baseurl = "/" title = "Public Money, Public Code" theme = "hugo-creative-theme" DefaultContentLanguage = "en" [params] author = "Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE)" description = "Public Money, Public Code - A campaign for releasing publicly financed software as Free Software" languageCode = "en-us" languageName = "English" favicon = "favicon.ico" # Navigation [params.navigation] brand = "Public Money, Public Code" [params.navigation.links] start = "Start" about = "About" reasons = "Reasons" resources = "Resources" spread = "Spread" contact = "Contact" language = "Language" # Language selection [params.language] description = "Read this page in another language" # Start banner [params.start] # To change the background of the hero section, replace the 'header.jpg' at './static/img' with your own. slogan = "Public Money – Public Code" subtitle = "Why is software that is programmed with taxpayers' money not released as Free Software? Code paid by all people should be available to all people." buttonText = "See the video" # About section [params.about] headline = "Sounds complex? No, it's super easy!" description = "VIDEO" buttonText = "More advantages" # Reasons section [params.reasons] headline = "More reasons to free public code" [[params.reasons.list]] icon = "fa-eur" title = "Tax savings" description = "Similar applications don't have to be programmed from scratch every time." [[params.reasons.list]] icon = "fa-plus" title = "Collaboration" description = "Efforts on major projects can be joint to share expertise and costs." [[params.reasons.list]] icon = "fa-users" title = "Serving the public" description = "Applications paid by the public should be available for everyone." [[params.reasons.list]] icon = "fa-lightbulb-o" title = "Fostering innovation" description = "With transparent processes others don't have to reinvent the wheel." # Portfolio modals [params.resources.modal] client = "Client" date = "Date" category = "Category" buttonText = "Close" # Sign section [params.sign] headline = "Sign our open letter!" description = "Show that you want to free publicly financed code by signing our open letter." # Spread the word section [params.spread] headline = "Spread the word!" promoText = "Obtain the latest stickers and flyers from FSFE" promoButtonText = "Get promo material" promoButtonLink = "" shareText = "Tell your friends and followers about Public Code" # Contact section [] headline = "Let's Get In Touch!" description = "Ready to start your next project with us? That's great! Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!" phone = "123-456-6789" email = "" # Legal Section [] by = "This is a campaign by Free Software Foundation Europe" imprint = "Imprint" privacy = "Privacy" transparency = "Transparency" license = "Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved." # 404 Error Page [params.error] headline = "Error 404 - Page not found" description = "The page you're looking for does not exist." button = "Back to start page" # === TRANSLATIONS === [Languages] [Languages.en] # == GERMAN == [] languageCode = "de-DE" languageName = "Deutsch" description = "Public Money, Public Code - Eine Kampagne zur Veröffentlichung öffentlich finanzierter Software als Freie Software" # Navigation [] brand = "Public Money, Public Code" [] start = "Start" about = "Über" reasons = "Gründe" resources = "Ressourcen" spread = "Verbreiten" contact = "Kontakt" language = "Sprache" # Language selection [] description = "Diese Seite in einer anderen Sprache lesen" # Start banner [] slogan = "Public Money – Public Code" subtitle = "Warum wird Software, die von Steuerzahlern finanziert wird, nicht als Freie Software veröffentlicht? Von Allen bezahlter Code sollte Allen zur Verfügung stehen." buttonText = "Video anschauen" # About section [] headline = "Klingt komplziert? Nein, es ist super einfach!" description = "VIDEO" buttonText = "Mehr Vorteile" # Reasons section [] headline = "Mehr Gründe zur Befreiung öffentlichen Codes" [[]] icon = "fa-eur" title = "Steuerersparnis" description = "Ähnliche Anwendungen müssen nicht jedes Mal von neu auf programmiert werden." [[]] icon = "fa-plus" title = "Zusammenarbeit" description = "Bei großen Projekten können Expertise und Kosten zusammengelegt werden." [[]] icon = "fa-users" title = "Für die Allgemeinheit" description = "Anwendungen, die von Allen finanziert werde, müssen Allen zur Verfügung gestellt werden." [[]] icon = "fa-lightbulb-o" title = "Innovation fördern" description = "Dank transparenter Prozesse müssen Andere das Rad nicht neu erfinden." # Portfolio modals [] client = "Kunde" date = "Datum" category = "Kategorie" buttonText = "Schließen" # Spread the word section [] headline = "Sag es weiter!" promoText = "Hol' Dir die neuesten Sticker und Flyer von der FSFE" promoButtonText = "Promomaterial bestellen" promoButtonLink = "" shareText = "Erzähle Deinen Freunden und Followern von PMPC" # Legal Section [] by = "Eine Kampagne der Free Software Foundation Europe" imprint = "Impressum" privacy = "Datenschutz" transparency = "Transparenz" license = "Die unveränderte Wiedergabe und Verteilung dieses gesamten Textes in beliebiger Form ist gestattet, sofern dieser Hinweis erhalten bleibt."