenLayers.Control.prototype.draw.apply(this, arguments);{
'changebaselayer': this.updateAttribution,
'changelayer': this.updateAttribution,
'addlayer': this.updateAttribution,
'removelayer': this.updateAttribution,
scope: this
return this.div;
* Method: updateAttribution
* Update attribution string.
updateAttribution: function() {
var attributions = [];
if ( && {
for(var i=0,; i<len; i++) {
var layer =[i];
if (layer.attribution && layer.getVisibility()) {
// add attribution only if attribution text is unique
if (OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(
attributions, layer.attribution) === -1) {
attributions.push( layer.attribution );
this.div.innerHTML = OpenLayers.String.format(this.template, {
layers: attributions.join(this.separator)
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Control.Attribution"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Animation.js
OpenLayers.Kinetic = OpenLayers.Class({
* Property: threshold
* In most cases changing the threshold isn't needed.
* In px/ms, default to 0.
threshold: 0,
* Property: deceleration
* {Float} the deseleration in px/ms², default to 0.0035.
deceleration: 0.0035,
* Property: nbPoints
* {Integer} the number of points we use to calculate the kinetic
* initial values.
nbPoints: 100,
* Property: delay
* {Float} time to consider to calculate the kinetic initial values.
* In ms, default to 200.
delay: 200,
* Property: points
* List of points use to calculate the kinetic initial values.
points: undefined,
* Property: timerId
* ID of the timer.
timerId: undefined,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Kinetic
* Parameters:
* options - {Object}
initialize: function(options) {
OpenLayers.Util.extend(this, options);
* Method: begin
* Begins the dragging.
begin: function() {
this.timerId = undefined;
this.points = [];
* Method: update
* Updates during the dragging.
* Parameters:
* xy - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} The new position.
update: function(xy) {
this.points.unshift({xy: xy, tick: new Date().getTime()});
if (this.points.length > this.nbPoints) {
* Method: end
* Ends the dragging, start the kinetic.
* Parameters:
* xy - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} The last position.
* Returns:
* {Object} An object with two properties: "speed", and "theta". The
* "speed" and "theta" values are to be passed to the move
* function when starting the animation.
end: function(xy) {
var last, now = new Date().getTime();
for (var i = 0, l = this.points.length, point; i < l; i++) {
point = this.points[i];
if (now - point.tick > this.delay) {
last = point;
if (!last) {
var time = new Date().getTime() - last.tick;
var dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xy.x - last.xy.x, 2) +
Math.pow(xy.y - last.xy.y, 2));
var speed = dist / time;
if (speed == 0 || speed < this.threshold) {
var theta = Math.asin((xy.y - last.xy.y) / dist);
if (last.xy.x <= xy.x) {
theta = Math.PI - theta;
return {speed: speed, theta: theta};
* Method: move
* Launch the kinetic move pan.
* Parameters:
* info - {Object} An object with two properties, "speed", and "theta".
* These values are those returned from the "end" call.
* callback - {Function} Function called on every step of the animation,
* receives x, y (values to pan), end (is the last point).
move: function(info, callback) {
var v0 = info.speed;
var fx = Math.cos(info.theta);
var fy = -Math.sin(info.theta);
var initialTime = new Date().getTime();
var lastX = 0;
var lastY = 0;
var timerCallback = function() {
if (this.timerId == null) {
var t = new Date().getTime() - initialTime;
var p = (-this.deceleration * Math.pow(t, 2)) / 2.0 + v0 * t;
var x = p * fx;
var y = p * fy;
var args = {};
args.end = false;
var v = -this.deceleration * t + v0;
if (v <= 0) {
this.timerId = null;
args.end = true;
args.x = x - lastX;
args.y = y - lastY;
lastX = x;
lastY = y;
callback(args.x, args.y, args.end);
this.timerId = OpenLayers.Animation.start(
OpenLayers.Function.bind(timerCallback, this)
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Kinetic"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Filter.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Filter.Logical
* This class represents ogc:And, ogc:Or and ogc:Not rules.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Filter>
OpenLayers.Filter.Logical = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Filter, {
* APIProperty: filters
* {Array(<OpenLayers.Filter>)} Child filters for this filter.
filters: null,
* APIProperty: type
* {String} type of logical operator. Available types are:
* - OpenLayers.Filter.Logical.AND = "&&";
* - OpenLayers.Filter.Logical.OR = "||";
* - OpenLayers.Filter.Logical.NOT = "!";
type: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Filter.Logical
* Creates a logical filter (And, Or, Not).
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} An optional object with properties to set on the
* filter.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Filter.Logical>}
initialize: function(options) {
this.filters = [];
OpenLayers.Filter.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [options]);
* APIMethod: destroy
* Remove reference to child filters.
destroy: function() {
this.filters = null;
* APIMethod: evaluate
* Evaluates this filter in a specific context.
* Parameters:
* context - {Object} Context to use in evaluating the filter. A vector
* feature may also be provided to evaluate feature attributes in
* comparison filters or geometries in spatial filters.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The filter applies.
evaluate: function(context) {
var i, len;
switch(this.type) {
case OpenLayers.Filter.Logical.AND:
for (i=0, len=this.filters.length; i<len; i++) {
if (this.filters[i].evaluate(context) == false) {
return false;
return true;
case OpenLayers.Filter.Logical.OR:
for (i=0, len=this.filters.length; i<len; i++) {
if (this.filters[i].evaluate(context) == true) {
return true;
return false;
case OpenLayers.Filter.Logical.NOT:
return (!this.filters[0].evaluate(context));
return undefined;
* APIMethod: clone
* Clones this filter.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Filter.Logical>} Clone of this filter.
clone: function() {
var filters = [];
for(var i=0, len=this.filters.length; i<len; ++i) {
return new OpenLayers.Filter.Logical({
type: this.type,
filters: filters
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Filter.Logical"
OpenLayers.Filter.Logical.AND = "&&";
OpenLayers.Filter.Logical.OR = "||";
OpenLayers.Filter.Logical.NOT = "!";
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Handler.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Handler.Drag
* The drag handler is used to deal with sequences of browser events related
* to dragging. The handler is used by controls that want to know when
* a drag sequence begins, when a drag is happening, and when it has
* finished.
* Controls that use the drag handler typically construct it with callbacks
* for 'down', 'move', and 'done'. Callbacks for these keys are called
* when the drag begins, with each move, and when the drag is done. In
* addition, controls can have callbacks keyed to 'up' and 'out' if they
* care to differentiate between the types of events that correspond with
* the end of a drag sequence. If no drag actually occurs (no mouse move)
* the 'down' and 'up' callbacks will be called, but not the 'done'
* callback.
* Create a new drag handler with the <OpenLayers.Handler.Drag> constructor.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Handler>
OpenLayers.Handler.Drag = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Handler, {
* Property: started
* {Boolean} When a mousedown or touchstart event is received, we want to
* record it, but not set 'dragging' until the mouse moves after starting.
started: false,
* Property: stopDown
* {Boolean} Stop propagation of mousedown events from getting to listeners
* on the same element. Default is true.
stopDown: true,
* Property: dragging
* {Boolean}
dragging: false,
* Property: last
* {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} The last pixel location of the drag.
last: null,
* Property: start
* {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} The first pixel location of the drag.
start: null,
* Property: lastMoveEvt
* {Object} The last mousemove event that occurred. Used to
* position the map correctly when our "delay drag"
* timeout expired.
lastMoveEvt: null,
* Property: oldOnselectstart
* {Function}
oldOnselectstart: null,
* Property: interval
* {Integer} In order to increase performance, an interval (in
* milliseconds) can be set to reduce the number of drag events
* called. If set, a new drag event will not be set until the
* interval has passed.
* Defaults to 0, meaning no interval.
interval: 0,
* Property: timeoutId
* {String} The id of the timeout used for the mousedown interval.
* This is "private", and should be left alone.
timeoutId: null,
* APIProperty: documentDrag
* {Boolean} If set to true, the handler will also handle mouse moves when
* the cursor has moved out of the map viewport. Default is false.
documentDrag: false,
* Property: documentEvents
* {Boolean} Are we currently observing document events?
documentEvents: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Handler.Drag
* Returns OpenLayers.Handler.Drag
* Parameters:
* control - {<OpenLayers.Control>} The control that is making use of
* this handler. If a handler is being used without a control, the
* handlers setMap method must be overridden to deal properly with
* the map.
* callbacks - {Object} An object containing a single function to be
* called when the drag operation is finished. The callback should
* expect to recieve a single argument, the pixel location of the event.
* Callbacks for 'move' and 'done' are supported. You can also speficy
* callbacks for 'down', 'up', and 'out' to respond to those events.
* options - {Object}
initialize: function(control, callbacks, options) {
OpenLayers.Handler.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.documentDrag === true) {
var me = this;
this._docMove = function(evt) {
xy: {x: evt.clientX, y: evt.clientY},
element: document
this._docUp = function(evt) {
me.mouseup({xy: {x: evt.clientX, y: evt.clientY}});
* Method: dragstart
* This private method is factorized from mousedown and touchstart methods
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event} The event
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Let the event propagate.
dragstart: function (evt) {
var propagate = true;
this.dragging = false;
if (this.checkModifiers(evt) &&
(OpenLayers.Event.isLeftClick(evt) ||
OpenLayers.Event.isSingleTouch(evt))) {
this.started = true;
this.start = evt.xy;
this.last = evt.xy;
OpenLayers.Element.addClass(, "olDragDown"
this.callback("down", [evt.xy]);
// prevent document dragging
if(!this.oldOnselectstart) {
this.oldOnselectstart = document.onselectstart ?
document.onselectstart : OpenLayers.Function.True;
document.onselectstart = OpenLayers.Function.False;
propagate = !this.stopDown;
} else {
this.started = false;
this.start = null;
this.last = null;
return propagate;
* Method: dragmove
* This private method is factorized from mousemove and touchmove methods
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event} The event
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Let the event propagate.
dragmove: function (evt) {
this.lastMoveEvt = evt;
if (this.started && !this.timeoutId && (evt.xy.x != this.last.x ||
evt.xy.y != this.last.y)) {
if(this.documentDrag === true && this.documentEvents) {
if(evt.element === document) {
// do setEvent manually because the documentEvents are not
// registered with the map
} else {
if (this.interval > 0) {
this.timeoutId = setTimeout(
OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.removeTimeout, this),
this.dragging = true;
this.callback("move", [evt.xy]);
if(!this.oldOnselectstart) {
this.oldOnselectstart = document.onselectstart;
document.onselectstart = OpenLayers.Function.False;
this.last = evt.xy;
return true;
* Method: dragend
* This private method is factorized from mouseup and touchend methods
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event} The event
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Let the event propagate.
dragend: function (evt) {
if (this.started) {
if(this.documentDrag === true && this.documentEvents) {
var dragged = (this.start != this.last);
this.started = false;
this.dragging = false;
OpenLayers.Element.removeClass(, "olDragDown"
this.callback("up", [evt.xy]);
if(dragged) {
this.callback("done", [evt.xy]);
document.onselectstart = this.oldOnselectstart;
return true;
* The four methods below (down, move, up, and out) are used by subclasses
* to do their own processing related to these mouse events.
* Method: down
* This method is called during the handling of the mouse down event.
* Subclasses can do their own processing here.
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event} The mouse down event
down: function(evt) {
* Method: move
* This method is called during the handling of the mouse move event.
* Subclasses can do their own processing here.
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event} The mouse move event
move: function(evt) {
* Method: up
* This method is called during the handling of the mouse up event.
* Subclasses can do their own processing here.
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event} The mouse up event
up: function(evt) {
* Method: out
* This method is called during the handling of the mouse out event.
* Subclasses can do their own processing here.
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event} The mouse out event
out: function(evt) {
* The methods below are part of the magic of event handling. Because
* they are named like browser events, they are registered as listeners
* for the events they represent.
* Method: mousedown
* Handle mousedown events
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Let the event propagate.
mousedown: function(evt) {
return this.dragstart(evt);
* Method: touchstart
* Handle touchstart events
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Let the event propagate.
touchstart: function(evt) {
return this.dragstart(evt);
* Method: mousemove
* Handle mousemove events
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Let the event propagate.
mousemove: function(evt) {
return this.dragmove(evt);
* Method: touchmove
* Handle touchmove events
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Let the event propagate.
touchmove: function(evt) {
return this.dragmove(evt);
* Method: removeTimeout
* Private. Called by mousemove() to remove the drag timeout.
removeTimeout: function() {
this.timeoutId = null;
// if timeout expires while we're still dragging (mouseup
// hasn't occurred) then call mousemove to move to the
// correct position
if(this.dragging) {
* Method: mouseup
* Handle mouseup events
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Let the event propagate.
mouseup: function(evt) {
return this.dragend(evt);
* Method: touchend
* Handle touchend events
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Let the event propagate.
touchend: function(evt) {
// override evt.xy with last position since touchend does not have
// any touch position
evt.xy = this.last;
return this.dragend(evt);
* Method: mouseout
* Handle mouseout events
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Let the event propagate.
mouseout: function (evt) {
if (this.started && OpenLayers.Util.mouseLeft(evt, {
if(this.documentDrag === true) {
} else {
var dragged = (this.start != this.last);
this.started = false;
this.dragging = false;
OpenLayers.Element.removeClass(, "olDragDown"
this.callback("out", []);
if(dragged) {
this.callback("done", [evt.xy]);
if(document.onselectstart) {
document.onselectstart = this.oldOnselectstart;
return true;
* Method: click
* The drag handler captures the click event. If something else registers
* for clicks on the same element, its listener will not be called
* after a drag.
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Let the event propagate.
click: function (evt) {
// let the click event propagate only if the mouse moved
return (this.start == this.last);
* Method: activate
* Activate the handler.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The handler was successfully activated.
activate: function() {
var activated = false;
if(OpenLayers.Handler.prototype.activate.apply(this, arguments)) {
this.dragging = false;
activated = true;
return activated;
* Method: deactivate
* Deactivate the handler.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The handler was successfully deactivated.
deactivate: function() {
var deactivated = false;
if(OpenLayers.Handler.prototype.deactivate.apply(this, arguments)) {
this.started = false;
this.dragging = false;
this.start = null;
this.last = null;
deactivated = true;
OpenLayers.Element.removeClass(, "olDragDown"
return deactivated;
* Method: adjustXY
* Converts event coordinates that are relative to the document body to
* ones that are relative to the map viewport. The latter is the default in
* OpenLayers.
* Parameters:
* evt - {Object}
adjustXY: function(evt) {
var pos = OpenLayers.Util.pagePosition(;
evt.xy.x -= pos[0];
evt.xy.y -= pos[1];
* Method: addDocumentEvents
* Start observing document events when documentDrag is true and the mouse
* cursor leaves the map viewport while dragging.
addDocumentEvents: function() {
OpenLayers.Element.addClass(document.body, "olDragDown");
this.documentEvents = true;
OpenLayers.Event.observe(document, "mousemove", this._docMove);
OpenLayers.Event.observe(document, "mouseup", this._docUp);
* Method: removeDocumentEvents
* Stops observing document events when documentDrag is true and the mouse
* cursor re-enters the map viewport while dragging.
removeDocumentEvents: function() {
OpenLayers.Element.removeClass(document.body, "olDragDown");
this.documentEvents = false;
OpenLayers.Event.stopObserving(document, "mousemove", this._docMove);
OpenLayers.Event.stopObserving(document, "mouseup", this._docUp);
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Handler.Drag"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Handler.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Handler/Drag.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Handler.Box
* Handler for dragging a rectangle across the map. Box is displayed
* on mouse down, moves on mouse move, and is finished on mouse up.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Handler>
OpenLayers.Handler.Box = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Handler, {
* Property: dragHandler
* {<OpenLayers.Handler.Drag>}
dragHandler: null,
* APIProperty: boxDivClassName
* {String} The CSS class to use for drawing the box. Default is
* olHandlerBoxZoomBox
boxDivClassName: 'olHandlerBoxZoomBox',
* Property: boxOffsets
* {Object} Caches box offsets from css. This is used by the getBoxOffsets
* method.
boxOffsets: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Handler.Box
* Parameters:
* control - {<OpenLayers.Control>}
* callbacks - {Object} An object with a properties whose values are
* functions. Various callbacks described below.
* options - {Object}
* Named callbacks:
* start - Called when the box drag operation starts.
* done - Called when the box drag operation is finished.
* The callback should expect to receive a single argument, the box
* bounds or a pixel. If the box dragging didn't span more than a 5
* pixel distance, a pixel will be returned instead of a bounds object.
initialize: function(control, callbacks, options) {
OpenLayers.Handler.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
this.dragHandler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Drag(
down: this.startBox,
move: this.moveBox,
out: this.removeBox,
up: this.endBox
{keyMask: this.keyMask}
* Method: destroy
destroy: function() {
OpenLayers.Handler.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.dragHandler) {
this.dragHandler = null;
* Method: setMap
setMap: function (map) {
OpenLayers.Handler.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.dragHandler) {
* Method: startBox
* Parameters:
* xy - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
startBox: function (xy) {
this.callback("start", []);
this.zoomBox = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv('zoomBox', {
x: -9999, y: -9999
this.zoomBox.className = this.boxDivClassName; =["Popup"] - 1;;
OpenLayers.Element.addClass(, "olDrawBox"
* Method: moveBox
moveBox: function (xy) {
var startX = this.dragHandler.start.x;
var startY = this.dragHandler.start.y;
var deltaX = Math.abs(startX - xy.x);
var deltaY = Math.abs(startY - xy.y);
var offset = this.getBoxOffsets(); = (deltaX + offset.width + 1) + "px"; = (deltaY + offset.height + 1) + "px"; = (xy.x < startX ?
startX - deltaX - offset.left : startX - offset.left) + "px"; = (xy.y < startY ?
startY - deltaY - : startY - + "px";
* Method: endBox
endBox: function(end) {
var result;
if (Math.abs(this.dragHandler.start.x - end.x) > 5 ||
Math.abs(this.dragHandler.start.y - end.y) > 5) {
var start = this.dragHandler.start;
var top = Math.min(start.y, end.y);
var bottom = Math.max(start.y, end.y);
var left = Math.min(start.x, end.x);
var right = Math.max(start.x, end.x);
result = new OpenLayers.Bounds(left, bottom, right, top);
} else {
result = this.dragHandler.start.clone(); // i.e. OL.Pixel
this.callback("done", [result]);
* Method: removeBox
* Remove the zoombox from the screen and nullify our reference to it.
removeBox: function() {;
this.zoomBox = null;
this.boxOffsets = null;
OpenLayers.Element.removeClass(, "olDrawBox"
* Method: activate
activate: function () {
if (OpenLayers.Handler.prototype.activate.apply(this, arguments)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Method: deactivate
deactivate: function () {
if (OpenLayers.Handler.prototype.deactivate.apply(this, arguments)) {
if (this.dragHandler.deactivate()) {
if (this.zoomBox) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Method: getBoxOffsets
* Determines border offsets for a box, according to the box model.
* Returns:
* {Object} an object with the following offsets:
* - left
* - right
* - top
* - bottom
* - width
* - height
getBoxOffsets: function() {
if (!this.boxOffsets) {
// Determine the box model. If the testDiv's clientWidth is 3, then
// the borders are outside and we are dealing with the w3c box
// model. Otherwise, the browser uses the traditional box model and
// the borders are inside the box bounds, leaving us with a
// clientWidth of 1.
var testDiv = document.createElement("div");
// = "hidden"; = "absolute"; = "1px solid black"; = "3px";
var w3cBoxModel = testDiv.clientWidth == 3;
var left = parseInt(OpenLayers.Element.getStyle(this.zoomBox,
var right = parseInt(OpenLayers.Element.getStyle(
this.zoomBox, "border-right-width"));
var top = parseInt(OpenLayers.Element.getStyle(this.zoomBox,
var bottom = parseInt(OpenLayers.Element.getStyle(
this.zoomBox, "border-bottom-width"));
this.boxOffsets = {
left: left,
right: right,
top: top,
bottom: bottom,
width: w3cBoxModel === false ? left + right : 0,
height: w3cBoxModel === false ? top + bottom : 0
return this.boxOffsets;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Handler.Box"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Control.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Handler/Box.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBox
* The ZoomBox control enables zooming directly to a given extent, by drawing
* a box on the map. The box is drawn by holding down shift, whilst dragging
* the mouse.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Control>
OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBox = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {
* Property: type
* {OpenLayers.Control.TYPE}
type: OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_TOOL,
* Property: out
* {Boolean} Should the control be used for zooming out?
out: false,
* APIProperty: keyMask
* {Integer} Zoom only occurs if the keyMask matches the combination of
* keys down. Use bitwise operators and one or more of the
* <OpenLayers.Handler> constants to construct a keyMask. Leave null if
* not used mask. Default is null.
keyMask: null,
* APIProperty: alwaysZoom
* {Boolean} Always zoom in/out when box drawn, even if the zoom level does
* not change.
alwaysZoom: false,
* APIProperty: zoomOnClick
* {Boolean} Should we zoom when no box was dragged, i.e. the user only
* clicked? Default is true.
zoomOnClick: true,
* Method: draw
draw: function() {
this.handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Box( this,
{done: this.zoomBox}, {keyMask: this.keyMask} );
* Method: zoomBox
* Parameters:
* position - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} or {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
zoomBox: function (position) {
if (position instanceof OpenLayers.Bounds) {
var bounds,
targetCenterPx = position.getCenterPixel();
if (!this.out) {
var minXY ={
x: position.left,
y: position.bottom
var maxXY ={
x: position.right,
bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(minXY.lon,,
} else {
var pixWidth = position.right - position.left;
var pixHeight = position.bottom -;
var zoomFactor = Math.min(( / pixHeight),
( / pixWidth));
var extent =;
var center =;
var xmin = center.lon - (extent.getWidth()/2)*zoomFactor;
var xmax = center.lon + (extent.getWidth()/2)*zoomFactor;
var ymin = - (extent.getHeight()/2)*zoomFactor;
var ymax = + (extent.getHeight()/2)*zoomFactor;
bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
// always zoom in/out
var lastZoom =,
size =,
centerPx = {x: size.w / 2, y: size.h / 2},
zoom =,
oldRes =,
newRes =;
if (oldRes == newRes) {;
} else {
var zoomOriginPx = {
x: (oldRes * targetCenterPx.x - newRes * centerPx.x) /
(oldRes - newRes),
y: (oldRes * targetCenterPx.y - newRes * centerPx.y) /
(oldRes - newRes)
};, zoomOriginPx);
if (lastZoom == && this.alwaysZoom == true){ + (this.out ? -1 : 1));
} else if (this.zoomOnClick) { // it's a pixel
if (!this.out) { + 1, position);
} else { - 1, position);
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBox"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Control.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Handler/Drag.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Control.DragPan
* The DragPan control pans the map with a drag of the mouse.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Control>
OpenLayers.Control.DragPan = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {
* Property: type
* {OpenLayers.Control.TYPES}
type: OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_TOOL,
* Property: panned
* {Boolean} The map moved.
panned: false,
* Property: interval
* {Integer} The number of milliseconds that should ellapse before
* panning the map again. Defaults to 0 milliseconds, which means that
* no separate cycle is used for panning. In most cases you won't want
* to change this value. For slow machines/devices larger values can be
* tried out.
interval: 0,
* APIProperty: documentDrag
* {Boolean} If set to true, mouse dragging will continue even if the
* mouse cursor leaves the map viewport. Default is false.
documentDrag: false,
* Property: kinetic
* {<OpenLayers.Kinetic>} The OpenLayers.Kinetic object.
kinetic: null,
* APIProperty: enableKinetic
* {Boolean} Set this option to enable "kinetic dragging". Can be
* set to true or to an object. If set to an object this
* object will be passed to the {<OpenLayers.Kinetic>}
* constructor. Defaults to true.
* To get kinetic dragging, ensure that OpenLayers/Kinetic.js is
* included in your build config.
enableKinetic: true,
* APIProperty: kineticInterval
* {Integer} Interval in milliseconds between 2 steps in the "kinetic
* scrolling". Applies only if enableKinetic is set. Defaults
* to 10 milliseconds.
kineticInterval: 10,
* Method: draw
* Creates a Drag handler, using <panMap> and
* <panMapDone> as callbacks.
draw: function() {
if (this.enableKinetic && OpenLayers.Kinetic) {
var config = {interval: this.kineticInterval};
if(typeof this.enableKinetic === "object") {
config = OpenLayers.Util.extend(config, this.enableKinetic);
this.kinetic = new OpenLayers.Kinetic(config);
this.handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Drag(this, {
"move": this.panMap,
"done": this.panMapDone,
"down": this.panMapStart
}, {
interval: this.interval,
documentDrag: this.documentDrag
* Method: panMapStart
panMapStart: function() {
if(this.kinetic) {
* Method: panMap
* Parameters:
* xy - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} Pixel of the mouse position
panMap: function(xy) {
if(this.kinetic) {
this.panned = true;
this.handler.last.x - xy.x,
this.handler.last.y - xy.y,
{dragging: true, animate: false}
* Method: panMapDone
* Finish the panning operation. Only call setCenter (through <panMap>)
* if the map has actually been moved.
* Parameters:
* xy - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} Pixel of the mouse position
panMapDone: function(xy) {
if(this.panned) {
var res = null;
if (this.kinetic) {
res = this.kinetic.end(xy);
this.handler.last.x - xy.x,
this.handler.last.y - xy.y,
{dragging: !!res, animate: false}
if (res) {
var self = this;
this.kinetic.move(res, function(x, y, end) {, y, {dragging: !end, animate: false});
this.panned = false;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Control.DragPan"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Handler.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Handler.Click
* A handler for mouse clicks. The intention of this handler is to give
* controls more flexibility with handling clicks. Browsers trigger
* click events twice for a double-click. In addition, the mousedown,
* mousemove, mouseup sequence fires a click event. With this handler,
* controls can decide whether to ignore clicks associated with a double
* click. By setting a <pixelTolerance>, controls can also ignore clicks
* that include a drag. Create a new instance with the
* <OpenLayers.Handler.Click> constructor.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Handler>
OpenLayers.Handler.Click = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Handler, {
* APIProperty: delay
* {Number} Number of milliseconds between clicks before the event is
* considered a double-click.
delay: 300,
* APIProperty: single
* {Boolean} Handle single clicks. Default is true. If false, clicks
* will not be reported. If true, single-clicks will be reported.
single: true,
* APIProperty: double
* {Boolean} Handle double-clicks. Default is false.
'double': false,
* APIProperty: pixelTolerance
* {Number} Maximum number of pixels between mouseup and mousedown for an
* event to be considered a click. Default is 0. If set to an
* integer value, clicks with a drag greater than the value will be
* ignored. This property can only be set when the handler is
* constructed.
pixelTolerance: 0,
* APIProperty: dblclickTolerance
* {Number} Maximum distance in pixels between clicks for a sequence of
* events to be considered a double click. Default is 13. If the
* distance between two clicks is greater than this value, a double-
* click will not be fired.
dblclickTolerance: 13,
* APIProperty: stopSingle
* {Boolean} Stop other listeners from being notified of clicks. Default
* is false. If true, any listeners registered before this one for
* click or rightclick events will not be notified.
stopSingle: false,
* APIProperty: stopDouble
* {Boolean} Stop other listeners from being notified of double-clicks.
* Default is false. If true, any click listeners registered before
* this one will not be notified of *any* double-click events.
