
145 lines
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* 1. Enemy spawn points should have some markers before enemy spawns, or should avoid spawning near the player at all
2. Prevent spawning of units that cost 3 on first level
3. Prevent spawning of units that don't attack on first level
4. Rework position based units so that position in the snake doesn't matter
Chronomancer: +10%/20%/30% attack speed to all allies
Psykeeper: stores damage taken by all allies up to 20% max HP and redistributes it as healing
Squire: +5%/10%/15% damage and defense to all allies
5. Stat details to each unit when hovering over it in the party section
6. Mini boss every 3rd level
This is just a special enemy with more HP and ability to buff nearby enemies with modifiers, no additional AI or attack patterns
... aiming for ~5 different modifier combos that the boss uses
7. Enemy modifiers
Grant nearby enemies a speed boost on death
Grant nearby enemies a damage boost on death
Explode into projectiles on death
Charge up and headbutt towards the player at increased speed and damage
Resistance to knockback
... aiming for about 8-10 of these
8. Additional characters and classes
9. Lv.3 effects for every character
Ranger: chance to release a barrage on attack
Warrior: increased defense
Mage: decreased enemy defense
Nuker: increased area damage and size
Rogue: chance to crit
Healer: increased healing effectiveness
Enchanter: increased damage
Conjurer: increased summon damage and duration
Psyker: increased damage and health based on number of active sets
Trapper: release extra traps
Forcer: increased knockback force
Swarmer: increased critter health
Voider: increased damage over time
Vagrant [psyker, ranger, warrior]: shoots a projectile - Lv.3: Champion - gains increased damage and attack speed based on number of active sets
Swordsman [warrior]: deals AoE damage, deals extra damage for each unit hit - Lv.3: Cleave - damage is doubled
Wizard [mage]: shoots a projectile that deals AoE damage - Lv.3: Magic Missile - the projectile chains 5 times, each dealing AoE damage on impact
Archer [ranger]: shoots an arrow that pierces - Lv.3: Bounce Shot - the arrow ricochets on walls 3 times
Scout [rogue]: throws a knife that chains 3 times - Lv.3: Replica - each chain grants +15% damage and the last chain splits
Cleric [healer]: heals a unit when its health drops below half HP - Lv.3: Mass Heal - heals all units instead of one
Outlaw [warrior, rogue]: throws a fan of 5 knives - Lv.3: Fatal Roulette - every 3rd attack throw a nova of 15 knives instead
Blade [warrior, nuker]: throws multiple blades that deal AoE damage - Lv.3: Blade Resonance - deal additional damage based on number of enemies hit
Elementor [mage, nuker]: deals AoE damage to a random target in a large area - Lv.3: Windfield - slows enemies hit
Saboteur [rogue, conjurer, nuker]: calls saboteurs to seek targets and deal AoE damage - Lv.3: Chain Reaction - should an enemy die from a saboteur explosion, it also explodes
Stormweaver [enchanter]: infuses all allied projectiles with chain lightning that deals extra damage - Lv.3: Lightning Spire - cast a spire of lightning periodically
Sage [nuker]: shoots a slow moving projectile that pulls enemies in - Lv.3: Dimension Compression - when the projectile expires deal massive damage to all enemies under its influence
Squire [warrior, enchanter]: increased damage and defense to all allies - Lv.3: Repair - you can reroll your item choice once every 3 levels, these opportunities stack if unused
Cannoneer [ranger, nuker]: shoots a projectile that deals AoE damage - Lv.3: Cannon Barrage - showers the hit area in additional cannon shots that deal AoE damage
Dual Gunner [ranger, rogue]: shoots two parallel projectiles - Lv.3: Gun Kata - every 5th attack shoots projectiles in a rapid succession for a duration, targetting all nearby enemies
Hunter [ranger, conjurer]: shoots an arrow that summons a pet - Lv.3: Feral Pack - summons 3 pets
Chronomancer [mage, enchanter]: increased attack speed to all allies - Lv.3: Quicken - enemies take DoT faster
Spellblade [mage, rogue]: throws knives that spiral outwards and pierce - Lv.3: Spiralism - faster projectile speed and tighter turns
Psykeeper [healer, psyker]: stores damage taken by all allies and redistributes it as healing - Lv.3: Crucio - also redistributes it as damage to all enemies
Engineer [conjurer]: drops sentries that shoot bursts of projectils - Lv.3: Upgrade - every 3rd sentry dropped, upgrade all sentries temporarily, giving increased damage and attack speed
Plague Doctor [nuker, voider]: creates an area that deals DoT - Lv.3: Pandemic - inflicts enemies with a contagion that deals additional DoT, if they die from it it passes to a nearby enemy
Fisherman [trapper, warrior]: throws a net that entangles enemies and prevents them from moving - Lv.3: Electric Net - enemies caught take DoT
Juggernaut [forcer, warrior]: creates a small area that deals AoE damage and pushes enemies away - Lv.3: Brutal Impact - enemies pushed away are instantly killed if they hit a wall
Lich [mage]: launches a chain frost that chains 7 times, dealing damage and slowing enemies it hits - Lv.3: Piercing Frost - chain frost ignores enemy defenses
Cryomancer [mage, voider]: nearby enemies take damage over time and have decreased movement speed - Lv.3: Frostbite - enemies killed by the cryomancer freeze nearby enemies, frozen enemies can't move and take increased damage
Pyromancer [mage, nuker, voider]: nearby enemies take damage over time and deal decreased damage - Lv.3: Ignite - enemies killed by the pyromancer explode, dealing AoE damage
Corruptor [ranger, swarmer]: spawn 3 small critters if the corruptor kills an enemy - Lv.3: Infestation - spawn 3 small critters if the corruptor hits an enemy
Beastmaster [rogue, swarmer]: spawn 2 small critters if the beastmaster crits - Lv.3: Call of the Wild - spawn 2 small critters if the beastmaster gets hit
