import requests import urllib import pandas as pd from requests_html import HTML from requests_html import HTMLSession def get_source(url): """Return the source code for the provided URL. Args: url (string): URL of the page to scrape. Returns: response (object): HTTP response object from requests_html. """ try: session = HTMLSession() response = session.get(url) return response except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print(e) def scrape_google(query): query = urllib.parse.quote_plus(query) response = get_source("" + query) links = list(response.html.absolute_links) google_domains = ('', 'https://google.', 'https://webcache.googleusercontent.', 'http://webcache.googleusercontent.', '', '', '') for url in links[:]: if url.startswith(google_domains): links.remove(url) return links scrape_google('')