diff --git a/gtr.scd b/gtr.scd
index 04be484..c063c7f 100644
--- a/gtr.scd
+++ b/gtr.scd
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
// RUNME 0 =========================================
Server.default.waitForBoot { // see below .bundle timings for starting synths etc.
@@ -169,7 +171,7 @@ s.makeBundle(2.0, {
// START SYNTHS -------------------------------------
-Synth(\mic, [\in, 0, \out, ~micBus], ~micGrp);
+~mic = Synth(\mic, [\in, 0, \out, ~micBus], ~micGrp);
~pointer = Synth(\ptr, [\buf, b, \out, ~ptrBus], ~ptrGrp);
// todo make togglable between fx and dry feeding sampler
r = Synth(\recBuf, [\ptrIn, ~ptrBus, \micIn, ~micBus, \buf, b, \t_trig, 0], ~recGrp); // recorder
@@ -177,7 +179,7 @@ r = Synth(\recBuf, [\ptrIn, ~ptrBus, \micIn, ~micBus, \buf, b, \t_trig, 0], ~re
~reverbFX = Synth(\freeVerb, [\in, ~reverbBus], ~fxGrp);
~ringMod = Synth(\ringModulator, [\in, ~ringModBus], ~fxGrp);
~g = 1.collect({
arg n;
@@ -242,11 +244,12 @@ r.set(\l, 1);
if ( ~pitchMode == 7,
//"it's 7".postln;
- msg.postln;
- ~g.do({arg n; n.set(
- \rate, msg[2].linlin(-0.5, 0.5, 0.125,2);
+// msg.postln;
+ ~g.do({arg n; n.set( \rateRand, 1)}; );
+ ~g.do({arg n; n.set( \rate, msg[2].linlin(-0.5, 0.5, 0.125,2);
//\rateRand, msg[3].linlin(0, -0.5, 1, 10);
)}; );
{} );
@@ -319,7 +322,9 @@ p = OSCdef(\keys, { arg msg, time, addr, recvPort;
if (msg[10] == 1, {
- r.set( \in, 0, \l, 0, \t_trig, 1); "/////////// SAMPLING!".postln; { ~recTrigButton.value_(0) }.defer;
+ //r.set( \in, 0, \l, 0, \t_trig, 1); "/////////// SAMPLING!".postln; { ~recTrigButton.value_(0) }.defer;
+ r.set(\t_trig, 1); "/////////// SAMPLING!".postln; { ~recTrigButton.value_(0) }.defer;
}, {
{~recTrigButton.value_(1) }.defer
@@ -633,12 +638,11 @@ p = OSCdef(\keys, { arg msg, time, addr, recvPort;
}); // SHIFT ONE LOGIC ENDS HERE ================
-//} , '/keys');
- } , '/localhostInLevels');
+} , '/keys');
+// } , '/localhostInLevels');
}); // end makeBundle for OSC code
}; // end wait for boot
// todo countdown on density voices
diff --git a/jacksession/gx_head_amp/gx_head.state b/jacksession/gx_head_amp/gx_head.state
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2932eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jacksession/gx_head_amp/gx_head.state
@@ -0,0 +1,1332 @@
+["gx_head_file_version", [1, 2, "0.42.1"],
+ "settings", {
+ "GCB_95.s_h": 0,
+ "IR.s_h": 0,
+ "JCM800Pre.s_h": 0,
+ "abgate.s_h": 0,
+ "aclipper.s_h": 0,
+ "amp.tonestack.s_h": 0,
+ "ampmodul.s_h": 0,
+ "astrofuzz.s_h": 0,
+ "axface.s_h": 0,
+ "bassEnhancer.s_h": 0,
+ "baxandall.s_h": 0,
+ "bboom.s_h": 0,
+ "bfuzz.s_h": 0,
+ "biquad.s_h": 0,
+ "bitdowner.s_h": 0,
+ "bmp.s_h": 0,
+ "bossds1.s_h": 0,
+ "buffb.s_h": 0,
+ "buzz.s_h": 0,
+ "cab.s_h": 0,
+ "cab_st.s_h": 0,
+ "chorus.s_h": 0,
+ "chorus_mono.s_h": 0,
+ "compressor.s_h": 0,
+ "coverd.s_h": 0,
+ "crybaby.s_h": 0,
+ "cstbt1.s_h": 0,
+ "dattorros_progenitor.s_h": 0,
+ "delay.s_h": 0,
+ "dide.s_h": 0,
+ "didest.s_h": 0,
+ "distortion2.s_h": 0,
+ "dubber.loadfile1": "tape1",
+ "dubber.loadfile2": "tape2",
+ "dubber.loadfile3": "tape3",
+ "dubber.loadfile4": "tape4",
+ "dubber.s_h": 0,
+ "dubber.savefile": 0,
+ "duckDelay.s_h": 0,
+ "duckDelaySt.s_h": 0,
+ "echo.s_h": 0,
+ "eldist.s_h": 0,
+ "engine.insert": 0,
+ "eq.s_h": 0,
+ "eqs.s_h": 0,
+ "expander.s_h": 0,
+ "feedback.s_h": 0,
+ "ffreak.s_h": 0,
+ "flanger.s_h": 0,
+ "flanger_mono.s_h": 0,
+ "flanger_mono_gx.s_h": 0,
+ "foxeylady.s_h": 0,
+ "freeverb.s_h": 0,
+ "fumaster.s_h": 0,
+ "fuzzdrive.s_h": 0,
+ "fuzzface.s_h": 0,
+ "fuzzfacefm.s_h": 0,
+ "fuzzfacerm.s_h": 0,
+ "gain.s_h": 0,
+ "graphiceq.s_h": 0,
+ "gx_distortion.s_h": 0,
+ "hfb.s_h": 0,
+ "highbooster.s_h": 0,
+ "hogsfoot.s_h": 0,
+ "hornet.s_h": 0,
+ "jconv.s_h": 0,
+ "jconv_mono.s_h": 0,
+ "low_highpass.s_h": 0,
+ "lpbboost.s_h": 0,
+ "mbc.s_h": 0,
+ "mbchor.s_h": 0,
+ "mbclip.s_h": 0,
+ "mbcs.s_h": 0,
+ "mbd.s_h": 0,
+ "mbdel.s_h": 1,
+ "mbe.s_h": 0,
+ "metro.s_h": 0,
+ "mole.s_h": 0,
+ "moog.s_h": 0,
+ "muff.s_h": 0,
+ "mxrdis.s_h": 0,
+ "oscilloscope.s_h": 0,
+ "overdrive.s_h": 0,
+ "panoram_enhancer.s_h": 0,
+ "phaser.s_h": 0,
+ "phaser_mono.s_h": 0,
+ "poweramp.s_h": 0,
+ "pre.s_h": 0,
+ "pre_st.s_h": 0,
+ "racktuner.scale_lim": 3,
+ "racktuner.streaming": "stream",
+ "racktuner.temperament": "12-ET",
+ "racktuner.tuning": "(Chromatic)",
+ "rangem.s_h": 0,
+ "recorder.s_h": 0,
+ "reversedelay.s_h": 0,
+ "ringModulatorSt.s_h": 0,
+ "ring_modulator.s_h": 0,
+ "rolandwah.s_h": 0,
+ "ruin.s_h": 0,
+ "scream.s_h": 0,
+ "seq.s_h": 0,
+ "smbPitchShift.s_h": 0,
+ "st_recorder.s_h": 0,
+ "stereodelay.s_h": 0,
+ "stereoecho.s_h": 0,
+ "stereoverb.s_h": 0,
+ "susta.s_h": 0,
+ "system.current_bank": "Reflexive Fragments",
+ "system.current_preset": "clean_clean",
+ "system.midi_channel": "--",
+ "system.midi_in_preset": 0,
+ "system.midiout_tuner": 0,
+ "system.show_tuner": 1,
+ "system.stick_tuner": 0,
+ "thick_distortion.s_h": 0,
+ "tonemodul.s_h": 0,
+ "trbuff.s_h": 0,
+ "tremolo.s_h": 0,
+ "ts9sim.s_h": 0,
+ "ui.all_s_h": 0,
+ "ui.ask_for_jack_starter": 1,
+ "ui.jack_starter": "",
+ "ui.jack_starter_idx": "qjackctl",
+ "ui.liveplay_background": 0.8,
+ "ui.liveplay_brightness": 1,
+ "ui.mp_s_h": 0,
+ "ui.racktuner": 1,
+ "ui.tuner_reference_pitch": 439.9,
+ "univibe.s_h": 0,
+ "univibe_mono.s_h": 0,
+ "vu.s_h": 0,
+ "vu_st.s_h": 0,
+ "wah.s_h": 0,
+ "zita_rev1.s_h": 0
+ },
+ "midi_controller", [
+ ],
+ "midi_ctrl_names", {
+ },
+ "current_preset", {
+ "engine": {
+ "AC-15.position": 1,
+ "AC-15.pp": "pre",
+ "AC-30.position": 1,
+ "AC-30.pp": "pre",
+ "Ampeg.position": 1,
