/** * Module dependencies. */ var mixin = require('utils-merge'); var escapeHtml = require('escape-html'); var Router = require('./router'); var methods = require('methods'); var middleware = require('./middleware/init'); var query = require('./middleware/query'); var debug = require('debug')('express:application'); var View = require('./view'); var http = require('http'); var compileETag = require('./utils').compileETag; var compileTrust = require('./utils').compileTrust; var deprecate = require('./utils').deprecate; var resolve = require('path').resolve; /** * Application prototype. */ var app = exports = module.exports = {}; /** * Initialize the server. * * - setup default configuration * - setup default middleware * - setup route reflection methods * * @api private */ app.init = function(){ this.cache = {}; this.settings = {}; this.engines = {}; this.defaultConfiguration(); }; /** * Initialize application configuration. * * @api private */ app.defaultConfiguration = function(){ // default settings this.enable('x-powered-by'); this.set('etag', 'weak'); var env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'; this.set('env', env); this.set('subdomain offset', 2); this.set('trust proxy', false); debug('booting in %s mode', env); // inherit protos this.on('mount', function(parent){ this.request.__proto__ = parent.request; this.response.__proto__ = parent.response; this.engines.__proto__ = parent.engines; this.settings.__proto__ = parent.settings; }); // setup locals this.locals = Object.create(null); // top-most app is mounted at / this.mountpath = '/'; // default locals this.locals.settings = this.settings; // default configuration this.set('view', View); this.set('views', resolve('views')); this.set('jsonp callback name', 'callback'); if (env === 'production') { this.enable('view cache'); } Object.defineProperty(this, 'router', { get: function() { throw new Error('\'app.router\' is deprecated!\nPlease see the 3.x to 4.x migration guide for details on how to update your app.'); } }); }; /** * lazily adds the base router if it has not yet been added. * * We cannot add the base router in the defaultConfiguration because * it reads app settings which might be set after that has run. * * @api private */ app.lazyrouter = function() { if (!this._router) { this._router = new Router({ caseSensitive: this.enabled('case sensitive routing'), strict: this.enabled('strict routing') }); this._router.use(query()); this._router.use(middleware.init(this)); } }; /** * Dispatch a req, res pair into the application. Starts pipeline processing. * * If no _done_ callback is provided, then default error handlers will respond * in the event of an error bubbling through the stack. * * @api private */ app.handle = function(req, res, done) { var env = this.get('env'); this._router.handle(req, res, function(err) { if (done) { return done(err); } // unhandled error if (err) { // default to 500 if (res.statusCode < 400) res.statusCode = 500; debug('default %s', res.statusCode); // respect err.status if (err.status) res.statusCode = err.status; // production gets a basic error message var msg = 'production' == env ? http.STATUS_CODES[res.statusCode] : err.stack || err.toString(); msg = escapeHtml(msg); // log to stderr in a non-test env if ('test' != env) console.error(err.stack || err.toString()); if (res.headersSent) return req.socket.destroy(); res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html'); res.setHeader('Content-Length', Buffer.byteLength(msg)); if ('HEAD' == req.method) return res.end(); res.end(msg); return; } // 404 debug('default 404'); res.statusCode = 404; res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html'); if ('HEAD' == req.method) return res.end(); res.end('Cannot ' + escapeHtml(req.method) + ' ' + escapeHtml(req.originalUrl) + '\n'); }); }; /** * Proxy `Router#use()` to add middleware to the app router. * See Router#use() documentation for details. * * If the _fn_ parameter is an express app, then it will be * mounted at the _route_ specified. * * @api public */ app.use = function(route, fn){ var mount_app; // default route to '/' if ('string' != typeof route) fn = route, route = '/'; // express app if (fn.handle && fn.set) mount_app = fn; // restore .app property on req and res if (mount_app) { debug('.use app under %s', route); mount_app.mountpath = route; fn = function(req, res, next) { var orig = req.app; mount_app.handle(req, res, function(err) { req.__proto__ = orig.request; res.__proto__ = orig.response; next(err); }); }; } this.lazyrouter(); this._router.use(route, fn); // mounted an app if (mount_app) { mount_app.parent = this; mount_app.emit('mount', this); } return this; }; /** * Proxy to the app `Router#route()` * Returns a new `Route` instance for the _path_. * * Routes are isolated middleware stacks for specific paths. * See the Route api docs for details. * * @api public */ app.route = function(path){ this.lazyrouter(); return this._router.route(path); }; /** * Register the given template engine callback `fn` * as `ext`. * * By default will `require()` the engine based on the * file extension. For example if you try to render * a "foo.jade" file Express will invoke the following internally: * * app.engine('jade', require('jade').__express); * * For engines that do not provide `.__express` out of the box, * or if you wish to "map" a different extension to the template engine * you may use this method. For example mapping the EJS template engine to * ".html" files: * * app.engine('html', require('ejs').renderFile); * * In this case EJS provides a `.renderFile()` method with * the same signature that Express expects: `(path, options, callback)`, * though note that it aliases this method as `ejs.