
257 lines
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// connect to websocket
var socket = io.connect();
//socket.on("metroPulse", metronomeTick);
socket.on("metroPulse", pulseInClient);
function pulseInClient(pulse,groupID,metrobeat){
var groupPage=document.getElementById('group').value
if (groupID == groupPage) {
metronomeTick(1000, groupID, metrobeat);
function metroCss(beat, beatcolor,text){
var color = beatcolor;
$(".metrocase > div").each(function(){$(this).stop()});
$(".metrocase > div").each(function(){$(this).css('background-color', beatcolor)});
$(".metrocase > div").each(function(){$(this).text(" ")});
$(".metrocase > div").each(function(){$(this).animate({opacity: 1},
function() { $(this).animate({opacity:0.0}); }
function metronomeTick(pulse, voice,metrobeat) {
var color = "gray"
metroCss(0, "red", "4")
// update the stopwatch value on the client page in line with server
socket.on("chronFromServer", function(chron) {
// server time
//var groupPage=document.getElementById('group').value
//if (groupID == groupPage) {
socket.on("dateTime", function(datetime) {
// console.log(datetime)
$("div#datetime").text("Server Time: " +datetime);
// countdown to change
socket.on("countinFromServer", countinClient);
function countinClient(groupID, currentseconds,mm,text,colour,background){
var groupPage=document.getElementById('group').value
if (groupID == groupPage) {
console.log(groupID, currentseconds,mm,text,colour,background)
$("#count").css('background-color', background);
// if ( currentseconds == 0) {
// }
// countdown to change
socket.on("counterText", cText);
function cText(groupID, currentseconds,text){
var groupPage=document.getElementById('group').value
if (groupID == groupPage) {
// console.log(text)
function pageFlip(unit) {
console.log("flipping page:"+ unit);
$('#sections').trigger('goto', [parseFloat(unit)]);
// call the fancy jquery functions
function slideTo (target) { $('#sections').trigger('goto', [target]); }
function pad2(number) { return (number < 10 ? '0' : '') + number }
socket.on("pageFlipfromserver", pageTurn);
function pageTurn (group,unit,time,mm) {
var groupPage=document.getElementById('group').value;
if (group == groupPage) {
var g= pad2(group);
var p= pad2(unit);
// pageFlip(unit);
console.log("flipping page:"+ unit);
else {
console.log("not for this group... ignoring... for group:" + group );
function pageTurnB(unit) {
var units=6;
var next=(((unit+1)%units)+units)%units
console.log("HOP TURN" + unit+ "next:" + next);
$("#live").load("music.html #"+unit +" *");
$("#preview").html("<h3 style='background:transparent; position: absolute; top:14px; right:14px;';> n e x t : </h3><img src='thumbs/"+next + ".png" + "' width='400'>")
/* commented out for now as interferes with chat
need to introduce metakey...manyana... not so usefull anyway really...
keyboard controls
SPACE to toggle visibilty of preview
m to toggle visibilty of metronome
s to toggle visibilty of stopwatch
h to hide all above
function toggle_visibility(id) {
var e = document.getElementById(id);
if( == 'block') = 'none';
else = 'block';
// "space bar" for next unit preview
var checkWebkitandIE=(e.which==32 ? 1 : 0);
var checkMoz=(e.which==32 ? 1 : 0);
// "m" button for metronome
var mcheckWebkitandIE=(e.which==109 ? 1 : 0);
var mcheckMoz=(e.which==109 ? 1 : 0);
// "s" button for stopwatch/chronometer
var ccheckWebkitandIE=(e.which==115 ? 1 : 0);
var ccheckMoz=(e.which==115 ? 1 : 0);
// "h" button for hideall
var hcheckWebkitandIE=(e.which==104 ? 1 : 0);
var hcheckMoz=(e.which==104 ? 1 : 0);
// console.log(e.which);
if (checkWebkitandIE || checkMoz) { toggle_visibility('preview') }
if (mcheckWebkitandIE || mcheckMoz) { toggle_visibility('metro') }
if (ccheckWebkitandIE || ccheckMoz) { toggle_visibility('client_chronometer') }
if (hcheckWebkitandIE || hcheckMoz) {
// this needs to have a variable to define the websocket
// otherwise we will pings from all sockets connected
// no! the server broadcasts the ping and the clients emit the pong!
// ah but then the time reported back from the server needs to be targeted
// to specific client..
// Latency "Pong"
socket.on("timeFromServer", function(n) {
socket.on("latencyFromServer", function(latency) {
$("#client_latency").text("Latency: "+latency+"ms.")
function getLatencies(x) { socket.emit("getLatencies", x); }
socket.on('connect', function () {
socket.on('announcement', function (msg) {
socket.on('nicknames', function (nicknames) {
$('#nicknames').empty().append($('<span>Online: </span>'));
for (var i in nicknames) {
socket.on('user message', message);
socket.on('reconnect', function () {
message('System', 'Reconnected to the server');
socket.on('reconnecting', function () {
message('System', 'Attempting to re-connect to the server');
socket.on('error', function (e) {
message('System', e ? e : 'A unknown error occurred');
function message (from, msg) {
$('#lines').append($('<p>').append($('<b>').text(from), msg));
// dom manipulation
$(function () {
$('#set-nickname').submit(function (ev) {
socket.emit('nickname', $('#nick').val(), function (set) {
if (!set) {
return $('#chat').addClass('nickname-set');
$('#nickname-err').css('visibility', 'visible');
return false;
$('#send-message').submit(function () {
message('me', $('#message').val());
socket.emit('user message', $('#message').val());
$('#lines').get(0).scrollTop = 10000000;
return false;
function clear () {