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baseurl = "/"
title = "Public Money, Public Code"
theme = "hugo-creative-theme"
DefaultContentLanguage = "en"
author = "Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE)"
description = "Public Money, Public Code - A campaign for releasing publicly financed software as Free Software"
languageCode = "en-us"
languageName = "English"
url = ""
previewImage = "img/header.jpg"
fbPageID = "336939393138306"
twitterUser = "@fsfe"
# Navigation
brand = "Public Money, Public Code"
start = "Start"
about = "About"
arguments = "Arguments"
action = "Take Action"
# resources = "Resources"
spread = "Spread"
language = "Language"
# Start banner
# To change the background of the hero section, replace the 'header.jpg' at './static/img' with your own.
slogan_1 = "Public Money"
slogan_2 = "Public Code"
alt = "Public Money, Public Code"
subtitle1 = "Why is software that is programmed with taxpayers' money not released as Free Software?"
subtitle2 = "We want legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for public sector must be made publicly available under a Free and Open Source Software licence. If it is public money, it should be public code as well."
subtitle3 = "**Code paid by all people should be available to all people!**"
# About section
headline = "Sounds complex? No, it's super easy!"
description = "Here could be a short description of the video if we want it. Suggestions welcome!"
buttonText = "More advantages"
# Arguments section
headline = "Only 4 of many reasons for public code"
followup = "Do you believe that Free Software must be the default option for publicly financed software? **Then let's convince your political representatives!**"
buttonText = "Sign the Open Letter"
icon = "fa-eur"
title = "Tax savings"
description = "Similar applications don't have to be programmed from scratch every time."
icon = "fa-plus"
title = "Collaboration"
description = "Efforts on major projects can be joint to share expertise and costs."
icon = "fa-users"
title = "Serving the public"
description = "Applications paid by the public should be available for everyone."
icon = "fa-lightbulb-o"
title = "Fostering innovation"
description = "With transparent processes others don't have to reinvent the wheel."
# Action section
headline = "Tell Your Representatives!"
subheadline = "We demand: **„Implement legislation requiring that, as a default setting, publicly financed software must be made publicly available under a Free Software licence.“**"
description = "More than XY organisations support this call for action by signing our [open letter](/openletter). Help us to make an impact by signing it, too! We will hand over all signatures to representatives all over Europe that are debating software freedom in public administration."
formName = "Name (required)"
formEmail = "Email (required)"
formCountry = "Country"
formZip = "ZIP Code"
formPermissionPriv = "I have read and accepted the [privacy statement](/privacy)"
formPermissionNews = "I want to stay informed about the future of this campaign"
formPermissionPub = "I want my signature to appear in the [list of signatures](/openletter#signatures)"
formSubmit = "Sign Now!"
# Organisations section
headline = "Supporting Organisations"
text = "Following organisations support our [Open Letter](/openletter). If your organisation is also interested in joining the call for Public Code, please [contact us]("
# # Resources boxes section
# [params.resources]
# [[params.resources.list]]
# title = "Latest News"
# description = "The latest updates about this campaign and public code in Europe"
# img = "news.jpg"
# link = "/news/"
# [[params.resources.list]]
# title = "Take Further Action"
# description = "Already signed the Open Letter? Learn what else you can do"
# img = "action.jpg"
# link = "/getactive/"
# [[params.resources.list]]
# title = "Press Contact"
# description = "Contact information for press and interested public"
# img = "press.jpg"
# link = "/contact/"
# Spread the word section
headline = "Spread the word!"
promoText = "Obtain the latest stickers and flyers from FSFE"
promoButtonText = "Get promo material"
promoButtonLink = ""
shareText = "Tell your friends and followers about Public Code"
# Legal Section
by = "This is a campaign by Free Software Foundation Europe"
imprint = "Imprint"
privacy = "Privacy"
transparency = "Transparency"
contribute1 = "The code of this website is Free Software."
contribute2 = "You're welcome to contribute!"
license = "Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved."
# Language selection
description = "Read this page in another language"
# 404 Error Page
headline = "Error 404 - Page not found"
description = "The page you're looking for does not exist."
button = "Back to start page"
# == GERMAN ==
languageCode = "de-DE"
languageName = "Deutsch"
description = "Public Money, Public Code - Eine Kampagne zur Veröffentlichung öffentlich finanzierter Software als Freie Software"
# Navigation
brand = "Public Money, Public Code"
start = "Start"
about = "Über"
reasons = "Gründe"
resources = "Ressourcen"
sign = "Unterzeichnen"
spread = "Verbreiten"
contact = "Kontakt"
language = "Sprache"
# Language selection
description = "Diese Seite in einer anderen Sprache lesen"
# Start banner
slogan = "Public Money Public Code"
subtitle = "Warum wird Software, die von Steuerzahlern finanziert wird, nicht als Freie Software veröffentlicht? Von Allen bezahlter Code sollte Allen zur Verfügung stehen."
buttonText = "Video anschauen"
# About section
headline = "Klingt komplziert? Nein, es ist super einfach!"
description = "VIDEO"
buttonText = "Mehr Vorteile"
# Reasons section
headline = "Mehr Gründe zur Befreiung öffentlichen Codes"
icon = "fa-eur"
title = "Steuerersparnis"
description = "Ähnliche Anwendungen müssen nicht jedes Mal von neu auf programmiert werden."
icon = "fa-plus"
title = "Zusammenarbeit"
description = "Bei großen Projekten können Expertise und Kosten zusammengelegt werden."
icon = "fa-users"
title = "Für die Allgemeinheit"
description = "Anwendungen, die von Allen finanziert werde, müssen Allen zur Verfügung gestellt werden."
icon = "fa-lightbulb-o"
title = "Innovation fördern"
description = "Dank transparenter Prozesse müssen Andere das Rad nicht neu erfinden."
# Portfolio modals
client = "Kunde"
date = "Datum"
category = "Kategorie"
buttonText = "Schließen"
# Spread the word section
headline = "Sag es weiter!"
promoText = "Hol' Dir die neuesten Sticker und Flyer von der FSFE"
promoButtonText = "Promomaterial bestellen"
promoButtonLink = ""
shareText = "Erzähle Deinen Freunden und Followern von PMPC"
# Legal Section
by = "Eine Kampagne der Free Software Foundation Europe"
imprint = "Impressum"
privacy = "Datenschutz"
transparency = "Transparenz"
license = "Die unveränderte Wiedergabe und Verteilung dieses gesamten Textes in beliebiger Form ist gestattet, sofern dieser Hinweis erhalten bleibt."