* The one caveat with stopDouble is that given a map with two click
* handlers, one with stopDouble true and the other with stopSingle
* true, the stopSingle handler should be activated last to get
* uniform cross-browser performance. Since IE triggers one click
* with a dblclick and FF triggers two, if a stopSingle handler is
* activated first, all it gets in IE is a single click when the
* second handler stops propagation on the dblclick.
stopDouble: false,
* Property: timerId
* {Number} The id of the timeout waiting to clear the <delayedCall>.
timerId: null,
* Property: down
* {Object} Object that store relevant information about the last
* mousedown or touchstart. Its 'xy' OpenLayers.Pixel property gives
* the average location of the mouse/touch event. Its 'touches'
* property records clientX/clientY of each touches.
down: null,
* Property: last
* {Object} Object that store relevant information about the last
* mousemove or touchmove. Its 'xy' OpenLayers.Pixel property gives
* the average location of the mouse/touch event. Its 'touches'
* property records clientX/clientY of each touches.
last: null,
* Property: first
* {Object} When waiting for double clicks, this object will store
* information about the first click in a two click sequence.
first: null,
* Property: rightclickTimerId
* {Number} The id of the right mouse timeout waiting to clear the
* <delayedEvent>.
rightclickTimerId: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Handler.Click
* Create a new click handler.
* Parameters:
* control - {<OpenLayers.Control>} The control that is making use of
* this handler. If a handler is being used without a control, the
* handler's setMap method must be overridden to deal properly with
* the map.
* callbacks - {Object} An object with keys corresponding to callbacks
* that will be called by the handler. The callbacks should
* expect to recieve a single argument, the click event.
* Callbacks for 'click' and 'dblclick' are supported.
* options - {Object} Optional object whose properties will be set on the
* handler.
* Method: touchstart
* Handle touchstart.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Continue propagating this event.
touchstart: function(evt) {
this.down = this.getEventInfo(evt);
this.last = this.getEventInfo(evt);
return true;
* Method: touchmove
* Store position of last move, because touchend event can have
* an empty "touches" property.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Continue propagating this event.
touchmove: function(evt) {
this.last = this.getEventInfo(evt);
return true;
* Method: touchend
* Correctly set event xy property, and add lastTouches to have
* touches property from last touchstart or touchmove
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Continue propagating this event.
touchend: function(evt) {
// touchstart may not have been allowed to propagate
if (this.down) {
evt.xy = this.last.xy;
evt.lastTouches = this.last.touches;
this.down = null;
return true;
* Method: mousedown
* Handle mousedown.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Continue propagating this event.
mousedown: function(evt) {
this.down = this.getEventInfo(evt);
this.last = this.getEventInfo(evt);
return true;
* Method: mouseup
* Handle mouseup. Installed to support collection of right mouse events.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Continue propagating this event.
mouseup: function (evt) {
var propagate = true;
// Collect right mouse clicks from the mouseup
// IE - ignores the second right click in mousedown so using
// mouseup instead
if (this.checkModifiers(evt) && this.control.handleRightClicks &&
OpenLayers.Event.isRightClick(evt)) {
propagate = this.rightclick(evt);
return propagate;
* Method: rightclick
* Handle rightclick. For a dblrightclick, we get two clicks so we need
* to always register for dblrightclick to properly handle single
* clicks.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Continue propagating this event.
rightclick: function(evt) {
if(this.passesTolerance(evt)) {
if(this.rightclickTimerId != null) {
//Second click received before timeout this must be
// a double click
this.callback('dblrightclick', [evt]);
return !this.stopDouble;
} else {
//Set the rightclickTimerId, send evt only if double is
// true else trigger single
var clickEvent = this['double'] ?
OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, evt) :
this.callback('rightclick', [evt]);
var delayedRightCall = OpenLayers.Function.bind(
this.rightclickTimerId = window.setTimeout(
delayedRightCall, this.delay
return !this.stopSingle;
* Method: delayedRightCall
* Sets <rightclickTimerId> to null. And optionally triggers the
* rightclick callback if evt is set.
delayedRightCall: function(evt) {
this.rightclickTimerId = null;
if (evt) {
this.callback('rightclick', [evt]);
* Method: click
* Handle click events from the browser. This is registered as a listener
* for click events and should not be called from other events in this
* handler.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Continue propagating this event.
click: function(evt) {
if (!this.last) {
this.last = this.getEventInfo(evt);
return !this.stopSingle;
* Method: dblclick
* Handle dblclick. For a dblclick, we get two clicks in some browsers
* (FF) and one in others (IE). So we need to always register for
* dblclick to properly handle single clicks. This method is registered
* as a listener for the dblclick browser event. It should *not* be
* called by other methods in this handler.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Continue propagating this event.
dblclick: function(evt) {
return !this.stopDouble;
* Method: handleDouble
* Handle double-click sequence.
handleDouble: function(evt) {
if (this.passesDblclickTolerance(evt)) {
if (this["double"]) {
this.callback("dblclick", [evt]);
// to prevent a dblclick from firing the click callback in IE
* Method: handleSingle
* Handle single click sequence.
handleSingle: function(evt) {
if (this.passesTolerance(evt)) {
if (this.timerId != null) {
// already received a click
if (this.last.touches && this.last.touches.length === 1) {
// touch device, no dblclick event - this may be a double
if (this["double"]) {
// on Android don't let the browser zoom on the page
// if we're not in a touch environment we clear the click timer
// if we've got a second touch, we'll get two touchend events
if (!this.last.touches || this.last.touches.length !== 2) {
} else {
// remember the first click info so we can compare to the second
this.first = this.getEventInfo(evt);
// set the timer, send evt only if single is true
//use a clone of the event object because it will no longer
//be a valid event object in IE in the timer callback
var clickEvent = this.single ?
OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, evt) : null;
* Method: queuePotentialClick
* This method is separated out largely to make testing easier (so we
* don't have to override window.setTimeout)
queuePotentialClick: function(evt) {
this.timerId = window.setTimeout(
OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.delayedCall, this, evt),
* Method: passesTolerance
* Determine whether the event is within the optional pixel tolerance. Note
* that the pixel tolerance check only works if mousedown events get to
* the listeners registered here. If they are stopped by other elements,
* the <pixelTolerance> will have no effect here (this method will always
* return true).
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The click is within the pixel tolerance (if specified).
passesTolerance: function(evt) {
var passes = true;
if (this.pixelTolerance != null && this.down && this.down.xy) {
passes = this.pixelTolerance >= this.down.xy.distanceTo(evt.xy);
// for touch environments, we also enforce that all touches
// start and end within the given tolerance to be considered a click
if (passes && this.touch &&
this.down.touches.length === this.last.touches.length) {
// the touchend event doesn't come with touches, so we check
// down and last
for (var i=0, ii=this.down.touches.length; i<ii; ++i) {
if (this.getTouchDistance(
) > this.pixelTolerance) {
passes = false;
return passes;
* Method: getTouchDistance
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The pixel displacement between two touches.
getTouchDistance: function(from, to) {
return Math.sqrt(
Math.pow(from.clientX - to.clientX, 2) +
Math.pow(from.clientY - to.clientY, 2)
* Method: passesDblclickTolerance
* Determine whether the event is within the optional double-cick pixel
* tolerance.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The click is within the double-click pixel tolerance.
passesDblclickTolerance: function(evt) {
var passes = true;
if (this.down && this.first) {
passes = this.down.xy.distanceTo(this.first.xy) <= this.dblclickTolerance;
return passes;
* Method: clearTimer
* Clear the timer and set <timerId> to null.
clearTimer: function() {
if (this.timerId != null) {
this.timerId = null;
if (this.rightclickTimerId != null) {
this.rightclickTimerId = null;
* Method: delayedCall
* Sets <timerId> to null. And optionally triggers the click callback if
* evt is set.
delayedCall: function(evt) {
this.timerId = null;
if (evt) {
this.callback("click", [evt]);
* Method: getEventInfo
* This method allows us to store event information without storing the
* actual event. In touch devices (at least), the same event is
* modified between touchstart, touchmove, and touchend.
* Returns:
* {Object} An object with event related info.
getEventInfo: function(evt) {
var touches;
if (evt.touches) {
var len = evt.touches.length;
touches = new Array(len);
var touch;
for (var i=0; i<len; i++) {
touch = evt.touches[i];
touches[i] = {
clientX: touch.olClientX,
clientY: touch.olClientY
return {
xy: evt.xy,
touches: touches
* APIMethod: deactivate
* Deactivate the handler.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The handler was successfully deactivated.
deactivate: function() {
var deactivated = false;
if(OpenLayers.Handler.prototype.deactivate.apply(this, arguments)) {
this.down = null;
this.first = null;
this.last = null;
deactivated = true;
return deactivated;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Handler.Click"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Control/ZoomBox.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Control/DragPan.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Handler/MouseWheel.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Handler/Click.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Control.Navigation
* The navigation control handles map browsing with mouse events (dragging,
* double-clicking, and scrolling the wheel). Create a new navigation
* control with the <OpenLayers.Control.Navigation> control.
* Note that this control is added to the map by default (if no controls
* array is sent in the options object to the <OpenLayers.Map>
* constructor).
* Inherits:
* - <OpenLayers.Control>
OpenLayers.Control.Navigation = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {
* Property: dragPan
* {<OpenLayers.Control.DragPan>}
dragPan: null,
* APIProperty: dragPanOptions
* {Object} Options passed to the DragPan control.
dragPanOptions: null,
* Property: pinchZoom
* {<OpenLayers.Control.PinchZoom>}
pinchZoom: null,
* APIProperty: pinchZoomOptions
* {Object} Options passed to the PinchZoom control.
pinchZoomOptions: null,
* APIProperty: documentDrag
* {Boolean} Allow panning of the map by dragging outside map viewport.
* Default is false.
documentDrag: false,
* Property: zoomBox
* {<OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBox>}
zoomBox: null,
* APIProperty: zoomBoxEnabled
* {Boolean} Whether the user can draw a box to zoom
zoomBoxEnabled: true,
* APIProperty: zoomWheelEnabled
* {Boolean} Whether the mousewheel should zoom the map
zoomWheelEnabled: true,
* Property: mouseWheelOptions
* {Object} Options passed to the MouseWheel control (only useful if
* <zoomWheelEnabled> is set to true). Default is no options for maps
* with fractionalZoom set to true, otherwise
* {cumulative: false, interval: 50, maxDelta: 6}
mouseWheelOptions: null,
* APIProperty: handleRightClicks
* {Boolean} Whether or not to handle right clicks. Default is false.
handleRightClicks: false,
* APIProperty: zoomBoxKeyMask
* {Integer} <OpenLayers.Handler> key code of the key, which has to be
* pressed, while drawing the zoom box with the mouse on the screen.
* You should probably set handleRightClicks to true if you use this
* with MOD_CTRL, to disable the context menu for machines which use
* CTRL-Click as a right click.
* Default: <OpenLayers.Handler.MOD_SHIFT>
zoomBoxKeyMask: OpenLayers.Handler.MOD_SHIFT,
* APIProperty: autoActivate
* {Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map. Default is
* true.
autoActivate: true,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Control.Navigation
* Create a new navigation control
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} An optional object whose properties will be set on
* the control
initialize: function(options) {
this.handlers = {};
OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
* Method: destroy
* The destroy method is used to perform any clean up before the control
* is dereferenced. Typically this is where event listeners are removed
* to prevent memory leaks.
destroy: function() {
if (this.dragPan) {
this.dragPan = null;
if (this.zoomBox) {
this.zoomBox = null;
if (this.pinchZoom) {
this.pinchZoom = null;
* Method: activate
activate: function() {
if (this.zoomWheelEnabled) {
if (this.zoomBoxEnabled) {
if (this.pinchZoom) {
return OpenLayers.Control.prototype.activate.apply(this,arguments);
* Method: deactivate
deactivate: function() {
if (this.pinchZoom) {
return OpenLayers.Control.prototype.deactivate.apply(this,arguments);
* Method: draw
draw: function() {
// disable right mouse context menu for support of right click events
if (this.handleRightClicks) { = OpenLayers.Function.False;
var clickCallbacks = {
'click': this.defaultClick,
'dblclick': this.defaultDblClick,
'dblrightclick': this.defaultDblRightClick
var clickOptions = {
'double': true,
'stopDouble': true
}; = new OpenLayers.Handler.Click(
this, clickCallbacks, clickOptions
this.dragPan = new OpenLayers.Control.DragPan(
documentDrag: this.documentDrag
}, this.dragPanOptions)
this.zoomBox = new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomBox(
{map:, keyMask: this.zoomBoxKeyMask});
var wheelOptions = ? {} : {
cumulative: false,
interval: 50,
maxDelta: 6
this.handlers.wheel = new OpenLayers.Handler.MouseWheel(
this, {up : this.wheelUp, down: this.wheelDown},
OpenLayers.Util.extend(wheelOptions, this.mouseWheelOptions)
if (OpenLayers.Control.PinchZoom) {
this.pinchZoom = new OpenLayers.Control.PinchZoom(
{map:}, this.pinchZoomOptions));
* Method: defaultClick
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
defaultClick: function (evt) {
if (evt.lastTouches && evt.lastTouches.length == 2) {;
* Method: defaultDblClick
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
defaultDblClick: function (evt) { + 1, evt.xy);
* Method: defaultDblRightClick
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
defaultDblRightClick: function (evt) { - 1, evt.xy);
* Method: wheelChange
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
* deltaZ - {Integer}
wheelChange: function(evt, deltaZ) {
if (! {
deltaZ = Math.round(deltaZ);
var currentZoom =,
newZoom = currentZoom + deltaZ;
newZoom = Math.max(newZoom, 0);
newZoom = Math.min(newZoom,;
if (newZoom === currentZoom) {
}, evt.xy);
* Method: wheelUp
* User spun scroll wheel up
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
* delta - {Integer}
wheelUp: function(evt, delta) {
this.wheelChange(evt, delta || 1);
* Method: wheelDown
* User spun scroll wheel down
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
* delta - {Integer}
wheelDown: function(evt, delta) {
this.wheelChange(evt, delta || -1);
* Method: disableZoomBox
disableZoomBox : function() {
this.zoomBoxEnabled = false;
* Method: enableZoomBox
enableZoomBox : function() {
this.zoomBoxEnabled = true;
if ( {
* Method: disableZoomWheel
disableZoomWheel : function() {
this.zoomWheelEnabled = false;
* Method: enableZoomWheel
enableZoomWheel : function() {
this.zoomWheelEnabled = true;
if ( {
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Control.Navigation"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Layer.WMS
* Instances of OpenLayers.Layer.WMS are used to display data from OGC Web
* Mapping Services. Create a new WMS layer with the <OpenLayers.Layer.WMS>
* constructor.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Layer.Grid>
OpenLayers.Layer.WMS = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.Grid, {
* {Object} Hashtable of default parameter key/value pairs
DEFAULT_PARAMS: { service: "WMS",
version: "1.1.1",
request: "GetMap",
styles: "",
format: "image/jpeg"
* APIProperty: isBaseLayer
* {Boolean} Default is true for WMS layer
isBaseLayer: true,
* APIProperty: encodeBBOX
* {Boolean} Should the BBOX commas be encoded? The WMS spec says 'no',
* but some services want it that way. Default false.
encodeBBOX: false,
* APIProperty: noMagic
* {Boolean} If true, the image format will not be automagicaly switched
* from image/jpeg to image/png or image/gif when using
* TRANSPARENT=TRUE. Also isBaseLayer will not changed by the
* constructor. Default false.
noMagic: false,
* Property: yx
* {Object} Keys in this object are EPSG codes for which the axis order
* is to be reversed (yx instead of xy, LatLon instead of LonLat), with
* true as value. This is only relevant for WMS versions >= 1.3.0, and
* only if yx is not set in <OpenLayers.Projection.defaults> for the
* used projection.
yx: {},
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.WMS
* Create a new WMS layer object
* Examples:
* The code below creates a simple WMS layer using the image/jpeg format.
* (code)
* var wms = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("NASA Global Mosaic",
* "",
* {layers: "modis,global_mosaic"});
* (end)
* Note the 3rd argument (params). Properties added to this object will be
* added to the WMS GetMap requests used for this layer's tiles. The only
* mandatory parameter is "layers". Other common WMS params include
* "transparent", "styles" and "format". Note that the "srs" param will
* always be ignored. Instead, it will be derived from the baseLayer's or
* map's projection.
* The code below creates a transparent WMS layer with additional options.
* (code)
* var wms = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("NASA Global Mosaic",
* "",
* {
* layers: "modis,global_mosaic",
* transparent: true
* }, {
* opacity: 0.5,
* singleTile: true
* });
* (end)
* Note that by default, a WMS layer is configured as baseLayer. Setting
* the "transparent" param to true will apply some magic (see <noMagic>).
* The default image format changes from image/jpeg to image/png, and the
* layer is not configured as baseLayer.
* Parameters:
* name - {String} A name for the layer
* url - {String} Base url for the WMS
* (e.g.
* params - {Object} An object with key/value pairs representing the
* GetMap query string parameters and parameter values.
* options - {Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer.
* These options include all properties listed above, plus the ones
* inherited from superclasses.
initialize: function(name, url, params, options) {
var newArguments = [];
//uppercase params
params = OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject(params);
if (parseFloat(params.VERSION) >= 1.3 && !params.EXCEPTIONS) {
newArguments.push(name, url, params, options);
OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.initialize.apply(this, newArguments);
//layer is transparent
if (!this.noMagic && this.params.TRANSPARENT &&
this.params.TRANSPARENT.toString().toLowerCase() == "true") {
// unless explicitly set in options, make layer an overlay
if ( (options == null) || (!options.isBaseLayer) ) {
this.isBaseLayer = false;
// jpegs can never be transparent, so intelligently switch the
// format, depending on the browser's capabilities
if (this.params.FORMAT == "image/jpeg") {
this.params.FORMAT = OpenLayers.Util.alphaHack() ? "image/gif"
: "image/png";
* Method: clone
* Create a clone of this layer
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Layer.WMS>} An exact clone of this layer
clone: function (obj) {
if (obj == null) {
obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(,
//get all additions from superclasses
obj = OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);
// copy/set any non-init, non-simple values here
return obj;
* APIMethod: reverseAxisOrder
* Returns true if the axis order is reversed for the WMS version and
* projection of the layer.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} true if the axis order is reversed, false otherwise.
reverseAxisOrder: function() {
var projCode = this.projection.getCode();
return parseFloat(this.params.VERSION) >= 1.3 &&
!!(this.yx[projCode] || (OpenLayers.Projection.defaults[projCode] &&
* Method: getURL
* Return a GetMap query string for this layer
* Parameters:
* bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} A bounds representing the bbox for the
* request.
* Returns:
* {String} A string with the layer's url and parameters and also the
* passed-in bounds and appropriate tile size specified as
* parameters.
getURL: function (bounds) {
bounds = this.adjustBounds(bounds);
var imageSize = this.getImageSize();
var newParams = {};
// WMS 1.3 introduced axis order
var reverseAxisOrder = this.reverseAxisOrder();
newParams.BBOX = this.encodeBBOX ?
bounds.toBBOX(null, reverseAxisOrder) :
newParams.WIDTH = imageSize.w;
newParams.HEIGHT = imageSize.h;
var requestString = this.getFullRequestString(newParams);
return requestString;
* APIMethod: mergeNewParams
* Catch changeParams and uppercase the new params to be merged in
* before calling changeParams on the super class.
* Once params have been changed, the tiles will be reloaded with
* the new parameters.
* Parameters:
* newParams - {Object} Hashtable of new params to use
mergeNewParams:function(newParams) {
var upperParams = OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject(newParams);
var newArguments = [upperParams];
return OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.mergeNewParams.apply(this,
* APIMethod: getFullRequestString
* Combine the layer's url with its params and these newParams.
* Add the SRS parameter from projection -- this is probably
* more eloquently done via a setProjection() method, but this
* works for now and always.
* Parameters:
* newParams - {Object}
* altUrl - {String} Use this as the url instead of the layer's url
* Returns:
* {String}
getFullRequestString:function(newParams, altUrl) {
var mapProjection =;
var projectionCode = this.projection && this.projection.equals(mapProjection) ?
this.projection.getCode() :
var value = (projectionCode == "none") ? null : projectionCode;
if (parseFloat(this.params.VERSION) >= 1.3) {
this.params.CRS = value;
} else {
this.params.SRS = value;
if (typeof this.params.TRANSPARENT == "boolean") {
newParams.TRANSPARENT = this.params.TRANSPARENT ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
return OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.getFullRequestString.apply(
this, arguments);
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.WMS"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Renderer/Elements.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG
* Inherits:
* - <OpenLayers.Renderer.Elements>
OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Renderer.Elements, {
* Property: xmlns
* {String}
xmlns: "",
* Property: xlinkns
* {String}
xlinkns: "",
* Constant: MAX_PIXEL
* {Integer} Firefox has a limitation where values larger or smaller than
* about 15000 in an SVG document lock the browser up. This
* works around it.
MAX_PIXEL: 15000,
* Property: translationParameters
* {Object} Hash with "x" and "y" properties
translationParameters: null,
* Property: symbolMetrics
* {Object} Cache for symbol metrics according to their svg coordinate
* space. This is an object keyed by the symbol's id, and values are
* an array of [width, centerX, centerY].
symbolMetrics: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG
* Parameters:
* containerID - {String}
initialize: function(containerID) {
if (!this.supported()) {
this.translationParameters = {x: 0, y: 0};
this.symbolMetrics = {};
* APIMethod: supported
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Whether or not the browser supports the SVG renderer
supported: function() {
var svgFeature = "";
return (document.implementation &&
(document.implementation.hasFeature("org.w3c.svg", "1.0") ||
document.implementation.hasFeature(svgFeature + "SVG", "1.1") ||
document.implementation.hasFeature(svgFeature + "BasicStructure", "1.1") ));
* Method: inValidRange
* See #669 for more information
* Parameters:
* x - {Integer}
* y - {Integer}
* xyOnly - {Boolean} whether or not to just check for x and y, which means
* to not take the current translation parameters into account if true.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Whether or not the 'x' and 'y' coordinates are in the
* valid range.
inValidRange: function(x, y, xyOnly) {
var left = x + (xyOnly ? 0 : this.translationParameters.x);
var top = y + (xyOnly ? 0 : this.translationParameters.y);
return (left >= -this.MAX_PIXEL && left <= this.MAX_PIXEL &&
top >= -this.MAX_PIXEL && top <= this.MAX_PIXEL);
* Method: setExtent
* Parameters:
* extent - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
* resolutionChanged - {Boolean}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} true to notify the layer that the new extent does not exceed
* the coordinate range, and the features will not need to be redrawn.
* False otherwise.
setExtent: function(extent, resolutionChanged) {
var coordSysUnchanged = OpenLayers.Renderer.Elements.prototype.setExtent.apply(this, arguments);
var resolution = this.getResolution(),
left = -extent.left / resolution,
top = / resolution;
// If the resolution has changed, start over changing the corner, because
// the features will redraw.
if (resolutionChanged) {
this.left = left; = top;
// Set the viewbox
var extentString = "0 0 " + this.size.w + " " + this.size.h;
this.rendererRoot.setAttributeNS(null, "viewBox", extentString);
this.translate(this.xOffset, 0);
return true;
} else {
var inRange = this.translate(left - this.left + this.xOffset, top -;
if (!inRange) {
// recenter the coordinate system
this.setExtent(extent, true);
return coordSysUnchanged && inRange;
* Method: translate
* Transforms the SVG coordinate system
* Parameters:
* x - {Float}
* y - {Float}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} true if the translation parameters are in the valid coordinates
* range, false otherwise.
translate: function(x, y) {
if (!this.inValidRange(x, y, true)) {
return false;
} else {
var transformString = "";
if (x || y) {
transformString = "translate(" + x + "," + y + ")";
this.root.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", transformString);
this.translationParameters = {x: x, y: y};
return true;
* Method: setSize
* Sets the size of the drawing surface.
* Parameters:
* size - {<OpenLayers.Size>} The size of the drawing surface
setSize: function(size) {
OpenLayers.Renderer.prototype.setSize.apply(this, arguments);
this.rendererRoot.setAttributeNS(null, "width", this.size.w);
this.rendererRoot.setAttributeNS(null, "height", this.size.h);
* Method: getNodeType
* Parameters:
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* style - {Object}
* Returns:
* {String} The corresponding node type for the specified geometry
getNodeType: function(geometry, style) {
var nodeType = null;
switch (geometry.CLASS_NAME) {
case "OpenLayers.Geometry.Point":
if (style.externalGraphic) {
nodeType = "image";
} else if (this.isComplexSymbol(style.graphicName)) {
nodeType = "svg";
} else {
nodeType = "circle";
case "OpenLayers.Geometry.Rectangle":
nodeType = "rect";
case "OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString":
nodeType = "polyline";
case "OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing":
nodeType = "polygon";
case "OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon":
case "OpenLayers.Geometry.Curve":
nodeType = "path";
return nodeType;
* Method: setStyle
* Use to set all the style attributes to a SVG node.
* Takes care to adjust stroke width and point radius to be
* resolution-relative
* Parameters:
* node - {SVGDomElement} An SVG element to decorate
* style - {Object}
* options - {Object} Currently supported options include
* 'isFilled' {Boolean} and
* 'isStroked' {Boolean}
setStyle: function(node, style, options) {
style = style || node._style;
options = options || node._options;
var title = style.title || style.graphicTitle;
if (title) {
node.setAttributeNS(null, "title", title);
//Standards-conformant SVG
// Prevent duplicate nodes. See issue
var titleNode = node.getElementsByTagName("title");
if (titleNode.length > 0) {
titleNode[0].firstChild.textContent = title;
} else {
var label = this.nodeFactory(null, "title");
label.textContent = title;
var r = parseFloat(node.getAttributeNS(null, "r"));
var widthFactor = 1;
var pos;
if (node._geometryClass == "OpenLayers.Geometry.Point" && r) { = "";
if (style.graphic === false) { = "hidden";
} else if (style.externalGraphic) {
pos = this.getPosition(node);
if (style.graphicWidth && style.graphicHeight) {
node.setAttributeNS(null, "preserveAspectRatio", "none");
var width = style.graphicWidth || style.graphicHeight;
var height = style.graphicHeight || style.graphicWidth;
width = width ? width : style.pointRadius*2;
height = height ? height : style.pointRadius*2;
var xOffset = (style.graphicXOffset != undefined) ?
style.graphicXOffset : -(0.5 * width);
var yOffset = (style.graphicYOffset != undefined) ?
style.graphicYOffset : -(0.5 * height);
var opacity = style.graphicOpacity || style.fillOpacity;
node.setAttributeNS(null, "x", (pos.x + xOffset).toFixed());
node.setAttributeNS(null, "y", (pos.y + yOffset).toFixed());
node.setAttributeNS(null, "width", width);
node.setAttributeNS(null, "height", height);
node.setAttributeNS(this.xlinkns, "xlink:href", style.externalGraphic);
node.setAttributeNS(null, "style", "opacity: "+opacity);
node.onclick = OpenLayers.Event.preventDefault;
} else if (this.isComplexSymbol(style.graphicName)) {
// the symbol viewBox is three times as large as the symbol
var offset = style.pointRadius * 3;
var size = offset * 2;
var src = this.importSymbol(style.graphicName);
pos = this.getPosition(node);
widthFactor = this.symbolMetrics[][0] * 3 / size;
// remove the node from the dom before we modify it. This
// prevents various rendering issues in Safari and FF
var parent = node.parentNode;
var nextSibling = node.nextSibling;
if(parent) {
// The more appropriate way to implement this would be use/defs,
// but due to various issues in several browsers, it is safer to
// copy the symbols instead of referencing them.
// See e.g. ticket
// and this email thread
node.firstChild && node.removeChild(node.firstChild);
node.setAttributeNS(null, "viewBox", src.getAttributeNS(null, "viewBox"));
node.setAttributeNS(null, "width", size);
node.setAttributeNS(null, "height", size);
node.setAttributeNS(null, "x", pos.x - offset);
node.setAttributeNS(null, "y", pos.y - offset);
// now that the node has all its new properties, insert it
// back into the dom where it was
if(nextSibling) {
parent.insertBefore(node, nextSibling);
} else if(parent) {
} else {
node.setAttributeNS(null, "r", style.pointRadius);
var rotation = style.rotation;
if ((rotation !== undefined || node._rotation !== undefined) && pos) {
node._rotation = rotation;
rotation |= 0;
if (node.nodeName !== "svg") {
node.setAttributeNS(null, "transform",
"rotate(" + rotation + " " + pos.x + " " +
pos.y + ")");
} else {
var metrics = this.symbolMetrics[];
node.firstChild.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "rotate("
+ rotation + " "
+ metrics[1] + " "
+ metrics[2] + ")");
if (options.isFilled) {
node.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", style.fillColor);
node.setAttributeNS(null, "fill-opacity", style.fillOpacity);
} else {
node.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "none");
if (options.isStroked) {
node.setAttributeNS(null, "stroke", style.strokeColor);
node.setAttributeNS(null, "stroke-opacity", style.strokeOpacity);
node.setAttributeNS(null, "stroke-width", style.strokeWidth * widthFactor);
node.setAttributeNS(null, "stroke-linecap", style.strokeLinecap || "round");
// Hard-coded linejoin for now, to make it look the same as in VML.
