/* //////////////////////////////////////////// nodescore server nodescore.kiben.net nodescore@kiben.net //////////////////////////////////////////// */ var sio = require('socket.io') , http = require('http') , ch = require('./chronometer') , osc = require('node-osc') , fs = require('fs'); //, static = require('node-static'); // start oscgroups client in a screen //var sys = require('sys') //var exec = require('child_process').exec; //exec("./oscgroupsclient_start.sh"); var oscclient = new osc.Client('localhost', 22243); function oscChron(unit,voice,counter){ oscclient.send('/nodescore/voice_'+voice,unit,counter); } var argu = process.argv.splice(2); var port = argu[0] var www = argu[1] console.log(www, port) var requirejs = require('requirejs'); requirejs.config({ //Pass the top-level main.js/index.js require //function to requirejs so that node modules //are loaded relative to the top-level JS file. nodeRequire: require, findNestedDependencies: true }); // run webserver serving static html //////////////////////////////////////////// var express = require("express"), app = express(), //bodyParser = require('body-parser') errorHandler = require('errorhandler'), methodOverride = require('method-override'), port = parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10) || port; app.get("/", function (req, res) { res.redirect("/index.html"); }); app.use(methodOverride()); //app.use(bodyParser()); app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/' + www)); app.use(errorHandler({ dumpExceptions: true, showStack: true })); // Create a Node.js based http server on port 8080 var server = require('http').createServer(app).listen(port); //////////////////////////////////////////// var pinging=0 console.log("ping set to 0") //requirejs(['socketsstuff'],function(socketsstuff) {}); //////////////////////////////////////////// // connect to websockets //////////////////////////////////////////// io = sio.listen(server) , nicknames = {}; //var sequencer = require('./sequencer') //io.set('log level', 4); // reduce logging io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) { socket.on('nickname', function (nick, fn) { if (nicknames[nick]) { fn(true); } else { fn(false); nicknames[nick] = socket.nickname = nick; socket.broadcast.emit('announcement', nick + ' connected'); io.sockets.emit('nicknames', nicknames); } }); /// chat user messages to screens and to log file // date format for filename var da = new Date(); var dtstring = da.getFullYear()+ '-' + da.getMonth()+ '-' + da.getDate(); //////////////////////// /// log messages to file socket.on('user message', function (msg) { fs.open('logs/chatlog-'+dtstring+'.txt', 'a', 666, function( e, id ) { //time format for message stamp var dt = new Date();var timestring = dt.getHours() + ':' + dt.getMinutes() + ':' + dt.getSeconds(); socket.broadcast.emit('user message', socket.nickname, msg); var fs = require('fs'), str = msg; fs.write( id, timestring+" " + socket.nickname + ": "+ msg+"\n", null, 'utf8', function(){}); }); }); //////////////////////////////////////////// // chronometer + sequencer controls (all this should be modularised) //////////////////////////////////////////// sstate=0; socket.on('stopWatch', function (state) { stopWatch(state);}); socket.on('stopChr', function () { //sstate=0; stopChr(); }); socket.on('resetChr', function () { //reset currently just restarts current unit //todo: make a total reset that sets unit and transect to 0 resetChr(); }); socket.on('startSeq', function () { //if( sstate==0 ){ startChr(); // sstate=1; //} }); var chronstate=0; // send the date/time every second xdatetime = setInterval(function () { d = ch.xdateTime() socket.broadcast.emit('dateTime', d) socket.emit('dateTime', d) }, 1000) ////////////////////////////// // /* this should be moved to its own file chronometer.js function chronCtrl (state,interval){ if (state==1){ console.log("chronControl....onestate") var date = new Date(); var starttime = new Date().getTime() / 1000; xstopwatch = setInterval(function () { var nowtime = new Date().getTime() / 1000; now = nowtime-starttime hours = parseInt( now / 3600 ) % 24; minutes = parseInt( now / 60 ) % 60; seconds = parseInt(now % 60); milliseconds = Math.floor((now-seconds)*10)%60; time = (hours < 10 ? "0" + hours : hours) + ":" + (minutes < 10 ? "0" + minutes : minutes) + ":" + (seconds < 10 ? "0" + seconds : seconds) + "."