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23 KiB

NotePaper v1.5.5
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{# Metadata #}
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<title>{% if meta.title and not ((is_front_page and config.NotePaper.front_page.enabled) or TwigGetUrl.search or TwigGetUrl.tag) %}{{ meta.title }} | {% endif %}{{ site_title }}</title>
{% if meta.description %}<meta name="description" content="{{ meta.description }}">{% endif %}
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{# Main Stylesheet #}
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{# User Style Overrides #}
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{# Description Length #}
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{# Open Graph #}
<meta property="og:url" content="{{ current_page.url }}">
<meta property="og:site_name" content="{{ site_title }}">
<meta property="og:type" content="website">
{% if meta.title and not ((is_front_page and config.NotePaper.front_page.enabled) or TwigGetUrl.search or TwigGetUrl.tag) %}<meta property="og:title" content="{{ meta.title }}">{% endif %}
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<meta property="og:description" content="{{ meta.description }}">
{% elseif not ((is_front_page and config.NotePaper.front_page.enabled) or TwigGetUrl.search or TwigGetUrl.tag) %}
{% if content|striptags|length > description_length %}
<meta property="og:description" content="{{ content|striptags|slice(0,description_length)|split(' ',-1)|join(' ') ~ "..." }}">
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<meta property="og:description" content="{{ content|striptags }}">
{% endif %}
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{# Facebook Coments Administration #}
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<meta property="fb:admins" content="{{ users }}">
{% endfor %}
{% elseif config.NotePaper.comments.admin_type == "app" %}
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="{{ config.NotePaper.comments.admin_id }}">
{% endif %}
<noscript><style>.fb-comments:before {content: 'Please enable JavaScript to view the Facebook Comments.';} .fb-comments {text-align: center;}</style></noscript>
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{# Show YAML Errors #}
{% for page in pages if page.meta.YAML_ParseError %}
<p class="yaml_error">Header Error in <a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ page.id }}</a>, {{ page.meta.YAML_ParseError }}</p>
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{# Header #}
<header class="site_title">
<a href="{{ base_url }}">
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<img src="{{ base_url }}/{{ config.NotePaper.site_logo }}" alt="{{ site_title }}">
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{{ site_title }}
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{# NotePaper Pages #}
{% set np_pages = [] %}
{% for page in pages if not page.meta.widget and not (config.NotePaper.front_page.enabled and page.id == "index") %}
{% set np_pages = np_pages|merge([page]) %}
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{# Experimental Folder Navigation - First Level Calculation #}
{% if config.NotePaper.toc.folder %}
{% set first_level = [] %}
{% for page in np_pages if not page.meta.blog %}
{% if '/' in page.id and (page.id|split('/')|first) not in first_level %}
{% set first_level = first_level|merge([page.id|split('/')|first]) %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Macros #}
{# Recursive Navigation #}
{% import _self as macros %}
{% macro rnav(toc,is_child) %}
{% import _self as macros %}
{% for sectionKey, section in toc %}
{% if section is iterable %}
<a href="#{{ sectionKey }}">{{ section|first }}</a>
{{ macros.rnav(section,true) }}
{% elseif not (is_child and loop.first) %}
<a href="#{{ sectionKey }}">{{ section }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
{# Experimental Recursive Folder Navigation #}
{% macro rfol(ToC,np_pages,sticky_num,config) %}