+ "Ampeg.pp": "pre",
+ "Bassman.position": 1,
+ "Bassman.pp": "pre",
+ "Deville.position": 1,
+ "Deville.pp": "pre",
+ "Engl.position": 1,
+ "Engl.pp": "pre",
+ "Fender.position": 1,
+ "Fender.pp": "pre",
+ "GCB_95.Volume": 0,
+ "GCB_95.hotpotz": 0.5,
+ "GCB_95.on_off": 0,
+ "GCB_95.position": 42,
+ "GCB_95.pp": "pre",
+ "Gibsen.position": 1,
+ "Gibsen.pp": "pre",
+ "Hughes&Kettner.position": 1,
+ "Hughes&Kettner.pp": "pre",
+ "IR.auto_freq": "manual",
+ "IR.bandwidth": 100,
+ "IR.freq": 440,
+ "IR.on_off": 0,
+ "IR.peak": 1,
+ "IR.position": 2,
+ "IR.pp": "post",
+ "Ibanez.position": 1,
+ "Ibanez.pp": "pre",
+ "JCM-2000.position": 1,
+ "JCM-2000.pp": "pre",
+ "JCM-800.position": 1,
+ "JCM-800.pp": "pre",
+ "JCM800Pre.P6v": 0.5,
+ "JCM800Pre.on_off": 0,
+ "JCM800Pre.position": 41,
+ "JCM800Pre.pp": "pre",
+ "JTM-45.position": 1,
+ "JTM-45.pp": "pre",
+ "Junior.position": 1,
+ "Junior.pp": "pre",
+ "M-Lead.position": 1,
+ "M-Lead.pp": "pre",
+ "M2199.position": 1,
+ "M2199.pp": "pre",
+ "MIG 100 H.position": 1,
+ "MIG 100 H.pp": "pre",
+ "Mesa Boogie.position": 1,
+ "Mesa Boogie.pp": "pre",
+ "Peavey.position": 1,
+ "Peavey.pp": "pre",
+ "Princeton.position": 1,
+ "Princeton.pp": "pre",
+ "Roland.position": 1,
+ "Roland.pp": "pre",
+ "SOL 100.position": 1,
+ "SOL 100.pp": "pre",
+ "Trio Preamp.position": 1,
+ "Trio Preamp.pp": "pre",
+ "Triple Giant.position": 1,
+ "Triple Giant.pp": "pre",
+ "Twin Reverb.position": 1,
+ "Twin Reverb.pp": "pre",
+ "abgate.attack": 4,
+ "abgate.decay": 50,
+ "abgate.gaterange": -30,
+ "abgate.hold": 5,
+ "abgate.on_off": 0,
+ "abgate.position": 32,
+ "abgate.pp": "pre",
+ "abgate.threshold": -70,
+ "aclipper.drive": 0.5,
+ "aclipper.level": -2,
+ "aclipper.on_off": 0,
+ "aclipper.position": 16,
+ "aclipper.pp": "pre",
+ "aclipper.tone": 0.5,
+ "amp.balance": 0,
+ "amp.bass_boost.on_off": 0,
+ "amp.clip.on_off": 0,
+ "amp.feed_on_off": 0,
+ "amp.fuzz": 0,
+ "amp.on_off": 1,
+ "amp.out_amp": 0,
+ "amp.out_master": -28.8415,
+ "amp.tonestack.Bass": 0,
+ "amp.tonestack.Middle": 0,
+ "amp.tonestack.Treble": 0.6,
+ "amp.tonestack.on_off": 0,
+ "amp.tonestack.position": 5,
+ "amp.tonestack.pp": "post",
+ "amp.tonestack.select": "Princeton",
+ "amp.wet_dry": -0.519469,
+ "amp2.stage1.Pregain": 8,
+ "amp2.stage2.gain1": 4.42071,
+ "ampmodul.amp2.stage1.tube1": 6,
+ "ampmodul.amp2.stage2.tube2": 6,
+ "ampmodul.feedbac": 0,
+ "ampmodul.feedback": 0,
+ "ampmodul.level": -20,
+ "ampmodul.on_off": 0,
+ "ampmodul.position": 2,
+ "ampmodul.wet_dry": 0,
+ "astrofuzz.Attack": 0.5,
+ "astrofuzz.Tone": 0.5,
+ "astrofuzz.Volume": 0.5,
+ "astrofuzz.on_off": 0,
+ "astrofuzz.position": 78,
+ "astrofuzz.pp": "pre",
+ "auto.position": 1,
+ "auto.pp": "pre",
+ "axface.Attack": 0.5,
+ "axface.Level": 0.5,
+ "axface.Smooth": 0.5,
+ "axface.on_off": 0,
+ "axface.position": 84,
+ "axface.pp": "pre",
+ "bassEnhancer.Frequency": 100,
+ "bassEnhancer.HarmonicsdB": 0,
+ "bassEnhancer.on_off": 0,
+ "bassEnhancer.position": 18,
+ "bassbooster.Level": 2.84001,
+ "baxandall.ba": 0.5,
+ "baxandall.on_off": 0,
+ "baxandall.position": 45,
+ "baxandall.pp": "pre",
+ "baxandall.tr": 0.5,
+ "bboom.Drive": 0.33,
+ "bboom.Gain": 0,
+ "bboom.on_off": 0,
+ "bboom.position": 50,
+ "bboom.pp": "pre",
+ "bfuzz.Drive": 0.5,
+ "bfuzz.Level": 0.5,
+ "bfuzz.Thickness": 0.5,
+ "bfuzz.on_off": 0,
+ "bfuzz.position": 83,
+ "bfuzz.pp": "pre",
+ "bfuzz.wet_dry": 100,
+ "biquad.Freq": 1729.84,
+ "biquad.on_off": 0,
+ "biquad.position": 8,
+ "biquad.pp": "post",
+ "bitdowner.bit_down": 16,
+ "bitdowner.downsampling": 1,
+ "bitdowner.input_gain": 0,
+ "bitdowner.on_off": 0,
+ "bitdowner.position": 13,
+ "bitdowner.pp": "pre",
+ "bitdowner.volume": 0,
+ "bmp.Sustain": 0.5,
+ "bmp.Tone": 0.5,
+ "bmp.Volume": 0.5,
+ "bmp.on_off": 0,
+ "bmp.position": 19,
+ "bmp.pp": "pre",
+ "bossds1.Level": 3,
+ "bossds1.Tone": 0.7,
+ "bossds1.drive": 0.5,
+ "bossds1.on_off": 0,
+ "bossds1.position": 18,
+ "bossds1.pp": "pre",
+ "buffb.Intensity": 0.5,
+ "buffb.Volume": 0.5,
+ "buffb.on_off": 0,
+ "buffb.position": 79,
+ "buffb.pp": "pre",
+ "buzz.Level": 0.5,
+ "buzz.on_off": 0,
+ "buzz.position": 82,
+ "buzz.pp": "pre",
+ "buzz.wet_dry": 100,
+ "cab.Level": 2.87931,
+ "cab.bass": 0,
+ "cab.on_off": 1,
+ "cab.position": 2,
+ "cab.pp": "post",
+ "cab.select": "4x12",
+ "cab.treble": 0,
+ "cab_st.Level": 1,
+ "cab_st.bass": 0,
+ "cab_st.on_off": 0,
+ "cab_st.position": 21,
+ "cab_st.select": "4x12",
+ "cab_st.treble": 0,
+ "camp.position": 1,
+ "camp.pp": "pre",
+ "chorus.delay": 0.02,
+ "chorus.depth": 0.31,
+ "chorus.freq": 0.23,
+ "chorus.level": 0.75,
+ "chorus.on_off": 0,
+ "chorus.position": 1,
+ "chorus_mono.freq": 2,
+ "chorus_mono.level": 0.5,
+ "chorus_mono.on_off": 0,
+ "chorus_mono.position": 23,
+ "chorus_mono.pp": "pre",
+ "chorus_mono.wet_dry": 100,
+ "colbwah.position": 1,
+ "colbwah.pp": "pre",
+ "colwah.position": 1,
+ "colwah.pp": "pre",
+ "compressor.attack": 0.002,
+ "compressor.knee": 3,
+ "compressor.on_off": 1,
+ "compressor.position": 1,
+ "compressor.pp": "post",
+ "compressor.ratio": 2,
+ "compressor.release": 0.5,
+ "compressor.threshold": -20,
+ "con.Level": 3.04368,
+ "con.on_off": 1,
+ "coverd.Bass": 0.5,
+ "coverd.Treble": 0.5,
+ "coverd.Volume": 0.5,
+ "coverd.on_off": 0,
+ "coverd.position": 71,
+ "coverd.pp": "pre",
+ "coverd.wet_dry": 100,
+ "crybaby.autowah": "manual",
+ "crybaby.level": 0.1,
+ "crybaby.on_off": 0,
+ "crybaby.position": 9,
+ "crybaby.pp": "post",
+ "crybaby.wah": 0,
+ "crybaby.wet_dry": 0,
+ "cstbt1.Attack": 0.5,
+ "cstbt1.Level": 0.5,
+ "cstbt1.Tone": 0.5,
+ "cstbt1.on_off": 0,