// There is no strokeLinejoin property yet for symbolizers.
node.setAttributeNS(null, "stroke-linejoin", "round");
style.strokeDashstyle && node.setAttributeNS(null,
"stroke-dasharray", this.dashStyle(style, widthFactor));
} else {
node.setAttributeNS(null, "stroke", "none");
if (style.pointerEvents) {
node.setAttributeNS(null, "pointer-events", style.pointerEvents);
if (style.cursor != null) {
node.setAttributeNS(null, "cursor", style.cursor);
return node;
* Method: dashStyle
* Parameters:
* style - {Object}
* widthFactor - {Number}
* Returns:
* {String} A SVG compliant 'stroke-dasharray' value
dashStyle: function(style, widthFactor) {
var w = style.strokeWidth * widthFactor;
var str = style.strokeDashstyle;
switch (str) {
case 'solid':
return 'none';
case 'dot':
return [1, 4 * w].join();
case 'dash':
return [4 * w, 4 * w].join();
case 'dashdot':
return [4 * w, 4 * w, 1, 4 * w].join();
case 'longdash':
return [8 * w, 4 * w].join();
case 'longdashdot':
return [8 * w, 4 * w, 1, 4 * w].join();
return OpenLayers.String.trim(str).replace(/\s+/g, ",");
* Method: createNode
* Parameters:
* type - {String} Kind of node to draw
* id - {String} Id for node
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} A new node of the given type and id
createNode: function(type, id) {
var node = document.createElementNS(this.xmlns, type);
if (id) {
node.setAttributeNS(null, "id", id);
return node;
* Method: nodeTypeCompare
* Parameters:
* node - {SVGDomElement} An SVG element
* type - {String} Kind of node
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Whether or not the specified node is of the specified type
nodeTypeCompare: function(node, type) {
return (type == node.nodeName);
* Method: createRenderRoot
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} The specific render engine's root element
createRenderRoot: function() {
var svg = this.nodeFactory( + "_svgRoot", "svg"); = "block";
return svg;
* Method: createRoot
* Parameters:
* suffix - {String} suffix to append to the id
* Returns:
* {DOMElement}
createRoot: function(suffix) {
return this.nodeFactory( + suffix, "g");
* Method: createDefs
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} The element to which we'll add the symbol definitions
createDefs: function() {
var defs = this.nodeFactory( + "_defs", "defs");
return defs;
* *
* *
* Method: drawPoint
* This method is only called by the renderer itself.
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} or false if the renderer could not draw the point
drawPoint: function(node, geometry) {
return this.drawCircle(node, geometry, 1);
* Method: drawCircle
* This method is only called by the renderer itself.
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* radius - {Float}
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} or false if the renderer could not draw the circle
drawCircle: function(node, geometry, radius) {
var resolution = this.getResolution();
var x = ((geometry.x - this.featureDx) / resolution + this.left);
var y = ( - geometry.y / resolution);
if (this.inValidRange(x, y)) {
node.setAttributeNS(null, "cx", x);
node.setAttributeNS(null, "cy", y);
node.setAttributeNS(null, "r", radius);
return node;
} else {
return false;
* Method: drawLineString
* This method is only called by the renderer itself.
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} or null if the renderer could not draw all components of
* the linestring, or false if nothing could be drawn
drawLineString: function(node, geometry) {
var componentsResult = this.getComponentsString(geometry.components);
if (componentsResult.path) {
node.setAttributeNS(null, "points", componentsResult.path);
return (componentsResult.complete ? node : null);
} else {
return false;
* Method: drawLinearRing
* This method is only called by the renderer itself.
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} or null if the renderer could not draw all components
* of the linear ring, or false if nothing could be drawn
drawLinearRing: function(node, geometry) {
var componentsResult = this.getComponentsString(geometry.components);
if (componentsResult.path) {
node.setAttributeNS(null, "points", componentsResult.path);
return (componentsResult.complete ? node : null);
} else {
return false;
* Method: drawPolygon
* This method is only called by the renderer itself.
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} or null if the renderer could not draw all components
* of the polygon, or false if nothing could be drawn
drawPolygon: function(node, geometry) {
var d = "";
var draw = true;
var complete = true;
var linearRingResult, path;
for (var j=0, len=geometry.components.length; j<len; j++) {
d += " M";
linearRingResult = this.getComponentsString(
geometry.components[j].components, " ");
path = linearRingResult.path;
if (path) {
d += " " + path;
complete = linearRingResult.complete && complete;
} else {
draw = false;
d += " z";
if (draw) {
node.setAttributeNS(null, "d", d);
node.setAttributeNS(null, "fill-rule", "evenodd");
return complete ? node : null;
} else {
return false;
* Method: drawRectangle
* This method is only called by the renderer itself.
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} or false if the renderer could not draw the rectangle
drawRectangle: function(node, geometry) {
var resolution = this.getResolution();
var x = ((geometry.x - this.featureDx) / resolution + this.left);
var y = ( - geometry.y / resolution);
if (this.inValidRange(x, y)) {
node.setAttributeNS(null, "x", x);
node.setAttributeNS(null, "y", y);
node.setAttributeNS(null, "width", geometry.width / resolution);
node.setAttributeNS(null, "height", geometry.height / resolution);
return node;
} else {
return false;
* Method: drawText
* This method is only called by the renderer itself.
* Parameters:
* featureId - {String}
* style -
* location - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>}
drawText: function(featureId, style, location) {
var drawOutline = (!!style.labelOutlineWidth);
// First draw text in halo color and size and overlay the
// normal text afterwards
if (drawOutline) {
var outlineStyle = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, style);
outlineStyle.fontColor = outlineStyle.labelOutlineColor;
outlineStyle.fontStrokeColor = outlineStyle.labelOutlineColor;
outlineStyle.fontStrokeWidth = style.labelOutlineWidth;
if (style.labelOutlineOpacity) {
outlineStyle.fontOpacity = style.labelOutlineOpacity;
delete outlineStyle.labelOutlineWidth;
this.drawText(featureId, outlineStyle, location);
var resolution = this.getResolution();
var x = ((location.x - this.featureDx) / resolution + this.left);
var y = (location.y / resolution -;
var suffix = (drawOutline)?this.LABEL_OUTLINE_SUFFIX:this.LABEL_ID_SUFFIX;
var label = this.nodeFactory(featureId + suffix, "text");
label.setAttributeNS(null, "x", x);
label.setAttributeNS(null, "y", -y);
if (style.fontColor) {
label.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", style.fontColor);
if (style.fontStrokeColor) {
label.setAttributeNS(null, "stroke", style.fontStrokeColor);
if (style.fontStrokeWidth) {
label.setAttributeNS(null, "stroke-width", style.fontStrokeWidth);
if (style.fontOpacity) {
label.setAttributeNS(null, "opacity", style.fontOpacity);
if (style.fontFamily) {
label.setAttributeNS(null, "font-family", style.fontFamily);
if (style.fontSize) {
label.setAttributeNS(null, "font-size", style.fontSize);
if (style.fontWeight) {
label.setAttributeNS(null, "font-weight", style.fontWeight);
if (style.fontStyle) {
label.setAttributeNS(null, "font-style", style.fontStyle);
if (style.labelSelect === true) {
label.setAttributeNS(null, "pointer-events", "visible");
label._featureId = featureId;
} else {
label.setAttributeNS(null, "pointer-events", "none");
var align = style.labelAlign || OpenLayers.Renderer.defaultSymbolizer.labelAlign;
label.setAttributeNS(null, "text-anchor",
OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG.LABEL_ALIGN[align[0]] || "middle");
if (OpenLayers.IS_GECKO === true) {
label.setAttributeNS(null, "dominant-baseline",
OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG.LABEL_ALIGN[align[1]] || "central");
var labelRows = style.label.split('\n');
var numRows = labelRows.length;
while (label.childNodes.length > numRows) {
for (var i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
var tspan = this.nodeFactory(featureId + suffix + "_tspan_" + i, "tspan");
if (style.labelSelect === true) {
tspan._featureId = featureId;
tspan._geometry = location;
tspan._geometryClass = location.CLASS_NAME;
if (OpenLayers.IS_GECKO === false) {
tspan.setAttributeNS(null, "baseline-shift",
OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG.LABEL_VSHIFT[align[1]] || "-35%");
tspan.setAttribute("x", x);
if (i == 0) {
var vfactor = OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG.LABEL_VFACTOR[align[1]];
if (vfactor == null) {
vfactor = -.5;
tspan.setAttribute("dy", (vfactor*(numRows-1)) + "em");
} else {
tspan.setAttribute("dy", "1em");
tspan.textContent = (labelRows[i] === '') ? ' ' : labelRows[i];
if (!tspan.parentNode) {
if (!label.parentNode) {
* Method: getComponentString
* Parameters:
* components - {Array(<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>)} Array of points
* separator - {String} character between coordinate pairs. Defaults to ","
* Returns:
* {Object} hash with properties "path" (the string created from the
* components and "complete" (false if the renderer was unable to
* draw all components)
getComponentsString: function(components, separator) {
var renderCmp = [];
var complete = true;
var len = components.length;
var strings = [];
var str, component;
for(var i=0; i<len; i++) {
component = components[i];
str = this.getShortString(component);
if (str) {
} else {
// The current component is outside the valid range. Let's
// see if the previous or next component is inside the range.
// If so, add the coordinate of the intersection with the
// valid range bounds.
if (i > 0) {
if (this.getShortString(components[i - 1])) {
if (i < len - 1) {
if (this.getShortString(components[i + 1])) {
complete = false;
return {
path: strings.join(separator || ","),
complete: complete
* Method: clipLine
* Given two points (one inside the valid range, and one outside),
* clips the line betweeen the two points so that the new points are both
* inside the valid range.
* Parameters:
* badComponent - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>} original geometry of the
* invalid point
* goodComponent - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>} original geometry of the
* valid point
* Returns
* {String} the SVG coordinate pair of the clipped point (like
* getShortString), or an empty string if both passed componets are at
* the same point.
clipLine: function(badComponent, goodComponent) {
if (goodComponent.equals(badComponent)) {
return "";
var resolution = this.getResolution();
var maxX = this.MAX_PIXEL - this.translationParameters.x;
var maxY = this.MAX_PIXEL - this.translationParameters.y;
var x1 = (goodComponent.x - this.featureDx) / resolution + this.left;
var y1 = - goodComponent.y / resolution;
var x2 = (badComponent.x - this.featureDx) / resolution + this.left;
var y2 = - badComponent.y / resolution;
var k;
if (x2 < -maxX || x2 > maxX) {
k = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1);
x2 = x2 < 0 ? -maxX : maxX;
y2 = y1 + (x2 - x1) * k;
if (y2 < -maxY || y2 > maxY) {
k = (x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1);
y2 = y2 < 0 ? -maxY : maxY;
x2 = x1 + (y2 - y1) * k;
return x2 + "," + y2;
* Method: getShortString
* Parameters:
* point - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>}
* Returns:
* {String} or false if point is outside the valid range
getShortString: function(point) {
var resolution = this.getResolution();
var x = ((point.x - this.featureDx) / resolution + this.left);
var y = ( - point.y / resolution);
if (this.inValidRange(x, y)) {
return x + "," + y;
} else {
return false;
* Method: getPosition
* Finds the position of an svg node.
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
* Returns:
* {Object} hash with x and y properties, representing the coordinates
* within the svg coordinate system
getPosition: function(node) {
x: parseFloat(node.getAttributeNS(null, "cx")),
y: parseFloat(node.getAttributeNS(null, "cy"))
* Method: importSymbol
* add a new symbol definition from the rendererer's symbol hash
* Parameters:
* graphicName - {String} name of the symbol to import
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} - the imported symbol
importSymbol: function (graphicName) {
if (!this.defs) {
// create svg defs tag
this.defs = this.createDefs();
var id = + "-" + graphicName;
// check if symbol already exists in the defs
var existing = document.getElementById(id);
if (existing != null) {
return existing;
var symbol = OpenLayers.Renderer.symbol[graphicName];
if (!symbol) {
throw new Error(graphicName + ' is not a valid symbol name');
var symbolNode = this.nodeFactory(id, "symbol");
var node = this.nodeFactory(null, "polygon");
var symbolExtent = new OpenLayers.Bounds(
Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0, 0);
var points = [];
var x,y;
for (var i=0; i<symbol.length; i=i+2) {
x = symbol[i];
y = symbol[i+1];
symbolExtent.left = Math.min(symbolExtent.left, x);
symbolExtent.bottom = Math.min(symbolExtent.bottom, y);
symbolExtent.right = Math.max(symbolExtent.right, x); = Math.max(, y);
points.push(x, ",", y);
node.setAttributeNS(null, "points", points.join(" "));
var width = symbolExtent.getWidth();
var height = symbolExtent.getHeight();
// create a viewBox three times as large as the symbol itself,
// to allow for strokeWidth being displayed correctly at the corners.
var viewBox = [symbolExtent.left - width,
symbolExtent.bottom - height, width * 3, height * 3];
symbolNode.setAttributeNS(null, "viewBox", viewBox.join(" "));
this.symbolMetrics[id] = [
Math.max(width, height),
return symbolNode;
* Method: getFeatureIdFromEvent
* Parameters:
* evt - {Object} An <OpenLayers.Event> object
* Returns:
* {String} A feature id or undefined.
getFeatureIdFromEvent: function(evt) {
var featureId = OpenLayers.Renderer.Elements.prototype.getFeatureIdFromEvent.apply(this, arguments);
if(!featureId) {
var target =;
featureId = target.parentNode && target != this.rendererRoot ?
target.parentNode._featureId : undefined;
return featureId;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG"
* Constant: OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG.LABEL_ALIGN
* {Object}
OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG.LABEL_ALIGN = {
"l": "start",
"r": "end",
"b": "bottom",
"t": "hanging"
* Constant: OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG.LABEL_VSHIFT
* {Object}
OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG.LABEL_VSHIFT = {
// according to
// a baseline-shift of -70% shifts the text exactly from the
// bottom to the top of the baseline, so -35% moves the text to
// the center of the baseline.
"t": "-70%",
"b": "0"
* Constant: OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG.LABEL_VFACTOR
* {Object}
OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG.LABEL_VFACTOR = {
"t": 0,
"b": -1
* Function: OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG.preventDefault
* *Deprecated*. Use <OpenLayers.Event.preventDefault> method instead.
* Used to prevent default events (especially opening images in a new tab on
* ctrl-click) from being executed for externalGraphic symbols
OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG.preventDefault = function(e) {
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Popup
* A popup is a small div that can opened and closed on the map.
* Typically opened in response to clicking on a marker.
* See <OpenLayers.Marker>. Popup's don't require their own
* layer and are added the the map using the <OpenLayers.Map.addPopup>
* method.
* Example:
* (code)
* popup = new OpenLayers.Popup("chicken",
* new OpenLayers.LonLat(5,40),
* new OpenLayers.Size(200,200),
* "example popup",
* true);
* map.addPopup(popup);
* (end)
OpenLayers.Popup = OpenLayers.Class({
* Property: events
* {<OpenLayers.Events>} custom event manager
events: null,
/** Property: id
* {String} the unique identifier assigned to this popup.
id: "",
* Property: lonlat
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} the position of this popup on the map
lonlat: null,
* Property: div
* {DOMElement} the div that contains this popup.
div: null,
* Property: contentSize
* {<OpenLayers.Size>} the width and height of the content.
contentSize: null,
* Property: size
* {<OpenLayers.Size>} the width and height of the popup.
size: null,
* Property: contentHTML
* {String} An HTML string for this popup to display.
contentHTML: null,
* Property: backgroundColor
* {String} the background color used by the popup.
backgroundColor: "",
* Property: opacity
* {float} the opacity of this popup (between 0.0 and 1.0)
opacity: "",
* Property: border
* {String} the border size of the popup. (eg 2px)
border: "",
* Property: contentDiv
* {DOMElement} a reference to the element that holds the content of
* the div.
contentDiv: null,
* Property: groupDiv
* {DOMElement} First and only child of 'div'. The group Div contains the
* 'contentDiv' and the 'closeDiv'.
groupDiv: null,
* Property: closeDiv
* {DOMElement} the optional closer image
closeDiv: null,
* APIProperty: autoSize
* {Boolean} Resize the popup to auto-fit the contents.
* Default is false.
autoSize: false,
* APIProperty: minSize
* {<OpenLayers.Size>} Minimum size allowed for the popup's contents.
minSize: null,
* APIProperty: maxSize
* {<OpenLayers.Size>} Maximum size allowed for the popup's contents.
maxSize: null,
* Property: displayClass
* {String} The CSS class of the popup.
displayClass: "olPopup",
* Property: contentDisplayClass
* {String} The CSS class of the popup content div.
contentDisplayClass: "olPopupContent",
* Property: padding
* {int or <OpenLayers.Bounds>} An extra opportunity to specify internal
* padding of the content div inside the popup. This was originally
* confused with the css padding as specified in style.css's
* 'olPopupContent' class. We would like to get rid of this altogether,
* except that it does come in handy for the framed and anchoredbubble
* popups, who need to maintain yet another barrier between their
* content and the outer border of the popup itself.
* Note that in order to not break API, we must continue to support
* this property being set as an integer. Really, though, we'd like to
* have this specified as a Bounds object so that user can specify
* distinct left, top, right, bottom paddings. With the 3.0 release
* we can make this only a bounds.
padding: 0,
* Property: disableFirefoxOverflowHack
* {Boolean} The hack for overflow in Firefox causes all elements
* to be re-drawn, which causes Flash elements to be
* re-initialized, which is troublesome.
* With this property the hack can be disabled.
disableFirefoxOverflowHack: false,
* Method: fixPadding
* To be removed in 3.0, this function merely helps us to deal with the
* case where the user may have set an integer value for padding,
* instead of an <OpenLayers.Bounds> object.
fixPadding: function() {
if (typeof this.padding == "number") {
this.padding = new OpenLayers.Bounds(
this.padding, this.padding, this.padding, this.padding
* APIProperty: panMapIfOutOfView
* {Boolean} When drawn, pan map such that the entire popup is visible in
* the current viewport (if necessary).
* Default is false.
panMapIfOutOfView: false,
* APIProperty: keepInMap
* {Boolean} If panMapIfOutOfView is false, and this property is true,
* contrain the popup such that it always fits in the available map
* space. By default, this is not set on the base class. If you are
* creating popups that are near map edges and not allowing pannning,
* and especially if you have a popup which has a
* fixedRelativePosition, setting this to false may be a smart thing to
* do. Subclasses may want to override this setting.
* Default is false.
keepInMap: false,
* APIProperty: closeOnMove
* {Boolean} When map pans, close the popup.
* Default is false.
closeOnMove: false,
* Property: map
* {<OpenLayers.Map>} this gets set in Map.js when the popup is added to the map
map: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Popup
* Create a popup.
* Parameters:
* id - {String} a unqiue identifier for this popup. If null is passed
* an identifier will be automatically generated.
* lonlat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} The position on the map the popup will
* be shown.
* contentSize - {<OpenLayers.Size>} The size of the content.
* contentHTML - {String} An HTML string to display inside the
* popup.
* closeBox - {Boolean} Whether to display a close box inside
* the popup.
* closeBoxCallback - {Function} Function to be called on closeBox click.
initialize:function(id, lonlat, contentSize, contentHTML, closeBox, closeBoxCallback) {
if (id == null) {
id = OpenLayers.Util.createUniqueID(this.CLASS_NAME + "_");
} = id;
this.lonlat = lonlat;
this.contentSize = (contentSize != null) ? contentSize
: new OpenLayers.Size(
if (contentHTML != null) {
this.contentHTML = contentHTML;
this.backgroundColor = OpenLayers.Popup.COLOR;
this.opacity = OpenLayers.Popup.OPACITY;
this.border = OpenLayers.Popup.BORDER;
this.div = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv(, null, null,
null, null, null, "hidden");
this.div.className = this.displayClass;
var groupDivId = + "_GroupDiv";
this.groupDiv = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv(groupDivId, null, null,
null, "relative", null,
var id = + "_contentDiv";
this.contentDiv = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv(id, null, this.contentSize.clone(),
null, "relative");
this.contentDiv.className = this.contentDisplayClass;
if (closeBox) {
* Method: destroy
* nullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaks
destroy: function() { = null;
this.lonlat = null;
this.size = null;
this.contentHTML = null;
this.backgroundColor = null;
this.opacity = null;
this.border = null;
if (this.closeOnMove && {"movestart", this, this.hide);
}; = null;
if (this.closeDiv) {
this.closeDiv = null;
this.groupDiv = null;
if ( != null) {;
} = null;
this.div = null;
this.autoSize = null;
this.minSize = null;
this.maxSize = null;
this.padding = null;
this.panMapIfOutOfView = null;
* Method: draw
* Constructs the elements that make up the popup.
* Parameters:
* px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} the position the popup in pixels.
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} Reference to a div that contains the drawn popup
draw: function(px) {
if (px == null) {
if ((this.lonlat != null) && ( != null)) {
px =;
// this assumes that already exists, which is okay because
// this.draw is only called once the popup has been added to the map.
if (this.closeOnMove) {"movestart", this, this.hide);
//listen to movestart, moveend to disable overflow (FF bug)
if (!this.disableFirefoxOverflowHack && OpenLayers.BROWSER_NAME == 'firefox') {"movestart", this, function() {
var style = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(
this.contentDiv, null
var currentOverflow = style.getPropertyValue("overflow");
if (currentOverflow != "hidden") {
this.contentDiv._oldOverflow = currentOverflow; = "hidden";
});"moveend", this, function() {
var oldOverflow = this.contentDiv._oldOverflow;
if (oldOverflow) { = oldOverflow;
this.contentDiv._oldOverflow = null;
if (!this.autoSize && !this.size) {
if (this.panMapIfOutOfView) {
return this.div;
* Method: updatePosition
* if the popup has a lonlat and its map members set,
* then have it move itself to its proper position
updatePosition: function() {
if ((this.lonlat) && ( {
var px =;
if (px) {
* Method: moveTo
* Parameters:
* px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} the top and left position of the popup div.
moveTo: function(px) {
if ((px != null) && (this.div != null)) { = px.x + "px"; = px.y + "px";
* Method: visible
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Boolean indicating whether or not the popup is visible
visible: function() {
return OpenLayers.Element.visible(this.div);
* Method: toggle
* Toggles visibility of the popup.
toggle: function() {
if (this.visible()) {
} else {;
* Method: show
* Makes the popup visible.
show: function() { = '';
if (this.panMapIfOutOfView) {
* Method: hide
* Makes the popup invisible.
hide: function() { = 'none';
* Method: setSize
* Used to adjust the size of the popup.
* Parameters:
* contentSize - {<OpenLayers.Size>} the new size for the popup's
* contents div (in pixels).
setSize:function(contentSize) {
this.size = contentSize.clone();
// if our contentDiv has a css 'padding' set on it by a stylesheet, we
// must add that to the desired "size".
var contentDivPadding = this.getContentDivPadding();
var wPadding = contentDivPadding.left + contentDivPadding.right;
var hPadding = + contentDivPadding.bottom;
// take into account the popup's 'padding' property
wPadding += this.padding.left + this.padding.right;
hPadding += + this.padding.bottom;
// make extra space for the close div
if (this.closeDiv) {
var closeDivWidth = parseInt(;
wPadding += closeDivWidth + contentDivPadding.right;
//increase size of the main popup div to take into account the
// users's desired padding and close div.
this.size.w += wPadding;
this.size.h += hPadding;
//now if our browser is IE, we need to actually make the contents
// div itself bigger to take its own padding into effect. this makes
// me want to shoot someone, but so it goes.
if (OpenLayers.BROWSER_NAME == "msie") {
this.contentSize.w +=
contentDivPadding.left + contentDivPadding.right;
this.contentSize.h +=
contentDivPadding.bottom +;
if (this.div != null) { = this.size.w + "px"; = this.size.h + "px";
if (this.contentDiv != null){ = contentSize.w + "px"; = contentSize.h + "px";
* APIMethod: updateSize
* Auto size the popup so that it precisely fits its contents (as
* determined by this.contentDiv.innerHTML). Popup size will, of
* course, be limited by the available space on the current map
updateSize: function() {
// determine actual render dimensions of the contents by putting its
// contents into a fake contentDiv (for the CSS) and then measuring it
var preparedHTML = "<div class='" + this.contentDisplayClass+ "'>" +
this.contentDiv.innerHTML +
var containerElement = ( ? : document.body;
var realSize = OpenLayers.Util.getRenderedDimensions(
preparedHTML, null, {
displayClass: this.displayClass,
containerElement: containerElement
// is the "real" size of the div is safe to display in our map?
var safeSize = this.getSafeContentSize(realSize);
var newSize = null;
if (safeSize.equals(realSize)) {
//real size of content is small enough to fit on the map,
// so we use real size.
newSize = realSize;
} else {
// make a new 'size' object with the clipped dimensions
// set or null if not clipped.
var fixedSize = {
w: (safeSize.w < realSize.w) ? safeSize.w : null,
h: (safeSize.h < realSize.h) ? safeSize.h : null
if (fixedSize.w && fixedSize.h) {
//content is too big in both directions, so we will use
// max popup size (safeSize), knowing well that it will
// overflow both ways.
newSize = safeSize;
} else {
//content is clipped in only one direction, so we need to
// run getRenderedDimensions() again with a fixed dimension
var clippedSize = OpenLayers.Util.getRenderedDimensions(
preparedHTML, fixedSize, {
displayClass: this.contentDisplayClass,
containerElement: containerElement
//if the clipped size is still the same as the safeSize,
// that means that our content must be fixed in the
// offending direction. If overflow is 'auto', this means
// we are going to have a scrollbar for sure, so we must
// adjust for that.
var currentOverflow = OpenLayers.Element.getStyle(
this.contentDiv, "overflow"
if ( (currentOverflow != "hidden") &&
(clippedSize.equals(safeSize)) ) {
var scrollBar = OpenLayers.Util.getScrollbarWidth();
if (fixedSize.w) {
clippedSize.h += scrollBar;
} else {
clippedSize.w += scrollBar;
newSize = this.getSafeContentSize(clippedSize);
* Method: setBackgroundColor
* Sets the background color of the popup.
* Parameters:
* color - {String} the background color. eg "#FFBBBB"
setBackgroundColor:function(color) {
if (color != undefined) {
this.backgroundColor = color;
if (this.div != null) { = this.backgroundColor;
* Method: setOpacity
* Sets the opacity of the popup.
* Parameters:
* opacity - {float} A value between 0.0 (transparent) and 1.0 (solid).
setOpacity:function(opacity) {
if (opacity != undefined) {
this.opacity = opacity;
if (this.div != null) {
// for Mozilla and Safari = this.opacity;
// for IE = 'alpha(opacity=' + this.opacity*100 + ')';
* Method: setBorder
* Sets the border style of the popup.
* Parameters:
* border - {String} The border style value. eg 2px
setBorder:function(border) {
if (border != undefined) {
this.border = border;
if (this.div != null) { = this.border;
* Method: setContentHTML
* Allows the user to set the HTML content of the popup.
