Jonas Oberg 2017-09-08 17:16:38 +02:00
commit a184777789
24 changed files with 710 additions and 69 deletions

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@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ relevant for our build process (Drone, Ansible, Docker, Apache).
Visit [TRANSLATE.md](https://git.fsfe.org/pmpc/website/src/master/TRANSLATE.md)
for detailed instructions how to translate publiccode.eu.
### Build locally
### Build
To see a preview of the website you need to have Hugo installed and be able to
execute Bash scripts in your command line.
@ -65,22 +65,35 @@ execute Bash scripts in your command line.
2. In the terminal, execute `cd site/` to navigate in the right
directory for hugo's website build. You are now in
3. In your terminal, execute `./build/build.sh server`. This command
3. Only if you added a new languages which doesn't exist on the website yet:
Add you 2-letter language code in line 4 of the [build.sh
4. In your terminal, execute `./build/build.sh server`. This command
will build the website and enable you to browse the result on your
computer only. Open [localhost:1313](localhost:1313) in your web
browser to see it.
If you want to make changes to the official website, please read [our
Git guides](https://wiki.fsfe.org/TechDocs/Git). There you'll find out
about the necessary commands pull, status, add, commit, or push.
about the necessary commands `pull`, `status`, `add`, `commit`, and
Beginners can directly commit to the repository which saves them some
steps, but they have to ask @max.mehl or @jonas in advance to give them
the necessary permission. For more experienced Git users we recommend
the Fork & Pull Request workflow, which you'll also find in the [wiki's
Git Guides
(not available yet).
There are three ways to upload/edit files in the Git repository, sorted
by preference and complexity:
1. For more experienced Git users we recommend the Fork & Pull Request
workflow, which you'll also find a detailed [wiki's Git
Guide](https://wiki.fsfe.org/TechDocs/Git/Guide:Workflow) for.
2. Advanced and interested beginners can directly commit to the
repository ("push to master") which saves them some steps, but they
have to ask @max.mehl or @jonas in advance to give them the necessary
permissions. You'll find guides in the [Wiki's Git
3. Beginners can work directly in the [web
interface](https://git.fsfe.org/pmpc/website) of git.fsfe.org. As
soon as you have given write permissions by @max.mehl or @jonas, you
can edit opened text files and upload/create new files. This is the
least preferred option because it may cause conflicts, but it is easy
and may give you some first experience with the system.
## Important file paths

View File

@ -15,7 +15,10 @@ to be a programmer to get Git working for you :)
What you should have:
- An account on git.fsfe.org
- Know how to clone, pull, commit, and push with Git (read the [general Git guides](https://wiki.fsfe.org/TechDocs/Git) and/or the [typical Git workflow](https://wiki.fsfe.org/TechDocs/Mainpage/Editing#Edit_and_push_files_to_the_website))
- Know how to clone, pull, commit, and push with Git (read the [general
Git guides](https://wiki.fsfe.org/TechDocs/Git) and/or the [typical
- Optional: Hugo installed on your computer
- Optional: The ability to run Bash scripts from command line
@ -78,16 +81,25 @@ logos, and other communication is using this brand. So if you can, just stick
to the English term.
## Finished? What's next
## Where to upload the translations?
Before submitting the translations you can test them locally if you have Hugo
installed and are able to execute Bash scripts on your command line. Please
refer to README.me for instructions.
**Before submitting** the translations you can test them locally if you
have Hugo installed and are able to execute Bash scripts on your command
line. Please refer to [build section in
for instructions.
You're welcome to work with the Git repository to upload your translations. If
you feel confident enough with Git, please open a pull request of a separate
branch in this repository or your fork. @max.mehl can help you if you have
questions or lack permissions.
You're welcome to work with the Git repository to upload your
translations. If you feel confident enough with Git, please open a pull
request of a separate branch in this repository or your fork. @max.mehl
can help you if you have questions or lack permissions.
For Git, there are three ways which are explained in the aforementioned
build README section:
1. Git Pull Requests from your repository forks
2. Git pushes to the central master branch (requires write access)
3. Edit the files directly in the git.fsfe.org web interface (requires
write access)
If you are unsure, you can also send the translations to [FSFE's translators
list](https://lists.fsfe.org/mailman/listinfo/translators) to let them

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Put all available languages here, except "en". Separated by spaces
cd "$basedir"

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Hier kannst du helfen! Unterzeichne den offenen Brief, um unserer Botschaft mehr
> * Freie Software/Open Source ein modernes öffentliches Gut ist, das es jedermann erlaubt, Anwendungen, die wir täglich verwenden, frei zu verwenden, zu verstehen, zu teilen und zu verbessern.
> * Freie-Software- und Open-Source-Lizenzen Schutz vor einer Beschränkung auf Dienstleistungen bestimmter Unternehmen bieten, welche restriktive Lizenzen verwenden, um den Wettbewerb zu behindern.
> * Freie Software Open Source sicherstellt, dass der Quellcode zugänglich ist, so dass Hintertüren und Sicherheitslücken behoben werden können, ohne von einem bestimmten Dienstleister abhängig zu sein.
> * Freie Software/Open Source sicherstellt, dass der Quellcode zugänglich ist, so dass Hintertüren und Sicherheitslücken behoben werden können, ohne von einem bestimmten Dienstleister abhängig zu sein.
> Öffentliche Einrichtungen werden durch Steuern finanziert. Sie müssen sicherstellen, dass sie die Mittel so effizient wie möglich ausgeben. Wenn es sich um öffentliche Gelder handelt, sollte auch der Code öffentlich sein!