{% import _self as macros %}
{% set sticky_num = sticky_num + 1 %}
{% set next_level = [] %}
{% set current_level = [] %}
{% for page in np_pages if not page.meta.blog and page.id starts with ToC %}
{% set current_level = current_level|merge([page.id|slice(ToC|length + 1)]) %}
{% endfor %}
{% for page in current_level %}
{% if '/' in page and (ToC ~ '/' ~ page|split('/')|first) not in next_level %}
{% set next_level = next_level|merge([ToC ~ '/' ~ page|split('/')|first]) %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for nToC in next_level %}
<li class="menu-header">
{{ nToC|split('/')|last|replace({"_": " "})|title }}
<ul class="menu{% if sticky_num is odd %} odd{% endif %}">
<li class="menu-title"><h2>{{ nToC|split('/')|last|replace({"_": " "})|title }}</h2></li>
{{ macros.rfol(nToC,np_pages,sticky_num,config) }}
{% endfor %}
{% for page in np_pages if not page.meta.blog and page.id starts with ToC %}
{% if next_level %}
{% set pass = true %}
{% for nToC in next_level %}
{% if (page.id starts with nToC) %}{% set pass = false %}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if pass == true %}
<li><a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ page.title }}</a></li>
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<li><a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ page.title }}</a></li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
{# Widgets Sidebar #}
{# Navigation #}
<section class="widgets{% if config.NotePaper.css.mirrorwidgets %} mirrorwidgets{% endif %}">
{% if config.NotePaper.css.mirrorwidgets %}
{% set sticky_num = 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% if not config.NotePaper.disable.toc %}
<nav class="toc{% if sticky_num is odd %} odd{% endif %}">
{% set sticky_num = sticky_num + 1 %}
{% if config.NotePaper.toc.text %}<h2>{{ config.NotePaper.toc.text }}</h2>{% endif %}
{% for page in np_pages if not page.meta.blog and not (config.NotePaper.toc.folder and page.id|split('/')|first in first_level) %}
<a {% if page.id == current_page.id %}class="current_page"{% endif %} href="{{ page.url }}">{{ page.title }}</a>
{% if page.id == current_page.id and page.meta.toc %}
{{ macros.rnav(page.meta.toc) }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Experimental Folder Navigation #}
{% if config.NotePaper.toc.folder %}
{% for ToC in first_level %}
<nav class="toc foldertoc{% if sticky_num is odd %} odd{% endif %}">
{% set sticky_num = sticky_num + 1 %}
<h2>{{ ToC|replace({"_": " "})|title }}</h2>
{{ macros.rfol(ToC,np_pages,sticky_num,config) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Tag Data #}
{% if config.NotePaper.tags.list or config.NotePaper.tags.cloud %}
{% set tag_cloud = {} %}
{% for page in np_pages if page.meta.tags %}
{% for tag in page.meta.tags|split(',') %}
{% set tag_cloud = tag_cloud|merge({(tag): (tag_cloud[tag] + 1)}) %}
{% endfor %}
{# Alphabetical Order #}
{% if config.NotePaper.tags.sort.method == 'alphabetical' %}
{% set tag_cloud_alphabetical = {} %}
{% for tag in tag_cloud|keys|sort %}
{% set tag_cloud_alphabetical = tag_cloud_alphabetical|merge({(tag): tag_cloud[tag] }) %}
{% if loop.last %}
{% if not config.NotePaper.tags.sort.reverse %}
{% set tag_cloud = tag_cloud_alphabetical %}
{% else %}
{% set tag_cloud = tag_cloud_alphabetical|reverse %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Numerical Order #}
{% if config.NotePaper.tags.sort.method == 'numerical' %}
{% set tag_cloud_numerical = {} %}
{% for tag,total in tag_cloud|sort %}
{% set tag_cloud_numerical = tag_cloud_numerical|merge({(tag): total }) %}
{% if loop.last %}
{% if config.NotePaper.tags.sort.reverse %}
{% set tag_cloud = tag_cloud_numerical %}
{% else %}
{% set tag_cloud = tag_cloud_numerical|reverse %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Tag List #}
{% if config.NotePaper.tags.list.enabled and tag_cloud %}
<nav class="tag_list{% if sticky_num is odd %} odd{% endif %}">
{% set sticky_num = sticky_num + 1 %}