+ "cstbt1.position": 70,
+ "cstbt1.pp": "pre",
+ "cstbt1.wet_dry": 100,
+ "dallaswah.position": 1,
+ "dallaswah.pp": "pre",
+ "dattorros_progenitor.bandwidth": 0.9,
+ "dattorros_progenitor.damping": 0.1,
+ "dattorros_progenitor.decay": 0.125,
+ "dattorros_progenitor.decay diff 1": 0.1,
+ "dattorros_progenitor.decay diff 2": 0.1,
+ "dattorros_progenitor.dry/wet": 0.345,
+ "dattorros_progenitor.excursion": 5.6,
+ "dattorros_progenitor.input diff 1": 0,
+ "dattorros_progenitor.input diff 2": 0.1,
+ "dattorros_progenitor.on_off": 0,
+ "dattorros_progenitor.position": 6,
+ "dattorros_progenitor.predelay ms": 0,
+ "default.position": 1,
+ "default.pp": "pre",
+ "delay.bpm": 120,
+ "delay.gain": 0,
+ "delay.on_off": 0,
+ "delay.position": 10,
+ "delay.pp": "post",
+ "dide.Freeze": 0,
+ "dide.bpm": 120,
+ "dide.feedback": 50,
+ "dide.gain": 100,
+ "dide.highpass": 120,
+ "dide.howpass": 12000,
+ "dide.level": 50,
+ "dide.mode": "plain",
+ "dide.notes": "1/4 note",
+ "dide.on_off": 0,
+ "dide.position": 28,
+ "dide.pp": "pre",
+ "didest.Freeze": 0,
+ "didest.bpm": 120,
+ "didest.feedback": 50,
+ "didest.gain": 100,
+ "didest.highpass": 120,
+ "didest.howpass": 12000,
+ "didest.level": 50,
+ "didest.mode": "plain",
+ "didest.notes": "1/4 note",
+ "didest.on_off": 0,
+ "didest.position": 9,
+ "distortion2.Hfreq": 30,
+ "distortion2.drive": 50,
+ "distortion2.freq": 10000,
+ "distortion2.gain": 0,
+ "distortion2.on_off": 0,
+ "distortion2.position": 9,
+ "distortion2.pp": "post",
+ "distortion2.wet_dry": 100,
+ "dubber.clip1": 100,
+ "dubber.clip2": 100,
+ "dubber.clip3": 100,
+ "dubber.clip4": 100,
+ "dubber.clips1": 0,
+ "dubber.clips2": 0,
+ "dubber.clips3": 0,
+ "dubber.clips4": 0,
+ "dubber.dout": 0,
+ "dubber.filename": "tape",
+ "dubber.gain": -0.2,
+ "dubber.level1": 50,
+ "dubber.level2": 50,
+ "dubber.level3": 50,
+ "dubber.level4": 50,
+ "dubber.mix": 100,
+ "dubber.on_off": 0,
+ "dubber.play1": 0,
+ "dubber.play2": 0,
+ "dubber.play3": 0,
+ "dubber.play4": 0,
+ "dubber.playall": 0,
+ "dubber.position": 9,
+ "dubber.pp": "post",
+ "dubber.rplay1": 0,
+ "dubber.rplay2": 0,
+ "dubber.rplay3": 0,
+ "dubber.rplay4": 0,
+ "dubber.speed1": 0,
+ "dubber.speed2": 0,
+ "dubber.speed3": 0,
+ "dubber.speed4": 0,
+ "duckDelay.amount": 0.5,
+ "duckDelay.attack": 0.1,
+ "duckDelay.feedback": 0,
+ "duckDelay.on_off": 0,
+ "duckDelay.position": 43,
+ "duckDelay.pp": "pre",
+ "duckDelay.relese": 0.1,
+ "duckDelay.time": 500,
+ "duckDelaySt.amount": 0.5,
+ "duckDelaySt.attack": 0.1,
+ "duckDelaySt.coloration": 0,
+ "duckDelaySt.effect": 0,
+ "duckDelaySt.feedback": 0,
+ "duckDelaySt.on_off": 0,
+ "duckDelaySt.pingpong": 0,
+ "duckDelaySt.position": 20,
+ "duckDelaySt.release": 0.1,
+ "duckDelaySt.time": 500,
+ "echo.bpm": 120,
+ "echo.on_off": 0,
+ "echo.percent": 41,
+ "echo.position": 8,
+ "echo.pp": "post",
+ "eldist.Drive": 0.5,
+ "eldist.on_off": 0,
+ "eldist.position": 80,
+ "eldist.pp": "pre",
+ "epiphone.position": 1,
+ "epiphone.pp": "pre",
+ "eq.bandwidth1": 41,
+ "eq.bandwidth2": 220,
+ "eq.bandwidth3": 880,
+ "eq.bandwidth4": 1760,
+ "eq.level1": 0,
+ "eq.level2": 0,
+ "eq.level3": 0,
+ "eq.level4": 0,
+ "eq.on_off": 0,
+ "eq.peak1": 110,
+ "eq.peak2": 440,
+ "eq.peak3": 1760,
+ "eq.peak4": 3520,
+ "eq.position": 12,
+ "eq.pp": "post",
+ "eqs.Qs125": 50,
+ "eqs.Qs16k": 50,
+ "eqs.Qs1k": 50,
+ "eqs.Qs250": 50,
+ "eqs.Qs2k": 50,
+ "eqs.Qs31_25": 50,
+ "eqs.Qs4k": 50,
+ "eqs.Qs500": 50,
+ "eqs.Qs62_5": 50,
+ "eqs.Qs8k": 50,
+ "eqs.freq125": 125,
+ "eqs.freq16k": 16000,
+ "eqs.freq1k": 1000,
+ "eqs.freq250": 250,
+ "eqs.freq2k": 2000,
+ "eqs.freq31_25": 31.25,
+ "eqs.freq4k": 4000,
+ "eqs.freq500": 500,
+ "eqs.freq62_5": 62.5,
+ "eqs.freq8k": 8000,
+ "eqs.fs125": -9.2,
+ "eqs.fs16k": 0,
+ "eqs.fs1k": -3.2,
+ "eqs.fs250": 0.4,
+ "eqs.fs2k": 0,
+ "eqs.fs31_25": 0,
+ "eqs.fs4k": 1.6,
+ "eqs.fs500": 0,
+ "eqs.fs62_5": -29.6,
+ "eqs.fs8k": -5.6,
+ "eqs.on_off": 0,
+ "eqs.position": 6,
+ "eqs.pp": "post",
+ "expander.attack": 0.001,
+ "expander.knee": 3,
+ "expander.on_off": 0,
+ "expander.position": 16,
+ "expander.pp": "post",
+ "expander.ratio": 2,
+ "expander.release": 0.1,
+ "expander.threshold": -40,
+ "feedback.feedback": 0,
+ "feedback.on_off": 0,
+ "feedback.position": 13,
+ "feedback.pp": "post",
+ "feedback.wet_dry": 100,
+ "ffreak.Fuzz": 0.5,
+ "ffreak.Gate": 0.5,
+ "ffreak.Level": 0.5,
+ "ffreak.Tone": 0.5,
+ "ffreak.on_off": 0,
+ "ffreak.position": 74,
+ "ffreak.pp": "pre",
+ "ffreak.wet_dry": 100,
+ "flanger.depth": 1,
+ "flanger.feedback gain": 0,
+ "flanger.flange delay": 10,
+ "flanger.flange delay offset": 1,
+ "flanger.invert": "linear",
+ "flanger.level": 0,
+ "flanger.lfobpm": 24,
+ "flanger.on_off": 0,
+ "flanger.position": 3,
+ "flanger_mono.level": 0,
+ "flanger_mono.lfobpm": 24,
+ "flanger_mono.on_off": 0,
+ "flanger_mono.position": 24,
+ "flanger_mono.pp": "pre",
+ "flanger_mono.wet_dry": 100,
+ "flanger_mono_gx.depth": 0.5,
+ "flanger_mono_gx.feedback": -0.707,
+ "flanger_mono_gx.freq": 0.2,
+ "flanger_mono_gx.mix": 0,
+ "flanger_mono_gx.on_off": 0,
+ "flanger_mono_gx.position": 25,
+ "flanger_mono_gx.pp": "pre",
+ "flanger_mono_gx.wet": 100,
+ "flanger_mono_gx.width": 5,
+ "foxeylady.Fuzz": 0.5,
+ "foxeylady.Level": 0.5,
+ "foxeylady.on_off": 0,
+ "foxeylady.position": 68,
+ "foxeylady.pp": "pre",
+ "foxwah.position": 1,
+ "foxwah.pp": "pre",
+ "freeverb.RoomSize": 0.91,
+ "freeverb.damp": 0.65,
+ "freeverb.on_off": 0,
+ "freeverb.position": 7,
+ "freeverb.pp": "post",
+ "freeverb.wet_dry": 50,
+ "fumaster.Level": 0.5,
+ "fumaster.Tone": 0.5,
+ "fumaster.on_off": 0,