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
title: Lettre ouverte
type: page
layout: subpage
sigtable: true
Les logiciels financés par les fonds publics doivent être des [Logiciels Libres/Open Source][fs]. Bien que de nombreuses raisons puissent le justifier, beaucoup de responsables politiques ne sont pas encore conscients de l'intérêt des logiciels.
{{< fsdefinition type="box">}}
<!--- Les Logiciels Libres donnent à tous les droits d'utiliser, comprendre, modifier et partager les logiciels. Ces droits permettent de soutenir d'autres droits fondamentaux tels que la liberté d'expression, la liberté de la presse et la vie privée. --->
C'est là que vous pouvez nous aider ! Signez la lettre ouverte pour donner plus de poids à notre message, comme **{{< count type="signatures" >}} personnes** et **{{< count type="organisations" >}} organisations** l'ont fait avant vous. Nous la remettrons signée à vos élus et nous veillerons à ce qu'ils puissent comprendre que : Argent public ? Code Public !
> ## Argent Public ? Code Public !
> Les services numériques offerts et utilisés par nos administrations publiques sont les infrastructures critiques du 21e siècle des nations démocratiques. Afin détablir des systèmes fiables, les institutions publiques doivent faire en sorte davoir le contrôle entier du logiciel et des systèmes informatiques au cœur de notre infrastructure numérique étatiques. Ce nest pourtant pas le cas actuellement pour des raisons de licences logicielles restrictives qui:
> * Interdisent le partage et léchange du code financé par le contribuable. Cela empêche la coopération entre les administrations publiques et ralentit tout développement ultérieur.
> * Soutiennent des monopoles et sont une entrave à la concurrence. En conséquence, de nombreuses administrations deviennent dépendantes dune poignée dentreprises.
> * Le Logiciel Libre et Open Source garantit que le code source reste accessible afin que les portes dérobées et les failles de sécurité puissent être réparées sans dépendre dun unique prestataire de services.
> Nous avons besoin de logiciels qui favorisent léchange de bonnes idées et de solutions. Cest ainsi que nous pourrons améliorer les services informatiques pour tous en Europe. Nous avons besoin de logiciels qui aident les administrations publiques à reprendre le plein contrôle de leur infrastructure numérique et stratégique, leur permettant de devenir et rester indépendant dune poignée dentreprises. Cest pourquoi nous appelons nos élus à soutenir le Logiciel Libre et Open Source dans les administrations publiques car:
> * Le Logiciel Libre et Open Source est un bien public moderne qui permet à chacun d'utiliser, d'étudier, de partager et d'améliorer librement les applications que nous utilisons quotidiennement.
> * Les licences du Logiciel Libre et Open Source offrent des garanties pour ne pas subir le cloisonnement captif des entreprises spécifiques qui utilisent des licences restrictives pour entraver la concurrence.
> * Le Logiciel Libre et Open Source garantit que le code source reste accessible afin que les portes dérobées et les failles de sécurité puissent être réparées sans dépendre dun unique prestataire de services.
> Les institutions publiques sont financées par limpôt. Elles doivent sassurer de dépenser les fonds le plus efficacement possible. Sil sagit dargent public, le code devrait être également public.
> C'est pourquoi nous, les soussignés, appelons nos représentants à :
> **“Mettre en œuvre une législation qui requiert que le logiciel financé par le contribuable pour le secteur public soit disponible publiquement sous une licence de Logiciel Libre et Open Source.”**
[fs]: https://fsfe.org/freesoftware/basics/summary.fr.html "Les Logiciels Libres donnent à tous les droits d'utiliser, comprendre, modifier et partager les logiciels. Ces droits permettent de soutenir d'autres droits fondamentaux tels que la liberté d'expression, la liberté de la presse et la vie privée."
<!--- Les personnes suivantes ont déjà signé la lettre et accepté que leur signature soit publiée. En ferez-vous partie ? --->

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
title: "Alle openbare handtekeningen"
type: page
layout: subpage
Dit is de volledige lijst van alle mensen die de open brief ondertekend hebben, en die toestemming gegeven hebben om hun naam openbaar te maken. {{< count type="signatures" >}} mensen hebben hun steun al betuigd ben jij één van hen?
Deze lijst wordt elk uur ververst.
{{< show_signatures >}}

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@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ layout: subpage
## Check your email inbox now
Your are almost finished! You will receive an email with a link for the final confirmation of your signature soon. Please check your spam folder if you do not receive the mail within the next 15 minutes.
You are almost finished! You will receive an email with a link for the final confirmation of your signature soon. Please check your spam folder if you do not receive the mail within the next 15 minutes.
Thank you for signing the open letter for **Public Money, Public Code**.

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
title: "Bijna klaar..."
type: page
layout: subpage
## Bekijk uw e-mail nu
U bent bijna klaar! Binnenkort ontvangt u een e-mail met een link naar de definitieve bevestiging voor uw handtekening. Controlleer uw spam-map als u de link niet ontvangt binnen de komende 15 minuten.
Bedankt voor het ondertekenen van de open brief van **Publiek Geld, Publieke Code**.