{% if config.NotePaper.tags.list.title %}<h2>{{ config.NotePaper.tags.list.title }}</h2>{% endif %}
{% for tag,total in tag_cloud %}
<a href="{% if TwigGetUrlEnabled %}{{ base_url ~ '?tag=' ~ tag }}{% endif %}">{{ tag }}
{% if config.NotePaper.tags.list.total %}
({{ total }})
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Tag Cloud #}
{% if config.NotePaper.tags.cloud.enabled and tag_cloud %}
{# Levels Validation #}
{% if config.NotePaper.tags.cloud.levels < 1 %}
{% set levels = 5 %}
{% else %}
{% set levels = config.NotePaper.tags.cloud.levels %}
{% endif %}
{% if max(tag_cloud) < levels %}
{% set levels = max(tag_cloud) %}
{% endif %}
{% set level_range = (max(tag_cloud) / levels)|round(0,'ceil') %}
{# Render Tag Cloud #}
<nav class="tag_cloud{% if sticky_num is odd %} odd{% endif %}">
{% set sticky_num = sticky_num + 1 %}
{% if config.NotePaper.tags.cloud.title %}<h2>{{ config.NotePaper.tags.cloud.title }}</h2>{% endif %}
{% for tag,total in tag_cloud %}
{% for i in range(levels, 0) %}
{% if total in range(max(tag_cloud) - (level_range * (loop.index0)), max(tag_cloud) - (level_range * (loop.index)) + 1) %}
<li style="font-size:{{ 2 - (loop.index0 * (1.5 / levels)) }}em;">
<a href="{% if TwigGetUrlEnabled %}{{ base_url ~ '?tag=' ~ tag }}{% endif %}">{{ tag }}
{% if config.NotePaper.tags.cloud.total %}
({{ total }})
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Widgets #}
{% for page in pages if page.meta.widget and page.meta.widget != "Disabled" %}
<nav class="{% if page.meta.widget == "Sticky" and sticky_num is odd %}odd {% endif %}{% if page.meta.widget == "Doodle" %}doodle{% endif %}">
{% if page.meta.widget == "Sticky" %}{% set sticky_num = sticky_num + 1 %}{% endif %}
{{ page.id|content }}
{% endfor %}
{# Content Rendering #}
{# Pagination Math #}
{% if is_front_page and (config.NotePaper.front_page.enabled or TwigGetUrl.search or TwigGetUrl.tag) %}
{# Page Count #}
{% set total_pages = '' %}
{% for page in np_pages if (not TwigGetUrl.search or TwigGetUrl.search and (TwigGetUrl.search|lower in page.title|lower or TwigGetUrl.search|lower in page.description|lower or TwigGetUrl.search|lower in page.id|content|lower)) and (not TwigGetUrl.tag or TwigGetUrl.tag in page.meta.tags|split(',')) %}
{% set total_pages = (loop.index / config.NotePaper.front_page.limit)|round(0,'ceil') %}
{% endfor %}
{# Out of Bounds Check #}
{% if TwigGetUrl and TwigGetUrl.page not in range(2, total_pages) %}
{% set TwigGetUrl = TwigGetUrl|merge({page: '0'}) %}
{% endif %}
{# Page Offset #}
{% if TwigGetUrl.page > 0 %}
{% set offset = config.NotePaper.front_page.limit * (TwigGetUrl.page - 1) %}
{% else %}
{% set offset = 0 %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{# Search and Tag - Number of Results #}
{% if TwigGetUrl.search or TwigGetUrl.tag %}
{% set numresults = '' %}
{% for page in np_pages if (not TwigGetUrl.search or TwigGetUrl.search|lower in page.title|lower or TwigGetUrl.search|lower in page.description|lower or TwigGetUrl.search|lower in page.id|content|lower) and (not TwigGetUrl.tag or TwigGetUrl.tag in page.meta.tags|split(',')) %}
{% set numresults = loop.index %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Loop #}
{% set regularpage = '' %}
{% for page in np_pages if not regularpage and (not is_front_page or (not TwigGetUrl.search or TwigGetUrl.search and (TwigGetUrl.search|lower in page.title|lower or TwigGetUrl.search|lower in page.description|lower or TwigGetUrl.search|lower in page.id|content|lower)) and (not TwigGetUrl.tag or TwigGetUrl.tag in page.meta.tags|split(','))) %}
{% if loop.index > offset and count < config.NotePaper.front_page.limit %}
{% set count = count + 1 %}
{% if not is_front_page or is_front_page and not (config.NotePaper.front_page.enabled or TwigGetUrl.search or TwigGetUrl.tag) %}
{% set pagetype = 'meta' %}
{% set regularpage = true %}
{% else %}
{% set pagetype = 'page' %}
{% endif %}
{% if loop.index > offset + 1 %}<hr>{% endif %}