Launcher [trapper, forcer]: creates a trap that launches enemies that trigger it - Lv.3: Kineticism - enemies launched that hit other enemies transfer their kinetic energy
Spiker [trapper, rogue]: creates a trap that crits when triggered - Lv.3: Caltrops - slows enemies hit and deals DoT
Assassin [rogue, voider]: throws a piercing knife that inflicts poison - Lv.3: Toxic Delivery - poison inflicted from crits deals more damage
Host [conjurer, swarmer]: creates overlords that periodically spawn small critters - Lv.3: Invasion - increased critter spawn rate
Carver [conjurer, healer]: carves a statue that periodically heals in an area - Lv.3: World Tree - carves a tree that heals in a bigger area and removes all buffs from enemies
Bane [swarmer, voider]: spawn a small critter periodically that explodes and deals DoT - Lv.3: Baneling Swarm - spawn 4 banelings instead
Psykino [mage, psyker, forcer]: quickly pulls enemies together and then releases them with a force - Lv.3: Magnetic Force - enemies pulled together are forced to collide with each other before being released
Arbalester [ranger, forcer]: launches a massive arrow that pushes enemies back, ignoring knockback resistances - Lv.3: Ballista Sinistra - enemies hit by the arrow have massively decreased defense
Pirate [warrior, forcer]: launches a hook that captures nearby enemies and pulls them towards you - Lv.3: Jolly Roger - place a flag that grants gold based on number of enemies killed under its effect
Sapper [trapper, enchanter, healer]: creates a trap that steals health from enemies that trigger it and grants increased movement speed - Lv.3: when a sapper trap is triggered other nearby traps are triggered
Priest [healer]: heals all units periodically - Lv.3: Divine Intervention - at the start of the round pick 3 units at random and grants them a buff that prevents them from dying once
Burrower [trapper, swarmer]: creates a trap that contains 6 small critters which are released when triggered - Lv.3: Zergling Rush - triples the number of critters released
Flagellant [psyker, enchanter]: periodically deals damage to self and grants a damage buff to all allies - Lv.3: Zealotry - deals damage to all allies instead and also grants a massive damage buff
Ranger = 8/8
Warrior = 8/8
Mage = 8/8
Rogue = 8/8
Nuker = 7/7
Conjurer = 5/5
Forcer = 5/5
Voider = 5/5
Psyker = 4/4
Healer = 5/5
Enchanter = 5/5
Trapper = 5/5
Swarmer = 5/5
10. Items
Ouroboros Technique R: rotating around yourself to the right makes every unit periodically release projectiles
Ouroboros Technique L: rotating around yourself to the left grants +25% defense to all units
Resonance: hitting walls has a chance of releasing projectiles
Wall Rider: hitting walls grants a speed buff for a small duration
Force Push: +25% knockback force
Heavy Impact: if knockbacked enemies hit walls they take damage according to the knockback force
Centipede: +20% movement speed
Intimidation: enemies spawn with -20% max HP
Crucio: taking damage shares 2x the amount of HP you lost across all enemies
Amplify: all units that deal AoE damage gain +25% AoE damage
Amplify X: +25% AoE damage if all your units only deal AoE damage (excluding supports)
Ballista: all units that release projectiles and don't deal AoE damage gain +25% damage
Ballista X: +25% damage if all your units only release projectiles and don't deal AoE damage (excluding supports)
Point Blank: projectiles deal increased damage based on distance not travelled, +100% at 0 distance and -50% at max distance
Longshot: projectiles deal increased damage based on distance travelled, -50% at 0 distance and +100% at max distance
Chain Reaction: projectiles that chain gain 25% damage with each chain
Call of the Void: +25% DoT damage
... more ideas will come later I'm sure, aiming for 30 total items
11. Steam integration: achievements, etc
12. Hovering over a party member should show which set they belong to and vice-versa
13. Show a unit DPS list like Underlord's to the right side of the screen
14. Warriors that deal AoE damage should deal extra damage based on number of enemies hit
15. GO button is grayed out and thus doesn't say it's meant to be clicked on
16. 28/20 enemies or 4/3 wave confuses players and makes them think the level goals are bugged
17. Music for first 9-15 levels should be calm rather than upbeat
18. Crash: Error: engine/game/hitfx.lua:46: attempt to index field 'parent', engine/game/hitfx.lua:46: in function 'use' love.js:9:40605, enemies.lua:56: in function 'on_collision_enter' love.js:9:40605
19. Sage's pull force doesn't increase with unit level
20. Cleric's healing amount doesn't increase with unit level
21. Squire and Chronomancer's buffs don't increase with unit level
Boss ideas
Pretends to be dead, grants speed buffs to enemies after death, especially if the round has gone on for too long which means the player is surviving with 1 unit
Map modifiers
Wall spikes: walls damage you when you hit it
Engine improvements for after SNKRX release
on_collision_enter/exit are automatically called and automatically call on_hit/on_leave for each object
This enables the definition of on_hit on each object and the question of where the logic should stay is solved/dodged
Spurred by Wall needing to have its own on_hit function to do something when the player hits it, without having to change player code for all Walls,
Defining on_hit on the Wall creation call for that specific Wall, and thus that specific Wall will have this behavior while other walls won't
release tool:
Build a command line tool that creates projects and builds them up for release automatically on Windows, Web and Steam
All the steps for this are listed on the readme and everything about it that can be automated should
Ideally the user should run one command for creating a project and one for building it for each platform