Merge PR #184 (Revert Free Software definition link)
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# Start banner
subtitle1 = "Why is software created using taxpayers' money not released as Free Software?"
subtitle2 = "We want legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a [Free and Open Source Software]( 'Free Software gives everybody the right to use, study, share and improve software. This right helps support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy.') licence. If it is public money, it should be public code as well."
subtitle2 = "We want legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a [Free and Open Source Software]( 'Free Software gives everybody the right to use, study, share and improve software. This right helps support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy.') licence. If it is public money, it should be public code as well."
subtitle3 = "**Code paid by the people should be available to the people!**"
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# Start banner
subtitle1 = "Per què el programari creat amb els diners dels contribuents no s'allibera com a programari lliure?"
subtitle2 = "Volem legislació que reguli que el programari finançat públicament pel sector públic es faci públic com a [programari lliure o codi obert]( 'El programari lliure dóna el dret a tothom a utilitzar, estudiar, compartir i millorar el programari. Aquest dret ajuda a donar suport a altres llibertats fonamentals com la llibertat d'expressió, premsa o privacitat.'). Si són diners públics, el codi ha de ser públic."
subtitle2 = "Volem legislació que reguli que el programari finançat públicament pel sector públic es faci públic com a [programari lliure o codi obert]( 'El programari lliure dóna el dret a tothom a utilitzar, estudiar, compartir i millorar el programari. Aquest dret ajuda a donar suport a altres llibertats fonamentals com la llibertat d'expressió, premsa o privacitat.'). Si són diners públics, el codi ha de ser públic."
subtitle3 = "**El codi pagat per la gent ha d'estar disponible per a altres persones!**"
# About section
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# Start banner
subtitle1 = "Warum wird durch Steuergelder finanzierte Software nicht als Freie Software veröffentlicht?"
subtitle2 = "Wir wollen rechtliche Grundlagen, die es erfordern, dass mit öffentlichen Geldern für öffentliche Verwaltungen entwickelte Software unter einer [Freie-Software- und Open-Source Lizenz]( 'Freie Software gibt allen das Recht, Programme für jeden Zweck zu verwenden, zu verstehen, zu verbreiten und zu verbessern. Diese Freiheiten stärken andere Grundrechte wie die Redefreiheit, die Pressefreiheit und das Recht auf Privatsphäre.') veröffentlicht wird. Wenn es sich um öffentliche Gelder handelt, sollte auch der Code öffentlich sein!"
subtitle2 = "Wir wollen rechtliche Grundlagen, die es erfordern, dass mit öffentlichen Geldern für öffentliche Verwaltungen entwickelte Software unter einer [Freie-Software- und Open-Source Lizenz]( 'Freie Software gibt allen das Recht, Programme für jeden Zweck zu verwenden, zu verstehen, zu verbreiten und zu verbessern. Diese Freiheiten stärken andere Grundrechte wie die Redefreiheit, die Pressefreiheit und das Recht auf Privatsphäre.') veröffentlicht wird. Wenn es sich um öffentliche Gelder handelt, sollte auch der Code öffentlich sein!"
subtitle3 = "**Von allen bezahlter Code sollte für alle verfügbar sein!**"
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# Start banner
subtitle1 = "Γιατί το λογισμικό που δημιουργείται με χρήματα φορολογουμένων πολιτών δεν διανέμεται ως Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό;"
subtitle2 = "Θέλουμε νομοθεσία που να απαιτεί ότι το δημόσια χρηματοδοτούμενο λογισμικό που αναπτύσσεται για το δημόσιο τομέα πρέπει να διατίθεται δημοσίως με άδεια χρήσης [ελεύθερου και ανοιχτού λογισμικού]( 'Το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό δίνει σε όλους το δικαίωμα να χρησιμοποιούν, να μελετούν, να μοιράζονται και να βελτιώνουν το λογισμικό. Αυτό το δικαίωμα βοηθά στην υποστήριξη άλλων θεμελιωδών ελευθεριών όπως η ελευθερία του λόγου, του τύπου και της ιδιωτικότητας.'). Αν είναι δημόσιο χρήμα, θα έπρεπε να είναι και δημόσιος κώδικας."
