
What is NodeScore?

NodeScore is a web based framework to facilitate networked telematic ensemble performance. The goal of the NodeScore framework is to allow performers who are connected to a network via a computer/tablet/mobile device to syncronise to a master clock and recieve instructions, in realtime,from a central "conductor/director" as well as being able to communicate with one another.

How does a NodeScore work?

The control interface for NodeScore is a webpage displayed in an internet web browser, from this control page the "conductor/director" can issue the precomposed, HTML5 formated, compositional instructions. These instrutions can be deployed to the ensemble as a whole or targeted at specific perfomers. Once the instruction is deployed by the director it is instantly presented in the web browser of the performer/s. NodeScore is written as a node.js web server incorporating websockets for server client communications.

Browser Compatability:

Modern Browsers only. No Internet Explorer support. Tested using Chrome, Chromium, Firefox, Safari.



"Magic Score" composition. This may currently being worked on live so expect breakages :) It also may appear a little jerky depending on your CPU/Browser.. or may not work at all if you are using the WRONG browser. Work in Progress... here be dragons....
overview page (score):
performer page (part):

Related Publications

Canning, R. "REALTIME WEB TECHNOLOGIES IN THE NETWORKED PERFORMANCE ENVIRONMENT" Proceedings of The International Computer Music Conference (2012), Ljubljana, Slovenia.