+ milliseconds; socket.broadcast.emit('chronFromServer', time) socket.emit('chronFromServer', time) oscclient.send('/nodescore/time',time); }, 100) } if (state==0) { console.log("chronControl....zerostate") ; clearInterval(xstopwatch); } } // if not already started start the chronometer and sequencer function startChr(socket) { chronCtrl(1,100); // these seq[A-D] arrays come from scoreB.js and then become the seq variable step(seqA); step(seqB); step(seqC); step(seqD); } // stop the chronometer function stopChr() { console.log("stop chron"); chronCtrl(0); } function pad(number) { return (number < 10 ? '0' : '') + number } function resetChr() {//clearInterval(); zecsec = 0; seconds = 0; mins = 0; hours = 0; var chron = pad(hours) +":"+pad(mins)+ ':'+ pad(seconds)+ ":"+ zecsec // send 0.00.00 values to display socket.broadcast.emit('chronFromServer', chron) socket.emit('chronFromServer', chron) } //////////////////////////////////////////// // magic square sequencer (this should be modularised) //////////////////////////////////////////// // all the variables this sequencer needs are in scoreB.js requirejs(['scoreB'],function(scoreB) {}); socket.on('setSpeed', function (s) { speed=s; console.log("speed set: " + speed); }); var sequencerState=0; var numberoftransects=3; var order=8; var countdowntick=function(seq){ var unit=seq.units[seq.transect%numberoftransects][seq.counter]; var unitlast=seq.units[seq.transect%numberoftransects][seq.counter-1]; var voice=seq.voice; var tempoms = Math.floor(60000/seq.mm); var timemultiplier=1000; var outcount=4; var incount=4; var dur=srcsqr[Math.floor(unit/order)][unit%order] + 4 var time = dur; var ztime=time; var totaltime=time initPage=function(seq){ // initiate first page here //var nextunit=seq.units[seq.transect%numberoftransects][(seq.counter+1)%order]; //socket.emit("pageIni", voice, unit, time, seq.mm,seq.counter,nextunit ); //socket.broadcast.emit("pageIni", voice, unit, time, seq.mm,seq.counter,nextunit ); //socket.emit("pageFlip", voice, unit, time, seq.mm,seq.counter,nextunit ); //socket.broadcast.emit("pageFlip", voice, unit, time, seq.mm,seq.counter,nextunit ); } function sequenCer() { if (ztime >= 0 ){ var counter = ztime // flip the page if (counter == 0){ //increment the row position seq.counter = (seq.counter + 1) % (order) //increment the transect if ( seq.counter==0 ){ seq.transect += 1 } // this flips the page at the begining of each new sequence // the similar pageIni function checks if there is and svg loaded // so late joining clients and post page refresh views are up to date var nextunit=seq.units[seq.transect%numberoftransects][(seq.counter+1)%order]; console.log("pageflip:" + voice, unit+1, time, seq.mm,seq.counter,nextunit) socket.broadcast.emit("pageFlip", voice, unit+1, time, seq.mm,seq.counter,nextunit); socket.emit("pageFlip", voice, unit+1, time, seq.mm,seq.counter,nextunit); oscclient.send('/nodescore/voice_'+voice +"/unit/" ,unit,Math.floor(Math.random(0,5))); clearInterval(pulse) step(seq); } if (counter >= 0 ){ socket.broadcast.emit('counterText', voice, unit, counter,seq.counter,unitlast,seq.transect%numberoftransects); oscChron(unit,voice,counter); socket.emit('counterText', voice, unit, counter,seq.counter,unitlast,seq.transect%numberoftransects); if (counter <= outcount ) { socket.broadcast.emit('countinFromServer', voice, counter, "","stop in: ", "red", "transparent",unit); socket.emit('countinFromServer', voice, counter, "","stop in: ", "red", "transparent",unit); } if (counter > (totaltime)-incount && counter <= totaltime ) { socket.broadcast.emit('countinFromServer', voice, counter-(totaltime-incount), "","play in: ", "green","transparent",unit); socket.emit('countinFromServer', voice,counter-(totaltime-incount), "","play in: ", "green","transparent",unit); } if (counter == (totaltime)-incount ) { socket.broadcast.emit('countinFromServer', voice, "+", "","playing.. ", "green","transparent",unit); socket.emit('countinFromServer', voice, "+", "","playing.. ", "green","transparent",unit); } } // on each beat do: // push out the pulse to metronome seq.metrobeat = (seq.metrobeat+1)%seq.beatsinbar ; socket.broadcast.emit('metroPulse', tempoms, voice, seq.metrobeat); socket.emit('metroPulse', tempoms, voice, seq.metrobeat); var nextunit=seq.units[seq.transect%numberoftransects][(seq.counter+1)%order]; socket.broadcast.emit("pageIni", voice, unit, time, seq.mm,seq.counter,nextunit ); socket.emit("pageIni", voice, unit, time, seq.mm,seq.counter,nextunit ); //socket.broadcast.emit("pageFlip", voice, unit, time, seq.mm,seq.counter,nextunit ); //socket.emit("pageFlip", voice, unit, time, seq.mm,seq.counter,nextunit ); } // decrement the time ztime -= 1 // this shows undefined counter output - bug related // console.log(counter) } //trigger a page refresh when the solo voice is changed socket.on('changeSoloVoice', function () { var nextunit=seq.units[seq.transect%numberoftransects][(seq.counter+1)%order]; socket.broadcast.emit("pageFlip", voice, unit, time, seq.mm,seq.counter,nextunit ); socket.emit("pageFlip", voice, unit, time, seq.mm ,seq.counter,nextunit ); }); var pulse = setInterval(sequenCer, tempoms); socket.on('breakSeq', function () { //this should break the code which will auto-restart under node-supervisor //aka hard reset someAbsentFunction(breakmenow); }); socket.on('stopSeq', function () { sequenCer.clearInterval console.log("sequencer stopping...") // grrr why wont this clearInterval work sequencerState = 0 clearInterval(pulse) // the below breaks things but maybe this is for the best // without breakage and nodejs supervisor restart then too many instances // mount up and slow thinks down until crash //sequenCer.clearInterval(pulse) stopChr(); }); }; step = function (seq) { clearInterval(countdowntick); countdowntick(seq) sequencerState=1; initPage(seq) }; socket.on('resetSeq', function () { // start stop reset in sucession to setup page easy never mind the below //var unit=seq.units[seq.transect%numberoftransects][seq.counter]; resetChr(); //socket.emit("pageIni", 1, unit, 0, 60, 0,1 ) //socket.emit("pageIni", 2, 1, 0, 60, 0,1 ); //socket.emit("pageIni", 3, 1, 0, 60, 0,1 ); //socket.emit("pageIni", 4, 1, 0, 60, 0,1 ); }); //////////////////////////////////////////// // some latency calculations /////////////////////////////////////////// /* a ping is periodically broadcast to all connected clients each connected returns a pong to the server via an "emit" and in turn the server returns each unique client a report of the latency via another emit - the emit only sends to the source of the request, whereas the broadcast.emit.. broadcasts.. ie to all connected clients TODO: smooth range and average out results to remove erratic ping times. TODO: The result then needs to be used to stagger outgoing messages to compensate for latency - how much compensation is more connected to the time that any audio/video feed needs to encode/decode as the latency of the route from node A to node B is inavoidable?! so maybe latency is irrelevant in this context - we just need to stagger signals according to encoding decoding times.. hmmm */ // periodically broadcast a ping function serverTime(freq) { if (pinging==0){ st = setInterval(function() { var pinging=1; var d = new Date(); var n = d.getTime(); socket.emit("timeFromServer", n); }, 1000); } else console.log("already pinging") } // receive the pong calculate the latency and // return the response to the client socket.on("clientTimeResponse", function(x) { var d = new Date(); var n = d.getTime(); var latency = (n-x)/2; //console.log("SERVERTIME:"+x + " LATENCY:" + latency); socket.emit("latencyFromServer", latency); }); serverTime(1000); socket.on('disconnect', function(client) { console.log(socket.nickname + " is gone..." ) clearInterval(st); if (!socket.nickname) return; delete nicknames[socket.nickname]; socket.broadcast.emit('announcement', socket.nickname + ' disconnected'); socket.broadcast.emit('nicknames', nicknames); }); }); exports.socket= io.sockets; exports.httpServer = server;