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ If you opted-in to having your name added to the public list, your name will app
## Next Steps
Please help us by giving your signature a huge impact and [share this campaign](../../#spread) it with your friends. Together we will encourage decision makers in politics and public administrations to make Free and Open Source Software licenses for newly funded software the standard setting in the public sector all over Europe.
Please help us by giving your signature a huge impact and [share this campaign](../../#spread) with your friends. Together we will encourage decision makers in politics and public administrations to make Free and Open Source Software licenses for newly funded software the standard setting in the public sector all over Europe.
You can also [order stickers and informational material](https://fsfe.org/promo#pmpc) from the Free Software Foundation Europe.

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
title: "Bedankt voor uw handtekening!"
type: page
layout: subpage
## Uw handtekening is bevestigd
Bedankt voor het ondertekenen van de open brief "Publiek Geld, Publieke Code". Uw steun betekent veel voor ons
Als u koos om uw naam toe te voegen aan de openbare lijst, dan zal uw naam verschijnen op de [lijst van handtekeningen](../all-signatures) binnen het uur. Als u koos om meer informatie te ontvangen, dan houden wij u op de hoogte via e-mail over nieuws omtrent deze campagne.
## Volgende stappen
Help ons door uw handtekening een enorm effect te geven en [deel deze campagne](../../#spread). Samen zullen we politieke besluitvormers overhalen om het gebruik van Vrije en Open Bron Softwarelicenties standaard te maken in de publieke sector in heel Europa.
You can also [order stickers and informational material](https://fsfe.org/promo#pmpc) from the Free Software Foundation Europe.
U kunt ook [stickers en voorlichtingsmaterial bestellen](https://fsfe.org/promo#pmpc) van de Free Software Foundation Europe.
Maak Vrije Software in Europa sterker en overweeg om [de FSFE](https://fsfe.org/donate/?pmpc) of één van de andere [ondersteunende organisaties](../../#organisations) te steunen.
Met uw steun zullen besluitvormers in heel Europe begrijpen dat het gebruiken van Vrije en Open Source Softwarelicenties de beste oplossing is voor hen, andere openbare besturen, bedrijven, en voornamelijk het algemeen publiek.

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
title: "Privacybeleid"
type: "page"
layout: "subpage"
**publiccode.eu** wordt beheerd door de
[FSFE e.V.](https://fsfe.org/about/legal/imprint.html)
Wanneer dit beleid naar "wij" verwijst, betekent dit de FSFE.
## Wat wij verzamelen en waarom
Wanneer je de website gebruikt om onze open brief te ondertekenen, verzamelen en
bewaren wij informatie over jouw naam, e-mailadres en land -- welke jij
aangeleverd hebt met jouw toestemming -- en wij zullen jouw naam publiek
tentoonstellen in de [lijst van handtekeningen](/openletter/all-signatures).
Wij zullen ook jouw naam en land aanleveren aan de ontvangers van de open brief
(leden van het Europees Parlement en nationale of regionele parlementen). Wij
zullen jouw e-mailadres niet delen. Wij slaan deze informatie op in een
database gedurende de looptijd van de Publiek Geld - Publieke Code campagne, en
wij zullen de informatie achteraf verwijderen.
Als je toestemming hebt gegeven om benaderd te worden over de campagne, dan
zullen wij, tijdens en direct na de campagne, jouw e-mailadres gebruiken om jou
informatie te versturen over de campagne.
## Wie heeft toegang tot de opgeslagen data
Alle informatie die ingezend wordt mede de website is beschikbaar voor FSFE
medewerkers en stagiairs, opgeslagen op de webserver of in ons issue-systeem.
De informatie is ook beschikbaar voor FSFE's systeembeheerteam. Informatie
wordt onversleuteld opgeslagen op onze servers. Dit betekent dat de informatie
ook beschikbaar is voor de medewerkers van PlusServer GmbH, waar onze servers
gehost worden.
## Wat jouw rechten zijn
Je hebt het recht om jouw persoonlijke data die wij opgeslagen hebben te
ontvangen, zowel als het recht om ... TODO: De rest.
You have the right to receive the personal data we have stored
about you, as well as the right to instruct us to rectify it if
it's incorrect. You also have the right to object to our storing
of information, in which case we will remove personal data about
you, and the right to remove your consent to processing of your
personal data in line with this policy, in which case we will
also take steps to remove personal data about you.
## Who to contact
If you have questions about our use of your data, would like to
request a copy of all information we have stored about you, or
would like to talk to our Data Protection Officer for any other
purpose, our appointed Data Protection Officer is the FSFE's
executive director, whom you can contact at [executive-director@fsfe.org](mailto:executive-director@fsfe.org).

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@ -80,6 +80,11 @@
"url": "http://osb-alliance.de"
"name": "OpenSUSE",
"img": "OpenSUSE.png",
"url": "https://www.opensuse.org/"
"name": "Open Source Initiative",
"img": "OpenSourceInitiative.png",
"url": "https://opensource.org/"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
titleBefore: Deel op
# Do not translate below here
id: diaspora
name: Diaspora
userinput: true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
titleBefore: Deel op
# This "customText" shouldn't have more than 115 characters!
customText: "Als het publiek geld is, dan moet het ook publieke code zijn! Ik steun @fsfe@quitter.no's eis voor #publiccode: "
# Do not translate below here
id: gnusocial
name: GNU Social
userinput: true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
titleBefore: Deel op
# Do not translate below here
id: reddit
name: Reddit

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
titleBefore: Deel op
# This "customText" must not have more than 115 characters!
customText: "Als het publiek geld is, dan moet het ook publieke code zijn! Ik steun @fsfe's eis voor #publiccode: "
# Do not translate below here
id: twitter
name: Twitter