subtitle2 = "Θέλουμε νομοθεσία που να απαιτεί ότι το δημόσια χρηματοδοτούμενο λογισμικό που αναπτύσσεται για το δημόσιο τομέα πρέπει να διατίθεται δημοσίως με άδεια χρήσης [ελεύθερου και ανοιχτού λογισμικού]( 'Το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό δίνει σε όλους το δικαίωμα να χρησιμοποιούν, να μελετούν, να μοιράζονται και να βελτιώνουν το λογισμικό. Αυτό το δικαίωμα βοηθά στην υποστήριξη άλλων θεμελιωδών ελευθεριών όπως η ελευθερία του λόγου, του τύπου και της ιδιωτικότητας.'). Αν είναι δημόσιο χρήμα, θα έπρεπε να είναι και δημόσιος κώδικας."
subtitle3 = "**Κώδικας που πληρώνεται από τους πολίτες πρέπει να είναι διαθέσιμος και στους πολίτες!**"
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# Start banner
subtitle1 = "Why is software created using taxpayers' money not released as Free Software?"
subtitle2 = "We want legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a [Free and Open Source Software]( 'Free Software gives everybody the right to use, study, share and improve software. This right helps support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy.') licence. If it is public money, it should be public code as well."
subtitle2 = "We want legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a [Free and Open Source Software]( 'Free Software gives everybody the right to use, study, share and improve software. This right helps support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy.') licence. If it is public money, it should be public code as well."
subtitle3 = "**Code paid by the people should be available to the people!**"
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# Start banner
subtitle1 = "¿Por qué el software creado con dinero de los impuestos no se publica como Software Libre?"
subtitle2 = "Queremos una legislación que permita que el software desarrollado para el sector público y financiado con recursos públicos esté disponible públicamente bajo una licencia de [Software Libre y Código Abierto]( 'El Software Libre da a todos el derecho a usar, estudiar, compartir y mejorar el software. En estos derechos se fundan otras libertades fundamentales como la libertad de expresión, de prensa y el derecho a la privacidad.'). Si es dinero público debería ser también código público."
subtitle2 = "Queremos una legislación que permita que el software desarrollado para el sector público y financiado con recursos públicos esté disponible públicamente bajo una licencia de [Software Libre y Código Abierto]( 'El Software Libre da a todos el derecho a usar, estudiar, compartir y mejorar el software. En estos derechos se fundan otras libertades fundamentales como la libertad de expresión, de prensa y el derecho a la privacidad.'). Si es dinero público debería ser también código público."
subtitle3 = "**El código pagado por los ciudadanos debería estar disponible para los ciudadanos!**"
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# Start banner
subtitle1 = "Perché il software creato usando i soldi delle tasse riscosse dai cittadini non è rilasciato come Software Libero?"
subtitle2 = "Vogliamo che la legge richieda che il software finanziato pubblicamente e sviluppato per il settore pubblico sia reso pubblicamente disponibile sotto una licenza [Software Libero/Open Source]( 'Il Software Libero dà a chiunque il diritto di usare, studiare, condividere e migliorare il software. Questo diritto aiuta a supportare altri diritti fondamentali come la libertà di parola, di stampa e la tutela della privacy.') Se è denaro pubblico (public money), allora dovrebbe essere publico anche il codice sorgente (public code)."
subtitle2 = "Vogliamo che la legge richieda che il software finanziato pubblicamente e sviluppato per il settore pubblico sia reso pubblicamente disponibile sotto una licenza [Software Libero/Open Source]( 'Il Software Libero dà a chiunque il diritto di usare, studiare, condividere e migliorare il software. Questo diritto aiuta a supportare altri diritti fondamentali come la libertà di parola, di stampa e la tutela della privacy.') Se è denaro pubblico (public money), allora dovrebbe essere publico anche il codice sorgente (public code)."
subtitle3 = "**Il codice pagato dalle persone dovrebbe essere disponibile alle persone!**"
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# Start banner
# subtitle1 = "Why is software created using taxpayers' money not released as Free Software?"
# subtitle2 = "We want legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a [Free and Open Source Software]( 'Free Software gives everybody the rights to use, study, share and improve software. These rights help support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy.') licence. If it is public money, it should be public code as well."
# subtitle2 = "We want legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a [Free and Open Source Software]( 'Free Software gives everybody the rights to use, study, share and improve software. These rights help support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy.') licence. If it is public money, it should be public code as well."