* Parameters:
* contentHTML - {String} HTML for the div.
setContentHTML:function(contentHTML) {
if (contentHTML != null) {
this.contentHTML = contentHTML;
if ((this.contentDiv != null) &&
(this.contentHTML != null) &&
(this.contentHTML != this.contentDiv.innerHTML)) {
this.contentDiv.innerHTML = this.contentHTML;
if (this.autoSize) {
//if popup has images, listen for when they finish
// loading and resize accordingly
//auto size the popup to its current contents
* Method: registerImageListeners
* Called when an image contained by the popup loaded. this function
* updates the popup size, then unregisters the image load listener.
registerImageListeners: function() {
// As the images load, this function will call updateSize() to
// resize the popup to fit the content div (which presumably is now
// bigger than when the image was not loaded).
// If the 'panMapIfOutOfView' property is set, we will pan the newly
// resized popup back into view.
// Note that this function, when called, will have 'popup' and
// 'img' properties in the context.
var onImgLoad = function() {
if ( === null) { // this.popup has been destroyed!
if ( this.popup.visible() && this.popup.panMapIfOutOfView ) {
this.img, "load", this.img._onImgLoad
//cycle through the images and if their size is 0x0, that means that
// they haven't been loaded yet, so we attach the listener, which
// will fire when the images finish loading and will resize the
// popup accordingly to its new size.
var images = this.contentDiv.getElementsByTagName("img");
for (var i = 0, len = images.length; i < len; i++) {
var img = images[i];
if (img.width == 0 || img.height == 0) {
var context = {
'popup': this,
'img': img
//expando this function to the image itself before registering
// it. This way we can easily and properly unregister it.
img._onImgLoad = OpenLayers.Function.bind(onImgLoad, context);
OpenLayers.Event.observe(img, 'load', img._onImgLoad);
* APIMethod: getSafeContentSize
* Parameters:
* size - {<OpenLayers.Size>} Desired size to make the popup.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Size>} A size to make the popup which is neither smaller
* than the specified minimum size, nor bigger than the maximum
* size (which is calculated relative to the size of the viewport).
getSafeContentSize: function(size) {
var safeContentSize = size.clone();
// if our contentDiv has a css 'padding' set on it by a stylesheet, we
// must add that to the desired "size".
var contentDivPadding = this.getContentDivPadding();
var wPadding = contentDivPadding.left + contentDivPadding.right;
var hPadding = + contentDivPadding.bottom;
// take into account the popup's 'padding' property
wPadding += this.padding.left + this.padding.right;
hPadding += + this.padding.bottom;
if (this.closeDiv) {
var closeDivWidth = parseInt(;
wPadding += closeDivWidth + contentDivPadding.right;
// prevent the popup from being smaller than a specified minimal size
if (this.minSize) {
safeContentSize.w = Math.max(safeContentSize.w,
(this.minSize.w - wPadding));
safeContentSize.h = Math.max(safeContentSize.h,
(this.minSize.h - hPadding));
// prevent the popup from being bigger than a specified maximum size
if (this.maxSize) {
safeContentSize.w = Math.min(safeContentSize.w,
(this.maxSize.w - wPadding));
safeContentSize.h = Math.min(safeContentSize.h,
(this.maxSize.h - hPadding));
//make sure the desired size to set doesn't result in a popup that
// is bigger than the map's viewport.
if ( && {
var extraX = 0, extraY = 0;
if (this.keepInMap && !this.panMapIfOutOfView) {
var px =;
switch (this.relativePosition) {
case "tr":
extraX = px.x;
extraY = - px.y;
case "tl":
extraX = - px.x;
extraY = - px.y;
case "bl":
extraX = - px.x;
extraY = px.y;
case "br":
extraX = px.x;
extraY = px.y;
extraX = px.x;
extraY = - px.y;
var maxY = - - -
hPadding - extraY;
var maxX = - - -
wPadding - extraX;
safeContentSize.w = Math.min(safeContentSize.w, maxX);
safeContentSize.h = Math.min(safeContentSize.h, maxY);
return safeContentSize;
* Method: getContentDivPadding
* Glorious, oh glorious hack in order to determine the css 'padding' of
* the contentDiv. IE/Opera return null here unless we actually add the
* popup's main 'div' element (which contains contentDiv) to the DOM.
* So we make it invisible and then add it to the document temporarily.
* Once we've taken the padding readings we need, we then remove it
* from the DOM (it will actually get added to the DOM in
* Map.js's addPopup)
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
getContentDivPadding: function() {
//use cached value if we have it
var contentDivPadding = this._contentDivPadding;
if (!contentDivPadding) {
if (this.div.parentNode == null) {
//make the div invisible and add it to the page = "none";
//read the padding settings from css, put them in an OL.Bounds
contentDivPadding = new OpenLayers.Bounds(
OpenLayers.Element.getStyle(this.contentDiv, "padding-left"),
OpenLayers.Element.getStyle(this.contentDiv, "padding-bottom"),
OpenLayers.Element.getStyle(this.contentDiv, "padding-right"),
OpenLayers.Element.getStyle(this.contentDiv, "padding-top")
//cache the value
this._contentDivPadding = contentDivPadding;
if (this.div.parentNode == document.body) {
//remove the div from the page and make it visible again
document.body.removeChild(this.div); = "";
return contentDivPadding;
* Method: addCloseBox
* Parameters:
* callback - {Function} The callback to be called when the close button
* is clicked.
addCloseBox: function(callback) {
this.closeDiv = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv( + "_close", null, {w: 17, h: 17}
this.closeDiv.className = "olPopupCloseBox";
// use the content div's css padding to determine if we should
// padd the close div
var contentDivPadding = this.getContentDivPadding(); = contentDivPadding.right + "px"; = + "px";
var closePopup = callback || function(e) {
OpenLayers.Event.observe(this.closeDiv, "touchend",
OpenLayers.Function.bindAsEventListener(closePopup, this));
OpenLayers.Event.observe(this.closeDiv, "click",
OpenLayers.Function.bindAsEventListener(closePopup, this));
* Method: panIntoView
* Pans the map such that the popup is totaly viewable (if necessary)
panIntoView: function() {
var mapSize =;
//start with the top left corner of the popup, in px,
// relative to the viewport
var origTL = new OpenLayers.Pixel(
var newTL = origTL.clone();
//new left (compare to margins, using this.size to calculate right)
if (origTL.x < {
newTL.x =;
} else
if ( (origTL.x + this.size.w) > (mapSize.w - {
newTL.x = mapSize.w - - this.size.w;
//new top (compare to margins, using this.size to calculate bottom)
if (origTL.y < {
newTL.y =;
} else
if ( (origTL.y + this.size.h) > (mapSize.h - {
newTL.y = mapSize.h - - this.size.h;
var dx = origTL.x - newTL.x;
var dy = origTL.y - newTL.y;, dy);
* Method: registerEvents
* Registers events on the popup.
* Do this in a separate function so that subclasses can
* choose to override it if they wish to deal differently
* with mouse events
* Note in the following handler functions that some special
* care is needed to deal correctly with mousing and popups.
* Because the user might select the zoom-rectangle option and
* then drag it over a popup, we need a safe way to allow the
* mousemove and mouseup events to pass through the popup when
* they are initiated from outside. The same procedure is needed for
* touchmove and touchend events.
* Otherwise, we want to essentially kill the event propagation
* for all other events, though we have to do so carefully,
* without disabling basic html functionality, like clicking on
* hyperlinks or drag-selecting text.
registerEvents:function() { = new OpenLayers.Events(this, this.div, null, true);
function onTouchstart(evt) {
OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt, true);
"mousedown": this.onmousedown,
"mousemove": this.onmousemove,
"mouseup": this.onmouseup,
"click": this.onclick,
"mouseout": this.onmouseout,
"dblclick": this.ondblclick,
"touchstart": onTouchstart,
scope: this
* Method: onmousedown
* When mouse goes down within the popup, make a note of
* it locally, and then do not propagate the mousedown
* (but do so safely so that user can select text inside)
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
onmousedown: function (evt) {
this.mousedown = true;
OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt, true);
* Method: onmousemove
* If the drag was started within the popup, then
* do not propagate the mousemove (but do so safely
* so that user can select text inside)
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
onmousemove: function (evt) {
if (this.mousedown) {
OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt, true);
* Method: onmouseup
* When mouse comes up within the popup, after going down
* in it, reset the flag, and then (once again) do not
* propagate the event, but do so safely so that user can
* select text inside
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
onmouseup: function (evt) {
if (this.mousedown) {
this.mousedown = false;
OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt, true);
* Method: onclick
* Ignore clicks, but allowing default browser handling
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
onclick: function (evt) {
OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt, true);
* Method: onmouseout
* When mouse goes out of the popup set the flag to false so that
* if they let go and then drag back in, we won't be confused.
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
onmouseout: function (evt) {
this.mousedown = false;
* Method: ondblclick
* Ignore double-clicks, but allowing default browser handling
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
ondblclick: function (evt) {
OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt, true);
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Popup"
OpenLayers.Popup.WIDTH = 200;
OpenLayers.Popup.HEIGHT = 200;
OpenLayers.Popup.COLOR = "white";
OpenLayers.Popup.OPACITY = 1;
OpenLayers.Popup.BORDER = "0px";
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Popup.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Popup>
OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored =
OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Popup, {
* Property: relativePosition
* {String} Relative position of the popup ("br", "tr", "tl" or "bl").
relativePosition: null,
* APIProperty: keepInMap
* {Boolean} If panMapIfOutOfView is false, and this property is true,
* contrain the popup such that it always fits in the available map
* space. By default, this is set. If you are creating popups that are
* near map edges and not allowing pannning, and especially if you have
* a popup which has a fixedRelativePosition, setting this to false may
* be a smart thing to do.
* For anchored popups, default is true, since subclasses will
* usually want this functionality.
keepInMap: true,
* Property: anchor
* {Object} Object to which we'll anchor the popup. Must expose a
* 'size' (<OpenLayers.Size>) and 'offset' (<OpenLayers.Pixel>).
anchor: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored
* Parameters:
* id - {String}
* lonlat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}
* contentSize - {<OpenLayers.Size>}
* contentHTML - {String}
* anchor - {Object} Object which must expose a 'size' <OpenLayers.Size>
* and 'offset' <OpenLayers.Pixel> (generally an <OpenLayers.Icon>).
* closeBox - {Boolean}
* closeBoxCallback - {Function} Function to be called on closeBox click.
initialize:function(id, lonlat, contentSize, contentHTML, anchor, closeBox,
closeBoxCallback) {
var newArguments = [
id, lonlat, contentSize, contentHTML, closeBox, closeBoxCallback
OpenLayers.Popup.prototype.initialize.apply(this, newArguments);
this.anchor = (anchor != null) ? anchor
: { size: new OpenLayers.Size(0,0),
offset: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0,0)};
* APIMethod: destroy
destroy: function() {
this.anchor = null;
this.relativePosition = null;
OpenLayers.Popup.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
* APIMethod: show
* Overridden from Popup since user might hide popup and then show() it
* in a new location (meaning we might want to update the relative
* position on the show)
show: function() {
this.updatePosition();, arguments);
* Method: moveTo
* Since the popup is moving to a new px, it might need also to be moved
* relative to where the marker is. We first calculate the new
* relativePosition, and then we calculate the new px where we will
* put the popup, based on the new relative position.
* If the relativePosition has changed, we must also call
* updateRelativePosition() to make any visual changes to the popup
* which are associated with putting it in a new relativePosition.
* Parameters:
* px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
moveTo: function(px) {
var oldRelativePosition = this.relativePosition;
this.relativePosition = this.calculateRelativePosition(px);, this.calculateNewPx(px));
//if this move has caused the popup to change its relative position,
// we need to make the appropriate cosmetic changes.
if (this.relativePosition != oldRelativePosition) {
* APIMethod: setSize
* Parameters:
* contentSize - {<OpenLayers.Size>} the new size for the popup's
* contents div (in pixels).
setSize:function(contentSize) {
OpenLayers.Popup.prototype.setSize.apply(this, arguments);
if ((this.lonlat) && ( {
var px =;
* Method: calculateRelativePosition
* Parameters:
* px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
* Returns:
* {String} The relative position ("br" "tr" "tl" "bl") at which the popup
* should be placed.
calculateRelativePosition:function(px) {
var lonlat =;
var extent =;
var quadrant = extent.determineQuadrant(lonlat);
return OpenLayers.Bounds.oppositeQuadrant(quadrant);
* Method: updateRelativePosition
* The popup has been moved to a new relative location, so we may want to
* make some cosmetic adjustments to it.
* Note that in the classic Anchored popup, there is nothing to do
* here, since the popup looks exactly the same in all four positions.
* Subclasses such as Framed, however, will want to do something
* special here.
updateRelativePosition: function() {
//to be overridden by subclasses
* Method: calculateNewPx
* Parameters:
* px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} The the new px position of the popup on the screen
* relative to the passed-in px.
calculateNewPx:function(px) {
var newPx = px.offset(this.anchor.offset);
//use contentSize if size is not already set
var size = this.size || this.contentSize;
var top = (this.relativePosition.charAt(0) == 't');
newPx.y += (top) ? -size.h : this.anchor.size.h;
var left = (this.relativePosition.charAt(1) == 'l');
newPx.x += (left) ? -size.w : this.anchor.size.w;
return newPx;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Popup/Anchored.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Popup.Framed
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored>
OpenLayers.Popup.Framed =
OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored, {
* Property: imageSrc
* {String} location of the image to be used as the popup frame
imageSrc: null,
* Property: imageSize
* {<OpenLayers.Size>} Size (measured in pixels) of the image located
* by the 'imageSrc' property.
imageSize: null,
* APIProperty: isAlphaImage
* {Boolean} The image has some alpha and thus needs to use the alpha
* image hack. Note that setting this to true will have no noticeable
* effect in FF or IE7 browsers, but will all but crush the ie6
* browser.
* Default is false.
isAlphaImage: false,
* Property: positionBlocks
* {Object} Hash of different position blocks (Object/Hashs). Each block
* will be keyed by a two-character 'relativePosition'
* code string (ie "tl", "tr", "bl", "br"). Block properties are
* 'offset', 'padding' (self-explanatory), and finally the 'blocks'
* parameter, which is an array of the block objects.
* Each block object must have 'size', 'anchor', and 'position'
* properties.
* Note that positionBlocks should never be modified at runtime.
positionBlocks: null,
* Property: blocks
* {Array[Object]} Array of objects, each of which is one "block" of the
* popup. Each block has a 'div' and an 'image' property, both of
* which are DOMElements, and the latter of which is appended to the
* former. These are reused as the popup goes changing positions for
* great economy and elegance.
blocks: null,
* APIProperty: fixedRelativePosition
* {Boolean} We want the framed popup to work dynamically placed relative
* to its anchor but also in just one fixed position. A well designed
* framed popup will have the pixels and logic to display itself in
* any of the four relative positions, but (understandably), this will
* not be the case for all of them. By setting this property to 'true',
* framed popup will not recalculate for the best placement each time
* it's open, but will always open the same way.
* Note that if this is set to true, it is generally advisable to also
* set the 'panIntoView' property to true so that the popup can be
* scrolled into view (since it will often be offscreen on open)
* Default is false.
fixedRelativePosition: false,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Popup.Framed
* Parameters:
* id - {String}
* lonlat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}
* contentSize - {<OpenLayers.Size>}
* contentHTML - {String}
* anchor - {Object} Object to which we'll anchor the popup. Must expose
* a 'size' (<OpenLayers.Size>) and 'offset' (<OpenLayers.Pixel>)
* (Note that this is generally an <OpenLayers.Icon>).
* closeBox - {Boolean}
* closeBoxCallback - {Function} Function to be called on closeBox click.
initialize:function(id, lonlat, contentSize, contentHTML, anchor, closeBox,
closeBoxCallback) {
OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.fixedRelativePosition) {
//based on our decided relativePostion, set the current padding
// this keeps us from getting into trouble
//make calculateRelativePosition always return the specified
// fixed position.
this.calculateRelativePosition = function(px) {
return this.relativePosition;
} = "absolute"; = 1;
if (closeBox) { = 1;
} = "absolute"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "100%"; = "100%";
* APIMethod: destroy
destroy: function() {
this.imageSrc = null;
this.imageSize = null;
this.isAlphaImage = null;
this.fixedRelativePosition = false;
this.positionBlocks = null;
//remove our blocks
for(var i = 0; i < this.blocks.length; i++) {
var block = this.blocks[i];
if (block.image) {
block.image = null;
if (block.div) {
block.div = null;
this.blocks = null;
OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
* APIMethod: setBackgroundColor
setBackgroundColor:function(color) {
//does nothing since the framed popup's entire scheme is based on a
// an image -- changing the background color makes no sense.
* APIMethod: setBorder
setBorder:function() {
//does nothing since the framed popup's entire scheme is based on a
// an image -- changing the popup's border makes no sense.
* Method: setOpacity
* Sets the opacity of the popup.
* Parameters:
* opacity - {float} A value between 0.0 (transparent) and 1.0 (solid).
setOpacity:function(opacity) {
//does nothing since we suppose that we'll never apply an opacity
// to a framed popup
* APIMethod: setSize
* Overridden here, because we need to update the blocks whenever the size
* of the popup has changed.
* Parameters:
* contentSize - {<OpenLayers.Size>} the new size for the popup's
* contents div (in pixels).
setSize:function(contentSize) {
OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored.prototype.setSize.apply(this, arguments);
* Method: updateRelativePosition
* When the relative position changes, we need to set the new padding
* BBOX on the popup, reposition the close div, and update the blocks.
updateRelativePosition: function() {
//update the padding
this.padding = this.positionBlocks[this.relativePosition].padding;
//update the position of our close box to new padding
if (this.closeDiv) {
// use the content div's css padding to determine if we should
// padd the close div
var contentDivPadding = this.getContentDivPadding(); = contentDivPadding.right +
this.padding.right + "px"; = + + "px";
* Method: calculateNewPx
* Besides the standard offset as determined by the Anchored class, our
* Framed popups have a special 'offset' property for each of their
* positions, which is used to offset the popup relative to its anchor.
* Parameters:
* px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} The the new px position of the popup on the screen
* relative to the passed-in px.
calculateNewPx:function(px) {
var newPx = OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored.prototype.calculateNewPx.apply(
this, arguments
newPx = newPx.offset(this.positionBlocks[this.relativePosition].offset);
return newPx;
* Method: createBlocks
createBlocks: function() {
this.blocks = [];
//since all positions contain the same number of blocks, we can
// just pick the first position and use its blocks array to create
// our blocks array
var firstPosition = null;
for(var key in this.positionBlocks) {
firstPosition = key;
var position = this.positionBlocks[firstPosition];
for (var i = 0; i < position.blocks.length; i++) {
var block = {};
var divId = + '_FrameDecorationDiv_' + i;
block.div = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv(divId,
null, null, null, "absolute", null, "hidden", null
var imgId = + '_FrameDecorationImg_' + i;
var imageCreator =
(this.isAlphaImage) ? OpenLayers.Util.createAlphaImageDiv
: OpenLayers.Util.createImage;
block.image = imageCreator(imgId,
null, this.imageSize, this.imageSrc,
"absolute", null, null, null
* Method: updateBlocks
* Internal method, called on initialize and when the popup's relative
* position has changed. This function takes care of re-positioning
* the popup's blocks in their appropropriate places.
updateBlocks: function() {
if (!this.blocks) {
if (this.size && this.relativePosition) {
var position = this.positionBlocks[this.relativePosition];
for (var i = 0; i < position.blocks.length; i++) {
var positionBlock = position.blocks[i];
var block = this.blocks[i];
// adjust sizes
var l = positionBlock.anchor.left;
var b = positionBlock.anchor.bottom;
var r = positionBlock.anchor.right;
var t =;
//note that we use the isNaN() test here because if the
// size object is initialized with a "auto" parameter, the
// size constructor calls parseFloat() on the string,
// which will turn it into NaN
var w = (isNaN(positionBlock.size.w)) ? this.size.w - (r + l)
: positionBlock.size.w;
var h = (isNaN(positionBlock.size.h)) ? this.size.h - (b + t)
: positionBlock.size.h; = (w < 0 ? 0 : w) + 'px'; = (h < 0 ? 0 : h) + 'px'; = (l != null) ? l + 'px' : ''; = (b != null) ? b + 'px' : ''; = (r != null) ? r + 'px' : ''; = (t != null) ? t + 'px' : ''; = positionBlock.position.x + 'px'; = positionBlock.position.y + 'px';
} = this.padding.left + "px"; = + "px";
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Popup.Framed"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Util.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Format
* Base class for format reading/writing a variety of formats. Subclasses
* of OpenLayers.Format are expected to have read and write methods.
OpenLayers.Format = OpenLayers.Class({
* Property: options
* {Object} A reference to options passed to the constructor.
options: null,
* APIProperty: externalProjection
* {<OpenLayers.Projection>} When passed a externalProjection and
* internalProjection, the format will reproject the geometries it
* reads or writes. The externalProjection is the projection used by
* the content which is passed into read or which comes out of write.
* In order to reproject, a projection transformation function for the
* specified projections must be available. This support may be
* provided via proj4js or via a custom transformation function. See
* {<OpenLayers.Projection.addTransform>} for more information on
* custom transformations.
externalProjection: null,
* APIProperty: internalProjection
* {<OpenLayers.Projection>} When passed a externalProjection and
* internalProjection, the format will reproject the geometries it
* reads or writes. The internalProjection is the projection used by
* the geometries which are returned by read or which are passed into
* write. In order to reproject, a projection transformation function
* for the specified projections must be available. This support may be
* provided via proj4js or via a custom transformation function. See
* {<OpenLayers.Projection.addTransform>} for more information on
* custom transformations.
internalProjection: null,
* APIProperty: data
* {Object} When <keepData> is true, this is the parsed string sent to
* <read>.
data: null,
* APIProperty: keepData
* {Object} Maintain a reference (<data>) to the most recently read data.
* Default is false.
keepData: false,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Format
* Instances of this class are not useful. See one of the subclasses.
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} An optional object with properties to set on the
* format
* Valid options:
* keepData - {Boolean} If true, upon <read>, the data property will be
* set to the parsed object (e.g. the json or xml object).
* Returns:
* An instance of OpenLayers.Format
initialize: function(options) {
OpenLayers.Util.extend(this, options);
this.options = options;
* APIMethod: destroy
* Clean up.
destroy: function() {
* Method: read
* Read data from a string, and return an object whose type depends on the
* subclass.
* Parameters:
* data - {string} Data to read/parse.
* Returns:
* Depends on the subclass
read: function(data) {
throw new Error('Read not implemented.');
* Method: write
* Accept an object, and return a string.
* Parameters:
* object - {Object} Object to be serialized
* Returns:
* {String} A string representation of the object.
write: function(object) {
throw new Error('Write not implemented.');
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Format"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* Note:
* This work draws heavily from the public domain JSON serializer/deserializer
* at Rewritten so that it doesn't modify
* basic data prototypes.
* @requires OpenLayers/Format.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Format.JSON
* A parser to read/write JSON safely. Create a new instance with the
* <OpenLayers.Format.JSON> constructor.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Format>
OpenLayers.Format.JSON = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Format, {
* APIProperty: indent
* {String} For "pretty" printing, the indent string will be used once for
* each indentation level.
indent: " ",
* APIProperty: space
* {String} For "pretty" printing, the space string will be used after
* the ":" separating a name/value pair.
space: " ",
* APIProperty: newline
* {String} For "pretty" printing, the newline string will be used at the
* end of each name/value pair or array item.
newline: "\n",
* Property: level
* {Integer} For "pretty" printing, this is incremented/decremented during
* serialization.
level: 0,
* Property: pretty
* {Boolean} Serialize with extra whitespace for structure. This is set
* by the <write> method.
pretty: false,
* Property: nativeJSON
* {Boolean} Does the browser support native json?
nativeJSON: (function() {
return !!(window.JSON && typeof JSON.parse == "function" && typeof JSON.stringify == "function");
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Format.JSON
* Create a new parser for JSON.
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} An optional object whose properties will be set on
* this instance.
* APIMethod: read
* Deserialize a json string.
* Parameters:
* json - {String} A JSON string
* filter - {Function} A function which will be called for every key and
* value at every level of the final result. Each value will be
* replaced by the result of the filter function. This can be used to
* reform generic objects into instances of classes, or to transform
* date strings into Date objects.
* Returns:
* {Object} An object, array, string, or number .
read: function(json, filter) {
var object;
if (this.nativeJSON) {
object = JSON.parse(json, filter);
} else try {
* Parsing happens in three stages. In the first stage, we run the
* text against a regular expression which looks for non-JSON
* characters. We are especially concerned with '()' and 'new'
* because they can cause invocation, and '=' because it can
* cause mutation. But just to be safe, we will reject all
* unexpected characters.
if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(json.replace(/\\["\\\/bfnrtu]/g, '@').
replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, ']').
replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ''))) {
* In the second stage we use the eval function to compile the
* text into a JavaScript structure. The '{' operator is
* subject to a syntactic ambiguity in JavaScript - it can
* begin a block or an object literal. We wrap the text in
* parens to eliminate the ambiguity.
object = eval('(' + json + ')');
* In the optional third stage, we recursively walk the new
* structure, passing each name/value pair to a filter
* function for possible transformation.
if(typeof filter === 'function') {
function walk(k, v) {
if(v && typeof v === 'object') {
for(var i in v) {
if(v.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
v[i] = walk(i, v[i]);
return filter(k, v);
object = walk('', object);
} catch(e) {
// Fall through if the regexp test fails.
if(this.keepData) { = object;
return object;
* APIMethod: write
* Serialize an object into a JSON string.
* Parameters:
* value - {String} The object, array, string, number, boolean or date
* to be serialized.
* pretty - {Boolean} Structure the output with newlines and indentation.
* Default is false.
* Returns:
* {String} The JSON string representation of the input value.
write: function(value, pretty) {
this.pretty = !!pretty;
var json = null;
var type = typeof value;
if(this.serialize[type]) {
try {
json = (!this.pretty && this.nativeJSON) ?
JSON.stringify(value) :
this.serialize[type].apply(this, [value]);
} catch(err) {
OpenLayers.Console.error("Trouble serializing: " + err);
return json;
* Method: writeIndent
* Output an indentation string depending on the indentation level.
* Returns:
* {String} An appropriate indentation string.
writeIndent: function() {
var pieces = [];
if(this.pretty) {
for(var i=0; i<this.level; ++i) {
return pieces.join('');
* Method: writeNewline
* Output a string representing a newline if in pretty printing mode.
* Returns:
* {String} A string representing a new line.
writeNewline: function() {
return (this.pretty) ? this.newline : '';
* Method: writeSpace
* Output a string representing a space if in pretty printing mode.
* Returns:
* {String} A space.
writeSpace: function() {
return (this.pretty) ? : '';
* Property: serialize
* Object with properties corresponding to the serializable data types.
* Property values are functions that do the actual serializing.
serialize: {
* Method: serialize.object
* Transform an object into a JSON string.
* Parameters:
* object - {Object} The object to be serialized.
* Returns:
* {String} A JSON string representing the object.
'object': function(object) {
// three special objects that we want to treat differently
if(object == null) {
return "null";
if(object.constructor == Date) {
return, [object]);
if(object.constructor == Array) {
return this.serialize.array.apply(this, [object]);
var pieces = ['{'];
this.level += 1;
var key, keyJSON, valueJSON;
var addComma = false;
for(key in object) {
if(object.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
// recursive calls need to allow for sub-classing
keyJSON = OpenLayers.Format.JSON.prototype.write.apply(this,
[key, this.pretty]);
valueJSON = OpenLayers.Format.JSON.prototype.write.apply(this,
[object[key], this.pretty]);
if(keyJSON != null && valueJSON != null) {
if(addComma) {
pieces.push(this.writeNewline(), this.writeIndent(),
keyJSON, ':', this.writeSpace(), valueJSON);
addComma = true;
this.level -= 1;
pieces.push(this.writeNewline(), this.writeIndent(), '}');
return pieces.join('');
* Method: serialize.array
* Transform an array into a JSON string.