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
titleBefore: Deel op
# Do not translate below here
id: facebook
name: Facebook

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
name: Word een FSFE supporter!
# Do not translate below here
id: support

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
"from": "admin@example.com",
"to": ["tech@example.org"],
"subject": "New signature to PMPC",
"content": {
"html": null,
"plain": "Dear FSFE,\n\nI agree to sign the open letter, calling for implementing legislation\nrequiring that, as a default setting, publicly financed software must\nbe made publicly available under a Free Software licence.\n\nHey Max! Lets see if this works.\n\nThank you,\n\nTest Testson\nSweden"
"reply-to": null,
"include_vars": {
"name": "Test Testson",
"confirm": "jonas@example.com",
"country": "Sweden",
"zip": "64632",
"comment": "Hey Max! Lets see if this works.",
"permissionPriv": "yes",
"permissionNews": "yes",
"permissionPub": "yes",
"url": "",
"action": "sign"
}, {
"from": "admin@example.com",
"to": ["tech@example.org"],
"subject": "New signature to PMPC",
"content": {
"html": null,
"plain": "Dear FSFE,\n\nI agree to sign the open letter, calling for implementing legislation\nrequiring that, as a default setting, publicly financed software must\nbe made publicly available under a Free Software licence.\n\nHey Max! Lets see if this works, AGAIN!\n\nThank you,\n\nTest Testson 2\nSweden"
"reply-to": null,
"include_vars": {
"name": "Test Testson 2",
"confirm": "jonas@example.com",
"country": "Sweden",
"zip": "64632",
"comment": "Hey Max! Lets see if this works, AGAIN!",
"permissionPriv": "yes",
"permissionNews": "yes",
"permissionPub": "yes",
"url": "",
"action": "sign"
}, {
"from": "admin@example.com",
"to": ["tech@example.org"],
"subject": "New signature to PMPC",
"content": {
"html": null,
"plain": "Dear FSFE,\n\nI agree to sign the open letter, calling for implementing legislation\nrequiring that, as a default setting, publicly financed software must\nbe made publicly available under a Free Software licence.\n\nHey Max! Lets see if this works, AGAIN! With timestamp.\n\nThank you,\n\nTest Testson 2\nSweden"
"reply-to": null,
"include_vars": {
"name": "Test Testson 2",
"confirm": "jonas@example.com",
"country": "Sweden",
"zip": "64632",
"comment": "Hey Max! Lets see if this works, AGAIN! With timestamp.",
"permissionPriv": "yes",
"permissionNews": "yes",
"permissionPub": "yes",
"url": "",
"action": "sign"
}, {
"timestamp": 1504267755.763549,
"from": "admin@example.com",
"to": ["tech@example.org"],
"subject": "New signature to PMPC",
"content": {
"html": null,
"plain": "Dear FSFE,\n\nI agree to sign the open letter, calling for implementing legislation\nrequiring that, as a default setting, publicly financed software must\nbe made publicly available under a Free Software licence.\n\nHey Max! Lets see if this works, AGAIN! With timestamp.\n\nThank you,\n\nTest Testson 2\nSweden"
"reply-to": null,
"include_vars": {
"name": "Test Testson 2",
"confirm": "jonas@example.com",
"country": "Sweden",
"zip": "64632",
"comment": "Hey Max! Lets see if this works, AGAIN! With timestamp.",
"permissionPriv": "yes",
"permissionNews": "yes",
"permissionPub": "yes",
"url": "",
"action": "sign"
}, {
"timestamp": 1504523661.6949115,
"from": "admin@example.com",
"to": ["tech@example.org"],
"subject": "New signature to PMPC",
"content": {
"html": null,
"plain": "Dear FSFE,\n\nI agree to sign the open letter, calling for implementing legislation\nrequiring that, as a default setting, publicly financed software must\nbe made publicly available under a Free Software licence.\n\n\n\nThank you,\n\nMax1\nBelgium"
"reply-to": null,
"include_vars": {
"name": "Max1",
"confirm": "mail@example.org",
"country": "Belgium",
"zip": "12345",
"comment": "",
"permissionPriv": "yes",
"permissionNews": "yes",
"permissionPub": "yes",
"url": "",
"action": "sign"
}, {
"timestamp": 1504525516.8869548,
"from": "admin@example.com",
"to": ["tech@example.org"],
"subject": "New signature to PMPC",
"content": {
"html": null,
"plain": "Dear FSFE,\n\nI agree to sign the open letter, calling for implementing legislation\nrequiring that, as a default setting, publicly financed software must\nbe made publicly available under a Free Software licence.\n\nmail with + and not appear in list\n\nThank you,\n\nMax3\nNetherlands"
"reply-to": null,
"include_vars": {
"name": "Max3",
