
142 lines
4.8 KiB
Executable File

import shutil, re, glob, os, random, time
#import the config file containing acoustic analysis data
# set lilypond file path
# define the part names
parts=["LH","RH","DRONE","VOICE", "RECORDER"]
# define the number of slices (template variants/rotations) that make a part
# define the search keys (these strings are in lilypond templates and to be replaced):
col = ["xA", "xB", "xC", "xD", "xE", "xF", "xG", "xC", "xD", "xE", "xF", "xG"]
# ---------------------------------------
# clear the old tmp files before starting
deleteme = ["ly/tmp/*.tmp", "*.pdf", "ly/located*.ly", "ly/tmp/ly/*.ly"]
for d in deleteme:
for clean in glob.glob(d):
# ---------------------------------------
C=0; # a counter to use for rota
for idz, p in enumerate(parts):
files2cat = []
# decide which pitchset to use based on part
if p == "LH":
pitches = cfg.pitchSet
varinums = 7;
elif p is "RH":
pitches = cfg.pitchSetB
varinums = 9;
elif p is "DRONE":
pitches = cfg.pitchSetD
varinums = 7;
elif p is "VOICE":
pitches = cfg.pitchSetV
varinums = 1;
elif p is "RECORDER":
pitches = cfg.pitchSetV
varinums = 1;
pitches = cfg.pitchSetD
varinums = 2;
# variants[0:varinums] select the number of variants to use as tweaked in the elif above
for idy, a in enumerate(variants[0:varinums]):
# open lilypond input template file for search and replace
f = open(l+"/"+p+".ly",'r')
# and read its contents to a variable called filedata
filedata = f.read()
# takes last list element and moves it to the head of the list
col.insert(0, col.pop(0))
# random.shuffle(col)
print "populating template.......: " + p,a
for idx, c in enumerate(col):
f = open(l+"/tmp/" + p + a + ".tmp",'w')
x = pitches[C%len(pitches)]
# do the search and replace
filedata = filedata.replace(c,x)
# step through the pitches in the set to populate template
# if the pitch set is shorter than the template use the modulus
# open a new file for output
# add the p
fstrg = 'ly/tmp/ly/' + p+'.ly'
# append filenames to an array to be looped through below
print "concatenating template rotations to output file......:" + fstrg
# open an output file
with open(fstrg, 'a') as outfile:
# loop through array of filenames and concatenate contents out fstrg output file
for fc in files2cat:
print fc
with open(fc) as infile:
for line in infile:
#with open(, 'w') as outfile:
# take the master template and inject in the populated template parts
# prepend opening bars here:
print "============================================="
with file('ly/tmp/ly/LH.ly', 'r') as original: data = original.read()
with file('ly/tmp/ly/LH.ly', 'w') as modified: modified.write('r1 \\bar ":" %%XXXXXXX' + data)
with file('ly/tmp/ly/RH.ly', 'r') as original: data = original.read()
with file('ly/tmp/ly/RH.ly', 'w') as modified: modified.write('r1 \\bar ":" %%XXXXXXX' + data)
with file('ly/tmp/ly/DRONE.ly', 'r') as original: data = original.read()
with file('ly/tmp/ly/DRONE.ly', 'w') as modified: modified.write('r1 \\bar ":" %%XXXXXXX' + data)
with file('ly/tmp/ly/RECORDER.ly', 'r') as original: data = original.read()
with file('ly/tmp/ly/RECORDER.ly', 'w') as modified: modified.write('r1 \\bar ":" %%XXXXXXX' + data)
#with file('ly/tmp/ly/VOICE.ly', 'r') as original: data = original.read()
#with file('ly/tmp/ly/VOICE.ly', 'w') as modified: modified.write('r1 \\bar ":" %%XXXXXXX' + data)
lh = open('ly/tmp/ly/LH.ly').read()
rh = open('ly/tmp/ly/RH.ly').read()
drone = open('ly/tmp/ly/DRONE.ly').read()
voice = open('ly/tmp/ly/VOICE.ly').read()
recorder = open('ly/tmp/ly/RECORDER.ly').read()
file = open('ly/current.ly')
contents = file.read()
replaced_contents = contents.replace('AAAAA', lh)
replaced_contents = replaced_contents.replace('BBBBB', rh)
replaced_contents = replaced_contents.replace('ADDIN', voice)
replaced_contents = replaced_contents.replace('DRONE', drone)
replaced_contents = replaced_contents.replace('RECORDER', recorder)
timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M")
fname = 'locatedspace_'+cfg.version+timestr
masterfile = open('ly/'+fname+'.ly', 'w')
os.system('lilypond ' + 'ly/'+fname+'.ly')
os.system('evince ' + fname + '.pdf')