* Parameters:
* array - {Array} The array to be serialized
* Returns:
* {String} A JSON string representing the array.
'array': function(array) {
var json;
var pieces = ['['];
this.level += 1;
for(var i=0, len=array.length; i<len; ++i) {
// recursive calls need to allow for sub-classing
json = OpenLayers.Format.JSON.prototype.write.apply(this,
[array[i], this.pretty]);
if(json != null) {
if(i > 0) {
pieces.push(this.writeNewline(), this.writeIndent(), json);
this.level -= 1;
pieces.push(this.writeNewline(), this.writeIndent(), ']');
return pieces.join('');
* Method: serialize.string
* Transform a string into a JSON string.
* Parameters:
* string - {String} The string to be serialized
* Returns:
* {String} A JSON string representing the string.
'string': function(string) {
// If the string contains no control characters, no quote characters, and no
// backslash characters, then we can simply slap some quotes around it.
// Otherwise we must also replace the offending characters with safe
// sequences.
var m = {
'\b': '\\b',
'\t': '\\t',
'\n': '\\n',
'\f': '\\f',
'\r': '\\r',
'"' : '\\"',
'\\': '\\\\'
if(/["\\\x00-\x1f]/.test(string)) {
return '"' + string.replace(/([\x00-\x1f\\"])/g, function(a, b) {
var c = m[b];
if(c) {
return c;
c = b.charCodeAt();
return '\\u00' +
Math.floor(c / 16).toString(16) +
(c % 16).toString(16);
}) + '"';
return '"' + string + '"';
* Method: serialize.number
* Transform a number into a JSON string.
* Parameters:
* number - {Number} The number to be serialized.
* Returns:
* {String} A JSON string representing the number.
'number': function(number) {
return isFinite(number) ? String(number) : "null";
* Method: serialize.boolean
* Transform a boolean into a JSON string.
* Parameters:
* bool - {Boolean} The boolean to be serialized.
* Returns:
* {String} A JSON string representing the boolean.
'boolean': function(bool) {
return String(bool);
* Method: serialize.object
* Transform a date into a JSON string.
* Parameters:
* date - {Date} The date to be serialized.
* Returns:
* {String} A JSON string representing the date.
'date': function(date) {
function format(number) {
// Format integers to have at least two digits.
return (number < 10) ? '0' + number : number;
return '"' + date.getFullYear() + '-' +
format(date.getMonth() + 1) + '-' +
format(date.getDate()) + 'T' +
format(date.getHours()) + ':' +
format(date.getMinutes()) + ':' +
format(date.getSeconds()) + '"';
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Format.JSON"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Format/JSON.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Feature/Vector.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Geometry/Point.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Geometry/MultiPoint.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Geometry/LineString.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Geometry/MultiLineString.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Geometry/Polygon.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Geometry/MultiPolygon.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Console.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON
* Read and write GeoJSON. Create a new parser with the
* <OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON> constructor.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Format.JSON>
OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Format.JSON, {
* APIProperty: ignoreExtraDims
* {Boolean} Ignore dimensions higher than 2 when reading geometry
* coordinates.
ignoreExtraDims: false,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON
* Create a new parser for GeoJSON.
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} An optional object whose properties will be set on
* this instance.
* APIMethod: read
* Deserialize a GeoJSON string.
* Parameters:
* json - {String} A GeoJSON string
* type - {String} Optional string that determines the structure of
* the output. Supported values are "Geometry", "Feature", and
* "FeatureCollection". If absent or null, a default of
* "FeatureCollection" is assumed.
* filter - {Function} A function which will be called for every key and
* value at every level of the final result. Each value will be
* replaced by the result of the filter function. This can be used to
* reform generic objects into instances of classes, or to transform
* date strings into Date objects.
* Returns:
* {Object} The return depends on the value of the type argument. If type
* is "FeatureCollection" (the default), the return will be an array
* of <OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>. If type is "Geometry", the input json
* must represent a single geometry, and the return will be an
* <OpenLayers.Geometry>. If type is "Feature", the input json must
* represent a single feature, and the return will be an
* <OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>.
read: function(json, type, filter) {
type = (type) ? type : "FeatureCollection";
var results = null;
var obj = null;
if (typeof json == "string") {
obj =,
[json, filter]);
} else {
obj = json;
if(!obj) {
OpenLayers.Console.error("Bad JSON: " + json);
} else if(typeof(obj.type) != "string") {
OpenLayers.Console.error("Bad GeoJSON - no type: " + json);
} else if(this.isValidType(obj, type)) {
switch(type) {
case "Geometry":
try {
results = this.parseGeometry(obj);
} catch(err) {
case "Feature":
try {
results = this.parseFeature(obj);
results.type = "Feature";
} catch(err) {
case "FeatureCollection":
// for type FeatureCollection, we allow input to be any type
results = [];
switch(obj.type) {
case "Feature":
try {
} catch(err) {
results = null;
case "FeatureCollection":
for(var i=0, len=obj.features.length; i<len; ++i) {
try {
} catch(err) {
results = null;
try {
var geom = this.parseGeometry(obj);
results.push(new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(geom));
} catch(err) {
results = null;
return results;
* Method: isValidType
* Check if a GeoJSON object is a valid representative of the given type.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The object is valid GeoJSON object of the given type.
isValidType: function(obj, type) {
var valid = false;
switch(type) {
case "Geometry":
["Point", "MultiPoint", "LineString", "MultiLineString",
"Polygon", "MultiPolygon", "Box", "GeometryCollection"],
obj.type) == -1) {
// unsupported geometry type
OpenLayers.Console.error("Unsupported geometry type: " +
} else {
valid = true;
case "FeatureCollection":
// allow for any type to be converted to a feature collection
valid = true;
// for Feature types must match
if(obj.type == type) {
valid = true;
} else {
OpenLayers.Console.error("Cannot convert types from " +
obj.type + " to " + type);
return valid;
* Method: parseFeature
* Convert a feature object from GeoJSON into an
* <OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>.
* Parameters:
* obj - {Object} An object created from a GeoJSON object
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>} A feature.
parseFeature: function(obj) {
var feature, geometry, attributes, bbox;
attributes = ( ? : {};
bbox = (obj.geometry && obj.geometry.bbox) || obj.bbox;
try {
geometry = this.parseGeometry(obj.geometry);
} catch(err) {
// deal with bad geometries
throw err;
feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(geometry, attributes);
if(bbox) {
feature.bounds = OpenLayers.Bounds.fromArray(bbox);
if( {
feature.fid =;
return feature;
* Method: parseGeometry
* Convert a geometry object from GeoJSON into an <OpenLayers.Geometry>.
* Parameters:
* obj - {Object} An object created from a GeoJSON object
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} A geometry.
parseGeometry: function(obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return null;
var geometry, collection = false;
if(obj.type == "GeometryCollection") {
if(!(OpenLayers.Util.isArray(obj.geometries))) {
throw "GeometryCollection must have geometries array: " + obj;
var numGeom = obj.geometries.length;
var components = new Array(numGeom);
for(var i=0; i<numGeom; ++i) {
components[i] = this.parseGeometry.apply(
this, [obj.geometries[i]]
geometry = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection(components);
collection = true;
} else {
if(!(OpenLayers.Util.isArray(obj.coordinates))) {
throw "Geometry must have coordinates array: " + obj;
if(!this.parseCoords[obj.type.toLowerCase()]) {
throw "Unsupported geometry type: " + obj.type;
try {
geometry = this.parseCoords[obj.type.toLowerCase()].apply(
this, [obj.coordinates]
} catch(err) {
// deal with bad coordinates
throw err;
// We don't reproject collections because the children are reprojected
// for us when they are created.
if (this.internalProjection && this.externalProjection && !collection) {
return geometry;
* Property: parseCoords
* Object with properties corresponding to the GeoJSON geometry types.
* Property values are functions that do the actual parsing.
parseCoords: {
* Method: parseCoords.point
* Convert a coordinate array from GeoJSON into an
* <OpenLayers.Geometry>.
* Parameters:
* array - {Object} The coordinates array from the GeoJSON fragment.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} A geometry.
"point": function(array) {
if (this.ignoreExtraDims == false &&
array.length != 2) {
throw "Only 2D points are supported: " + array;
return new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(array[0], array[1]);
* Method: parseCoords.multipoint
* Convert a coordinate array from GeoJSON into an
* <OpenLayers.Geometry>.
* Parameters:
* array - {Object} The coordinates array from the GeoJSON fragment.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} A geometry.
"multipoint": function(array) {
var points = [];
var p = null;
for(var i=0, len=array.length; i<len; ++i) {
try {
p = this.parseCoords["point"].apply(this, [array[i]]);
} catch(err) {
throw err;
return new OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPoint(points);
* Method: parseCoords.linestring
* Convert a coordinate array from GeoJSON into an
* <OpenLayers.Geometry>.
* Parameters:
* array - {Object} The coordinates array from the GeoJSON fragment.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} A geometry.
"linestring": function(array) {
var points = [];
var p = null;
for(var i=0, len=array.length; i<len; ++i) {
try {
p = this.parseCoords["point"].apply(this, [array[i]]);
} catch(err) {
throw err;
return new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString(points);
* Method: parseCoords.multilinestring
* Convert a coordinate array from GeoJSON into an
* <OpenLayers.Geometry>.
* Parameters:
* array - {Object} The coordinates array from the GeoJSON fragment.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} A geometry.
"multilinestring": function(array) {
var lines = [];
var l = null;
for(var i=0, len=array.length; i<len; ++i) {
try {
l = this.parseCoords["linestring"].apply(this, [array[i]]);
} catch(err) {
throw err;
return new OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiLineString(lines);
* Method: parseCoords.polygon
* Convert a coordinate array from GeoJSON into an
* <OpenLayers.Geometry>.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} A geometry.
"polygon": function(array) {
var rings = [];
var r, l;
for(var i=0, len=array.length; i<len; ++i) {
try {
l = this.parseCoords["linestring"].apply(this, [array[i]]);
} catch(err) {
throw err;
r = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing(l.components);
return new OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon(rings);
* Method: parseCoords.multipolygon
* Convert a coordinate array from GeoJSON into an
* <OpenLayers.Geometry>.
* Parameters:
* array - {Object} The coordinates array from the GeoJSON fragment.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} A geometry.
"multipolygon": function(array) {
var polys = [];
var p = null;
for(var i=0, len=array.length; i<len; ++i) {
try {
p = this.parseCoords["polygon"].apply(this, [array[i]]);
} catch(err) {
throw err;
return new OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPolygon(polys);
* Method:
* Convert a coordinate array from GeoJSON into an
* <OpenLayers.Geometry>.
* Parameters:
* array - {Object} The coordinates array from the GeoJSON fragment.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} A geometry.
"box": function(array) {
if(array.length != 2) {
throw "GeoJSON box coordinates must have 2 elements";
return new OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon([
new OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing([
new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(array[0][0], array[0][1]),
new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(array[1][0], array[0][1]),
new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(array[1][0], array[1][1]),
new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(array[0][0], array[1][1]),
new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(array[0][0], array[0][1])
* APIMethod: write
* Serialize a feature, geometry, array of features into a GeoJSON string.
* Parameters:
* obj - {Object} An <OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>, <OpenLayers.Geometry>,
* or an array of features.
* pretty - {Boolean} Structure the output with newlines and indentation.
* Default is false.
* Returns:
* {String} The GeoJSON string representation of the input geometry,
* features, or array of features.
write: function(obj, pretty) {
var geojson = {
"type": null
if(OpenLayers.Util.isArray(obj)) {
geojson.type = "FeatureCollection";
var numFeatures = obj.length;
geojson.features = new Array(numFeatures);
for(var i=0; i<numFeatures; ++i) {
var element = obj[i];
if(!element instanceof OpenLayers.Feature.Vector) {
var msg = "FeatureCollection only supports collections " +
"of features: " + element;
throw msg;
geojson.features[i] = this.extract.feature.apply(
this, [element]
} else if (obj.CLASS_NAME.indexOf("OpenLayers.Geometry") == 0) {
geojson = this.extract.geometry.apply(this, [obj]);
} else if (obj instanceof OpenLayers.Feature.Vector) {
geojson = this.extract.feature.apply(this, [obj]);
if(obj.layer && obj.layer.projection) { = this.createCRSObject(obj);
return OpenLayers.Format.JSON.prototype.write.apply(this,
[geojson, pretty]);
* Method: createCRSObject
* Create the CRS object for an object.
* Parameters:
* object - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
* Returns:
* {Object} An object which can be assigned to the crs property
* of a GeoJSON object.
createCRSObject: function(object) {
var proj = object.layer.projection.toString();
var crs = {};
if (proj.match(/epsg:/i)) {
var code = parseInt(proj.substring(proj.indexOf(":") + 1));
if (code == 4326) {
crs = {
"type": "name",
"properties": {
"name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"
} else {
crs = {
"type": "name",
"properties": {
"name": "EPSG:" + code
return crs;
* Property: extract
* Object with properties corresponding to the GeoJSON types.
* Property values are functions that do the actual value extraction.
extract: {
* Method: extract.feature
* Return a partial GeoJSON object representing a single feature.
* Parameters:
* feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
* Returns:
* {Object} An object representing the point.
'feature': function(feature) {
var geom = this.extract.geometry.apply(this, [feature.geometry]);
var json = {
"type": "Feature",
"properties": feature.attributes,
"geometry": geom
if (feature.fid != null) { = feature.fid;
return json;
* Method: extract.geometry
* Return a GeoJSON object representing a single geometry.
* Parameters:
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* Returns:
* {Object} An object representing the geometry.
'geometry': function(geometry) {
if (geometry == null) {
return null;
if (this.internalProjection && this.externalProjection) {
geometry = geometry.clone();
var geometryType = geometry.CLASS_NAME.split('.')[2];
var data = this.extract[geometryType.toLowerCase()].apply(this, [geometry]);
var json;
if(geometryType == "Collection") {
json = {
"type": "GeometryCollection",
"geometries": data
} else {
json = {
"type": geometryType,
"coordinates": data
return json;
* Method: extract.point
* Return an array of coordinates from a point.
* Parameters:
* point - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>}
* Returns:
* {Array} An array of coordinates representing the point.
'point': function(point) {
return [point.x, point.y];
* Method: extract.multipoint
* Return an array of point coordinates from a multipoint.
* Parameters:
* multipoint - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPoint>}
* Returns:
* {Array} An array of point coordinate arrays representing
* the multipoint.
'multipoint': function(multipoint) {
var array = [];
for(var i=0, len=multipoint.components.length; i<len; ++i) {
array.push(this.extract.point.apply(this, [multipoint.components[i]]));
return array;
* Method: extract.linestring
* Return an array of coordinate arrays from a linestring.
* Parameters:
* linestring - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString>}
* Returns:
* {Array} An array of coordinate arrays representing
* the linestring.
'linestring': function(linestring) {
var array = [];
for(var i=0, len=linestring.components.length; i<len; ++i) {
array.push(this.extract.point.apply(this, [linestring.components[i]]));
return array;
* Method: extract.multilinestring
* Return an array of linestring arrays from a linestring.
* Parameters:
* multilinestring - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiLineString>}
* Returns:
* {Array} An array of linestring arrays representing
* the multilinestring.
'multilinestring': function(multilinestring) {
var array = [];
for(var i=0, len=multilinestring.components.length; i<len; ++i) {
array.push(this.extract.linestring.apply(this, [multilinestring.components[i]]));
return array;
* Method: extract.polygon
* Return an array of linear ring arrays from a polygon.
* Parameters:
* polygon - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon>}
* Returns:
* {Array} An array of linear ring arrays representing the polygon.
'polygon': function(polygon) {
var array = [];
for(var i=0, len=polygon.components.length; i<len; ++i) {
array.push(this.extract.linestring.apply(this, [polygon.components[i]]));
return array;
* Method: extract.multipolygon
* Return an array of polygon arrays from a multipolygon.
* Parameters:
* multipolygon - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPolygon>}
* Returns:
* {Array} An array of polygon arrays representing
* the multipolygon
'multipolygon': function(multipolygon) {
var array = [];
for(var i=0, len=multipolygon.components.length; i<len; ++i) {
array.push(this.extract.polygon.apply(this, [multipolygon.components[i]]));
return array;
* Method: extract.collection
* Return an array of geometries from a geometry collection.
* Parameters:
* collection - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection>}
* Returns:
* {Array} An array of geometry objects representing the geometry
* collection.
'collection': function(collection) {
var len = collection.components.length;
var array = new Array(len);
for(var i=0; i<len; ++i) {
array[i] = this.extract.geometry.apply(
this, [collection.components[i]]
return array;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Layer/Google.js
* Constant: OpenLayers.Layer.Google.v3
* Mixin providing functionality specific to the Google Maps API v3.
* To use this layer, you must include the GMaps v3 API in your html.
* Note that this layer configures the object with the
* "disableDefaultUI" option set to true. Using UI controls that the Google
* Maps API provides is not supported by the OpenLayers API.
OpenLayers.Layer.Google.v3 = {
* Constant: DEFAULTS
* {Object} It is not recommended to change the properties set here. Note
* that Google.v3 layers only work when sphericalMercator is set to true.
* (code)
* {
* sphericalMercator: true,
* projection: "EPSG:900913"
* }
* (end)
sphericalMercator: true,
projection: "EPSG:900913"
* APIProperty: animationEnabled
* {Boolean} If set to true, the transition between zoom levels will be
* animated (if supported by the GMaps API for the device used). Set to
* false to match the zooming experience of other layer types. Default
* is true. Note that the GMaps API does not give us control over zoom
* animation, so if set to false, when zooming, this will make the
* layer temporarily invisible, wait until GMaps reports the map being
* idle, and make it visible again. The result will be a blank layer
* for a few moments while zooming.
animationEnabled: true,
* Method: loadMapObject
* Load the GMap and register appropriate event listeners.
loadMapObject: function() {
if (!this.type) {
this.type = google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP;
var mapObject;
var cache = OpenLayers.Layer.Google.cache[];
if (cache) {
// there are already Google layers added to this map
mapObject = cache.mapObject;
// increment the layer count
} else {
// this is the first Google layer for this map
// create GMap
var center =;
var container = document.createElement('div');
container.className = "olForeignContainer"; = '100%'; = '100%';
mapObject = new google.maps.Map(container, {
center: center ?
new google.maps.LatLng(, center.lon) :
new google.maps.LatLng(0, 0),
zoom: || 0,
mapTypeId: this.type,
disableDefaultUI: true,
keyboardShortcuts: false,
draggable: false,
disableDoubleClickZoom: true,
scrollwheel: false,
streetViewControl: false
var googleControl = document.createElement('div'); = '100%'; = '100%';
// cache elements for use by any other google layers added to
// this same map
cache = {
googleControl: googleControl,
mapObject: mapObject,
count: 1
OpenLayers.Layer.Google.cache[] = cache;
this.mapObject = mapObject;
* APIMethod: onMapResize
onMapResize: function() {
if (this.visibility) {
google.maps.event.trigger(this.mapObject, "resize");
* Method: setGMapVisibility
* Display the GMap container and associated elements.
* Parameters:
* visible - {Boolean} Display the GMap elements.
setGMapVisibility: function(visible) {
var cache = OpenLayers.Layer.Google.cache[];
var map =;
if (cache) {
var type = this.type;
var layers = map.layers;
var layer;
for (var i=layers.length-1; i>=0; --i) {
layer = layers[i];
if (layer instanceof OpenLayers.Layer.Google &&
layer.visibility === true && layer.inRange === true) {
type = layer.type;
visible = true;
var container = this.mapObject.getDiv();
if (visible === true) {
if (container.parentNode !== map.div) {
if (!cache.rendered) {
var me = this;
google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(this.mapObject, 'tilesloaded', function() {
cache.rendered = true;
} else {
google.maps.event.trigger(this.mapObject, 'resize');
} else if (cache.googleControl.hasChildNodes()) {
* Method: getMapContainer
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} the GMap container's div
getMapContainer: function() {
return this.mapObject.getDiv();
// TRANSLATION: MapObject Bounds <-> OpenLayers.Bounds
* APIMethod: getMapObjectBoundsFromOLBounds
* Parameters:
* olBounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
* Returns:
* {Object} A MapObject Bounds, translated from olBounds
* Returns null if null value is passed in
getMapObjectBoundsFromOLBounds: function(olBounds) {
var moBounds = null;
if (olBounds != null) {
var sw = this.sphericalMercator ?
this.inverseMercator(olBounds.bottom, olBounds.left) :
new OpenLayers.LonLat(olBounds.bottom, olBounds.left);
var ne = this.sphericalMercator ?
this.inverseMercator(, olBounds.right) :
new OpenLayers.LonLat(, olBounds.right);
moBounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(
new google.maps.LatLng(, sw.lon),
new google.maps.LatLng(, ne.lon)
return moBounds;
* *
* MapObject Interface Controls *
* *
// LonLat - Pixel Translation
* APIMethod: getMapObjectLonLatFromMapObjectPixel
* Parameters:
* moPixel - {Object} MapObject Pixel format
* Returns:
* {Object} MapObject LonLat translated from MapObject Pixel
getMapObjectLonLatFromMapObjectPixel: function(moPixel) {
var size =;
var lon = this.getLongitudeFromMapObjectLonLat(;
var lat = this.getLatitudeFromMapObjectLonLat(;
var res =;
var delta_x = moPixel.x - (size.w / 2);
var delta_y = moPixel.y - (size.h / 2);
var lonlat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(
lon + delta_x * res,
lat - delta_y * res
if (this.wrapDateLine) {
lonlat = lonlat.wrapDateLine(this.maxExtent);
return this.getMapObjectLonLatFromLonLat(lonlat.lon,;
* APIMethod: getMapObjectPixelFromMapObjectLonLat
* Parameters:
* moLonLat - {Object} MapObject LonLat format
* Returns:
* {Object} MapObject Pixel transtlated from MapObject LonLat
getMapObjectPixelFromMapObjectLonLat: function(moLonLat) {
var lon = this.getLongitudeFromMapObjectLonLat(moLonLat);
var lat = this.getLatitudeFromMapObjectLonLat(moLonLat);
var res =;
var extent =;
return this.getMapObjectPixelFromXY((1/res * (lon - extent.left)),
(1/res * ( - lat)));
* APIMethod: setMapObjectCenter
* Set the mapObject to the specified center and zoom
* Parameters:
* center - {Object} MapObject LonLat format
* zoom - {int} MapObject zoom format
setMapObjectCenter: function(center, zoom) {
if (this.animationEnabled === false && zoom != this.mapObject.zoom) {
var mapContainer = this.getMapContainer();
function() { = "";
); = "hidden";
center: center,
zoom: zoom
// Bounds
* APIMethod: getMapObjectZoomFromMapObjectBounds
* Parameters:
* moBounds - {Object} MapObject Bounds format
* Returns:
* {Object} MapObject Zoom for specified MapObject Bounds
getMapObjectZoomFromMapObjectBounds: function(moBounds) {
return this.mapObject.getBoundsZoomLevel(moBounds);
* *
* MapObject Primitives *
* *
// LonLat
* APIMethod: getMapObjectLonLatFromLonLat
* Parameters:
* lon - {Float}
* lat - {Float}
* Returns:
* {Object} MapObject LonLat built from lon and lat params
getMapObjectLonLatFromLonLat: function(lon, lat) {
var gLatLng;
if(this.sphericalMercator) {
var lonlat = this.inverseMercator(lon, lat);
gLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(, lonlat.lon);
} else {
gLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lon);
return gLatLng;
// Pixel
* APIMethod: getMapObjectPixelFromXY
* Parameters:
* x - {Integer}
* y - {Integer}
* Returns:
* {Object} MapObject Pixel from x and y parameters
getMapObjectPixelFromXY: function(x, y) {
return new google.maps.Point(x, y);
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Events.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Request/XMLHttpRequest.js
* TODO: deprecate me
* Use OpenLayers.Request.proxy instead.
OpenLayers.ProxyHost = "";
* Namespace: OpenLayers.Request
* The OpenLayers.Request namespace contains convenience methods for working
* with XMLHttpRequests. These methods work with a cross-browser
* W3C compliant <OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest> class.
if (!OpenLayers.Request) {
* This allows for OpenLayers/Request/XMLHttpRequest.js to be included
* before or after this script.
OpenLayers.Request = {};
OpenLayers.Util.extend(OpenLayers.Request, {
* {Object} Default configuration for all requests.
method: "GET",
url: window.location.href,
async: true,
user: undefined,
password: undefined,
params: null,
proxy: OpenLayers.ProxyHost,
headers: {},
data: null,
callback: function() {},
success: null,
failure: null,
scope: null
URL_SPLIT_REGEX: /([^:]*:)\/\/([^:]*:?[^@]*@)?([^:\/\?]*):?([^\/\?]*)/,
* APIProperty: events
* {<OpenLayers.Events>} An events object that handles all
* events on the {<OpenLayers.Request>} object.
* All event listeners will receive an event object with three properties:
* request - {<OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest>} The request object.
* config - {Object} The config object sent to the specific request method.
* requestUrl - {String} The request url.
* Supported event types:
* complete - Triggered when we have a response from the request, if a
* listener returns false, no further response processing will take
* place.
* success - Triggered when the HTTP response has a success code (200-299).
* failure - Triggered when the HTTP response does not have a success code.
events: new OpenLayers.Events(this),
* Method: makeSameOrigin
* Using the specified proxy, returns a same origin url of the provided url.
* Parameters:
* url - {String} An arbitrary url
* proxy {String|Function} The proxy to use to make the provided url a
* same origin url.
* Returns
* {String} the same origin url. If no proxy is provided, the returned url
* will be the same as the provided url.
makeSameOrigin: function(url, proxy) {
var sameOrigin = url.indexOf("http") !== 0;
var urlParts = !sameOrigin && url.match(this.URL_SPLIT_REGEX);
if (urlParts) {
var location = window.location;
sameOrigin =
urlParts[1] == location.protocol &&
urlParts[3] == location.hostname;
var uPort = urlParts[4], lPort = location.port;
if (uPort != 80 && uPort != "" || lPort != "80" && lPort != "") {
sameOrigin = sameOrigin && uPort == lPort;
if (!sameOrigin) {
if (proxy) {
if (typeof proxy == "function") {
url = proxy(url);
} else {
url = proxy + encodeURIComponent(url);
return url;
* APIMethod: issue
* Create a new XMLHttpRequest object, open it, set any headers, bind
* a callback to done state, and send any data. It is recommended that
* you use one <GET>, <POST>, <PUT>, <DELETE>, <OPTIONS>, or <HEAD>.
* This method is only documented to provide detail on the configuration
* options available to all request methods.
* Parameters:
* config - {Object} Object containing properties for configuring the
* request. Allowed configuration properties are described below.
* This object is modified and should not be reused.
* Allowed config properties:
* method - {String} One of GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, or
* OPTIONS. Default is GET.
* url - {String} URL for the request.
* async - {Boolean} Open an asynchronous request. Default is true.
* user - {String} User for relevant authentication scheme. Set
* to null to clear current user.
* password - {String} Password for relevant authentication scheme.
* Set to null to clear current password.
* proxy - {String} Optional proxy. Defaults to
* <OpenLayers.ProxyHost>.
* params - {Object} Any key:value pairs to be appended to the
* url as a query string. Assumes url doesn't already include a query
* string or hash. Typically, this is only appropriate for <GET>
* requests where the query string will be appended to the url.
* Parameter values that are arrays will be
* concatenated with a comma (note that this goes against form-encoding)
* as is done with <OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString>.
* headers - {Object} Object with header:value pairs to be set on
* the request.
* data - {String | Document} Optional data to send with the request.
* Typically, this is only used with <POST> and <PUT> requests.
* Make sure to provide the appropriate "Content-Type" header for your
* data. For <POST> and <PUT> requests, the content type defaults to
* "application-xml". If your data is a different content type, or
* if you are using a different HTTP method, set the "Content-Type"
* header to match your data type.