+ "fumaster.position": 75,
+ "fumaster.pp": "pre",
+ "fumaster.wet_dry": 100,
+ "fuzzdrive.Distortion": 0.5,
+ "fuzzdrive.Level": -2,
+ "fuzzdrive.on_off": 0,
+ "fuzzdrive.position": 76,
+ "fuzzdrive.pp": "pre",
+ "fuzzdrive.wet_dry": 100,
+ "fuzzface.Fuzz": 0.5,
+ "fuzzface.Level": 0.5,
+ "fuzzface.on_off": 0,
+ "fuzzface.position": 58,
+ "fuzzface.pp": "pre",
+ "fuzzfacefm.Drive": 0.5,
+ "fuzzfacefm.Fuzz": 0.5,
+ "fuzzfacefm.Input": 0.5,
+ "fuzzfacefm.Level": 0.5,
+ "fuzzfacefm.on_off": 0,
+ "fuzzfacefm.position": 60,
+ "fuzzfacefm.pp": "pre",
+ "fuzzfacerm.Fuzz": 0.5,
+ "fuzzfacerm.Level": 0.5,
+ "fuzzfacerm.on_off": 0,
+ "fuzzfacerm.position": 61,
+ "fuzzfacerm.pp": "pre",
+ "gain.gain": 18,
+ "gain.on_off": 1,
+ "gain.position": 3,
+ "gain.pp": "post",
+ "graphiceq.g1": 0,
+ "graphiceq.g10": 0,
+ "graphiceq.g11": 0,
+ "graphiceq.g2": 0,
+ "graphiceq.g3": 0,
+ "graphiceq.g4": 0,
+ "graphiceq.g5": 0,
+ "graphiceq.g6": 0,
+ "graphiceq.g7": 0,
+ "graphiceq.g8": 0,
+ "graphiceq.g9": 0,
+ "graphiceq.on_off": 0,
+ "graphiceq.position": 13,
+ "graphiceq.pp": "post",
+ "gx_distortion.drive": 0.64,
+ "gx_distortion.gain": 2,
+ "gx_distortion.high_drive": 1,
+ "gx_distortion.high_gain": 10,
+ "gx_distortion.level": 0.01,
+ "gx_distortion.low_drive": 1,
+ "gx_distortion.low_gain": 10,
+ "gx_distortion.middle_h_drive": 1,
+ "gx_distortion.middle_h_gain": 10,
+ "gx_distortion.middle_l_drive": 1,
+ "gx_distortion.middle_l_gain": 10,
+ "gx_distortion.on_off": 0,
+ "gx_distortion.position": 8,
+ "gx_distortion.pp": "post",
+ "gx_distortion.resonator.on_off": 0,
+ "gx_distortion.split_high_freq": 1250,
+ "gx_distortion.split_low_freq": 250,
+ "gx_distortion.split_middle_freq": 650,
+ "gx_distortion.trigger": 0.12,
+ "gx_distortion.vibrato": 1,
+ "gx_distortion.wet_dry": 100,
+ "gxdistortion.drive": 0,
+ "gxdistortion.wet_dry": 0,
+ "hfb.Intensity": 0.5,
+ "hfb.Volume": 0.5,
+ "hfb.on_off": 0,
+ "hfb.position": 64,
+ "hfb.pp": "pre",
+ "highbooster.Level": 0.5,
+ "highbooster.on_off": 0,
+ "highbooster.position": 3,
+ "highbooster.pp": "pre",
+ "hogsfoot.Volume": 0.5,
+ "hogsfoot.on_off": 0,
+ "hogsfoot.position": 69,
+ "hogsfoot.pp": "pre",
+ "hogsfoot.wet_dry": 100,
+ "hornet.Fuzz": 0.5,
+ "hornet.Level": 0.5,
+ "hornet.Sustain": 0.5,
+ "hornet.on_off": 0,
+ "hornet.position": 62,
+ "hornet.pp": "pre",
+ "jconv.balance": 0,
+ "jconv.convolver": {
+ "jconv.IRFile": "",
+ "jconv.IRDir": "",
+ "jconv.Gain": 0.2,
+ "jconv.GainCor": 1,
+ "jconv.Offset": 0,
+ "jconv.Length": 0,
+ "jconv.Delay": 0,
+ "jconv.gainline": []
+ },
+ "jconv.diff_delay": 0,
+ "jconv.gain": 0,
+ "jconv.on_off": 0,
+ "jconv.position": 5,
+ "jconv.wet_dry": 100,
+ "jconv_mono.convolver": {
+ "jconv.IRFile": "greathall.wav",
+ "jconv.IRDir": "%S",
+ "jconv.Gain": 0.598717,
+ "jconv.GainCor": 1,
+ "jconv.Offset": 0,
+ "jconv.Length": 112561,
+ "jconv.Delay": 0,
+ "jconv.gainline": [[0, 0], [112560, 0]]
+ },
+ "jconv_mono.gain": 0,
+ "jconv_mono.on_off": 0,
+ "jconv_mono.position": 14,
+ "jconv_mono.pp": "post",
+ "jconv_mono.wet_dry": 100,
+ "jenbasswah.position": 1,
+ "jenbasswah.pp": "pre",
+ "jenwah.position": 1,
+ "jenwah.pp": "pre",
+ "low_high_pass.lhc.high_freq": 6000,
+ "low_high_pass.lhc.low_freq": 145.395,
+ "low_high_pass.lhc.on_off": 1,
+ "low_high_pass.lhp.high_freq": 150,
+ "low_high_pass.lhp.low_freq": 6000,
+ "low_high_pass.lhp.on_off": 0,
+ "low_highpass.on_off": 0,
+ "low_highpass.position": 7,
+ "low_highpass.pp": "post",
+ "lpbboost.Boost": 0.5,
+ "lpbboost.on_off": 0,
+ "lpbboost.position": 67,
+ "lpbboost.pp": "pre",
+ "maestrowah.position": 1,
+ "maestrowah.pp": "pre",
+ "manual.position": 1,
+ "manual.pp": "pre",
+ "mbc.Attack1": 0.012,
+ "mbc.Attack2": 0.012,
+ "mbc.Attack3": 0.012,
+ "mbc.Attack4": 0.012,
+ "mbc.Attack5": 0.012,
+ "mbc.Makeup-Threshold1": 2,
+ "mbc.Makeup-Threshold2": 2,
+ "mbc.Makeup-Threshold3": 2,
+ "mbc.Makeup-Threshold4": 2,
+ "mbc.Makeup-Threshold5": 2,
+ "mbc.Makeup1": 13,
+ "mbc.Makeup2": 10,
+ "mbc.Makeup3": 4,
+ "mbc.Makeup4": 8,
+ "mbc.Makeup5": 11,
+ "mbc.Mode1": "Compress",
+ "mbc.Mode2": "Compress",
+ "mbc.Mode3": "Compress",
+ "mbc.Mode4": "Compress",
+ "mbc.Mode5": "Compress",
+ "mbc.Ratio1": 2,
+ "mbc.Ratio2": 2,
+ "mbc.Ratio3": 2,
+ "mbc.Ratio4": 2,
+ "mbc.Ratio5": 2,
+ "mbc.Release1": 1.25,
+ "mbc.Release2": 1.25,
+ "mbc.Release3": 1.25,
+ "mbc.Release4": 1.25,
+ "mbc.Release5": 1.25,
+ "mbc.crossover_b1_b2": 80,
+ "mbc.crossover_b2_b3": 210,
+ "mbc.crossover_b3_b4": 1700,
+ "mbc.crossover_b4_b5": 5000,
+ "mbc.on_off": 0,
+ "mbc.position": 13,
+ "mbc.pp": "post",
+ "mbchor.crossover_b1_b2": 80,
+ "mbchor.crossover_b2_b3": 210,
+ "mbchor.crossover_b3_b4": 1700,
+ "mbchor.crossover_b4_b5": 5000,
+ "mbchor.delay1": 0.02,
+ "mbchor.delay2": 0.04,
+ "mbchor.delay3": 0.06,
+ "mbchor.delay4": 0.08,
+ "mbchor.delay5": 0.1,
+ "mbchor.depth1": 0.02,
+ "mbchor.depth2": 0.04,
+ "mbchor.depth3": 0.06,
+ "mbchor.depth4": 0.08,
+ "mbchor.depth5": 0.1,
+ "mbchor.freq1": 30,
+ "mbchor.freq2": 60,
+ "mbchor.freq3": 90,
+ "mbchor.freq4": 120,
+ "mbchor.freq5": 150,
+ "mbchor.level1": 0.5,
+ "mbchor.level2": 0.5,
+ "mbchor.level3": 0.5,
+ "mbchor.level4": 0.5,
+ "mbchor.level5": 0.5,
+ "mbchor.on_off": 0,
+ "mbchor.position": 40,
+ "mbchor.pp": "pre",
+ "mbclip.Drive1": 0.33,
+ "mbclip.Drive2": 0.5,
+ "mbclip.Drive3": 0.65,
+ "mbclip.Drive4": 0.33,
+ "mbclip.Drive5": 0.1,
+ "mbclip.Gain": 0,
+ "mbclip.crossover_b1_b2": 80,
+ "mbclip.crossover_b2_b3": 210,
+ "mbclip.crossover_b3_b4": 1700,
+ "mbclip.crossover_b4_b5": 5000,
+ "mbclip.on_off": 0,
+ "mbclip.position": 49,
+ "mbclip.pp": "pre",