"confirm": "tech+blah@example.org",
"country": "Netherlands",
"zip": "66816",
"comment": "mail with + and not appear in list",
"permissionPriv": "yes",
"permissionNews": "yes",
"url": "",
"action": "sign"
}, {
"timestamp": 1504525520.145522,
"from": "admin@example.com",
"to": ["tech@example.org"],
"subject": "New signature to PMPC",
"content": {
"html": null,
"plain": "Dear FSFE,\n\nI agree to sign the open letter, calling for implementing legislation\nrequiring that, as a default setting, publicly financed software must\nbe made publicly available under a Free Software licence.\n\nThis is the same email as Max1\n\nThank you,\n\nMax2\nBulgaria"
"reply-to": null,
"include_vars": {
"name": "Max2",
"confirm": "mail@example.org",
"country": "Bulgaria",
"zip": "68168",
"comment": "This is the same email as Max1",
"permissionPriv": "yes",
"permissionNews": "yes",
"permissionPub": "yes",
"url": "",
"action": "sign"
}, {
"timestamp": 1504601254.3506515,
"from": "admin@example.com",
"to": ["tech@example.org"],
"subject": "New signature to PMPC",
"content": {
"html": null,
"plain": "Dear FSFE,\n\nI agree to sign the open letter, calling for implementing legislation\nrequiring that, as a default setting, publicly financed software must\nbe made publicly available under a Free Software licence.\n\nYeah\n\nThank you,\n\nFan\nCzech Republic"
"reply-to": null,
"include_vars": {
"name": "Fan",
"confirm": "tech@example.org",
"country": "Czech Republic",
"zip": "26168",
"comment": "Yeah",
"permissionPriv": "yes",
"permissionPub": "yes",
"url": "",
"action": "sign"
}, {
"timestamp": 1504601626.4398348,
"from": "admin@example.com",
"to": ["tech@example.org"],
"subject": "New signature to PMPC",
"content": {
"html": null,
"plain": "Dear FSFE,\n\nI agree to sign the open letter, calling for implementing legislation\nrequiring that, as a default setting, publicly financed software must\nbe made publicly available under a Free Software licence.\n\nTest again\n\nThank you,\n\nTest2\nPortugal"
"reply-to": null,
"include_vars": {
"name": "Test2",
"confirm": "tech+2@example.org",
"country": "Portugal",
"zip": "6168",
"comment": "Test again",
"permissionPriv": "yes",
"permissionPub": "yes",
"url": "",
"action": "sign"
}, {
"timestamp": 1504601726.8100023,
"from": "admin@example.com",
"to": ["tech@example.org"],
"subject": "New signature to PMPC",
"content": {
"html": null,
"plain": "Dear FSFE,\n\nI agree to sign the open letter, calling for implementing legislation\nrequiring that, as a default setting, publicly financed software must\nbe made publicly available under a Free Software licence.\n\nCrazy <3 \"\" symbols ' // %$ \\\n\nThank you,\n\nEdge case\nLuxembourg"
"reply-to": null,
"include_vars": {
"name": "HIDDEN",
"confirm": "tech@example.org",
"country": "Luxembourg",
"zip": "51684168",
"comment": "Crazy <3 \"\" symbols ' // %$ \\",
"permissionPriv": "yes",
"permissionNews": "yes",
"url": "",
"action": "sign"
}, {
"timestamp": 1504601815.3437912,
"from": "admin@example.com",
"to": ["tech@example.org"],
"subject": "New signature to PMPC",
"content": {
"html": null,
"plain": "Dear FSFE,\n\nI agree to sign the open letter, calling for implementing legislation\nrequiring that, as a default setting, publicly financed software must\nbe made publicly available under a Free Software licence.\n\n\u00d1\u0081\u00d1\u0082\u00d1\u0080\u00d0\u00b0\u00d0\u00bd\u00d0\u00b8\u00d1\u0086\u00d1\u008b \u00d0\u00bc\u00d0\u00be\u00d0\u00b3 \u00e5\u009f\u009f\u00e5\u0090\u008d\u00e7\u009a\u0084\u00e7\u0094\u00a8\u00e6\u0088\u00b6\u00e4\u00b8\u008d\u00e5\u008f\u0097\u00e9\u0099\u0090\u00e5\u0088\u00b6\n\nThank you,\n\n \u00ce\u0091\u00cf\u0085\u00cf\u0084\u00ce\u00ae \u00ce\u00b7 \u00cf\u0083\u00ce\u00b5\u00ce\u00bb\u00ce\u00af\u00ce\u00b4\u00ce\u00b1\n"
"reply-to": null,
"include_vars": {
"name": " \u00ce\u0091\u00cf\u0085\u00cf\u0084\u00ce\u00ae \u00ce\u00b7 \u00cf\u0083\u00ce\u00b5\u00ce\u00bb\u00ce\u00af\u00ce\u00b4\u00ce\u00b1",
"confirm": "mail@example.org",
"country": "",
"zip": "56165",
"comment": "\u00d1\u0081\u00d1\u0082\u00d1\u0080\u00d0\u00b0\u00d0\u00bd\u00d0\u00b8\u00d1\u0086\u00d1\u008b \u00d0\u00bc\u00d0\u00be\u00d0\u00b3 \u00e5\u009f\u009f\u00e5\u0090\u008d\u00e7\u009a\u0084\u00e7\u0094\u00a8\u00e6\u0088\u00b6\u00e4\u00b8\u008d\u00e5\u008f\u0097\u00e9\u0099\u0090\u00e5\u0088\u00b6",
"permissionPriv": "yes",
"permissionNews": "yes",
"permissionPub": "yes",
"url": "",
"action": "sign"