* callback - {Function} Function to call when request is done.
* To determine if the request failed, check request.status (200
* indicates success).
* success - {Function} Optional function to call if request status is in
* the 200s. This will be called in addition to callback above and
* would typically only be used as an alternative.
* failure - {Function} Optional function to call if request status is not
* in the 200s. This will be called in addition to callback above and
* would typically only be used as an alternative.
* scope - {Object} If callback is a public method on some object,
* set the scope to that object.
* Returns:
* {XMLHttpRequest} Request object. To abort the request before a response
* is received, call abort() on the request object.
issue: function(config) {
// apply default config - proxy host may have changed
var defaultConfig = OpenLayers.Util.extend(
{proxy: OpenLayers.ProxyHost}
config = config || {};
config.headers = config.headers || {};
config = OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(config, defaultConfig);
config.headers = OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(config.headers, defaultConfig.headers);
// Always set the "X-Requested-With" header to signal that this request
// was issued through the XHR-object. Since header keys are case
// insensitive and we want to allow overriding of the "X-Requested-With"
// header through the user we cannot use applyDefaults, but have to
// check manually whether we were called with a "X-Requested-With"
// header.
var customRequestedWithHeader = false,
for(headerKey in config.headers) {
if (config.headers.hasOwnProperty( headerKey )) {
if (headerKey.toLowerCase() === 'x-requested-with') {
customRequestedWithHeader = true;
if (customRequestedWithHeader === false) {
// we did not have a custom "X-Requested-With" header
config.headers['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest';
// create request, open, and set headers
var request = new OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest();
var url = OpenLayers.Util.urlAppend(config.url,
OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString(config.params || {}));
url = OpenLayers.Request.makeSameOrigin(url, config.proxy);
config.method, url, config.async, config.user, config.password
for(var header in config.headers) {
request.setRequestHeader(header, config.headers[header]);
var events =;
// we want to execute runCallbacks with "this" as the
// execution scope
var self = this;
request.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(request.readyState == OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
var proceed = events.triggerEvent(
{request: request, config: config, requestUrl: url}
if(proceed !== false) {
{request: request, config: config, requestUrl: url}
// send request (optionally with data) and return
// call in a timeout for asynchronous requests so the return is
// available before readyState == 4 for cached docs
if(config.async === false) {
} else {
if (request.readyState !== 0) { // W3C: 0-UNSENT
}, 0);
return request;
* Method: runCallbacks
* Calls the complete, success and failure callbacks. Application
* can listen to the "complete" event, have the listener
* display a confirm window and always return false, and
* execute OpenLayers.Request.runCallbacks if the user
* hits "yes" in the confirm window.
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} Hash containing request, config and requestUrl keys
runCallbacks: function(options) {
var request = options.request;
var config = options.config;
// bind callbacks to readyState 4 (done)
var complete = (config.scope) ?
OpenLayers.Function.bind(config.callback, config.scope) :
// optional success callback
var success;
if(config.success) {
success = (config.scope) ?
OpenLayers.Function.bind(config.success, config.scope) :
// optional failure callback
var failure;
if(config.failure) {
failure = (config.scope) ?
OpenLayers.Function.bind(config.failure, config.scope) :
if (OpenLayers.Util.createUrlObject(config.url).protocol == "file:" &&
request.responseText) {
request.status = 200;
if (!request.status || (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 300)) {"success", options);
if(success) {
if(request.status && (request.status < 200 || request.status >= 300)) {"failure", options);
if(failure) {
* APIMethod: GET
* Send an HTTP GET request. Additional configuration properties are
* documented in the <issue> method, with the method property set
* to GET.
* Parameters:
* config - {Object} Object with properties for configuring the request.
* See the <issue> method for documentation of allowed properties.
* This object is modified and should not be reused.
* Returns:
* {XMLHttpRequest} Request object.
GET: function(config) {
config = OpenLayers.Util.extend(config, {method: "GET"});
return OpenLayers.Request.issue(config);
* APIMethod: POST
* Send a POST request. Additional configuration properties are
* documented in the <issue> method, with the method property set
* to POST and "Content-Type" header set to "application/xml".
* Parameters:
* config - {Object} Object with properties for configuring the request.
* See the <issue> method for documentation of allowed properties. The
* default "Content-Type" header will be set to "application-xml" if
* none is provided. This object is modified and should not be reused.
* Returns:
* {XMLHttpRequest} Request object.
POST: function(config) {
config = OpenLayers.Util.extend(config, {method: "POST"});
// set content type to application/xml if it isn't already set
config.headers = config.headers ? config.headers : {};
if(!("CONTENT-TYPE" in OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject(config.headers))) {
config.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/xml";
return OpenLayers.Request.issue(config);
* APIMethod: PUT
* Send an HTTP PUT request. Additional configuration properties are
* documented in the <issue> method, with the method property set
* to PUT and "Content-Type" header set to "application/xml".
* Parameters:
* config - {Object} Object with properties for configuring the request.
* See the <issue> method for documentation of allowed properties. The
* default "Content-Type" header will be set to "application-xml" if
* none is provided. This object is modified and should not be reused.
* Returns:
* {XMLHttpRequest} Request object.
PUT: function(config) {
config = OpenLayers.Util.extend(config, {method: "PUT"});
// set content type to application/xml if it isn't already set
config.headers = config.headers ? config.headers : {};
if(!("CONTENT-TYPE" in OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject(config.headers))) {
config.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/xml";
return OpenLayers.Request.issue(config);
* Send an HTTP DELETE request. Additional configuration properties are
* documented in the <issue> method, with the method property set
* to DELETE.
* Parameters:
* config - {Object} Object with properties for configuring the request.
* See the <issue> method for documentation of allowed properties.
* This object is modified and should not be reused.
* Returns:
* {XMLHttpRequest} Request object.
DELETE: function(config) {
config = OpenLayers.Util.extend(config, {method: "DELETE"});
return OpenLayers.Request.issue(config);
* APIMethod: HEAD
* Send an HTTP HEAD request. Additional configuration properties are
* documented in the <issue> method, with the method property set
* to HEAD.
* Parameters:
* config - {Object} Object with properties for configuring the request.
* See the <issue> method for documentation of allowed properties.
* This object is modified and should not be reused.
* Returns:
* {XMLHttpRequest} Request object.
HEAD: function(config) {
config = OpenLayers.Util.extend(config, {method: "HEAD"});
return OpenLayers.Request.issue(config);
* Send an HTTP OPTIONS request. Additional configuration properties are
* documented in the <issue> method, with the method property set
* Parameters:
* config - {Object} Object with properties for configuring the request.
* See the <issue> method for documentation of allowed properties.
* This object is modified and should not be reused.
* Returns:
* {XMLHttpRequest} Request object.
OPTIONS: function(config) {
config = OpenLayers.Util.extend(config, {method: "OPTIONS"});
return OpenLayers.Request.issue(config);
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
// XMLHttpRequest.js Copyright (C) 2010 Sergey Ilinsky (
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
* @requires OpenLayers/Request.js
(function () {
// Save reference to earlier defined object implementation (if any)
var oXMLHttpRequest = window.XMLHttpRequest;
// Define on browser type
var bGecko = !!window.controllers,
bIE = window.document.all && !window.opera,
bIE7 = bIE && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE 7.0/);
// Enables "XMLHttpRequest()" call next to "new XMLHttpReques()"
function fXMLHttpRequest() {
this._object = oXMLHttpRequest && !bIE7 ? new oXMLHttpRequest : new window.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
this._listeners = [];
// Constructor
function cXMLHttpRequest() {
return new fXMLHttpRequest;
cXMLHttpRequest.prototype = fXMLHttpRequest.prototype;
// BUGFIX: Firefox with Firebug installed would break pages if not executed
if (bGecko && oXMLHttpRequest.wrapped)
cXMLHttpRequest.wrapped = oXMLHttpRequest.wrapped;
// Constants
cXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT = 0;
cXMLHttpRequest.OPENED = 1;
cXMLHttpRequest.LOADING = 3;
cXMLHttpRequest.DONE = 4;
// Public Properties
cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.readyState = cXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT;
cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.responseText = '';
cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.responseXML = null;
cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.status = 0;
cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.statusText = '';
// Priority proposal
cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.priority = "NORMAL";
// Instance-level Events Handlers
cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.onreadystatechange = null;
// Class-level Events Handlers
cXMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = null;
cXMLHttpRequest.onopen = null;
cXMLHttpRequest.onsend = null;
cXMLHttpRequest.onabort = null;
// Public Methods = function(sMethod, sUrl, bAsync, sUser, sPassword) {
// Delete headers, required when object is reused
delete this._headers;
// When bAsync parameter value is omitted, use true as default
if (arguments.length < 3)
bAsync = true;
// Save async parameter for fixing Gecko bug with missing readystatechange in synchronous requests
this._async = bAsync;
// Set the onreadystatechange handler
var oRequest = this,
nState = this.readyState,
// BUGFIX: IE - memory leak on page unload (inter-page leak)
if (bIE && bAsync) {
fOnUnload = function() {
if (nState != cXMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
// Safe to abort here since onreadystatechange handler removed
window.attachEvent("onunload", fOnUnload);
// Add method sniffer
if (cXMLHttpRequest.onopen)
cXMLHttpRequest.onopen.apply(this, arguments);
if (arguments.length > 4), sUrl, bAsync, sUser, sPassword);
if (arguments.length > 3), sUrl, bAsync, sUser);
else, sUrl, bAsync);
this.readyState = cXMLHttpRequest.OPENED;
this._object.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (bGecko && !bAsync)
// Synchronize state
oRequest.readyState = oRequest._object.readyState;
// BUGFIX: Firefox fires unnecessary DONE when aborting
if (oRequest._aborted) {
// Reset readyState to UNSENT
oRequest.readyState = cXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT;
// Return now
if (oRequest.readyState == cXMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
// Free up queue
delete oRequest._data;
/* if (bAsync)
// Uncomment this block if you need a fix for IE cache
// BUGFIX: IE - cache issue
if (!oRequest._object.getResponseHeader("Date")) {
// Save object to cache
oRequest._cached = oRequest._object;
// Instantiate a new transport object;
// Re-send request
if (sUser) {
if (sPassword), sUrl, bAsync, sUser, sPassword);
else, sUrl, bAsync, sUser);
else, sUrl, bAsync);
oRequest._object.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", oRequest._cached.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified") || new window.Date(0));
// Copy headers set
if (oRequest._headers)
for (var sHeader in oRequest._headers)
if (typeof oRequest._headers[sHeader] == "string") // Some frameworks prototype objects with functions
oRequest._object.setRequestHeader(sHeader, oRequest._headers[sHeader]);
oRequest._object.onreadystatechange = function() {
// Synchronize state
oRequest.readyState = oRequest._object.readyState;
if (oRequest._aborted) {
oRequest.readyState = cXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT;
// Return
if (oRequest.readyState == cXMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
// Clean Object
// get cached request
if (oRequest.status == 304)
oRequest._object = oRequest._cached;
delete oRequest._cached;
// BUGFIX: IE - memory leak in interrupted
if (bIE && bAsync)
window.detachEvent("onunload", fOnUnload);
// Return now - wait until re-sent request is finished
// BUGFIX: IE - memory leak in interrupted
if (bIE && bAsync)
window.detachEvent("onunload", fOnUnload);
// BUGFIX: Some browsers (Internet Explorer, Gecko) fire OPEN readystate twice
if (nState != oRequest.readyState)
nState = oRequest.readyState;
function fXMLHttpRequest_send(oRequest) {
// BUGFIX: Gecko - missing readystatechange calls in synchronous requests
if (bGecko && !oRequest._async) {
oRequest.readyState = cXMLHttpRequest.OPENED;
// Synchronize state
// Simulate missing states
while (oRequest.readyState < cXMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
// Check if we are aborted
if (oRequest._aborted)
cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function(vData) {
// Add method sniffer
if (cXMLHttpRequest.onsend)
cXMLHttpRequest.onsend.apply(this, arguments);
if (!arguments.length)
vData = null;
// BUGFIX: Safari - fails sending documents created/modified dynamically, so an explicit serialization required
// BUGFIX: IE - rewrites any custom mime-type to "text/xml" in case an XMLNode is sent
// BUGFIX: Gecko - fails sending Element (this is up to the implementation either to standard)
if (vData && vData.nodeType) {
vData = window.XMLSerializer ? new window.XMLSerializer().serializeToString(vData) : vData.xml;
if (!this._headers["Content-Type"])
this._object.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml");
this._data = vData;
// Add to queue
if (this._async)
cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.abort = function() {
// Add method sniffer
if (cXMLHttpRequest.onabort)
cXMLHttpRequest.onabort.apply(this, arguments);
// BUGFIX: Gecko - unnecessary DONE when aborting
if (this.readyState > cXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT)
this._aborted = true;
// BUGFIX: IE - memory leak
this.readyState = cXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT;
delete this._data;
/* if (this._async)
cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.getAllResponseHeaders = function() {
return this._object.getAllResponseHeaders();
cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.getResponseHeader = function(sName) {
return this._object.getResponseHeader(sName);
cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.setRequestHeader = function(sName, sValue) {
// BUGFIX: IE - cache issue
if (!this._headers)
this._headers = {};
this._headers[sName] = sValue;
return this._object.setRequestHeader(sName, sValue);
// EventTarget interface implementation
cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.addEventListener = function(sName, fHandler, bUseCapture) {
for (var nIndex = 0, oListener; oListener = this._listeners[nIndex]; nIndex++)
if (oListener[0] == sName && oListener[1] == fHandler && oListener[2] == bUseCapture)
// Add listener
this._listeners.push([sName, fHandler, bUseCapture]);
cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.removeEventListener = function(sName, fHandler, bUseCapture) {
for (var nIndex = 0, oListener; oListener = this._listeners[nIndex]; nIndex++)
if (oListener[0] == sName && oListener[1] == fHandler && oListener[2] == bUseCapture)
// Remove listener
if (oListener)
this._listeners.splice(nIndex, 1);
cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(oEvent) {
var oEventPseudo = {
'type': oEvent.type,
'target': this,
'eventPhase': 2,
'bubbles': oEvent.bubbles,
'cancelable': oEvent.cancelable,
'timeStamp': oEvent.timeStamp,
'stopPropagation': function() {}, // There is no flow
'preventDefault': function() {}, // There is no default action
'initEvent': function() {} // Original event object should be initialized
// Execute onreadystatechange
if (oEventPseudo.type == "readystatechange" && this.onreadystatechange)
(this.onreadystatechange.handleEvent || this.onreadystatechange).apply(this, [oEventPseudo]);
// Execute listeners
for (var nIndex = 0, oListener; oListener = this._listeners[nIndex]; nIndex++)
if (oListener[0] == oEventPseudo.type && !oListener[2])
(oListener[1].handleEvent || oListener[1]).apply(this, [oEventPseudo]);
cXMLHttpRequest.prototype.toString = function() {
return '[' + "object" + ' ' + "XMLHttpRequest" + ']';
cXMLHttpRequest.toString = function() {
return '[' + "XMLHttpRequest" + ']';
// Helper function
function fReadyStateChange(oRequest) {
// Sniffing code
if (cXMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange)
// Fake event
'type': "readystatechange",
'bubbles': false,
'cancelable': false,
'timeStamp': new Date + 0
function fGetDocument(oRequest) {
var oDocument = oRequest.responseXML,
sResponse = oRequest.responseText;
// Try parsing responseText
if (bIE && sResponse && oDocument && !oDocument.documentElement && oRequest.getResponseHeader("Content-Type").match(/[^\/]+\/[^\+]+\+xml/)) {
oDocument = new window.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
oDocument.async = false;
oDocument.validateOnParse = false;
// Check if there is no error in document
if (oDocument)
if ((bIE && oDocument.parseError != 0) || !oDocument.documentElement || (oDocument.documentElement && oDocument.documentElement.tagName == "parsererror"))
return null;
return oDocument;
function fSynchronizeValues(oRequest) {
try { oRequest.responseText = oRequest._object.responseText; } catch (e) {}
try { oRequest.responseXML = fGetDocument(oRequest._object); } catch (e) {}
try { oRequest.status = oRequest._object.status; } catch (e) {}
try { oRequest.statusText = oRequest._object.statusText; } catch (e) {}
function fCleanTransport(oRequest) {
// BUGFIX: IE - memory leak (on-page leak)
oRequest._object.onreadystatechange = new window.Function;
// Queue manager
var oQueuePending = {"CRITICAL":[],"HIGH":[],"NORMAL":[],"LOW":[],"LOWEST":[]},
aQueueRunning = [];
function fQueue_add(oRequest) {
oQueuePending[oRequest.priority in oQueuePending ? oRequest.priority : "NORMAL"].push(oRequest);
function fQueue_remove(oRequest) {
for (var nIndex = 0, bFound = false; nIndex < aQueueRunning.length; nIndex++)
if (bFound)
aQueueRunning[nIndex - 1] = aQueueRunning[nIndex];
if (aQueueRunning[nIndex] == oRequest)
bFound = true;
if (bFound)
function fQueue_process() {
if (aQueueRunning.length < 6) {
for (var sPriority in oQueuePending) {
if (oQueuePending[sPriority].length) {
var oRequest = oQueuePending[sPriority][0];
oQueuePending[sPriority] = oQueuePending[sPriority].slice(1);
// Send request
// Internet Explorer 5.0 (missing apply)
if (!window.Function.prototype.apply) {
window.Function.prototype.apply = function(oRequest, oArguments) {
if (!oArguments)
oArguments = [];
oRequest.__func = this;
oRequest.__func(oArguments[0], oArguments[1], oArguments[2], oArguments[3], oArguments[4]);
delete oRequest.__func;
// Register new object with window
* Class: OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest
* Standard-compliant (W3C) cross-browser implementation of the
* XMLHttpRequest object. From
if (!OpenLayers.Request) {
* This allows for OpenLayers/Request.js to be included
* before or after this script.
OpenLayers.Request = {};
OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest = cXMLHttpRequest;
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Filter.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison
* This class represents a comparison filter.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Filter>
OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Filter, {
* APIProperty: type
* {String} type: type of the comparison. This is one of
* - OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.EQUAL_TO = "==";
* - OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.NOT_EQUAL_TO = "!=";
* - OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.LESS_THAN = "<";
* - OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.GREATER_THAN = ">";
* - OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO = "<=";
* - OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO = ">=";
* - OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.BETWEEN = "..";
* - OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.LIKE = "~";
* - OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.IS_NULL = "NULL";
type: null,
* APIProperty: property
* {String}
* name of the context property to compare
property: null,
* APIProperty: value
* {Number} or {String}
* comparison value for binary comparisons. In the case of a String, this
* can be a combination of text and propertyNames in the form
* "literal ${propertyName}"
value: null,
* Property: matchCase
* {Boolean} Force case sensitive searches for EQUAL_TO and NOT_EQUAL_TO
* comparisons. The Filter Encoding 1.1 specification added a matchCase
* attribute to ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo and ogc:PropertyIsNotEqualTo
* elements. This property will be serialized with those elements only
* if using the v1.1.0 filter format. However, when evaluating filters
* here, the matchCase property will always be respected (for EQUAL_TO
* and NOT_EQUAL_TO). Default is true.
matchCase: true,
* APIProperty: lowerBoundary
* {Number} or {String}
* lower boundary for between comparisons. In the case of a String, this
* can be a combination of text and propertyNames in the form
* "literal ${propertyName}"
lowerBoundary: null,
* APIProperty: upperBoundary
* {Number} or {String}
* upper boundary for between comparisons. In the case of a String, this
* can be a combination of text and propertyNames in the form
* "literal ${propertyName}"
upperBoundary: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison
* Creates a comparison rule.
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} An optional object with properties to set on the
* rule
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison>}
initialize: function(options) {
OpenLayers.Filter.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [options]);
// since matchCase on PropertyIsLike is not schema compliant, we only
// want to use this if explicitly asked for
if (this.type === OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.LIKE
&& options.matchCase === undefined) {
this.matchCase = null;
* APIMethod: evaluate
* Evaluates this filter in a specific context.
* Parameters:
* context - {Object} Context to use in evaluating the filter. If a vector
* feature is provided, the feature.attributes will be used as context.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The filter applies.
evaluate: function(context) {
if (context instanceof OpenLayers.Feature.Vector) {
context = context.attributes;
var result = false;
var got = context[];
var exp;
switch(this.type) {
case OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.EQUAL_TO:
exp = this.value;
if(!this.matchCase &&
typeof got == "string" && typeof exp == "string") {
result = (got.toUpperCase() == exp.toUpperCase());
} else {
result = (got == exp);
case OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.NOT_EQUAL_TO:
exp = this.value;
if(!this.matchCase &&
typeof got == "string" && typeof exp == "string") {
result = (got.toUpperCase() != exp.toUpperCase());
} else {
result = (got != exp);
case OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.LESS_THAN:
result = got < this.value;
case OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.GREATER_THAN:
result = got > this.value;
case OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO:
result = got <= this.value;
case OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO:
result = got >= this.value;
case OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.BETWEEN:
result = (got >= this.lowerBoundary) &&
(got <= this.upperBoundary);
case OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.LIKE:
var regexp = new RegExp(this.value, "gi");
result = regexp.test(got);
case OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.IS_NULL:
result = (got === null);
return result;
* APIMethod: value2regex
* Converts the value of this rule into a regular expression string,
* according to the wildcard characters specified. This method has to
* be called after instantiation of this class, if the value is not a
* regular expression already.
* Parameters:
* wildCard - {Char} wildcard character in the above value, default
* is "*"
* singleChar - {Char} single-character wildcard in the above value
* default is "."
* escapeChar - {Char} escape character in the above value, default is
* "!"
* Returns:
* {String} regular expression string
value2regex: function(wildCard, singleChar, escapeChar) {
if (wildCard == ".") {
throw new Error("'.' is an unsupported wildCard character for " +
// set UMN MapServer defaults for unspecified parameters
wildCard = wildCard ? wildCard : "*";
singleChar = singleChar ? singleChar : ".";
escapeChar = escapeChar ? escapeChar : "!";
this.value = this.value.replace(
new RegExp("\\"+escapeChar+"(.|$)", "g"), "\\$1");
this.value = this.value.replace(
new RegExp("\\"+singleChar, "g"), ".");
this.value = this.value.replace(
new RegExp("\\"+wildCard, "g"), ".*");
this.value = this.value.replace(
new RegExp("\\\\.\\*", "g"), "\\"+wildCard);
this.value = this.value.replace(
new RegExp("\\\\\\.", "g"), "\\"+singleChar);
return this.value;
* Method: regex2value
* Convert the value of this rule from a regular expression string into an
* ogc literal string using a wildCard of *, a singleChar of ., and an
* escape of !. Leaves the <value> property unmodified.
* Returns:
* {String} A string value.
regex2value: function() {
var value = this.value;
// replace ! with !!
value = value.replace(/!/g, "!!");
// replace \. with !. (watching out for \\.)
value = value.replace(/(\\)?\\\./g, function($0, $1) {
return $1 ? $0 : "!.";
// replace \* with #* (watching out for \\*)
value = value.replace(/(\\)?\\\*/g, function($0, $1) {
return $1 ? $0 : "!*";
// replace \\ with \
value = value.replace(/\\\\/g, "\\");
// convert .* to * (the sequence #.* is not allowed)
value = value.replace(/\.\*/g, "*");
return value;
* APIMethod: clone
* Clones this filter.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison>} Clone of this filter.
clone: function() {
return OpenLayers.Util.extend(new OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison(), this);
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison"
OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.EQUAL_TO = "==";
OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.NOT_EQUAL_TO = "!=";
OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.LESS_THAN = "<";
OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.GREATER_THAN = ">";
OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO = "<=";
OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO = ">=";
OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.BETWEEN = "..";
OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.LIKE = "~";
OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.IS_NULL = "NULL";
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Popup/Framed.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Util.js
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Bounds.js
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Pixel.js
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Size.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Popup.Framed>
OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud =
OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Popup.Framed, {
* Property: contentDisplayClass
* {String} The CSS class of the popup content div.
contentDisplayClass: "olFramedCloudPopupContent",
* APIProperty: autoSize
* {Boolean} Framed Cloud is autosizing by default.
autoSize: true,
* APIProperty: panMapIfOutOfView
* {Boolean} Framed Cloud does pan into view by default.
panMapIfOutOfView: true,
* APIProperty: imageSize
* {<OpenLayers.Size>}
imageSize: new OpenLayers.Size(1276, 736),
* APIProperty: isAlphaImage
* {Boolean} The FramedCloud does not use an alpha image (in honor of the
* good ie6 folk out there)
isAlphaImage: false,
* APIProperty: fixedRelativePosition
* {Boolean} The Framed Cloud popup works in just one fixed position.
fixedRelativePosition: false,
* Property: positionBlocks
* {Object} Hash of differen position blocks, keyed by relativePosition
* two-character code string (ie "tl", "tr", "bl", "br")
positionBlocks: {
"tl": {
'offset': new OpenLayers.Pixel(44, 0),
'padding': new OpenLayers.Bounds(8, 40, 8, 9),
'blocks': [
{ // top-left
size: new OpenLayers.Size('auto', 'auto'),
anchor: new OpenLayers.Bounds(0, 51, 22, 0),
position: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)
{ //top-right
size: new OpenLayers.Size(22, 'auto'),
anchor: new OpenLayers.Bounds(null, 50, 0, 0),
position: new OpenLayers.Pixel(-1238, 0)
{ //bottom-left
size: new OpenLayers.Size('auto', 19),
anchor: new OpenLayers.Bounds(0, 32, 22, null),
position: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, -631)
{ //bottom-right
size: new OpenLayers.Size(22, 18),
anchor: new OpenLayers.Bounds(null, 32, 0, null),
position: new OpenLayers.Pixel(-1238, -632)
{ // stem
size: new OpenLayers.Size(81, 35),
anchor: new OpenLayers.Bounds(null, 0, 0, null),
position: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, -688)
"tr": {
'offset': new OpenLayers.Pixel(-45, 0),
'padding': new OpenLayers.Bounds(8, 40, 8, 9),
'blocks': [
{ // top-left
size: new OpenLayers.Size('auto', 'auto'),
anchor: new OpenLayers.Bounds(0, 51, 22, 0),
position: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)
{ //top-right
size: new OpenLayers.Size(22, 'auto'),
anchor: new OpenLayers.Bounds(null, 50, 0, 0),
position: new OpenLayers.Pixel(-1238, 0)
{ //bottom-left
size: new OpenLayers.Size('auto', 19),
anchor: new OpenLayers.Bounds(0, 32, 22, null),
position: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, -631)
{ //bottom-right
size: new OpenLayers.Size(22, 19),
anchor: new OpenLayers.Bounds(null, 32, 0, null),
position: new OpenLayers.Pixel(-1238, -631)
{ // stem
size: new OpenLayers.Size(81, 35),
anchor: new OpenLayers.Bounds(0, 0, null, null),
position: new OpenLayers.Pixel(-215, -687)
"bl": {
'offset': new OpenLayers.Pixel(45, 0),
'padding': new OpenLayers.Bounds(8, 9, 8, 40),
'blocks': [
{ // top-left
size: new OpenLayers.Size('auto', 'auto'),
anchor: new OpenLayers.Bounds(0, 21, 22, 32),
position: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)
{ //top-right
size: new OpenLayers.Size(22, 'auto'),
anchor: new OpenLayers.Bounds(null, 21, 0, 32),
position: new OpenLayers.Pixel(-1238, 0)
{ //bottom-left
size: new OpenLayers.Size('auto', 21),
anchor: new OpenLayers.Bounds(0, 0, 22, null),
position: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, -629)
{ //bottom-right
size: new OpenLayers.Size(22, 21),
anchor: new OpenLayers.Bounds(null, 0, 0, null),
position: new OpenLayers.Pixel(-1238, -629)
{ // stem
size: new OpenLayers.Size(81, 33),
anchor: new OpenLayers.Bounds(null, null, 0, 0),
position: new OpenLayers.Pixel(-101, -674)
"br": {
'offset': new OpenLayers.Pixel(-44, 0),
'padding': new OpenLayers.Bounds(8, 9, 8, 40),
'blocks': [
{ // top-left
size: new OpenLayers.Size('auto', 'auto'),
anchor: new OpenLayers.Bounds(0, 21, 22, 32),
position: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)
{ //top-right
size: new OpenLayers.Size(22, 'auto'),
anchor: new OpenLayers.Bounds(null, 21, 0, 32),
position: new OpenLayers.Pixel(-1238, 0)
{ //bottom-left
size: new OpenLayers.Size('auto', 21),
anchor: new OpenLayers.Bounds(0, 0, 22, null),
position: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, -629)
{ //bottom-right
size: new OpenLayers.Size(22, 21),
anchor: new OpenLayers.Bounds(null, 0, 0, null),
position: new OpenLayers.Pixel(-1238, -629)
{ // stem
size: new OpenLayers.Size(81, 33),
anchor: new OpenLayers.Bounds(0, null, null, 0),
position: new OpenLayers.Pixel(-311, -674)
* APIProperty: minSize
* {<OpenLayers.Size>}
minSize: new OpenLayers.Size(105, 10),
* APIProperty: maxSize
* {<OpenLayers.Size>}
maxSize: new OpenLayers.Size(1200, 660),
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud
* Parameters:
* id - {String}
* lonlat - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}
* contentSize - {<OpenLayers.Size>}
* contentHTML - {String}
* anchor - {Object} Object to which we'll anchor the popup. Must expose
* a 'size' (<OpenLayers.Size>) and 'offset' (<OpenLayers.Pixel>)
* (Note that this is generally an <OpenLayers.Icon>).
