--- kind: pipeline name: default steps: - name: copy-sigs image: alpine:3 commands: - cp /tmp/signatures.json site/data/signatures/signatures.json volumes: - name: signatures path: /tmp/signatures.json when: branch: - master event: exclude: # do not copy sigs in pull requests to speed up builds - pull_request - name: hugo image: plugins/hugo settings: source: site validate: true - name: deploy image: docker/compose:1.29.2 environment: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR: "/run/user/1001" DOCKER_HOST: "unix:///run/user/1001/docker.sock" commands: - docker-compose -p pmpc-website up --build -d volumes: - name: dockersock path: /run/user/1001/docker.sock when: branch: - master event: - push - tag - deployment - cron # This has to run on the same machine as the forms API until this feature # exists: https://git.fsfe.org/fsfe-system-hackers/forms/issues/62 node: cont2: noris volumes: - name: dockersock host: path: /run/user/1001/docker.sock - name: signatures host: path: /srv/forms/pmpc/signatures.json --- kind: signature hmac: d58a928931a664eb701370b52e57115c7c28fdd82fe62b3251321209252188e4 ...