configurationService = $config; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getReportData(string $filePath) : array { $output = []; // @TODO replace with config service. // $config = $this->dummyConfig()['projects']; $config = $this->configurationService->get('projects'); foreach (array_keys($config) as $key) { $output[$key] = 0; } if ($file = fopen($filePath, 'r')) { while (($line = fgetcsv($file)) !== false) { $parsed = $this->parseCsvFile($line); // $key = reset(array_keys($parsed)); $key = array_key_first($parsed); if (isset($output[$key])) { $output[$key] += (int) reset($parsed); } } } return $output; } /** * Get correct values from the raw data lines of csv. * * @param array $rawData * Columns with data are specified in config. * * @return array * Project key and unit of time spent. */ protected function parseCsvFile(array $rawData) : array { $config = $this->configurationService->get('projects'); foreach ($config as $key => $project) { if (preg_match('/' . $project['pattern'] . '/', $rawData[1])) { return [$key => $rawData[4]]; } } return []; } public function arangeDataForPdfExport(array $data): array { [$rows, $totalHours, $totalPrice] = [[], 0, 0]; $projectsConfig = $this->configurationService->get('projects'); $header = $this->configurationService->get('export.labels', null); if (is_array($header)) { $rows[] = $header; } foreach ($projectsConfig as $name => $config) { if (! isset($data[$name])) { // @TODO Proper error handling. var_dump('Project ' . $name . ' is not set!'); continue; } $hours = $data[$name]; if ($config['time_format'] === 'm') { $hours /= 60; } $price = $hours * (int) $config['price']; $row = [ $config['name'], $hours, $config['price'], $hours * $config['price'], ]; $rows[] = $row; $totalHours += $hours; $totalPrice += $price; } // @TODO Check rate in final result. // $rows[] = [$this->translator->trans('Sum'), $totalHours, $config['price'], $totalPrice]; $rows[] = ['Sum', $totalHours, $config['price'], $totalPrice]; return $rows; } protected function dummyConfig() : array { return [ 'projects' => [ 'LDP' => [ 'name' => '', 'pattern' => 'LDP-[0-9]+', 'price' => 26, // optional specify columns ], 'WV' => [ 'name' => 'Wirtschaftsverlag', 'pattern' => 'WV-[0-9]+', 'price' => 26, // optional specify columns ], 'Other' => [ 'name' => 'Other projects', 'pattern' => '(?!.\bLDP\b)(?!.\bWV\b)', 'price' => 26, // optional specify columns ], ], ]; } }