View File

@ -5,66 +5,66 @@
languageCode = "xy" # 2-letter code of language (ISO 639-1)
languageName = "English" # verbose name of language (e.g. "Français" or "Русский")
description = "Public Money, Public Code - A campaign for releasing publicly financed software as Free Software"
fsdefinition = "Free Software gives everybody the rights to use, study, share and improve software. These rights help support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy." # https://fsfe.org/about/mission.html may help you with translations
fsdefinition = "Free Software gives everybody the right to use, study, share and improve software. This right helps support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy."
# Navigation
start = "Start"
about = "About"
arguments = "Arguments"
arguments = "Reasons"
action = "Take Action"
spread = "Spread"
spread = "Spread the Word"
# Start banner
subtitle1 = "Why is software that is programmed with taxpayers' money not released as Free Software?"
subtitle2 = "We want legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for public sector must be made publicly available under a [Free and Open Source Software](https://fsfe.org/freesoftware/basics/summary.html 'Free Software gives everybody the rights to use, study, share and improve software. These rights help support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy.') licence. If it is public money, it should be public code as well."
subtitle3 = "**Code paid by all people should be available to all people!**"
subtitle1 = "Why is software created using taxpayers' money not released as Free Software?"
subtitle2 = "We want legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a [Free and Open Source Software](https://fsfe.org/about/mission.html 'Free Software gives everybody the right to use, study, share and improve software. This right helps support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy.') licence. If it is public money, it should be public code as well."
subtitle3 = "**Code paid by the people should be available to the people!**"
# About section
headline = "Sounds complex? No, it's super easy!"
headline = "Sound complicated? It's not. It's super easy!"
buttonText = "More advantages"
# Arguments section
headline = "Reasons for Public Code"
followup = "Do you believe that Free Software must be the default option for publicly financed software? **Then let's convince your political representatives!**"
followup = "Do you believe that Free Software should be the default option for publicly financed software? **Let's convince your political representatives!**"
buttonText = "Sign the Open Letter"
icon = "fa-eur" # <-- do not translate this
title = "Tax savings"
description = "Similar applications don't have to be programmed from scratch every time."
icon = "fa-handshake-o" # <-- do not translate this
title = "Collaboration"
description = "Efforts on major projects can be joint to share expertise and costs."
description = "Efforts on major projects can share expertise and costs."
icon = "fa-users" # <-- do not translate this
title = "Serving the public"
description = "Applications paid by the public should be available for everyone."
icon = "fa-lightbulb-o" # <-- do not translate this
title = "Fostering innovation"
description = "With transparent processes others don't have to reinvent the wheel."
description = "With transparent processes, others don't have to reinvent the wheel."
# Action section
headline = "Tell Your Representatives!"
# In "subheadline", please use curly quotation marks for the demand. Otherwise the build might fail: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quotation_mark
subheadline = "We demand: **„Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for public sector must be made publicly available under a [Free and Open Source Software](https://fsfe.org/freesoftware/basics/summary.html 'Free Software gives everybody the rights to use, study, share and improve software. These rights help support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy.') licence.“**"
description = "**$ORGS organisations** and **$INDS individuals** support this call for action by signing our [Open Letter](openletter/). Help us to make an impact by signing it, too! We will hand over all signatures to representatives all over Europe that are debating software freedom in public administration."
subheadline = "This is our demand: **“Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a [Free and Open Source Software](https://fsfe.org/freesoftware/basics/summary.html 'Free Software gives everybody the right to use, study, share and improve software. This right helps support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy.') licence.”**"
description = "**$ORGS organisations** and **$INDS individuals** already support this call for action by signing our [open letter](openletter/). You can help us make a much bigger impact by signing it, too! We will hand over all signatures to representatives all over Europe that are debating software freedom in public administration."
text = "Already **$INDS SIGNATURES** sign the Open Letter now!"
text = "Already **$INDS SIGNATURES** sign the open letter now!"
name = "Name (required)"
email = "Email (required)"
country = "Your Country"
@ -77,13 +77,13 @@
# Organisations section
headline = "Supporting Organisations"
text = "Following organisations support our [Open Letter](openletter/). If your organisation is also interested in joining the call for Public Code, please [contact us](mailto:contact@fsfe.org)."
text = "The following organisations support our [open letter](openletter/). If your organisation is also interested in joining the call for Public Code, please [contact us](mailto:contact@fsfe.org)."
# Spread the word section
headline = "Spread the word!"
promoText = "Order the latest stickers and flyers from FSFE"
promoButtonText = "Get promo material"
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
# Legal Section
by = "This is a campaign by Free Software Foundation Europe"
imprint = "Imprint"
privacy = "Privacy"
@ -103,23 +103,23 @@
# Language selection
description = "Read this page in another language"
# 404 Error Page
headline = "Error 404 - Page not found"
description = "The page you're looking for does not exist."
button = "Back to start page"
# Specific sub-pages
headline = "Individual Open Letter Signatures"
description = "Below you find the recent signatures of people who agreed to have their signature be public. Will you be the next?"
allSignatures = "Have a look at [all public signatures](all-signatures/)."
description = "Below are the signatures of the signees who agreed to have their names made public. Be the next one!"
allSignatures = "See [all public signatures](all-signatures/)."
tableName = "Name"
tableCountry = "Country"
tableComment = "Comment"