+ "mbcs.Attack1": 0.012,
+ "mbcs.Attack2": 0.012,
+ "mbcs.Attack3": 0.012,
+ "mbcs.Attack4": 0.012,
+ "mbcs.Attack5": 0.012,
+ "mbcs.Makeup-Threshold1": 2,
+ "mbcs.Makeup-Threshold2": 2,
+ "mbcs.Makeup-Threshold3": 2,
+ "mbcs.Makeup-Threshold4": 2,
+ "mbcs.Makeup-Threshold5": 2,
+ "mbcs.Makeup1": 13,
+ "mbcs.Makeup2": 10,
+ "mbcs.Makeup3": 4,
+ "mbcs.Makeup4": 8,
+ "mbcs.Makeup5": 11,
+ "mbcs.Mode1": "Compress",
+ "mbcs.Mode2": "Compress",
+ "mbcs.Mode3": "Compress",
+ "mbcs.Mode4": "Compress",
+ "mbcs.Mode5": "Compress",
+ "mbcs.Ratio1": 2,
+ "mbcs.Ratio2": 2,
+ "mbcs.Ratio3": 2,
+ "mbcs.Ratio4": 2,
+ "mbcs.Ratio5": 2,
+ "mbcs.Release1": 1.25,
+ "mbcs.Release2": 1.25,
+ "mbcs.Release3": 1.25,
+ "mbcs.Release4": 1.25,
+ "mbcs.Release5": 1.25,
+ "mbcs.crossover_b1_b2": 80,
+ "mbcs.crossover_b2_b3": 210,
+ "mbcs.crossover_b3_b4": 1700,
+ "mbcs.crossover_b4_b5": 5000,
+ "mbcs.on_off": 0,
+ "mbcs.position": 15,
+ "mbd.Drive1": 0,
+ "mbd.Drive2": 0,
+ "mbd.Drive3": 0,
+ "mbd.Drive4": 0,
+ "mbd.Drive5": 0,
+ "mbd.Gain": 0,
+ "mbd.Offset1": 0,
+ "mbd.Offset2": 0,
+ "mbd.Offset3": 0,
+ "mbd.Offset4": 0,
+ "mbd.Offset5": 0,
+ "mbd.crossover_b1_b2": 80,
+ "mbd.crossover_b2_b3": 210,
+ "mbd.crossover_b3_b4": 1700,
+ "mbd.crossover_b4_b5": 5000,
+ "mbd.on_off": 0,
+ "mbd.position": 7,
+ "mbd.pp": "post",
+ "mbdel.crossover_b1_b2": 80,
+ "mbdel.crossover_b2_b3": 210,
+ "mbdel.crossover_b3_b4": 1700,
+ "mbdel.crossover_b4_b5": 5000,
+ "mbdel.delay1": 30,
+ "mbdel.delay2": 60,
+ "mbdel.delay3": 90,
+ "mbdel.delay4": 120,
+ "mbdel.delay5": 150,
+ "mbdel.gain1": -10,
+ "mbdel.gain2": -5,
+ "mbdel.gain3": -2,
+ "mbdel.gain4": 0,
+ "mbdel.gain5": -10,
+ "mbdel.on_off": 0,
+ "mbdel.position": 39,
+ "mbdel.pp": "pre",
+ "mbe.crossover_b1_b2": 80,
+ "mbe.crossover_b2_b3": 210,
+ "mbe.crossover_b3_b4": 1700,
+ "mbe.crossover_b4_b5": 5000,
+ "mbe.on_off": 0,
+ "mbe.percent1": 10,
+ "mbe.percent2": 30,
+ "mbe.percent3": 45,
+ "mbe.percent4": 20,
+ "mbe.percent5": 0,
+ "mbe.position": 38,
+ "mbe.pp": "pre",
+ "mbe.time1": 30,
+ "mbe.time2": 60,
+ "mbe.time3": 120,
+ "mbe.time4": 150,
+ "mbe.time5": 240,
+ "metro.BPM": 30,
+ "metro.Gain": 0.8,
+ "metro.on_off": 0,
+ "metro.position": 85,
+ "metro.pp": "pre",
+ "mole.Boost": 0.5,
+ "mole.on_off": 0,
+ "mole.position": 81,
+ "mole.pp": "pre",
+ "mole.wet_dry": 100,
+ "moog.Q": 1,
+ "moog.fr": 3000,
+ "moog.on_off": 0,
+ "moog.position": 3,
+ "muff.Level": 0.5,
+ "muff.Tone": 0.5,
+ "muff.on_off": 0,
+ "muff.position": 65,
+ "muff.pp": "pre",
+ "mxrdis.Volume": 0.5,
+ "mxrdis.drive": 0.5,
+ "mxrdis.on_off": 0,
+ "mxrdis.position": 17,
+ "mxrdis.pp": "pre",
+ "noise_gate.on_off": 0,
+ "noise_gate.threshold": 0.0796689,
+ "orangedarkterror.position": 1,
+ "orangedarkterror.pp": "pre",
+ "oscilloscope.on_off": 0,
+ "oscilloscope.position": 12,
+ "oscilloscope.pp": "post",
+ "overdrive.drive": 1,
+ "overdrive.on_off": 0,
+ "overdrive.position": 4,
+ "overdrive.pp": "post",
+ "overdrive.wet_dry": 100,
+ "panoram_enhancer.Delay width": 0,
+ "panoram_enhancer.Frequency width": 0,
+ "panoram_enhancer.on_off": 0,
+ "panoram_enhancer.position": 17,
+ "phaser.MaxNotch1Freq": 800,
+ "phaser.MinNotch1Freq": 100,
+ "phaser.Notch width": 1000,
+ "phaser.NotchFreq": 1.5,
+ "phaser.VibratoMode": "direct ",
+ "phaser.depth": 1,
+ "phaser.feedback gain": 0,
+ "phaser.invert": "linear",
+ "phaser.level": 0,
+ "phaser.lfobpm": 30,
+ "phaser.on_off": 0,
+ "phaser.position": 4,
+ "phaser_mono.level": 0,
+ "phaser_mono.lfobpm": 30,
+ "phaser_mono.on_off": 0,
+ "phaser_mono.position": 22,
+ "phaser_mono.pp": "pre",
+ "phaser_mono.wet_dry": 100,
+ "plexiel34.position": 1,
+ "plexiel34.pp": "pre",
+ "poweramp.Gain": 0,
+ "poweramp.Pregain": 0,
+ "poweramp.mode": "camp",
+ "poweramp.on_off": 0,
+ "poweramp.position": 6,
+ "poweramp.pp": "pre",
+ "pre.Level": 1,
+ "pre.bass": 0,
+ "pre.on_off": 0,
+ "pre.position": 4,
+ "pre.pp": "post",
+ "pre.select": "AC30",
+ "pre.treble": 0,
+ "pre_st.Level": 1,
+ "pre_st.bass": 0,
+ "pre_st.on_off": 0,
+ "pre_st.position": 22,
+ "pre_st.select": "AC30",
+ "pre_st.treble": 0,
+ "princeton.position": 1,
+ "princeton.pp": "pre",
+ "rangem.Boost": 0.5,
+ "rangem.on_off": 0,
+ "rangem.position": 72,
+ "rangem.pp": "pre",
+ "rangem.wet_dry": 100,
+ "recorder.file": "wav",
+ "recorder.gain": 0,
+ "recorder.on_off": 0,
+ "recorder.position": 7,
+ "recorder.pp": "pre",
+ "recorder.rec": 0,
+ "rev_rocket.position": 1,
+ "rev_rocket.pp": "pre",
+ "reversedelay.drywet": 0.5,
+ "reversedelay.feedback": 0,
+ "reversedelay.on_off": 0,
+ "reversedelay.position": 44,
+ "reversedelay.pp": "pre",
+ "reversedelay.time": 500,
+ "reversedelay.window": 50,
+ "ringModulatorSt.dry/wet": 0.5,
+ "ringModulatorSt.freq": 240,
+ "ringModulatorSt.on_off": 0,
+ "ringModulatorSt.position": 19,
+ "ring_modulator.dry/wet": 0.5,
+ "ring_modulator.freq": 240,
+ "ring_modulator.on_off": 0,
+ "ring_modulator.position": 33,
+ "ring_modulator.pp": "pre",
+ "rolandwah.Fuzz": 0.5,
+ "rolandwah.Wah": 0.5,
+ "rolandwah.lfobpm": 24,
+ "rolandwah.mode": "manual",
+ "rolandwah.on_off": 0,
+ "rolandwah.position": 77,
+ "rolandwah.pp": "pre",
+ "rolandwah.wet_dry": 100,
+ "rolwah.position": 1,
+ "rolwah.pp": "pre",
+ "ruin.Intensity": 0.5,
+ "ruin.Level": 0.5,
+ "ruin.on_off": 0,
+ "ruin.position": 73,
+ "ruin.pp": "pre",
+ "ruin.wet_dry": 100,
+ "scream.Scream": 0.5,
+ "scream.on_off": 0,
+ "scream.position": 66,
+ "scream.pp": "pre",
+ "selwah.position": 1,
+ "selwah.pp": "pre",
+ "seq.asequences": 24,
+ "seq.bpm": 120,
+ "seq.direct_out": 0,
+ "seq.follow": 0,
+ "seq.gain": -20,