{% if not config.NotePaper.disable.header and ((_context[pagetype].date and not config.NotePaper.disable.date) or (_context[pagetype].title))%}
{% if _context[pagetype].date and not config.NotePaper.disable.date %}<h4 class="date{% if config.NotePaper.css.mirrorwidgets %} mirrordate{% endif %}">{{ _context[pagetype].date|date("F") }}<br>{{ _context[pagetype].date|date("jS") }}</h4>{% endif %}
{% if _context[pagetype].title %}
<h2 class="title"><a href="{{ _context[pagetype].url }}">{{ _context[pagetype].title }}</a></h2>
{% if _context[pagetype].author %}<h3 class="author"> by: {{ _context[pagetype].author }}</h3>{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if _context[pagetype].title %}<hr>{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if pagetype == "page" and not TwigGetUrl.search and not TwigGetUrl.tag %}
{{ page.id|content }}
{% elseif is_front_page and (TwigGetUrl.search or TwigGetUrl.tag) %}
{% if page.description %}
{{ page.description }}
{% else %}
{% if page.id|content|striptags|length > description_length %}
{{ page.id|content|striptags|slice(0,description_length)|split(' ',-1)|join(' ') ~ "..." }}
{% else %}
{{ page.id|content|striptags }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ content }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{# Bottom Links #}
{% if ((config.NotePaper.bottom_links.enabled and config.NotePaper.bottom_links.enabled ~ '' != "blog") or (config.NotePaper.bottom_links.enabled ~ '' == "blog" and meta.blog)) and regularpage and not (is_front_page and config.NotePaper.disable.front_page_buttons) or is_front_page and ((config.NotePaper.front_page.enabled and TwigGetUrlEnabled and not config.NotePaper.disable.front_page_buttons) or TwigGetUrl.search or TwigGetUrl.tag) %}
{% set url = "" %}
{% for page in np_pages if config.NotePaper.bottom_links.enabled ~ '' != "blog" or (config.NotePaper.bottom_links.enabled ~ '' == "blog" and meta.blog and page.meta.blog) or is_front_page %}
{% if loop.index == 1 %}
{% set first_url = page.url %}
{% elseif page.id == current_page.id %}
{% set prev_url = buffer.url %}
{% elseif buffer.id == current_page.id %}
{% set next_url = page.url %}
{% endif %}
{% set last_url = page.url %}
{% set buffer = {id: page.id, url: page.url} %}
{% set url = {
first: {
url: first_url,
text: config.NotePaper.bottom_links.first.text,
image: config.NotePaper.bottom_links.first.image
prev: {
url: prev_url,
text: config.NotePaper.bottom_links.prev.text,
image: config.NotePaper.bottom_links.prev.image
top: {
url: "#",
text: config.NotePaper.bottom_links.top.text,
image: config.NotePaper.bottom_links.top.image
next: {
url: next_url,
text: config.NotePaper.bottom_links.next.text,
image: config.NotePaper.bottom_links.next.image
last: {
url: last_url,
text: config.NotePaper.bottom_links.last.text,
image: config.NotePaper.bottom_links.last.image
separator: {
text: config.NotePaper.bottom_links.separator.text,
image: config.NotePaper.bottom_links.separator.image
} %}
{% endfor %}
{# Load Default Images #}
{% for key,link in url if link.image == "default" %}
{% set url = url|merge({(key): link|merge({image: theme_url|slice(base_url|length) ~ "/images/buttons/button_" ~ key ~ ".png"})}) %}
{% endfor %}
{# Front Page URLs #}
{% if is_front_page and (config.NotePaper.front_page.enabled or TwigGetUrl.search or TwigGetUrl.tag) %}
{# Search Query #}
{% if TwigGetUrl.search %}
{% set search = 'search=' ~ TwigGetUrl.search %}
{% endif %}
{# Tag Query #}
{% if TwigGetUrl.tag %}
{% set tag = 'tag=' ~ TwigGetUrl.tag %}
{% endif %}
{# Page Math #}
{% if TwigGetUrl.page > 2 %}
{% set prev_url = 'page=' ~ (TwigGetUrl.page - 1) %}
{% endif %}
{% if (TwigGetUrl.page + 1) < total_pages %}
{% if TwigGetUrl.page < 2 %}
{% set next_url = 'page=' ~ (TwigGetUrl.page + 2) %}
{% else %}
{% set next_url = 'page=' ~ (TwigGetUrl.page + 1) %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% set next_url = 'page=' ~ total_pages %}
{% endif %}
{% set last_url = 'page=' ~ total_pages %}
{# Set URLs #}