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
# Start banner
subtitle1 = "Why is software created using taxpayers' money not released as Free Software?"
subtitle2 = "We want legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a [Free and Open Source Software](https://fsfe.org/freesoftware/basics/summary.html 'Free Software gives everybody the right to use, study, share and improve software. This right helps support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy.') licence. If it is public money, it should be public code as well."
subtitle2 = "We want legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a [Free and Open Source Software](https://fsfe.org/about/mission.html 'Free Software gives everybody the right to use, study, share and improve software. This right helps support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy.') licence. If it is public money, it should be public code as well."
subtitle3 = "**Code paid by the people should be available to the people!**"
@ -37,19 +37,19 @@
followup = "Do you believe that Free Software should be the default option for publicly financed software? **Let's convince your political representatives!**"
buttonText = "Sign the Open Letter"
icon = "fa-eur"
icon = "fa-eur" # <-- do not translate this
title = "Tax savings"
description = "Similar applications don't have to be programmed from scratch every time."
icon = "fa-handshake-o"
icon = "fa-handshake-o" # <-- do not translate this
title = "Collaboration"
description = "Efforts on major projects can share expertise and costs."
icon = "fa-users"
icon = "fa-users" # <-- do not translate this
title = "Serving the public"
description = "Applications paid by the public should be available for everyone."
icon = "fa-lightbulb-o"
icon = "fa-lightbulb-o" # <-- do not translate this
title = "Fostering innovation"
description = "With transparent processes, others don't have to reinvent the wheel."
@ -57,8 +57,9 @@
# Action section
headline = "Tell Your Representatives!"
# In "subheadline", please use curly quotation marks for the demand. Otherwise the build might fail: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quotation_mark
subheadline = "This is our demand: **“Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a [Free and Open Source Software](https://fsfe.org/freesoftware/basics/summary.html 'Free Software gives everybody the right to use, study, share and improve software. This right helps support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy.') licence.”**"
description = "**$ORGS organisations** and **$INDS individuals** support this call for action by signing our [open letter](openletter/). You can help us make a much bigger impact by signing it, too! We will hand over all signatures to representatives all over Europe that are debating software freedom in public administration."
description = "**$ORGS organisations** and **$INDS individuals** already support this call for action by signing our [open letter](openletter/). You can help us make a much bigger impact by signing it, too! We will hand over all signatures to representatives all over Europe that are debating software freedom in public administration."
text = "Already **$INDS SIGNATURES** sign the open letter now!"
@ -74,6 +75,7 @@
permPub = "I want my signature to appear in the [list of signatures](openletter/all-signatures)"
submit = "Sign Now!"
# Organisations section
headline = "Supporting Organisations"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
# General strings
# languageCode = "en"
# languageName = "English"
# description = "Public Money, Public Code - A campaign for releasing publicly financed software as Free Software"
# fsdefinition = "Free Software gives everybody the rights to use, study, share and improve software. These rights help support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy."
languageCode = "nl" # 2-letter code of language (ISO 639-1)
languageName = "Nederlands" # verbose name of language (e.g. "Français" or "Русский")
description = "Public Geld, Publieke Code - Een campagne om publiek gefinancieerde software uit te brengen als Vrije Software"
fsdefinition = "Vrije Software geeft iedereen het recht om software te gebruiken, te begrijpen, aan te passen en te delen. Deze rechten helpen het ondersteunen van andere fundamentele vrijheden zoals de vrijheid van meningsuiting, pers en privacy."
# Navigation
# start = "Start"
# about = "About"
# arguments = "Reasons"
# action = "Take Action"
# spread = "Spread the Word"
start = "Begin"
about = "Over"
arguments = "Stellingen"
action = "Onderneem Actie"
spread = "Deel"
# Start banner
# subtitle1 = "Why is software created using taxpayers' money not released as Free Software?"
# subtitle2 = "We want legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a [Free and Open Source Software](https://fsfe.org/about/mission.html 'Free Software gives everybody the rights to use, study, share and improve software. These rights help support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy.') licence. If it is public money, it should be public code as well."
# subtitle3 = "**Code paid by the people should be available to the people!**"
subtitle1 = "Waarom is software die geschreven is met belastinggeld niet beschikbaar als Vrije Software?"
subtitle2 = "TODO: We want legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for public sector must be made publicly available under a [Free and Open Source Software](https://fsfe.org/freesoftware/basics/summary.html 'Free Software gives everybody the rights to use, study, share and improve software. These rights help support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy.') licence. If it is public money, it should be public code as well."
subtitle3 = "**Code betaald door iedereen moet beschikbaar zijn voor iedereen!**"
# About section
# headline = "Sound complicated? It's not. It's super easy!"
# buttonText = "More advantages"
headline = "Klinkt ingewikkeld? Nee, het is heel simpel!"
buttonText = "Meer voordelen"
# Arguments section
# headline = "Reasons for Public Code"
# followup = "Do you believe that Free Software should be the default option for publicly financed software? **Let's convince your political representatives!**"
# buttonText = "Sign the Open Letter"
headline = "Redenen voor Publieke Code"
followup = "TODO: Do you believe that Free Software must be the default option for publicly financed software? **Then let's convince your political representatives!**"
buttonText = "Onderteken de Open Brief"
# icon = "fa-eur"
# title = "Tax savings"
# description = "Similar applications don't have to be programmed from scratch every time."
icon = "fa-eur" # <-- do not translate this
title = "Besparen op belastingen"
