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addCallback(callback:Function, timeOrLabel:any, params:Array, scope:any) — method, class com.greensock.TimelineMax
Inserts a callback at a particular time or label.
addLabel(label:String, time:Number) — method, class com.greensock.TimelineLite
Adds a label to the timeline, making it easy to mark important positions/times.
Animation — class, package com.greensock.core
Base class for all TweenLite, TweenMax, TimelineLite, and TimelineMax classes, providing core methods/properties/functionality, but there is no reason to create an instance of this class directly.
Animation(duration:Number, vars:Object) — Constructor, class com.greensock.core.Animation
append(value:any, offsetOrLabel:any) — method, class com.greensock.TimelineLite
Appends a tween, timeline, callback, or label to the end of the timeline, optionally offsetting its insertion point by a certain amount (to make it overlap with the end of the timeline or leave a gap before its insertion point).
appendMultiple(tweens:Array, offsetOrLabel:any, align:String, stagger:Number) — method, class com.greensock.TimelineLite
Appends multiple tweens/timelines/callbacks/labels to the end of the timeline at once, optionally offsetting the insertion point by a certain amount, aligning them (as a sequence for example), and/or staggering their relative timing.
autoRemoveChildren — Property, class com.greensock.core.SimpleTimeline
If true, child tweens/timelines will be removed as soon as they complete.
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