# subtitle3 = "**Code paid by the people should be available to the people!**"
subtitle1 = "Waarom is software die geschreven is met belastinggeld niet beschikbaar als Vrije Software?"
subtitle2 = "Wij willen wetgeving die het nodig maakt dat publiek gefinancieerde software geschreven voor de publieke sector beschikbaar gemaakt wordt onder een [Vrije en Open Bronlicentie]( 'Vrije Software geeft iedereen het recht om software te gebruiken, te begrijpen, aan te passen en te delen. Deze rechten helpen het ondersteunen van andere fundamentele vrijheden zoals de vrijheid van meningsuiting, pers en privacy.'). Als het publiek geld is, dan moet het ook publieke code zijn."
subtitle2 = "Wij willen wetgeving die het nodig maakt dat publiek gefinancieerde software geschreven voor de publieke sector beschikbaar gemaakt wordt onder een [Vrije en Open Bronlicentie]( 'Vrije Software geeft iedereen het recht om software te gebruiken, te begrijpen, aan te passen en te delen. Deze rechten helpen het ondersteunen van andere fundamentele vrijheden zoals de vrijheid van meningsuiting, pers en privacy.'). Als het publiek geld is, dan moet het ook publieke code zijn."
subtitle3 = "**Code die betaald is door iedereen moet beschikbaar zijn voor iedereen!**"
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# headline = "Tell Your Representatives!"
# intro = "In our [**open letter**](openletter/) we demand:"
# demand = "“Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a [Free and Open Source Software]( 'Free Software gives everybody the rights to use, study, share and improve software. These rights help support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy.') licence.”"
# demand = "“Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a [Free and Open Source Software]( 'Free Software gives everybody the rights to use, study, share and improve software. These rights help support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy.') licence.”"
# description = "**$ORGS** organisations and **$INDS** individuals already support this call for action by signing our [open letter](openletter/). You can help us make a much bigger impact by signing it, too! We will hand over all signatures to representatives all over Europe that are debating software freedom in public administration."
headline = "Vertel uw vertegenwoordigers!"
intro = "In onze [**open brief**](openletter/) eisen we:"
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# Start banner
subtitle1 = "Vergi verenlerin parasıyla üretilen yazılımlar neden Özgür Yazılım olarak yayınlanmıyor?"
subtitle2 = "Kamu tarafından finanse edilerek kamu sektörü için geliştirilen yazılımların [Özgür ve Açık Kaynak Kodlu Yazılım]( 'Özgür Yazılım herkese yazılımı kullanma, inceleme, paylaşma ve geliştirme hakkını sağlar. Bu hak ifade, basın ve mahremiyet özgürlüğü gibi diğer temel hakları desteklemeye yardımcı olur.') lisansıyla kamuya açık hale getirilmesini sağlayacak mevzuat istiyoruz. Eğer bu kamunun parasıysa o zaman kod da kamusal olmalıdır!"
subtitle2 = "Kamu tarafından finanse edilerek kamu sektörü için geliştirilen yazılımların [Özgür ve Açık Kaynak Kodlu Yazılım]( 'Özgür Yazılım herkese yazılımı kullanma, inceleme, paylaşma ve geliştirme hakkını sağlar. Bu hak ifade, basın ve mahremiyet özgürlüğü gibi diğer temel hakları desteklemeye yardımcı olur.') lisansıyla kamuya açık hale getirilmesini sağlayacak mevzuat istiyoruz. Eğer bu kamunun parasıysa o zaman kod da kamusal olmalıdır!"
subtitle3 = "**Halkın parasıyla üretilen kod, halka açık olmalıdır!**"
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# Start banner
subtitle1 = "為什麼用人民納稅錢所建立的軟體與資訊系統,卻沒有以自由軟體授權公開釋出呢?"
subtitle2 = "我們要求制定法律,明訂以公務機關的經費,為公務機關需要所開發的軟體,必須以[自由暨開源軟體]( '自由軟體讓所有人擁有使用、研究、分享與改進的權利。這些權利與其他基本人權自由息息相關、相互支持,例如言論自由、著作出版自由與祕密通訊自由等。')授權釋出。也就是說,既然經費是公共的,所做的軟體也必須是公共的。"
subtitle2 = "我們要求制定法律,明訂以公務機關的經費,為公務機關需要所開發的軟體,必須以[自由暨開源軟體]( '自由軟體讓所有人擁有使用、研究、分享與改進的權利。這些權利與其他基本人權自由息息相關、相互支持,例如言論自由、著作出版自由與祕密通訊自由等。')授權釋出。也就是說,既然經費是公共的,所做的軟體也必須是公共的。"
subtitle3 = "**用納稅人的錢所寫的軟體,全國所有人都應該可以使用!**"
Reference in New Issue