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Executable File

* Copyright © 2008 Fair Oaks Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
// Utility object: Encode/Decode C-style binary primitives to/from octet arrays
function JSPack()
// Module-level (private) variables
var el, bBE = false, m = this;
// Raw byte arrays
m._DeArray = function (a, p, l)
return [a.slice(p,p+l)];
m._EnArray = function (a, p, l, v)
for (var i = 0; i < l; a[p+i] = v[i]?v[i]:0, i++);
// ASCII characters
m._DeChar = function (a, p)
return String.fromCharCode(a[p]);
m._EnChar = function (a, p, v)
a[p] = v.charCodeAt(0);
// Little-endian (un)signed N-byte integers
m._DeInt = function (a, p)
var lsb = bBE?(el.len-1):0, nsb = bBE?-1:1, stop = lsb+nsb*el.len, rv, i, f;
for (rv = 0, i = lsb, f = 1; i != stop; rv+=(a[p+i]*f), i+=nsb, f*=256);
if (el.bSigned && (rv & Math.pow(2, el.len*8-1))) { rv -= Math.pow(2, el.len*8); }
return rv;
m._EnInt = function (a, p, v)
var lsb = bBE?(el.len-1):0, nsb = bBE?-1:1, stop = lsb+nsb*el.len, i;
v = (v<el.min)?el.min:(v>el.max)?el.max:v;
for (i = lsb; i != stop; a[p+i]=v&0xff, i+=nsb, v>>=8);
// ASCII character strings
m._DeString = function (a, p, l)
for (var rv = new Array(l), i = 0; i < l; rv[i] = String.fromCharCode(a[p+i]), i++);
return rv.join('');
m._EnString = function (a, p, l, v)
for (var t, i = 0; i < l; a[p+i] = (t=v.charCodeAt(i))?t:0, i++);
// Little-endian N-bit IEEE 754 floating point
m._De754 = function (a, p)
var s, e, m, i, d, nBits, mLen, eLen, eBias, eMax;
mLen = el.mLen, eLen = el.len*8-el.mLen-1, eMax = (1<<eLen)-1, eBias = eMax>>1;
i = bBE?0:(el.len-1); d = bBE?1:-1; s = a[p+i]; i+=d; nBits = -7;
for (e = s&((1<<(-nBits))-1), s>>=(-nBits), nBits += eLen; nBits > 0; e=e*256+a[p+i], i+=d, nBits-=8);
for (m = e&((1<<(-nBits))-1), e>>=(-nBits), nBits += mLen; nBits > 0; m=m*256+a[p+i], i+=d, nBits-=8);
switch (e)
case 0:
// Zero, or denormalized number
e = 1-eBias;
case eMax:
// NaN, or +/-Infinity
return m?NaN:((s?-1:1)*Infinity);
// Normalized number
m = m + Math.pow(2, mLen);
e = e - eBias;
return (s?-1:1) * m * Math.pow(2, e-mLen);
m._En754 = function (a, p, v)
var s, e, m, i, d, c, mLen, eLen, eBias, eMax;
mLen = el.mLen, eLen = el.len*8-el.mLen-1, eMax = (1<<eLen)-1, eBias = eMax>>1;
s = v<0?1:0;
v = Math.abs(v);
if (isNaN(v) || (v == Infinity))
m = isNaN(v)?1:0;
e = eMax;
e = Math.floor(Math.log(v)/Math.LN2); // Calculate log2 of the value
if (v*(c = Math.pow(2, -e)) < 1) { e--; c*=2; } // Math.log() isn't 100% reliable
// Round by adding 1/2 the significand's LSD
if (e+eBias >= 1) { v += el.rt/c; } // Normalized: mLen significand digits
else { v += el.rt*Math.pow(2, 1-eBias); } // Denormalized: <= mLen significand digits
if (v*c >= 2) { e++; c/=2; } // Rounding can increment the exponent
if (e+eBias >= eMax)
// Overflow
m = 0;
e = eMax;
else if (e+eBias >= 1)
// Normalized - term order matters, as Math.pow(2, 52-e) and v*Math.pow(2, 52) can overflow
m = (v*c-1)*Math.pow(2, mLen);
e = e + eBias;
// Denormalized - also catches the '0' case, somewhat by chance
m = v*Math.pow(2, eBias-1)*Math.pow(2, mLen);
e = 0;
for (i = bBE?(el.len-1):0, d=bBE?-1:1; mLen >= 8; a[p+i]=m&0xff, i+=d, m/=256, mLen-=8);
for (e=(e<<mLen)|m, eLen+=mLen; eLen > 0; a[p+i]=e&0xff, i+=d, e/=256, eLen-=8);
a[p+i-d] |= s*128;
// Class data
m._sPattern = '(\\d+)?([AxcbBhHsfdiIlLqQ])';
m._lenLut = {'A':1, 'x':1, 'c':1, 'b':1, 'B':1, 'h':2, 'H':2, 's':1, 'f':4, 'd':8, 'i':4, 'I':4, 'l':4, 'L':4, 'q':8, 'Q':8};
m._elLut = { 'A': {en:m._EnArray, de:m._DeArray},
's': {en:m._EnString, de:m._DeString},
'c': {en:m._EnChar, de:m._DeChar},
