
22 lines
659 B
Executable File

RENDERDATE=`date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M"`
# this does search and replace in all the extra files A.ly B.ly etc.
# and replaces xA xB etc with pitches from audio analysis
# this takes the component files that now have pitches injected
# into the placeholders and inserts them into the main current.ly placeholder
./magic.pl ly/current.ly > ly/tmp/out.ly
# renders the result into a pdf
lilypond -o ly/tmp/ ly/tmp/out.ly
# backup version to archive
mv ly/tmp/out.pdf output/archive/dislocatedspaces-$RENDERDATE.pdf
mv ly/tmp/out.ly output/archive/dislocatedspaces-$RENDERDATE.ly
evince output/archive/dislocatedspaces-$RENDERDATE.pdf