
316 lines
8.7 KiB
Executable File

var min = require('osc-min');
var dgram = require('dgram');
var util = require('util');
var events = require('events');
var jspack = require('jspack').jspack;
// OSC Message
function Message(address) {
this.oscType = "message";
this.address = address;
this.args = [];
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
Message.prototype = {
append: function (arg) {
switch (typeof arg) {
case 'object':
if (arg.type) {
} else {
throw new Error("don't know how to encode object " + arg)
case 'number':
if (Math.floor(arg) == arg) {
var argOut = new Argument('integer', arg);
} else {
var argOut = new Argument('float', arg);
case 'string':
var argOut = new Argument('string', arg);
throw new Error("don't know how to encode " + arg);
exports.Message = Message;
function Argument(type, value){
this.type = type;
this.value = value;
// OSC Client
var Client = function (host, port) { = host;
this.port = port;
this._sock = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
Client.prototype = {
send: function (message) {
switch (typeof message) {
case 'object':
var buf = min.toBuffer(message);
this._sock.send(buf, 0, buf.length, this.port,;
case 'string':
mes = new Message(arguments[0]);
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var buf = min.toBuffer(mes);
this._sock.send(buf, 0, buf.length, this.port,;
throw new Error("That Message Just Doesn't Seem Right");
exports.Client = Client;
// OSC Message encoding and decoding functions
function ShortBuffer(type, buf, requiredLength)
this.type = "ShortBuffer";
var message = "buffer [";
for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) {
if (i) {
message += ", ";
message += buf.charCodeAt(i);
message += "] too short for " + type + ", " + requiredLength + " bytes required";
this.message = message;
function TString (value) { this.value = value; }
TString.prototype = {
typetag: 's',
decode: function (data) {
var end = 0;
while (data[end] && end < data.length) {
if (end == data.length) {
throw Error("OSC string not null terminated");
this.value = data.toString('ascii', 0, end);
var nextData = parseInt(Math.ceil((end + 1) / 4.0) * 4);
return data.slice(nextData);
encode: function (buf, pos) {
var len = Math.ceil((this.value.length + 1) / 4.0) * 4;
return jspack.PackTo('>' + len + 's', buf, pos, [ this.value ]);
exports.TString = TString;
function TInt (value) { this.value = value; }
TInt.prototype = {
typetag: 'i',
decode: function (data) {
if (data.length < 4) {
throw new ShortBuffer('int', data, 4);
this.value = jspack.Unpack('>i', data.slice(0, 4))[0];
return data.slice(4);
encode: function (buf, pos) {
return jspack.PackTo('>i', buf, pos, [ this.value ]);
exports.TInt = TInt;
function TTime (value) { this.value = value; }
TTime.prototype = {
typetag: 't',
decode: function (data) {
if (data.length < 8) {
throw new ShortBuffer('time', data, 8);
var raw = jspack.Unpack('>LL', data.slice(0, 8));
var secs = raw[0];
var fracs = raw[1];
this.value = secs + fracs / 4294967296;
return data.slice(8);
encode: function (buf, pos) {
return jspack.PackTo('>LL', buf, pos, this.value);
exports.TTime = TTime;
function TFloat (value) { this.value = value; }
TFloat.prototype = {
typetag: 'f',
decode: function (data) {
if (data.length < 4) {
throw new ShortBuffer('float', data, 4);
this.value = jspack.Unpack('>f', data.slice(0, 4))[0];
return data.slice(4);
encode: function (buf, pos) {
return jspack.PackTo('>f', buf, pos, [ this.value ]);
exports.TFloat = TFloat;
function TBlob (value) { this.value = value; }
TBlob.prototype = {
typetag: 'b',
decode: function (data) {
var length = jspack.Unpack('>i', data.slice(0, 4))[0];
var nextData = parseInt(Math.ceil((length) / 4.0) * 4) + 4;
this.value = data.slice(4, length + 4);
return data.slice(nextData);
encode: function (buf, pos) {
var len = Math.ceil((this.value.length) / 4.0) * 4;
return jspack.PackTo('>i' + len + 's', buf, pos, [len, this.value]);
exports.TBlob = TBlob;
function TDouble (value) { this.value = value; }
TDouble.prototype = {
typetag: 'd',
decode: function (data) {
if (data.length < 8) {
throw new ShortBuffer('double', data, 8);
this.value = jspack.Unpack('>d', data.slice(0, 8))[0];
return data.slice(8);
encode: function (buf, pos) {
return jspack.PackTo('>d', buf, pos, [ this.value ]);
exports.TDouble = TDouble;
// for each OSC type tag we use a specific constructor function to decode its respective data
var tagToConstructor = { 'i': function () { return new TInt },
'f': function () { return new TFloat },
's': function () { return new TString },
'b': function () { return new TBlob },
'd': function () { return new TDouble } };
function decode (data) {
// this stores the decoded data as an array
var message = [];
// we start getting the <address> and <rest> of OSC msg /<address>\0<rest>\0<typetags>\0<data>
var address = new TString;
data = address.decode(data);
// Checking if we received a bundle (typical for TUIO/OSC)
if (address.value == '#bundle') {
var time = new TTime;
data = time.decode(data);
var length, part;
while(data.length > 0) {
length = new TInt;
data = length.decode(data);
part = data.slice(0, length.value);
//message = message.concat(decode(part));
data = data.slice(length.value, data.length);
} else if (data.length > 0) {
// if we have rest, maybe we have some typetags... let see...
// now we advance on the old rest, getting <typetags>
var typetags = new TString;
data = typetags.decode(data);
typetags = typetags.value;
// so we start building our message list
if (typetags[0] != ',') {
throw "invalid type tag in incoming OSC message, must start with comma";
for (var i = 1; i < typetags.length; i++) {
var constructor = tagToConstructor[typetags[i]];
if (!constructor) {
throw "Unsupported OSC type tag " + typetags[i] + " in incoming message";
var argument = constructor();
data = argument.decode(data);
return message;
// OSC Server
var Server = function(port, host) {
var _callbacks, server;;
_callbacks = [];
this.port = port; = host;
this._sock = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
server = this;
this._sock.on('message', function (msg, rinfo) {
try {
var decoded = decode(msg);
// [<address>, <typetags>, <values>*]
if (decoded) {
server.emit('message', decoded, rinfo);
server.emit(decoded[0], decoded, rinfo);
catch (e) {
console.log("can't decode incoming message: " + e.message);
this.kill = function() {
util.inherits(Server, events.EventEmitter);
exports.Server = Server;