+ "seq.hat_closed.dsp.Gain": -20,
+ "seq.hat_closed.dsp.gate": 0,
+ "seq.hum": 0,
+ "seq.kick.dsp.Gain": -20,
+ "seq.kick.dsp.gate": 0,
+ "seq.on_off": 0,
+ "seq.pos": 0,
+ "seq.position": 11,
+ "seq.pp": "pre",
+ "seq.sequencer.hat": {
+ "seq.seqline": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+ },
+ "seq.sequencer.kick": {
+ "seq.seqline": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+ },
+ "seq.sequencer.snare": {
+ "seq.seqline": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+ },
+ "seq.sequencer.tom": {
+ "seq.seqline": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+ },
+ "seq.sequencer.tom1": {
+ "seq.seqline": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+ },
+ "seq.sequencer.tom2": {
+ "seq.seqline": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+ },
+ "seq.snare.dsp.Gain": -20,
+ "seq.snare.dsp.gate": 0,
+ "seq.step": 0,
+ "seq.step_orig": 0,
+ "seq.tact": "4/4",
+ "seq.tom.dsp.Gain": -20,
+ "seq.tom.dsp.Gain1": -20,
+ "seq.tom.dsp.Gain2": -20,
+ "seq.tom.dsp.Gainf": -20,
+ "seq.tom.dsp.freq": 150,
+ "seq.tom.dsp.gate": 0,
+ "shaper.on_off": 1,
+ "shaper.sharper": 9,
+ "smbPitchShift.a": 1,
+ "smbPitchShift.b": 1,
+ "smbPitchShift.c": 1,
+ "smbPitchShift.d": 1,
+ "smbPitchShift.dry": 50,
+ "smbPitchShift.l": "latency ",
+ "smbPitchShift.latency": "high quality",
+ "smbPitchShift.octave": "unison",
+ "smbPitchShift.on_off": 0,
+ "smbPitchShift.position": 8,
+ "smbPitchShift.pp": "pre",
+ "smbPitchShift.semitone": 0,
+ "smbPitchShift.wet": 50,
+ "st_recorder.file": "wav",
+ "st_recorder.gain": 0,
+ "st_recorder.on_off": 0,
+ "st_recorder.position": 11,
+ "st_recorder.rec": 0,
+ "stereodelay.invert": "linear",
+ "stereodelay.l_gain": 0,
+ "stereodelay.lbpm": 120,
+ "stereodelay.lfobpm": 24,
+ "stereodelay.on_off": 0,
+ "stereodelay.position": 4,
+ "stereodelay.r_gain": 0,
+ "stereodelay.rbpm": 120,
+ "stereoecho.invert": "linear",
+ "stereoecho.lbpm": 120,
+ "stereoecho.lfobpm": 24,
+ "stereoecho.on_off": 0,
+ "stereoecho.percent_l": 0,
+ "stereoecho.percent_r": 0,
+ "stereoecho.position": 5,
+ "stereoecho.rbpm": 120,
+ "stereoverb.LFO freq": 0.2,
+ "stereoverb.RoomSize": 0.5,
+ "stereoverb.damp": 0.5,
+ "stereoverb.invert": "linear",
+ "stereoverb.on_off": 0,
+ "stereoverb.position": 12,
+ "stereoverb.wet_dry": 50,
+ "supersonic.position": 1,
+ "supersonic.pp": "pre",
+ "susta.Sustain": 0.5,
+ "susta.Volume": 0.5,
+ "susta.on_off": 0,
+ "susta.position": 63,
+ "susta.pp": "pre",
+ "thick_distortion.input_gain": 0,
+ "thick_distortion.on_off": 0,
+ "thick_distortion.position": 14,
+ "thick_distortion.pp": "pre",
+ "thick_distortion.thickness": 0.8,
+ "thick_distortion.volume": 0,
+ "tonemodul.Bass": 0,
+ "tonemodul.Middle": 0,
+ "tonemodul.ON": 0,
+ "tonemodul.Treble": 0,
+ "tonemodul.on_off": 0,
+ "tonemodul.position": 1,
+ "tonemodul.sharper": -2,
+ "trbuff.on_off": 0,
+ "trbuff.position": 59,
+ "trbuff.pp": "pre",
+ "trbuff.wet_dry": 100,
+ "tremolo.SINE": "triangle",
+ "tremolo.depth": 0.5,
+ "tremolo.freq": 5,
+ "tremolo.on_off": 0,
+ "tremolo.position": 21,
+ "tremolo.pp": "pre",
+ "tremolo.wet_dry": 100,
+ "ts9sim.drive": 0.5,
+ "ts9sim.level": -16,
+ "ts9sim.on_off": 0,
+ "ts9sim.position": 11,
+ "ts9sim.pp": "post",
+ "ts9sim.tone": 400,
+ "tube.select": "12ax7",
+ "ui.GCB_95": 0,
+ "ui.IR": 0,
+ "ui.JCM800Pre": 0,
+ "ui.abgate": 0,
+ "ui.aclipper": 0,
+ "ui.amp.tonestack": 0,
+ "ui.ampmodul": 0,
+ "ui.astrofuzz": 0,
+ "ui.axface": 0,
+ "ui.bassEnhancer": 0,
+ "ui.baxandall": 0,
+ "ui.bboom": 0,
+ "ui.bfuzz": 0,
+ "ui.biquad": 0,
+ "ui.bitdowner": 0,
+ "ui.bmp": 0,
+ "ui.bossds1": 0,
+ "ui.buffb": 0,
+ "ui.buzz": 0,
+ "ui.cab": 1,
+ "ui.cab_st": 0,
+ "ui.chorus": 0,
+ "ui.chorus_mono": 0,
+ "ui.compressor": 1,
+ "ui.coverd": 0,
+ "ui.crybaby": 0,
+ "ui.cstbt1": 0,
+ "ui.dattorros_progenitor": 0,
+ "ui.delay": 0,
+ "ui.dide": 0,
+ "ui.didest": 0,
+ "ui.distortion2": 0,
+ "ui.dubber": 0,
+ "ui.duckDelay": 0,
+ "ui.duckDelaySt": 0,
+ "ui.echo": 0,
+ "ui.eldist": 0,
+ "ui.eq": 0,
+ "ui.eqs": 0,
+ "ui.expander": 0,
+ "ui.feedback": 0,
+ "ui.ffreak": 0,
+ "ui.flanger": 0,
+ "ui.flanger_mono": 0,
+ "ui.flanger_mono_gx": 0,
+ "ui.foxeylady": 0,
+ "ui.freeverb": 0,
+ "ui.fumaster": 0,
+ "ui.fuzzdrive": 0,
+ "ui.fuzzface": 0,
+ "ui.fuzzfacefm": 0,
+ "ui.fuzzfacerm": 0,
+ "ui.gain": 1,
+ "ui.graphiceq": 0,
+ "ui.gx_distortion": 0,
+ "ui.hfb": 0,
+ "ui.highbooster": 0,
+ "ui.hogsfoot": 0,
+ "ui.hornet": 0,
+ "ui.jconv": 0,
+ "ui.jconv_mono": 0,
+ "ui.low_highpass": 0,
+ "ui.lpbboost": 0,
+ "ui.mbc": 0,
+ "ui.mbchor": 0,
+ "ui.mbclip": 0,
+ "ui.mbcs": 0,
+ "ui.mbd": 0,
+ "ui.mbdel": 0,
+ "ui.mbe": 0,
+ "ui.metro": 0,
+ "ui.mole": 0,
+ "ui.moog": 0,
+ "ui.muff": 0,
+ "ui.mxrdis": 0,
+ "ui.oscilloscope": 0,
+ "ui.overdrive": 0,
+ "ui.panoram_enhancer": 0,
+ "ui.phaser": 0,
+ "ui.phaser_mono": 0,
+ "ui.poweramp": 0,
+ "ui.pre": 0,
+ "ui.pre_st": 0,
+ "ui.rangem": 0,
+ "ui.recorder": 0,
+ "ui.reversedelay": 0,
+ "ui.ringModulatorSt": 0,
+ "ui.ring_modulator": 0,
+ "ui.rolandwah": 0,
+ "ui.ruin": 0,
+ "ui.scream": 0,
+ "ui.seq": 0,
+ "ui.smbPitchShift": 0,
+ "ui.st_recorder": 0,
+ "ui.stereodelay": 0,
+ "ui.stereoecho": 0,
+ "ui.stereoverb": 0,
+ "ui.susta": 0,
+ "ui.thick_distortion": 0,
+ "ui.tonemodul": 0,
+ "ui.trbuff": 0,
+ "ui.tremolo": 0,
+ "ui.ts9sim": 0,
+ "ui.univibe": 0,
+ "ui.univibe_mono": 0,
+ "ui.vu": 0,
+ "ui.vu_st": 0,
+ "ui.wah": 0,
+ "ui.zita_rev1": 1,
+ "univibe.depth": 0.37,
+ "univibe.fb": -0.6,
+ "univibe.freq": 4.4,
+ "univibe.lrcross": 0,
+ "univibe.on_off": 0,
+ "univibe.panning": 0,
+ "univibe.position": 14,
+ "univibe.stereo": 0.11,