* closeBox - {Boolean}
* closeBoxCallback - {Function} Function to be called on closeBox click.
initialize:function(id, lonlat, contentSize, contentHTML, anchor, closeBox,
closeBoxCallback) {
this.imageSrc = OpenLayers.Util.getImageLocation('cloud-popup-relative.png');
OpenLayers.Popup.Framed.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
this.contentDiv.className = this.contentDisplayClass;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Util.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Style.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Rule
* This class represents an SLD Rule, as being used for rule-based SLD styling.
OpenLayers.Rule = OpenLayers.Class({
* Property: id
* {String} A unique id for this session.
id: null,
* APIProperty: name
* {String} name of this rule
name: null,
* Property: title
* {String} Title of this rule (set if included in SLD)
title: null,
* Property: description
* {String} Description of this rule (set if abstract is included in SLD)
description: null,
* Property: context
* {Object} An optional object with properties that the rule should be
* evaluated against. If no context is specified, feature.attributes will
* be used.
context: null,
* Property: filter
* {<OpenLayers.Filter>} Optional filter for the rule.
filter: null,
* Property: elseFilter
* {Boolean} Determines whether this rule is only to be applied only if
* no other rules match (ElseFilter according to the SLD specification).
* Default is false. For instances of OpenLayers.Rule, if elseFilter is
* false, the rule will always apply. For subclasses, the else property is
* ignored.
elseFilter: false,
* Property: symbolizer
* {Object} Symbolizer or hash of symbolizers for this rule. If hash of
* symbolizers, keys are one or more of ["Point", "Line", "Polygon"]. The
* latter if useful if it is required to style e.g. vertices of a line
* with a point symbolizer. Note, however, that this is not implemented
* yet in OpenLayers, but it is the way how symbolizers are defined in
* SLD.
symbolizer: null,
* Property: symbolizers
* {Array} Collection of symbolizers associated with this rule. If
* provided at construction, the symbolizers array has precedence
* over the deprecated symbolizer property. Note that multiple
* symbolizers are not currently supported by the vector renderers.
* Rules with multiple symbolizers are currently only useful for
* maintaining elements in an SLD document.
symbolizers: null,
* APIProperty: minScaleDenominator
* {Number} or {String} minimum scale at which to draw the feature.
* In the case of a String, this can be a combination of text and
* propertyNames in the form "literal ${propertyName}"
minScaleDenominator: null,
* APIProperty: maxScaleDenominator
* {Number} or {String} maximum scale at which to draw the feature.
* In the case of a String, this can be a combination of text and
* propertyNames in the form "literal ${propertyName}"
maxScaleDenominator: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Rule
* Creates a Rule.
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} An optional object with properties to set on the
* rule
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Rule>}
initialize: function(options) {
this.symbolizer = {};
OpenLayers.Util.extend(this, options);
if (this.symbolizers) {
delete this.symbolizer;
} = OpenLayers.Util.createUniqueID(this.CLASS_NAME + "_");
* APIMethod: destroy
* nullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaks
destroy: function() {
for (var i in this.symbolizer) {
this.symbolizer[i] = null;
this.symbolizer = null;
delete this.symbolizers;
* APIMethod: evaluate
* evaluates this rule for a specific feature
* Parameters:
* feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature>} feature to apply the rule to.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} true if the rule applies, false if it does not.
* This rule is the default rule and always returns true.
evaluate: function(feature) {
var context = this.getContext(feature);
var applies = true;
if (this.minScaleDenominator || this.maxScaleDenominator) {
var scale =;
// check if within minScale/maxScale bounds
if (this.minScaleDenominator) {
applies = scale >= OpenLayers.Style.createLiteral(
this.minScaleDenominator, context);
if (applies && this.maxScaleDenominator) {
applies = scale < OpenLayers.Style.createLiteral(
this.maxScaleDenominator, context);
// check if optional filter applies
if(applies && this.filter) {
// feature id filters get the feature, others get the context
if(this.filter.CLASS_NAME == "OpenLayers.Filter.FeatureId") {
applies = this.filter.evaluate(feature);
} else {
applies = this.filter.evaluate(context);
return applies;
* Method: getContext
* Gets the context for evaluating this rule
* Paramters:
* feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature>} feature to take the context from if
* none is specified.
getContext: function(feature) {
var context = this.context;
if (!context) {
context = feature.attributes ||;
if (typeof this.context == "function") {
context = this.context(feature);
return context;
* APIMethod: clone
* Clones this rule.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Rule>} Clone of this rule.
clone: function() {
var options = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, this);
if (this.symbolizers) {
// clone symbolizers
var len = this.symbolizers.length;
options.symbolizers = new Array(len);
for (var i=0; i<len; ++i) {
options.symbolizers[i] = this.symbolizers[i].clone();
} else {
// clone symbolizer
options.symbolizer = {};
var value, type;
for(var key in this.symbolizer) {
value = this.symbolizer[key];
type = typeof value;
if(type === "object") {
options.symbolizer[key] = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, value);
} else if(type === "string") {
options.symbolizer[key] = value;
// clone filter
options.filter = this.filter && this.filter.clone();
// clone context
options.context = this.context && OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, this.context);
return new OpenLayers.Rule(options);
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Rule"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Renderer/Elements.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Renderer.VML
* Render vector features in browsers with VML capability. Construct a new
* VML renderer with the <OpenLayers.Renderer.VML> constructor.
* Note that for all calculations in this class, we use (num | 0) to truncate a
* float value to an integer. This is done because it seems that VML doesn't
* support float values.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Renderer.Elements>
OpenLayers.Renderer.VML = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Renderer.Elements, {
* Property: xmlns
* {String} XML Namespace URN
xmlns: "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml",
* Property: symbolCache
* {DOMElement} node holding symbols. This hash is keyed by symbol name,
* and each value is a hash with a "path" and an "extent" property.
symbolCache: {},
* Property: offset
* {Object} Hash with "x" and "y" properties
offset: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Renderer.VML
* Create a new VML renderer.
* Parameters:
* containerID - {String} The id for the element that contains the renderer
initialize: function(containerID) {
if (!this.supported()) {
if (!document.namespaces.olv) {
document.namespaces.add("olv", this.xmlns);
var style = document.createStyleSheet();
var shapes = ['shape','rect', 'oval', 'fill', 'stroke', 'imagedata', 'group','textbox'];
for (var i = 0, len = shapes.length; i < len; i++) {
style.addRule('olv\\:' + shapes[i], "behavior: url(#default#VML); " +
"position: absolute; display: inline-block;");
* APIMethod: supported
* Determine whether a browser supports this renderer.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The browser supports the VML renderer
supported: function() {
return !!(document.namespaces);
* Method: setExtent
* Set the renderer's extent
* Parameters:
* extent - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
* resolutionChanged - {Boolean}
* Returns:
* {Boolean} true to notify the layer that the new extent does not exceed
* the coordinate range, and the features will not need to be redrawn.
setExtent: function(extent, resolutionChanged) {
var coordSysUnchanged = OpenLayers.Renderer.Elements.prototype.setExtent.apply(this, arguments);
var resolution = this.getResolution();
var left = (extent.left/resolution) | 0;
var top = ( - this.size.h) | 0;
if (resolutionChanged || !this.offset) {
this.offset = {x: left, y: top};
left = 0;
top = 0;
} else {
left = left - this.offset.x;
top = top - this.offset.y;
var org = (left - this.xOffset) + " " + top;
this.root.coordorigin = org;
var roots = [this.root, this.vectorRoot, this.textRoot];
var root;
for(var i=0, len=roots.length; i<len; ++i) {
root = roots[i];
var size = this.size.w + " " + this.size.h;
root.coordsize = size;
// flip the VML display Y axis upside down so it
// matches the display Y axis of the map = "y";
return coordSysUnchanged;
* Method: setSize
* Set the size of the drawing surface
* Parameters:
* size - {<OpenLayers.Size>} the size of the drawing surface
setSize: function(size) {
OpenLayers.Renderer.prototype.setSize.apply(this, arguments);
// setting width and height on all roots to avoid flicker which we
// would get with 100% width and height on child roots
var roots = [
var w = this.size.w + "px";
var h = this.size.h + "px";
var root;
for(var i=0, len=roots.length; i<len; ++i) {
root = roots[i]; = w; = h;
* Method: getNodeType
* Get the node type for a geometry and style
* Parameters:
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* style - {Object}
* Returns:
* {String} The corresponding node type for the specified geometry
getNodeType: function(geometry, style) {
var nodeType = null;
switch (geometry.CLASS_NAME) {
case "OpenLayers.Geometry.Point":
if (style.externalGraphic) {
nodeType = "olv:rect";
} else if (this.isComplexSymbol(style.graphicName)) {
nodeType = "olv:shape";
} else {
nodeType = "olv:oval";
case "OpenLayers.Geometry.Rectangle":
nodeType = "olv:rect";
case "OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString":
case "OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing":
case "OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon":
case "OpenLayers.Geometry.Curve":
nodeType = "olv:shape";
return nodeType;
* Method: setStyle
* Use to set all the style attributes to a VML node.
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement} An VML element to decorate
* style - {Object}
* options - {Object} Currently supported options include
* 'isFilled' {Boolean} and
* 'isStroked' {Boolean}
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
setStyle: function(node, style, options, geometry) {
style = style || node._style;
options = options || node._options;
var fillColor = style.fillColor;
var title = style.title || style.graphicTitle;
if (title) {
node.title = title;
if (node._geometryClass === "OpenLayers.Geometry.Point") {
if (style.externalGraphic) {
options.isFilled = true;
var width = style.graphicWidth || style.graphicHeight;
var height = style.graphicHeight || style.graphicWidth;
width = width ? width : style.pointRadius*2;
height = height ? height : style.pointRadius*2;
var resolution = this.getResolution();
var xOffset = (style.graphicXOffset != undefined) ?
style.graphicXOffset : -(0.5 * width);
var yOffset = (style.graphicYOffset != undefined) ?
style.graphicYOffset : -(0.5 * height); = ((((geometry.x - this.featureDx)/resolution - this.offset.x)+xOffset) | 0) + "px"; = (((geometry.y/resolution - this.offset.y)-(yOffset+height)) | 0) + "px"; = width + "px"; = height + "px"; = "y";
// modify fillColor and options for stroke styling below
fillColor = "none";
options.isStroked = false;
} else if (this.isComplexSymbol(style.graphicName)) {
var cache = this.importSymbol(style.graphicName);
node.path = cache.path;
node.coordorigin = cache.left + "," + cache.bottom;
var size = cache.size;
node.coordsize = size + "," + size;
this.drawCircle(node, geometry, style.pointRadius); = "y";
} else {
this.drawCircle(node, geometry, style.pointRadius);
// fill
if (options.isFilled) {
node.fillcolor = fillColor;
} else {
node.filled = "false";
var fills = node.getElementsByTagName("fill");
var fill = (fills.length == 0) ? null : fills[0];
if (!options.isFilled) {
if (fill) {
} else {
if (!fill) {
fill = this.createNode('olv:fill', + "_fill");
fill.opacity = style.fillOpacity;
if (node._geometryClass === "OpenLayers.Geometry.Point" &&
style.externalGraphic) {
// override fillOpacity
if (style.graphicOpacity) {
fill.opacity = style.graphicOpacity;
fill.src = style.externalGraphic;
fill.type = "frame";
if (!(style.graphicWidth && style.graphicHeight)) {
fill.aspect = "atmost";
if (fill.parentNode != node) {
// additional rendering for rotated graphics or symbols
var rotation = style.rotation;
if ((rotation !== undefined || node._rotation !== undefined)) {
node._rotation = rotation;
if (style.externalGraphic) {
this.graphicRotate(node, xOffset, yOffset, style);
// make the fill fully transparent, because we now have
// the graphic as imagedata element. We cannot just remove
// the fill, because this is part of the hack described
// in graphicRotate
fill.opacity = 0;
} else if(node._geometryClass === "OpenLayers.Geometry.Point") { = rotation || 0;
// stroke
var strokes = node.getElementsByTagName("stroke");
var stroke = (strokes.length == 0) ? null : strokes[0];
if (!options.isStroked) {
node.stroked = false;
if (stroke) {
stroke.on = false;
} else {
if (!stroke) {
stroke = this.createNode('olv:stroke', + "_stroke");
stroke.on = true;
stroke.color = style.strokeColor;
stroke.weight = style.strokeWidth + "px";
stroke.opacity = style.strokeOpacity;
stroke.endcap = style.strokeLinecap == 'butt' ? 'flat' :
(style.strokeLinecap || 'round');
if (style.strokeDashstyle) {
stroke.dashstyle = this.dashStyle(style);
if (style.cursor != "inherit" && style.cursor != null) { = style.cursor;
return node;
* Method: graphicRotate
* If a point is to be styled with externalGraphic and rotation, VML fills
* cannot be used to display the graphic, because rotation of graphic
* fills is not supported by the VML implementation of Internet Explorer.
* This method creates a olv:imagedata element inside the VML node,
* DXImageTransform.Matrix and BasicImage filters for rotation and
* opacity, and a 3-step hack to remove rendering artefacts from the
* graphic and preserve the ability of graphics to trigger events.
* Finally, OpenLayers methods are used to determine the correct
* insertion point of the rotated image, because DXImageTransform.Matrix
* does the rotation without the ability to specify a rotation center
* point.
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
* xOffset - {Number} rotation center relative to image, x coordinate
* yOffset - {Number} rotation center relative to image, y coordinate
* style - {Object}
graphicRotate: function(node, xOffset, yOffset, style) {
var style = style || node._style;
var rotation = style.rotation || 0;
var aspectRatio, size;
if (!(style.graphicWidth && style.graphicHeight)) {
// load the image to determine its size
var img = new Image();
img.onreadystatechange = OpenLayers.Function.bind(function() {
if(img.readyState == "complete" ||
img.readyState == "interactive") {
aspectRatio = img.width / img.height;
size = Math.max(style.pointRadius * 2,
style.graphicWidth || 0,
style.graphicHeight || 0);
xOffset = xOffset * aspectRatio;
style.graphicWidth = size * aspectRatio;
style.graphicHeight = size;
this.graphicRotate(node, xOffset, yOffset, style);
}, this);
img.src = style.externalGraphic;
// will be called again by the onreadystate handler
} else {
size = Math.max(style.graphicWidth, style.graphicHeight);
aspectRatio = style.graphicWidth / style.graphicHeight;
var width = Math.round(style.graphicWidth || size * aspectRatio);
var height = Math.round(style.graphicHeight || size); = width + "px"; = height + "px";
// Three steps are required to remove artefacts for images with
// transparent backgrounds (resulting from using DXImageTransform
// filters on svg objects), while preserving awareness for browser
// events on images:
// - Use the fill as usual (like for unrotated images) to handle
// events
// - specify an imagedata element with the same src as the fill
// - style the imagedata element with an AlphaImageLoader filter
// with empty src
var image = document.getElementById( + "_image");
if (!image) {
image = this.createNode("olv:imagedata", + "_image");
} = width + "px"; = height + "px";
image.src = style.externalGraphic; =
"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(" +
"src='', sizingMethod='scale')";
var rot = rotation * Math.PI / 180;
var sintheta = Math.sin(rot);
var costheta = Math.cos(rot);
// do the rotation on the image
var filter =
"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=" + costheta +
",M12=" + (-sintheta) + ",M21=" + sintheta + ",M22=" + costheta +
",SizingMethod='auto expand')\n";
// set the opacity (needed for the imagedata)
var opacity = style.graphicOpacity || style.fillOpacity;
if (opacity && opacity != 1) {
filter +=
"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(opacity=" +
} = filter;
// do the rotation again on a box, so we know the insertion point
var centerPoint = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-xOffset, -yOffset);
var imgBox = new OpenLayers.Bounds(0, 0, width, height).toGeometry();
imgBox.rotate(style.rotation, centerPoint);
var imgBounds = imgBox.getBounds(); = Math.round(
parseInt( + imgBounds.left) + "px"; = Math.round(
parseInt( - imgBounds.bottom) + "px";
* Method: postDraw
* Does some node postprocessing to work around browser issues:
* - Some versions of Internet Explorer seem to be unable to set fillcolor
* and strokecolor to "none" correctly before the fill node is appended
* to a visible vml node. This method takes care of that and sets
* fillcolor and strokecolor again if needed.
* - In some cases, a node won't become visible after being drawn. Setting
* style.visibility to "visible" works around that.
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
postDraw: function(node) { = "visible";
var fillColor = node._style.fillColor;
var strokeColor = node._style.strokeColor;
if (fillColor == "none" &&
node.fillcolor != fillColor) {
node.fillcolor = fillColor;
if (strokeColor == "none" &&
node.strokecolor != strokeColor) {
node.strokecolor = strokeColor;
* Method: setNodeDimension
* Get the geometry's bounds, convert it to our vml coordinate system,
* then set the node's position, size, and local coordinate system.
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
setNodeDimension: function(node, geometry) {
var bbox = geometry.getBounds();
if(bbox) {
var resolution = this.getResolution();
var scaledBox =
new OpenLayers.Bounds(((bbox.left - this.featureDx)/resolution - this.offset.x) | 0,
(bbox.bottom/resolution - this.offset.y) | 0,
((bbox.right - this.featureDx)/resolution - this.offset.x) | 0,
( - this.offset.y) | 0);
// Set the internal coordinate system to draw the path = scaledBox.left + "px"; = + "px"; = scaledBox.getWidth() + "px"; = scaledBox.getHeight() + "px";
node.coordorigin = scaledBox.left + " " +;
node.coordsize = scaledBox.getWidth()+ " " + scaledBox.getHeight();
* Method: dashStyle
* Parameters:
* style - {Object}
* Returns:
* {String} A VML compliant 'stroke-dasharray' value
dashStyle: function(style) {
var dash = style.strokeDashstyle;
switch (dash) {
case 'solid':
case 'dot':
case 'dash':
case 'dashdot':
case 'longdash':
case 'longdashdot':
return dash;
// very basic guessing of dash style patterns
var parts = dash.split(/[ ,]/);
if (parts.length == 2) {
if (1*parts[0] >= 2*parts[1]) {
return "longdash";
return (parts[0] == 1 || parts[1] == 1) ? "dot" : "dash";
} else if (parts.length == 4) {
return (1*parts[0] >= 2*parts[1]) ? "longdashdot" :
return "solid";
* Method: createNode
* Create a new node
* Parameters:
* type - {String} Kind of node to draw
* id - {String} Id for node
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} A new node of the given type and id
createNode: function(type, id) {
var node = document.createElement(type);
if (id) { = id;
// IE hack to make elements unselectable, to prevent 'blue flash'
// while dragging vectors; #1410
node.unselectable = 'on';
node.onselectstart = OpenLayers.Function.False;
return node;
* Method: nodeTypeCompare
* Determine whether a node is of a given type
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement} An VML element
* type - {String} Kind of node
* Returns:
* {Boolean} Whether or not the specified node is of the specified type
nodeTypeCompare: function(node, type) {
//split type
var subType = type;
var splitIndex = subType.indexOf(":");
if (splitIndex != -1) {
subType = subType.substr(splitIndex+1);
//split nodeName
var nodeName = node.nodeName;
splitIndex = nodeName.indexOf(":");
if (splitIndex != -1) {
nodeName = nodeName.substr(splitIndex+1);
return (subType == nodeName);
* Method: createRenderRoot
* Create the renderer root
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} The specific render engine's root element
createRenderRoot: function() {
return this.nodeFactory( + "_vmlRoot", "div");
* Method: createRoot
* Create the main root element
* Parameters:
* suffix - {String} suffix to append to the id
* Returns:
* {DOMElement}
createRoot: function(suffix) {
return this.nodeFactory( + suffix, "olv:group");
* *
* *
* Method: drawPoint
* Render a point
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} or false if the point could not be drawn
drawPoint: function(node, geometry) {
return this.drawCircle(node, geometry, 1);
* Method: drawCircle
* Render a circle.
* Size and Center a circle given geometry (x,y center) and radius
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* radius - {float}
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} or false if the circle could not ne drawn
drawCircle: function(node, geometry, radius) {
if(!isNaN(geometry.x)&& !isNaN(geometry.y)) {
var resolution = this.getResolution(); = ((((geometry.x - this.featureDx) /resolution - this.offset.x) | 0) - radius) + "px"; = (((geometry.y /resolution - this.offset.y) | 0) - radius) + "px";
var diameter = radius * 2; = diameter + "px"; = diameter + "px";
return node;
return false;
* Method: drawLineString
* Render a linestring.
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* Returns:
* {DOMElement}
drawLineString: function(node, geometry) {
return this.drawLine(node, geometry, false);
* Method: drawLinearRing
* Render a linearring
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* Returns:
* {DOMElement}
drawLinearRing: function(node, geometry) {
return this.drawLine(node, geometry, true);
* Method: DrawLine
* Render a line.
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* closeLine - {Boolean} Close the line? (make it a ring?)
* Returns:
* {DOMElement}
drawLine: function(node, geometry, closeLine) {
this.setNodeDimension(node, geometry);
var resolution = this.getResolution();
var numComponents = geometry.components.length;
var parts = new Array(numComponents);
var comp, x, y;
for (var i = 0; i < numComponents; i++) {
comp = geometry.components[i];
x = ((comp.x - this.featureDx)/resolution - this.offset.x) | 0;
y = (comp.y/resolution - this.offset.y) | 0;
parts[i] = " " + x + "," + y + " l ";
var end = (closeLine) ? " x e" : " e";
node.path = "m" + parts.join("") + end;
return node;
* Method: drawPolygon
* Render a polygon
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* Returns:
* {DOMElement}
drawPolygon: function(node, geometry) {
this.setNodeDimension(node, geometry);
var resolution = this.getResolution();
var path = [];
var j, jj, points, area, first, second, i, ii, comp, pathComp, x, y;
for (j=0, jj=geometry.components.length; j<jj; j++) {
points = geometry.components[j].components;
// we only close paths of interior rings with area
area = (j === 0);
first = null;
second = null;
for (i=0, ii=points.length; i<ii; i++) {
comp = points[i];
x = ((comp.x - this.featureDx) / resolution - this.offset.x) | 0;
y = (comp.y / resolution - this.offset.y) | 0;
pathComp = " " + x + "," + y;
if (i==0) {
path.push(" l");
if (!area) {
// IE improperly renders sub-paths that have no area.
// Instead of checking the area of every ring, we confirm
// the ring has at least three distinct points. This does
// not catch all non-zero area cases, but it greatly improves
// interior ring digitizing and is a minor performance hit
// when rendering rings with many points.
if (!first) {
first = pathComp;
} else if (first != pathComp) {
if (!second) {
second = pathComp;
} else if (second != pathComp) {
// stop looking
area = true;
path.push(area ? " x " : " ");
node.path = path.join("");
return node;
* Method: drawRectangle
* Render a rectangle
* Parameters:
* node - {DOMElement}
* geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>}
* Returns:
* {DOMElement}
drawRectangle: function(node, geometry) {
var resolution = this.getResolution(); = (((geometry.x - this.featureDx)/resolution - this.offset.x) | 0) + "px"; = ((geometry.y/resolution - this.offset.y) | 0) + "px"; = ((geometry.width/resolution) | 0) + "px"; = ((geometry.height/resolution) | 0) + "px";
return node;
* Method: drawText
* This method is only called by the renderer itself.
* Parameters:
* featureId - {String}
* style -
* location - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>}
drawText: function(featureId, style, location) {
var label = this.nodeFactory(featureId + this.LABEL_ID_SUFFIX, "olv:rect");
var textbox = this.nodeFactory(featureId + this.LABEL_ID_SUFFIX + "_textbox", "olv:textbox");
var resolution = this.getResolution(); = (((location.x - this.featureDx)/resolution - this.offset.x) | 0) + "px"; = ((location.y/resolution - this.offset.y) | 0) + "px"; = "y";
textbox.innerText = style.label;
if (style.cursor != "inherit" && style.cursor != null) { = style.cursor;
if (style.fontColor) { = style.fontColor;
if (style.fontOpacity) { = 'alpha(opacity=' + (style.fontOpacity * 100) + ')';
if (style.fontFamily) { = style.fontFamily;
if (style.fontSize) { = style.fontSize;
if (style.fontWeight) { = style.fontWeight;
if (style.fontStyle) { = style.fontStyle;
if(style.labelSelect === true) {
label._featureId = featureId;
textbox._featureId = featureId;
textbox._geometry = location;
textbox._geometryClass = location.CLASS_NAME;
} = "nowrap";
// fun with IE: IE7 in standards compliant mode does not display any
// text with a left inset of 0. So we set this to 1px and subtract one
// pixel later when we set
textbox.inset = "1px,0px,0px,0px";
if(!label.parentNode) {
var align = style.labelAlign || "cm";
if (align.length == 1) {
align += "m";
var xshift = textbox.clientWidth *
var yshift = textbox.clientHeight *
(OpenLayers.Renderer.VML.LABEL_SHIFT[align.substr(1,1)]); = parseInt("px"; = parseInt("px";
* Method: moveRoot
* moves this renderer's root to a different renderer.
