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// Easing equation, borrowed from jQuery easing plugin
jQuery.easing.easeOutQuart = function (x, t, b, c, d) {
return -c * ((t=t/d-1)*t*t*t - 1) + b;
jQuery(function( $ ){
* Most jQuery.serialScroll's settings, actually belong to jQuery.ScrollTo, check it's demo for an example of each option.
* @see
* You can use EVERY single setting of jQuery.ScrollTo, in the settings hash you send to jQuery.serialScroll.
* The plugin binds 6 events to the container to allow external manipulation.
* prev, next, goto, start, stop and notify
* You use them like this: $(your_container).trigger('next'), $(your_container).trigger('goto', [5]) (0-based index).
* If for some odd reason, the element already has any of these events bound, trigger it with the namespace.
* IMPORTANT: this call to the plugin specifies ALL the settings (plus some of jQuery.ScrollTo)
* This is done so you can see them. You DON'T need to specify the commented ones.
* A 'target' is specified, that means that #screen is the context for target, prev, next and navigation.
items:'li', // Selector to the items ( relative to the matched elements, '#sections' in this case )
prev:'img.prev',// Selector to the 'prev' button (absolute!, meaning it's relative to the document)
next:'',// Selector to the 'next' button (absolute too)
axis:'xy',// The default is 'y' scroll on both ways
navigation:'#navigation li a',
duration:500,// Length of the animation (if you scroll 2 axes and use queue, then each axis take half this time)
force:true, // Force a scroll to the element specified by 'start' (some browsers don't reset on refreshes)
//queue:false,// We scroll on both axes, scroll both at the same time.
//event:'click',// On which event to react (click is the default, you probably won't need to specify it)
//stop:false,// Each click will stop any previous animations of the target. (false by default)
//lock:true, // Ignore events if already animating (true by default)
//start: 0, // On which element (index) to begin ( 0 is the default, redundant in this case )
//cycle:true,// Cycle endlessly ( constant velocity, true is the default )
//step:1, // How many items to scroll each time ( 1 is the default, no need to specify )
//jump:false, // If true, items become clickable (or w/e 'event' is, and when activated, the pane scrolls to them)
//lazy:false,// (default) if true, the plugin looks for the items on each event(allows AJAX or JS content, or reordering)
//interval:1000, // It's the number of milliseconds to automatically go to the next
constant:true, // constant speed
onBefore:function( e, elem, $pane, $items, pos ){
* 'this' is the triggered element
* e is the event object
* elem is the element we'll be scrolling to
* $pane is the element being scrolled
* $items is the items collection at this moment
* pos is the position of elem in the collection
* if it returns false, the event will be ignored
//those arguments with a $ are jqueryfied, elem isn't.
if( this.blur )
onAfter:function( elem ){
//'this' is the element being scrolled ($pane) not jqueryfied
* No need to have only one element in view, you can use it for slideshows or similar.
* In this case, clicking the images, scrolls to them.
* No target in this case, so the selectors are absolute.