+ "univibe.wet_dry": 1,
+ "univibe.width": 0.5,
+ "univibe_mono.depth": 0.37,
+ "univibe_mono.fb": -0.6,
+ "univibe_mono.freq": 4.4,
+ "univibe_mono.on_off": 0,
+ "univibe_mono.position": 35,
+ "univibe_mono.pp": "pre",
+ "univibe_mono.wet_dry": 1,
+ "univibe_mono.width": 0.5,
+ "voxwah.position": 1,
+ "voxwah.pp": "pre",
+ "vu.gain": 0,
+ "vu.on_off": 0,
+ "vu.position": 86,
+ "vu.pp": "pre",
+ "vu_st.gain": 0,
+ "vu_st.on_off": 0,
+ "vu_st.position": 23,
+ "wah.Wah": 0,
+ "wah.freq": 24,
+ "wah.mode": "manual",
+ "wah.on_off": 0,
+ "wah.position": 7,
+ "wah.pp": "pre",
+ "wah.select": "colwah",
+ "wah.wet_dry": 100,
+ "zita_rev1.decay_times.hf_damping": 6000,
+ "zita_rev1.decay_times.lf_x": 410.469,
+ "zita_rev1.decay_times.low_rt60": 3,
+ "zita_rev1.decay_times.mid_rt60": 2,
+ "zita_rev1.equalizer1.eq1_freq": 315,
+ "zita_rev1.equalizer1.eq1_level": 5.1,
+ "zita_rev1.equalizer2.eq2_freq": 1500,
+ "zita_rev1.equalizer2.eq2_level": 0,
+ "zita_rev1.input.in_delay": 20,
+ "zita_rev1.on_off": 0,
+ "zita_rev1.output.dry_wet_mix": -0.28,
+ "zita_rev1.output.level": 3.85,
+ "zita_rev1.position": 0
+ }
+ },
+ "jack_connections", {
+ "input": ["system:capture_1"],
+ "output1": ["SuperCollider:in_1", "ardour: GuitarX/audio_in 1"],
+ "output2": ["SuperCollider:in_2", "ardour: GuitarX/audio_in 2"],
+ "midi_input": [],
+ "midi_output": [],
+ "insert_out": ["%F:in_0"],
+ "insert_in": ["%A:out_0"]
+ }
diff --git a/jacksession/session.xml b/jacksession/session.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12c9081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jacksession/session.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+ true ${SESSION_DIR}
+ guitarix -U 8589934609 -A 8589934610 -f ${SESSION_DIR}gx_head.state
diff --git a/livecode.scd b/livecode.scd
index 5d2d4c0..3cfff38 100644
--- a/livecode.scd
+++ b/livecode.scd
@@ -4,13 +4,35 @@ OSCFunc.trace(false); // Turn posting off
// ----------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------
-// set recorder loop and overdub modes ////////////
+~gtrIn.set(\in, 0); r.set(\in, 0); ~mic.set(\in, 0);
+~gtrIn.set(\in, 2); r.set(\in, 2); ~mic.set(\in, 2);
+~gtrIn.set(\in, 3); r.set(\in, 3); ~mic.set(\in, 3);
+// set recorder loop and overdub modes ////////////
// start recording (without button)
r.set(\in, 0, \l, 1, \overdub, 0.2, \t_trig, 1);
-r.set(\l, 0); // looping record on/off 0/1 - MAPPED TO SWITCH 3
-r.set(\overdub, 0.9); // overdub mode 0 - 0.99 - MAPPED TO SWITCH 4
+r.set(\in, 3, \l, 1, \overdub, 0.2, \t_trig, 1);
+~g.do({arg n; n.set(\dens,33)});
+~overdubMode= 0;
+~pitchMode = 0;
+~posMode = 6;
+~densMode= 10;
+~impulseMode = 0;
+r.set(\l, 1); // looping record on/off 0/1 - MAPPED TO SWITCH 3
+r.set(\overdub, 0.7); // overdub mode 0 - 0.99 - MAPPED TO SWITCH 4
// todo at gate on off to button control
~g.do({arg n; n.set(\gate, 1 )});
@@ -25,7 +47,6 @@ b.plot;
~gdurMode = 0;
~pitchMode = 0;
~pointer.set(\rate, 0);
diff --git a/midimother.scd b/midimother.scd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..186daae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/midimother.scd
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+TempoClock.default.tempo = 60/60;
+Pdef(\m_1).play(quant: 4); // TOP MOTHER
+Pdef(\m_1).stop; // NOTEON
+Pdef(\m_1_CC).play(quant:4); // CC 1
+// --------------- /
+Pdef(\m_2).play(quant: 4); // BTM MOTHER NOTEON
+Pdef(\m_2).stop; // NOTEON
+Pdef(\m_2_CC).play(quant:4); // CC 1
+Pbindef(\m_1,\scale,~s1,\degree,~d4,\dur,~r1,\octave,~o2, \mtranspose,0);
+Pbindef(\m_2,\scale,~s1,\degree,~d4,\dur,~r2,\octave,~o2, \mtranspose,0);
+// indiviudal controls //////////////
+Pbindef(\m_1, \root, 4); Pbindef(\m_2, \root, 4);
+Pbindef(\m_1, \mtranspose, 0); Pbindef(\m_2, \mtranspose, 0);
+Pbindef(\m_1, \scale, ~s1 ); Pbindef(\m_2, \scale, ~s1);
+Pbindef(\m_1, \octave, ~o0); Pbindef(\m_2, \octave, 2);
+Pbindef(\m_1, \dur, ~r4); Pbindef(\m_2, \dur, ~r0);
+Pbindef(\m_1, \degree, ~d6); Pbindef(\m_2, \degree, ~d3);
+// ground bass figure // chromatic //
+Pbindef(\m_1, \dur, 8, \octave, 3, \scale,~s4,\degree,~d8, inf);
+Pbindef(\m_2, \dur, 9, \octave, 2, \scale,~s4,\degree,~d8, inf);
+// quasi-extended serialism
+Pbindef(\m_1, \scale,~s4,\degree,~d6,\octave,~o3,\dur,~phrase);
+Pbindef(\m_2, \scale,~s4,\degree,~d6,\octave,~o1,\dur,~phrase);
+// chiptune minmalismo in melodic minor /////////////////////////////// r 0,1,3
+Pbindef(\m_1, \scale,~s0,\degree,~d4,\octave,~o3,\dur,~rrr );
+Pbindef(\m_2, \scale,~s0,\degree,~d4,\octave,~o3,\dur,~rrr );
+Pbindef(\m_1, \octave, 1, \scale, ~s3 )
+Pbindef(\m_2, \scale,~s0, \mtranspose,0)
+//// new
+Pbindef(\m_1, \scale,~s0,\degree,~ddd,\octave, ~o3,\dur,~rr );
+Pbindef(\m_2, \scale,~s0,\degree,~ddd,\octave, ~o2,\dur,~rrr );
+// CC Control Message 1 ---> TOP Mother32 ASSIGN OUT
+( Pdef(\m_1_CC, Pbind( \type, \midi, \midicmd, \control, \midiout, ~m32_1,
+ \ctlNum, 1, \control,
+ //Pexprand(7,100, inf),
+ \dur, ~r0)).play(quant:4));
+// CC Control Message 1 ---> BOTTOM Mother32 ASSIGN OUT
+Pdef(\m_2_CC, Pbind( \type, \midi, \midicmd, \control, \midiout, ~m32_2, \ctlNum, 1, \control, Pexprand(77,127, inf), \dur, 1/8 )).play(quant:4);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/motherMIDISetup.scd b/motherMIDISetup.scd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a0412a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/motherMIDISetup.scd
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+~m32_1 = MIDIOut.newByName("MidiSport 4x4", "MidiSport 4x4 MIDI 1").latency_(Server.default.latency);
