TODO: - nice report selection - clean up the config (default reports) - Improve readme - abstract baseCommand with some input params - add time tracking command - plugin system for services: - in dependencies.php find subdependencies.php - Create interface for 3rd party service integration and abstract class - Create factory to add correct service of a 3rd party service to the Command - separator constant ------------------------ - add plugin system for time tracking service - add tests ------------------------ - question helper: - psr-12 code check and add phpstan - phing for build automation - add ddev for dockerization TODO (end of 2022): - DONE fix project list output (first is missing) - DONE report selection trait - automated tests - phpcs - phpstan OPTIONAL: - phing build system to run quality assurance - DONE fix -y parameter in invoice - time track command - report from api service and factory: - youtrack - jira - kimai DONE: - expenses default value - pretify output - rename rprt to invoice - select report - build phar file - upload a phar file on repo - create release - clear report cache