* Parameters:
* renderer - {<OpenLayers.Renderer>} target renderer for the moved root
* root - {DOMElement} optional root node. To be used when this renderer
* holds roots from multiple layers to tell this method which one to
* detach
* Returns:
* {Boolean} true if successful, false otherwise
moveRoot: function(renderer) {
var layer =;
if(layer instanceof OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.RootContainer) {
layer =;
layer && layer.renderer.clear();
OpenLayers.Renderer.Elements.prototype.moveRoot.apply(this, arguments);
layer && layer.redraw();
* Method: importSymbol
* add a new symbol definition from the rendererer's symbol hash
* Parameters:
* graphicName - {String} name of the symbol to import
* Returns:
* {Object} - hash of {DOMElement} "symbol" and {Number} "size"
importSymbol: function (graphicName) {
var id = + "-" + graphicName;
// check if symbol already exists in the cache
var cache = this.symbolCache[id];
if (cache) {
return cache;
var symbol = OpenLayers.Renderer.symbol[graphicName];
if (!symbol) {
throw new Error(graphicName + ' is not a valid symbol name');
var symbolExtent = new OpenLayers.Bounds(
Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0, 0);
var pathitems = ["m"];
for (var i=0; i<symbol.length; i=i+2) {
var x = symbol[i];
var y = symbol[i+1];
symbolExtent.left = Math.min(symbolExtent.left, x);
symbolExtent.bottom = Math.min(symbolExtent.bottom, y);
symbolExtent.right = Math.max(symbolExtent.right, x); = Math.max(, y);
if (i == 0) {
pathitems.push("x e");
var path = pathitems.join(" ");
var diff = (symbolExtent.getWidth() - symbolExtent.getHeight()) / 2;
if(diff > 0) {
symbolExtent.bottom = symbolExtent.bottom - diff; = + diff;
} else {
symbolExtent.left = symbolExtent.left + diff;
symbolExtent.right = symbolExtent.right - diff;
cache = {
path: path,
size: symbolExtent.getWidth(), // equals getHeight() now
left: symbolExtent.left,
bottom: symbolExtent.bottom
this.symbolCache[id] = cache;
return cache;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Renderer.VML"
* Constant: OpenLayers.Renderer.VML.LABEL_SHIFT
* {Object}
OpenLayers.Renderer.VML.LABEL_SHIFT = {
"l": 0,
"c": .5,
"r": 1,
"t": 0,
"m": .5,
"b": 1
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Protocol
* Abstract vector layer protocol class. Not to be instantiated directly. Use
* one of the protocol subclasses instead.
OpenLayers.Protocol = OpenLayers.Class({
* Property: format
* {<OpenLayers.Format>} The format used by this protocol.
format: null,
* Property: options
* {Object} Any options sent to the constructor.
options: null,
* Property: autoDestroy
* {Boolean} The creator of the protocol can set autoDestroy to false
* to fully control when the protocol is destroyed. Defaults to
* true.
autoDestroy: true,
* Property: defaultFilter
* {<OpenLayers.Filter>} Optional default filter to read requests
defaultFilter: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Protocol
* Abstract class for vector protocols. Create instances of a subclass.
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} Optional object whose properties will be set on the
* instance.
initialize: function(options) {
options = options || {};
OpenLayers.Util.extend(this, options);
this.options = options;
* Method: mergeWithDefaultFilter
* Merge filter passed to the read method with the default one
* Parameters:
* filter - {<OpenLayers.Filter>}
mergeWithDefaultFilter: function(filter) {
var merged;
if (filter && this.defaultFilter) {
merged = new OpenLayers.Filter.Logical({
type: OpenLayers.Filter.Logical.AND,
filters: [this.defaultFilter, filter]
} else {
merged = filter || this.defaultFilter || undefined;
return merged;
* APIMethod: destroy
* Clean up the protocol.
destroy: function() {
this.options = null;
this.format = null;
* APIMethod: read
* Construct a request for reading new features.
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} Optional object for configuring the request.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>} An <OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>
* object, the same object will be passed to the callback function passed
* if one exists in the options object.
read: function(options) {
options = options || {};
options.filter = this.mergeWithDefaultFilter(options.filter);
* APIMethod: create
* Construct a request for writing newly created features.
* Parameters:
* features - {Array({<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>})} or
* {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
* options - {Object} Optional object for configuring the request.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>} An <OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>
* object, the same object will be passed to the callback function passed
* if one exists in the options object.
create: function() {
* APIMethod: update
* Construct a request updating modified features.
* Parameters:
* features - {Array({<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>})} or
* {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
* options - {Object} Optional object for configuring the request.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>} An <OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>
* object, the same object will be passed to the callback function passed
* if one exists in the options object.
update: function() {
* APIMethod: delete
* Construct a request deleting a removed feature.
* Parameters:
* feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
* options - {Object} Optional object for configuring the request.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>} An <OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>
* object, the same object will be passed to the callback function passed
* if one exists in the options object.
"delete": function() {
* APIMethod: commit
* Go over the features and for each take action
* based on the feature state. Possible actions are create,
* update and delete.
* Parameters:
* features - {Array({<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>})}
* options - {Object} Object whose possible keys are "create", "update",
* "delete", "callback" and "scope", the values referenced by the
* first three are objects as passed to the "create", "update", and
* "delete" methods, the value referenced by the "callback" key is
* a function which is called when the commit operation is complete
* using the scope referenced by the "scope" key.
* Returns:
* {Array({<OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>})} An array of
* <OpenLayers.Protocol.Response> objects.
commit: function() {
* Method: abort
* Abort an ongoing request.
* Parameters:
* response - {<OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>}
abort: function(response) {
* Method: createCallback
* Returns a function that applies the given public method with resp and
* options arguments.
* Parameters:
* method - {Function} The method to be applied by the callback.
* response - {<OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>} The protocol response object.
* options - {Object} Options sent to the protocol method
createCallback: function(method, response, options) {
return OpenLayers.Function.bind(function() {
method.apply(this, [response, options]);
}, this);
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Protocol"
* Class: OpenLayers.Protocol.Response
* Protocols return Response objects to their users.
OpenLayers.Protocol.Response = OpenLayers.Class({
* Property: code
* {Number} - OpenLayers.Protocol.Response.SUCCESS or
* OpenLayers.Protocol.Response.FAILURE
code: null,
* Property: requestType
* {String} The type of request this response corresponds to. Either
* "create", "read", "update" or "delete".
requestType: null,
* Property: last
* {Boolean} - true if this is the last response expected in a commit,
* false otherwise, defaults to true.
last: true,
* Property: features
* {Array({<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>})} or {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
* The features returned in the response by the server. Depending on the
* protocol's read payload, either features or data will be populated.
features: null,
* Property: data
* {Object}
* The data returned in the response by the server. Depending on the
* protocol's read payload, either features or data will be populated.
data: null,
* Property: reqFeatures
* {Array({<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>})} or {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
* The features provided by the user and placed in the request by the
* protocol.
reqFeatures: null,
* Property: priv
priv: null,
* Property: error
* {Object} The error object in case a service exception was encountered.
error: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Protocol.Response
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} Optional object whose properties will be set on the
* instance.
initialize: function(options) {
OpenLayers.Util.extend(this, options);
* Method: success
* Returns:
* {Boolean} - true on success, false otherwise
success: function() {
return this.code > 0;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Protocol.Response"
OpenLayers.Protocol.Response.SUCCESS = 1;
OpenLayers.Protocol.Response.FAILURE = 0;
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Protocol.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Request/XMLHttpRequest.js
* if application uses the query string, for example, for BBOX parameters,
* OpenLayers/Format/QueryStringFilter.js should be included in the build config file
* Class: OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP
* A basic HTTP protocol for vector layers. Create a new instance with the
* <OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP> constructor.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Protocol>
OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Protocol, {
* Property: url
* {String} Service URL, read-only, set through the options
* passed to constructor.
url: null,
* Property: headers
* {Object} HTTP request headers, read-only, set through the options
* passed to the constructor,
* Example: {'Content-Type': 'plain/text'}
headers: null,
* Property: params
* {Object} Parameters of GET requests, read-only, set through the options
* passed to the constructor,
* Example: {'bbox': '5,5,5,5'}
params: null,
* Property: callback
* {Object} Function to be called when the <read>, <create>,
* <update>, <delete> or <commit> operation completes, read-only,
* set through the options passed to the constructor.
callback: null,
* Property: scope
* {Object} Callback execution scope, read-only, set through the
* options passed to the constructor.
scope: null,
* APIProperty: readWithPOST
* {Boolean} true if read operations are done with POST requests
* instead of GET, defaults to false.
readWithPOST: false,
* APIProperty: updateWithPOST
* {Boolean} true if update operations are done with POST requests
* defaults to false.
updateWithPOST: false,
* APIProperty: deleteWithPOST
* {Boolean} true if delete operations are done with POST requests
* defaults to false.
* if true, POST data is set to output of format.write().
deleteWithPOST: false,
* Property: wildcarded.
* {Boolean} If true percent signs are added around values
* read from LIKE filters, for example if the protocol
* read method is passed a LIKE filter whose property
* is "foo" and whose value is "bar" the string
* "foo__ilike=%bar%" will be sent in the query string;
* defaults to false.
wildcarded: false,
* APIProperty: srsInBBOX
* {Boolean} Include the SRS identifier in BBOX query string parameter.
* Default is false. If true and the layer has a projection object set,
* any BBOX filter will be serialized with a fifth item identifying the
* projection. E.g. bbox=-1000,-1000,1000,1000,EPSG:900913
srsInBBOX: false,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP
* A class for giving layers generic HTTP protocol.
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} Optional object whose properties will be set on the
* instance.
* Valid options include:
* url - {String}
* headers - {Object}
* params - {Object} URL parameters for GET requests
* format - {<OpenLayers.Format>}
* callback - {Function}
* scope - {Object}
initialize: function(options) {
options = options || {};
this.params = {};
this.headers = {};
OpenLayers.Protocol.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
if (!this.filterToParams && OpenLayers.Format.QueryStringFilter) {
var format = new OpenLayers.Format.QueryStringFilter({
wildcarded: this.wildcarded,
srsInBBOX: this.srsInBBOX
this.filterToParams = function(filter, params) {
return format.write(filter, params);
* APIMethod: destroy
* Clean up the protocol.
destroy: function() {
this.params = null;
this.headers = null;
* APIMethod: filterToParams
* Optional method to translate an <OpenLayers.Filter> object into an object
* that can be serialized as request query string provided. If a custom
* method is not provided, the filter will be serialized using the
* <OpenLayers.Format.QueryStringFilter> class.
* Parameters:
* filter - {<OpenLayers.Filter>} filter to convert.
* params - {Object} The parameters object.
* Returns:
* {Object} The resulting parameters object.
* APIMethod: read
* Construct a request for reading new features.
* Parameters:
* options - {Object} Optional object for configuring the request.
* This object is modified and should not be reused.
* Valid options:
* url - {String} Url for the request.
* params - {Object} Parameters to get serialized as a query string.
* headers - {Object} Headers to be set on the request.
* filter - {<OpenLayers.Filter>} Filter to get serialized as a
* query string.
* readWithPOST - {Boolean} If the request should be done with POST.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>} A response object, whose "priv" property
* references the HTTP request, this object is also passed to the
* callback function when the request completes, its "features" property
* is then populated with the features received from the server.
read: function(options) {, arguments);
options = options || {};
options.params = OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(
options.params, this.options.params);
options = OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(options, this.options);
if (options.filter && this.filterToParams) {
options.params = this.filterToParams(
options.filter, options.params
var readWithPOST = (options.readWithPOST !== undefined) ?
options.readWithPOST : this.readWithPOST;
var resp = new OpenLayers.Protocol.Response({requestType: "read"});
if(readWithPOST) {
var headers = options.headers || {};
headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
resp.priv = OpenLayers.Request.POST({
url: options.url,
callback: this.createCallback(this.handleRead, resp, options),
data: OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString(options.params),
headers: headers
} else {
resp.priv = OpenLayers.Request.GET({
url: options.url,
callback: this.createCallback(this.handleRead, resp, options),
params: options.params,
headers: options.headers
return resp;
* Method: handleRead
* Individual callbacks are created for read, create and update, should
* a subclass need to override each one separately.
* Parameters:
* resp - {<OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>} The response object to pass to
* the user callback.
* options - {Object} The user options passed to the read call.
handleRead: function(resp, options) {
this.handleResponse(resp, options);
* APIMethod: create
* Construct a request for writing newly created features.
* Parameters:
* features - {Array({<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>})} or
* {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
* options - {Object} Optional object for configuring the request.
* This object is modified and should not be reused.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>} An <OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>
* object, whose "priv" property references the HTTP request, this
* object is also passed to the callback function when the request
* completes, its "features" property is then populated with the
* the features received from the server.
create: function(features, options) {
options = OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(options, this.options);
var resp = new OpenLayers.Protocol.Response({
reqFeatures: features,
requestType: "create"
resp.priv = OpenLayers.Request.POST({
url: options.url,
callback: this.createCallback(this.handleCreate, resp, options),
headers: options.headers,
data: this.format.write(features)
return resp;
* Method: handleCreate
* Called the the request issued by <create> is complete. May be overridden
* by subclasses.
* Parameters:
* resp - {<OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>} The response object to pass to
* any user callback.
* options - {Object} The user options passed to the create call.
handleCreate: function(resp, options) {
this.handleResponse(resp, options);
* APIMethod: update
* Construct a request updating modified feature.
* Parameters:
* feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
* options - {Object} Optional object for configuring the request.
* This object is modified and should not be reused.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>} An <OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>
* object, whose "priv" property references the HTTP request, this
* object is also passed to the callback function when the request
* completes, its "features" property is then populated with the
* the feature received from the server.
update: function(feature, options) {
options = options || {};
var url = options.url ||
feature.url ||
this.options.url + "/" + feature.fid;
options = OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(options, this.options);
var resp = new OpenLayers.Protocol.Response({
reqFeatures: feature,
requestType: "update"
var method = this.updateWithPOST ? "POST" : "PUT";
resp.priv = OpenLayers.Request[method]({
url: url,
callback: this.createCallback(this.handleUpdate, resp, options),
headers: options.headers,
data: this.format.write(feature)
return resp;
* Method: handleUpdate
* Called the the request issued by <update> is complete. May be overridden
* by subclasses.
* Parameters:
* resp - {<OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>} The response object to pass to
* any user callback.
* options - {Object} The user options passed to the update call.
handleUpdate: function(resp, options) {
this.handleResponse(resp, options);
* APIMethod: delete
* Construct a request deleting a removed feature.
* Parameters:
* feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>}
* options - {Object} Optional object for configuring the request.
* This object is modified and should not be reused.
* Returns:
* {<OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>} An <OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>
* object, whose "priv" property references the HTTP request, this
* object is also passed to the callback function when the request
* completes.
"delete": function(feature, options) {
options = options || {};
var url = options.url ||
feature.url ||
this.options.url + "/" + feature.fid;
options = OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(options, this.options);
var resp = new OpenLayers.Protocol.Response({
reqFeatures: feature,
requestType: "delete"
var method = this.deleteWithPOST ? "POST" : "DELETE";
var requestOptions = {
url: url,
callback: this.createCallback(this.handleDelete, resp, options),
headers: options.headers
if (this.deleteWithPOST) { = this.format.write(feature);
resp.priv = OpenLayers.Request[method](requestOptions);
return resp;
* Method: handleDelete
* Called the the request issued by <delete> is complete. May be overridden
* by subclasses.
* Parameters:
* resp - {<OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>} The response object to pass to
* any user callback.
* options - {Object} The user options passed to the delete call.
handleDelete: function(resp, options) {
this.handleResponse(resp, options);
* Method: handleResponse
* Called by CRUD specific handlers.
* Parameters:
* resp - {<OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>} The response object to pass to
* any user callback.
* options - {Object} The user options passed to the create, read, update,
* or delete call.
handleResponse: function(resp, options) {
var request = resp.priv;
if(options.callback) {
if(request.status >= 200 && request.status < 300) {
// success
if(resp.requestType != "delete") {
resp.features = this.parseFeatures(request);
resp.code = OpenLayers.Protocol.Response.SUCCESS;
} else {
// failure
resp.code = OpenLayers.Protocol.Response.FAILURE;
}, resp);
* Method: parseFeatures
* Read HTTP response body and return features.
* Parameters:
* request - {XMLHttpRequest} The request object
* Returns:
* {Array({<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>})} or
* {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>} Array of features or a single feature.
parseFeatures: function(request) {
var doc = request.responseXML;
if (!doc || !doc.documentElement) {
doc = request.responseText;
if (!doc || doc.length <= 0) {
return null;
* APIMethod: commit
* Iterate over each feature and take action based on the feature state.
* Possible actions are create, update and delete.
* Parameters:
* features - {Array({<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>})}
* options - {Object} Optional object for setting up intermediate commit
* callbacks.
* Valid options:
* create - {Object} Optional object to be passed to the <create> method.
* update - {Object} Optional object to be passed to the <update> method.
* delete - {Object} Optional object to be passed to the <delete> method.
* callback - {Function} Optional function to be called when the commit
* is complete.
* scope - {Object} Optional object to be set as the scope of the callback.
* Returns:
* {Array(<OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>)} An array of response objects,
* one per request made to the server, each object's "priv" property
* references the corresponding HTTP request.
commit: function(features, options) {
options = OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(options, this.options);
var resp = [], nResponses = 0;
// Divide up features before issuing any requests. This properly
// counts requests in the event that any responses come in before
// all requests have been issued.
var types = {};
types[OpenLayers.State.INSERT] = [];
types[OpenLayers.State.UPDATE] = [];
types[OpenLayers.State.DELETE] = [];
var feature, list, requestFeatures = [];
for(var i=0, len=features.length; i<len; ++i) {
feature = features[i];
list = types[feature.state];
if(list) {
// tally up number of requests
var nRequests = (types[OpenLayers.State.INSERT].length > 0 ? 1 : 0) +
types[OpenLayers.State.UPDATE].length +
// This response will be sent to the final callback after all the others
// have been fired.
var success = true;
var finalResponse = new OpenLayers.Protocol.Response({
reqFeatures: requestFeatures
function insertCallback(response) {
var len = response.features ? response.features.length : 0;
var fids = new Array(len);
for(var i=0; i<len; ++i) {
fids[i] = response.features[i].fid;
finalResponse.insertIds = fids;
callback.apply(this, [response]);
function callback(response) {
this.callUserCallback(response, options);
success = success && response.success();
if (nResponses >= nRequests) {
if (options.callback) {
finalResponse.code = success ?
OpenLayers.Protocol.Response.SUCCESS :
options.callback.apply(options.scope, [finalResponse]);
// start issuing requests
var queue = types[OpenLayers.State.INSERT];
if(queue.length > 0) {
queue, OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(
{callback: insertCallback, scope: this}, options.create
queue = types[OpenLayers.State.UPDATE];
for(var i=queue.length-1; i>=0; --i) {
queue[i], OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(
{callback: callback, scope: this}, options.update
queue = types[OpenLayers.State.DELETE];
for(var i=queue.length-1; i>=0; --i) {
queue[i], OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(
{callback: callback, scope: this}, options["delete"]
return resp;
* APIMethod: abort
* Abort an ongoing request, the response object passed to
* this method must come from this HTTP protocol (as a result
* of a create, read, update, delete or commit operation).
* Parameters:
* response - {<OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>}
abort: function(response) {
if (response) {
* Method: callUserCallback
* This method is used from within the commit method each time an
* an HTTP response is received from the server, it is responsible
* for calling the user-supplied callbacks.
* Parameters:
* resp - {<OpenLayers.Protocol.Response>}
* options - {Object} The map of options passed to the commit call.
callUserCallback: function(resp, options) {
var opt = options[resp.requestType];
if(opt && opt.callback) {, resp);
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP"
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the
* full text of the license. */
* @requires OpenLayers/Control.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Lang.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Util.js
* @requires OpenLayers/Events/buttonclick.js
* Class: OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher
* The LayerSwitcher control displays a table of contents for the map. This
* allows the user interface to switch between BaseLasyers and to show or hide
* Overlays. By default the switcher is shown minimized on the right edge of
* the map, the user may expand it by clicking on the handle.
* To create the LayerSwitcher outside of the map, pass the Id of a html div
* as the first argument to the constructor.
* Inherits from:
* - <OpenLayers.Control>
OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {
* Property: layerStates
* {Array(Object)} Basically a copy of the "state" of the map's layers
* the last time the control was drawn. We have this in order to avoid
* unnecessarily redrawing the control.
layerStates: null,
// DOM Elements
* Property: layersDiv
* {DOMElement}
layersDiv: null,
* Property: baseLayersDiv
* {DOMElement}
baseLayersDiv: null,
* Property: baseLayers
* {Array(Object)}
baseLayers: null,
* Property: dataLbl
* {DOMElement}
dataLbl: null,
* Property: dataLayersDiv
* {DOMElement}
dataLayersDiv: null,
* Property: dataLayers
* {Array(Object)}
dataLayers: null,
* Property: minimizeDiv
* {DOMElement}
minimizeDiv: null,
* Property: maximizeDiv
* {DOMElement}
maximizeDiv: null,
* APIProperty: ascending
* {Boolean}
ascending: true,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher
* Parameters:
* options - {Object}
initialize: function(options) {
OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
this.layerStates = [];
* APIMethod: destroy
destroy: function() {
//clear out layers info and unregister their events
buttonclick: this.onButtonClick,
addlayer: this.redraw,
changelayer: this.redraw,
removelayer: this.redraw,
changebaselayer: this.redraw,
scope: this
});"buttonclick", this, this.onButtonClick);
OpenLayers.Control.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
* Method: setMap
* Properties:
* map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
setMap: function(map) {
OpenLayers.Control.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);{
addlayer: this.redraw,
changelayer: this.redraw,
removelayer: this.redraw,
changebaselayer: this.redraw,
scope: this
if (this.outsideViewport) {;"buttonclick", this, this.onButtonClick);
} else {"buttonclick", this, this.onButtonClick);
* Method: draw
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} A reference to the DIV DOMElement containing the
* switcher tabs.
draw: function() {
// create layout divs
// set mode to minimize
if(!this.outsideViewport) {
// populate div with current info
return this.div;
* Method: onButtonClick
* Parameters:
* evt - {Event}
onButtonClick: function(evt) {
var button = evt.buttonElement;
if (button === this.minimizeDiv) {
} else if (button === this.maximizeDiv) {
} else if (button._layerSwitcher === {
if (button["for"]) {
button = document.getElementById(button["for"]);
if (!button.disabled) {
if (button.type == "radio") {
button.checked = true;;
} else {
button.checked = !button.checked;
* Method: clearLayersArray
* User specifies either "base" or "data". we then clear all the
* corresponding listeners, the div, and reinitialize a new array.
* Parameters:
* layersType - {String}
clearLayersArray: function(layersType) {
this[layersType + "LayersDiv"].innerHTML = "";
this[layersType + "Layers"] = [];
* Method: checkRedraw
* Checks if the layer state has changed since the last redraw() call.
* Returns:
* {Boolean} The layer state changed since the last redraw() call.
checkRedraw: function() {
if ( !this.layerStates.length ||
( != this.layerStates.length) ) {
return true;
for (var i = 0, len = this.layerStates.length; i < len; i++) {
var layerState = this.layerStates[i];
var layer =[i];
if ( ( != ||
(layerState.inRange != layer.inRange) ||
( != ||
(layerState.visibility != layer.visibility) ) {
return true;
return false;
* Method: redraw
* Goes through and takes the current state of the Map and rebuilds the
* control to display that state. Groups base layers into a
* radio-button group and lists each data layer with a checkbox.
* Returns:
* {DOMElement} A reference to the DIV DOMElement containing the control
redraw: function() {
//if the state hasn't changed since last redraw, no need
// to do anything. Just return the existing div.
if (!this.checkRedraw()) {
return this.div;
//clear out previous layers
var containsOverlays = false;
var containsBaseLayers = false;
// Save state -- for checking layer if the map state changed.
// We save this before redrawing, because in the process of redrawing
// we will trigger more visibility changes, and we want to not redraw
// and enter an infinite loop.
var len =;
this.layerStates = new Array(len);
for (var i=0; i <len; i++) {
var layer =[i];
this.layerStates[i] = {
'visibility': layer.visibility,
'inRange': layer.inRange,
var layers =;
if (!this.ascending) { layers.reverse(); }
for(var i=0, len=layers.length; i<len; i++) {
var layer = layers[i];
var baseLayer = layer.isBaseLayer;
if (layer.displayInLayerSwitcher) {
if (baseLayer) {
containsBaseLayers = true;
} else {
containsOverlays = true;
// only check a baselayer if it is *the* baselayer, check data
// layers if they are visible
var checked = (baseLayer) ? (layer ==
: layer.getVisibility();
// create input element
var inputElem = document.createElement("input"),
// The input shall have an id attribute so we can use
// labels to interact with them.
inputId = OpenLayers.Util.createUniqueID( + "_input_"
); = inputId; = (baseLayer) ? + "_baseLayers" :;
inputElem.type = (baseLayer) ? "radio" : "checkbox";
inputElem.value =;
inputElem.checked = checked;
inputElem.defaultChecked = checked;
inputElem.className = "olButton";
inputElem._layer =;
inputElem._layerSwitcher =;
if (!baseLayer && !layer.inRange) {
inputElem.disabled = true;
// create span
var labelSpan = document.createElement("label");
// this isn't the DOM attribute 'for', but an arbitrary name we
// use to find the appropriate input element in <onButtonClick>
labelSpan["for"] =;
OpenLayers.Element.addClass(labelSpan, "labelSpan olButton");
labelSpan._layer =;
labelSpan._layerSwitcher =;
if (!baseLayer && !layer.inRange) { = "gray";
labelSpan.innerHTML =; = (baseLayer) ? "bottom"
: "baseline";
// create line break
var br = document.createElement("br");
var groupArray = (baseLayer) ? this.baseLayers
: this.dataLayers;
'layer': layer,
'inputElem': inputElem,
'labelSpan': labelSpan
var groupDiv = (baseLayer) ? this.baseLayersDiv
: this.dataLayersDiv;
// if no overlays, dont display the overlay label = (containsOverlays) ? "" : "none";
// if no baselayers, dont display the baselayer label = (containsBaseLayers) ? "" : "none";
return this.div;
* Method: updateMap
* Cycles through the loaded data and base layer input arrays and makes
* the necessary calls to the Map object such that that the map's
* visual state corresponds to what the user has selected in
* the control.
updateMap: function() {
// set the newly selected base layer
for(var i=0, len=this.baseLayers.length; i<len; i++) {
var layerEntry = this.baseLayers[i];
if (layerEntry.inputElem.checked) {, false);
// set the correct visibilities for the overlays
for(var i=0, len=this.dataLayers.length; i<len; i++) {
var layerEntry = this.dataLayers[i];
* Method: maximizeControl
* Set up the labels and divs for the control
* Parameters:
* e - {Event}
maximizeControl: function(e) {
// set the div's width and height to empty values, so
// the div dimensions can be controlled by CSS = ""; = "";
if (e != null) {
* Method: minimizeControl
* Hide all the contents of the control, shrink the size,
* add the maximize icon
* Parameters:
* e - {Event}
minimizeControl: function(e) {
// to minimize the control we set its div's width
// and height to 0px, we cannot just set "display"
// to "none" because it would hide the maximize
// div = "0px"; = "0px";
if (e != null) {
* Method: showControls
* Hide/Show all LayerSwitcher controls depending on whether we are
* minimized or not
* Parameters:
* minimize - {Boolean}
showControls: function(minimize) { = minimize ? "" : "none"; = minimize ? "none" : ""; = minimize ? "none" : "";
* Method: loadContents
* Set up the labels and divs for the control
loadContents: function() {
// layers list div
this.layersDiv = document.createElement("div"); = + "_layersDiv";
OpenLayers.Element.addClass(this.layersDiv, "layersDiv");
this.baseLbl = document.createElement("div");
this.baseLbl.innerHTML = OpenLayers.i18n("Base Layer");
OpenLayers.Element.addClass(this.baseLbl, "baseLbl");
this.baseLayersDiv = document.createElement("div");
OpenLayers.Element.addClass(this.baseLayersDiv, "baseLayersDiv");
this.dataLbl = document.createElement("div");
this.dataLbl.innerHTML = OpenLayers.i18n("Overlays");
OpenLayers.Element.addClass(this.dataLbl, "dataLbl");
this.dataLayersDiv = document.createElement("div");
OpenLayers.Element.addClass(this.dataLayersDiv, "dataLayersDiv");
if (this.ascending) {
} else {
// maximize button div
var img = OpenLayers.Util.getImageLocation('layer-switcher-maximize.png');
this.maximizeDiv = OpenLayers.Util.createAlphaImageDiv(
OpenLayers.Element.addClass(this.maximizeDiv, "maximizeDiv olButton"); = "none";
// minimize button div
var img = OpenLayers.Util.getImageLocation('layer-switcher-minimize.png');
this.minimizeDiv = OpenLayers.Util.createAlphaImageDiv(
OpenLayers.Element.addClass(this.minimizeDiv, "minimizeDiv olButton"); = "none";
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher"