38 lines
2.2 KiB

<form action="" method="GET" class="share-buttons {{.type}}" target="_blank" onkeypress="return event.keyCode != 13;">
<input name="popup" id="no-share-popup-{{.type}}" type="radio" />
<input name="ref" value="pmpc-{{.type}}" type="hidden" />
<input name="url" value="{{ .url }}{{ .lang }}" type="hidden" />
<input id="sharetitle-{{.type}}" name="title" value="{{ i18n "spread_defaultSocialText" }}" type="hidden" />
<input class="n" name="website" placeholder="Please do not put anything here" />
{{ range .data }}
<!-- The text that shall be shared in a service, either custom or default -->
{{- $sharetext := "" -}}
{{- if isset . "customText" -}}
{{- $sharetext = i18n .customText -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $sharetext = i18n "spread_defaultSocialText" -}}
{{- end -}}
<!-- The name of the network. Mostly generic, sometimes translated -->
{{- $name := "" -}}
{{- if isset . "translatedName" -}}
{{- $name = i18n .name -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $name = .name -}}
{{- end -}}
{{ if eq .userinput true -}}
<label class="button share-{{ .id }}" title="{{ if .titleBefore }}{{ i18n "spread_titleBefore" }}{{ end }} {{ $name }} {{ if .titleAfter }}{{ i18n "spread_titleAfter" }}{{ end }}" for="{{ .id }}-share-{{$.type}}">{{if eq $.type "side" }}&nbsp;{{else}}{{$name}}{{end}}</label>
<input name="popup" id="{{ .id }}-share-{{$.type}}" type="radio" />
<span class="popup {{ .id }}">
<label for="no-share-popup-{{$.type}}"></label>
<input name="{{ .id }}pod" value="" placeholder="{{ $name }} URL ({{ .id }}.tld)" type="text" />
<button type="submit" name="service" value="{{ .id }}" onclick="return changeTitle_{{$.type | safeJS }}('{{ $sharetext }}')">OK</button>
{{- end -}}
{{- if ne .userinput true -}}
<button type="submit" name="service" value="{{ .id }}" class="button share-{{ .id }}" title="{{ if .titleBefore }}{{ i18n "spread_titleBefore" }}{{ end }} {{ $name }} {{ if .titleAfter }}{{ i18n "spread_titleAfter" }}{{ end }}" onclick="return changeTitle_{{$.type | safeJS}}('{{ $sharetext }}')">{{if eq $.type "side" }}&nbsp;{{else}}{{$name}}{{end}}</button>
{{- end }}
{{ end }}