'b': {en:m._EnInt, de:m._DeInt, len:1, bSigned:true, min:-Math.pow(2, 7), max:Math.pow(2, 7)-1},
'B': {en:m._EnInt, de:m._DeInt, len:1, bSigned:false, min:0, max:Math.pow(2, 8)-1},
'h': {en:m._EnInt, de:m._DeInt, len:2, bSigned:true, min:-Math.pow(2, 15), max:Math.pow(2, 15)-1},
'H': {en:m._EnInt, de:m._DeInt, len:2, bSigned:false, min:0, max:Math.pow(2, 16)-1},
'i': {en:m._EnInt, de:m._DeInt, len:4, bSigned:true, min:-Math.pow(2, 31), max:Math.pow(2, 31)-1},
'I': {en:m._EnInt, de:m._DeInt, len:4, bSigned:false, min:0, max:Math.pow(2, 32)-1},
'l': {en:m._EnInt, de:m._DeInt, len:4, bSigned:true, min:-Math.pow(2, 31), max:Math.pow(2, 31)-1},
'L': {en:m._EnInt, de:m._DeInt, len:4, bSigned:false, min:0, max:Math.pow(2, 32)-1},
'f': {en:m._En754, de:m._De754, len:4, mLen:23, rt:Math.pow(2, -24)-Math.pow(2, -77)},
'd': {en:m._En754, de:m._De754, len:8, mLen:52, rt:0},
'q': {en:m._EnInt, de:m._DeInt, len:8, bSigned:true, min:-Math.pow(2, 63), max:Math.pow(2, 63)-1},
'Q': {en:m._EnInt, de:m._DeInt, len:8, bSigned:false, min:0, max:Math.pow(2, 64)-1}};
// Unpack a series of n elements of size s from array a at offset p with fxn
m._UnpackSeries = function (n, s, a, p)
for (var fxn =, rv = [], i = 0; i < n; rv.push(fxn(a, p+i*s)), i++);
return rv;
// Pack a series of n elements of size s from array v at offset i to array a at offset p with fxn
m._PackSeries = function (n, s, a, p, v, i)
for (var fxn = el.en, o = 0; o < n; fxn(a, p+o*s, v[i+o]), o++);
// Unpack the octet array a, beginning at offset p, according to the fmt string
m.Unpack = function (fmt, a, p)
// Set the private bBE flag based on the format string - assume big-endianness
bBE = (fmt.charAt(0) != '<');
p = p?p:0;
var re = new RegExp(this._sPattern, 'g'), m, n, s, rv = [];
while (m = re.exec(fmt))
n = ((m[1]==undefined)||(m[1]==''))?1:parseInt(m[1]);
s = this._lenLut[m[2]];
if ((p + n*s) > a.length)
return undefined;
switch (m[2])
case 'A': case 's':
rv.push(this._elLut[m[2]].de(a, p, n));
case 'c': case 'b': case 'B': case 'h': case 'H':
case 'i': case 'I': case 'l': case 'L': case 'f': case 'd': case 'q': case 'Q':
el = this._elLut[m[2]];
rv.push(this._UnpackSeries(n, s, a, p));
p += n*s;
return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], rv);
// Pack the supplied values into the octet array a, beginning at offset p, according to the fmt string
m.PackTo = function (fmt, a, p, values)
// Set the private bBE flag based on the format string - assume big-endianness
bBE = (fmt.charAt(0) != '<');
var re = new RegExp(this._sPattern, 'g'), m, n, s, i = 0, j;
while (m = re.exec(fmt))
n = ((m[1]==undefined)||(m[1]==''))?1:parseInt(m[1]);
s = this._lenLut[m[2]];
if ((p + n*s) > a.length)
return false;
switch (m[2])
case 'A': case 's':
if ((i + 1) > values.length) { return false; }
this._elLut[m[2]].en(a, p, n, values[i]);
i += 1;
case 'c': case 'b': case 'B': case 'h': case 'H':
case 'i': case 'I': case 'l': case 'L': case 'f': case 'd':
el = this._elLut[m[2]];
if ((i + n) > values.length) { return false; }
this._PackSeries(n, s, a, p, values, i);
i += n;
case 'x':
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { a[p+j] = 0; }
p += n*s;
return a;
// Pack the supplied values into a new octet array, according to the fmt string
m.Pack = function (fmt, values)
return this.PackTo(fmt, new Array(this.CalcLength(fmt)), 0, values);
// Determine the number of bytes represented by the format string
m.CalcLength = function (fmt)
var re = new RegExp(this._sPattern, 'g'), m, sum = 0;
while (m = re.exec(fmt))
sum += (((m[1]==undefined)||(m[1]==''))?1:parseInt(m[1])) * this._lenLut[m[2]];
return sum;
exports.jspack = new JSPack();