"/home/rob/algomom/sc/motherMIDISetup.scd".load; TempoClock.default.tempo = 60/60; ~xx = ( Pdef(\m_1).play(quant: 4); // TOP MOTHER Pdef(\m_1_CC).play(quant:4); // CC 1 Pdef(\m_2).play(quant: 4); // BTM MOTHER NOTEON Pdef(\m_2_CC).play(quant:4); // CC 1 ) Pdef(\m_1).stop; // NOTEON Pdef(\m_1_CC).stop; Pdef(\m_2).stop; // NOTEON Pdef(\m_2_CC).stop; //////////////////////////////////////// Pdef(\m_1).play(quant: 4); // TOP MOTHER Pdef(\m_1_CC).play(quant:4); // CC 1 Pdef(\m_1).stop; // NOTEON Pdef(\m_1_CC).stop; // --------------- / Pdef(\m_2).play(quant: 4); // BTM MOTHER NOTEON Pdef(\m_2_CC).play(quant:4); // CC 1 Pdef(\m_2).stop; // NOTEON Pdef(\m_2_CC).stop; ////////////////////////////// Pbindef(\m_1,\scale,~s1,\degree,~d4,\dur,~r1,\octave,~o2, \mtranspose,0); Pbindef(\m_2,\scale,~s1,\degree,~d4,\dur,~r2,\octave,~o2, \mtranspose,0); // indiviudal controls ////////////// Pbindef(\m_1, \root, 4); Pbindef(\m_2, \root, 4); Pbindef(\m_1, \mtranspose, 0); Pbindef(\m_2, \mtranspose, 0); Pbindef(\m_1, \scale, ~s1 ); Pbindef(\m_2, \scale, ~s1); Pbindef(\m_1, \octave, ~o0); Pbindef(\m_2, \octave, 2); Pbindef(\m_1, \dur, ~r4); Pbindef(\m_2, \dur, ~r0); Pbindef(\m_1, \degree, ~ddd); Pbindef(\m_2, \degree, ~ddd); ( var a; a = Pfunc({ //exprand(0.1, 0.3) + #[1, 2, 3, 6, 7].choose ~host.sendMsg("/sc3p5", rrand(1,100).asFloat); // send OSC message to P5 }).asStream; { a.do { |val| ~host.sendMsg("/sc3p5", rrand(1,100).asFloat); // send OSC message to P5 //Synth(\help_sinegrain, [\freq, val * 100 + 300]); 0.02.wait; } }.fork; )