;;; health-template.el --- generating org-gnuplot templates for health data -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2022 by David O'Toole ;; Author: David O'Toole ;;; Commentary: ;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person ;; obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation ;; files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without ;; restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, ;; copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell ;; copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the ;; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following ;; conditions: ;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be ;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ;; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES ;; OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ;; NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT ;; HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, ;; WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING ;; FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR ;; OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ;;; Code: (require 'eieio) (eval-when-compile (require 'cl)) (require 'cl-lib) (defvar health-y-max 40) (defvar health-number-of-days 7) (defclass health-factor () ((name :initform nil :accessor health-name :initarg :name) (goal :initform nil :accessor health-goal :initarg :goal) (unit :initform nil :accessor health-unit :initarg :unit) (color :initform "gray50" :accessor health-color :initarg :color) (thickness :initform 2 :accessor health-thickness :initarg :thickness) (plot-type :initform :lines :accessor health-plot-type :initarg :plot-type) (point-type :initform nil :accessor health-point-type :initarg :point-type) (dash-type :initform nil :accessor health-dash-type :initarg :dash-type) (formula :initform nil :accessor health-formula :initarg :formula))) (defvar health-factors ()) (defvar health-plot-types '(:lines :points :linespoints)) (defvar health-unit-types '(:score :hours :minutes :milligrams :doses :points)) (defvar health-xtics-format "%a %m/%d") (defun health-gnuplot-preamble () (concat " #+begin_src gnuplot :var data=mydata # clear graphics from any previous run reset # define output parameters set terminal svg font \"Arial\" size 900,900 set output './test.svg' # use org-mode format for input set datafile separator \"\\t\" set timefmt \"%Y-%m-%d\" # set up for time series data set xdata time set x2tics 1 format '' scale 0 # one X tick per day set xtics 24*60*60 # vertical line on each day set grid xtics # one Y tick every five points set ytics 5 # rotate labels to fit better set xtics rotate by 60 right set key box lc 'gray60' " (format "set xtics format \"%s\"\n" health-xtics-format) (format "set yrange [0:%d]\n" health-y-max) )) (defun health-factors-from-list (specs) (mapcar (lambda (spec) (apply #'make-instance 'health-factor spec)) specs)) (cl-defmethod health-factor-gnuplot-linetype ((h health-factor) n) (with-slots (name goal unit color thickness plot-type point-type dash-type) h (format "set linetype %d lw %d lc rgb '%s' ps 1 pt %d %s\n" n thickness color (or point-type 1) (if dash-type (format "dt \"%s\"" dash-type) "")))) (cl-defmethod health-factor-gnuplot-goal-line ((h health-factor) n) (with-slots (name goal unit color thickness plot-type point-type) h (format "set linetype %d lw 1 lc rgb '%s' set arrow %d from graph 0, first %d to graph 1, first %d lt %d dt '..' set label \"%d\" at graph 0.52, first %d font 'Arial,16' tc rgb '%s'\n" n color n goal goal n goal goal color))) (cl-defmethod health-factor-gnuplot-plot-line ((h health-factor) n) (with-slots (name goal unit color thickness plot-type point-type formula) h (format "data using 1:%s with %s title '%s' lt %d" (if formula formula (if (eq plot-type :points) (format "($%d == 0 ? NaN : $%d)" (1+ n) (1+ n)) (format "%d" (1+ n)))) (substring (symbol-name plot-type) 1) (format "%s (%s)" name (substring (symbol-name unit) 1)) n))) (defun health-generate-gnuplot-block (factors) (with-temp-buffer (insert (health-gnuplot-preamble)) (let ((n 1) (num-factors (length factors))) (cl-dolist (f factors) (insert (health-factor-gnuplot-linetype f n)) (cl-incf n)) (cl-dolist (f factors) (when (health-goal f) (insert (health-factor-gnuplot-goal-line f n)) (cl-incf n))) (insert "plot ") (setf n 1) (cl-dolist (f factors) (when (not (= n 1)) (insert ", \\\n")) (insert (health-factor-gnuplot-plot-line f n)) (cl-incf n))) (insert "\n#+end_src\n\n") (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))) (defun health-block (lang content) (format "\n#+begin_src %s\n%s\n#+end_src\n\n" lang content)) (defun health-update-all-block () (health-block "elisp" "(save-excursion (let ((old-value org-confirm-babel-evaluate)) (setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil) (org-update-all-dblocks) (org-show-all) (org-next-block 1) (org-babel-execute-src-block) (setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate old-value))) ")) (defun health-generate-journal-heading (factors) (format "\n* Journal\n :PROPERTIES:\n :columns: %s\n:ID: myid\n:END:\n\n" (concat "%timestamp(Date) " (mapconcat (lambda (f) (format "%%%s(%s %s)" (health-name f) (health-name f) (substring (symbol-name (health-unit f)) 1))) factors " ")))) (defun health-generate-data-table-stub () "\n#+BEGIN: columnview :hlines 1 :id myid\n#+tblname: mydata\n\n\n#+END:\n\n") (defun health-generate-org-capture-template (factors) (health-block "elisp" (format "(setq org-capture-templates '((\"j\" \"Journal\" entry (file+headline \"~/tracking/tracking.org\" \"Journal\")\n\"* %%t\n:PROPERTIES:%s\n:END:\n\")))" (mapconcat (lambda (f) (format "\n:%s:" (health-name f))) factors " ")))) (defun* health-generate-org-template (&optional (factors health-factors)) (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*healthdata*")) (delete-region (point-min) (point-max)) (insert (health-update-all-block)) (insert (health-generate-org-capture-template factors)) (insert (health-generate-gnuplot-block factors)) (insert (health-generate-data-table-stub)) (insert (health-generate-journal-heading factors))) (setf health-factors (health-factors-from-list '((:name "exercise" :goal 20 :unit :minutes :color "forest-green" :thickness 2 :plot-type :points :point-type 9) (:name "sleep" :goal 8 :unit :hours :color "purple" :thickness 2 :plot-type :lines) (:name "nicotine" :goal 5 :unit :doses :color "dark-yellow" :thickness 2 :plot-type :lines) (:name "distress" :unit :scale :color "dark-pink" :thickness 2 :plot-type :lines) (:name "missed" :unit :doses :color "red" :thickness 2 :plot-type :points :point-type 11) (:name "pain" :unit :scale :color "orange" :thickness 2 :plot-type :lines)))) ;; (health-generate-org-template) (provide 'health-template) ;;; health-template.el ends here