148 lines
4.6 KiB
148 lines
4.6 KiB
import oscP5.*;
import netP5.*;
import http.requests.*;
OscP5 oscP5;
float x; // global variable
float y;
float z;
float ry;
int[] r = {3,5,8,13,21};
PShape chickenfoot;
//String urosC02;
import http.requests.*;
JSONObject json; // this is the full json object including the headers
JSONArray totalData; // this is the array in the feeds part
JSONObject record; // this is each one of the small json objects in the array
int id; // this is just a counter provided by Thingspeak that increments with each new posted data point. It is an int
String timeStamp; // this is the full time stamp provided by Thingspeak. It could be parsed to extract specific information for visualization
int temp; // this is the data point that I uploaded from my arduino
// (a TMP36 analog temperature sensor --> Arduino Uno --> Ethernet Shield --> Thingspeak) using a standard arduino upload program
int co2;
float humidity;
PFont liberation;
// https://api.thingspeak.com/channels/1724587/fields/3.json?results=1
void setup() {
json = loadJSONObject("https://api.thingspeak.com/channels/1724587/feeds.json");
totalData = json.getJSONArray("feeds");
for (int i = 0; i < totalData.size(); i++) { // step through the array, one record at a time
record = totalData.getJSONObject(i); // remember the items in the array are also JSON objects
id = record.getInt("entry_id"); // the key "entry_id" is given by Thingspeak. This is essentially a counter
timeStamp = record.getString("created_at"); // the key "created_at" is also given by Thingspeak. I will write a parser to unpack it into a Date class soon.
temp = int(record.getString("field1")); // Thingspeak stored this as a string so I have to convert it to an int for visualisation
co2 = int(record.getString("field3")); // Thingspeak stored this as a string so I have to convert it to an int for visualisation
humidity = int(record.getString("field4"));
println(id + ", " + timeStamp + ", " + temp +", co2 level ppm: " + co2); // Just checking that it is all there.
liberation = createFont("LiberationMono-Bold.ttf", 45);
chickenfoot = loadShape("chicken.obj");
//size(400, 300);
OscProperties properties = new OscProperties();
properties.setListeningPort(47120); // osc receive port (from sc)
oscP5 = new OscP5(this, properties);
void oscEvent(OscMessage msg) {
if (msg.checkAddrPattern("/sc3p5")) {
x = msg.get(0).floatValue(); // receive floats from sc
if (msg.checkAddrPattern("/mother2")) {
y = msg.get(0).floatValue(); // receive floats from sc
if (msg.checkAddrPattern("/rotation")) {
z = msg.get(0).floatValue(); // receive floats from sc
void drawTarget(float xloc, float yloc, float size, float num) {
float grayvalues = 255/num;
float steps = size/num;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
ellipse(xloc, yloc, size - i*steps, size - i*steps);
void draw() {
if (y == 3){
} else { background(255); }
// DISPLAY UROS DATA /////////////////
fill(0, 111);
text("Time: " + timeStamp, width*0.5, height/4);
text("Temperature (Celsius): " + temp, width*0.5, height/5);
text("CO2 PPM: " + co2, width*0.5, height/6);
text("Humidity (%rel): " + humidity, width*0.5, height/7);
println("rotation: ", z);
drawTarget(width/6 , (height/8) *-y + random(0,10) +height*0.7 , random(60, 1200), (y%8)+2);
//drawTarget(width/12 * x, height/2, 222, x);
//drawTarget(width*0.75, y, 120, 6);
//background(x, x, x);
println("POST: ", x);
// draw rect
//stroke(256-x/2, 256-x*abs(sin(x)), 256-x/4);
fill(256-x/2, 256-x, 256-x*abs(sin(x)));
//translate(width/2, height/2);
//rotate(-x); //make recieve osc
//rect(x%64, x%64, x*abs(sin(x))%128, x*abs(sin(x))%128, 6);
rect(width/12 * x, 0, r[int(random(2))], height, 6);
//translate(width/2, 0);
if (y == 4){
} else {
rect(0, (height/8) *-y +height*0.7 , width, random(0, 22), 6);
translate(width/2, height/2 + 100, -200);
fill(255, 255,0);
ry += 0.03;