description = "Soortgelijke toepassingen hoeven niet opnieuw van de grond af ontwikkeld te worden."
# icon = "fa-handshake-o"
# title = "Collaboration"
# description = "Efforts on major projects can share expertise and costs."
icon = "fa-handshake-o" # <-- do not translate this
title = "Samenwerking"
description = "Grote projecten kunnen samenwerken om expertise en kosten te delen."
# icon = "fa-users"
# title = "Serving the public"
# description = "Applications paid by the public should be available for everyone."
icon = "fa-users" # <-- do not translate this
title = "Algemeen belang"
description = "Programma's betaald door het publiek zouden voor iedereen beschikbaar moeten zijn."
# icon = "fa-lightbulb-o"
# title = "Fostering innovation"
# description = "With transparent processes, others don't have to reinvent the wheel."
icon = "fa-lightbulb-o" # <-- do not translate this
title = "Innovatie bevorderen"
description = "Met transparante processen hoeft het wiel niet opnieuw uitgevonden te worden."
# Action section
# headline = "Tell Your Representatives!"
# subheadline = "This is our demand: **“Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a [Free and Open Source Software](https://fsfe.org/about/mission.html 'Free Software gives everybody the rights to use, study, share and improve software. These rights help support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy.') licence.”**"
# description = "**$ORGS organisations** and **$INDS individuals** already support this call for action by signing our [open letter](openletter/). You can help us make a much bigger impact by signing it, too! We will hand over all signatures to representatives all over Europe that are debating software freedom in public administration."
headline = "TODO: Tell Your Representatives!"
# In "subheadline", please use curly quotation marks for the demand. Otherwise the build might fail: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quotation_mark
subheadline = "TODO (copy from open letter). We demand: **„Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for public sector must be made publicly available under a [Free and Open Source Software](https://fsfe.org/freesoftware/basics/summary.html 'Free Software gives everybody the rights to use, study, share and improve software. These rights help support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy.') licence.“**"
description = "TODO: **$ORGS organisations** and **$INDS individuals** already support this call for action by signing our [Open Letter](openletter/). Help us to make an impact by signing it, too! We will hand over all signatures to representatives all over Europe that are debating software freedom in public administration."
# text = "Already **$INDS SIGNATURES** sign the open letter now!"
text = "TODO: Already **$INDS SIGNATURES** sign the Open Letter now!"
# name = "Name (required)"
# email = "Email (required)"
# country = "Your Country"
# zip = "Zip Code"
# comment = "Your comment (max. 140 characters)"
# permPriv = "I have read and accepted the [privacy statement](privacy/)"
# permNews = "I want to stay informed about the future of this campaign"
# permPub = "I want my signature to appear in the [list of signatures](openletter/all-signatures)"
# submit = "Sign Now!"
name = "Naam (verplicht)"
email = "E-mail (verplicht)"
country = "Jouw land"
zip = "Postcode"
comment = "Jouw commentaar (max. 140 karakters)"
permPriv = "Ik heb het [privacybeleid](privacy/) gelezen en geaccepteerd"
permNews = "TODO: I want to stay informed about the future of this campaign"
permPub = "TODO: I want my signature to appear in the [list of signatures](openletter/all-signatures)"
submit = "TODO: Sign Now!"
# Organisations section
# headline = "Supporting Organisations"
# text = "The following organisations support our [open letter](openletter/). If your organisation is also interested in joining the call for Public Code, please [contact us](mailto:contact@fsfe.org)."
headline = "Ondersteunende organisaties"
text = "De volgende organisaties ondersteunen onze [Open Brief](openletter/). Als uw organisatie ook geïnteresseerd is om mee te doen aan de eis voor Publieke Code, neem dan [contact](mailto:contact@fsfe.org) met ons op."
# Spread the word section
# headline = "Spread the word!"
# promoText = "Order the latest stickers and flyers from FSFE"
# promoButtonText = "Get promo material"
# shareText = "Tell your friends and followers about Public Code:"
# defaultSocialText = "If it is public money, it should be public code as well. I support this call for more public code under a Free Software license: "
headline = "TODO: Spread the word!"
promoText = "TODO: Order the latest stickers and flyers from FSFE"
promoButtonText = "TODO: Get promo material"
shareText = "TODO: Tell your friends and followers about Public Code:"
defaultSocialText = "Als het publiek geld is, dan moet het ook publieke code zijn! Ik steun de eis voor meer publieke code onder een Vrije Softwarelicentie: "
# Legal Section
# by = "This is a campaign by Free Software Foundation Europe"
# imprint = "Imprint"
# privacy = "Privacy"
# transparency = "Transparency"
# contribute1 = "The code of this website is Free Software."
# contribute2 = "You're welcome to contribute!"
# license = "This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)."
by = "Dit is een compagne door Free Software Foundation Europe"
imprint = "TODO: Imprint"
privacy = "Privacy"
transparency = "Openheid"
contribute1 = "De code van deze website is Vrije Software."
contribute2 = "TODO: You're welcome to contribute!"
license = "TODO: This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)."
# Language selection
# description = "Read this page in another language"
description = "Lees deze pagina in een andere taal"
# 404 Error Page
# headline = "Error 404 - Page not found"
# description = "The page you're looking for does not exist."
# button = "Back to start page"
headline = "TODO: Error 404 - Page not found"
description = "TODO: The page you're looking for does not exist."
button = "TODO: Back to start page"
# Specific sub-pages
# headline = "Individual Open Letter Signatures"
# description = "Below are the signatures of the signees who agreed to have their names made public. Be the next one!"
# allSignatures = "See [all public signatures](all-signatures/)."
# tableName = "Name"
# tableCountry = "Country"
# tableComment = "Comment"
headline = "Individuele handtekeningen voor de Open Brief"
description = "TODO: Below are the signatures of the signees who agreed to have their names made public. Be the next one!"
allSignatures = "Bekijk [alle openbare handtekeningen](all-signatures/)."
tableName = "Naam"
tableCountry = "Land"
tableComment = "Commentaar"

Binary file not shown.


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