{% for key,link in url if key != "separator" and key != "top" %}
{% if _context[key ~ '_url'] or search or tag %}
{% set operand = '?' %}
{% endif %}
{% if _context[key ~ '_url'] and search %}
{% set ampersand = '&' %}
{% endif %}
{% if _context[key ~ '_url'] and tag %}
{% set ampersand2 = '&' %}{# Kind of awful #}
{% endif %}
{% set url = url|merge({(key): url[key]|merge({url: (base_url ~ operand ~ _context[key ~ '_url'] ~ ampersand ~ search ~ ampersand2 ~ tag) })}) %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Search Result And Tag Math #}
{% if TwigGetUrl.search or TwigGetUrl.tag %}
{% if TwigGetUrl.page < 2 %}
{% set firstresult = 1 %}
{% set secondresult = config.NotePaper.front_page.limit %}
{% else %}
{% set firstresult = config.NotePaper.front_page.limit * (TwigGetUrl.page - 1)+ 1 %}
{% set secondresult = config.NotePaper.front_page.limit * (TwigGetUrl.page - 1) + config.NotePaper.front_page.limit %}
{% endif %}
{% if secondresult > numresults %}
{% set secondresult = numresults %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{# Render Bottom Links #}
<section class="bottom_links">
{# Number of Search Results #}
{% if numresults and is_front_page %}
{% if firstresult != secondresult %}
{{ firstresult }} - {{ secondresult }}
{% else %}
{{ firstresult }}
{% endif %}
of {{ numresults }} results.
</p><hr style="width: 30%; margin: 2em auto;">
{% elseif is_front_page and TwigGetUrl.search %}
<p>No Results =(</p><hr>
{% endif %}
{# Links #}
{% for key,link in url if link.text and key != "separator" %}
{% if loop.index == 1 %}
{% set precount = "0" %}
{% for key,link in url if link.text and key != "separator" %}{% set precount = precount + 1 %}{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% set count = count + 1 %}
{% if link.image %}
<a href="{{ link.url }}"><img src="{{ base_url }}/{{ link.image }}" alt="{{ link.text }}" title="{{ link.text }}"></a>
{% else %}
<a href="{{ link.url }}">{{ link.text }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% if count < precount %}
{% if url.separator.image %}
<img src="{{ base_url }}/{{ url.separator.image }}" alt="{{ url.separator.text }}">
{% else %}
{{ url.separator.text }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<br class="clear_widgets">
{# Disqus Comments #}
{% if config.NotePaper.comments.type == "disqus" and (not is_front_page or config.NotePaper.comments.front) %}
<section id="disqus_thread" class="comments">
<script type="text/javascript">
var disqus_shortname = '{{ config.NotePaper.comments.shortname }}';
(function() {
var dsq = document.createElement('script'); dsq.type = 'text/javascript'; dsq.async = true;
dsq.src = '//' + disqus_shortname + '.disqus.com/embed.js';
(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(dsq);
<noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the <a href="https://disqus.com/?ref_noscript" rel="nofollow">comments powered by Disqus.</a></noscript>
{# Facebook Comments #}
{% elseif config.NotePaper.comments.type == "facebook" and (not is_front_page or config.NotePaper.comments.front) %}
(function(d, s, id) {
var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;
js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.5";
fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
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<section class="fb-comments comments" data-colorscheme="{% if config.NotePaper.comments.dark %}dark{% endif %}" data-href="{{ current_page.url }}" data-width="100%" data-numposts="{{ config.NotePaper.comments.limit }}" data-order-by="{{ config.NotePaper.comments.order }}"></section>
{% endif %}
{# Footer #}
{% if config.NotePaper.copyright %}<h2 class="copyright">{{ config.NotePaper.copyright }}</h2>{% endif %}
{# Feel free to comment out this line #}<h3 class="credit"><a href="http://notepaper.mayamcdougall.me/">NotePaper Theme</a> by <a href="https://github.com/mayamcdougall">Maya McDougall</a>.<br><a href="https://github.com/mayamcdougall/NotePaper">Contribute on GitHub</a>.</h3>