+~m32_2 = MIDIOut.newByName("MidiSport 4x4", "MidiSport 4x4 MIDI 2").latency_(Server.default.latency);
+// setup of mother 32 noteon events
+Pdef(\m_1, Pbind( \type, \midi, \midicmd, \noteOn, \midiout, ~m32_1)).play(quant: 4);
+Pdef(\m_2, Pbind( \type, \midi, \midicmd, \noteOn, \midiout, ~m32_2)).play(quant: 4);
+// CC Control Message 1 ---> TOP Mother32 ASSIGN OUT
+( Pdef(\m_1_CC, Pbind( \type, \midi, \midicmd, \control, \midiout, ~m32_1,
+ \ctlNum, 1, \control, Pexprand(72,127, inf), \dur, ~r1)).play(quant:4));
+// CC Control Message 1 ---> BOTTOM Mother32 ASSIGN OUT
+Pdef(\m_2_CC, Pbind( \type, \midi, \midicmd, \control, \midiout, ~m32_2, \ctlNum, 1, \control, Pexprand(77,127, inf), \dur, 1/8 )).play(quant:4);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/motherPatterns.scd b/motherPatterns.scd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7280435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/motherPatterns.scd
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+~s0 = Scale.harmonicMinor;
+~s1 = Scale.melodicMinor;
+~s2 = Scale.gong;
+~s3 = Scale.whole;
+~s4 = Scale.chromatic;
+~d0 = Pn(Pseries(0, 1, 2), inf);
+~d1 = Pn(Pseries(0, 1, 3), inf);
+~d2 = Pn(Pseries(0, 4, 9), inf);
+~d3 = Pn(Pseries(0, 1, 11), inf);
+~d4 = (Pexprand(1, 8, inf) - 1).round;
+~d5 = Pwrand([Pseries(0,1,inf)],[15,20,3,4,5].normalizeSum, inf);
+// repeat patterns
+~d6 = Pclutch(~d4, Pseq(#[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1],inf));
+~d7 = Pstutter(Prand([1, 2, 5], inf), Pwhite(-1.0, 1.0));
+//c = Pstutter(3, Pxrand([1, 2, 3], inf) * 4 + 65);
+~d8 = Pseq([0,6,2,4,1,3,3,7,5,11]); // ground bass
+~d9 = Prand([1,3,5,7],8);
+~d10 = Pseq([2,4,6,8],8);
+~d11 = Prand([0,2,4,6],8);
+~d12 = Pseq([3,5,7,9],8);
+~ddd = Pseq([~d9, ~d10, ~d11, ~d12],inf);
+~r0 = 1/8;
+~r01 = Pseq([
+ 1/8,
+ Rest(1/8),
+ Rest(1/8),
+ Rest(1/8),
+ Rest(1/8),
+ Rest(1/8),
+ Rest(1/8),
+ Rest(1/8),
+~r02 = Pseq([
+ 1/8,
+ Rest(1/8),
+ Rest(1/8),
+ Rest(1/8),
+ 1/8,
+ 1/8,
+ Rest(1/8),
+ Rest(1/8),
+~r03 = Pseq([
+ 1/8,
+ 1/8,
+ 1/8,
+ 1/8,
+ 1/8,
+ 1/8,
+ 1/8,
+ 1/8,
+~r04 = Pseq([
+ 1/8,
+ 1/8,
+ Rest(1/8),
+ 1/8,
+ Rest(1/8),
+ 1/8,
+ 1/8,
+ 1/8,
+~rrr = NodeProxy.new.play;
+~rrr.source = Pxrand([~r01,~r02, ~r03, ~r04],inf);
+~r1 = 1/4;
+~r2 = Pwrand([0.25, Rest(0.75), 1], [0.6, 0.2, 0.2], inf);
+~r3 = Pwrand(#[0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 4], #[0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1], inf);
+~r4 = 8;
+~r5 = Pwrand([Pseq([1/8,1/8,1/8,1/8,1/8, Rest(3/8), Rest(1)],2), 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 4],
+ #[0.05, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.05], inf);
+~r6 = Pwhite(1, 6, inf) * 0.125;
+~triplet = Pseq([1,1,1,1,5] , 1) / 5 ;
+~white = Pwhite(1, 6, 5) * 0.125;
+~sync8th = Pseq([Rest(1/8), 1/8] , 4);
+~sixteen = Pseq([1/Pwhite(5,10,Pwhite(4,7))], Pwhite(1,2));
+~long = Pwhite(1,5,1) / 3;
+~rest = Rest(2);
+~phrase = Pxrand([~white, ~sync8th, ~sixteen, ~long, ~rest, ~rest+0.7], inf);
+~o0 = Prand([5], inf);
+~o1 = Prand([1,2,3], inf);
+~o2 = Prand([3,4,5], inf);
+~o3 = Pwrand([3,4,5,6,7],[15,20,3,4,5].normalizeSum, inf);
diff --git a/recording_jackpatchbay.xml b/recording_jackpatchbay.xml
index 9ded19b..cf370e3 100644
--- a/recording_jackpatchbay.xml
+++ b/recording_jackpatchbay.xml
@@ -1,112 +1,168 @@
+ capture_3
+ capture_4
+ capture_2
+ capture_3
+ capture_4
SC\ 4CHAN\/audio_out\ 1
SC\ 4CHAN\/audio_out\ 2
SC\ 4CHAN\/audio_out\ 3
SC\ 4CHAN\/audio_out\ 4
Master\/audio_out\ 1
Master\/audio_out\ 2
SUPERCOLLIDER\/audio_out\ 1
SUPERCOLLIDER\/audio_out\ 2
SC\ GTR\/audio_out\ 1
SC\ GTR\/audio_out\ 2
SC\ GTR\/audio_out\ 1
SC\ GTR\/audio_out\ 2
+ MOTHER32\ TOP\/audio_out\ 1
+ MOTHER32\ TOP\/audio_out\ 2
+ MOTHER32\ BOTTOM\/audio_out\ 1
+ MOTHER32\ BOTTOM\/audio_out\ 2
+ Click\/audio_out\ 1
+ Click\/audio_out\ 2
+ out0
+ out1
+ out2
+ out3
+ delay\/audio_out\ 1
+ delay\/audio_out\ 2
+ in_2
+ in_3
+ in_4
\ GuitarX\/audio_in\ 1
\ GuitarX\/audio_in\ 2
SUPERCOLLIDER\/audio_in\ 1
SUPERCOLLIDER\/audio_in\ 2
SC\ GTR\/audio_in\ 1
SC\ GTR\/audio_in\ 2
+ MOTHER32\ TOP\/audio_in\ 1
+ MOTHER32\ BOTTOM\/audio_in\ 1
SUPERCOLLIDER\/audio_in\ 1
SUPERCOLLIDER\/audio_in\ 2
SC\ 4CHAN\/audio_in\ 1
SC\ 4CHAN\/audio_in\ 2
SC\ 4CHAN\/audio_in\ 3
SC\ 4CHAN\/audio_in\ 4
Master\/audio_in\ 1
Master\/audio_in\ 2
+ UMC404HD\ 192k\ UMC404HD\ 192k\ MID
+ MidiSport\ 4x4\ MIDI\ 1
+ MidiSport\ 4x4\ MIDI\ 2
+ MidiSport\ 4x4\ MIDI\ 3
+ MidiSport\ 4x4\ MIDI\ 4
diff --git a/comms_start.sh b/setup/comms_start.sh
similarity index 100%
rename from comms_start.sh
rename to setup/comms_start.sh
diff --git a/setup/enable_laptop_bluetooth.sh b/setup/enable_laptop_bluetooth.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f2c3794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/enable_laptop_bluetooth.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# turn on bluetooth device
+blueman-manager &
+sleep 1;
+killall blueman-manager blueman-applet;
diff --git a/start_all_apps.sh b/start_all_apps.sh
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index fec6c27..441ff88
--- a/start_all_apps.sh
+++ b/start_all_apps.sh
@@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
kill `pidof ardour-6.5.0~ds0`
-killall -9 jackd guitarix sclang scide;
+killall -9 qjackctl jackd guitarix sclang scide;
-/usr/bin/jackd -aa -u -dalsa -r44100 -p512 -n3 -D -Chw:U192k -Phw:U192k &
+/usr/bin/jackd -aa -u -dalsa -r44100 -p256 -n3 -D -Chw:U192k -Phw:U192k &
sleep 1;
guitarix &
-sclang -D gtr.scd &
+# sclang -D gtr.scd &
+scide gtr.scd &
+gnome-terminal --title=NODE SERVER -- sh ./setup/comms_start.sh &
sleep 4;