# node-supervisor A little supervisor script for nodejs. It runs your program, and watches for code changes, so you can have hot-code reloading-ish behavior, without worrying about memory leaks and making sure you clean up all the inter-module references, and without a whole new `require` system. ## node-supervisor -? Node Supervisor is used to restart programs when they crash. It can also be used to restart programs when a *.js file changes. Usage: supervisor [options] supervisor [options] -- [args ...] Required: The program to run. Options: -w|--watch A comma-delimited list of folders or js files to watch for changes. When a change to a js file occurs, reload the program Default is '.' -i|--ignore A comma-delimited list of folders to ignore for changes. No default -p|--poll-interval How often to poll watched files for changes. Defaults to Node default. -e|--extensions A comma-delimited list of file extensions to watch for changes. Used when --watch option includes folders Default is 'node,js' -x|--exec The executable that runs the specified program. Default is 'node' --debug Start node with --debug flag. --debug-brk Start node with --debug-brk flag. --harmony Start node with --harmony flag. -n|--no-restart-on error|exit Don't automatically restart the supervised program if it ends. Supervisor will wait for a change in the source files. If "error", an exit code of 0 will still restart. If "exit", no restart regardless of exit code. --force-watch Use fs.watch instead of fs.watchFile. This may be useful if you see a high cpu load on a windows machine. -h|--help|-? Display these usage instructions. -q|--quiet Suppress DEBUG messages Examples: supervisor myapp.js supervisor myapp.coffee supervisor -w scripts -e myext -x myrunner myapp supervisor -w lib,server.js,config.js server.js supervisor -- server.js -h host -p port ## Simple Install Just run: npm install supervisor -g ## Fancy Install Get this code, and then do this: npm link