__express` internally * so if you're using ".ejs" extensions you dont need to do anything. * * Some template engines do not follow this convention, the * [Consolidate.js](https://github.com/visionmedia/consolidate.js) * library was created to map all of node's popular template * engines to follow this convention, thus allowing them to * work seamlessly within Express. * * @param {String} ext * @param {Function} fn * @return {app} for chaining * @api public */ app.engine = function(ext, fn){ if ('function' != typeof fn) throw new Error('callback function required'); if ('.' != ext[0]) ext = '.' + ext; this.engines[ext] = fn; return this; }; /** * Proxy to `Router#param()` with one added api feature. The _name_ parameter * can be an array of names. * * See the Router#param() docs for more details. * * @param {String|Array} name * @param {Function} fn * @return {app} for chaining * @api public */ app.param = function(name, fn){ var self = this; self.lazyrouter(); if (Array.isArray(name)) { name.forEach(function(key) { self.param(key, fn); }); return this; } self._router.param(name, fn); return this; }; /** * Assign `setting` to `val`, or return `setting`'s value. * * app.set('foo', 'bar'); * app.get('foo'); * // => "bar" * * Mounted servers inherit their parent server's settings. * * @param {String} setting * @param {*} [val] * @return {Server} for chaining * @api public */ app.set = function(setting, val){ if (arguments.length === 1) { // app.get(setting) return this.settings[setting]; } // set value this.settings[setting] = val; // trigger matched settings switch (setting) { case 'etag': debug('compile etag %s', val); this.set('etag fn', compileETag(val)); break; case 'trust proxy': debug('compile trust proxy %s', val); this.set('trust proxy fn', compileTrust(val)); break; } return this; }; /** * Return the app's absolute pathname * based on the parent(s) that have * mounted it. * * For example if the application was * mounted as "/admin", which itself * was mounted as "/blog" then the * return value would be "/blog/admin". * * @return {String} * @api private */ app.path = function(){ return this.parent ? this.parent.path() + this.mountpath : ''; }; /** * Check if `setting` is enabled (truthy). * * app.enabled('foo') * // => false * * app.enable('foo') * app.enabled('foo') * // => true * * @param {String} setting * @return {Boolean} * @api public */ app.enabled = function(setting){ return !!this.set(setting); }; /** * Check if `setting` is disabled. * * app.disabled('foo') * // => true * * app.enable('foo') * app.disabled('foo') * // => false * * @param {String} setting * @return {Boolean} * @api public */ app.disabled = function(setting){ return !this.set(setting); }; /** * Enable `setting`. * * @param {String} setting * @return {app} for chaining * @api public */ app.enable = function(setting){ return this.set(setting, true); }; /** * Disable `setting`. * * @param {String} setting * @return {app} for chaining * @api public */ app.disable = function(setting){ return this.set(setting, false); }; /** * Delegate `.VERB(...)` calls to `router.VERB(...)`. */ methods.forEach(function(method){ app[method] = function(path){ if ('get' == method && 1 == arguments.length) return this.set(path); this.lazyrouter(); var route = this._router.route(path); route[method].apply(route, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); return this; }; }); /** * Special-cased "all" method, applying the given route `path`, * middleware, and callback to _every_ HTTP method. * * @param {String} path * @param {Function} ... * @return {app} for chaining * @api public */ app.all = function(path){ this.lazyrouter(); var route = this._router.route(path); var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1); methods.forEach(function(method){ route[method].apply(route, args); }); return this; }; // del -> delete alias app.del = deprecate(app.delete, 'app.del: Use app.delete instead'); /** * Render the given view `name` name with `options` * and a callback accepting an error and the * rendered template string. * * Example: * * app.render('email', { name: 'Tobi' }, function(err, html){ * // ... * }) * * @param {String} name * @param {String|Function} options or fn * @param {Function} fn * @api public */ app.render = function(name, options, fn){ var opts = {}; var cache = this.cache; var engines = this.engines; var view; // support callback function as second arg if ('function' == typeof options) { fn = options, options = {}; } // merge app.locals mixin(opts, this.locals); // merge options._locals if (options._locals) mixin(opts, options._locals); // merge options mixin(opts, options); // set .cache unless explicitly provided opts.cache = null == opts.cache ? this.enabled('view cache') : opts.cache; // primed cache if (opts.cache) view = cache[name]; // view if (!view) { view = new (this.get('view'))(name, { defaultEngine: this.get('view engine'), root: this.get('views'), engines: engines }); if (!view.path) { var err = new Error('Failed to lookup view "' + name + '" in views directory "' + view.root + '"'); err.view = view; return fn(err); } // prime the cache if (opts.cache) cache[name] = view; } // render try { view.render(opts, fn); } catch (err) { fn(err); } }; /** * Listen for connections. * * A node `http.Server` is returned, with this * application (which is a `Function`) as its * callback. If you wish to create both an HTTP * and HTTPS server you may do so with the "http" * and "https" modules as shown here: * * var http = require('http') * , https = require('https') * , express = require('express') * , app = express(); * * http.createServer(app).listen(80); * https.createServer({ ... }, app).listen(443); * * @return {http.Server} * @api public */ app.listen = function(){ var server = http.createServer(this); return server.listen.apply(server, arguments); };